
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Manga Chapter Discussions => Topic started by: IrisAstra on July 19 2006, 09:51 am

Title: Chapter 122
Post by: IrisAstra on July 19 2006, 09:51 am
Hee-Hee, I can't believe I'm the first to put this up.
]] ([url=http://)

Can't figure out how to put spoilers, but, Syaoran-kun...yeah, totally cool.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mela on July 19 2006, 10:00 am
Hee-Hee, I can't believe I'm the first to put this up.
]] ([url=http://)

Can't figure out how to put spoilers, but, Syaoran-kun...yeah, totally cool.

adasfaskfsakd Kurogane.
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Poor guy can't catch a break XD Not only is his lover Fai down and Syaoran insane, but then he sees the bat logo and can't even get his sword D:

Yessss, no more two week waits for now :D
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 19 2006, 10:04 am
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: suu_no_clover on July 19 2006, 10:13 am
O____O; Duuuude. That was SO not the twincest I hoped for but....dude.

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That death glare is going to give Sakura some SERIOUS nightmares, if she realizes what happened, fully. I SO hope she gets all Post-early-volume 7-Subaru-esque, and they have to some how save her.... Aww, angsty luff! <3

Now Kurogane's going to try and pwn Original-but-formerly-known-as-Yin-Syaoran! DX And he seems like the TOTAL good guy, now! D: Don't you all wish you claimed him before me? :XD: *hides him under bed* 

Yeah, 'AAAAAHHHH' is a good way to put it, Ashlee. :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 19 2006, 10:25 am
Oh my gosh..  It's out already!?   Dang.  I'm going to have to go to dinner now.  NOoooo!!   Ah well.  At least, I'll have to try to wait patiently to hold my excitement until I can see those nice delicious scans.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on July 19 2006, 10:27 am
three freaking words: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused2:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: wetheril on July 19 2006, 10:51 am
Looks exciting. :) I've only glimpsed it, and haven't bothered to read it yet, but will get to it soon. ^___^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: augustserenade on July 19 2006, 10:52 am
This looks like another awesome chapter! ^^

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That's right, sword for you, even if you want to stab that Syaoran with the bat symbol, cause you have to hold on to your lover Fai.

And finally Sakura's awake. I hope she'll do... something. That is if she's not too traumatized and yelling everybody's name.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: duchessa on July 19 2006, 11:08 am
Real Syaoran really should have changed his clothes first...
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Hnn...can anyone translate what real Syaoran said that made Kurogane look at Fai like that? I'm guessing its something about Fai's heroic attempt to put the copied yin-yang heart back to clone Syaoran, but I'm a fangirl and I want the exact translation!
On the other hand, Kuro asked for his sword, but was he really going to attack real Syaoran? He seems to be the more sane of the Syaorans, anyway.
Highlight - Thankfully, Fai's magic seems to be  a little less useless than thelast chapter

One question. Wasn't Fai holding the yin-yang heart? How come it seems to come out of Clone Syaoran???
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Pikari on July 19 2006, 11:08 am
Tentative summary on Syaoran's explanation since I just read it: Real Syaoran says the yin-yang is half of his heart, which ended up being returned to Syaoran through Fai's eye that he stole. Apparantly the reason Fai was so willing to let EvilSyao take his eye. But RealSyao says once the seal had been broken it couldn't be returned, and that Fai should have known that, but he risked it anyway. Awww.... XD

 Aww, and RealSyao tries to reason with his evil twin by telling him his feelings for Sakura weren't from his (the yinyang) heart, but from the clone himself.

*squints at fuzzy images and munches on cheese*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: duchessa on July 19 2006, 11:20 am
Tentative summary on Syaoran's explanation since I just read it: Real Syaoran says the yin-yang is half of his heart, which ended up being returned to Syaoran through Fai's eye that he stole. Apparantly the reason Fai was so willing to let EvilSyao take his eye. But RealSyao says once the seal had been broken it couldn't be returned, and that Fai should have known that, but he risked it anyway. Awww.... XD

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OMG Fai!!! ;_; Thats just didn't think it was possible for me to fangirl him even more. I'm glad there's a sort of explanation why a supposedly powerful wizard went down so easily by a clone brat though. BUt really, he LET Cloney take his eye? Why am I having Tokyo Babylon flashbacks? Fai=Subaru. heh :dodge:

Interesting that Real Syaoran is willing to reason with his evil twin. Hmm...merging or death of clone Syaoran seems to be less likely now. Maybe in the end they just seperate ways and each have their own happy endings?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 19 2006, 11:24 am
Ok, I'm calm down a bit. Now I can say somthing other then "ahhh"
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Ok, I'm happy that the real syaoran isn't trying to kill syaoran and everyone. He is trying to help syaoran and get him to snap back. But, I want some "evilness" with him. And Sakura woke up. oh no.

And fai.....*cry* Kuro try and get your sword, if you want to be every one hero *ok, Fai hero*

Also, I made a sigset. Now, should I use it?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: IrisAstra on July 19 2006, 11:31 am

Anyone else noticed that ORGINAL!Syaoran was using CCS'S fighting technique? The whole fist over head thing? SOOO COOL!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 19 2006, 11:38 am
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Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Syaoflame on July 19 2006, 11:44 am
o.o 0.0 O.O Go ORIGINAL!Syaoran !!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: bie liao on July 19 2006, 12:09 pm
-begins grinning insanely at RealSyao and his total hotness-  I always thought he was the cooler one (felt horrible when I didn't know CloneSyao was a clone) and am so glad I felt that way now.

 Aww, and RealSyao tries to reason with his evil twin by telling him his feelings for Sakura weren't from his (the yinyang) heart, but from the clone himself.

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-twitching a little as she types this-

I'm scared to ask, really, but doesn't that mean that since EvilSyao is now completely psychotic and with bad food choices, and RealSyao obviously doesn't share his feelings, that Sakura/Syaoran no longer exists?  Or is there hope for the crazy fangirls like myself that since RealSyao got his heart back, and he shares EvilSyao's feelings...?  Wouldn't that be horrible if he didn't want to fall in love with Sakura? 
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 19 2006, 12:43 pm
okay, I went to the link that IrisAstra put, but I can't see the scans! All I see is some comments on how great is the chapter and some I-don't-know, kinda summary. But I can't see the scans, I'm getting frustated!  :angry:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 19 2006, 12:44 pm
Ne, I'm sure that nothing will destroy SxS. It will be around until the world crumbles and falls.

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Yay, Kuro's still holding Fai! Cuuute! And I think Syaoran's little speech is probably going to redeem Fai in Kuro's eyes a little. That look was... uuffff what's the word...aaah... good. *is shot*

Y'know what? I'm friggin tired from my shift. I'll post more coherently tomorrow.

Airashii, if you want a summary to hold you over until you can see them...

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Hmmm, well basically Syaoran took the yin-yang thing into his body and got his eye back, and then Pikari already explained what he said about Fai, tried to reason with Clonie,  and Clone!Syaoran and Real!Syaoran fight. Sakura wakes up and yells a lot. Kuro sees the bat-symbol on Real!Syao's shirt and asks Mokona for his sword, but Clone!Syao uses Fai's magic so that Mokona spits out HIS sword instead, and he gets that and it's sort of surrounded by Fai's magic. Then the chapter ends with Sakura yelling at her rabid boyfriend(s).
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: wetheril on July 19 2006, 12:51 pm
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Ok, I'm happy that the real syaoran isn't trying to kill syaoran and everyone. He is trying to help syaoran and get him to snap back. But, I want some "evilness" with him. And Sakura woke up. oh no.

And fai.....*cry* Kuro try and get your sword, if you want to be every one hero *ok, Fai hero*

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Looks like Kuro has a problem with getting his sword, because Clone Syao changed it into Syaoran's sword with Fay's magic!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sya0ran on July 19 2006, 01:22 pm
What an amazing chapter...that's all I can say.  XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: duchessa on July 19 2006, 01:23 pm
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Hold on, real Syaoran said 'that Sakura'. That means he know another Sakura too! Is he really CCS!Syaoran?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 19 2006, 01:29 pm
Oh my .....gosh!!  O_o  That was definitely worth that two week wait...  Ahahah!!  

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So, according to Pikari, Clone!Syaoran's feelings for Sakura was his own all along.  It wasn't the ying/yang seal's doing.  What?   I'm confused now a bit.  If that's so....   O__________O  How's that going to get back our Syaoran!?    

Poor Real!Syaoran.  He's been trying his best only to get blasted by Fai's magic, plus, his sword (which use to be Kurogane's).   Ending with Sakura shouting, "Syaoran-kun!!".  

That was definitely a cool battle though.  Jump-kick (CCS style) vs. kick (Seishirou style).     Hmm... so Real!Syaoran would probably not be able to get feelings/memories for Sakura, eh?  

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Hold on, real Syaoran said 'that Sakura'. That means he know another Sakura too! Is he really CCS!Syaoran?

And no!   CCS!Syaoran does not equal Real!Syaoran.   :wink:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 19 2006, 01:34 pm
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Welllllll I think real!Syaoran is from Clow, since Syaoran and Sakura' s souls are bound together and there was no other Syaoran on Clow, after all. And that's where Fei-Wong Reed put Syaoran so that he'd meet up with Sakura, so real!Syaoran is probably the Syaoran from Clow, otherwise why would Fei-Wong Reed risk the real Syaoran showing up while Clonie was around?

Also, I think I might be one of the few people to think that real!Syaoran being from CCS would be lame -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: IrisAstra on July 19 2006, 01:40 pm
Thanks for the tip!
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"That" Sakura? Oh no, you don't think that there's another Sakura for Real!Syaoran whose probably his sister or something? Because THAT. WOULD. BE. SICK. And knowing CLAMP, not totally unexpected...
Speaking of her, what will happen if and when an Other!(possibly kick-butt)Sakura shows up? Probably using Clow Cards? (not that I believe that Real!Syaoran is from CCS world [I think it'slame too], but if he can do CCS Syaoran's fighting style, I wouldn't be shocked if the Cards show up. Probably mixed with a feather--oh man, too many plotbunnies! :sweatdrop:)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 19 2006, 01:45 pm
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It'd be cool if CLAMP did something with the cards! However,since it looks like Real!Syaoran's gonna stick around for a while, having it turn out that he's a character from an already pre-existing series would be rather...whassa word...

...Well, as the Tsubasa anime shows, re-using characters isn't always the best path to thread. Though CCS Syaoran is cooler than Tsubasa Syaoran, in my opinion anyway. Still, yeah, not likin' the idea.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: bie liao on July 19 2006, 01:50 pm

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What if he's not from Clow, and what if Fei Wong took him from another world so that no one in Clow would recognize him and be like "oh, look, there's that kid from a few weeks ago".  After all, RealSyaoran had to have parents, or relatives, or someone he was living with, if he lived in Clow.  Wouldn't they see him with Fujitaka and take him back?

And if he's from another world, then he could be talking about another Sakura that he fell in love with in that world.  I'm not saying CCS, by any means, cause I have a feeling that would be completely weird and would mean that Syaoran mysteriously disappeared for a long time from China/Japan/wherever he was.  Which we know he didn't.

Sharing the same soul, I think its plausible that they might share fighting styles with CCS Syaoran.  Maybe.  Ah, these are just ideas.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 19 2006, 02:15 pm
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Maybe Syaoran was an orphan to begin with, or maybe Fei-Wong Reed killed his parents. I mean, it's certainly possible for real!Syaoran to have been on another world, but I'm leaning more towards Clow.

*Sigh* I hope real!Syaoran sticks around for a while. He's cool. :icon_king:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 19 2006, 02:34 pm
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Maybe Syaoran was an orphan to begin with, or maybe Fei-Wong Reed killed his parents. I mean, it's certainly possible for real!Syaoran to have been on another world, but I'm leaning more towards Clow.

*Sigh* I hope real!Syaoran sticks around for a while. He's cool. :icon_king:

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I know.  I want him to stick around too!   I want to know his past!   :D   Speaking of parents, I've been trying to think of why Real!Syaoran would end up in FWR's place.   We know FWR "captured" him, but what if, FWR killed Real!Syaoran's parents in order to "bait" Syaoran into coming to his place?   Just a random theory thought.   O_o   

Other than that, it would make sense if Real!Syaoran came from Clow kingdom's world.  It wouldn't necessarily be Clow kingdom but other countries on Clow's world.   Then again, back when CopiedHeart!Syaoran was travelling countries with Fujitaka, someone would've recognized Syaoran.   So, if that doesn't work, Real!Syaoran would be from another dimension (that was related to FWR of cuorse because of the "bat symbol").   Maybe, a dimension that had no Sakura!?  O___O
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 19 2006, 03:08 pm
Tentative summary on Syaoran's explanation since I just read it: Real Syaoran says the yin-yang is half of his heart, which ended up being returned to Syaoran through Fai's eye that he stole. Apparantly the reason Fai was so willing to let EvilSyao take his eye. But RealSyao says once the seal had been broken it couldn't be returned, and that Fai should have known that, but he risked it anyway. Awww.... XD
whaty!!?? he did it on PURPOSE!? O_O

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heh, its kinda cool that realsyao has 2 eyes now i guess ^^;;

what a chapter. Real syao's going to end up paying for his choice of wardrobe ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 19 2006, 04:00 pm
seriously, i think the real syaoran's looks wway cuter

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sakura finally wakes up FINALLY!,

is there a translation
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: aqiaqua on July 19 2006, 04:04 pm

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I knew Sakura would wake up! Now, use your super magical powers to stop Syaoran!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: kudan on July 19 2006, 07:11 pm
Oh my,
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Yin Syaoran looks so hawt. X3 I do not know who to support now... partly because I miss Innocent!Syaoran... ;_;
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: envyofthestage on July 19 2006, 07:26 pm
zomg...Kudan....icon love *cracks up*

But yes, very interesting chapter.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 19 2006, 09:06 pm
such a chapter. even tho i have NO clue as to whats being said, its still good. (ill have to DL the "official" RAW when their posted cuz these first-draft scans is missing a page ^^)
kuro's face...theres definalty minimal kurofainess there ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 19 2006, 09:15 pm
Am I the only one disappointed by this chapter?...

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The previous chapters were all actionpacked and angsty. But this... Kinda made me yawn. I didn't gasp once.
For some reason, Yin Syaoran looks much cuter than the Syaoran we know. Perhaps because he's younger, I dunno. He seems younger, anyway.

As for the "That Sakura" comment... It's obvious he knows another Sakura. And it's obvious he loves her. (eh, CLAMP?)
So... Do you all think that that other Sakura is going to show up eventually? To help her Syaoran out? That'd be cute. At the ending of Tsubasa, we'd have two Sakura/Syaoran couples, and one Kurogane/Fai couple. ^_^

I am going to spazz if Kurogane murders the original Syaoran, because of that bat symbol.
Kurogane: You're related to Batman! DIE!
Syaoran: *gets stabbed* I didn't choose to wear these ugly clothes! I was captured by him! Nggh... *bleeds*
Kurogane: ... Ah, whoops. Sorry bout that.
Syaoran: No, no. It's an honest mistake. It can happen to anyone. *dies*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ying Hua on July 19 2006, 09:16 pm
ZOMG (<-- gosh, I say that even if I don't know what the "Z" part means)

Thiz iz crazy! Crazy crazy! I can''t understand a single word... Oh man I can't wait for the scanslation
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 19 2006, 09:35 pm
I can't even get onto livejournal to SEE it. Be glad you can see it!

LJ won't load for me. It's being a little h0r.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 19 2006, 09:46 pm
ZOMG (<-- gosh, I say that even if I don't know what the "Z" part means)

The Z is just to make it sound funny. If you pronouce it, it'd be something like...  Zoh my God! XD
I think there's an article about it on Wikipedia. ^^'
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: duchessa on July 19 2006, 09:47 pm
Am I the only one disappointed by this chapter?

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Well, it is boring in some respect, but I was a little surprised that
1) Sakura woke up (was expecting the group to give her a lame excuse to 'preserve her innocence' or whatnot).
2) Fai had let Cloney take his eye. He better start talking once he gain conciousness - I want explanations!

