This is the story about Haruhi Fujioka who gets a scholarship at Ouran High School; A school for the rich. Haruhi isn't rich, and to make matters worse she accidently breaks a $80,000 dollars vase which belongs in the Thrid Music Room where the "Host Club" is. The Host Club is a group of most good-looking guys in the entrie high school. Girls come and fluster over the boys (who enjoy making them squeal). They mistake Haruhi for a male (because of her clothes and glasses), they make her work for them (to pay back for breaking the vase).
a very funy anime with lots of surprises in the episodes.....with eps 11-14 things are going a bit downhill when it comes to humour but i'm still looking forward to the new eps
i wanna see MoriXHaruhi!!! :D
oh and for those interested in this anime, you can download it here:
Just watched episode 10...and oohhh!!!!! Gotta love all seven!
Just how many episodes does Ouran really have?
26 episodes and ep 14 has just been released
But I think in Japan there're more than 26 episodes...:-/
i love this series. 2 among my favorites voice actor/actress are in here --- Maaya Sakamoto ( Haruhi) and Koyasu Takehito ( Haruhi's father). Maaya voice is a little different here compared to soft-feminine voice in her previous work. its very refreshing.
The opening and ending songs are nice too. I like Sakura Kiss and i've listened to it a many times already in repeat mode.
But I think in Japan there're more than 26 episodes...:-/
that's strange.....i looked at animesuki and they said it will have 26 episodes *confused*
(*is such a closet TamakiXHaruhi fan* :3!!)
I'm love Tamaki x Haruhi! xD It's a hate/love relationship. <3
I love Ouran!
I love TamakixKyouya :XD:
that's strange.....i looked at animesuki and they said it will have 26 episodes *confused*
i'm really sure that there are only 26 episodes
tamakixharuhi Fan!!!!!!!
I also love
HaruhixTamaki!!!! This anime rocks!!! And the manga is even better!!! My fav. character is Kyouya!!! <3
Finally caught up with the series, and all I've gotta say is I love it! I'm usually attracted to development, and not comedy, so this is quite a refreshing change for me. My favorite character at this point is Mori <3 The strong and silent type. Hanyaan! :inlove:
I'm not really sure if I have a favorite couple yet, but I really do love Tamaki. He is just hilarious, and I can see him and Haruhi together since they are complete opposites, but at the same time he annoys me to an extent. I only like him so much because of his random angry outbursts! Those are hilarious!
yay, finally another Mori fan ^_^
Tamaki is funny but he annoys me as well at times. Kyouya seems to be the most normal of the bunch.
There will be 26 episodes. It's showing now in Japan right? ep 15 just came out.
Keep Vid is being stupid but so I cant save it >.>
Haruhi X The twins XD (both of them)
Or Tamaki :P, I like the twin's, theyre so funny.
Another great manga worth reading (I haven't been able to see the anime yet)
All the main characters are great, but the Twins are THE best, and I also looove Hani xDD (I don't know how you write it, in the scanlations I've got his name is written in 3 different ways :P)
i just watched ep 15, it was great....Mori rocked as usual XD and it seems there is now a new competitor for Haruhi's love *feels a bit sorry for Tamaki and the twins*
time to upload this episode to the forumproject *runs of to start uploading*
i uploaded it, download here:
There will be 26 episodes. It's showing now in Japan right? ep 15 just came out.
Keep Vid is being stupid but so I cant save it >.>
Haruhi X The twins XD (both of them)
Or Tamaki :P, I like the twin's, theyre so funny.
Weee! Fellow Hitachiin twins fan! XD Was looking for one XP
..Ouran eppy 15's out?! O.O *runs to fansub.tv and downloads* Can't wait to see the episode XD
Episode's 15's out...and I still haven't watched 13 and 14!!!!!!!!!!!
So, has anyone watched 15? How was it?
Episode's 15's out...and I still haven't watched 13 and 14!!!!!!!!!!!
So, has anyone watched 15? How was it?
better than the last few eps, and there seems to be a new competitor for Haruhi's love XD
I saw episode 15. Probably my favorite episode so far. To see Haruhi-chan look so feminine is a refreshing change to her tomboy appearance. <3 She seemed calmer as well.
Also, I loved how they showed the development between the twins and Haruhi. She really helped them out and I love to see that in the series. And the piano scene <3 hanyaan. I am forever a fan of music. If you haven't seen this episode yet, what are you waiting for?! Go watch it! It's excellent!
and we can expect some funny Tamaki moments in the next ep with that Arai dude hanging around with Haruhi XD
*copies her post from the thread at YnH XD*
Ouran is funny and lovely at the same time ^^.
Favorite couples:
Hikaru x Kaoru [Makes me melt and i love the Seiyuu's]
Tamaki x Haruhi
Either Hikaru or Kaoru x Haruhi
Mori x Haruhi
Dammit i can't decided T.T,
I wonder who that Arai-kun was O.O.. Rawr, i'm really looking forward to the next episode <3.
*fan girl mode* Hikaru and Haruhi on a date <333
I always watch the previews so xD. Tamaki's comment was so funny for the preview. Ah it's called 'Haruhi and Hikaru's first date battle plan'
I took some screenshots of Haruhi and Hikaru together from the preview
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battle plan? O.o
and Haruhi has a new hairstyle!
battle plan? O.o
and Haruhi has a new hairstyle!
