
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: bLuetopaz on June 25 2006, 05:37 pm

Title: Future Soundscape III
Post by: bLuetopaz on June 25 2006, 05:37 pm
Future Soundscape III (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle OST) will be out on the 5th of July in Japan.

Source: NEWTYPE (the moving pictures magazine) July Edition

Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: sanlyn on July 05 2006, 02:10 am
OST III is out ( AGO release)
-- scans included
-- file size 103.73MB
-- if you don't have an account at gm-realm be sure to enable DHT or wait for nipponsei release

Torrent link:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 05 2006, 02:35 am
OST III is out ( AGO release)
-- scans included
-- file size 103.73MB
-- if you don't have an account at gm-realm be sure to enable DHT or wait for nipponsei release

Torrent link:

thank you very much for the link *starts downloading*

by the way does anyone have bigger versions of the coverpics of the soundtrack?
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Meowzy on July 05 2006, 03:57 am
It's out already? I thought it was due tomorrow? O_o
Wait, why am I complaining?
*starts downloading*

Thanks for the link!~

Edit: Over 30 minutes and It still hasn't started downloading! >_<
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sya0ran on July 05 2006, 04:43 am
Meowzy-chan, you need to sign up at the site (Gm-Realm ( before you download!  After you do, it goes very fast. =)

Since my download is already done, I'll be posting the direct download link for those of you who can't/don't use bittorrent.  Its uploading so please be patient~

P.S:  The reason why the OST is out "early" for us is because Japan is ahead of us by one day.  Just thought I'd point that out~  ^^;
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Meowzy on July 05 2006, 05:01 am
Oh, whoops. I'm such a ditz! Don't mind me, I had a long weekend. ^^'
I did register, and I'm logged in, but it's still not downloading. I'll wait for the direct link. ^^'
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 05 2006, 05:02 am
Oh, whoops. I'm such a ditz! Don't mind me, I had a long weekend. ^^'
I did register, and I'm logged in, but it's still not downloading. I'll wait for the direct link. ^^'

same goes for me, i'll wait for the direct link as well
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sya0ran on July 05 2006, 05:06 am
Oh...what?!  o_O  It was working fine for me.  Ah well.  :/  I had to re-upload it now because my computer shut down on me in the middle of my upload before.  Sorry, but its gonna be done in 30 minutes so I hope that's ok.  ^^;
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 05 2006, 05:20 am
torrent files don't work on my computer. I will worship anyone who puts it up on


Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Meowzy on July 05 2006, 05:37 am
I shall join in on the worshipping!
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sya0ran on July 05 2006, 05:40 am
Here ya go for YouSendIt!  ^^  <3
Future Soundscape III (
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: mela on July 05 2006, 06:01 am
Here's another link. I uploaded for a friend, I thought I'd share. It's on sendspace:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Meowzy on July 05 2006, 06:11 am
*thorougly enjoying the OST*
Thank yous! ^^
*still looking for the cute piano theme she loves so much*
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sya0ran on July 05 2006, 06:16 am
Thank you Meliwan-chan!  =D  *glomps*  <3  Here's the sets of places you can download the third OST from:

Yousendit: Download (
Sendspace #1: Download (
Sendspace #2: Download (
Megaupload: Download (

Yes, there are two sendspace links because I was already done with uploading it right before Meliwan posted her link.  ^^;  Ah well.  More for you to download from right?
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Meowzy on July 05 2006, 06:29 am
Hmm... The piano song isn't on it. But all the other songs make up for it!
Like Total Eclipse, Storm is coming and Siren song. Not to mention Dreamscape! <3
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: mela on July 05 2006, 06:38 am
Thank you Meliwan-chan! =D *glomps* <3 Here's the sets of places you can download the third OST from:

Yousendit: Download (
Sendspace #1: Download (
Sendspace #2: Download (
Megaupload: Still Uploading...almost done~

Yes, there are two sendspace links because I was already done with uploading it right before Meliwan posted her link. ^^; Ah well. More for you to download from right?