I am going to spazz if Kurogane murders the original Syaoran, because of that bat symbol.
Kurogane: You're related to Batman! DIE!
Syaoran: *gets stabbed* I didn't choose to wear these ugly clothes! I was captured by him! Nggh... *bleeds*
Kurogane: ... Ah, whoops. Sorry bout that.
Syaoran: No, no. It's an honest mistake. It can happen to anyone. *dies*

*grins*  Ah, but I'm still hoping that Kurogane will keep his head cool and ask question s, thats not too likely is it? Still, I just feel he won't attack Syaoran #1, he probably doesn't sense a malicious aura from #1, and usually Kurogane's instincts are pretty spot on...
Do you think Fai could've seen that bat symbol before too? Hitsuzen and all that?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ying Hua on July 19 2006, 09:55 pm
The Z is just to make it sound funny. If you pronouce it, it'd be something like... Zoh my God! XD
I think there's an article about it on Wikipedia. ^^'

Thank you. ^__^

Does.. anyone have... TRANSLATIONS?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Cherry tiger on July 19 2006, 10:45 pm
@___@ I want proper scans... those are quite hard to read.... >_>

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Yes!! I knew Sakura would wake up! Though I was expecting for her to do more than just shout people's names... but hey, she's awake and witnessing this so that's good enough.

And it's good to know that the real Syaoran has another Sakura to look forward to... Lol! I don't like the thought of two Syaorans fighting over one Sakura for some reason.

@___@ I knew Fye had a good reason for not fighting back much. As much as what he did was good.... but poor poor Fye. >_<

I want the next chapter so badly now...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Tatasenko on July 19 2006, 11:04 pm
it's really unbearable,Fye is bleeding more and more each time we see him!
he will end up drained of all his blood!
Kurogane,what are you looking at???take care of Fye,rip your shirt and clean his cheek if you don't want him to die in your arms!

hum,peharps Kurogane doesn't hold him too close because he doesn't want his beautiful shirt to be stained by blood ^^ (is kurogane a cleanliness maniac ?)

hum,can someone teach me how to put my post in spoiler please ?(unfortunately i don't know how to use magic to make it disappear ^^)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 19 2006, 11:14 pm
Well, I'm not disappointed in this chapter one bit.

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Sakura waking up is a good thing. And real!Syaoran is awesome, and got the yin-yang back. Which I like as well, though I wonder why he's trying to reason with the clone, since he ought to know that it has no heart. If the clone's feelings for Sakura come from him, not the heart...does this mean we'll have to get normal clone!Syaoran back? I so hope CLAMP doesn't pull the "the power of his love for Sakura can return him normal!" thing since it makes no sense if he has no heart. If it's Sakura's love that returns him to normal, that I could take since Sakura's heart is incredibly magically powerful. Look at what mere pieces of it can do.

I also think that real!Syaoran being from CCS would be horribly lame. He doesn't act like CCS!Syaoran anyway, not to mention that it doesn't make sense in the CCS timeline. And I don't really like CCS!Syaoran. I think he's probably from another world. Maybe if they get clone!Syaoran back to normal, they can send real!Syaoran back to his world and (hopefully) his Sakura? I could see that happening.

Doesn't surprise me that Fai let clone!Syaoran eat his eye. And that eye-socket really needs to be attended to. Could Kurogane, you know, let the Syaorans deal with each other for a few minutes and take Fai up to the X characters, who I imagine might have some medical materials somewhere? The answer is no, but it would take load off of my mind. Besides, Kurogane saw the bat sigil. I think good things shall come of this.

Kamui is still...sitting there. Doing nothing. He wins at voyeurism.:XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: passion_of_heart on July 19 2006, 11:47 pm
Does anybody have a Translation of what Yuuko says?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 19 2006, 11:55 pm
I was just wondering.......
Why did FWR choose Syaoran?

Well, I'm not disappointed in this chapter one bit.

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Sakura waking up is a good thing. And real!Syaoran is awesome, and got the yin-yang back. Which I like as well, though I wonder why he's trying to reason with the clone, since he ought to know that it has no heart. If the clone's feelings for Sakura come from him, not the heart...does this mean we'll have to get normal clone!Syaoran back? I so hope CLAMP doesn't pull the "the power of his love for Sakura can return him normal!" thing since it makes no sense if he has no heart. If it's Sakura's love that returns him to normal, that I could take since Sakura's heart is incredibly magically powerful. Look at what mere pieces of it can do.
I hope so too. But I think that might happen a bit. One of Sakura powers is to talk to things that don't have their own hearts or something like that. I think Syaoran told it to kuro, when they were being attack by the wind.

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Doesn't surprise me that Fai let clone!Syaoran eat his eye. And that eye-socket really needs to be attended to. Could Kurogane, you know, let the Syaorans deal with each other for a few minutes and take Fai up to the X characters, who I imagine might have some medical materials somewhere? The answer is no, but it would take load off of my mind. Besides, Kurogane saw the bat sigil. I think good things shall come of this.
Kurogane is going to be asking lots of questions, and maybe this might get fai's past out. Because how did fai know all about this. Some thing happen to him, and I want to know what it is.

Kamui is still...sitting there. Doing nothing. He wins at voyeurism.:XD:[/spoiler]
lol. That is kamui for yeah. I think he is like "OMG, more tasty blood. I must wait until they kill each other.... I think I might need some popcorn

hum,can someone teach me how to put my post in spoiler please ?(unfortunately i don't know how to use magic to make it disappear ^^)
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[spoiler] put text here [/spoiler]
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 20 2006, 12:54 am
Am I the only one disappointed by this chapter?...

Nope, not really. I'm a little disappointed, but I wasn't totally bored. It was certainly not as exciting as the last two chapters.

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More Kuro holding Fai was lovely! Though I've never been really interested in Syaoran, maybe that's why their clash wasn't as exciting for me, but I am sort of coming around to like him these days. And I'm glad Kuro didn't get up and fight Syaoran. Just because then he'd leave Fai everything would get too complicated. The three-way fight might have worked in Star Wars, but I'm not too sure about here...

I was just wondering.......
Why did FWR choose Syaoran?

Ne, probably because Syaoran is Sakura's "soul mate" and he would be the best choice for someone to be able to get close to her and have the conviction to gather all her feathers.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: selenityshiroi on July 20 2006, 03:14 am
OMG!  I saw the summary at 6am this morning before I went to work, which meant that I got to fangirl over it all day but couldn't talk to anyone about it.

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Fay!  I'm sorry I ever thought that you could be evil and would betray the group at some stage!  I had had my suspicions for Outo arc onwards about whether his intentions were good or not, but this arc clears them completely!  He LET Syao take his eye, even though he suspected it wouldn't work, to try and save Syao's 'soul'...Fay, you deserve several huggles (fortunatly Kuro is still at hand for that!).

And *KuroFayfangirlmoment* it looked like Kuro was holding Fay closer later in this chapter.  *squeal*  Sorry, had to get that out of the way!

I, too, am surprised that Sakura woke this early.  I thought she would miss most of the angst (because she's Sakura-chan and sweet and innocent etc), but Clamp surprises me again!  Does that mean my beloved Subaru will wake up soon?  Please?  Not that Sub/Sei is my OTP or anything...

Kamui is still...sitting there. Doing nothing. He wins at voyeurism.

And that quote wins the internet!  I had a giggle at that!  But then, I wouldn't move away from Subaru if I could help it either.  Unless I was looking for soup and a hairbrush so I could pet and feed Subaru when he wakes up.  Two Syaorans fighting is nothing compared to Subaru in a cocoon.

And Kuro's expression when he hears what Fay did...CANONFay just keeps surprising him, doesn't he!

Now onto serious plot/theory speculation:

I find it suspicious that Syaoran (who has been quoted as Clow's descendant) has ended up with Fujitaka (Clow's reincarnation).  I am starting to believe the TRC Clow is Eriol theory.  That would mean that Syaoran COULD be a descendant of Clow's Clow (who may have been around several years ago), Sakura could be the daughter of Clow by being Eriol's (Clow's reincarnation) daughter and Fujitaka may have been created JUST to look after clone!Syaoran when he was released (what with Clow being precognitive).  I don't believe that people would neccesarilly recognise Syaoran if the original WAS from Clow world-children change quickly and maybe FWR wiped out the entire Li clan in Clow world so no one would come after him.

It would also mean that Syaoran and Sakura aren't that closely related (which is at the front of MOST people's minds!).

Okay, that's enough of that!

Can't wait for complete scans and translation!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Touei on July 20 2006, 03:31 am Scans are up :3
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I wasnt disappointed with this chapter at all. Yeah, it lacked the impact that alot of the previous one's have had recently but I think it was fairly full of plot progression - Sakura woke up, Real!Syaoran and Clone!Syaoran fought the Kuro/Fai holding continued etc

It'd be good if Kurogane held Fai a little closer - although in this chapter I think he did seem to be, slightly - considering they're perched on that fairly narrow.. cocoon.. branchy.. thing. But I think that's asking a little too much from CLAMP x'3
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 20 2006, 03:37 am
I find it suspicious that Syaoran (who has been quoted as Clow's descendant) has ended up with Fujitaka (Clow's reincarnation). I am starting to believe the TRC Clow is Eriol theory. That would mean that Syaoran COULD be a descendant of Clow's Clow (who may have been around several years ago), Sakura could be the daughter of Clow by being Eriol's (Clow's reincarnation) daughter and Fujitaka may have been created JUST to look after clone!Syaoran when he was released (what with Clow being precognitive). I don't believe that people would neccesarilly recognise Syaoran if the original WAS from Clow world-children change quickly and maybe FWR wiped out the entire Li clan in Clow world so no one would come after him.[/spoiler]
I"m finding that TRCsyaoran family tree is so confusing. >.<

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Here is something for kicks....
Lets say that CCS grew up and they had a kid, and its TRCsyaoran :lol: *shot*

ok, how about...
FWR was walking down a street and out of no where see syaoran and says to himself *I'll think I clone him" *gets the weird stare from everyone*

*Warning, the above spoiler is full of nothing ,but random thoughts>_> Scans are up :3
YES! *thank-you*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Little Kitty-chan on July 20 2006, 03:40 am
Thanks, I still can't wait for a translation of this amazing chapter
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mizunotsubasa on July 20 2006, 03:54 am
yeah for ladydarkmoon.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Touei on July 20 2006, 05:17 am
*finishes reading/looking at ladydarkmoon's scans*

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Teehee. That splash page.. I swear it looks like Kuro's staring at Fai's butt
Annd.. the yin-yang thing looks like it appears from Syaoran's chest.. but didnt Fai still have it in his hand? o.o *ponders*

I think Jenx mentioned it on livejournal, but I wonder if Fai giving away his eye is going to impress Kuro or not? It's more like Fai not caring about his own life again.. or at least putting Syaoran and Sakura before himself.. So do you think Kuro-tan'll see it like that, or do you think ..he'll react as most people thought he would after reading chapter 121? D: 
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Gabys! on July 20 2006, 05:23 am
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I agree with the person who said that RSyao was using CCS Syaoran's fighting technique *¬*

What else can say!! This chp is awesome!!!!

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Sakura has awaken, Kuro asked for the sword that ended in C!Syaoran's hands!!! O.o whyyyy???? T.T R!Syaoran is trying to reason with his clone,which means He is a good child!!!! (at least for now) <3333 Kuro saw FWR's symbol in R!Syaoran!!!!! O.O What he will do when the battle is finished?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Luci-Chan~~ on July 20 2006, 05:29 am
I havn't read the chapter yet xDD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Jenx on July 20 2006, 05:52 am
Ohhhh wow. I'm posting on this thread several hours AFTER reading the chapter, cause otherwise you'd be getting alot of nonverbal babble. anyways.
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What Zneuse mentioned that I said on LJ- I don't think Fai's tyring to IMPRESS Kurogane, but I really don't think Kurogane's going to be very happy about what he did. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it ended in a ch 112-esque confrontation when Fai wakes up. This is, of course, assuming Kuro-tan's not too wrapped up in his own angst about not being able to exact vengence on the guy wearing the bat symbol.
...Granted, I'm not sure that lack of a sword is going to stop him from trying, but we'll find out next chapter. XD
Oh, and Yin!Syaoran is hot. I just thought I'd establish that. I hate Syaoran, but Yin? Love. <333
And am I the only one that's noticed that Fai's blood is defying gravity? XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Pikari on July 20 2006, 06:03 am
I havn't read the chapter yet xDD
Please don't post if you don't have anything to say, then.

And translated (

*also thinks CCS Syaoran would be really really lame*

*and also thinks Kamui should slap Sakura. Just because she's annoying and he doesn't have anything better to do*

I was just wondering.......
Why did FWR choose Syaoran?
Ne, probably because Syaoran is Sakura's "soul mate" and he would be the best choice for someone to be able to get close to her and have the conviction to gather all her feathers.
Possibly also because both of them are connected to Clow. Syaoran being his ancestor, and Fei Wang being connected... somehow.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mizunotsubasa on July 20 2006, 06:16 am
I wonder how the real shaoran going to deal with the clone shaoran. it going to be one long week. I also wonder if Kurogane will get his sword. He didn't seem to happy to see the the batsign on the real shaoran. Wondering what the real shaoran will tell kurogane *cause Kuro might be out for revenge *for his mother's dealth.*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 20 2006, 06:27 am
And translated (
Pikari your the best

*and also thinks Kamui should slap Sakura. Just because she's annoying and he doesn't have anything better to do*
Sakura screams too much. Kamui should slap her.

Ne, probably because Syaoran is Sakura's "soul mate" and he would be the best choice for someone to be able to get close to her and have the conviction to gather all her feathers.

Possibly also because both of them are connected to Clow. Syaoran being his ancestor, and Fei Wang being connected... somehow.
Like I said before. Syaoran Family tree is very weird. Its just like a Soap Opera
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Touei on July 20 2006, 06:38 am
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What Zneuse mentioned that I said on LJ- I don't think Fai's tyring to IMPRESS Kurogane, but I really don't think Kurogane's going to be very happy about what he did. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it ended in a ch 112-esque confrontation when Fai wakes up. This is, of course, assuming Kuro-tan's not too wrapped up in his own angst about not being able to exact vengence on the guy wearing the bat symbol.

Ah no, I didnt mean that I thought Fai was going out of his way to impress Kurogane - just that I wondered if Kuro would be happy Fai actually did something (I doubt this, because it ended in him getting hurt anyway and Kuro wouldnt be happy about that ;3 ) or if he would be annoyed at Fai's continuing lack of worry about his own life.
And yush, I agree/hope that we'll probably get some 112ish angst or, if not that, some KuroxFai fluff when Fai wakes up. After Kurogane sorts out the whole homgSyaoranhasabatlogoonhisshirt problem.

And thankyouu Pikari for the translation .o. The yin-yang thing makes sense to me now! Fai tried to transfer it back to Syaoran through his own eye (like Real!Syaoran did in the first place), when Syao ripped it out to eat his magic, right 8D? Aaand that's why Fai didnt try and stop him when the clone took it.
So yush, <3Pikari
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Gabys! on July 20 2006, 06:39 am
I adoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you Pikari-san!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 20 2006, 06:39 am
I love Ladydarkmoon's scans. ^_^
The chapter looks slightly more interesting now. (Thanks Pikari, for translating!)
There's gonna be a chapter next week, right?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Gabys! on July 20 2006, 06:40 am
Yup, we have a chapter next week!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 20 2006, 06:41 am
w00t! I can't wait!
*shakes Fai*
Wake up and join the chaos, darnit!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: moezychan on July 20 2006, 06:47 am
Arigatou gozaimasu Pikari-san. Here's a cookie for taking the time to translate.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mizunotsubasa on July 20 2006, 06:57 am
Sakura screams too much. Kamui should slap her.
*and also thinks Kamui should slap Sakura. Just because she's annoying and he doesn't have anything better to do*
Just wondering, why is that everyone is bashing sakura, she just woke up and saw shaoran like that, plus she is stuck in something*  I think anyone just waking up and seeing their love ones in the same state and unable to do something.  Too me if she was able to move she would try to stop shaoran. *but I don't know what shaoran would do cause he is not himself, he might hurt Sakura. I am sorry for sound rude or anything I am not. I'm really nice person.Someone was bashing a mokona for giving the sword to shaoran, which wasn' t his/her fault. Kamui should do something he is just sitting around. Maybe it's the shock or something.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mela on July 20 2006, 07:01 am
Just wondering, why is that everyone is bashing sakura, she just woke up and saw shaoran like that, plus she is stuck in something* I think anyone just waking up and seeing their love ones in the same state and unable to do something. Too me if she was able to move she would try to stop shaoran. *but I don't know what shaoran would do cause he is not himself, he might hurt Sakura. I am sorry for sound rude or anything I am not. I'm really nice person.Someone was bashing a mokona for giving the sword to shaoran, which wasn' t his/her fault. Kamui should do something he is just sitting around. Maybe it's the shock or something.
I don't think that's why people are hating on Sakura, I think the reason is because 122 chapters into the story she hasn't really DONE anything other than win games of chance and the Dragonfly Race. Everyone is just getting frustrated cos they want her to do something really awesome instead of just being there all the time.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 20 2006, 07:04 am
She should have some sort of power. Something really awesome and shiny.
I mean... powerful. Yeah.