I'm guessing it's a wig, since she has short hair. Chances are Haruhi got it for her, since his mother is into design. Though this is just a quess.
it is a wig..
the twins maid got it for her so that she looks more like a girl for her date.. Show content
which was originally supposed to be with Kaoru, but he faked sickness and sent Hikaru instead
cool...I really have to watch it...
OMG! I CANT BELIEVE THIS! theres an ouran high school host club forum here?!
I LOVE THIS ANIME! spoiler for episode 17:
it looks like kyouya sempi is going on a vacation.
Haruhi probably gets suspicious about why kyouya senpi is talking so much.
kyouya senpi seems to be doing something in secret [[merits and all]]
and im guessing the host club goes somewhere where that girl come in.[[from france..]]
fergot to say what the episode was called!
kyouya's reluctant vacation.
:haha: :lol: :hehe: :hello2: :) :keke: :D :rotfl: :laughing4: :greengrin:<--me mah friend--> :dodge:
suimasen my friend was pushing buttons 0.o
to SxS_Forever
wow...o.O you're addicted...
Simply edit your post (located near the Reply with quote thingy) instead of posting up a new message regarding with your last post. just a tip :)
OMG! I CANT BELIEVE THIS! theres an ouran high school host club forum here?!
I LOVE THIS ANIME! spoiler for episode 17:
it looks like kyouya sempi is going on a vacation.
Haruhi probably gets suspicious about why kyouya senpi is talking so much.
kyouya senpi seems to be doing something in secret [[merits and all]]
and im guessing the host club goes somewhere where that girl come in.[[from france..]]
Etto.. You should consider using the spoiler tags - [spoiler]text[/spoiler]
.. :sweatdrop:
Update: Ouran Kakou Host Club - 16's out XD *downloads*
Update: Ouran Kakou Host Club - 16's out XD *downloads*
Downloading it now ^_^ It's such a wonderful series!
i just watched it, it was a great ep and this pic says it all:
HaruhiXHikaru (http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/3516/hostclubep16xm2.png)
i'll have the ep uploaded within an hour :D
Just watched it last night... XD *swoons* HaruhixHikaru :inlove: I'm definitely voting for that one
ep 16 has been added:
haven't watched 16...but am hoping for a great date between Haruhi and Hikaru...
don't have pity for Tamaki...dunno why...he just gets too annoying at times...
^ I always pity the guy... Dunno myself, but sometimes I get drawn to his character :P Well, sometimes.. And I don't find him annoying, just funny all the time XD
Hikaru <-- <3 :XD:
it is only an anime? or does it have in manga?
It does have a manga too, up to 5 or 6 volumes so far, if i remember correct O.o
haven't watched 16...but am hoping for a great date between Haruhi and Hikaru...
don't have pity for Tamaki...dunno why...he just gets too annoying at times...
yesh.. Tamaki can be irriating but i liked the episode 14 coz in episode 14 he showed that he need not be influential to win friends and i thought that was nice..
and oh i love honey and his bunny (it rhymes)!!! any honey-sampei fans here
oh cool
i just watched it up to epi. 3, >>;;
really funny anime :D
I'm searching for Ouran High School Host Club Soundtrack & Character Song 1.... Can anyone tell me where I can download it?
I really love this anime, and would love to hear each character sing! ^^
Ouran High School Host Club OST + Character Song 1
Scans (http://rapidshare.de/files/27112193/Scans.zip.html)
Ost (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DV4JVWQD)
Bonus Disc (http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...143598223665F4C)
Credit to chiisai_hana from fansub.tv 's forum
Ouran High School Host Club OST + Character Song 1
Scans (http://rapidshare.de/files/27112193/Scans.zip.html)
Ost (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DV4JVWQD)
Bonus Disc (http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...143598223665F4C)
Credit to chiisai_hana from fansub.tv 's forum
@__@ That's more than I asked for but thank you so so much! Oh, but there's something wrng with the Bonus Disc link...
But either than that... *glomps Zeldi* I owe you a cookie! Soon... I'll be able to give you one soon that's for sure!
am addicted now @_@
just love it...never had this fast-addicting anime!!!! :love4:
i love the twins!!! Hikaru was soo sweet on epi 16.
this is the first time i actually liked the main girl character ( except TRC and CCS)..haruhi knows how to handle the guys
i want to see more Mori since he's my fav. character :toothy9:
epi. 18 is going have Show content
honey's brother!!! kawwwaii!!!!
does new epi come in every week like TRC?
can't wait!! :BangHead:
i've added ep 17;
this ep was pretty good, it was funny seeing Kyouya in a bad mood,lol!
A nice music video on Kyouya (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxs0BQs4Ggc)
I've been finding a lot of good Ouran music videos lately. ^^ Totally love this show. ^^
oo I absolutely LOVE OHSHC!! My recent addiction...:XD:
Ouran High School Host Club OST + Character Song 1
Scans (http://rapidshare.de/files/27112193/Scans.zip.html)
Ost (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DV4JVWQD)
Bonus Disc (http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...143598223665F4C)
Credit to chiisai_hana from fansub.tv 's forum
thanks soooo much!!!
*peeks in and look around*
still no sight of Honey-sampei's fans..
a found Honey a bit weird in ep18..
Show content
he was willing to beat up his dad.. give the family thing and even now still beat up his brother all for the love of sweets and bunnies??