The more mirrors, the better! Thanks for uploading all these other ones too :D
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on July 05 2006, 12:33 pm this soundtrack is you mind if i go to the site too? thanks for posting....arigato gozaimasu Sya0ran-chan
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 05 2006, 12:46 pm
Here ya go for YouSendIt! ^^ <3
Future Soundscape III (

thanks for the direct link *cookie*
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sya0ran on July 05 2006, 02:35 pm
Your welcome guys.  Sorry about the late megaupload post...I had to go somewhere for 4th of July.  ^^;  Anyway, thanks for the cookie Kuropuppy-kun!!  <3  *glomps*
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 05 2006, 02:44 pm
yuay! thanks guys!!! ^_^
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kaishi Zero on July 05 2006, 07:54 pm
Hm, did they add the one song where Yasha blows up everything?
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Tenkuuken on July 05 2006, 08:04 pm
The third OST is out! YAY!
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 05 2006, 08:08 pm
it took me longer than expected to put it up but you can download the 3rd OST songs here as well (rapidshare links)
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: musical_angel90 on July 06 2006, 01:09 am
Oh god...! Thanks a lot peeps for the links to dl the ost. ^^ Yeah! Finally waiting for so long, it's out!
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: sugahcat on July 06 2006, 01:54 am
Thank you ^____^ I went on a bit of a Yuki Kajiura binge after listening to this and listened all my .hack// songs as well xD
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: wetheril on July 06 2006, 02:51 am
Thanks for uploading the mirror links, everybody! :D
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Mina on July 06 2006, 08:35 am
Thank you sooo much!

I love this OST! Even more than OST II
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 06 2006, 03:13 pm
"song of storm and fire" is syoaran's theme, right? (or storm and fire..i forget which one)

anywys, i think that the song "Storm is comming" which starts as a stranger version of the song, that MIGHT be used in Lecourt when Syaoran turns into evil syao to get the feather.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Tsuki-kun on July 06 2006, 11:59 pm
thanks for the link guys! the song Dreamscape rocks!!
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Little Wolf on July 07 2006, 02:59 am
Thanks for the links! At last, OST 3.. ^_^
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Arcademan on July 07 2006, 03:25 pm
I should have both the regular and limited edition of FS III by next week. It'll look great next to my other FS I and FS II CDs :)
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Capella on July 07 2006, 08:37 pm
Thanks for the downloads! Now I can wait until I can get my own copy...

I love "Moebius". Mmm, and "Dream Scape", and "Femme" (was that Ashura's theme, or something? I remember it playing a lot while s/he was around). I like the two varients on "A Song of Storm and Fire" ("Storm is Coming" and "Fireseeker"). There are so many good songs on this CD! :inlove:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Ying Hua on July 08 2006, 02:51 am
Egad, thanks for the linkies. ^^ One last reason to stay up 'til past 1:00 am tonight
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 08 2006, 09:18 am
Thanks for the downloads! Now I can wait until I can get my own copy...

I love "Moebius". Mmm, and "Dream Scape", and "Femme" (was that Ashura's theme, or something? I remember it playing a lot while s/he was around). I like the two varients on "A Song of Storm and Fire" ("Storm is Coming" and "Fireseeker"). There are so many good songs on this CD! :inlove:
ashura's theme was moebus. femme was the song that represented ashura+yasha relatonship
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Mina on July 08 2006, 09:48 am
I'm curious, has the "siren song" have  been used in the anime yet? I love that song... but I can't remember a scene that goes along with it.

and yep, femme was definitly ashura + yasha relationship. It's played in the flashback scene. (I went back to that scene many times just so I could listen to the background music of "femme" before the OST came out, hehe )
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Capella on July 08 2006, 01:17 pm
I knew it had to be either Ashura or Yasha/Ashura...I went through the music looking for "that song from the flashback scene", since it's so pretty. Moebius as well - that played during a lot during the Yasha/Ashura scenes at the Moon Castle, so I thought it might be their relationship theme, but I seem to have gotten things mixed up. I also wanted to find "Fireseeker", since I remembered it from Syaoran and Kurogane's fight. I like it when there's slow music during fight scenes, for some reason.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 08 2006, 01:42 pm
I'm curious, has the "siren song" have been used in the anime yet? I love that song... but I can't remember a scene that goes along with it.

yes but a short version of it, somewhere in the song you can hear some sort of gitar thingy......that's what Sakura was playing in ep 34 i believe, but i'm not sure about it :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 08 2006, 02:49 pm
yes but a short version of it, somewhere in the song you can hear some sort of gitar thingy......that's what Sakura was playing in ep 34 i believe, but i'm not sure about it :sweatdrop:
i figured it was something like that. when i hear the song go to that point, it sounds EXACTLY like when sakura played it
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Monse-chan on July 12 2006, 02:40 pm

Up already?