But now, all she does is go "Syaoran-kun!" and "I wanna help too!" when, frankly, she doesn't do much. Not her fault though. CLAMP should give her more opportunities to do something useful.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Jenx on July 20 2006, 07:06 am
And cause, though I understand her shock, she takes up way too much "screen time" this chapter to make pathetic faces and shout names when we COULD be seeing mroe of the SyaoranxSyaoran fight or Kurogane going batshit.
....Yeah. That too. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sakaki on July 20 2006, 07:13 am
But now, all she does is go "Syaoran-kun!" and "I wanna help too!" when, frankly, she doesn't do much. Not her fault though. CLAMP should give her more opportunities to do something useful.

I agree with this. Sakura is boring and annoying because Clamp writes her that way.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mizunotsubasa on July 20 2006, 07:21 am
Maybe  clamp will do something to make sakura more useful *I hope*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 20 2006, 07:23 am
Whoo, translation! Arigatou!

*Agrees that Sakura is a little lame in Tsubasa*

*Also agrees that Fai's blood indefinitely flows upwards.*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Pikari on July 20 2006, 07:23 am
Agreed. And if we can't make fun of the chapters and characters once in a while it would be very very dull, so I don't think everyone's comments should be taken that seriously. They *are* just characters.. and sakura's a very dull one up to this point. Yeah, so don't blame her, blame Clamp. ^^;;

*Also agrees that Fai's blood indefinitely flows upwards.*
Maybe it's dried blood at this point?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 20 2006, 07:25 am
And cause, though I understand her shock, she takes up way too much "screen time" this chapter to make pathetic faces and shout names when we COULD be seeing mroe of the SyaoranxSyaoran fight or Kurogane going batshit.
....Yeah. That too. XD

And this is why, CLAMP leaves it cliff-hanging so we'll have to wait like hungry dogs for the next chapter.   :D    More action should be next chapter.  This was only the beginning of the Syaoran x Syaoran fight.  As CLAMP states at the end of the chapter:  --Next issue, who will be the victor!?

I have to agree that Sakura is still sort of useless (in terms of really pitching in) but since we're farrrr from the end of Tsubasa, her moment will hopefully shine sometime soon in the future.......right CLAMP?  Sakura still did do something.  I mean, she wasn't a total living human "doll" or "empty shell".

Thank you Pikari for the translations!  ^o^  Everything makes sense now. 
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So, R!Syaoran was able to see through his clone's eye after all, thus, that's how he knows Sakura!   Ahh.  So, it was that obvious.  I see.    When FWR was stating that R!Syaoran didn't make it in time, I have a feeling he was saying that in a happy tone of voice telling by his expression.  o_o

Wait, what if the "seal" can come back?  Even though, it looked like it dissipated into the air, what if it went somewhere just like the feathers?   Suddenly, the thought of "Pinocchio" comes into mind when thinking of Clone!Syaoran.  >_>       
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 20 2006, 07:33 am
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Can't R!Syaoran just give C!Syaoran a new soul? Or... Give it to him again? Or something?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 20 2006, 07:39 am
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I think I'm still on the "two Syaoran's merge into one!" team. Mainly because I like Yin!Syaoran a whole lot better than the original Syaoran, and I'm pretty sure original Syaoran's not going away any time soon.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 20 2006, 07:54 am
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So, R!Syaoran was able to see through his clone's eye after all, thus, that's how he knows Sakura!   Ahh.  So, it was that obvious.  I see.   When FWR was stating that R!Syaoran didn't make it in time, I have a feeling he was saying that in a happy tone of voice telling by his expression.  o_o

Wait, what if the "seal" can come back?  Even though, it looked like it dissipated into the air, what if it went somewhere just like the feathers?   Suddenly, the thought of "Pinocchio" comes into mind when thinking of Clone!Syaoran.  >_>       
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The ?first? hint that R!Syaoran could see (in whatever form - now we find out it was the most "conventional" one (if seeing through your eye that is in the head of your clone can be called conventional) what C!Syaoran saw would be ch. 65 in Shura during the fight with Kurogane when R!Syaoran took over for a few moments.

Sakura's exclamations of names are a little repetitive and despite the severity of the situation, for example page 4 would make a nice parody along the lines of "Oh, did I miss anything important?" *innocent wide-eyed smile while looking from short-of-one-eye-with-blood-streaming-down-his-face Fai to blood-streaked-cheeked-and-blue-eye Syaoran to the otherwise ragged Kurogane* "Did I?"
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 20 2006, 08:02 am
to tell the truth,i liked it better when sakura was she's just shouting -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 20 2006, 08:13 am
Sakura's exclamations of names are a little repetitive and despite the severity of the situation, for example page 4 would make a nice parody along the lines of "Oh, did I miss anything important?" *innocent wide-eyed smile while looking from short-of-one-eye-with-blood-streaming-down-his-face Fai to blood-streaked-cheeked-and-blue-eye Syaoran to the otherwise ragged Kurogane* "Did I?"

Sakura: I think I missed something important...
Kurogane: Only the biggest plottwists in the story!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Celesse on July 20 2006, 08:23 am
Hey, lay off Sakura  ;____;;;;  She's been useful before. She helped stop that tornado thing on that furry-creature planet and she was able to talk to that ghost to get her feather back and lead them out of the flooding castle.

It's just hard to put her in more serious situations because that would corrupt her innocence  :\  They always put her out when things get too bad. I'm even surprised she's awake now to see all this mess, but I imagine she will have something everything to do with Syaoran snapping out of it.

I agree she was more interesting in CCS and that she doesn't get nearly enough to do in Tsuasa, but CCS was also a lot more innocent and cute than Tsubasa is. Nobody ever had an eye ripped out and eaten in that  >__>;;

Err, anyway, scanslation is uploading now. Will be available in about 10-15 minutes (damn dial-up..)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 20 2006, 08:38 am
Thank you to all the scanning/translating/scanlating people!

I get what all of you are saying about Sakura not doing anything, though she doesn't bother/bore me. Particularly not by shouting Syaoran's name - She'll need to do that for more than an entire manga volume to get on my nerves and beat Yasha's record.  Then again, I like almost all of CLAMP's characters, so not much bothers me.

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I wonder if CLAMP will actually conclude this fight in the next chapter? Or are they just teasing us?

*Also agrees that Fai's blood indefinitely flows upwards.*

The same principles operating on clone!Syaoran's shirt are obviously affecting Fai's blood.

I'd like to say that real!Syaoran wears that outfit well, even with the stupid bat sigil.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 20 2006, 08:40 am
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The ?first? hint that R!Syaoran could see (in whatever form - now we find out it was the most "conventional" one (if seeing through your eye that is in the head of your clone can be called conventional) what C!Syaoran saw would be ch. 65 in Shura during the fight with Kurogane when R!Syaoran took over for a few moments.

True...  You got a point there, but, that wasn't R!Syaoran taking over.   ^_o   That was the clone's true nature taking over.   C!Syaoran can only "see" through his clone's blind eye.   He can't control his clone.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Celesse on July 20 2006, 08:43 am
Scanslated -
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: IrisAstra on July 20 2006, 08:46 am
Wow, think I'm the first download too (man I'm having a lucky Tsubasa week)! Thank you, Celesse-san!
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Ithink it's the two eyes-something truly sexy in that  :inlove:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: wetheril on July 20 2006, 09:06 am
That was awfully fast, Celesse--thank you. :)

I wonder who's side original Syaoran is on?
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And Yuuko's expression...both she and Fei Wong Reed look a bit disappointed, or is it just me?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sokasato on July 20 2006, 09:24 am

Both Syaoran's are just to cool for words.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: moezychan on July 20 2006, 09:26 am
Read through it a second time, and I understand now. Takes me two read throughs anymore to get what CLAMP is saying  :sweatdrop:

Well, I don't think Sakura is entirely useless. I have a feeling she's going to break out pretty soon. We all know how powerful her feathers are, and I still believe that Sakura is going to stop the two Syaoran's and save everybody. I am almost positive on that.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: wetheril on July 20 2006, 09:31 am
Well, I don't think Sakura is entirely useless. I have a feeling she's going to break out pretty soon. We all know how powerful her feathers are, and I still believe that Sakura is going to stop the two Syaoran's and save everybody. I am almost positive on that.

I don't think so either. I think that Clamp (if I predict correctly), is setting this up so that the only person who can return Syaoran to his original self is Sakura.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Aethelthryth on July 20 2006, 09:37 am
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Now if the real & clone Syaoran merge, what's gonna happen to the Sakura from the R!Syaoran's world? There might not be a Sakura from R!Syaoran's world, but I'm just assuming there is. Seeing R!Syaoran's expression when he sees Sakura banging on the glass-wall thingy & shouting, looks like he's saying "why are you ignoring her, cloney!" So I guess he should have some feelings toward his Sakura. Afterall, they should be having the same soul.

But then again, R!Syaoran was just a little kid when he was kidnapped, right? So I don't know whether he's met his Sakura. It could also be that he's giving that expression because he sees though his right eye what's been happening, & he knows that C!Syaoran & Sakura likes each other...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Rekall on July 20 2006, 09:42 am
Syaoran is so cool, I've never been a fan of his until the recent chapters but now I've completely changed my opinion.  It's so good that he's finally around.

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Poor Fye though.  He's such a great guy, he knew the seal couldn't be repaired but he tried anyways to do it to save Clonie.

It sucks though that Sakura is back and not Subaru though.  I'm thinking though that Sakura since was able to return because of her "most preicous person" maybe Subaru needs his most precious person nearby/in the same world before he can awaken as well, which means Seishirou better hurry up and get there before the gang leaves this world since I want the conclusion to that plot.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 20 2006, 09:45 am
its agreat chapter, aswome fighting, infinatly great explaintions

i SO cant wait for the kuro-fai confrontation to come in the future!! Kuro's SO goining to be angry and upset that fai had done something like that, but also respect him aLOT more than he used to.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on July 20 2006, 09:47 am
I don't think so either. I think that Clamp (if I predict correctly), is setting this up so that the only person who can return Syaoran to his original self is Sakura.

i agree on that. but we don't know the limits of sakura's power. who knows whats going to happen next.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mela on July 20 2006, 10:29 am
Scanslated -

Thank you! Posted the mirror up here
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mizunotsubasa on July 20 2006, 10:29 am
Hey, lay off Sakura  ;____;;;;  She's been useful before. She helped stop that tornado thing on that furry-creature planet and she was able to talk to that ghost to get her feather back and lead them out of the flooding castle.

It's just hard to put her in more serious situations because that would corrupt her innocence  :\  They always put her out when things get too bad. I'm even surprised she's awake now to see all this mess, but I imagine she will have something everything to do with Syaoran snapping out of it.

I agree she was more interesting in CCS and that she doesn't get nearly enough to do in Tsuasa, but CCS was also a lot more innocent and cute than Tsubasa is. Nobody ever had an eye ripped out and eaten in that  >__>;;

Err, anyway, scanslation is uploading now. Will be available in about 10-15 minutes (damn dial-up..)

I think that ccs Sakura is a different person from the sakura in tsubasa. Meaning like real shaoran is most likely be the from ccs and the clone sahoran from tsubasa. I don't  know if that made any sense. I also want to say it thank you for the scanslation Celesse. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 20 2006, 10:52 am
Kamui is still...sitting there. Doing nothing. He wins at voyeurism.  :XD:
lol. That is kamui for yeah. I think he is like "OMG, more tasty blood. I must wait until they kill each other.... I think I might need some popcorn

Yay For Kamui! jejeje, Man I just love him *gives Kamui popcorn*

Anyway I liked this chapter but to be honest I was hopping something longer and wit more information, still good
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Celesse on July 20 2006, 11:16 am
I think that ccs Sakura is a different person from the sakura in tsubasa. Meaning like real shaoran is most likely be the from ccs and the clone sahoran from tsubasa. I don't know if that made any sense. I also want to say it thank you for the scanslation Celesse. XD

I don't think Sakura's personality is any different  :o  Syaoran is different from CCS Syaoran because he's nicer and sweeter and not so grumpy/harsh, but Sakura has always been kind and naive and innocent and kind of ditzy.  I'm not saying she's CCS Sakura, I'm just saying she's pretty much the same.  (And you're welcome  XD)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Rekall on July 20 2006, 12:05 pm
I don't think Sakura's personality is any different  :o  Syaoran is different from CCS Syaoran because he's nicer and sweeter and not so grumpy/harsh, but Sakura has always been kind and naive and innocent and kind of ditzy.  I'm not saying she's CCS Sakura, I'm just saying she's pretty much the same.  (And you're welcome  XD)

I agree about Sakura.  If you look at the beginning of TRC before she lost her memories I really found that Sakura was a lot like her CCS counterpart and during the times where she actually does something during their journey to help out (specifically in Piffle) you can see a slight emergence of that personality.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: IrisAstra on July 20 2006, 12:17 pm
Have we dropped spolier warnings now?
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I'm in the "don't bash Sakura" camp myself. Her time is coming, I can feel it.
Why is everyone so keen on the clone coming back to himself? As far as I'm concerned he's not anything anymore, and his memories and hopefully feeling are in REAL!Syaoran.
I think the next chapter is crucial to finding out if he's CCS!Syaoran or not. If he starts scowling, saying "Kusou" and turning up his nose, then we have ourselves the real macoy.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Senefen on July 20 2006, 12:30 pm
Meaning like real shaoran is most likely be the from ccs
Personality wise he's a little closer than Clone!Syao was I think, but I'm pretty sure its not the same one. The timelines don't work for one. Plus if he loved Sakura he probably would've reacted different to Sakura-in-bubble.

Also Real!Syaoran said that though he watched through Clone's eye, Clone's feelings for Sakura where his own. So Real!Syaoran doesnt love Sakura.....?

About personalaties: Sakura & Syaoran seem less than their CCS counterparts
Sakura: is missing half her mind O.o
Syaoran: is missing half his heart
.....KYA! they're so ment to be! (lol)

Subaru-kun~! Wake up before your most precious person comes and tries to dismember you with his bare hands! (Yay for the most screwed up relationship in CLAMP)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sokasato on July 20 2006, 01:05 pm
Personality wise he's a little closer than Clone!Syao was I think, but I'm pretty sure its not the same one. The timelines don't work for one. Plus if he loved Sakura he probably would've reacted different to Sakura-in-bubble.

Also Real!Syaoran said that though he watched through Clone's eye, Clone's feelings for Sakura where his own. So Real!Syaoran doesnt love Sakura.....?

Gasp! That's true....Does he love her or not? Feel anything for her?! OMG I can't wait till next week!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 20 2006, 01:17 pm
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Now if the real & clone Syaoran merge, what's gonna happen to the Sakura from the R!Syaoran's world? There might not be a Sakura from R!Syaoran's world, but I'm just assuming there is. Seeing R!Syaoran's expression when he sees Sakura banging on the glass-wall thingy & shouting, looks like he's saying "why are you ignoring her, cloney!" So I guess he should have some feelings toward his Sakura. Afterall, they should be having the same soul.