Hi! I love Ouran too! It is my "feel good" show, and it is hard to say which boy is my favorite! I think I would probably be in love with Kyouya if I were Haruhi, but if I were a host club customer, I think I would prefer Haruhi the most! As a viewer, I like Tamaki/Haruhi, cause Tamaki is such a great guy- the anime makes him kind of obnoxious, and stupider than he is in the manga. Read the manga! Volumes 1-6 are out in the states, and
should get you the first volume, for a taste, if you have a bittorrent program!
Hi! I love Ouran too! It is my "feel good" show, and it is hard to say which boy is my favorite! I think I would probably be in love with Kyouya if I were Haruhi, but if I were a host club customer, I think I would prefer Haruhi the most! As a viewer, I like Tamaki/Haruhi, cause Tamaki is such a great guy- the anime makes him kind of obnoxious, and stupider than he is in the manga. Read the manga! Volumes 1-6 are out in the states, and
should get you the first volume, for a taste, if you have a bittorrent program!
Thanks for the link ^_^ Haven't seen Ouran 17 yet.. but I will today XD
I love Ouran! It's the kind of show that really cheers you up on a bad day :3 My favourite hosts have to be Tamaki and Kyouya<3
Hi! I love Ouran too! It is my "feel good" show, and it is hard to say which boy is my favorite! I think I would probably be in love with Kyouya if I were Haruhi, but if I were a host club customer, I think I would prefer Haruhi the most! As a viewer, I like Tamaki/Haruhi, cause Tamaki is such a great guy- the anime makes him kind of obnoxious, and stupider than he is in the manga. Read the manga! Volumes 1-6 are out in the states, and
should get you the first volume, for a taste, if you have a bittorrent program!
i don't see ouran?
it's about halfway down, hostclub vol1
ooh, i looked for it as Ouran host club, thank you
I just love Ouran High School Host Club! One of my favorite Shoujo series out there! (I personally the anime better for some reason) It's so funny!
My favorite couple would be Tamaki/Haruhi, and if not, Hikaru/Haruhi works for me almost as well.
^ I'm agreeing with you there ^_^
...Rats... T_T Ouran 18 isn't up yet... I'm anxious to meet Honey's bro...
Lunar doesn't have it yet, but FROP does. I don't like their's as well, but if you don't want to wait:
rofl! ouran high school host club is funny...
i watched the first 2 episodes, and they made me laugh non stop ^_^
Lunar doesn't have it yet, but FROP does. I don't like their's as well, but if you don't want to wait:
Okay.. Thanks for the link, Kirtai-san ^_^ I'll check it once I'm free of load
and charcoalz.. Welcome to the fandom! XD
^^ i like the anime and the manga. i didnt know this was here. the forum is so big i dont even know whats here.
:D ep 19 is amazingly funny.. this one had me laughing my head off..
especially seeing Haruhi like this..
...Rats... T_T Ouran 18 isn't up yet... I'm anxious to meet Honey's bro...
that's his bro?! o.O
argh...when will lunar release ep. 18?!
Kirtai: thanks for the link...
charcoalz: welcome to the world of Ouran craziness...
mini_flo: don't worry...you'll get used to the big environment...
Rusty: o.O I have to watch that...
:D ep 19 is amazingly funny.. this one had me laughing my head off..
especially seeing Haruhi like this..
One thing: WTH?! O.o is this the episode wherein Zuka club shows again? ... O.o? *was shocked*
oo I saw that episode!! lol their expressions were funny when they found out that she was lip syncing...:XD:
lmAo, i just saw that episode, and it made me laugh so hard.
Can't wait to see the next episode xD
Had now seen Ouran 18 & 19 although the fansub group is different
plus the subs are real small
What happened to Lunar? O.o Wish they would go back onto the field again... -_-
Note: For those who's like to see FRoP's version of subbing Ouran 18 & 19... Go to AnimeSuki (http://www.animesuki.com)
One of the people working on it for Lunar is moving, so they're waiting for that to get settled. They did not drop the project.
For those of you interested: Ouran currently has 8 volumes out in Japan, with chapters released in LaLa every month (which I get, yay!)
It's only going to be 26 episodes, though, as they've already covered most of what's in the volumes released. Ep 20 just aired recently.
Personally, I like the manga more than the anime. I was slightly disappointed with the way the anime handles certain things, but I think it's because the anime is sort of meant to take a no-pairing sort of stance, while the manga definitely leans towards a particular pairing.
I like Tamaki x Haruhi, couplewise. I also love Mori. <3 The twins annoy me, for some reason. I just can't like them no matter how hard I try.
oo speaking of Mori...have you heard his image song? Its called an image song right? lol :XD: Anyways...I LOVE it!! :keke:
Ooh, where would a person get that?
Mori's image song right?
download here:
don't remember what the name was of it, but the song is the 3rd one i think.....
Arigatou! *downloading*
isn't the name of the song "Itsumo Gawa ni"?
i love that song x) and Tamaki's character song is good too...xD
isn't the name of the song "Itsumo Gawa ni"?
i love that song x) and Tamaki's character song is good too...xD
It's "Itsumo Soba ni." trans. "I'm always near you."
Tamaki's is awesome.
It's "Itsumo Soba ni." trans. "I'm always near you."
Tamaki's is awesome.
yeah thats what I thought...
I like Tamaki's song too. :XD:
And Hunny-senpai's!! Its so upbeat... :tongue:
Tamaki's song is my favorite. Hunny's makes me want to eat a bowl of sugar and bounce around the room. I think it's adorable that he sings about his usa-chan and Mori. <3 So cute.
heres a really good site for screencaps and summaries
ep21.. was so good funny and yet with good character development on the twins part..
I haven't watched ep. 21 yet!!!!!!! know another great site where to geo screenshots and summaries: http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2006/08/15/ouran-high-school-host-club-20/
Have you heard Ouran's OSTII?
I Looooove Kyouya's song!!!!!!! <3
My friend bought the manga ages ago (way before the anime came out) and I read it then, and absolutely loved it. It was such a cute series, though a little strange at times.
And then just recently I remembered to start watching the anime, and I got a little surprised.
While I read the manga, the twins were definitely my favorite, but now that I've started watching the anime, I have to say I love Tamaki~
<33 He's just so randomly cute.
I downloaded the first CD, and like both character songs that aren't Honey's. His is just a bit...too gushy for me.
If anyone is interested and does not have it yet, I had uploaded OST 2 (it features Kyouya and Hikaru&Karou's character songs, plus another song that is mainly sung by Kyouya, Kaoru, Hikaru, and Mori). The .zip also has the booklet scans.
Also, there was a very funny bit in Episode 21 that made me laugh because it reminded me of Tsubasa:
Show content
If anyone is interested and does not have it yet, I had uploaded OST 2 (it features Kyouya and Hikaru&Karou's character songs, plus another song that is mainly sung by Kyouya, Kaoru, Hikaru, and Mori). The .zip also has the booklet scans.
Also, there was a very funny bit in Episode 21 that made me laugh because it reminded me of Tsubasa:
Show content
Thank you! another OST i can add to my site XD *throws cookie*
i haven't download ouran since lunar released episode 17 because i'm not really sure if i want to see them if they are subbed by FROP. one question are FROP subs as good as LUNAR subs?
^ I doubt it's that good... Some phrases/words/sentences of FRoP are too much in depth.. Not like Lunar's, which are easy to comprehend. FRoP's not that bad actually ... The only thing I'm annoyed at is the size of the subs... They're too small... >.>
It's "Itsumo Soba ni." trans. "I'm always near you."
oops, my bad....on my media player, it says "gawa ni" o___O
and yes, FRoP's subs are too small..<_<
oops, my bad....on my media player, it says "gawa ni" o___O
Another reading of the kanji, perhaps. I've only ever seen that one used as "soba" though. Odd. :D
And Lunar's got 18 out now, right?
Another reading of the kanji, perhaps. I've only ever seen that one used as "soba" though. Odd. :D
And Lunar's got 18 out now, right?
finally! it's been too long since my last Host Club watching ^_^
Yeah, I wouldn't get the other one. :D I'm ridiculous when it comes to sticking with the same sub group when the project isn't dropped.
episode 18 uploaded
:inlove: I only thought I loved Kyoya before....I love his song... who else is singing with him in "Tsumetai Yoru"? Is that the twins?
lunar released episode 19 and 20... Now the group is back on track....
Based from the booklet, in Kyoya's song.... the person who is singing with him in chorus is the one who composed the lyrics.
I found a translation of Mata Ashita, the Host Club's song to Haruhi~ Its really cute.
Does anyone know if there's a translation of the twins song out there?
I found a translation of Mata Ashita, the Host Club's song to Haruhi~ Its really cute.
Does anyone know if there's a translation of the twins song out there?
It's in the same community, but the post is friends only. There's a link to it in the comments of the post you just linked :3
I found that out just after I posted, but I don't have a livejournal. ><
I found that out just after I posted, but I don't have a livejournal. ><
kimi no miteru me no mae hoka no ko to no oshaberi Oh No, No, No
waza to misetsukeru no wa shite hoshikute yakimochi Oh Yes, Yes, Yes
chatting with some girl while you're watching Oh No, No, No
I'm showing off to make you jealous Oh Yes, Yes, Yes
My darling Please ai ni wa My darling Please sukoshi no
shougai aru to motto moeagaru mono
my darling, please - love is more exciting
if there are some obstacles in its way
sore ga bokura no love style ai no katachi sa love style
I need you, I want you, Forever
kore ga futari no love sytle doko made datte love style
you are mine, I'm yours, forever Only you, love you
that's our love style, our way of loving
I need you, I want you forever
this is our love style, thoroughly our love style
you are mine, I'm yours forever only you, love you
sukoshi yarisugita ka na? maji de okoraseta ka na? Oh No, No, No
dakishimete ageru kara nakanaori wo shiyou yo Oh Yes, Yes, Yes
maybe I overdid it a little... did I really make you angry? Oh No, No, No
I'll give you a hug, let's make up Oh Yes, Yes, Yes
My darling Please kizuna wa My darling Please fuan wo
norikoete koso tsuyoku fukaku naru mono
my darling, please - our bond
becomes stronger and deeper if we overcome our insecurities
sore ga bokura no love style tsukisusumu no sa love style
I need you, I want you, Forever
kore ga futari no love style itsumade datte love style
you are mine, I'm yours, forever Only you, love you
that's our love style, that's how we go ahead
I need you, I want you forever
this is our love style forever and ever our love style
you are mine, I'm yours forever only you, love you
Thank you so much
Iwillneverbelievethatisdirectedtoanyonebesideseachother :D
I love the twins~ And I love how the songs all show the characters selfs really well~
Like Tamaki's
Thank you so much Iwillneverbelievethatisdirectedtoanyonebesideseachother :D
I love the twins~ And I love how the songs all show the characters selfs really well~
Like Tamaki's
No problem! Ittotallyisdirectedtoeachotherwtfpointsheavilyaticon/sigset
They did a really good job with the songs, they really do fit each of their personalities well. It is so weird Haruhi doesn't have a character song though, since she is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto and all :(
I was wondering about that too! I found the 3rd CD and TOTALLY just remembered I was gonna retry download it wtf.
I adore your set so much because twincest I love the color green.
Drama CD, not Soundtrack. ><
episode 20 uploaded:
Oh anyone like the group song? I LOVE it!!! ^___^
And I saw the RAW version of epi 21...aww...poor Kaoru...>__<
I loooove Tamaki's song out of everyone's song. The seiyuu's so awesome!
Darn, I want to watch episode 21...
Did anyone else liked episode 20? Show content
Tamaki was so awesome in that episode... the twins treated him so badly, especially after they spoke about his mother... and yet he didn't get angry.
And I pity the twins as well... thankfully, someone did come and could tell them apart. *cough*Haruhi*cough* But you know what's funny? Ever since then I think the twins individuality became more distinct... Like you can really tell who's Kaoru and who's Hikaru just by the way they act now.
MnMn, episode 20 made me cry!, between the stuff they said about Tamaki, and then the whole "we want to be, we don't want to be" thing... I am a twin, so it makes sense...
goodness gracious...I'm so getting left behind...
is 19 out?
goodness gracious...I'm so getting left behind...
is 19 out?
yup, check my previous post for downloadlink ^^
I loooove Tamaki's song out of everyone's song. The seiyuu's so awesome!
Darn, I want to watch episode 21...
Did anyone else liked episode 20? Show content
Tamaki was so awesome in that episode... the twins treated him so badly, especially after they spoke about his mother... and yet he didn't get angry.
And I pity the twins as well... thankfully, someone did come and could tell them apart. *cough*Haruhi*cough* But you know what's funny? Ever since then I think the twins individuality became more distinct... Like you can really tell who's Kaoru and who's Hikaru just by the way they act now.
epi 21 is on youtube now XDD Kaoru!! T___T
and yeah Tamaki was cool there =]
i love Hikaru more especialy after episode 16.. but i still love HONEY sampei!!!
i just watch episode 19.. (yesh, im slow) why is that lesbian from the girls' school trying to do?!?! omg.. the starting point of her actions is just so lame.. but i had a wonderful time laughing my head off.. wahaha
Can anyone uploadMata Ashita..?
Can anyone uploadMata Ashita..?
you can find it here
I think I may be one of the few people who doesn't really like the twins. They were funny in the beginning, but now I'm mostly annoyed when they do mean things.
Or maybe it's because I like Tamaki the most. I don't know. But Hikaru and Kaoru annoy me. I'm also probably the only one who doesn't like their song...
haha...saw the RAW for epi 22...Mori's expressions were awesome...lol XDD
Show content
Haha...this ones my favorite XD
I think I may be one of the few people who doesn't really like the twins. They were funny in the beginning, but now I'm mostly annoyed when they do mean things.
Or maybe it's because I like Tamaki the most. I don't know. But Hikaru and Kaoru annoy me. I'm also probably the only one who doesn't like their song...
<333 Marry me. I totally agree. Its not that I don't like them, but they have slowly begun to irritate me.
and tamaki = love
you can find it here
Omg, i love you and the site.
Omg, i love you and the site.
^_^ thanks! check back regularly, i update with new soundtracks all the time
<333 Marry me. I totally agree. Its not that I don't like them, but they have slowly begun to irritate me.
and tamaki = love
I am no longer alone in the world! <33333
episode 21
Nekozawa's plot was big success to scare the twin's class.
The twin are okey with me. I don't think they irritate me. I understand their situation. It must be hard that no one in the past able to distinguished them apart.
I know it always drove me and my sister crazy to be called "The Twins". We have names, you know! And while identical, we look pretty different - in school, I was always a couple of sizes bigger than her (that's reversed now, he he!) and she dyed her hair all kinds of colors. We seem so different to each other, so why can't other people tell the difference? The deal is, you can see who really cares about you as a person by seeing who is actually capable of distinguishing from your twin, because they actually tried to figure out the differences between you.
i just watched episode 21!!! what's with all the horse carriage thing and Kaoru's thoughts? i don't understand @_@
can Hikaru be more sensitive to Haruhi??!!? i certainly hope that they'll end up together!! ^^
btw anyone has the bigger version of this picture?
(http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/4063/01uniformsmainrq7.th.png) (http://img182.imageshack.us/my.php?image=01uniformsmainrq7.png)
hey guys...was wondering if you could help me. i recently started watching ouran...(which is hilarious) the problem is...when i download episodes 15-17, the picture quality is really bad...can anyone help me?
hmmmx.. try reading the previous few posts in this thread.. i believe Kuro-puppy mentioned the download sites.. or you can always go to Kuro-puppy's site to download.. it's till episode 17 though.. (Episode 16 is a MUZ watch!!! Hikaru x Haruhi!!!)
^ thanks for reminding me, i'm behind on putting them up :sweatdrop:
actually, i have tried downloading a couple times before...but it still appears really blurry...does that mean there's something wrong with my computer? *sniff* i really liked ep 17 (love kyouya!!)
on another note, ive seen ep 16.. haruhi x hikaru all the way!!!
yea!! Hikaru x Haruhi rawks!!!
oh have you heard, there might not be anymore sub after episode 21!!!! but there'll still be the chinese sub.. i still have some difficulty reading those chinese sub but it works fine for me.. if you guys are ok with chinese then i can either get you the torrent or the direct download for episodes 22 and 23
yea!! Hikaru x Haruhi rawks!!!
oh have you heard, there might not be anymore sub after episode 21!!!! but there'll still be the chinese sub.. i still have some difficulty reading those chinese sub but it works fine for me.. if you guys are ok with chinese then i can either get you the torrent or the direct download for episodes 22 and 23
if that's the case, i'll stop uploading them after ep 21 because i've got no interest whatsoever for chinese subs......
oh have you heard, there might not be anymore sub after episode 21!!!! but there'll still be the chinese sub.. i still have some difficulty reading those chinese sub but it works fine for me.. if you guys are ok with chinese then i can either get you the torrent or the direct download for episodes 22 and 23
i wonder where did you hear this rumor? I don't think lunar will stopped subbing it. Its very unlikely that they will drop the project considering it will end soon.
i saw it on youtube while i was searching for the subbed version of episode 22.. yuppx they did mention lunar but the one that is stopping the sub is Frop
"news ;; (Frop)Fansub maybe Stop at 21 Subbing
and leave it to lunar"
OK... Thanks for your clarification....
we just need to be patient in waiting for new episodes.
Lunar just released 22
Kyaa! Have you guys watched episode 22? One of our favorite TRC seiyuu is in it! Hee!
hoe!!! i didn't notice!!! who? who? miyu irino?
not sure, but someone (sorry, don't remember ><)in other thread said it is Fai's seiyuu, Daisuke Namikawa, I heard..as a yakuza...? ^_^
hahaha, episode 22 was hilarious xD
Yup, Fai's seiyuu, Namikawa Daisuke, voices Tetsuya, the long-haired guy. Not the red-haired guy, but his buddy. When he kicks those guys at the end, I had to listen to that a couple of times! It's hilarious.
Lol! Episode 22 was funny!!! And I'm so looking forward to the next episode... looks like Casanova (Lol! I can't remember his real name now) will make an appearance once again and I'm expecting it to be funny as well. ^^
Gah... 4 more episodes and this season has ended. I hope there are more!
i watched episode 23 already!!!! it's sooooo funny..
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Honey and Mori realised that both Tamaki and Hikaru are fond of Haruhi.. but baka Tamaki didn't realise it as he thought his feelings for Haruhi is only that of a father.. but the twins and Tamaki was very.. i stress again.. VERY funny when the red hair guy tried to confess to Haruhi that he likes her.. at the end of the episode HOney and Mori wonders if there would be some progress of this relationship before they graduate
anyone watched episode 24 yet?! my player cannot take a screenshot and i wanted the last pic at the end where Tamaki is hugging Kouya by the neck.. it appeared after they showed the episode preview for episode 25.. can anyone take the screenshot and post it here.. thanx lots!!!
Tamaki doing the
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in ep 23 was gold! XD
I honestly don't think we'll have a season 2, because the anime is now current up to volume 8, and there are only 9 volumes released in Japan. I know it's been done with other series before, but the whole anime without manga background tends to kill the ratings of the series, and I don't think the company is going to do that.
there wouldn't be a season 2 unless there's a change of character (but fans wouldn't like it..) because Honey and Mori are graduating at the end of the series..
there wouldn't be a season 2 unless there's a change of character (but fans wouldn't like it..) because Honey and Mori are graduating at the end of the series..
Well, it is kinda an ongoing joke in the manga that the characters never advance grade levels as the seasons change...it has been spring like 3 times now in the manga.
Well, it is kinda an ongoing joke in the manga that the characters never advance grade levels as the seasons change...it has been spring like 3 times now in the manga.
Yeah but that was the manga, where it's obvious and blatantly stated that she's ignoring all graduations. They never made such a thing clear in the anime.
^ episode 24 added
this ep was great, Kyouya's inner thoughts were great! XD
I just started watching and reading this series the other day and man am I lovin' it.
Kyouya and Tamaki make a cute couple. ^____^
Kyouya and Tamaki make a cute couple. ^____^
Ooh, don't I know it! I sounded just like Renge at the end of ep 24, when Tamaki is giggling? MOE!MOE!MOE! I could eat 5 bowls of rice...
I loved that episode! It was definitely the best one! Tamaki was so adorable everytime he'd yell "mon ami" and then glomp Kyouya. XD
I wish they didn't make them so OOC though. :(
I loved that episode! It was definitely the best one! Tamaki was so adorable everytime he'd yell "mon ami" and then glomp Kyouya. XD
I agree ^_^, those "mon ami" and" yahoo" in the end and hug Kyoya after that is totally cute :haha:
ahhh...I wanna watch episode 25, only the raw that has been release. Episode 26 is the last one is it?
i watched episode 25 already!!!!
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some Eclair gal is Tamaki's bride-to-be.. i think she somehow forced tamaki to DISSOLVE the club.. the details were not shown since they only appeared at the end of the episode saying that he wanna dissolve ths club.. the "in-betweens" were not shown.. it could also because he realised that everyone is scarcifing something to run the club.. (Kyouya was slapped by his father for opening that club) TamakixHaruhi fans get to see Haruhi getting jealous!!!
I have
I agree ^_^, those "mon ami" and" yahoo" in the end and hug Kyoya after that is totally cute :haha:
ahhh...I wanna watch episode 25, only the raw that has been release. Episode 26 is the last one is it?
Ep 25 is out by a group (FRoP) but I heard they're not as good as the Lunar subs so I'm waiting for it. From the write-up I read though it seems like a lot of OOC is running rapid in it. Like Show content
Haruhi getting jealous, Kyouya's father slapping him, Tamaki willing to give up the Host Club and get engage (yeah right, the Host Club is his family, he wouldn't give them up and he'd be the last person to agree to an arrange marriage after what happen to his own parents), etc.
Ep 26 is indeed the last one. I'm kinda nervous about it though after hearing about 25. The anime has been good remaining true to the manga until that ep.
I just started watching the anime out of pure boredom two days ago...but now I'm abosultely in love with it ^^;;
i watched episode 25 already!!!!
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some Eclair gal is Tamaki's bride-to-be.. i think she somehow forced tamaki to DISSOLVE the club.. the details were not shown since they only appeared at the end of the episode saying that he wanna dissolve ths club.. the "in-betweens" were not shown.. it could also because he realised that everyone is scarcifing something to run the club.. (Kyouya was slapped by his father for opening that club) TamakixHaruhi fans get to see Haruhi getting jealous!!!
I haven't watched it yet ;--; They don't have the subs out on Youtube, so I need to find another source ^^;; But from what I heard on this other site; the story line is basically different from the manga. Takami would never do that would he?! OCC...that totally ruins the characters >.> I watched the preview for ep.26, and I don't like the looks of it either...But gotta finish the series ne?
Hopefully there is another season after this one.
I just started watching the anime out of pure boredom two days ago...but now I'm abosultely in love with it ^^;;
I haven't watched it yet ;--; They don't have the subs out on Youtube, so I need to find another source ^^;; But from what I heard on this other site; the story line is basically different from the manga. Takami would never do that would he?! OCC...that totally ruins the characters >.> I watched the preview for ep.26, and I don't like the looks of it either...But gotta finish the series ne?
Hopefully there is another season after this one.
ya they HAVE TO finish this series.. so the club has to be dissolve ba.. sobbx!!!! and if there's another season it wouldn't be be the same cast
oh i can read chinese so i usually go for the chinese sub.. that's why i can to watch the episode earlier than you guys.. ^^;
some Eclair gal[/qoute] Engrish >.> "Uh french name, french name..... FRENCH FOOD! Yeah that'll do -.-"
I hope theres another season, I know it might be worse and pretty untrue to the original but I love this series and would rather see it slowly degrade with more episdoes than die a peaceful death leaving me with only 26 ha ha.
so far i've only been watching the anime. i was just wondering, how different is it from the manga? is it better than the anime? i just want to know if the manga is worth reading...
so far i've only been watching the anime. i was just wondering, how different is it from the manga? is it better than the anime? i just want to know if the manga is worth reading...
is not far different from the manga. so basically, this anime plot still follow the manga , except for the last 2 episode maybe. but personally, I like both the anime and manga ^^, the anime is good because I can see them in motion :tongue:, and in manga , things are more funny for me :haha:, and it's still continue, so it's still worth reading the manga, to find out what will to them in the end, and also there is another story that is not in the anime.
I just watched episode 25, so...what's with this Eclair person and her opera glasses, I don't like her ><...and I cannot wait to see what will happenin the last episode
is not far different from the manga. so basically, this anime plot still follow the manga , except for the last 2 episode maybe. but personally, I like both the anime and manga ^^, the anime is good because I can see them in motion :tongue:, and in manga , things are more funny for me :haha:, and it's still continue, so it's still worth reading the manga, to find out what will to them in the end, and also there is another story that is not in the anime.
I just watched episode 25, so...what's with this Eclair person and her opera glasses, I don't like her ><...and I cannot wait to see what will happenin the last episode
there a story that's not mentioned in the anime??
definately reading the manga :)
so far i've only been watching the anime. i was just wondering, how different is it from the manga? is it better than the anime? i just want to know if the manga is worth reading...
The manga is really good. For the most part the anime does a good job with the series but there are some things that are way better in the manga. For example the school festival arc that's currently going on in the anime was 100% better in the manga, the Alice in Wonderland ep was 100% better in the manga, etc.
And there are some things that aren't in the anime at all; like the challenge against the American Football Club, the first Halloween story and when Tamaki's bear gets kidnapped, all got cut. It's a shame too since the stuff against the Football Club was really good and the bear getting kidnapped was hilarious.
Plus there's a bunch of small stuff that gets cut all the time; like Tamaki and Kyouya sharing a room when they're staying at Honey's vacation home in Karuizawa (which amused me to no end since the place is huge and there should have been enough rooms for everyone).
episode 25 uploaded:
this ep was O.O the host club is really going to be dispanded? and Show content
after seeing this ep and the preview for the next i'm a bit disappointed, with the whole 'Haruhi seems to be jealous' thing it feels like they're trying to squeeze in a coupling just before the end of the anime
episode 26 was aired and based from what i read in some blogs, its very touching. I'll wait for the sub to come out.
From what I read 26 sounds a lot better than 25. Especially since
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Haruhi doesn't end up with anyone.
i've just watched 26!!! a wonderful ending!!! so touching *sobbx*
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for once tamaki's smile has disappeared.. for once Haruhi shows that she actually loves the club.. for once, the Twins admitted that Tamaki made a great difference to their lifes.. as without him they would still be isolated from the world.. there are so many nice scenes!!!!
i love the sence when Hikaru pulled Haruhi behind him to protect her from the armed soldiers sent by Kouya's father!!!! i'm a HikaruxHaruhi supporter >.<
Honey's serious expression is classic!!! i love it so much!!! Honey sempai!!! *melts*
the horse carriage is nice!!! i was scared outta my wits when haruhi was flung outta the carriage.. but Tamaki followed soon aft^^
the last part was nice.. but it implies that Haruhi would be Tamaki;s family's daughter in law instead of Kouya's family coz Kouya pushed her to Tamaki to him during the dance.. it's funny how the 2 fathers agrued over Haruhi.. hahax..
omGGGGG....;____: it's over TT_TT
i watched the ending, and i totally melted. xD
great ending, i love this anime. it's a classic, lol.
I'm not watching. I don't want it to be over, so I just won't watch the last episode...
wow.. wouldn't you be tempted to? heh heh heh..
i wiil go watch it!! ^__^ *open youtube>>>* if have.....
I'm not watching. I don't want it to be over, so I just won't watch the last episode...
You could just start reading the manga; it's still ongoing. :P
I know...I actually do that all the time. I'm really wierd, but there are several shows that I've never watched the last episodes of. It is one of my small insanities. I do read the manga tho...
Well with Host Club I've heard different people say it ends at ep 24 so you're not alone, hehe.
Sorry for bumping an old-ish topic but... incase you haven't heard..
Yaaay! I'm so excited! But we have to wait till 2008 for it T_T damn
Proof here: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-07-20/funimation-gets-ouran-sasami
I hate dubs so I won't be watching it dubbed (subbed all the way) although I might check it out just to see what it's like, but I can't wait to own the DVDs!!.
Same here! I can't wait 'til the host club comes out on DVD. ;D
*is happy*
I have to say... I really loved the ending in the anime... nicely done!
Haha... I've been reading the manga since I can't get enough of it... Well, the ending in the anime wasn't in the manga though...
Yeah the ending was nice. I love the anime so much! I couldn't stop laughing in that episode where Tamaki got super-jealous and went all robotic when Haruhi was talking to that guy with red hair (forgot his name) ..And that episode where he had "father" written on his swimming shorts, lol! Love it <3
Yeah the ending was nice. I love the anime so much! I couldn't stop laughing in that episode where Tamaki got super-jealous and went all robotic when Haruhi was talking to that guy with red hair (forgot his name) ..And that episode where he had "father" written on his swimming shorts, lol! Love it <3
Yup... Too bad though since there's no 2nd season.. but at least the ending was good.. ^^
Haha! I remember that episode too.. the guy's name is Kasanoda (I think.. coz they were teasing him as "Casanova") Tamaki sure is funny... and I love him for it.. he's so adorable.. :XD:
Next to Tamaki.. I like Kaoru.. hehe... remember the episode where he and Haruhi went out on a date? He's so cool when he found Haruhi hiding from the thunder.. *sweet!*
Maybe there will be a season 2 in the distant future when the manga is finished. In a way I think it's good that there is no season 2 yet because the manga has hardly progressed much from the anime and so there'd just be a load of fillers = DO NOT WANT.
Yeh, Tamaki's great! Actually I love all the Host Club, they're so funny!
Next to Tamaki.. I like Kaoru.. hehe... remember the episode where he and Haruhi went out on a date? He's so cool when he found Haruhi hiding from the thunder.. *sweet!*
Ah, episode 16, my favourite episode! ^^ It was actually Hikaru, not Kaoru that went on the date with Haruhi, though. I really love HikaHaru actually. Episode 16 converted me from TamaHaru.. well, sort of.. I can't actually decide between them!
Ah, episode 16, my favourite episode! ^^ It was actually Hikaru, not Kaoru that went on the date with Haruhi, though. I really love HikaHaru actually. Episode 16 converted me from TamaHaru.. well, sort of.. I can't actually decide between them!
Haha! you're right! My mistake... heheh.. :sweatdrop: The twins'll probably kill me for this.. but seriously, its hard to choose between Tamaki and Hikaru... I really like them both.. ^^
When you think about it, its better to leave the anime that way.... They left a good impression already.. I don't want it if there would be a 2nd season and turns out yucky...
Yeah, and besides that we all know what a second season means... More anime but significantly less money in our pockets..
but seriously, its hard to choose between Tamaki and Hikaru... I really like them both.. ^^.
Me too. Tamaki's just so sweet and funny.. but Hikaru (and Kaoru) have the whole devil thing going on.. whilst still having a caring side ^^
Devil thing is right... haha! I'm a sucker for sweetness underneath an evil side... :evil6:
Me too ;D Have you read the latest chapters of the Ouran manga that are out in Japan? 50-53-ish? Because it's all about the twins and their feelings for Haruhi, and the very latest chapter (53) has a really lovely scene between Hikaru and Kaoru too.
Awww... I haven't yet.. so far, I don't know where to get scans coz its already licensed.. If you know where, care to PM me? haha.. so far, I'm only up to chapter 45.. -_-