Been a long time since I looked around CW ^^Uuu

Thanks for the links! I'm starting to download right now! ^^
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: sanlyn on July 13 2006, 12:46 am
My favorite tracks are afterglow, further, wings of your imagination and dream scape.  i feel that Kajiura Yuki changed her style a little in this OST.

Theres some missing bgm like guitar/acoustic version of yume no tsubasa ( ref: epi 11).  I guess i'll have to wait for 4th one to come in the future.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: ungalad on July 13 2006, 02:47 pm
My copy arrived yesterday  :keke:. In case anyone's interested:

(MP3 format, one file per song).
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Arcademan on July 18 2006, 02:36 pm
I should have both the regular and limited edition of FS III by next week. It'll look great next to my other FS I and FS II CDs :)

Got them both today. Nice indeed :)
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: qiluo on July 23 2006, 09:35 pm
 i found a link for it, but i don't know if it's really the OST...
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Robin Sena on July 23 2006, 09:49 pm
Yuki Kajiura didn't focus on this OST this time around (so it's not as good as OST I) since she worked the whole OST for Xenosaga Episode III.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: pink on July 26 2006, 09:43 pm
Thanks 4 da Info (^_^)
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 26 2006, 10:10 pm
you can download the OST's and drama cd's here:

took me long time to get it up and running but it was worth it ^_^
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: pink on July 27 2006, 08:21 pm
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 28 2006, 01:24 am

Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 29 2006, 07:50 pm
you can download the OST's and drama cd's here:

took me long time to get it up and running but it was worth it ^_^
nice site. i LOVE the banner image. chi with Kirara ^^
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 29 2006, 08:00 pm
nice site. i LOVE the banner image. chi with Kirara ^^

thank you, i'm glad you like it ^_^

too bad i've only got a few reviews up, some anime episodes and the music of MSLN/A's, Hantsuki, TRC and Shakugan no Shana

but i'm putting stuff up on a regular basis so it won't be long till it's complete ^_^
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 02 2006, 05:16 pm

Big disatser. My dad wiped all my music, and I really need help getting it back.

please please please could someone reupoad this OST for me on yousendit?

cookie as thanks!
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on August 02 2006, 05:33 pm

Big disatser. My dad wiped all my music, and I really need help getting it back.

please please please could someone reupoad this OST for me on yousendit?

cookie as thanks!

hai! about 10 minutes i'll have it up....
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 02 2006, 05:34 pm

Big disatser. My dad wiped all my music, and I really need help getting it back.

please please please could someone reupoad this OST for me on yousendit?

cookie as thanks!
that sux :( i accidentaly deletd myne, and i only have a few songs on my player :( sorry.

looks like only the MU link works O_o illDL it and put it up

EDIT: looks like chibi seishiroan's beat me too it XD. ill make a mirror on sendspace ^^;;
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sya0ran on August 02 2006, 05:39 pm

Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 02 2006, 05:45 pm

that link does not work. it keeps saying "no download slots"
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 02 2006, 05:59 pm
that link does not work. it keeps saying "no download slots"


Thank you so much for trying anyway *cookie to Sya0ran*
yousendit works best with my PC.

Tsubasa Drama Cd's will also be much appriciated (I can't believe I lost Kizuna *sniffles*)
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 02 2006, 06:02 pm

Thank you so much for trying anyway *cookie to Sya0ran*
yousendit works best with my PC.

Tsubasa Drama Cd's will also be much appriciated (I can't believe I lost Kizuna *sniffles*)
i have all 5 character songs, kaze no machi he, both you are my love and both versions of yume no tsubasa in my filelodge (i think...). ill retreive teh links and post them in the main TRC music thread.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 02 2006, 06:03 pm

Thank you so much for trying anyway *cookie to Sya0ran*
yousendit works best with my PC.

Tsubasa Drama Cd's will also be much appriciated (I can't believe I lost Kizuna *sniffles*)

you can download it here:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 02 2006, 06:04 pm
i have all 5 character songs, kaze no machi he, both you are my love and both versions of yume no tsubasa in my filelodge (i think...). ill retreive teh links and post them in the main TRC music thread.

thank you so so much ^^ Thank goodness other fans don't let their crazy family wipe their computers
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 02 2006, 06:05 pm
thank you so so much ^^ Thank goodness other fans don't let their crazy family wipe their computers
i wouldnt say brother has yet returned my TRC music to the comp since he redid the comp last month :shifty:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 02 2006, 06:22 pm
you can download it here:

Rapidshare won't work on my PC

so none of those links work ;___;

thank you for the help anyway :)
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 02 2006, 06:26 pm
i was up to 10% on sendspace before firefox crash...thank god it didnt crash @ closer to 100%...
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 06 2006, 06:51 pm
i have changed all the links from the TRC OST's and Drama cd's to filelodge files (they never expire ^_^)

Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Chang on August 12 2006, 11:40 am
WOW! i can't wait to here this. i luv the music from TRC.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: `wing-ed] on September 16 2006, 10:57 pm
heh im a little slow here, but thanks to the site
i can download the future soundscape III. thanks loads again!  ((:
btw, that site is absolutely gorgeous, can't wait till everything like the anime reviews, episodes are all done
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Tenkuuken on September 16 2006, 11:40 pm
thank you so so much ^^ Thank goodness other fans don't let their crazy family wipe their computers

My dad didn't attempt to wipe my computer, he attempted to smash it X_X. I decided to keep my music in CDs.

Seems like the TRC soundtracks are selling like hotcakes here. Future Soundscape III was barely out a few weeks ago and now every shop I know has sold out.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Capella on September 17 2006, 09:33 am
I got a copy of the Soundscape a couple weeks ago. The weird thing is, the little booklet inside with the lyrics and stuff has only some of the correct pages, and contians pages for some other anime soundtrack. Did that happen to anyone else?
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: regina on September 22 2006, 05:26 am
Anyone has a torrent link to the OST 3 ? (Other than the GM Realm one)
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 22 2006, 08:43 am
Anyone has a torrent link to the OST 3 ? (Other than the GM Realm one)
get the songs here:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: regina on September 22 2006, 04:33 pm
Okay, how about the scans for the cover and etc ?

Any source ?
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 22 2006, 05:15 pm
Okay, how about the scans for the cover and etc ?

Any source ?
kuro puppy hasd them on his site as well as the music.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: regina on September 22 2006, 08:32 pm
YaY!! thankyu thankyu thankyu so much :D :D :D
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: kero _chan on October 18 2006, 01:42 am
hey .......can i ask u guys something.......what does cookies means ?
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kaze no Shikyo on October 18 2006, 01:49 am
good question
what are the cookies for?
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 18 2006, 08:03 am
hey .......can i ask u guys something.......what does cookies means ?
good question
what are the cookies for?

cookies are little gifts you give, once you have 300 posts, to people that either post awsome fan art, posts that you lie alot, or do favors for you. theres a sticky that explains them too, just look at the top of any forum
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Arcademan on October 18 2006, 10:56 am
Now that's been answered, let's get back on topic please. Thank You.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Fai-Kitty on December 08 2006, 07:21 am
Thank you Meliwan-chan! =D *glomps* <3 Here's the sets of places you can download the third OST from:

Yousendit: Download (
Sendspace #1: Download (
Sendspace #2: Download (
Megaupload: Download (

Yes, there are two sendspace links because I was already done with uploading it right before Meliwan posted her link. ^^; Ah well. More for you to download from right?

Thank YOU!! MegaUpload is the only place I can download anything from!! I'm so glad someone actually put the link up!  :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Xanga on December 15 2006, 10:59 am
Does anyone know where I can get Future Landscape IV?
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Mari on December 15 2006, 12:35 pm
Try over at the here (,3363.msg198035.html#msg198035) at the Future Soundscape IV thread.  Not sure if the Megaupload link works anymore, but it's a good place to start : )
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 15 2006, 01:43 pm
Does anyone know where I can get Future Landscape IV?

check this page of my site:
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: Midsummer-snow on January 30 2007, 11:28 am
:greengrin: Yay I downloaded it from Megaupload - thank you!!! This has my favourite song on it ^__^ "aikoi"
*is listening to it right now* Hehe.
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: sam mogford on March 29 2007, 01:58 pm
i cant use torrents*rolls eyes* need direct links
Title: Re: Future Soundscape III
Post by: sanlyn on March 29 2007, 02:15 pm
if your just hunting for the vocal songs and some selected tracks may be better got to for direct download.  But you need to register first.