But then again, R!Syaoran was just a little kid when he was kidnapped, right? So I don't know whether he's met his Sakura. It could also be that he's giving that expression because he sees though his right eye what's been happening, & he knows that C!Syaoran & Sakura likes each other...

I think I agree with the very last part of your second paragraph.  ^_^   It's still uncertain exactly if there's "another" Sakura yet.   I'm still thinking "not" for some funny reason which has something related to Clow kingdom Sakura.  

Have we dropped spolier warnings now?
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I'm in the "don't bash Sakura" camp myself. Her time is coming, I can feel it.
Why is everyone so keen on the clone coming back to himself? As far as I'm concerned he's not anything anymore, and his memories and hopefully feeling are in REAL!Syaoran.
I think the next chapter is crucial to finding out if he's CCS!Syaoran or not. If he starts scowling, saying "Kusou" and turning up his nose, then we have ourselves the real macoy.

Once again, I'm going to have say this.   CCS!Syaoran does not equal Real!Syaoran.   The Tsubasa characters have no connection to their original manga counterparts!   I wonder how many people does it take to convince this fact?   ^_____^;;    They may be similar in soul but can be very different too.  

Also Real!Syaoran said that though he watched through Clone's eye, Clone's feelings for Sakura where his own. So Real!Syaoran doesnt love Sakura.....?

About personalaties: Sakura & Syaoran seem less than their CCS counterparts
Sakura: is missing half her mind O.o
Syaoran: is missing half his heart
.....KYA! they're so ment to be! (lol)

Hahah...   They were meant to be!   Woahhh...    :keke:

Yeah, I'm curious too how that is going to come out.  I mean, if the clone's feelings for Sakura were real, where did they go then?   From the looks of it, to me, the clone's body is already in a wreck with two different eye colors and a broken arm.   R!Syaoran's "healthy" body seems like the best candidate for those feelings, right?  But, in the end, CLAMP had to twist all the people's theories of two Syaorans merging into one. (Regardless of whether you're for the Clone x Real or Clow x Real merge.)       

 We shall see what happens after R!Syaoran got blasted by that flame.   :D
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Rekall on July 20 2006, 01:26 pm
I just realized something.  We had a hint all along from xxxHolic that Syaoran would be able to see what's Clonie's been doing and no one picked up on it.  'Holic spoilers ahead (just in case)
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since Doumeki can see through the eye he gave Watanuki, it makes sense that Syaoran could see what was happening through his own eye.  Since Doumeki only gave half an eye that would explain why he can only see things for high spirits (or whatever reason they gave for him only seeing things part of the time) and since Clonie had an entire eye Syaoran probably saw everything experienced thus far.

Subaru-kun~! Wake up before your most precious person comes and tries to dismember you with his bare hands! (Yay for the most screwed up relationship in CLAMP) has been awhile since we've seen CLAMP's favourite way of killing characters - having a hand stabbed through a person's body... :P

I'm still hoping for finally a happy ending between the two though. ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Senefen on July 20 2006, 03:01 pm
Ha ha I can just see Real!Syaoran sitting in his bubble for 10 years trying desperatly to figure out how to change the channel on his magic eye.

*Sitting there watching Young!Clone making breakfast*
R!Syao: ".... I dunno what FWR's plan is but I've been watching this kid for 5 years and he doesnt (*^&^%^$ DO ANYTHING!"
Then R!Syao-kun meets up with Kakyou, Hinoto, Kotori, Hokuto, TRC!Tomoyo, TRC!Subaru, Watanuki and Kazahaya where they have dream tea party and discuss how screwed up their life and relationships were/are/will be.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 20 2006, 03:23 pm
After reading that, I couldn't help stop cracking up!     For 7 years, R!Syaoran would be stuck staring into the clone's right eye which acts like a TV with only one channel!   If I was him, I'd probably go nuts after being in the tube for one month with nothing else to "look" at.   :D   

 It's a good thing that you brought that up.   Also, he would have to watch his clone do all his morning chores, being taught by Fujitaka, go bathroom (o_o), go play with Sakura, go to different countries with Fujitaka, make breakfast, lunch, dinner, meet Seishirou, and so on.   He probably doesn't get that bored of it because he's learning from a new perspective.   A new life that doesn't involve magic at all.  Also, he learns about love in a way, even though, "the feelings" aren't his own.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 20 2006, 03:24 pm
Yeah now with the "my most precious person" is like:

Sakura: Syoran!!... Hem... Syaoran?... Hey Kamui which one is my Syaoran?
Kamui: *notice Sakura* Don't ask me, you know, my most precious is suppose to be Fuuma and yet I have not even said his name in the whole saga, Damn... SUBARU WAKE UP I'M GETTING BORE!
Sakura: ...O.o;
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Jadeth on July 20 2006, 03:28 pm
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I am amazed that, even though this is Fai's magic that is being put in the spotlight, CLAMP still finds a way to make it all about Syaoran. *SOBS* Although, I do like that everyone is being placed in a critical situation. I wonder what they're going to make of it. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 20 2006, 03:35 pm

i can't imagine Rsyaoran watching every single move of Csyaoran
Rsyaoran watching Csyaoran eating, walking, talking, taking a shower....>>;; 0_0 *ahem*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 20 2006, 03:45 pm
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since real syao said that he;s been watching his clone thru the eye, that explains what happened in shura. its the same with identical twins. identical twins IS the closetst thing to real life clones. they can read eachothers minds to the point of talking at the same time. SO when CLONE sya was taking over OUR syao in shura, REAL syao was reacting to the strong fighting will.

am i making sense? O.o

PS i was just about to close that spoiler tag as [/clone]  :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 20 2006, 03:48 pm
now that you brought that topic up

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in some country, when Our syaoran was having a dream about the real syaoran, i think Rsyaoran was trying to choking OUR syaoran, didn't he?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 20 2006, 03:59 pm
that was lecourt, and that was wierd too. O_o

s to the sakura bashing, if your lokk closely she's TRYING to break out of subaru's cocoon, but she jsut cant.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 20 2006, 04:16 pm
that was lecourt, and that was wierd too. O_o

s to the sakura bashing, if your lokk closely she's TRYING to break out of subaru's cocoon, but she jsut cant.

Yes, I saw that too, I wonder if she's going to do it in the next chapter...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 20 2006, 05:20 pm
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Considering there is/was eye-eating and a swordfight going on outside, she would have to be able to say or do something pretty amazing to stop the ?soon-to-be-three-way battle and not get hurt. (She could go tend to Fai's wound (someone should do that already  :wink:!) but she is too concentrated on the two Syaorans for that (not really that I fault her for that))
*is reminded by it all about Pirates of the Caribbean2 where we see how Elizabeth fails at that same task* ;)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 20 2006, 05:34 pm
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Sakura: Oh, the heat! *'faints'*
*Syaoran and Syaoran simply continue fighting, not noticing a thing*
Sakura: Fine! Be that way! ... Men!
*Kurogane decides to join the fight too. A watermill appears out of nowhere, and the guys start fighting on top of it*
Yeah, that'd be awesome!

As for the fighting in Shura...
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It really was R!Syaoran taking over. Our Syaoran was completely concious, so it couldn't have been his clone side, and Syaoran said that his hands were moving on his own, even though R!Syaoran happened to be doing the exact same thing.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 20 2006, 06:29 pm
Subaru-kun~! Wake up before your most precious person comes and tries to dismember you with his bare hands! (Yay for the most screwed up relationship in CLAMP)

Sei/Su FTW. Definitely.

...I wonder if Mokona has any bandages in that black hole of a mouth it has...I mean
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Kuro could be doing something productive and maybe bandaging up Fai's eye, or beating up Kamui to help out...Okay, not that I'm saying protectively holding Fai isn't so totally for the win productive...but he could be doing something about the upwards bleeding blood from his boyfriend's Fai's eye XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 20 2006, 11:20 pm
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Sakura: Oh, the heat! *'faints'*
*Syaoran and Syaoran simply continue fighting, not noticing a thing*
Sakura: Fine! Be that way! ... Men!
*Kurogane decides to join the fight too. A watermill appears out of nowhere, and the guys start fighting on top of it*
Yeah, that'd be awesome!
*cries in Laughter* I love that part in the movie XD

About personalaties: Sakura & Syaoran seem less than their CCS counterparts
Sakura: is missing half her mind O.o
Syaoran: is missing half his heart
.....KYA! they're so ment to be! (lol)
OK, that is priceless XD

...I wonder if Mokona has any bandages in that black hole of a mouth it has...I mean
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Kuro could be doing something productive and maybe bandaging up Fai's eye, or beating up Kamui to help out...Okay, not that I'm saying protectively holding Fai isn't so totally for the win productive...but he could be doing something about the upwards bleeding blood from his boyfriend's Fai's eye XD
Maybe he is in a state of shock
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His boyfriend is bleeding to death, one of "his" friends tried to kill his boyfriend, there is a guy who looks like syaoran with the bat-like-symbol, he doesn't got his sword (>_> I think that was the breaking point for him), and did I say that his boyfriend is dying his in arms
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Kirtai on July 20 2006, 11:40 pm
You know, Sakura doesn't seem confused enough.  If I woke up to discover
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there were two of my boyfriend, and they were trying the kill each other, while my good friend was unconcious and bleeding out the eye, I'd be like O.o for a long while.  At the end, when RSyao gets blasted by Hien, she screams "Syaoran," and I wonder, does she realize she's never met that person?  Heck, his name might not even be Syaoran.  Fujitaka named clonie that, after all.

BTW, ano, identical twins can't read each others minds...we only say the same thing at the same time because we've had nearly identical experiences growing up, so we think the same... If you spent your whole life with someone, you'd complete their sentences too.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Tsuki-kun on July 21 2006, 12:21 am
Hey, lay off Sakura  ;____;;;;  She's been useful before. She helped stop that tornado thing on that furry-creature planet and she was able to talk to that ghost to get her feather back and lead them out of the flooding castle.

It's just hard to put her in more serious situations because that would corrupt her innocence  :\  They always put her out when things get too bad. I'm even surprised she's awake now to see all this mess, but I imagine she will have something everything to do with Syaoran snapping out of it.

I agree she was more interesting in CCS and that she doesn't get nearly enough to do in Tsuasa, but CCS was also a lot more innocent and cute than Tsubasa is. Nobody ever had an eye ripped out and eaten in that  >__>;;

Err, anyway, scanslation is uploading now. Will be available in about 10-15 minutes (damn dial-up..)


I got home late (I just bought a black mokona stuffed toy!!) so i'm only reading the chapter now..
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real syaoran rocks!! i like that part when he removed the patch covering his left eye!!
-CLAMP should have made the fight scene of clone and real longer!! I'm craving for more!! A -I hope Kuro would do something interfere with the fight or anything
-Someone please heal Fay he's BLEEDING to death!
-I really want to see Subaru maybe he'll appear next chapter or the one after that!

thanks to all who provided the link for the raw scans! and thanks to Celesse and Pikari for the scanlations and translations!!! :D
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: selenityshiroi on July 21 2006, 02:10 am
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Perhaps Fay should have tried putting Syaoran's heart in a jar of dirt instead of in his eye (whilst we're on the PotC2 jokes!)

His boyfriend is bleeding to death, one of "his" friends tried to kill his boyfriend, there is a guy who looks like syaoran with the bat-like-symbol, he doesn't got his sword (>_> I think that was the breaking point for him), and did I say that his boyfriend is dying his in arms

'sword was the breaking point'?  That comment wins.

I'm also on the 'don't bash Sakura' side of things.  She was unconcious for Hanshin, groggy for Kouryu<sp>, helped in Spirit, was groggy for Lake country,  was cute and fluffy in Outo, helped in Idol country, admitidly did little in Shurano/Sharano (except kiss Syao's eye), got her own feather in Piffle, noone other than Syaoran did a lot in Rekord until Fay went all pretty and magical and Sakura has only just woken in Tokyo (after getting her own feather again).  Now that she's starting to stay awake (normally) for worlds she tends to do more, and now Clamp has exposed her to some potential Angst! they may let her in on the main storyline more.

Plus I love virtually all Clamp characters...wait...nope, can't think of one I dislike.  I love ALL Clamp's characters.

I also think that Sakura will be REALLY important/interesting in the final arc of Tsubasa (when it appears).

I don't think the Syaoran's will merge or that Clone!Syaoran will be replaced.  I think Real!Syaoran pointing out that Clone!Syaoran's feelings for Sakura were his own has guarenteed Clone!Syaoran's survival and his return to seminormal
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 21 2006, 02:14 am
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Perhaps Fay should have tried putting Syaoran's heart in a jar of dirt instead of in his eye (whilst we're on the PotC2 jokes!)

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Then bring it everywhere he goes, and doesn't let it out of his sight
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 21 2006, 02:38 am
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Then bring it everywhere he goes, and doesn't let it out of his sight

Fai: *singsong voice* I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! *falls off the cocoon thing*
Syaoran: ...
Fai: *holds up the jar* I got a jar of dirt! And guess what's in it!
*Fai drops the jar. It's empty*
Fai: O___O
Kurogane: Heheheheh... *runs off with the yin/yan thing and sells it to Kamui*

Yeah, I didn't bother to use a spoilertag. You wouldn't get the joke unless you've seen PotC2 and read the latest chapters.
Did I mention yet that I support JackxNorrington? XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: ishiyaki on July 21 2006, 02:59 am
excuse me, I've read chapter now...I don't understand...realSyaoran has now his half heart from CloneSyaoran...does it means that Clone syaoran hasn't  any heart inside him now??
does Fai hide the another heart till??  help plzzzzz :hmp:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 21 2006, 03:05 am
I just read the chapter translation, and I've got to say that this chapter was GREAT, though kind of short  :sweatdrop: I'm too on the 'don't bash Sakura' group', I mean, what can she do, she's trapped in that cacoon thing!  :hmp: Anyway, someone SHOULD treat Fay...Kuro-pii do something! Or Mokona, somebody!!!  -_-

You know, Sakura doesn't seem confused enough. If I woke up to discover
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there were two of my boyfriend, and they were trying the kill each other, while my good friend was unconcious and bleeding out the eye, I'd be like O.o for a long while. At the end, when RSyao gets blasted by Hien, she screams "Syaoran," and I wonder, does she realize she's never met that person? Heck, his name might not even be Syaoran. Fujitaka named clonie that, after all.

She was shocked (and a little confused, I think) when she opened her eyes, but not too much.  :hehe:

I'm kinda sad about seeing
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the R/Syaoran take his heart back, what would happen to C/Syaoran, it wouldn't be fair if he died or something...he's done so good many things and he is the character we've seen more closely through-out the whole series.

excuse me, I've read chapter now...I don't understand...realSyaoran has now his half heart from CloneSyaoran...does it means that Clone syaoran hasn't  any heart inside him now??
does Fai hide the another heart till??  help plzzzzz :hmp:

I think that C/Syaoran doesn't have any heart now...from what I understood.

Anyway, I think Sakura WILL do something great with her power. BTW, does she already have all her memories?

I was reading Tsubasa vol.5 chapter 33 ( and well, I think Touya suspected that Syaoran wasn't human, he said that he felt 'something off'.
And on Tsubasa vol.1 page 33 of my DelREy adaptation, Touya says to Yukito that Syaoran is the one that's destined for Sakura and Yukito says that even though that is true, they will have to face adversity like they've never seen. So maybe the C/Syaoran could return to normal, or is it the R/Syaoran that's destined for her?  :surprised:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 21 2006, 04:39 am
Anyway, I think Sakura WILL do something great with her power. BTW, does she already have all her memories?
I believe what some one else already pointed out, that her power to talk to spirits, trees and whatnot with no heart as such and not exactly living beings either will be instrumental in getting through to C!Syaoran for there is no one else besides her who could do that.
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However do not make me guess even if she managed to do that, how the no heart in C!Syaoran could be solved. Her feathers are powerful - could one become his heart or...? (unlikely though)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 21 2006, 04:49 am
Maybe he is in a state of shock
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His boyfriend is bleeding to death, one of "his" friends tried to kill his boyfriend, there is a guy who looks like syaoran with the bat-like-symbol, he doesn't got his sword (>_> I think that was the breaking point for him), and did I say that his boyfriend is dying his in arms

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I don't think Fai's dying. Okay, he's bleeding a lot, and yes, he will be very very weak, but he still has some of his magic. I reckon that'll keep him alive. Plus, if Clamp let Fai die it would be a serious cop out in my opinion.

But, yeah. Poor Kuro probably is in a state of shock. But he could snap out of it long enough to sort out the blood.

...Everyone's gonna need new clothes after this. Except Sakura. Fai's bleeding all over his, Kuro's shirt is all singed, and Syaoran...well. His shirt just doesn't exist anymore.

*sits and waits for next week* >w<
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 21 2006, 05:11 am
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I don't think Fai's dying. Okay, he's bleeding a lot, and yes, he will be very very weak, but he still has some of his magic. I reckon that'll keep him alive. Plus, if Clamp let Fai die it would be a serious cop out in my opinion.

But, yeah. Poor Kuro probably is in a state of shock. But he could snap out of it long enough to sort out the blood.
Your right. But if they let fai like that, he will keep losing blood, and even if you have magic. You still need a certin amount of blood. if you go below that amount, you can die.

Fai: *singsong voice* I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! *falls off the cocoon thing*
Syaoran: ...
Fai: *holds up the jar* I got a jar of dirt! And guess what's in it!
*Fai drops the jar. It's empty*
Fai: O___O
Kurogane: Heheheheh... *runs off with the yin/yan thing and sells it to Kamui*

Yeah, I didn't bother to use a spoilertag. You wouldn't get the joke unless you've seen PotC2 and read the latest chapters.
Did I mention yet that I support JackxNorrington? XD
*cries in laugher* That was great!! *cookie*
JackxNorrington. Oh no, its JackxAshlee  :D

...Everyone's gonna need new clothes after this. Except Sakura. Fai's bleeding all over his, Kuro's shirt is all singed, and Syaoran...well. His shirt just doesn't exist anymore.
All they have to do is give *Yu....I don't know how to spell her name,* well the witch something, and they get their clothes.

Fai "We got you a jar of dirt, Witchy"
Kurogane "Now GIVE me back my clothes!"

Ok, that sucked >_>
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 21 2006, 05:31 am
Your right. But if they let fai like that, he will keep losing blood, and even if you have magic. You still need a certin amount of blood. if you go below that amount, you can die.

I agree with you. Fai's losing too much blood, they have to do something to stop it. What if he dies?! OMG!!! *can't breath!*  :help:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 21 2006, 05:39 am
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Though I am mainly guided here by the "Fai can't die!" emotion, I would say it is unlikely he would - it would be too repetitive in a way, he already "died" in Oto so it is too "not again!?".
And although I am no expert in wounds or bloodloss but I would think that losing an eye gives you better chances of living than say if your hand or leg was cut off, provided that someone would finally *hint-hint everyone fighting/yelling in the chapter*  tend to the wound.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Thalia on July 21 2006, 06:24 am
I don't think anyone's said this so here i go:
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Mokona told Syaoran and Sakura that there are memories of the body too, which means at some level Syaoran might still love Sakura even without his heart, which may be what real syaoran was trying to appeal to when he was the love didn't come from the heart? It may at least be enough for Sakura to reach out to when she eventually gets round to doing something useful ;-)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 21 2006, 06:33 am
That's so true!!! I hadn't though of that!!  :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 21 2006, 06:46 am
I agree with you. Fai's losing too much blood, they have to do something to stop it. What if he dies?! OMG!!! *can't breath!*  :help:

Personally? I think people are overreacting a little bit. Yes, Fai is bleeding. Yes, it should be stopped...but...technically he's not been bleeding for that long.

For us, we've had five weeks of chapters and breaks so to us it does actually seem like Fai's been bleeding for ages, but really, he can't have been bleeding for more than 5-10 minutes in the 'manga time'. As meliwanwan just said to me: it's not as if he's bleeding uncontrollably either. If he were, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. His face, his neck, all over his face and neck...but instead it appears to be just running down his face. Compared to some of profuse bleeding I've seen (even in just the darn blood test rooms) Fai's bleeding seems...slightly...less than one would expect from having his eye torn out.

Uh...what was my point again? Oh yeah. Sorry. So really, Fai hasn't been bleeding for that long, so there's still a good deal of time to get him sorted out, right?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 21 2006, 07:03 am
maybe he's not bleeding anymore, it could dried blood
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 21 2006, 07:03 am
Yeah, Fai's bleeding probably won't be fatal (after all, no CLAMP character has died of blood loss since...that one guy in the beginning of RG Veda) but it still seems like good idea to get the injured person out of the battlefield.

I like the theory about "memories of the body" and clone!Syaoran's feelings for Sakura. Also the one about Sakura using her ability to talk to...various unusual things to communicate to clone!Syaoran.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 21 2006, 07:36 am
Yeah, Fai's bleeding probably won't be fatal (after all, no CLAMP character has died of blood loss since...that one guy in the beginning of RG Veda) but it still seems like good idea to get the injured person out of the battlefield.

Definitely. But I guess we can forgive Kuro for that. He was in a bit of a pinch beforehand. Maybe he'll drag Fai outta there next chapter.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 21 2006, 08:09 am
maybe he's not bleeding anymore, it could dried blood

I began thinking that, reading again the chapter I noticed that Fai's blood seem different, like more bulgy, not smooth...It seems to be dried.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 21 2006, 08:22 am
I do not think that any of the bloodvessels going into the eye are even that big to provide enough blood to die of bloodloss (unless you are suffering from hemophilia) - why else has it always been such a widely used torture device in both real life and made up one, the pain is literally a torture but the loss of blood not enough to kill you.

Started thinking of what does C!Syaoran's price show about his feelings for Sakura and the ways to bring him back to some semblance of himself before the seal broke: if the feelings for Sakura were his own and not R!Syaoran's, the "what he (whom we now know as C!Syaoran) valued most " =his relationship with Sakura  could not come from the real one's heart, therefore those powerful emotions must be anchored somewhere else. If Sakura reaches that place there is some chance.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 21 2006, 10:04 am
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Sakura: Oh, the heat! *'faints'*
*Syaoran and Syaoran simply continue fighting, not noticing a thing*
Sakura: Fine! Be that way! ... Men!
*Kurogane decides to join the fight too. A watermill appears out of nowhere, and the guys start fighting on top of it*
Yeah, that'd be awesome!

As for the fighting in Shura...
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It really was R!Syaoran taking over. Our Syaoran was completely concious, so it couldn't have been his clone side, and Syaoran said that his hands were moving on his own, even though R!Syaoran happened to be doing the exact same thing.

Haha...  ^o^   When I was watching that scene in the theater, I wanted to laugh a bit.  Especially when she shouted, "Pirates!!".   Unfortunately, I don't think anyone around me found that funny at all, and I can understand why.   >_<    ^_^  As for the second part of your post....
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It was Clone!Syaoran's "true nature" that was taking over Clone!Syaoran's body.  Real!Syaoran wasn't able to do anything but watch through the clone's right eye.   He has no control over the clone at all.  When we were in the world that contained the book of memory, we find out that "our" Syaoran has no recollection of what his "true natured" did.  When we look back at Real!Syaoran, we realize that he is actually doing something else while the clone's "true nature" was awake.  Therefore, that's how we realize that the clone and the original are not connected at all except by the eye.    ^_0 

I don't think anyone's said this so here i go:
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Mokona told Syaoran and Sakura that there are memories of the body too, which means at some level Syaoran might still love Sakura even without his heart, which may be what real syaoran was trying to appeal to when he was the love didn't come from the heart? It may at least be enough for Sakura to reach out to when she eventually gets round to doing something useful ;-)

Good remembrance on that.   After all, there's still that quote of "Even if this body should meet its end, these feelings alone will remain in a corner of the world."   I think, it could be possible that it might be similar to the ending of the second CCS movie between Syaoran's memories of his love for Sakura.   >_>
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: kinomotofan on July 21 2006, 10:44 am
I was of the opinion that the clone and real Syaoran would merge somehow in chapter 120, now I don't know anymore.  I think its possible that clone Syaoran is going to stay. But where will the real Syaoran go? Back to where he originially came from? Which was exactly where by way? What do you think?  :wink:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 21 2006, 10:50 am
i just thought that maybe syaorans could travels together

Rsyao: please pass the salt, syaoran
Csyao: sure syaoran
sakura: come on, syaorans
R and C syaoran : okay
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 21 2006, 01:27 pm
Personally, I'd rather Fai actually WAKE UP before anybody bandages him up. Even if that's maybe a little mean of me. Though really, he's bleeding but it's not as TERRIBLE as it could be. A bandage might not do much at this point.

Mostly I just want him to wake up. I miss him. I miss him lots. Tsubasa just ain't the same when Fai's playing dead.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 21 2006, 01:32 pm
Fai wake up, please

We need you to wake up in kuro arms and give him a great big hug, and say that you are fine, and then bug kuro with your cute little nicknames for him *cries*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 21 2006, 01:41 pm
Yeah, it isn't the same without Fai.    :(      He's obviously going to be okay.  I can imagine him wearing an eye patch but for the rest of the manga?  I don't think so.

i just thought that maybe syaorans could travels together

Rsyao: please pass the salt, syaoran
Csyao: sure syaoran
sakura: come on, syaorans
R and C syaoran : okay

That scene is a bit freaky to me.   Sakura will have to find a way to call them apart if that happens.   O__________o       Two Syaorans travelling together!?  Isn't that going to break some dimension rule or something of having two of the same people existing on the same plane of reality? (Even if one is a clone, he's still human!)  I mean, it's not that bad of an ideal and makes a good twist but I don't know!  >_<      :sweatdrop: Wait, it's too far into the future to even tell exactly if that's going to happen or not.   C!Syaoran is still out of control with his "original programming".   Oh great.  Just thinking of that reminds me of the movie, "I, Robot".

Edit:  And it just occurred to me in terms of what if, the Syaoran, we've always known since the beginning before his "true nature" came out, gained his own body?   Then, technically, we got three Syaorans who are sitting at that table passing salt around!   Haha....   This is going to be amusing.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Tricky on July 21 2006, 01:48 pm
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I'm shorry if this is a totally weird question, but I'm really missing something here...
RSyaoran gives half of his heart to CSyaoran and spends several years floating in a giant test tube. Then, CSyoran loses that half of heart he was given from RSyoran and Fai picks it up? BUT THEN RSyaoran comes and takes half of CSyoran's heart to comlete his own heart.... The math is all wrong here. Thats three halves...We need four... So, did RSyaoran give half of his heart to CSyaoran and CSyaoran has HIS OWN half a belongs to him in the first place? Then, half of his(CSyaoran) heart Fai is holding and the other half RSyoran has to give him no heart and RSyaoran a whole heart? I mean, does Fai still has that piece, right? And it is obvious that RSyoran took his half back and it was declared that CSyoran is now, without a heart .....
So...If Fai still has this piece that must have been the half of CSyaoran that was solely his then is that the key in getting our beloved old Syaoran back?
Or, was it picked up somewhere along the way and I missed it?
Or, does CSyoran just have simply... a half of a heart which never belonged to him and the other half just never existed?
I'm very confused and I'm pretty sure I missed something....
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 21 2006, 01:57 pm
don't worry, i spend all night last night to figured out what was going on XD

me: so Rsyao was captured....Csyao takes over Osyaoran then Rsyao...umm...soo...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Jeannette on July 21 2006, 02:10 pm
My very late comments:

What an awesome chapitre! I'm so glad that real!Syaoran isn't evil, like so many people have been assuming. T_T Poor guy. The biggest question I have is what world he comes from. I don't really have much else to say... it's late, and there are already seven pages of commentary.

Meowzy- holy snickies, I'm not the only one who likes Norrington/Jack!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Whisk on July 21 2006, 04:45 pm
Hehe great chapter here are my thoghts in the spoilers, tell me what you think please ^_^
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From what i can tell so far. The R.S took the heart from the shell body.  Which is his clone and they are one of the same accept its another part of R.s, hehe hard to explain i guess if you go really into it.  I think the R.S. though even though showing no signs he is trying to be mean, may infact be lieing about the feelings for Sakura not being from the heart the clone carried but what throws me off is the almost sincer look he gives when saying it.

I say this, because for
one what Fai tried to do with the heart
two Syaoran doesnt look to happy about what he tried to do, even though Fai was trying to protect the hearts "memmories!"
three it maybecome confusing if my first two reasons are wrong, but that is because we are in a magical world in the manga where anything could happen and every slightest detail is important and since it is magic, and magic almost has the means to do anything, it therefor becomes almost unpredictable in my opinion, but little predictions here and there can become accurit.

It is intreasting that Sakura becomes sad when R.S though says it doesnt come from his own heart.

Also intreasting how Clone.S seems to be more lifeless with out the heart or that he is no longer has w/e power within him but is now only a simple shell with only one duty and priority in his mind.

Now the question is, what was R.S late for?
What is wrong with  C.S now
and how will C.S be stopped?

hehe, i think three things will either happen.
A merge of bodies.
C.S will be defeated.
C.S will regain himself and R.S will travel with them.

Last one i believe is less likely to happen, what you think?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 21 2006, 05:05 pm
...I wonder if Mokona has any bandages in that black hole of a mouth it has...I mean

Kuro could be doing something productive and maybe bandaging up Fai's eye, or beating up Kamui to help out...Okay, not that I'm saying protectively holding Fai isn't so totally for the win productive...but he could be doing something about the upwards bleeding blood from his boyfriend's Fai's eye XD

Kuro: *stares at Kamui* do something
Kamui: allright, allright, jezz... *jumps pass over the 2 Syaorans*
R!Syao & C!Syao: ??...ooookay... *keep fighting*...
Kamui: *takes medical equip from nowhere and helps Fai*
Kuro: where did you hide that... and why did you not help before?
Kumai: my magic belt of doom and because you didn't ask me to  ^_^
Kuro: O_o;;
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 21 2006, 06:10 pm
hmm. i was looking at the chapter again, and the thing about fai bleeding. i think MOST of the blood on his face is a result of him lying face down once clone syao did the evil deed.
if any blood is still coming out, itd be in the corner of his eye :silent:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 21 2006, 06:20 pm
Kuro: *stares at Kamui* do something
Kamui: allright, allright, jezz... *jumps pass over the 2 Syaorans*
R!Syao & C!Syao: ??...ooookay... *keep fighting*...
Kamui: *takes medical equip from nowhere and helps Fai*
Kuro: where did you hide that... and why did you not help before?
Kumai: my magic belt of doom and because you didn't ask me to  ^_^
Kuro: O_o;;

I get a mental picture of him throwing the first aid kit in Kuro's face. Dunno why...XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 21 2006, 07:58 pm
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It was Clone!Syaoran's "true nature" that was taking over Clone!Syaoran's body.  Real!Syaoran wasn't able to do anything but watch through the clone's right eye.   He has no control over the clone at all.  When we were in the world that contained the book of memory, we find out that "our" Syaoran has no recollection of what his "true natured" did.  When we look back at Real!Syaoran, we realize that he is actually doing something else while the clone's "true nature" was awake.  Therefore, that's how we realize that the clone and the original are not connected at all except by the eye.    ^_0 
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But how would you then explain the mirror image of C! and R! on chapter 65 pg 4(or  168 Del Rey volume 9) where we see both with raised hands? That is the one scene where for me there is a discrepancy in the "I only saw through C!'s eye", all the mirror dreams and whatnot can be blamed on the C! taking over, but that one during the fight with Kurogane in Shura  I do not get. It cannot be Syaoran's (C! with half of R!'s heart) metal image since his mental image of the clone is dressed like him but with an eyepatch.

I'm pretty mixed up by the heart halves as well and did think where one of those got -  :heh: we should make a chart of the movement of the halves! :wink:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Thalia on July 21 2006, 10:29 pm
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I'm shorry if this is a totally weird question, but I'm really missing something here...
RSyaoran gives half of his heart to CSyaoran and spends several years floating in a giant test tube. Then, CSyoran loses that half of heart he was given from RSyoran and Fai picks it up? BUT THEN RSyaoran comes and takes half of CSyoran's heart to comlete his own heart.... The math is all wrong here. Thats three halves...We need four... So, did RSyaoran give half of his heart to CSyaoran and CSyaoran has HIS OWN half a belongs to him in the first place? Then, half of his(CSyaoran) heart Fai is holding and the other half RSyoran has to give him no heart and RSyaoran a whole heart? I mean, does Fai still has that piece, right? And it is obvious that RSyoran took his half back and it was declared that CSyoran is now, without a heart .....
So...If Fai still has this piece that must have been the half of CSyaoran that was solely his then is that the key in getting our beloved old Syaoran back?
Or, was it picked up somewhere along the way and I missed it?
Or, does CSyoran just have simply... a half of a heart which never belonged to him and the other half just never existed?
I'm very confused and I'm pretty sure I missed something....

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From what i've gathered from the manga, clone Syaoran lost the half, Fye picked it up, Fye tried to return it to him through his own eye when clone Syaoran stole it, so it was back inside Syaoran but not part of him, then real Syaoran came and took it back :-)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 21 2006, 10:40 pm
Am I missing something major? Because I don't see where this business about "half" hearts came from. I thought it was copy of real!Syaoran's heart, which he had to give up the use of his left (or was it right?) eye to put in the clone. Real!Syaoran gets the copy back, which lets him use his eye again. When was it devided in half?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Rusty on July 21 2006, 11:01 pm
Real!Syao gave half his heart to Clone!Syao so that he was humanish..
Fye tried to get Clone!Syao back to human mode by returning Clone!Syao half heart through his right eye...
But Real!Syao says once Clone!Syao turned into CreepyDestructo!Syao there was no way anyone could get him back to human mode. 
But Real!Syao is trying to do just that by reminding Clone!Syao about Sakura.

the end
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: dark_persian on July 22 2006, 12:01 am
Personally, I'd rather Fai actually WAKE UP before anybody bandages him up. Even if that's maybe a little mean of me. Though really, he's bleeding but it's not as TERRIBLE as it could be. A bandage might not do much at this point.

I'm thinking... maybe CLAMP has kept Fai unconscious for this part for a reason. Maybe they don't want him reacting to the bat symbol on clone!Syaoran's shirt too.
I've always had my suspicions that Fei Wong Reed has had something to do with Fai's past since the little-Kurogane story arc.
Perhaps Fai even had something to do with Kuro-mumma's death by chain of events. Maybe he's aware that something he's done has effected Kurogane and that's why he's so desperate not to divulge any information about his past to him.

My theory is that Fei Wong Reed had contact with Ashura. Ashura somehow had Fai under his control and used him for his magic. I'm not sure... but since Fai has the power to create life, maybe he created the Oni that killed Kurogane's mother?
Fai could have tattooed himself with that magical device to suppress his powers and stop them from being used in such an awful way. That would explain why he's so reluctant to use his powers anymore, as well as why it was his most precious possession and why it was also the seal on Ashura's 'coffin'.
It does kind of make sense that Fei Wong would have a part to play in Fai's backstory since he has in Kurogane and Syaoran's.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Rekall on July 22 2006, 02:23 am
I agree with the theory that Fye is being kept knocked out on purpose.  if he was awake and did recognize the symbol on Syaoran's chest fan's brains would go into meltdown because they got too much information at one time.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 22 2006, 02:29 am
I agree with the theory that Fye is being kept knocked out on purpose. if he was awake and did recognize the symbol on Syaoran's chest fan's brains would go into meltdown because they got too much information at one time.
I agree

They are keeping fai knocked out, because right now, they are explaing what fai did. It wouldn't be the same if it was coming from fai, or fai was awake. Its more dramac this way.

Also I bet Fai will wake up in time for something to happen, or if Csyaoran runs away. Because right now. Isn't  Csyaoran working for FWR. He is on his "clone programing", when Rsyaoran put the heart in. He tried to stop it. That made Syaoran not remember about FWR and his purpose. But now, what is stoping him. Because I don't think Csyaoran is going to snap right out of it, when sakura comes. I think it will happen later with more fighting and twisted plots, mwhahahaha.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 22 2006, 04:12 am
Demo, does FWR control the clone directly, though? I thought that CSyao was just flipping out because that's the true nature of the clone...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 22 2006, 04:16 am
Demo, does FWR control the clone directly, though? I thought that CSyao was just flipping out because that's the true nature of the clone...
Yeah, but FWR must of had a backup plan. Csyaoran is to gather up the feathers for FWR, so FWR must have control over him some how.

Its just me though.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: ishiyaki on July 22 2006, 07:34 am
About Fai's bleeding, he won't die soon. I've watched "Once upon a time in Mexico" of Robert Rodriguez and one of the characters, starred by Eva Mendes, removes Sands's eyes and he becomes, obviously, blind. but he doesn't die for bleeding. Besides, Sands lost two eyes, anf Fai only has lost his one right eye :)

don't worry!!! Fai isn't going to now... :laughing4:

WHAWHAWHAHWAHWHAAAA!!!!!!................... :dodge:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 22 2006, 07:45 am
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But how would you then explain the mirror image of C! and R! on chapter 65 pg 4(or 168 Del Rey volume 9) where we see both with raised hands? That is the one scene where for me there is a discrepancy in the "I only saw through C!'s eye", all the mirror dreams and whatnot can be blamed on the C! taking over, but that one during the fight with Kurogane in Shura I do not get. It cannot be Syaoran's (C! with half of R!'s heart) metal image since his mental image of the clone is dressed like him but with an eyepatch.

The first thing you have to remember is
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that you're reading something made by CLAMP.  CLAMP doesn't work wiith "predictable" stuff.  Not at all.   So, when they drew that scene, it was made to throw us off the loop.  They made it so we all believed it was the Real!Syaoran taking over the clone.   That was CLAMP's intention.  Yeah, I use to think that too until we got to the further worlds.  It was then that I realized that Chapter 65 doesn't make much sense when trying to put everything together.

Technically, we don't actually know the full reason as to why both Syaorans did the same thing since it was never explained.  It most likely had something to do with their hearts being one half of the other.  I can tell you though, that, R!Syaoran had no control over his clone.  It had to be something else.  Sometimes, it's very common in manga for characters to be halves of the other and react similar by being connected through their hearts or soul.  ^_0 
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Dayanira on July 22 2006, 07:54 am
A little late but i can't help saying this: I KNEW IT! I was sure there is no way Syao could beat Fai so easily, unless Fai let him do it on purpose. And of course he's not going to die. Is there ANY doubt about it? ^_^

Hey, RSyao took his heart (aka feelings and emotions) back, but it doesn't mean the clone lost his memory, right? He should remember all his life with Sakura and all, so ... Yeah... however it didn't stop him from doing THIS to Fai even if he remembered him... :dodge:

I wonder what Subaru's role in this drama is.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 22 2006, 08:07 am
The first thing you have to remember is
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that you're reading something made by CLAMP. CLAMP doesn't work wiith "predictable" stuff. Not at all. So, when they drew that scene, it was made to throw us off the loop. They made it so we all believed it was the Real!Syaoran taking over the clone. That was CLAMP's intention. Yeah, I use to think that too until we got to the further worlds. It was then that I realized that Chapter 65 doesn't make much sense when trying to put everything together.

Technically, we don't actually know the full reason as to why both Syaorans did the same thing since it was never explained. It most likely had something to do with their hearts being one half of the other. I can tell you though, that, R!Syaoran had no control over his clone. It had to be something else. Sometimes, it's very common in manga for characters to be halves of the other and react similar by being connected through their hearts or soul. ^_0
Well, since I have only read Tsubasa and started Card Captor Sakura today, I am really not all that familiar with CLAMP's trickiness. I see!
The logic-lover in me yearns for logical explanations - it was out of the pattern and a one time occurrence but yes, I guess we shall know the reason not before a later date. Right now all I can think of is self-preservation instincts - if you see through your eye in some one else's head that there is a sword coming towards you, instinctively your first reflex would be to ward it off, before you have time to think "wait, I only see it, it is not me who is under threat".
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 22 2006, 08:18 am
Right now all I can think of is self-preservation instincts - if you see through your eye in some one else's head that there is a sword coming towards you, instinctively your first reflex would be to ward it off, before you have time to think "wait, I only see it, it is not me who is under threat".

You got a good point there, actually.  Never really thought of it that way before.   ^_^   Both Syaorans are technically the same in a way.   So, many of the clone's movements should actually be similar to R!Syaoran, in a sense, with the exception that they kick differently.

Edit:  And it's alright if you're not too familiar with how CLAMP works in their stories.  They tend to leave their fans hanging in mystery a lot.    :sweatdrop:  Enjoy CCS!   It's a very good CLAMP classic!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 22 2006, 08:55 am
ack. i keep forgetting.

io think we may have learned another one of mokona's secret abilities.

"Summoning" or something to that effect.[somone give me a cooler name so i can addit to my guide ^^

 heres why i think so: Syaoran had his sword already outside of mokona when they arrived at the tower. perhaps he tossed it to the nearest person before diving into the water? im pretty certain he didnt give it back to mokona. Kurogane already had his sowrd, when he talked to Kakyou(?) he just left it upstairs. So perhaps mokona had the power to "summon" a person's possesion?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mini_flo on July 22 2006, 10:35 am much replies already...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mela on July 22 2006, 10:56 am much replies already...
Nothing compared to 120's discussion with its 37 pages XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: wetheril on July 22 2006, 10:59 am
ack. i keep forgetting.

io think we may have learned another one of mokona's secret abilities.

"Summoning" or something to that effect.[somone give me a cooler name so i can addit to my guide ^^

 heres why i think so: Syaoran had his sword already outside of mokona when they arrived at the tower. perhaps he tossed it to the nearest person before diving into the water? im pretty certain he didnt give it back to mokona. Kurogane already had his sowrd, when he talked to Kakyou(?) he just left it upstairs. So perhaps mokona had the power to "summon" a person's possesion?

I think Mokona already had that kind of power--he was able to transport things from one world to another. (Such as sucking in Fay's staff and giving it to Yuuko, and exchanging it for the monster in Doumeki's temple.) However, I've been curious as to where the swords get put when Mokona is "storing" them. Do they go into a special room in Yuuko's shop? I'm pretty sure they've got to be somewhere.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 22 2006, 01:04 pm
Hahaha, I remember everyone flipping out over chapter 120! I could refresh the page and three more responses to the chapter dioscussion thread would pop up. The height of activity on the thread. I went to sleep and two pages were added by the time I woke up. Though there was the pain of having to go without the next chapter, that thread was awesome.

And maybe the swords in Mokona's mouth just get turned into magic or something and stay in one of it's stomachs (as the black Mokona mentioned it had more than one, lol.). Kinda like how the black Mokona stores the spirits in it's mouth/stomach/whatever for a while before Yuuko asked him to send it.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ashlee on July 22 2006, 01:07 pm
Nothing compared to 120's discussion with its 37 pages XD
lol. I rememeber like it was yesterday. Trying to keep up, was the hardest thing to do. I wonder if that is every going to happen again.

[its so funny going back into the old chapter threads and reading "what is going to happen in the next chapter", to see who was closier, and way off]
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 22 2006, 02:52 pm
I think Mokona already had that kind of power--he was able to transport things from one world to another. (Such as sucking in Fay's staff and giving it to Yuuko, and exchanging it for the monster in Doumeki's temple.) However, I've been curious as to where the swords get put when Mokona is "storing" them. Do they go into a special room in Yuuko's shop? I'm pretty sure they've got to be somewhere.
ah, but kuro's sword was at the top of the building, in their room, and syaoran's was somewhere in the crowd (i think) albiet the use of fai's magic caused syao's sword to come out instead, but how did kuro's sword end up from their room into mokona's mouth? its a bit confusing :S
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: wetheril on July 22 2006, 05:40 pm
ah, but kuro's sword was at the top of the building, in their room, and syaoran's was somewhere in the crowd (i think) albiet the use of fai's magic caused syao's sword to come out instead, but how did kuro's sword end up from their room into mokona's mouth? its a bit confusing :S

Okay, I see what you mean now. I can understand that happening if Black Mokona was on the other end, but it wasn't, does Mokona just "teleport" the sword there?  That's a good question. Also, I wonder if Mokona's power to do that extends to everything. I mean, if that was the case, if they knew where the feather was, Mokona couuld just "summon" it, as you said, and that would be like cheating. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 22 2006, 11:32 pm
I'm thinking... maybe CLAMP has kept Fai unconscious for this part for a reason. Maybe they don't want him reacting to the bat symbol on clone!Syaoran's shirt too.
I've always had my suspicions that Fei Wong Reed has had something to do with Fai's past since the little-Kurogane story arc.
Perhaps Fai even had something to do with Kuro-mumma's death by chain of events. Maybe he's aware that something he's done has effected Kurogane and that's why he's so desperate not to divulge any information about his past to him.

My theory is that Fei Wong Reed had contact with Ashura. Ashura somehow had Fai under his control and used him for his magic. I'm not sure... but since Fai has the power to create life, maybe he created the Oni that killed Kurogane's mother?
Fai could have tattooed himself with that magical device to suppress his powers and stop them from being used in such an awful way. That would explain why he's so reluctant to use his powers anymore, as well as why it was his most precious possession and why it was also the seal on Ashura's 'coffin'.
It does kind of make sense that Fei Wong would have a part to play in Fai's backstory since he has in Kurogane and Syaoran's.

I like this theory a lot, maybe Fai did have something to do with Kurogane's past or Fei Wong Reed had something to do with Fai's past. But, if Fai did had something to do with the death of Kurogane's mother, doesn't that make Fai older than Kurogane?  :surprised:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: dark_persian on July 23 2006, 12:37 am
I like this theory a lot, maybe Fai did have something to do with Kurogane's past or Fei Wong Reed had something to do with Fai's past. But, if Fai did had something to do with the death of Kurogane's mother, doesn't that make Fai older than Kurogane?  :surprised:

Not nessisarily. Time flows differently in different dimentions. Time could be flowing much quicker in Kurogane's dimention than in Fai's.
But I've always thought that Fai is a lot older than Kurogane anyway. CLAMP mages seem to have a very long lifespan and, although I think Fai is probably a 'young' mage by respects, he could be over a hundred already! Yuko is probably hundreds of years old but she still has the appearence of a woman in her late-twenties/early thirties.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 23 2006, 02:40 am
Not nessisarily. Time flows differently in different dimentions. Time could be flowing much quicker in Kurogane's dimention than in Fai's.
But I've always thought that Fai is a lot older than Kurogane anyway. CLAMP mages seem to have a very long lifespan and, although I think Fai is probably a 'young' mage by respects, he could be over a hundred already! Yuko is probably hundreds of years old but she still has the appearence of a woman in her late-twenties/early thirties.

Good point! Though it would be weird to find out that Fai could be like a hundred years old! He looks so young, hehehehe.  :hehe:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 23 2006, 05:46 am
Being a huge Tolkien fan, appearance and its relation to age has long lost its significance to me. I never thought of Fai's age but now that someone brought my attention to it, I realise I am expecting him to be a lot older in years than he looks.

(tg - thank you! It was a slow day today at work and I managed to read the first three volumes of xxxHolic as well (the joys of working in a bookstore, even if it is as of yet not very well stocked with manga))
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 23 2006, 09:57 am
Good point! Though it would be weird to find out that Fai could be like a hundred years old! He looks so young, hehehehe. :hehe:

I wouldn't be surprised if Fai was over a hundred years old.   ^_^

Mokona:  Whee!!   Happy birthday Fai! 
Sakura: It's Fai-san's birthday today? 
Kurogane:  What!?   He actually has a birthday!?
Syaoran:  Happy birthday Fai-san! 
Fai:  *smiles/grins*   Thank you!    Is this one of your Secret Techniques, Mokona?
Mokona:  Yes!  Number 35!   Birthday surprise attack!  *hearts hearts*
Syaoran:  Um, Fai-san?  You never told us how old you were going to be. 
Fai:  Can you guess? 
Sakura: 26! 
Mokona: 24!
Kurogane: ........Bah!   You're young!  That's all I'm gonna say! 
Syaoran: Uh, 27?
Fai:  None of the above!  I'm 264 years old now!   
Everyone: *stares* .............  O_o 
Everyone: Wh-------------at!?   
Fai: ....................................... .........................Just kidding! 
Everyone:  *falls onto the floor* 
Kurogane:  What the!?   You don't look the age at all!  *veins*
FaI:  No, not really.   I'm actually 146 years old!  *grins*
Everyone: *stares again* ....................
Fai: So, what did ya get me!?  Huh huh!?   You guys must have the best gifts ever!   *dances around* 
Everyone: *still staring*

(tg - thank you! It was a slow day today at work and I managed to read the first three volumes of xxxHolic as well (the joys of working in a bookstore, even if it is as of yet not very well stocked with manga))

You're welcome!   ^_^  Lucky, you work in a bookstore.  Even if your bookstore doesn't have a lot of manga, still....  It's paradise for many of us!    ^o^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 23 2006, 10:05 am
I wouldn't be surprised if Fai was over a hundred years old.   ^_^

Mokona:  Whee!!   Happy birthday Fai! 
Sakura: It's Fai-san's birthday today? 
Kurogane:  What!?   He actually has a birthday!?
Syaoran:  Happy birthday Fai-san! 
Fai:  *smiles/grins*   Thank you!    Is this one of your Secret Techniques, Mokona?
Mokona:  Yes!  Number 35!   Birthday surprise attack!  *hearts hearts*
Syaoran:  Um, Fai-san?  You never told us how old you were going to be. 
Fai:  Can you guess? 
Sakura: 26! 
Mokona: 24!
Kurogane: ........Bah!   You're young!  That's all I'm gonna say! 
Syaoran: Uh, 27?
Fai:  None of the above!  I'm 264 years old now!   
Everyone: *stares* .............  O_o 
Everyone: Wh-------------at!?   
Fai: ....................................... .........................Just kidding! 
Everyone:  *falls onto the floor* 
Kurogane:  What the!?   You don't look the age at all!  *veins*
FaI:  No, not really.   I'm actually 146 years old!  *grins*
Everyone: *stares again* ....................
Fai: So, what did ya get me!?  Huh huh!?   You guys must have the best gifts ever!   *dances around* 
Everyone: *still staring*

Cool, very funny, can you imagine their reactions if Fai is over a hundred years old...wait you already did! hehehehe! :hehe:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 23 2006, 03:27 pm
I get a mental picture of him throwing the first aid kit in Kuro's face. Dunno why...XD

Because than can actually happen XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ying Hua on July 23 2006, 06:35 pm
Question please! *I'm sorry, but I'm too lazy to read all te other pages -__-"*

Will Syaoran ever be the same again? I loved his innocence and his.. uh.. attitude in TRC... I mean... his niceness... and... everything... *breaks down*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 23 2006, 06:41 pm
Question please! *I'm sorry, but I'm too lazy to read all te other pages -__-"*

Will Syaoran ever be the same again? I loved his innocence and his.. uh.. attitude in TRC... I mean... his niceness... and... everything... *breaks down*
acording to Real syao, no. even tho he IS trying to get his clone to remember Sakura, Our syaoran is gone forever :(
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ying Hua on July 23 2006, 10:10 pm
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 23 2006, 10:21 pm

There there, you'll always have the first 118 chapitres. Besides, we don't know that he's gone for good. We only suspect it to some degree. Afterall, there's still that pesky introductory scene with the glass tube to worry about.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ying Hua on July 23 2006, 10:32 pm
Okay... ;__; I'm too busy laughing at the Tsubasa Radio Show to think about him anyway... But still... *prays that Syaoran will snap back to himself and continue loving Sakura and the ending will be happy*

Oh, the glass tube.. I forgot about that. >__<;; I wonder if... Fei Wong Reed will lock S+S there? O__o;;
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on July 23 2006, 11:02 pm
which bk will dis chapt b in?! it's only book 14 here in singapore.. so slow.. CLAMP's webbie shows tt book 15 is out already.. mayb a few mths more?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 23 2006, 11:59 pm
which bk will dis chapt b in?! it's only book 14 here in singapore.. so slow.. CLAMP's webbie shows tt book 15 is out already.. mayb a few mths more?

This chapter will be in volume 16.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: dark_persian on July 24 2006, 01:43 am
I wouldn't be surprised if Fai was over a hundred years old.   ^_^

Mokona:  Whee!!   Happy birthday Fai! 
Sakura: It's Fai-san's birthday today? 
Kurogane:  What!?   He actually has a birthday!?
Syaoran:  Happy birthday Fai-san! 
Fai:  *smiles/grins*   Thank you!    Is this one of your Secret Techniques, Mokona?
Mokona:  Yes!  Number 35!   Birthday surprise attack!  *hearts hearts*
Syaoran:  Um, Fai-san?  You never told us how old you were going to be. 
Fai:  Can you guess? 
Sakura: 26! 
Mokona: 24!
Kurogane: ........Bah!   You're young!  That's all I'm gonna say! 
Syaoran: Uh, 27?
Fai:  None of the above!  I'm 264 years old now!   
Everyone: *stares* .............  O_o 
Everyone: Wh-------------at!?   
Fai: ....................................... .........................Just kidding! 
Everyone:  *falls onto the floor* 
Kurogane:  What the!?   You don't look the age at all!  *veins*
FaI:  No, not really.   I'm actually 146 years old!  *grins*
Everyone: *stares again* ....................
Fai: So, what did ya get me!?  Huh huh!?   You guys must have the best gifts ever!   *dances around* 
Everyone: *still staring*

lol! I can see poor Sakura tring to fit 146 candles on her little home-made cake!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Tatasenko on July 24 2006, 02:55 am
fortunately,thanks to Shaolan fire sword it will be easy to light all the candles in one second ^^
(if he doesn't burn the house before...)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 24 2006, 05:51 am
lol! I can see poor Sakura tring to fit 146 candles on her little home-made cake!
And naturally the biggest gift will be the jar of dirt!

I wished to ask one question from those who know more of the series - do we know how far we are with it - is about half behind us now, three quarters?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Rekall on July 24 2006, 06:00 am
do we know how far we are with it - is about half behind us now, three quarters?

We have no clue.  All we know is that it's suppose to be longer than X which will have 21 volumes when completed.  But how much longer than X, CLAMP never said.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 24 2006, 01:41 pm
i can't believe our syaoran's gone forever
*remembering where i have seen syaoran last*
sob sob....CLAMP need to explain
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 24 2006, 02:56 pm
No, "our" Syaoran shouldn't be gone forever.  ^_^    I mean, that scene at the beginning of volume one might happen, right?

There's a lot of good theories running around the internet.  (And probably some of my own.)

1) R!Syaoran is actually lying to C!Syaoran in order to get C!Syaoran's "heart" to somehow go back to normal.  (Edit: Although C!Syaoran doesn't really have a "heart" now, that doesn't mean his "love" has faded or did it really go away?)

2) The volume one prelude scene in that giant tube might actually be a "dream"?

3) R!Syaoran would eventually learn to fall in love with Sakura even if he had no feelings for her before.   (So technically, he would become "our" Syaoran again because his heart was  reflected in the clone.)

4) C!Syaoran's heart will be able to revert to "our" Syaoran again.  Problem with this theory is his "program" that's embedded with him unless he can root it out (and become a real boy!  Like Pinocchio!)

5)  Most common theory ---> R!Syaoran and "our Syaoran will merge.  >_>   In one mind, body, spirit, etc.

6) What if the yin/yang seal actually had two parts to it?   Even though we assume that the seal went fully back to C!Syaoran before R!Syaoran retrieved it.   What if, Fai actually had some other part of it, still?

7)  Sakura's voice will awaken "our" Syaoran somehow??   O_o

8)  Something interesting that I read from the MSN TRC manga board.    Syaoran's price was supposedly his "relationship" with Sakura. may have been the other way around!!   Syaoran's price was to forget his "love" with her.  ^_0

And that's all I've seen so far.   Good things to brainstorm as we countdown to Wednesday.    :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 24 2006, 03:14 pm
ooh, good theories ^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: starprov356 on July 24 2006, 05:02 pm
Yeah, at first I was also really upset by the thought that our Syaoran was gone and Syaoran and Sakura's relationship was over.  But then I remembered that, in the first volume, Yukito as the High Priest says that Sakura and Syaoran are destined for each other, even through they will have to go through a lot of adversity.  At least, that's how it was translated in the Del Rey English version, although I see from the manga scanlations that that's not quite what it said in the Japanese.  Presuming that the English version is OK by Clamp . . . this gives me hope that this situation has to work out somehow and we get our Syaoran back, not just someone else replacing him.

Also, much as I agree that Real!Syaoran is hotter and more interesting (at the moment) than our Syaoran, I don't think I'd be satisfied with him fully replacing our Syaoran, especially with Sakura.  So right now I'm betting on 2), hoping for 4) in some form, and thinking 7) is possible.  Personally, I hope to see our good Syaoran struggling with evil programming inside of him.  That could be really good.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on July 25 2006, 12:25 am
i'll be utterly disgusted if OUR Syaoran is gone forever.. though the Syaoran now seems more solid and has more character i can't imagine him pairing with OUR Sakura!!!! I want to believe in starprov356  that the High Priest actually said that they are a destined pair so that they somehow can be together.. I would also like to believe in tg's most common theory no.5..

I don't care S+S MUZ b together!!!!!!

meanwhile i await in pain and not so much anticipation for book 16 to arrive in Singapore.. sobbx..
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Airashii on July 25 2006, 12:44 am
We have no clue. All we know is that it's suppose to be longer than X which will have 21 volumes when completed. But how much longer than X, CLAMP never said.

Whoa! I thought that volume 16 would be somehow near the end. So, the manga series will be much longer than 16 volumes? Whoa! *begin to recolect the money*

i'll be utterly disgusted if OUR Syaoran is gone forever.. though the Syaoran now seems more solid and has more character i can't imagine him pairing with OUR Sakura!!!! I want to believe in starprov356 that the High Priest actually said that they are a destined pair so that they somehow can be together.. I would also like to believe in tg's most common theory no.5..

I don't care S+S MUZ b together!!!!!!

meanwhile i await in pain and not so much anticipation for book 16 to arrive in Singapore.. sobbx..

Ditto, I want the C/Syaoran to be good again. :cry: I don't want him to die or something. The High Priest did said that they were destined to be together, but in the Del Rey adaptation...Mmm, but what if it meant that it can be the R/Syaoran and not our Syaoran that is destined for Sakura?  :surprised:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Å akura on July 25 2006, 02:35 am
Hi! I have just read in that would have a possible mistake (from magazine) in the pages 336 and 348 of this chapter, on something of the Syaoran's eye and the sword brought out for Mokona o.O

Might someone read it better? --->

Code: [Select]

誤)その奪われた 右目と共に
正)その奪われた 左目と共に

誤)黒鋼の刀 出そうと 思ったのに
正)黒鋼に刀 渡そうと 思ったのに

 Direct Link Here (

Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Cherry tiger on July 25 2006, 03:40 am
Hi! I have just read in that would have a possible mistake (from magazine) in the pages 336 and 348 of this chapter, on something of the Syaoran's eye and the sword brought out for Mokona o.O

Might someone read it better? --->

Code: [Select]

誤)その奪われた 右目と共に
正)その奪われた 左目と共に

誤)黒鋼の刀 出そうと 思ったのに
正)黒鋼に刀 渡そうと 思ったのに

 Direct Link Here (


The first one that was changed... is that it wasn't "the stolen right eye" but  "the stolen left eye". (Page 6, the last line that Syaoran says... "That magician tried to return it to you together with that stolen left eye.")

Lol!!!! Of course... I'm surprised none of us noticed that!

And the second one was... "Kurogane's sword feels painful" or something along the lines of it hurts to take out Kurogane's sword.

Now that really explains why Mokona couldn't get the sword AND that little tear drop you see on Mokona's eye. >_>
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 25 2006, 03:46 am
Eeh, well... two more days until chapter 123! Yay!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Dayanira on July 25 2006, 03:52 am
The first one that was changed... is that it wasn't "the stolen right eye" but  "the stolen left eye". (Page 6, the last line that Syaoran says... "That magician tried to return it to you together with that stolen left eye.") 
So it was a mistake? Actually i thought it was said like that because Fai's LEFT eye replaced Syaorans RIGHT eye... so RSyao'S words were about Syao's eye... which was the right one... something like that :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 25 2006, 07:14 am
Hoo...I totally can't keep up with all this right eye/left eye stuff.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: amyanimefan on July 25 2006, 07:48 am
I also don't get the right/left eye stuff :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 25 2006, 08:31 am
Hehee, I get it mostly but since I have a trouble with left and right myself (being a re-taught left-handed person), it is getting a little confusing by now.  I know which eye of C!Syaoran and which of Fai is blind/taken but I keep forgetting R!Syaoran's.

Theory 8 caught my eye because of my recent xxxHolic reading, it was somewhat of a speed-reading so unfortunately I cannot recall the exact sentences in the Del Rey version (it was vol 2 if I am not mistaken), where Yuuko tells Watanuki how she should have taken Syaoran's memories of Sakura as well to pay the price. Then there was something I cannot recall, followed by Yuuko proclaiming that she did not do that since she was such a softy - but of course she was just not telling everything. If theory 8 has some basis, this might be important - whether she was telling the truth about not taking Syaoran's memories, and if she did not, then what was the real reason.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 25 2006, 08:37 am
al this eye talk IS rather confusing. i cant wait for wedneday ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Å akura on July 25 2006, 08:46 am
hai...really is so confusing...@.@
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on July 25 2006, 08:47 am
hai...really is so confusing...@.@

yes...truly...i am VERY lost....
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 25 2006, 09:13 am
My prediction for next chapter is as follows:

A) Syao and Syao will fight. Sakura will yell.


B) One of the X guys will get in there and do something.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 25 2006, 09:27 am
I'm thinking option A myself, Emiko. Sakura will yell a lot.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 25 2006, 09:28 am
I guess it's true that there hasn't been enough yelling yet. (*does not like yelling one iota*)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 25 2006, 09:45 am
I think Kurogane may yell, too. (I don't mind yelling, though it's not exactly the most interesting thing to read.) Kamui will get bored. Maybe the noise will wake Subaru? *overly hopeful*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Rekall on July 25 2006, 10:29 am
Kamui is too busy daydreaming over Fuuma to get bored. :P

And I really do get the feeling that Subaru won't wake up 'til Sei-chan shows up in that world.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on July 25 2006, 03:42 pm
i have this weird feeling i wont be surprised by what happens...because no matter what it is....a small, unnoticed part of me will think that subconsciously i saw it coming even though I myself didn't reaalize it...

...gomenasai...i sound a little strange....  :dodge:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on July 25 2006, 08:27 pm
i'm confused.. @x@ this left and right thing is soooo confusing..
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 25 2006, 08:37 pm
Kamui is too busy daydreaming over Fuuma to get bored. :P

And I really do get the feeling that Subaru won't wake up 'til Sei-chan shows up in that world.

Sei-chan needs to hurry up then XD I wanna see Subaru~~!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 25 2006, 08:44 pm
One more day till chapter 123!  =D
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 25 2006, 08:45 pm
One more day till chapter 123! =D

*gets out a tent and sits outside it waving little flags that say 'Hurry up Sei-chan', 'Wake up Subaru!' and 'KuroFai!!!'*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 25 2006, 08:49 pm
This post has been edited for correction on the eyes!!   >________<  I guess, I'm still confused after all.

The eyes aren't that confusing to me as long as you remember which is from which.   I don't think I have to put down spoiler tags down anymore for this.   >_>

R!Syaoran gave his "left" eye to C!Syaoran.

C!Syaoran became blind in his "right" eye because his "right" eye is R!Syaoran's "left" eye.

Now, R!Syaoran has come back for his "left" eye.

C!Syaoran took Fai's "left" eye for his magic so it became his "left" eye.

Now, Fai is without a "left" eye.  :(

There we go!   ^_^   The whole "eye" food pyramid sort-to-speak.

*gets out a tent and sits outside it waving little flags that say 'Hurry up Sei-chan', 'Wake up Subaru!' and 'KuroFai!!!'*

*gets out my tent and joins you guys on waiting*

*waves flag*   Someone stop C!Syaoran from going crazy!!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: mela on July 25 2006, 09:11 pm
The eyes aren't that confusing to me as long as you remember which is from which.   I don't think I have to put down spoiler tags down anymore for this.   >_>

R!Syaoran gave his "right" eye to C!Syaoran.

C!Syaoran became blind in his "left" eye because his "left" eye is R!Syaoran's "right" eye.

Now, R!Syaoran has come back for his "right" eye.

C!Syaoran took Fai's "left" eye for his magic so it became his "left" eye.

Now, Fai is without a "left" eye.  :(

There we go!   ^_^   The whole "eye" food pyramid sort-to-speak.

*gets out my tent and joins you guys on waiting*

*waves flag* Someone stop C!Syaoran from going crazy!!

I think C!Syaoran couldn't see from his RIGHT eye. Cos I remember in Outo Kurogane grabbed Syaoran's face and was like inspecting his right eye.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sanmine on July 25 2006, 09:13 pm
I've been waiting expectantly for Subaru to make his appearance since Outo. He needs to wake up!

On a slightly less related note, I'd love to see Hokuto make an appearance. I miss her fashion sense. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 25 2006, 09:19 pm
I've been waiting expectantly for Subaru to make his appearance since Outo. He needs to wake up!

On a slightly less related note, I'd love to see Hokuto make an appearance. I miss her fashion sense. XD

We all miss Hokuto's fashion sense D: She and Fai would get on so well...

Darn. Now I really want Hokuto to show up so she and Fai can be evil together XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sanmine on July 25 2006, 09:43 pm
We all miss Hokuto's fashion sense D: She and Fai would get on so well...

Darn. Now I really want Hokuto to show up so she and Fai can be evil together XD

[insert trademark Hokuto laugh here] The two would plot and compare notes. Kurogane and Subaru would be running in fear. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 25 2006, 11:49 pm
[insert trademark Hokuto laugh here] The two would plot and compare notes. Kurogane and Subaru would be running in fear. XD

Of COURSE they would. Maybe we should toss Tomoyo in there too. She'd LOVE to help make crazy outfits for Kurogane and Subaru!!
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sanmine on July 26 2006, 12:36 am
Of COURSE they would. Maybe we should toss Tomoyo in there too. She'd LOVE to help make crazy outfits for Kurogane and Subaru!!

Yes! *claps* You just know Tomoyo would volunteer her services. Something with cat ears and wings perhaps? :XD:

I have a new OT3 <3
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Becster on July 26 2006, 12:49 am
Yes! *claps* You just know Tomoyo would volunteer her services. Something with cat ears and wings perhaps? :XD:

I have a new OT3 <3

Kitty ears! Yes. Hokuto and Tomoyo could make the outfits...and Fai could 'persuade' Kuro (................>D) to let them try it on him.

Bwhahaha. Oh dear.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 26 2006, 01:03 am
There is some world, somewhere, where Hokuto and Tomoyo have started fashion line, with Subaru and Sakura as their top models. I am 100% sure of this.

*adds a "Fai backstory this decade plzkthnx" flag to the bunch*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 26 2006, 01:10 am
I am EXHAUSTED with waiting for Fai's story to come out. I'm at the end of a very fragile rope. It better come out soon. Or at least Clamp should give me a lot of KxF moments to hold me over.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Snow-chan on July 26 2006, 01:22 am
I think C!Syaoran couldn't see from his RIGHT eye. Cos I remember in Outo Kurogane grabbed Syaoran's face and was like inspecting his right eye.
You are right, meliwan. I went through the last few chapters and also checked the chapter in Oto where we first find out about Syaoran's blindness.

R/Syaoran gave his left eye to his clone.
C/Syaoran is blind in his right eye due to it being R/Syaoran's.
C/Syaoran took Fai's left eye to replace his right eye, the one that was R/Syaoran's and was "dissipating".
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: amyanimefan on July 26 2006, 01:48 am
I have this idea.....
 what if fai asks yuko to fix c/syoran craziness ( of as a wish) and must pay a suitable price,
and what is more valuble than his source of magic ....... (left eye)  . Fai let syoran take
his eye and then comes yuko's turn to do some magic..and c/syoran to our/syoran ....
it is just an idea ....... :)
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Pikari on July 26 2006, 01:57 am
The first one that was changed... is that it wasn't "the stolen right eye" but  "the stolen left eye". (Page 6, the last line that Syaoran says... "That magician tried to return it to you together with that stolen left eye.")

Lol!!!! Of course... I'm surprised none of us noticed that!

And the second one was... "Kurogane's sword feels painful" or something along the lines of it hurts to take out Kurogane's sword.

Now that really explains why Mokona couldn't get the sword AND that little tear drop you see on Mokona's eye. >_>

XD Except it says 'watasou', not 'itasou'. Mokona just said he was trying to hand the sword over to Kurogane. And I thought the same as Chiaki when I was reading it.. that it was talking about Syaoran's 'new right eye', but apparently CLAMP are confusing themselves.

*still giggling at Kurogane's sword being painful* Well, it *is* a big sword. XD XD CLAMP really should have used that line instead. Except Fai should have said it. They need to lay off the eye obsession and make things more interesting. ^^;

And whoever predicted lots of Sakura yelling for the next chapter, I'm with them. Not that I want more Sakura yelling.. -__-
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: muhi_kira on July 26 2006, 02:00 am
hi! i'm new here
after i read this chapter "shocked and happy "
when i see real syaoran fight i suddenly thought syaoran in his green outfit ^_^;
i'm looking forward the next chapter
and i can't decided who will win (dilemma) when they two are fought
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Cherry tiger on July 26 2006, 02:07 am
XD Except it says 'watasou', not 'itasou'. Mokona just said he was trying to hand the sword over to Kurogane. And I thought the same as Chiaki when I was reading it.. that it was talking about Syaoran's 'new right eye', but apparently CLAMP are confusing themselves.

*still giggling at Kurogane's sword being painful* Well, it *is* a big sword. XD XD CLAMP really should have used that line instead. Except Fai should have said it. They need to lay off the eye obsession and make things more interesting. ^^;

ROTFL!!!!!!!! Oh! I knew I would've gotten that wrong! I still need to work on my kanji... and reading kanji in a computer written type... :sweatdrop: Lol!!! I'm still amused by it for some reason...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: ishiyaki on July 26 2006, 02:08 am
welcome muki-chan ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Emiko on July 26 2006, 02:12 am
*still giggling at Kurogane's sword being painful* Well, it *is* a big sword. XD XD CLAMP really should have used that line instead. Except Fai should have said it. They need to lay off the eye obsession and make things more interesting. ^^;

Why does the image of Fai muttering that in unconcious delirium amuse me so? XDDD

Not to mention Kuro-kun's ensuing embarrassment... :lol:
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 26 2006, 02:35 am
I have this idea.....
 what if fai asks yuko to fix c/syoran craziness ( of as a wish) and must pay a suitable price,
and what is more valuble than his source of magic ....... (left eye)  . Fai let syoran take
his eye and then comes yuko's turn to do some magic..and c/syoran to our/syoran ....
it is just an idea ....... :)

But how can Fai give up his left eye when Syaoran has it? Plus, his magic comes from both his eyes...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Tatasenko on July 26 2006, 06:49 am
i wonder who will be the first to open the topic of chapter 123 tomorrow...
alas it won't be me because i'll be at work!!!
it will be very hard to concentrate knowing that Fye may be awake T_T
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 26 2006, 08:53 am

And whoever predicted lots of Sakura yelling for the next chapter, I'm with them. Not that I want more Sakura yelling.. -__-
perhaps alllof her yelling will wake subaru up. her hysterical "syorna-kuns will anoy him enough to wake him up xD
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: nefadol on July 26 2006, 09:42 am
perhaps alllof her yelling will wake subaru up. her hysterical "syorna-kuns will anoy him enough to wake him up xD

I can just see it.  He wakes up, kicks her out, and rolls over and goes back to sleep. XD

I'm thinking to get out of the bubble she'll probably have to wake him up, banging on the walls doesn't seem to be doing any good.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 26 2006, 09:52 am
*stares at the clock*
Technically, it's already Wednesday where I live. But I guess I'll have to find chapter 123 tomorrow.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: envyofthestage on July 26 2006, 10:56 am
Same, Meowzy. :P
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: zod on July 26 2006, 12:15 pm

Just wanted to hop in with a quick thank you to Celesse and Pikari for the recent scanlations.  It's great to see quality translators/scanlators keeping current with this amazing manga.  I hate waiting for volume scans, it's way too good!

ch. 123's going to be big,  i'm really looking forward to it!

Thanks again,

- zod out
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 26 2006, 01:13 pm
I think C!Syaoran couldn't see from his RIGHT eye. Cos I remember in Outo Kurogane grabbed Syaoran's face and was like inspecting his right eye.

No....  You're right!!   ^o^   Aghh!    I got mixed up on that again!!   Just when I thought, I got it.  I think, in my subconsciousness, it always makes me think the opposite even though, I know what suppose to be right!   :keke:
Edit:  Thank you!!

>_<   *goes to correct it*

Second edit:  I have read the very beginning summarized part of Chapt. 123 at the Japanese Tsubasa forum.   I shall share it with anyone who is curious.  The Japanese characters and the English translation (that my translator got) will be both here together.  It seems, R!Syaoran decides to do "something".  >_>

Show content


  Mind to which Chapitre.123? parts

Magic sword of Hihonoo. shootingTokyo metropolitan government that cannot
finish resisting the power, collapses, and goes.
"Truth" small wolf that was able to stand barely declares aiming at another
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Å akura on July 26 2006, 01:44 pm

Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: duchessa on July 26 2006, 02:04 pm
Mind to which Chapitre.123? parts

Magic sword of Hihonoo. shootingTokyo metropolitan government that cannot
finish resisting the power, collapses, and goes.
"Truth" small wolf that was able to stand barely declares aiming at another

The Tokyo Tower collapsed?
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Hack on July 26 2006, 02:33 pm
tomorrow's the big day!
har dee har har >>;;
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 26 2006, 03:54 pm


Well, if you remember a few chapters back, R!Syaoran used his right hand (which is mostly known as the dominant hand) to put his "left" eye into C!Syaoran's "right" eye.  That's how CLAMP drew that scene.  That's how it ended up that C!Syaoran became blind on his "right" eye.   It may not make sense as to why a "left" eye became a "right" eye, but, I guess..., it really doesn't matter which eye you take to put into your clone.   O_o  As long as it can carry the sealing spell correctly, it should work.

The Tokyo Tower collapsed?

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Ah..  You may want to hide that (into spoiler tags) unless chapter 123 comes out sooner than we think.   And no, the summary didn't mean the Tokyo Tower collapsed, but, it might have.  Tokyo Tower is mainly a tourist trap with a McDonald's attached to it.  Actually, I don't even remember if Tokyo Tower was left standing in Tsubasa.  Must go back to check.  ^_^   The word "government" comes into play.  To me, it seems like everything's about to collapse!   The "Diet Building" comes into mind because that's a government building.  >_>

Edit no. 2:  It's quite amusing on the Japanese Tsubasa forum.  Some of them are getting confused about the differences between Syaorans.   Several of them seem to think CCS!Syaoran = Real!Syaoran.   Hehe...ehhh... O_o;
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 26 2006, 06:06 pm
takadainmate on LJ isnt going to give us a sneak peak at the chapter this week :( looks like we have to wait for lADY DARKMOON'S SCANS v_v
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Ying Hua on July 26 2006, 07:55 pm
No, "our" Syaoran shouldn't be gone forever.  ^_^    I mean, that scene at the beginning of volume one might happen, right?

There's a lot of good theories running around the internet.  (And probably some of my own.)

1) R!Syaoran is actually lying to C!Syaoran in order to get C!Syaoran's "heart" to somehow go back to normal.  (Edit: Although C!Syaoran doesn't really have a "heart" now, that doesn't mean his "love" has faded or did it really go away?)

2) The volume one prelude scene in that giant tube might actually be a "dream"?

3) R!Syaoran would eventually learn to fall in love with Sakura even if he had no feelings for her before.   (So technically, he would become "our" Syaoran again because his heart was  reflected in the clone.)

4) C!Syaoran's heart will be able to revert to "our" Syaoran again.  Problem with this theory is his "program" that's embedded with him unless he can root it out (and become a real boy!  Like Pinocchio!)

5)  Most common theory ---> R!Syaoran and "our Syaoran will merge.  >_>   In one mind, body, spirit, etc.

6) What if the yin/yang seal actually had two parts to it?   Even though we assume that the seal went fully back to C!Syaoran before R!Syaoran retrieved it.   What if, Fai actually had some other part of it, still?

7)  Sakura's voice will awaken "our" Syaoran somehow??   O_o

8)  Something interesting that I read from the MSN TRC manga board.    Syaoran's price was supposedly his "relationship" with Sakura. may have been the other way around!!   Syaoran's price was to forget his "love" with her.  ^_0

And that's all I've seen so far.   Good things to brainstorm as we countdown to Wednesday.    :keke:

I like these theories. They give me hope. Now, onto reading the last 3 pages
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 26 2006, 08:33 pm
takadainmate on LJ isnt going to give us a sneak peak at the chapter this week :( looks like we have to wait for lADY DARKMOON'S SCANS v_v

Well, I always enjoy LadyDarkMoon's RAW's the most. Wonderful quality. ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 26 2006, 08:36 pm
Well, I always enjoy LadyDarkMoon's RAW's the most. Wonderful quality. ^_^
indeed. it was just nice for those past 3 chapters to get a early look at the chapters ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 26 2006, 08:49 pm
I suppose... But I got a bit annoyed by the quality, because sometimes it was hard to see what was going on. ^^'

*listens to Dreamscape again*
Gawd, I love this song. *_*
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: envyofthestage on July 26 2006, 09:06 pm
I'm not really a fan of dreamscape...
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Touei on July 26 2006, 09:07 pm
Ah yeah, I stumbled across that summary on the Japanese Tsubasa forums too (~here (, ye?)  I cant read japanese xD; but
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I think (read: Babelfish thinks xD) it also says that R!Syaoran uses CCS style magic against the clone? 

Anyone found any other summaries D:?

And I agree, ladydarkmoon's scans are awesome - very much worth the wait :3
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Capella on July 26 2006, 09:15 pm
Ladydarkmoon has great scans, yes, this is true. Having the lesser quality scans was nice, though, since it let you knwo basically what was happening until Ladydarkmoon had hers up and you could get a clearer idea. But waiting is fine too.

I second the random dream scape love, Meowzy.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: tg on July 26 2006, 10:11 pm
Ah yeah, I stumbled across that summary on the Japanese Tsubasa forums too (~here (, ye?) I cant read japanese xD; but
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I think (read: Babelfish thinks xD) it also says that R!Syaoran uses CCS style magic against the clone?

Anyone found any other summaries D:?

Yeah, from there.   Those two sentences, I put down earlier, are the only ones that I read so far.  I didn't want to spoil myself any further as it is.  I rather wait patiently for the scans first before going back to read the whole summary.  As for the Chapt. 123 spoiler that you put down, it seems about right since it looks like that's the only thing he can do (for now).   Sorry, there isn't any other place that has summaries as of this moment except the one you put down.  ^_^   Well, not that I can think of at least.
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 01:27 am
*starts twitching*
Need... chapter... 123...  O_<
Title: Re: Chapter 122
Post by: Mina on July 27 2006, 12:22 pm
I'm so slow XD Only after readling chapt 123 did I realize that in chapt 122, the question in my siggy (which is saying "the clone and real, which is the one that loves Sakura?"), haha  :XD: