
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Manga Chapter Discussions => Topic started by: Touei on July 27 2006, 02:59 am

Title: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on July 27 2006, 02:59 am
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 03:00 am
you beat me >.< once again
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on July 27 2006, 03:04 am

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Ouch, right through the leg. Poor Syaoran. And it looks like Sakura got her feather back. And Syaoran's acting funny. Good chapter I guess *is a little miffed about the lack of Kurogane and Fai, but understands* Guess we need the plot, don't we? Dammit I hope Real!Syaoran isn't out of the running. I like him better than Clone-san.

Good chapter for S+S people I guess? Since on the last couple pages they looked like they were gonna do a little kissin'?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 03:06 am
*starts download*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 03:09 am
At First I thought sakura would be shock because of two syaorans....
But I think this did it

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that is it for Kuroxfai >_>
but kuro is holding fai even closier  :hehe:

also, at the end, doesn't it look like they are going to kiss [S+S], if you didn't read the whole chapter, and you only saw the last page *gets shot*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: envyofthestage on July 27 2006, 03:10 am
*is disappointed*

Ack well, the fighting part had to happen at some point.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 03:12 am
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... Wait, if the feather was in that human shaped coccoon thing... Then where is Subaru?! O_O
No Kurogane or Fai action... *sigh*
Syaoran got stabbed in the leg! Awesome!
Did you notice Sakura's fingers were all bloodied up?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Cherry tiger on July 27 2006, 03:13 am
Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! *squeals*

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Real Syaoran might actually really be CCS Syaoran... he said 'Raitei Shorai' as his spell to attack Syaoran.

And oh god... that last scene... that last scene... *squeals* Awesome in such a sick minded way! Lol!!!

I can't give out much since I'm still processing what's happened... but awesome! Awesome!!!!!

Oh, and Subaru's in that coccoon thing... >_>
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on July 27 2006, 03:16 am
you beat me >.< once again
Ahaha n__n;

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So. Hhm. o.o..
Is Subaru in that strange.. blob-like thing then? The thing C!Syaoran cut open D: (Maybe we'll finally get to see Subaru next week .o. *squeals* Subaru loveee~<3 )
And. Ow. R!Syaoran's leg *shivers* The clone is really scary .__. 'speshially with the whole Sakura's feather bit on the last few pages..
D: Only one panel with Kuro and Fai in, but it was a nice panel X'D
Aand,  R!Syaoran's sword .. materialized ..when he did the CCS!Magickz? Yeah?
*goes to re-read*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 03:19 am
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Is it the same sword as in CCS? Or a different one?
But if Subaru is in the blob thing... Doesn't that mean Syaoran just cut him into two pieces?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on July 27 2006, 03:20 am
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I really hope real!Syaoran isn't CCS!Syaoran. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but that would be so lame. I want real!Syaoran to be his own person.

*sighs* Well, one more week 'til 124!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Jenx on July 27 2006, 03:21 am
Geh. This chapter was kinda boring. D= But I guess it needed to happen, and I still want to have clone's babies...
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If R!Syaoran is CCS Syaoran, I'm gonna scream. DX
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on July 27 2006, 03:24 am
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Is it the same sword as in CCS? Or a different one?

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It's the same! homg. *dies*
compare.. say.. this ( with his sword on page 12.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Cherry tiger on July 27 2006, 03:26 am
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I'm actually with Emiko... I don't want Real Syaoran to be CCS Syaoran, but with all these points... the sword, and the spell he used... I'm seriously wondering what's going on. Unless there's another Syaoran who's similar to CCS Syaoran...

And if you look carefully, clone Syaoran did not cut the coccoon in half, he merely slit it open a little for the feather to come out.

I can't stop staring at the last two pages... @_@
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 03:28 am
What if

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CSS syaoran was a twin. and at birth they were seperated, some how [by clow, or FWR, somthing], and it was kept in secret so CSS syaoran didn't know *gets shot by every one*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on July 27 2006, 03:29 am
Great chapter!! It was really good!! But it's in japanese...*sigh*, Oh, well... :heh: Anyway,
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Sakura looks kindda scared when C/Syaoran grabs her, does she knows thats the Syaoran whose been helping her through-out the whole series? And where are Fai and Kurogan?  :cry:

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I really hope real!Syaoran isn't CCS!Syaoran. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but that would be so lame. I want real!Syaoran to be his own person.

*sighs* Well, one more week 'til 124!
Yes, it would be lame if
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CCS Syaoran was the R/Syaoran, it just would be weird.

What if

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CSS syaoran was a twin. and at birth they were seperated, some how [by clow, or FWR, somthing], and it was kept in secret so CSS syaoran didn't know *gets shot by every one*

That's weird...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 03:29 am
That's weird...
I had to say something. :lol:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on July 27 2006, 03:30 am
Though creative, heheheheh
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mizunotsubasa on July 27 2006, 03:32 am
wow you beat me too it, you guys are so fast. I need translation, aww Syaoran.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on July 27 2006, 03:34 am
I'm thinking that
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All the CCS!Syaoran similarities might just be Clamp referencing CCS. Since TRC!Syaoran is pretty different from CCS!Syaoran. Maybe it's just another crossover.

*also found this chapter pretty boring*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 03:37 am
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What if Real!Syaoran is actually clone of CCS Syaoran? Making Clone!Syaoran a clone of a clone? XD
But, yeah, I think it's references to CCS. It's not sure if Clow Reed from Clow Country is the same Clow Reed as Clow Reed from CCS either.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on July 27 2006, 03:40 am
That looked kinda... dirty, ohohohohohoho XD

I thought it was interesting towards the end, but the beginning was *yawn*

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Clone!Syaoran is so badass.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on July 27 2006, 03:43 am
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What if Real!Syaoran is actually clone of CCS Syaoran? Making Clone!Syaoran a clone of a clone? XD
But, yeah, I think it's references to CCS. It's not sure if Clow Reed from Clow Country is the same Clow Reed as Clow Reed from CCS either.

Cool theory!, Though I would find it kindda of confusing!  :hehe:
Argh, I can't post, everyone is posting replies too fast! :heh:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on July 27 2006, 03:47 am
XD I miss the mad post rush of chapter 120.

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The ending WAS more interesting than the beginning, with Syaoran being all grabby. I guess it's cause I'm not hugely interested in Syaoran or Sakura that I didn't find the chapter that interesting overall. Hopefully Real!Syaoran's ok. And Kuro and Fai do something. Naked.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 03:51 am
XD I miss the mad post rush of chapter 120.

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The ending WAS more interesting than the beginning, with Syaoran being all grabby. I guess it's cause I'm not hugely interested in Syaoran or Sakura that I didn't find the chapter that interesting overall. Hopefully Real!Syaoran's ok. And Kuro and Fai do something. Naked.
Same here. I miss it. One page every 5 minutes. Those were the days

And as for Kuroxfai
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isn't kuro is holding fai even closier  :hehe: kind of like KISS ME
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on July 27 2006, 03:53 am
Ooo, I can actually translate the last half of the chapter!

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If Syaoran has just cut open the coccoon to get the feather out then does that mean Subaru will have to wake up?

OMG SQUEE!!!!!!!!  SUBARU!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Okay, so as for THIS chapter, lots of Sakura pleading with both the Syaorans, Real!Syaoran using magic (Raitei Shourai too!  I could read THAT from the furigana!), Clone!Syaoran acting all creepy and possesive/protective/single minded over Sakura.

Can't wait for translations...the Syaorans' dialogues need it.

Ooo, I can translate the last half (cause it's easy!)

Sakura: Yamede!!!  [Stop!!!]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun o korosanaide!!!  [Don't kill Syaoran-kun!!!]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun
Subaru: Matte, Kamui  [Wait, Kamui]
Kamui: Subaru!?
Subaru: Matte [Wait]
Sakura:Dame!  [Don't!]
Sakura: Iya, matte [No, wait]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun
Pg 20
Syaoran: Hane wa torimodosu kanarazu [I'll return the feather without fail]

Yeah, I know, that's the easy bit of the chapter but still!

Subaru speaking!  And letting Syaoran take the feather!

I am one HAPPY fangirl!

Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on July 27 2006, 04:18 am
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What if Real!Syaoran is actually clone of CCS Syaoran? Making Clone!Syaoran a clone of a clone? XD
But, yeah, I think it's references to CCS. It's not sure if Clow Reed from Clow Country is the same Clow Reed as Clow Reed from CCS either.

umm...i think the one of clow country and CCS are different....welll i think i read it could be not entriely sure myself either.....

*so glad chapter 123 is out*   :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sanmine on July 27 2006, 04:35 am
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I'm presuming that the CCS references were to emphasize the 'realness' (apologies for the lack of coherency) of that Syaoran. I'm guessing that sort of power wouldn't be replicated in the cloning process, plus he'd need to be taught how to use it. I dunno, just seemed to me to highlight that clone!Syaoran is, well, just a clone.

Hopefully someone understands what I'm trying to get at. I sure don't.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: bie liao on July 27 2006, 04:38 am

^My brain.

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Can we say RAPE personal space?  He's all up on her, man.  And I feel really bad.  I was fangirling so hard over the sword he pulled from nowhere that I completely missed the sword through Real!Syaoran's leg until I looked down at Sakura (who was once again freaking out) and was like "Uhm?  Whats up with he- ALKDJFLAKSDJFLKDJF!~ HIS LEG~"

I screamed so loudly, I spoiled the entire series in one breath for my sister, who came running in here and had to be explained what the heck was going on.

I need a translation SO BADLY ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY.  I want to know wtf is going on with Subaru and the last FRIKKEN PAGE OF WHAT IS HE DOING.

I think I may need a paramedic...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on July 27 2006, 04:53 am
I too need a translation quick!  :sad5:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 27 2006, 05:01 am
Yes!   Great chapter for us S+S fans!    :sweatdrop:  

I thought everyone learned that....
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CCS!Syaoran does not equal Real!Syaoran!  I keep repeating it but no one listens here..   >_< Oh well.  That's the only thing that keeps me from being confused.    I agree that Real!Syaoran will have very similar traits to CCS!Syaoran but he isn't CCS!Syaoran!   CCS!Syaoran belongs to Yuuko's dimension.   CLAMP emphasized of having Real!Syaoran share similar abilities to CCS!Syaoran so we can acknowledge that he is well..."real".  

Hemph.  At least, now I know why the Japanese Tsubasa board keeps putting "CCS" in almost every single one of their posts.  

Telling from that forum as well as in that person's summary of the chapter, R!Syaoran is telling C!Syaoran something about when he passed half of his heart/mind to him, and how, he was able to solve things from him as well?  So, half a mind, right?  

And oooh...  How is R!Syaoran going to get out of his mess with an injury like that?  Actually, nevermind.  He'll get out of it no matter what.   That last page is very very creepy to me.  I mean, if I put myself in Sakura's shoes and stare into emotionless C!Syaoran's face.  The only words he'll say are, "I will return the feathers without fail."      (Thanks to selenityshiro's translation)   I'll be frozen stiff!  :D  
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Hack on July 27 2006, 05:02 am

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i am soo over C!syaoran. i feel sorry for R!syaoran, at least it wasn't his heart 0_0
sakura seems prettier in this chapter....edit: it seems that sakura doesn't want syaoran to kill syaoran:D
maybe if sabaru appears, he can kill....wait not kill but like make syaoran doesn't kill everyone 0_0
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kana-chan on July 27 2006, 05:14 am
This chapter was sort of boring....hopefully nexts weeks will be more interesting...>_>;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: bie liao on July 27 2006, 05:16 am
not to repeat things but
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I really don't think that his sword and incantation mean he's CCS Syaoran.  I think CLAMP just wanted to help us relate him to CCS Syaoran, who to us, is the REAL Syaoran.  I mean, now I totally see him as Syaoran, and CloneSyaoran as...a clone.

Feel bad for Clone Syaoran, but worse for Syaoran.  See?

but that's just me.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 27 2006, 05:22 am
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I like the chapter but... it was kinda boring, anyway, the cocoon is open! Subaru has Spoke to Kamui and OMG!!! will he wake up now?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 27 2006, 05:23 am
not to repeat things but
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I really don't think that his sword and incantation mean he's CCS Syaoran. I think CLAMP just wanted to help us relate him to CCS Syaoran, who to us, is the REAL Syaoran. I mean, now I totally see him as Syaoran, and CloneSyaoran as...a clone.

Feel bad for Clone Syaoran, but worse for Syaoran. See?

but that's just me.

 *agrees agrees*   Remember, CLAMP made Tsubasa in a way so that no one has to read the "original" manga of where the CLAMP characters came from in order to understand Tsubasa.  ^_0  So, for those who haven't read CCS at all, we proudly introduce to you...... R!Syaoran!  Mwahahahah!!       (Another example of this would be the game, Kingdom Hearts.)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on July 27 2006, 05:25 am
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sakura seems prettier in this chapter....
She looks an awful lot like Kobato actually...
I hope Subaru comes out soon. He's a better target to terrorize than poor Sakura. The TokyoBabylon/Xesque exchange just doesn't work with Syaoran. Any Syaoran. Though he does look like Kamui and/or Ashura here.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sanmine on July 27 2006, 05:34 am
not to repeat things but
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I really don't think that his sword and incantation mean he's CCS Syaoran.  I think CLAMP just wanted to help us relate him to CCS Syaoran, who to us, is the REAL Syaoran.  I mean, now I totally see him as Syaoran, and CloneSyaoran as...a clone.

Ah, *this* is what I was trying to say. Although you did it much better than me. ^^;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on July 27 2006, 05:38 am
I managed to read a few posts before the download completed and therefore was expecting to be more bored - however my expectations were exceeded in the end by the last few pages that are very very creepy but dramatically working very well.

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In a twisted way C!Syaoran's grabby behaviour towards Sakura made me regain a little fascination with him for the appearance of R!Syaoran and the clone getting a "personality wipe" had caused me to lose real interest or care for C!S.

Poor R!S!

Seeing as now two people are out with wound, that we are at least a quarter away from the end of the series and Sakura's feather being found (and I would predict that she'll faint once more), a theory kind of formed in my head, mostly from overimaginative mind.
But it depends majorly on whether C!Syaoran is able to travel between the worlds with half of Fai's magic; less on whether there is another feather in that world.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 27 2006, 05:52 am
Maybe I'm just easily amused, but I didn't find the chapter boring.

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Sakura looks lovely on the splash page.

Creepy stuff with clone!Syaoran and Sakura's feather at the end...The way he was treating her was just so opposite of how he acted with his heart. Mind, I love creepy stuff.

The bubble breaking is good. And why is Subaru a disembodied voice? Wow, can CLAMP ever hold on to something and refuse to give it up. How long have we known that Subaru was in this room without seeing him, now?

I don't think real!Syaoran having the same attack as CCS!Syaoran means anything in particular. The TRC versions of Souma, Ryuu-ou, Ashura, and Yasha all have the weapons and attacks they did in RG Veda, but they are clearly not the same people. (One day I will get through a discussion without mentioning RG Veda, but that day is not today.) It's just another crossover.

Sword through the leg = oww...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Hack on July 27 2006, 05:52 am
i just noticed

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sakura just woke up last chapter....she sleeps again?! 0_0.....

just a random thing
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: bie liao on July 27 2006, 05:59 am

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She can't go to sleep all over again, that would be pointless.  Maybe for the first time, she managest to stay awake?

Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 27 2006, 06:01 am
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Sakura is going to sleep again!!   I mean, she just got that feather into her body so...   That's great  (in sarcastic tone of voice).   >_<  Just when we thought she was going to stay awake for some time, she's probably now going to act like a human Poke'ball for C!Syaoran to contain those feathers, ne?  (Hehe...and excuse me for comparing her with a Poke'ball.   I just find it a bit amusing.)    Oh well.  This is shonen so boys should be more of the main action than the girls.  *sighs*

Maybe, it is better if everyone stops collecting the feathers back to Sakura?  I mean, the price in the end is going to be heavy because this is excatly what FWR wants.  O___O
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: bie liao on July 27 2006, 06:04 am
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I can't believe they'd wake her up so she could scream and cry a little and then put her to sleep again.  That's just...UGH.

And I wanna think that somewhere, deeeeeeeep inside of CSyao, there's a bit of that heart left, or something.  Otherwise, S/S is done.  Because, however silly it sounds, now she IS like his human Poke'ball.

How depressing for the fans.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on July 27 2006, 06:05 am
*falls flat on her face*


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Okay, as is well know I am a COMPLETE KuroFai fangirl...but I also love Those final pages - the last two - Really hot. I loved the emphasis Clamp placed on making the lips stand out on both of them and my fangirl was split into three parts:

Fangirl #1: *still fawning over the tiny little panel with Kurogane and Fai where it looks like Kurogane is holding Fai closer than in the previous chapter*

Fangirl #2: *sat there thinking: 'Zomg. Clone Syaoran just got twelve times hotter. Okay, Real!Syaoran for the win, but Clone!Syaoran - WITHOUT EMOTIONS - is freakin' hot. Hotter than he was beforehand.'**gurgle*

Fangirl #3: *spazzing going: 'I DO NOT CARE IF YOU ARE A CLONE. KISS HER. KISS HER. GO ON. KISS HER. GWAH.'*

And little itty bitty fangirl #4 was going 'Wah. Not much clonecest...ness...'


I suppose it was a little bit of a disappointing chapter, as I really expected something to happen with Fai. Here's to hoping he wakes up next week and there's a nice KuroFai hint. Woo woo! (there is a chapter next week...right?) But the SyaoXSaku bits...even if it was cloney boy, were nice. And hot. In their way. But I already said that.

*sets up camp for next chapter* ^w^


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Hopefully Real!Syaoran's ok. And Kuro and Fai do something. Naked.

For the record, I miss the sheer crack of the Chapter 120 thread after we all went mad.

And I completely agree with your hopes for the next chapter. Especially the last part. *insert Tomoyo!Laugh here* Ohohohoho...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 27 2006, 06:13 am
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Maybe, it is better if everyone stops collecting the feathers back to Sakura?  I mean, the price in the end is going to be heavy because this is excatly what FWR wants.  O___O

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That might be the best thing for the main characters. The only problem is countries like Koryo, Hanshin, Idols, and Outo where the feathers are being used in ways that are...not exactly good for the residents of those worlds. Since we don't know exactly what FWR wants, that might be the worse option on multiversal terms. Are our characters concerned with that at all? Or just with Syaoran and Sakura?

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Okay, as is well know I am a COMPLETE KuroFai fangirl...but I also love Those final pages - the last two - Really hot. I loved the emphasis Clamp placed on making the lips stand out on both of them

*sets up camp for next chapter* ^w^

I completely agree.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Hack on July 27 2006, 06:17 am
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sakura: NOOOOO! NO!!!! SYAORAN!!! NO!!!!NO!NO!NO!NO!
kamui, two syaorans, kuro and fai : OMG.....shut her up somebody
C!syao: dude, she's loud..*gets the feather put her to sleep*
everyone: that's better :D
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: bie liao on July 27 2006, 06:26 am
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sakura: NOOOOO! NO!!!! SYAORAN!!! NO!!!!NO!NO!NO!NO!
kamui, two syaorans, kuro and fai : OMG.....shut her up somebody
C!syao: dude, she's loud..*gets the feather put her to sleep*
everyone: that's better :D

Can we please not start the Sakura-bashing again?  What would you do if
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the boy you fell in love with was a clone and two of them were fighting and one got stabbed through the leg and everything WAS BLOODY?  Would you just sit there quietly and smile?  I hope not...

It just seems pointless to do this all over again.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on July 27 2006, 06:27 am
Can we please not start the Sakura-bashing again? What would you do if
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the boy you fell in love with was a clone and two of them were fighting and one got stabbed through the leg and everything WAS BLOODY? Would you just sit there quietly and smile? I hope not...

It just seems pointless to do this all over again.

I'm with you on this one. No Sakura bashing. The girl is going through a pretty tough time.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Hack on July 27 2006, 06:30 am
What would you do if
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the boy you fell in love with was a clone and two of them were fighting and one got stabbed through the leg and everything WAS BLOODY?  Would you just sit there quietly and smile?  I hope not...

i don't think that's possible in there's no way guys would fight over me...0_0
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on July 27 2006, 06:32 am
The same goes for me. Don't start the Sakura bashing. Sakura is in a pretty rough situation. I mean, her Syaoran is evil. To me Sakura is pretty strong if she is just crying and screaming, if that happened to me, I would have already fainted or vomited over the scene, something much more dramatic.  :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Whisk on July 27 2006, 06:35 am
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That was a very amusing chapter ^_^ i for one did enjoy the battle sceene!  I am routing for R.S!  I dont think he is related to anything with ccs cause of the clothing, and pluse that would make C.S part of ccs also since he is part of R.S and that would mean he already would have a Sakura in a way.

As for for FWR, i think he wants the feathers but is having Sakura collecting them while trying to gain them for himself.  He probably wants to shove them all back into Sakura and use her as a implemented tool for his own purposes.  As we can see those feathers are increadibly powerful so imagine if they were all back in Sakura, and not just that, the feathers powres are activated a bit now, so FWR would try to use her as a tool to gain what he may want.  As far as trying to steal a efw feathers, he is probably only trying to do that to lure his victems to him.

I think the C.S just lost  everything that made him real, in a sense, less of a shell then he was before becaus ehe is a clone.  I also think since R.S took everything that was in C.S back, that the only thing that is keeping C.S. moving or not all out crazy violent then he probaby can go now, is the wish he made with the dimension witch to get all the feathers back, that power pluse the feelings he may/may not have for Sakura combined is doing this to him now.  So basically he is now a machine trying to compute and do w/e to get the feathers back into her, even by forcing it to her.

Thats my input for what i can tell for now... >_< I hope the R.S can pull through.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 06:35 am
Hey, uhm... I heard like... a pretty long time ago, that CLAMP was planning 21 volumes for Tsubasa. Does that still stand? Because, if I'm not mistaken, that leaves only 5 volumes now. Right?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Hack on July 27 2006, 06:36 am
if i were in sakura's place, i'd be shock that there is another person standing who looks exactly like syaoran and
more shocked that he got someone's eye0_0
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 06:37 am
The same goes for me. Don't start the Sakura bashing. Sakura is in a pretty rough situation. I mean, her Syaoran is evil. To me Sakura is pretty strong if she is just crying and screaming, if that happened to me, I would have already fainted or vomited over the scene, something much more dramatic.  :XD:
I do agree a bit

I was sakura, I would bit in a state of shock.
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two boyfriends, one with blood on face, trying to kill each other, one goes down with a sword in his LEG O_O, syaoran comes to you, opens the thingly, then rips open and grabs you the feather, and your face to face. I will be in a state of shock. No dout about that.
p.s, Becster I like your chobits sig, and that CHI IS HIDEKI, and not fai, because fai is taken ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 27 2006, 06:38 am
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That might be the best thing for the main characters. The only problem is countries like Koryo, Hanshin, Idols, and Outo where the feathers are being used in ways that are...not exactly good for the residents of those worlds. Since we don't know exactly what FWR wants, that might be the worse option on multiversal terms. Are our characters concerned with that at all? Or just with Syaoran and Sakura?

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   That's true.   Most of the worlds we've been to were having problems of their own caused by the feathers.  That does provide a dilemma of some sort because it's between collecting the feathers for evil or collecting the feathers for the sake of everyone's safety.    Clow!Syaoran and everyone else weren't fully aware of the truth of their journey.   Only Yuuko, FWR,and most likely, R!Syaoran would know!!  O_o 

Hey, uhm... I heard like... a pretty long time ago, that CLAMP was planning 21 volumes for Tsubasa. Does that still stand? Because, if I'm not mistaken, that leaves only 5 volumes now. Right?

Well, from one interview that I remember of, CLAMP said that they were planning on making Tsubasa longer than "X" which is going to be a total of 21 volumes.  So, I'm hoping it's more than 21 because that is only going to be the length of "X".
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on July 27 2006, 06:40 am
p.s, Becster I like your chobits sig, and that CHI IS HIDEKI, and not fai, because fai is taken ^^;;

Thanks. Capella made it XD It's for our 'Remember Hideki' Campaign. Fighting the good fight against FaiXChi XDD

Want to join the pity party? We have cake, brownies, balloons and lemonade (I think)

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But, yeah. If I were in Sakura's postion I would've fainted out of fright...seriously...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: bie liao on July 27 2006, 06:43 am
I just mentioned that to my friend~ 
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who has no idea whats going on, but nodded kindly while I told her I'd have most likely peed myself or fainted if the guy who'd just stabbed another guy in the leg got all up next to me like that.

I'm all for Chi/Hideki~  Chobits was the first CLAMP manga I finished, I adored it.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on July 27 2006, 06:46 am
heh, colored the last page if anyone cares
should I post it?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 06:48 am
heh, colored the last page if anyone cares
should I post it?
OMG I would love to see it!!!!

Thanks. Capella made it XD It's for our 'Remember Hideki' Campaign. Fighting the good fight against FaiXChi XDD

Want to join the pity party? We have cake, brownies, balloons and lemonade (I think)
Cakes, brownies, balloons, LEMONADE, I'll join, I'll join *
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on July 27 2006, 06:49 am
OMG I would love to see it!!!!
Cakes, brownies, balloons, LEMONADE, I'll join, I'll join *

Yaaaaay!! Just bring something of your own along okay. Pineapples are welcome too...just to further our non-support for FaiXChi =D

Brrrrrruuuuu...I just re-read it. Again.

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Clone!Syaoran...still hot. Still scary...Chapter still making me go: O_O

I want Subaru to wake up! and get molested by a randomly appearing Sei-chan!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on July 27 2006, 06:50 am
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But, yeah. If I were in Sakura's postion I would've fainted out of fright...seriously...
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Being very slow in reactions (I like the Estonian phrase that would be "slowly-wired" when translated directly) myself I would probably just look wide-eyed from one Syaoran to the other and mumble "Um, what is going on? Ok, someone let me get away from both of them to sort out what I just saw". I'd be too shocked to scream and yell. And once C!S would come barging into the cocoon there would be a very silly surprised look on my face.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on July 27 2006, 06:51 am
very well
*hopes it works, I'm new here and am still getting used to it ^^;*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on July 27 2006, 06:52 am
very well
*hopes it works, I'm new here and am still getting used to it ^^;*
man, I wish it was bigger ^^;.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 06:53 am
very well
*hopes it works, I'm new here and am still getting used to it ^^;*
*faints* that was great, *cookie*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on July 27 2006, 06:53 am
*faints* that was great, *cookie*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 06:54 am
Yaaaaay!! Just bring something of your own along okay. Pineapples are welcome too...just to further our non-support for FaiXChi =D

I wanna join too! Can I? 
*bounce bounce*

Hmm... More than 21 volumes... We're far from the end then. >P
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on July 27 2006, 06:57 am
Yaaaaay!! Just bring something of your own along okay. Pineapples are welcome too...just to further our non-support for FaiXChi =D

Brrrrrruuuuu...I just re-read it. Again.

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Clone!Syaoran...still hot. Still scary...Chapter still making me go: O_O

I want Subaru to wake up! and get molested by a randomly appearing Sei-chan!
Ok, I"ll bring the pineapples ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on July 27 2006, 06:58 am
I wanna join too! Can I?
*bounce bounce*

Hmm... More than 21 volumes... We're far from the end then. >P

Yes! Join usss!!! XD Join usss...

Well. I guess we are a way from the end...however I have a feeling that this time next year it'll be winding together. Since I joined these boards Clamp has done volume 14, 15 and started on 16. Using that as a basis...that's five months ( Time flies.). So...a volume every two months (I reckon it'll be 6 months since I joined when volume 16 is finished)...

It'll probably finished around Autumn/Winter next year...(Although this is just a rough guess (because I'm bored). So don't quote me on that.)

...It's odd. I want Tsubasa to end so I know everything...but I never want it to end. Does that make sense?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 07:03 am
...It's odd. I want Tsubasa to end so I know everything...but I never want it to end. Does that make sense?

I know exactly how you feel. ^^'

Is there like... a topic for Remember Hideki?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sanmine on July 27 2006, 07:07 am
Great job moonlight_shine! Thanks for sharing.

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And I feel as if I ought to commend Sakura for her reaction. I would have rejoined Subaru and gone back to sleep in denial.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on July 27 2006, 07:08 am
I know exactly how you feel. ^^'

Is there like... a topic for Remember Hideki?

I'd love to make one, but where would I put it?

I'm glad you get what I mean XD It's like...when I played Tales of Symphonia, I wanted to know the ending, but I didn't want it to end because I was having so much fun playing it. It's like that with Tsubasa...except I read it, rather than play it.

(OMG there's a thunder and lightning storm here. ;_; I dun likkkeeee ittttt...)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 07:11 am
IIIIH! Becster! You're a ToS fan?! Tell me, how do you feel about YuanxKratos? >3
And... just to stay ontopic... you could post the topic in the General TRC discussion topic? Or Anything goes? =S
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: ishiyaki on July 27 2006, 07:15 am
wow, 23 fans logged and 21 guests!!! :hello2:

I think this chapter hasn't been boring. I need translation and Pikari is improving her website...I can't wait for next chapter, and next week I'm out, so I'll have to wait to come back home!!!
*crashs head against desk* :BangHead:

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yes, sword of RealSyaoran is from Syaoran in CCS. I'm confused...who's now the good Syaoran?? they try to kill each other, and Sakura is hysteric...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 27 2006, 08:04 am
*starts downloading*

holy ... O_o
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Rekall on July 27 2006, 08:37 am
*squee* Subaru spoke again!  I hope he shows up soon!

And someone sign me up for the "Remember Hideki" club.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 27 2006, 08:59 am
Yeah, I can't wati until Subaru shows up too!   ^_^  I mean, it's been nice seeing his voice float around like some non-existant being but now, it's nice to see a body with a head.

*starts downloading*

holy ... O_o

Haha...    ^_^   Ok SailorYue-chan.    Breathe easily!   Don't have a heart attack on us!   ^o^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on July 27 2006, 09:17 am
Ne, do you reckon it's going to be teen Subaru or older Subaru?

I'm torn between having cute, adorable 16 year old Subaru (as a vampire!) and having angsty, bishie 25 year old Subaru.  TRC!Seishirou doesn't really match either age (To-babi or X)  so we can't use him as a reference and I suppose Kamui is either the same age as Subaru or has the same age difference as there was in X [leading back to the first question-16 or 25].

The hand Kamui was holding in the splash page a while back (thus far the only body part of Subaru we have seen) doesn't really give a clue (I'm more inclined to think that it's older Subaru's hand but...difficult to tell).

I would say that Clamp love teen Subaru too much (just look at how often he appears in Clamp South and North side) and wouldn't ruin the image by making him a potentially angsty vampire, but I didn't think they would give beloved Sakura-chan angst either.  I am believing, personally, that he will be older Subaru (or at least inbetween 16 and 25).  Just as a hunch.

Although, either way would get us Subaru-kun, and that's all that matters to his fangirl minions!  (That and a heart warming breaking stopping reunion with Sei-chan!)

Please let him appear soon!  Please!

Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 27 2006, 09:25 am
Now that you talk about the whole Angst and Sakura is like:

Sakura: *angst* syaoran-kuuun! *sob*
Kamui: *looks at her then Subaru* She fits the bill
Tsubaru: totally, al last for now, come Sakura! welcome to the CLAMP ANGST club
Sakura: ...*ANGST*
Kamui: That's the spirit!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Aethelthryth on July 27 2006, 09:45 am
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Ne, what's C!Syaoran's purpose of collecting the feathers? Does he want to restore Sakura's memory, or is he now just like a doll following FWR's order? Or does he want to take the power? Remember that he ate Fye's eye because it's the source of power, and he needs it to get all the feathers. If he finally got all the feathers, would he eat Sakura as well??? Coz that last scene - when he looks like he's going to kiss her - reminds me of the scene when he wanted to eat Fye's other eye....
Aaarrrggghhh!!! I'm confused!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on July 27 2006, 10:00 am
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Well, I'm guessing that FWR wants the feathers all in one place? Together? In Sakura? So he can get the whole thing, not just fragmented bits? Or is it just the power in the ruins he wants? /question mark attack.

So many questions.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mizunotsubasa on July 27 2006, 10:09 am
But i don't think syaoran would let FWR take sakura feather s from her. even those he is a clone.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kuro Tsubasa on July 27 2006, 10:28 am
OMFG!!!!!!!!! I just read it and it's so confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!! And really. Why does the Clone! Syaoran and the Real!Syaoran want to get the feathers??  :hmp: :dontknow: :dontknow:  Niether of them really has a motive, except Clone!Syaoran 'cause it seems like he loves Sakura.

Do you think now that they've gotten the feather, Mokona will transport them somewhere and leave Real!Syaoran and the others behind? And WHAT THE HELL IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO FAI!!!!!!????????

Oh, the pain and torture of waiting for the next chapter!!!!!! :cussing:  :cussing: :cussing: :cussing:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 27 2006, 10:29 am
Ooo, I can actually translate the last half of the chapter!

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If Syaoran has just cut open the coccoon to get the feather out then does that mean Subaru will have to wake up?

OMG SQUEE!!!!!!!!  SUBARU!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Okay, so as for THIS chapter, lots of Sakura pleading with both the Syaorans, Real!Syaoran using magic (Raitei Shourai too!  I could read THAT from the furigana!), Clone!Syaoran acting all creepy and possesive/protective/single minded over Sakura.

Can't wait for translations...the Syaorans' dialogues need it.

Ooo, I can translate the last half (cause it's easy!)

Sakura: Yamede!!!  [Stop!!!]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun o korosanaide!!!  [Don't kill Syaoran-kun!!!]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun
Subaru: Matte, Kamui  [Wait, Kamui]
Kamui: Subaru!?
Subaru: Matte [Wait]
Sakura:Dame!  [Don't!]
Sakura: Iya, matte [No, wait]
Sakura: Syaoran-kun
Pg 20
Syaoran: Hane wa torimodosu kanarazu [I'll return the feather without fail]

Yeah, I know, that's the easy bit of the chapter but still!

Subaru speaking!  And letting Syaoran take the feather!

I am one HAPPY fangirl!

thank you for the translation!!

im confused on something tho...didnt sakura ALREADY take subaru's feather? hence the protecton on the tower disAPEARED? or did subaru have 2 feathers?

very well
*hopes it works, I'm new here and am still getting used to it ^^;*
awsom job
Yeah, I can't wati until Subaru shows up too!   ^_^  I mean, it's been nice seeing his voice float around like some non-existant being but now, it's nice to see a body with a head.

Haha...    ^_^   Ok SailorYue-chan.    Breathe easily!   Don't have a heart attack on us!   ^o^
im ok. i just only had 5 minutes on the comp and decided to read the chappie before getting off, so i couldnt pst my REAL comments ^^;;

as dfor the subaru, i think were going to get X subaru,  other wise he'd be alone in eing the only TB version of  hum self XP

<--has not rerad TB and only read 2 vols of x ><
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Rekall on July 27 2006, 10:54 am
Ne, do you reckon it's going to be teen Subaru or older Subaru?

I'm thinking it would be the older one but I don't know why.

I think young!Subaru would look a little weird next to Kamui since everyone is so use to them not being the same age. Plus having the adult version would explain why Hokuto isn't around.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 27 2006, 01:13 pm
Yay Rekall, Meowzy, and Ashlee! Three new members for our campaign! Hideki shall not be forgotten. *sniff* We now have cake, brownies, balloons, lemonade, and pineapples.

I thought we'd get a younger Subaru, but that's mostly because Seishirou is younger in Tsubasa.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Spoonful on July 27 2006, 01:28 pm
Hi, I'm new. x3 Intro posts aren't mandatory are they? Because I don't feel like making one.

Anyway, the whole point to this post is that am totally loving clone!Syaoran more and more lately. (I have decided to nickname him "Jouji" through some seriously twisted logic.) I don't hate Fay or anything, I just luuuuurve psychotic, bloody character. Bunches.

Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 27 2006, 02:16 pm
Yay Rekall, Meowzy, and Ashlee! Three new members for our campaign! Hideki shall not be forgotten. *sniff* We now have cake, brownies, balloons, lemonade, and pineapples.

I thought we'd get a younger Subaru, but that's mostly because Seishirou is younger in Tsubasa.
i forgot to like to join the prty ^^

still no transltion ne? :(
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 27 2006, 09:10 pm
im confused on something tho...didnt sakura ALREADY take subaru's feather? hence the protecton on the tower disAPEARED? or did subaru have 2 feathers?

I shall look it up!

Edit: You're right! O_O
Chapter 117, page 11. Sakura's soul absorbs a feather that seems to appear out of nowhere, and the 'ward' that protects the building disappears.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 27 2006, 10:04 pm
o____O wow

uh... was it just me or...

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was the last scene quite.. uh... erotic ? lol He looked a little seductive and evil all at the same time ^^;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 27 2006, 10:54 pm
i forgot to like to join the prty ^^

still no transltion ne? :(

Another  member! Hurray!

I really want a translation for this chapter, since it had quite a bit of text in the beginning. But I guess that means it takes longer to translate. *Waits*

o____O wow

uh... was it just me or...

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was the last scene quite.. uh... erotic ? lol He looked a little seductive and evil all at the same time ^^;

It's not just you, not at all. o.o
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on July 27 2006, 11:14 pm
Another  member! Hurray!

I really want a translation for this chapter, since it had quite a bit of text in the beginning. But I guess that means it takes longer to translate. *Waits*

It's not just you, not at all. o.o

Yeah, it isn't just you cos I was looking at it and I was just like... O_O. Clone!Syaoran is so completely different than before because I can't even imagine him doing anything like that before he went all insane.

PS: I want to join the "Remember Hideki" campaign T_T
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: kudan on July 28 2006, 12:04 am
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Oh yay!! Syaoran's sword!! X3!!
Everything from CCS is coming back!! Yay!!
Paranoid me, I actually screamed when the clone stabbed Yin Syaoran in the leg... :heh:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sanmine on July 28 2006, 01:11 am
I shall look it up!

Edit: You're right! O_O
Chapter 117, page 11. Sakura's soul absorbs a feather that seems to appear out of nowhere, and the 'ward' that protects the building disappears.
I was wondering about that too. But I think that Subaru had only one feather; the other belonged to the building as opposed to him having both.

And the Hideki Pity Party is such a great idea. XD Mind if I join you?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: muhi_kira on July 28 2006, 01:14 am
OMG!!! syaoran leg (scream and run around in my room) :XD:
that syaoran clone he was so cold hearted !!$#$# :hmp:
it was so nostalgic when syaoran yin yang was out (cool) :wink:

btw anyone of you can link the translate version??? :noteworthy:

if my post show up i'm trully sorry because i don't know how to make it into a spoiler :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 28 2006, 01:58 am
Another member! Hurray!

I really want a translation for this chapter, since it had quite a bit of text in the beginning. But I guess that means it takes longer to translate. *Waits*

It's not just you, not at all. o.o

hehe... good good, I was beginning to worry about myself ^^; lol
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Syaoflame on July 28 2006, 02:20 am
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Oh yay!! Syaoran's sword!! X3!!
Everything from CCS is coming back!! Yay!!
Paranoid me, I actually screamed when the clone stabbed Yin Syaoran in the leg... :heh:, I've never watched CCS, so I wouldn't have noticed..^^;; Really? I had no idea what was going on..^^;; I can't read japanese after all....
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I was worried too when he stabbed Yin Syaoran.. :'( But as strong as he is, it won't stop him from what he must do! So, it didn't scare me much :]
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on July 28 2006, 02:58 am
yeah. poor syoarans *both of them*
but I feel the worst for sakura
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I mean right when she woke up, syoaran gave her the feather and put her right back to sleep XD. at least we don't have to listen to her scream anymore -_-
and now I'm just being stupid -_-;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 28 2006, 03:08 am
yeah. poor syoarans *both of them*
but I feel the worst for sakura
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I mean right when she woke up, syoaran gave her the feather and put her right back to sleep XD. at least we don't have to listen to her scream anymore -_-
and now I'm just being stupid -_-;
I worry for Sakura's possible mental scarring of seeing so much violence! ^^;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on July 28 2006, 03:13 am
I worry for Sakura's possible mental scarring of seeing so much violence! ^^;
I think she's already scarred for life from what she's seen -_-;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: bie liao on July 28 2006, 04:01 am
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Oh yay!! Syaoran's sword!! X3!!
Everything from CCS is coming back!! Yay!!
Paranoid me, I actually screamed when the clone stabbed Yin Syaoran in the leg... :heh:

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Yeah, that's not as bad as me.  When the sword started coming out I was like "Oru?  Is that what I-" and then it showed the page where he's getting stabbed but all I saw was the sword, so I promptly screamed in fangirl joy (YOSH HIS SWORD) really loudly.  And then I looked down and screamed even louder because (WTF THROUGH HIS LEG~?!)

Not weird...

Hm...we are getting another chapter next week, aren't we?  It'll make me sad cause I can't get to it, but I hope they're not skipping again...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 28 2006, 04:07 am
I'm thinking it would be the older one but I don't know why.

I think young!Subaru would look a little weird next to Kamui since everyone is so use to them not being the same age. Plus having the adult version would explain why Hokuto isn't around.

What about if he is older but X19!Looking? he looks nice.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Aethelthryth on July 28 2006, 04:34 am
Just a random thought....

C!Syaoran has actually exhausted his energy, right? From fighting against Kamui, then Kuro, then R!Syao...when he get back to his senses (IF he ever snap out of it), I think he'd faint...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 28 2006, 05:44 am
Hm...we are getting another chapter next week, aren't we? It'll make me sad cause I can't get to it, but I hope they're not skipping again...

Yep, there's another chapter next week and the week following after that.  ^_^ Yayy!!   No more 2 weeks of waiting for now.  CLAMP had to catch up anyways. *nods*

Just a random thought....

C!Syaoran has actually exhausted his energy, right? From fighting against Kamui, then Kuro, then R!Syao...when he get back to his senses (IF he ever snap out of it), I think he'd faint...

That's if his own "heart" kind of went good again, which I doubt.  ^_^  Hehe...but yeah, his body went through a lot of things including a broken arm and being choked.   He would definitely be traumatized if he reverted back to being more of a human and end up like Sakura.  Sleeping like a baby.   :D
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on July 28 2006, 06:02 am
Yep, there's another chapter next week and the week following after that. ^_^ Yayy!! No more 2 weeks of waiting for now. CLAMP had to catch up anyways. *nods*
That is very very good to know and look forward to.
I was keeping my fingers crossed for seeing the translation today, but alas! It would have been a bright spot in an otherwise cursed day - half the day the systems were down at the store, people were running around, one client managed even to fall off one sofa - all in all I'd not have been very much surprised if C!S had come by demanding a feather!

Quote from: moonlight_shine
I think she's already scarred for life from what she's seen
The power and capacity for love and compation and other great feeling will allow her to escape a lot of the scarring.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 28 2006, 09:09 am
What about if he is older but X19!Looking? he looks nice.

Like in my icon? :) 
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I'm wondering if he's up to something, considering that he purposely stopped Kamui so that Syaoran could take his feather.  In a lot of senses everything that happened to Sakura reminds me of Tokyo Babylon.  Poor girl, she just realizes who is most important to her, and then has her heart broken. D:

I don't know what I think about who R!Syaoran is, but if you look back at the first chapters where C!Syraoran saw him in his dreams he was really little.  C!Syaoran even comments that he was bigger when he saw him in a later dream and that he was becoming more like him.  I think that as he was able to undo the seal, his true age came back to him.  Hence why he became older the more he appeared to C!Syaoran.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Spoonful on July 28 2006, 10:02 am
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I'm wondering if he's up to something, considering that he purposely stopped Kamui so that Syaoran could take his feather.  In a lot of senses everything that happened to Sakura reminds me of Tokyo Babylon.  Poor girl, she just realizes who is most important to her, and then has her heart broken. D:
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Ha ha, good point! Let's just hope clone!Syaoran doesn't end up breaking Sakura's arm and leaving her in a catatonic state.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on July 28 2006, 11:58 am
*came late >o<*    O____O
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i feel sorry for sakura to have to be forced to watch. now clone|syaoran gave sakura the feather i'm afraid of what he might do to next  *cries from the confusion*  :cry: and the stor is getting wierder and wierder its freaky

so many things happening......  :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: muhi_kira on July 28 2006, 02:20 pm
i think sakura fear with clone syaoran because at last page sakura said "iya! (no!)"
wht!! next week didn't have a chp214??
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Monse-chan on July 28 2006, 02:28 pm
I am in shock O.O

Neeed translatiooon!!

Only want to make one thing clear:

I love both Syaorans.... Clone and Real...

I looooove them...and Clone Syaoran is looking really hawt in the last page (droool)

Umm... somebody shoot me, please? X___x
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: muhi_kira on July 28 2006, 02:39 pm
yeah we need translation (but i knew a little hehehe)
ooo i hope real syaoran leg was okay

ps:i think i can become crazy to read this chapter
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Aethelthryth on July 28 2006, 03:14 pm
i think sakura fear with clone syaoran because at last page sakura said "iya! (no!)"
wht!! next week didn't have a chp214??

I thought there will be a chp 124 next week...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 28 2006, 03:16 pm
wow this is the only thread being updated thats of interest in my update list ^^;;

some people on other boards gotr confused on the syao business, calling resl syao evil and clone syao not vil Lo _O so i explain to them. 2 many syaos i guess :keke:

and yes, ther wont be any 2 week waits for quite some time :hello2: the next time they give us one will probsly be another earth shattering c;iffhanger  :

next week i hope we get to se subaru :D
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 28 2006, 03:26 pm
Like in my icon? :) 
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I'm wondering if he's up to something, considering that he purposely stopped Kamui so that Syaoran could take his feather.  In a lot of senses everything that happened to Sakura reminds me of Tokyo Babylon.  Poor girl, she just realizes who is most important to her, and then has her heart broken. D:

I don't know what I think about who R!Syaoran is, but if you look back at the first chapters where C!Syraoran saw him in his dreams he was really little.  C!Syaoran even comments that he was bigger when he saw him in a later dream and that he was becoming more like him.  I think that as he was able to undo the seal, his true age came back to him.  Hence why he became older the more he appeared to C!Syaoran.

Yeah, like your icon n_n  and...
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Yeah I was thinking that he stopped Kamui to let Sakura get her Feather, may be... porr girl XD I hope She does not fall sleep again ¬¬
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Spychan on July 28 2006, 03:37 pm
For those waiting for translation here it is thanks to Pikari again.
This chapter actually kind of freaked me out because I can't decide who I should be rooting for since I love both Syaorans and I just want to give Sakura a hug because she is going through some pretty hectic stuff right now. All I can do is wait for chap 124 Xp
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 28 2006, 03:43 pm
uwa!! thankyou spychan!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 28 2006, 04:21 pm
Yeah.   Thank you Spychan!  ^_^   Now, everything is starting to come together now.  Especially with what R!Syaoran says:
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... When I gave you half of my heart, I said this to you from across the "mirror". That before the seal on your right eye dissolved and my heart separated from you, a heart that was not mine but your own might be born in you.  I gambled on that coming true.  I trusted that among the people you lived with day by day.  Your own heart would foster and grow.

So, I now understand where I'm getting the feeling/speculation of C!Syaoran having his own heart.   Except, it's probably R!Syaoran's own "failed creation" this time?   C!Syaoran would've been FWR's "failed creation" but the table has turned?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 28 2006, 05:00 pm
For those waiting for translation here it is thanks to Pikari again.

one piece made me go O.O in that translation


i never thought CCS Syaoran's lightning spell would be used in TRC, when the translated chaptre comes out i'm downloading it, this i've gotta see! ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: kudan on July 28 2006, 05:19 pm
one piece made me go O.O in that translation


i never thought CCS Syaoran's lightning spell would be used in TRC, when the translated chaptre comes out i'm downloading it, this i've gotta see! ^_^
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Same thoughts here! That was the one he used in the second movie! *fangirlish scream* I hope we'll get to see him use the rest of his spells. X3 (Eh, but what happened to the yellowish papr? ._.)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Celesse on July 28 2006, 05:56 pm
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 28 2006, 06:18 pm
yay! *cookie*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 28 2006, 08:46 pm

any chance of the same file on yousendit please? ^^; sorry for the trouble!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on July 28 2006, 08:48 pm

Thank you! I'll post up a mirror when my site is back up next week! *gives cookie*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Tsuki-kun on July 28 2006, 09:18 pm

Thanks for the scanlation Celesse-san and also to Pikari-san for the translation

Ooohh.. I just love that last page with the SyaoSaku fluff.. :D Still waiting for Subaru's appearance!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on July 28 2006, 09:38 pm
Ooohh.. I just love that last page with the SyaoSaku fluff.. :D

That's fluff? :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 28 2006, 09:39 pm
Ooohh.. I just love that last page with the SyaoSaku fluff.. :D Still waiting for Subaru's appearance!

Fluff? O.o Isn't that a tad too creepy to be called "fluff"?

Thank you so much, Pikari and Celesse!

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So clone!Syaoran was meant to develope his own heart, but he hasn't, so now real!Syaoran has to get rid of him. It's nice to have that cleared up.

I wonder what the clone will do now that he has the feather from this world, and the feather carrier (Sakura). Won't he want to go to the next world? Could he force Mokona to transport him (he did mess up Mokona's sword-transportation), or would he need help from Fei-Wong Reed?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 28 2006, 09:43 pm

Thank yooou! ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ying Hua on July 28 2006, 10:15 pm
Fluff? O.o Isn't that a tad too creepy to be called "fluff"?

It was creepy but I'd consider it fluff. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Tsuki-kun on July 28 2006, 10:24 pm
Fluff? O.o Isn't that a tad too creepy to be called "fluff"?
Hehehe.. :sweatdrop: I just thought they looked cute together even though Syaoran is not himself :heh:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on July 28 2006, 11:29 pm
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I bet Clone!Syaoran will end up having grown a heart after all. I can't see him getting killed off any time soon. >_<
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 29 2006, 01:16 am
It was creepy but I'd consider it fluff. XD
Hehehe.. :sweatdrop: I just thought they looked cute together even though Syaoran is not himself :heh:

See, when I think fluff, I think of scenes like all the little Syaoran and Sakura flashbacks (with apples, birthdays, "thank you"s, smiles, etc. ). You are naturally free to call whatever you want fluff. It's a free fandom. :wink:

Next chapter is the end of Vol. 16, right? Does that mean we'll get a big cliffhanger?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ying Hua on July 29 2006, 01:34 am
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I bet Clone!Syaoran will end up having grown a heart after all. I can't see him getting killed off any time soon. >_<
I hope so.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sanmine on July 29 2006, 01:42 am
Thanks to Celesse and Pikari!

Next chapter is the end of Vol. 16, right? Does that mean we'll get a big cliffhanger?

End of Vol. 16 already? Wow. A big cliffhanger does seem logical, but I doubt I could last another like the end of Chapter 120.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Spoonful on July 29 2006, 02:26 am
Next chapter is the end of Vol. 16, right? Does that mean we'll get a big cliffhanger?
I thought 125 was going to be the last chapter of 16. But I could be wrong...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on July 29 2006, 02:51 am
I thought 125 was going to be the last chapter of 16. But I could be wrong...

Nope. 124 is the last chapter of tank 16, according to ChibiYuuto -
Then we get 125, the start of 17, the following Wednesday :3
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Syaoflame on July 29 2006, 05:31 am

Yay! ^^ arigatou gozaimasu!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Rekall on July 29 2006, 05:43 am
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I have a feeling that with Sakura sleeping again that Clonie is going to die soon.  :(

I don't think it's going to be Syaoran or Kuro who does it.  But you have Subaru waking up who's more than capable of taking care of himself (and now he has new special vampire powers) to protect people, which means Sei-chan will also show up soon and we all know he has no problems with killing people.  Maybe Fuuma will also show up (and by Fuuma I mean the Wish Master Fuuma, not the Fuuma already shown in this world) since I imagine there's a version of him in the world Subaru, Sei-chan and Kamui are from as I can't imagine Kamui existing without Fuuma.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on July 29 2006, 05:48 am
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I bet Clone!Syaoran will end up having grown a heart after all. I can't see him getting killed off any time soon. >_<
I too thought upon reading the translation (thank you so much, Pikari and Celesse!) that here is a way out of the "trouble of two Syaorans, one of them heartless"!
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For the timing of the heart-growing is not exactly ties to the breaking of the seal - when the latter happened before the first had, it does not mean necessarily that he cannot grow the heart. However it makes sense that he would have to grow it soon, before the C!Syaoran nature can overwhelm him.
I see a hint of hope, despite the creepily fluffy ;) ending of the chapter, for Syaoran-turned-C!Syaoran.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Mina on July 29 2006, 05:50 am
Is it just me or was this chapter drawn in great detail? Especially the last page, to which I went omg. I seriously had to keep myself from screaming out loud or crying in this chapter.
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The close up of Sakura's face as she yells out for R!Syaoran to stop... the sadness in that panel was so great it made me sad too... and the way R!Syaoran looked at her as he hesitated... I felt like he stopped not because he saw that Sakura, but maybe because he saw another Sakura, his own Sakura. I have this crazy theory... I think R!Syaoran was captured from different dimention than where Clow Country exists and in that dimention, there was another Sakura, Sakura for the R!Syaoran. Maybe the R!Syaoran gambled on C!Syaoran because he saw that in the Clow Country dimention, there was Sakura but no Syaoran.... so by hoping a heart of his own will grow within the clone, R!Syaoran was hoping there would be a "partner" for Sakura in Clow Country.

Did that make sense at all?

and btw, the more I see of him, the more I love R!Syaoran.....
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on July 29 2006, 05:53 am
Thanks to Celesse and Pikari!

End of Vol. 16 already? Wow. A big cliffhanger does seem logical, but I doubt I could last another like the end of Chapter 120.

At least there will only be a week in between, instead of that torturous two week wait :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 29 2006, 06:06 am
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I have a feeling that with Sakura sleeping again that Clonie is going to die soon. :(

I don't think it's going to be Syaoran or Kuro who does it. But you have Subaru waking up who's more than capable of taking care of himself (and now he has new special vampire powers) to protect people, which means Sei-chan will also show up soon and we all know he has no problems with killing people. Maybe Fuuma will also show up (and by Fuuma I mean the Wish Master Fuuma, not the Fuuma already shown in this world) since I imagine there's a version of him in the world Subaru, Sei-chan and Kamui are from as I can't imagine Kamui existing without Fuuma.

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I agree for the most part, with the exception of Seishirou.  I think that in him having a feather, it will come in during the end.  FWR needs all of the feathers, right?  Finding Seishirou's feather will actually be quite a bit harder considering he's not staying put in a dimension, not to mention that he's a tad bit on the strong side.  But I agree with you on him showing up, not them finding him.  But I'm more than likely  wrong, all speculation at this point.

Also if Subaru is anything like his TB/X self, he should be about equal to Seishirou in terms of strength.  In that case, I don't think the clone stands much of a chance.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sanmine on July 29 2006, 06:45 am
At least there will only be a week in between, instead of that torturous two week wait :XD:

Yes, I suppose I should be thankful. XD The amount of medicinal crack!fic and fluff I had to consume in those two weeks was staggering.

CLAMP = evil. But I love them so. <3

And my bets are on Seishirou making an appearance sometime soon. Although that might just be wishful thinking on my part. ^^;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on July 29 2006, 09:11 am
Is it just me or was this chapter drawn in great detail? Especially the last page, to which I went omg. I seriously had to keep myself from screaming out loud or crying in this chapter.
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The close up of Sakura's face as she yells out for R!Syaoran to stop... the sadness in that panel was so great it made me sad too... and the way R!Syaoran looked at her as he hesitated... I felt like he stopped not because he saw that Sakura, but maybe because he saw another Sakura, his own Sakura. I have this crazy theory... I think R!Syaoran was captured from different dimention than where Crow Country exists and in that dimention, there was another Sakura, Sakura for the R!Syaoran. Maybe the R!Syaoran gambled on C!Syaoran because he saw that in the Crow Country dimention, there was Sakura but no Syaoran.... so by hoping a heart of his own will grow within the clone, R!Syaoran was hoping there would be a "partner" for Sakura in Crow Country.

Did that make sense at all?

and btw, the more I see of him, the more I love R!Syaoran.....

I too agree with you, this chapter was ver great in detail! I loved the final page where Syaoran grabs Skura so seductive.  :hehe: I almost wanted to cry in this chapter and the chapter were Fai's eye is taken out, the emotions are well drawn. It seems that the more people who see R/Syaoran gets more attached to him, but we can't forget about C/Syaoran either. I mean, I feel sad for him. He doesn't have a heart, it isn't his fault and well, he has been the Syaoran that we've seen through-out the whole series!

Oh, BTW, Ying Hua I love your banner!  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Celesse on July 29 2006, 09:45 am
any chance of the same file on yousendit please? ^^; sorry for the trouble!

There's a mirror here if you can't use rapidshare:  Only use it if necessary, peeps.  Thanks  ^^;

By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;;  And thus a comic ensues!
( (
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 29 2006, 09:48 am
Fluff? O.o Isn't that a tad too creepy to be called "fluff"?

Thank you so much, Pikari and Celesse!

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So clone!Syaoran was meant to develope his own heart, but he hasn't, so now real!Syaoran has to get rid of him. It's nice to have that cleared up.

I wonder what the clone will do now that he has the feather from this world, and the feather carrier (Sakura). Won't he want to go to the next world? Could he force Mokona to transport him (he did mess up Mokona's sword-transportation), or would he need help from Fei-Wong Reed?
interesting, it makes me think of what happened in shura...
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even tho they were separated, when mokona transported, yuuko's seal apeared around thetm to twake them, away. i think Clone syao is bound to yuuko, but then maybe when yuuko transported real syao to them, he'd also end up being bound to mokona? :confused:

@Mina, its CLOW Reed, not Crow. yes in japanese its pronouced Crow, but Clow sounds SO much cooler.  :tongue:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: starprov356 on July 29 2006, 10:10 am
Yes, thank you Celesse and Pikari.

I agree with Emiko and Snow-chan.

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I think this new information, that Clone!Syaoran could have grown a heart (and Real!Syaoran intended him to) is a really hopeful sign and gives the way out the dilemma of  "will we lose our Syaoran?"!  Clearly, he has grown a heart, it's just not in evidence and needs to be woken up or something, probably by Sakura.  That gives me high hopes of keeping our Syaoran, with some of the hotness of Clone!Syaoran, and Real!Syaoran, without having to give up any of them!  It's the best of all worlds! (oh, I so did not intend that pun, sorry)

I really look forward to Real!Syaoran joining forces and fighting with our Syaoran (when he's back to normal).  It's just how much of a delay there is going to be before he goes back to normal.  Somehow I expect him to join up with FWR and fight on the bad side for a while.

Yeah, up until now, I didn't like Real!Syaoran very much because I felt that he was taking the place of our Syaoran and I didn't like that.  But now that I think our Syaoran will probably be OK and we've seen more of what Real!Syaoran was thinking, giving the heart, I like him a lot more.  This chapter has made me very happy.  The only thing that could have made it better (for my happiness) would be more of a KuroxFai moment.  *sigh* 
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Mina on July 29 2006, 10:24 am
@Mina, its CLOW Reed, not Crow. yes in japanese its pronouced Crow, but Clow sounds SO much cooler.  :tongue:
Ah shoot *hits herself* I was thinking Japanese in my mind when I wrote my post... sorry about that... *goes to edit it*

edit: Now that I thought about it... kinda off topic but I guess I should probably change my avie and siggy.... since the seal already broke (and not in process of breaking) and my question in the siggy was answered to be C!Syaoran..... darn, I liked by avie and siggy... :sweatdrop:

anyway back to topic... I seriously cannot wait for chapt. 124...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Tsuki-kun on July 29 2006, 10:25 am
There's a mirror here if you can't use rapidshare:  Only use it if necessary, peeps.  Thanks  ^^;

By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;;  And thus a comic ensues!
( (
:haha: That was a laugh!!  :hehe:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 29 2006, 10:29 am
There's a mirror here if you can't use rapidshare:  Only use it if necessary, peeps.  Thanks  ^^;

By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;; And thus a comic ensues!
( (

Did you draw that yourself? O_O
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Celesse on July 29 2006, 11:08 am
Did you draw that yourself? O_O

I sure did  :9
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: kudan on July 29 2006, 11:48 am
There's a mirror here if you can't use rapidshare:  Only use it if necessary, peeps.  Thanks  ^^;

By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;; And thus a comic ensues!
( (
Oh my, that's so funny! You really deserve a cookie. X3 And thanks for the mirror. ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Å akura on July 29 2006, 11:49 am
There's a mirror here if you can't use rapidshare:  Only use it if necessary, peeps.  Thanks  ^^;

By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;; And thus a comic ensues!
( (

Awesome! XD! Good Job Celesse-san!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 29 2006, 11:57 am
There's a mirror here if you can't use rapidshare:  Only use it if necessary, peeps.  Thanks  ^^;

By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;; And thus a comic ensues!
( (

That was both funny and cute!  Haha..  You drew them very well Celesse!  ^___^   Yeah, it does become a little tiring that CLAMP have to use the "I'll get them back no matter what" line, but when you think about it.   "Our" Syaoran rarely said that as oppose to his "true nature" that is always saying that (like in your omake comic) since he is more like a robot. 
I guess, I can also compare C!Syaoran to one of the Dragons of Earth from "X".   That Dragon was created without emotions but as "X" progressed, it ended up that it wasn't true at all.
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Evil Fuuma or a.k.a. "the other Kamui" made Nataku think of its father.  Well, the father that Nataku use to have when it was a "girl".   So, Nataku began to have feelings of remaining love for its father which thought evil Fuuma resembled him quite well.   Â Dang...  How CLAMP can be so evil creating a genderless being from a little girl!    Nataku's fate ends up very sad.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 29 2006, 12:24 pm
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I agree for the most part, with the exception of Seishirou.  I think that in him having a feather, it will come in during the end.  FWR needs all of the feathers, right?  Finding Seishirou's feather will actually be quite a bit harder considering he's not staying put in a dimension, not to mention that he's a tad bit on the strong side.  But I agree with you on him showing up, not them finding him.  But I'm more than likely  wrong, all speculation at this point.

Also if Subaru is anything like his TB/X self, he should be about equal to Seishirou in terms of strength.  In that case, I don't think the clone stands much of a chance.

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Well, Seishirou has to show up now that they're with Subaru. So either Seishirou will have to show up here, or we won't be able to see his reunion with Subaru, in which case the fans shall rise up in revolt. OR the group will have to take Subaru (and probably Kamui) with them - I wouldn't put that it past clone!Syaoran to realize that, actually. Subaru is like Seishirou-bait. XD Kamui might want to get out of this world now that Subaru's out of the bubble, as well. How were Kamui and Subaru traveling, anyway? Did they also make a deal with Yuuko?

Subaru might be powerful enough (though the crossover characters don't seem *quite* as powerful as the should be, at least to me), but I don't think he's about to interfere.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 29 2006, 01:13 pm
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Well, Seishirou has to show up now that they're with Subaru. So either Seishirou will have to show up here, or we won't be able to see his reunion with Subaru, in which case the fans shall rise up in revolt. OR the group will have to take Subaru (and probably Kamui) with them - I wouldn't put that it past clone!Syaoran to realize that, actually. Subaru is like Seishirou-bait. XD Kamui might want to get out of this world now that Subaru's out of the bubble, as well. How were Kamui and Subaru traveling, anyway? Did they also make a deal with Yuuko?

Subaru might be powerful enough (though the crossover characters don't seem *quite* as powerful as the should be, at least to me), but I don't think he's about to interfere.

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If he does show up, things are going to be even more chaotic.  At least then maybe we can finally find out what exactly their relationship is.  I'm kinda speculating it has to do with Subaru giving him his blood and now Sei-chan can't die, due to the whole 'not aging' part and his asking about immortality.

Either Subaru will interfere (if he's like his Tokyo Babylon self, I can see it...), or he's just taking advantage of C!Syaoran to get out of his cocoon and get out of there.  I'm also wondering about how they're traveling.  By their own power or a pact with Yuuko like Seishirou?  Guess we'll find out eventually.  I still think Seishirou keeping a feather will come into play down the road though.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 29 2006, 01:50 pm
Hm..  I couldn't stop thinking about this as I was brushing my teeth.  O_o

Chapitre 123 reminds me a little bit of Star Wars episode III.  O____O

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-R!Syaoran (trying to tell his clone that he can be "human") = Obi-Wan Kenobi (telling Anakin that he was the "Chosen One")

-C!Syaoran (fell prey to his original programming) = Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (fell prey to the dark side)

-Sakura (She got hurt and confused by C!Syaoran's behavior which ultimately makes her go back to sleep after receiving the feather) = Padme (The poor girl got hurt in the end which ultimately ends her life by her broken heart)

And for the additional fun kicks:
Mokona = Yoda!!   
Kurogane = C-3PO (uh, ninja version?)
Fai = R2-D2
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 29 2006, 02:57 pm
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I have a feeling that with Sakura sleeping again that Clonie is going to die soon. :(

I don't think it's going to be Syaoran or Kuro who does it. But you have Subaru waking up who's more than capable of taking care of himself (and now he has new special vampire powers) to protect people, which means Sei-chan will also show up soon and we all know he has no problems with killing people. Maybe Fuuma will also show up (and by Fuuma I mean the Wish Master Fuuma, not the Fuuma already shown in this world) since I imagine there's a version of him in the world Subaru, Sei-chan and Kamui are from as I can't imagine Kamui existing without Fuuma.

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it's because Kamui CAN´T exist without Fuuma, so you theory it's very interesting, I bet the things will be even more interesting now
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 29 2006, 03:17 pm
There's a mirror here if you can't use rapidshare:  Only use it if necessary, peeps.  Thanks  ^^;

By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;;  And thus a comic ensues!
( (
OMG that  was so funny XD :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ying Hua on July 29 2006, 03:41 pm
^ooh, that was so cute! XD LMAO
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on July 29 2006, 03:54 pm

By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;; And thus a comic ensues!
( (

LOL!  I had to remind myself to read it left to right (I just stared and went Huh? when I read it the other way!) but wonderful!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on July 29 2006, 07:21 pm
By the way, is anyone else getting sick of that "I have to get the feathers back" line being repeated every chapter?  @__@;;  And thus a comic ensues!
( (
*falls off the chair laughing* Celesse = awesome.

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Well, CLAMP's given us a way they can get the clone to return to being Our!Syaoran again, eventually. So, I doubt he's gonna get killed. Which is good.
But, I'm not sure he will turn back yet. The whole 'stealing Fai's eye' business probably needs to go somewhere, unless it's really just been put in to show character development and such in Fai, and give him some angst in the following chapters. Hhm D:

I'm starting to really miss the fluffy-ness now. We've had so many chapters of angst.. D: I hope that we do get some more fluffy-TRC-KuroFai-humour before the end, cause that was one of the things that makes Tsubasa so great~
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on July 29 2006, 07:21 pm
LOL! I had to remind myself to read it left to right (I just stared and went Huh? when I read it the other way!) but wonderful!
:) That is why I did not get it when I did a hurried read half past eight in the morning! LOL!
  :rotfl: - s now doubly!

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Well, CLAMP's given us a way they can get the clone to return to being Our!Syaoran again, eventually. So, I doubt he's gonna get killed. Which is good.
But, I'm not sure he will turn back yet. The whole 'stealing Fai's eye' business probably needs to go somewhere, unless it's really just been put in to show character development and such in Fai, and give him some angst in the following chapters. Hhm D:

I'm starting to really miss the fluffy-ness now. We've had so many chapters of angst.. D: I hope that we do get some more fluffy-TRC-KuroFai-humour before the end, cause that was one of the things that makes Tsubasa so great~
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I agree that all the great dramatic build-up would be wasted if C!Syaoran reverts back in the next few chapters - perhaps after the fifth from now the timing would make more sense. Otherwise, I for one, would feel a little cheated since emotionally the last four chapters have taken a lot.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Keri on July 29 2006, 07:56 pm
*falls off the chair laughing* Celesse = awesome.

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Well, CLAMP's given us a way they can get the clone to return to being Our!Syaoran again, eventually. So, I doubt he's gonna get killed. Which is good.
But, I'm not sure he will turn back yet. The whole 'stealing Fai's eye' business probably needs to go somewhere, unless it's really just been put in to show character development and such in Fai, and give him some angst in the following chapters. Hhm D:

I'm starting to really miss the fluffy-ness now. We've had so many chapters of angst.. D: I hope that we do get some more fluffy-TRC-KuroFai-humour before the end, cause that was one of the things that makes Tsubasa so great~

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Or maybe they'll have Real!Syaoran accompany them on their journey to look after Clone!Syaoran so he doesn't kill anyone or eats anymore eyes, and they had the clone steal fye's eye just so we can tell them apart in the future :D (...XD). I really hope Clone!Syaoran doesn't get killed, I want him to turn back to normal and angst over everything he's done :D :P

Celesse, that was awesome! xD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sanmine on July 29 2006, 08:20 pm
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I agree with you too, Snow-chan. Although I think Clone!Syaoran will revert back, to have him do so too quickly would seem rather out of place with the timing so far. I'd like to see him stick around for a little while longer anyway.

LOL! That comic is great Celesse! Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 29 2006, 10:44 pm
XDDD funny comic, the ending is awesome. lol!

just out of curiosity...
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How near the conclusion of the whole story do people think we are?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on July 30 2006, 12:13 am
I asked the same question in the discussion thread for  chapter 122 and Rekall answered:
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We have no clue.  All we know is that it's suppose to be longer than X which will have 21 volumes when completed.  But how much longer than X, CLAMP never said.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Spoonful on July 30 2006, 02:53 am
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How near the conclusion of the whole story do people think we are?
I'm going to get killed for this, but I hope pretty soon. I am so sick of the plotlessness that I hope it continues on at this pace for the rest of its time. (I want answers!) And I don't think it's got enough plot to sustain itself that long. So, yeah. But I doubt it.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: ishiyaki on July 30 2006, 05:23 am
I've a crazy idea...I think that ClonSyaoran will escape with Sakura because he can control Mokona with Fai's magic...besides, I think CSyao only wants Sakura for her feathers, not for love. now, you can kill me...^^ U
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on July 30 2006, 05:40 am
you never know it could be true (don't kill me!)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 30 2006, 08:20 am
I've a crazy idea...I think that ClonSyaoran will escape with Sakura because he can control Mokona with Fai's magic...besides, I think CSyao only wants Sakura for her feathers, not for love. now, you can kill me...^^ U

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*doesn't kill you for such a believable ideal*  *doesn't kill xOLight_AngelOx for believing your ideal*     That's what I'm thinking too, actually.  O_o  C!Syaoran is as powerful as his counterpart.   Since we now know he has the ability to alter Mokona's magic, he could most likely have the power to cross dimensions (more than once).   And I think it was pretty clear that C!Syaoran only wanted Sakura for the feathers.  That was his original progarmming to begin with.

If what you said did happen, I can picture that Kurogane will get answers right away from R!Syaoran who is now injured and must be properly taken care of.  The other problem is that Sakura's been kidnapped but how do you run into C!Syaoran again?   >_>
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 30 2006, 08:24 am
I've a crazy idea...I think that ClonSyaoran will escape with Sakura because he can control Mokona with Fai's magic...besides, I think CSyao only wants Sakura for her feathers, not for love. now, you can kill me...^^ U
thats an interersting idea,
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but then the rest of the gang will be royaly screwed cuz they hav no mode of transportation nor a way to contact yuuko ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 30 2006, 08:49 am
thats an interersting idea,
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but then the rest of the gang will be royaly screwed cuz they hav no mode of transportation nor a way to contact yuuko ^^;;

Actually, I don't think they would be totally screwed.   O_o 
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I think C!Syaoran's just borrowing Mokona's power, in a way, like a transmission in the air.  You know cell phones operate by their waves going back and forth in the air, right?   This could apply to how C!Syaoran was able to interfere with Mokona's magic.   So, technically, that would mean that the remaining Tsubasa crew will still have Mokona.  It's just that, it will be very hard for them to follow C!Syaoran because Mokona will only send them to other dimensions by random (or wherever Yuuko sends them). 
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 30 2006, 08:52 am
And then we have a new group!
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The crazy adventures of Real!Syaoran, Kurogane, and Peg-leg Fai the pirate!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on July 30 2006, 08:56 am
And then we have a new group!
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The crazy adventures of Real!Syaoran, Kurogane, and Peg-leg Fai the pirate!

XD I would so read that. Screw Sakura and Clone Boy. THAT is pure magic.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 30 2006, 09:04 am
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Fai: Arrrgh, Kuro-chan. You shiver me timbers!
Kurogane: Bastard!
R!Syaoran: Are they always like this?
Mokona: Hai! Kuro-wan and Fai always brought forth awkward moments!
Yes, I guess that would be awesome to read.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 30 2006, 09:15 am
I've a crazy idea...I think that ClonSyaoran will escape with Sakura because he can control Mokona with Fai's magic...besides, I think CSyao only wants Sakura for her feathers, not for love. now, you can kill me...^^ U

That's exactly what I've been thinking. I'd like to see the group get split up again. More variety, you know? And clone!Syaoran + Sakura = creepy.

And then we have a new group!
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The crazy adventures of Real!Syaoran, Kurogane, and Peg-leg Fai the pirate!

That would be awesome. They should bring Kamui and Subaru too, otherwise they can't get Seishirou's feather (well, they need Subaru, and Kamui will follow Subaru). Vampires + pirate/wizard + ninja + manjuu + kid with a sword...sounds good.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: wetheril on July 30 2006, 09:34 am
I just read Chapter 123, and I have been wondering about Subaru...

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Since Subaru was supposed to be the cocoon, or inside of it, but a feather was inside; do you suppose that the feather was meant to keep Subaru alive? C!Syaoran cut it open and removed the feather. Do you suppose Subaru would die now that the feather is gone?

I don't know what's going on in the recent X to draw a good theory, but what do you guys say about this?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 30 2006, 09:34 am
That's exactly what I've been thinking. I'd like to see the group get split up again. More variety, you know? And clone!Syaoran + Sakura = creepy.

That would be awesome. They should bring Kamui and Subaru too, otherwise they can't get Seishirou's feather (well, they need Subaru, and Kamui will follow Subaru). Vampires + pirate/wizard + ninja + manjuu + kid with a sword...sounds good.

Hmm...but didn't Yuuko say that only with all of their payments it was enough for them to fulfill their individual wishes?  I'd imagine that Mokona wouldn't work if it's only two of them.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: wetheril on July 30 2006, 09:38 am
Hmm...but didn't Yuuko say that only with all of their payments it was enough for them to fulfill their individual wishes? I'd imagine that Mokona wouldn't work if it's only two of them.

I agree with this too. I don't think Mokona would go to other dimensions if it's not all four of them together, because they are the ones who paid the price.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 30 2006, 09:40 am
I just read Chapter 123, and I have been wondering about Subaru...

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Since Subaru was supposed to be the cocoon, or inside of it, but a feather was inside; do you suppose that the feather was meant to keep Subaru alive? C!Syaoran cut it open and removed the feather. Do you suppose Subaru would die now that the feather is gone?

I don't know what's going on in the recent X to draw a good theory, but what do you guys say about this?

Spoilers for X
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In X, Subaru wanted Seishirou to kill him.  But instead of that, because Hokuto put a spell on Seishirou that if he tried to kill Subaru in the same manner as when he killed her, it would come back at him.  So, Subaru in the end killed Seishirou.  Seishirou was kinda possessive of Subaru and didn't want anbody to kill him, only he could (which in the end, he obviously didn't). 

So I highly doubt that Subaru would let himself be killed by somebody other than Seishirou, yet alone some clone.  But it really depends on the circumstances of Seishirou's and his relationship in TRC, which we're still uncertain of. ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: ishiyaki on July 30 2006, 09:45 am
Wow, what a group...grumphy ninja :angry:+half-blind wizard :icon_pirat:+white manjuu :icon_clown:+kid of a test tube :tard:+vampire :evil1:+misterious voice=Clamp :heh:

wild boy :angry7:+pretty girl :binkybaby:=NIGHTMARE!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 30 2006, 09:46 am
I agree with this too. I don't think Mokona would go to other dimensions if it's not all four of them together, because they are the ones who paid the price.

R!Syaoran could travel in the place of C!Syaoran though. And technically, Sakura did not pay a price. She didn't make a wish, afterall.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 30 2006, 10:26 am
R!Syaoran could travel in the place of C!Syaoran though. And technically, Sakura did not pay a price. She didn't make a wish, afterall.

Sakura's memories of Syaoran were her price.

There is that technicality, I forgot. This is a long shot, but might Fei-Wong Reed transport them? Since he has his feather-gatherer now, and the feather-gatherer has the feather-container, could he interfere? Things seem to be going his way, since real!Syaoran hasn't been able to stop the clone. Or is this some point of Yuuko's interference with his grand plan (that he mentioned back in Chapitre 119)?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 30 2006, 10:49 am
Sakura's memories of Syaoran were her price.

There is that technicality, I forgot. This is a long shot, but might Fei-Wong Reed transport them? Since he has his feather-gatherer now, and the feather-gatherer has the feather-container, could he interfere? Things seem to be going his way, since real!Syaoran hasn't been able to stop the clone. Or is this some point of Yuuko's interference with his grand plan (that he mentioned back in Chapitre 119)?

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I know that he referred to Seishirou as an interference from the Witch (ala his pact with her), as was Ashura in stopping his choosing of where they went.  I'm wondering if Kamui and Subaru will come into play in the same way, as we still don't know how they're traveling.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 30 2006, 01:38 pm
Sakura's memories of Syaoran were her price.

^___^  True, but Sakura did not pay her price yet.   According to XXXHolic volume 2 in the first chapter of the tankoubon, Yuuko has yet to take those memories from Sakura because Sakura has nothing to pay yet at the time of coming to Yuuko's shop......  (She was an empty shell, remember?  :wink:)

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Yuuko: Four people are using Mokona Modoki to travel to other dimensions. Sakura is one of them, isn't she? Which means, that I'll have to take something from Sakura too.
Watanuki: Ah.
Yuuko: Sakura left the country without anything, so she has nothing valuable to give me. Also, her memories are scattered. Sakura's most important thing are her memories of Syaoran. About that... Indeed! The price that Sakura has to pay. During this trip, she is the one who needs Mokona Modoki the most, so her price is the heaviest.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Rekall on July 30 2006, 01:46 pm
I just read Chapter 123, and I have been wondering about Subaru...

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Since Subaru was supposed to be the cocoon, or inside of it, but a feather was inside; do you suppose that the feather was meant to keep Subaru alive? C!Syaoran cut it open and removed the feather. Do you suppose Subaru would die now that the feather is gone?

I don't know what's going on in the recent X to draw a good theory, but what do you guys say about this?

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Nah because CLAMP likes torturing Subaru (Kamui too for that matter) and they can't pick on him if he's dead. ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Jeannette on July 30 2006, 04:01 pm
Of course clone!Syaoran has his own heart. It wouldn't be CLAMP if he didn't somehow or another. But anywho.

I want Subaru SO BADLY. Because he and Seishirou need to have lots of sex and then be godfathers to Hokuto and Kakyou's kids.

Add me to the 'Remember Hideki' Club. :-p

Oh yes, and...

( (
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on July 30 2006, 06:44 pm

I too expect the group to divide, in fact it has to
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considering that C!S has Sakura now sleeping - his feather-piggy-bank so to say; and Kurogane has by now not only one, but two wounded guys to take care of/answer his questions. Plainly C!S is at the advantage since the others cannot keep up with him at the current moment and so I do expect him to go off with Sakura.
That way she (when she comes to once more) has a chance to start working on his not-as-yet-evident-growable-heart without the "distractions" of one very pissed-off guy and two cripples  :wink: glowering at his clony companion.
However I do not venture as of yet to a guess how the travelling between worlds part will then be handled by both companies. Kamui and Subaru should come to play, after all, if the latter forbid interference C!S taking the feather in this chapter, explanation should ensue as to what was the incentive and so on.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 30 2006, 08:54 pm
I'm going to get killed for this, but I hope pretty soon. I am so sick of the plotlessness that I hope it continues on at this pace for the rest of its time. (I want answers!) And I don't think it's got enough plot to sustain itself that long. So, yeah. But I doubt it.

hhmm I guess. answers would be good right now ^^; I'm getting fustrated with all the twists and turns, still, makes it more exciting in a way ^_^
though answers would help my brain more ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on July 30 2006, 09:21 pm
Oh yes, and...

( (

Oh gods, noooooes!
Kuro-chan, grab Fai and run! The silly brainless fangirls are bound to say it atleast once more!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 30 2006, 09:56 pm
Of course clone!Syaoran has his own heart. It wouldn't be CLAMP if he didn't somehow or another. But anywho.

I want Subaru SO BADLY. Because he and Seishirou need to have lots of sex and then be godfathers to Hokuto and Kakyou's kids.

Add me to the 'Remember Hideki' Club. :-p

Oh yes, and...

( (

Hokuto and Kakyou would be such awesome parents...*dreamy sigh*

Added you! Thank you for joining!  :greengrin:

...Yes, yes, yes he will. Please fanpeople, think of Fai's eyes.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on July 30 2006, 10:42 pm
Awww, I totally lmao! :XD:

And I wanna join the Hideki Pity Party too! Go, Hideki! *waves a flag*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on July 30 2006, 11:01 pm
Hokoto and Kakyou as parents...

Hokyou spawn 1:  Uncle Seishirou, if you're going to pin Uncle Subaru to a wall you'll need to dress him up in this outfit first, so it's easier to remove with one hand.
Hokyou spawn 2:  Uncle Seishirou, do you want to borrow my ribbons, too.
Hokuto:  HohohoHOhoho!  Sei-chan, you go!  Subaru, ganbatte!
Kakyou:  Children, stay out of the Sakurazukamori's dreams.  Wait, we're in Sumeragi-san's dream...

Love the comic!


Okay, I've just watched the TB OAV's (because who can resist young Subaru with alive Hokuto and scheming Seishirou).  And it's reminded me of a few things about Subaru.

I can't imagine Subaru (even a vampire Subaru) using anyone for his own means or benefit.  If he wanted Syaoran to take the feather then it was likely for Syaoran or Sakura's own good, and not for his own means.  Subaru is the most selfless person who has ever exisited and has done very little for himself (even at the extent of almost being killed).  He was going to let someone stab him just to make that person feel better, so I don't think he would use Syaoran, Sakura or the feathers, certainly not just to dimension hop.

In fact, I very much doubt if the dimension hopping thing was Subaru's idea anyway.  I think that it's more likely that Kamui forced them both to leave whatever world they were from.  Kamui mentions that Subaru gave Seishirou his blood, so I suspect that Kamui removed Subaru from Seishirou (for his own good? through jealousy?) and ran.  I don't think Subaru makes a very good vampire, either.  Subaru probably refuses to feed off of anyone (maybe Kamui hunts for him and forces Subaru to eat) and maybe that is why he was weak enough to fall victim to the feather and fall into a continuous sleep (weak from low blood levels and ready to be taken over by the feather's power).
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Mina on July 31 2006, 02:08 am
Of course clone!Syaoran has his own heart. It wouldn't be CLAMP if he didn't somehow or another. But anywho.

I want Subaru SO BADLY. Because he and Seishirou need to have lots of sex and then be godfathers to Hokuto and Kakyou's kids.

Add me to the 'Remember Hideki' Club. :-p

Oh yes, and...

( (
*dies laughing*
That was great! And yes, people need to stop saying it's CCS!Syaoran because he used CCS techniques XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Yersi Fanel on July 31 2006, 07:39 am
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Nah because CLAMP likes torturing Subaru (Kamui too for that matter) and they can't pick on him if he's dead. ^^

Yeah it's like:

Mokona Apapa: I have a wonderful idea for an ADORABLE picture of Kamui all bloody and suffering, isn't the angst cool? I just need a reason to put it in the manga
Nanase Ohkawa: I love the idea Mokona! *stars to write something about Fuuma going crazy in TRC too*
Mokona: And Subaru?
Nanase: right! *writes something about Seishirou*

Kamui and Subaru: O__O…
Crazy Fangirls: YAY!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on July 31 2006, 09:46 am
I'm sorry if this sounds a bit stupid, but I haven't read that much of Clamp's mangas (only about 5 series of them) and well, I was wondering from what manga are Subaru and Kamui from? Everyone talks so muchof them... :hehe:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 31 2006, 09:47 am
I'm sorry if this sounds a bit stupid, but I haven't read that much of Clamp's mangas (only about 5 series of them) and well, I was wondering from what manga are Subaru and Kamui from? Everyone talks so muchof them... :hehe:
they both are from both Tokyo babylon and X/1999
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 31 2006, 10:04 am
I'm sorry if this sounds a bit stupid, but I haven't read that much of Clamp's mangas (only about 5 series of them) and well, I was wondering from what manga are Subaru and Kamui from? Everyone talks so muchof them... :hehe:
they both are from both Tokyo babylon and X/1999

Technically, Subaru is from both Tokyo Babylon and X, but Kamui is only from X.

They are very pretty, CLAMP really likes to toture them, and they have many fangirls. Also, they have psycho boyfriends. And 'shipping wars in X fandom. I like to think of them as the posterboys of angst.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 31 2006, 10:24 am

Okay, I've just watched the TB OAV's (because who can resist young Subaru with alive Hokuto and scheming Seishirou). And it's reminded me of a few things about Subaru.

I can't imagine Subaru (even a vampire Subaru) using anyone for his own means or benefit. If he wanted Syaoran to take the feather then it was likely for Syaoran or Sakura's own good, and not for his own means. Subaru is the most selfless person who has ever exisited and has done very little for himself (even at the extent of almost being killed). He was going to let someone stab him just to make that person feel better, so I don't think he would use Syaoran, Sakura or the feathers, certainly not just to dimension hop.

In fact, I very much doubt if the dimension hopping thing was Subaru's idea anyway. I think that it's more likely that Kamui forced them both to leave whatever world they were from. Kamui mentions that Subaru gave Seishirou his blood, so I suspect that Kamui removed Subaru from Seishirou (for his own good? through jealousy?) and ran. I don't think Subaru makes a very good vampire, either. Subaru probably refuses to feed off of anyone (maybe Kamui hunts for him and forces Subaru to eat) and maybe that is why he was weak enough to fall victim to the feather and fall into a continuous sleep (weak from low blood levels and ready to be taken over by the feather's power).

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I agree with this, he is one of the most selfless characters I've ever seen, he lost a bit of that from the incident with Seishirou.  But if he wasn't tramatized in TRC like in Tokyo Babylon, his personality should be his kind selfless self.  I think he does have something up his sleeve, although nothing harmful.  He was trying to wake up Sakura to save Syaoran after all.  Although it would be highly repetitious on CLAMP's part, could he possibly try to go inside Syaoran's heart and bring him back like he did Kamui and that girl in TB?

I'm sorry if this sounds a bit stupid, but I haven't read that much of Clamp's mangas (only about 5 series of them) and well, I was wondering from what manga are Subaru and Kamui from? Everyone talks so muchof them... :hehe:

For visual reference:


Kamui left, Subaru right - from one of the more recent illustrations of them together, well recent for X. >_>
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 31 2006, 10:36 am
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I agree with this, he is one of the most selfless characters I've ever seen, he lost a bit of that from the incident with Seishirou.  But if he wasn't tramatized in TRC like in Tokyo Babylon, his personality should be his kind selfless self.  I think he does have something up his sleeve, although nothing harmful.  He was trying to wake up Sakura to save Syaoran after all.  Although it would be highly repetitious on CLAMP's part, could he possibly try to go inside Syaoran's heart and bring him back like he did Kamui and that girl in TB?

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Well, the problem is not that Syaoran is within his heart, but that Syaoran's heart is out of him, so I don't see how that method could be effective.

Subaru is trying to help Sakura and Syaoran somehow, but I don't have a clue what his plan is.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 31 2006, 10:43 am
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Well, the problem is not that Syaoran is within his heart, but that Syaoran's heart is out of him, so I don't see how that method could be effective.

Subaru is trying to help Sakura and Syaoran somehow, but I don't have a clue what his plan is.

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Unless he did indeed grow a heart of his own and R!Syaoran is wrong in his assessment.  It could be closed off.  That's an extreme long shot though. ^_^'
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Senefen on July 31 2006, 10:48 am
That's old Subaru, I'm kinda hoping that TRC-Subaru will be young (like in TB), if he and Kamui are twins tho it'll probably happen. (Same age you know...). I miss Sub-kun ;_; what is it now? 10 chapters he's been held from us?

Kakyou & Hokuto would be such good parents. XD I hope they end up together in a TRC-AU

Add me to the Hideki pity party. Because Chii's someone just for her is not two people O.o
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Aethelthryth on July 31 2006, 10:49 am
I have another random thought...I've always wondered what exactly FWR's motives are...and sometimes it crosses my mind that MAYBE he's not the bad guy? You know, like Eriol in CCS? At first CLAMP made it like he's the bad guy, then in the end, he actually isn't. I don't read CLAMP's other manga, except for CCS & Magic Knight Rayearth. I don't really remember how's the end of Rayearth, but wasn't it something unexpected as well?

But then again, maybe CCS was a light manga and TRC might be a darker one (like X?), so maybe there will be some nasty bad guys...after all, there is a lot of blood already...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on July 31 2006, 11:08 am
You know, like Eriol in CCS? At first CLAMP made it like he's the bad guy, then in the end, he actually isn't.
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After what he did to Kuro-mama & Xing Huo? Unlikely.Then again, Zagato wasn't a saint either. Neither was Taishakuten. Maybe FWR has some 'unexpected' reason (in fact I'm counting on it) for doing what he does but I wouldn't say he's a good, misunderstood character.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 31 2006, 11:15 am
That's old Subaru, I'm kinda hoping that TRC-Subaru will be young (like in TB), if he and Kamui are twins tho it'll probably happen. (Same age you know...). I miss Sub-kun ;_; what is it now? 10 chapters he's been held from us?

Kakyou & Hokuto would be such good parents. XD I hope they end up together in a TRC-AU

Add me to the Hideki pity party. Because Chii's someone just for her is not two people O.o

I'm also thinking Tobabi-style Subaru because of Kamui. I want TRC!Kakyou/Hokuto so badly.

I'll add you right away! Indeed, he is not.

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After what he did to Kuro-mama & Xing Huo? Unlikely.Then again, Zagato wasn't a saint either. Neither was Taishakuten. Maybe FWR has some 'unexpected' reason (in fact I'm counting on it) for doing what he does but I wouldn't say he's a good, misunderstood character.

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Yes, I agree. He'll probably have a reason for what he does. It may not be a good reason, and it may not excuse he actions at all, but it will hopefully make him make more sense as a character (with with Taishaku-ten).
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Senefen on July 31 2006, 11:20 am
MKR spoiler
, but wasn't it something unexpected as well?
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Emaraude summoned the knights to kill her not save her

I think that, until now, TRC has been lighter. I dont think its Xish at all. Maybe slightly Tokyo Babylon but not X. It's closest to MKR maybe?

Biggest misunderstanding of them all - Real and Clone Syaoran.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on July 31 2006, 11:56 am
I have another random thought...I've always wondered what exactly FWR's motives are...and sometimes it crosses my mind that MAYBE he's not the bad guy? You know, like Eriol in CCS? At first CLAMP made it like he's the bad guy, then in the end, he actually isn't. I don't read CLAMP's other manga, except for CCS & Magic Knight Rayearth. I don't really remember how's the end of Rayearth, but wasn't it something unexpected as well?

But then again, maybe CCS was a light manga and TRC might be a darker one (like X?), so maybe there will be some nasty bad guys...after all, there is a lot of blood already...

True.  Sometimes, I would think that but let's not forget...  FWR killed someone, right?  Also, trapping R!Syaoran in the tube for seven years and creating his clone.  >_>  Even though, I think his dream might be something he considered "good" but to us, it's more dangerous than "good".  Also, he killed his "failed creation" (sadly) for transporting R!Syaoran.

As for FWR's motives...  We know he wants those feathers which ultimately act like some sort of "key" to open up something below those Clow ruins.  FWR's "dream" though is said to be "impossible" by Clow Reed, himself.

So far, CLAMP has already made a twist in their TRC story but expecting another twist would be no surprise for me.  ^_^  Haha..  Very true for many of CLAMP's endings.  MKR, CCS, Clover (?-a little bit, maybe), etc.   Angelic Layer was predictable though so it doesn't really count.   X was a little twisty for me, but, I can't fully judge until the rest of X has been published in tankoubon form.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Rekall on July 31 2006, 12:10 pm
I'm still hoping for old!Subaru.  It would be weird seeing him and Kamui the same age.  I'm so use to Subaru being like his big bro.  Plus I'm still hoping that Kamui isn't the twin and the twin is Hokuto. *misses her*

As for twists I don't think we've seen the end of them in TRC.  Best twists still goes to RG Veda IMO.  It's like
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*TWIST* Ashura is evil, but okay because there's still Taishakuten who's evil.  *TWIST* Taishakuten isn't evil he just did evil things for Ashura-ou and to keep the God of Destruction from awakening.  *TWIST* Ashura kills himself to save Yasha.  *TWIST* Kujaku sacrifices his own life to awaken Ashura once more. THE END.

I think that, until now, TRC has been lighter. I dont think its Xish at all. Maybe slightly Tokyo Babylon but not X. It's closest to MKR maybe?

It's kinda Xish with arms being ripped off, eyes being lost and swords getting jabbed through body parts but you're right it's still pretty tame compared to X.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 31 2006, 12:57 pm
As for twists I don't think we've seen the end of them in TRC.  Best twists still goes to RG Veda IMO.  It's like
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*TWIST* Ashura is evil, but okay because there's still Taishakuten who's evil.  *TWIST* Taishakuten isn't evil he just did evil things for Ashura-ou and to keep the God of Destruction from awakening.  *TWIST* Ashura kills himself to save Yasha.  *TWIST* Kujaku sacrifices his own life to awaken Ashura once more. THE END.

It's kinda Xish with arms being ripped off, eyes being lost and swords getting jabbed through body parts but you're right it's still pretty tame compared to X.

Oh god, the RG Veda plot twists. I think they broke Yasha's mind before they even got to the second one. Poor man. (And that's not to mention the rest of the cast.
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Kisshou-ten and Bishamon-ten? Kujaku's past? The old Tentei? Kendappa's loyalties? The cannibalism?
) ...<3.

There should be some kind of scale for measuring darkness v. fluff in CLAMP works. TRC has been edging more towards the dark lately, but it hasn't reached top levels (like X or RG Veda) yet. I'd also say it's at a Rayearth-like level overall, though Rayearth didn't get this gory. TRC's mood isn't really consistent throughout, so it's harder to measure.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on July 31 2006, 07:11 pm
so now apparently someone posted a spoiler for chapter 124...
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Its said that it was translated from a japanese blog. Is it  possible to know before Wednesday??? O_O
But if these are true, then the floating theories of the group spliting up is spot on!. :D
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 31 2006, 07:38 pm
so now apparently someone posted a spoiler for chapter 124...
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Its said that it was translated from a japanese blog. Is it  possible to know before Wednesday??? O_O
But if these are true, then the floating theories of the group spliting up is spot on!. :D
*nearly has a heart attack*
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OMG if that thing between kuro and fai happenes, it may be the canon we need O_O 
OMFG now i REAAAAAAALLLY cant wait for wednesday. :foncused:

and yes, it is possible for spoilers to be leaked out. the thing about the crossover got out.

*dies from spoiler overload*

oh, and heres a cookie for telling ^_^

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betcha we get hit with a cliffhanger after yuuko says that ~_^ tis such a perfect EVIL spot for one, ne?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on July 31 2006, 07:51 pm
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*DED* If that does happen, Salior Yue's could be the canon we need!

Clamp wouldn't kill Fai...I don't think. Fai has a serious fanbase, and...hell...if I couldn't have anymore interaction between Kuro and Fai I swear I'll stop reading Tsubasa. If Fai or Kurogane aren't around I see no point in reading Tsubasa any more.

But, Yuuko says there's a way to save him. So...>w< KJHAFIL. If this is the case then...JKHAFIAYUFUGAHFA *SPAZDIE*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on July 31 2006, 08:37 pm
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fai saying something like that means that kuro's never going to let him out of his site. O_O he definalty wont let fai kill himself, even if its for the "greater good"

to borrow one of gaia's smilies cuz CW doesnt have it:
sailoryue = (

3 more days O_O
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on July 31 2006, 08:43 pm
Some of those spoilers were rather contradictory, but at least we got the gist of it.  Don't know what I think of them though, last weeks early spoilers said that Tokyo Tower collasped, and we all see how that panned out. o_O

Shall wait until Wednesday now, new XXXHOLiC this week as well. ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on July 31 2006, 08:53 pm
Okay, normally I don't like to be spoilered but here I couldn't resist. (And at least I can think for myself that maybe it isn't correct after all, since chapter 124 will come out this week.)

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WAAAAAAH! Lately, Kurogane says and does so many things that could be taken literally from some fanfiction, doesn't he? *insert fangirlish squee here* Ohmygaaaaawd I hope he does something really great for Fye and then there'll be some nice, angsty and saucy talk between them, just like in 112! *hopes*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on July 31 2006, 10:41 pm
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I don't know about these spoilers...Like someone said, wasn't there one saying that Tokyo Tower would collaspe? And we don't really know the source, other than "a Japanese blog." Why does this person know spoilers anyway? Are they posted by CLAMP somewhere?

But if clone!Syaoran kidnaps Sakura, that's all good. And if Subaru and Kamui go running off between worlds as well, that's also good. The bit with Fai and Kurogane Are they saying that if Fai dies, clone!Syaoran won't have his magic anymore? That doesn't make a bit of sense. Why would Fai die, anyway? From blood loss? Damn it, if he's dying of blood loss, can't they try getting him medical help instead of running to Yuuko? I mean, this world seems technologically advanced enough to have some kind of supplies capable of dealing with stuff like this. Oi. And I demand that Fai cannot die until we get his backstory.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on July 31 2006, 11:15 pm
*Am going to remain highly sceptical of these 'spoilers'.*

We'll see on Wednesday, won't we.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on July 31 2006, 11:20 pm
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hmmm...I'm 50/50 on the realibility of the spoilers-but I have to admit I like the summary. Except...Subaru & Kamui can't leave just yet! What about Fuuma???I refuse to believe thats all we get to see of TRCFuuma! I like him a LOT better than his Xself (who is too batshit crazy for my taste)and he's Kamui's twin star! Also, where the freakin hell is Hokuto *weeps*Don'tleave just yet...
On the other hand, the potential Kurofai is something I'm very much looking forward to. However, since when does eyeloss in Clamp manga=Death?Unless it has to do with Fai's halved magic. I hope they DON'T pull the holic solution. Its shippy sure, but its boring to use it twice (+red and blue eyes really clash).
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on July 31 2006, 11:31 pm
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I dunno, I quite like the idea of CLAMP repeating the eye-sharing thing..
Maybe Watanuki could tell them how - that'd go with the HOLiC theory that Yuuko is training Watanuki to take over from her.. x3

Im sceptical too - the whole everyone leaving-ness sounds a bit strange (but that could be the rough translation..) -but usually these spoilers end up being true. They're quite early this time though.. if it was, say, tomorrow you could assume someone had gotten the copy early or someone who worked at a store that stocked them could've sneaked a look at the chapter in one of the magazines.. D: Shame no-one's posted a link to the blog it was posted at..
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on July 31 2006, 11:35 pm
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Maybe Fai in insinuating that he needs to kill himself, not that he's actually dying. And regardless of whether or not I'm putting any faith in the spoilers, I don't think Clamp will kill Fai before Ashura wakes up. We've had all this buildup to their relationship, and so a confrontation with Ashura is inevitable. We also needs Fai's past to be revealed. It would be rather anti-climactic if Fai were dead for all this, and Clamp understands the conventions of good storytelling. So, like I said in the chapter 120 thread *misses that thread to death* I don't believe Fai will be dying yet.

And was Kuro talking about saving FAI in that "spoiler"? Or Syaoran? *feels like such a wet blanket*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on July 31 2006, 11:47 pm
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And was Kuro talking about saving FAI in that "spoiler"? Or Syaoran?

O_O Good Question.*runs to reread 'spoilers'
Well...chibiyuuto's version says 'this guy' so I'm pretty sure he's talking about Fai...Yay?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on July 31 2006, 11:53 pm
Yeah. I think I'll remain skeptical on the issue of the spoilers...

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Although the latter part would be nice...KuroFai moment. I wonder if Yuuko would sugest something like splitting Fai's magic between them in order to make the 'source' of Cloney boy's magic weaker? I dunno. I think I'm talking utter st00pid and making up theories. Woo woo.


Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 01 2006, 12:05 am
I hope those spoilers are correct. I'd even have the group splitting up (actually I don't really like the idea of
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cloney running off with Sakura
) just for the KuroFainess after that. It'd just make me blissfully happy.

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Maybe Fai in insinuating that he needs to kill himself, not that he's actually dying. And regardless of whether or not I'm putting any faith in the spoilers, I don't think Clamp will kill Fai before Ashura wakes up. We've had all this buildup to their relationship, and so a confrontation with Ashura is inevitable. We also needs Fai's past to be revealed. It would be rather anti-climactic if Fai were dead for all this, and Clamp understands the conventions of good storytelling. So, like I said in the chapter 120 thread *misses that thread to death* I don't believe Fai will be dying yet.

And was Kuro talking about saving FAI in that "spoiler"? Or Syaoran? *feels like such a wet blanket*

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I also think that Fye isn't talking about dying from is injury but comitting suicide.
By the way, I quite like the idea of Fye's magic partially being his power to live. Like his life is directly linked to his magical power. Then it'd also make sense if Fye would be talking about dying from the loss of his eye.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Capella on August 01 2006, 12:35 am
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I also think that Fye isn't talking about dying from is injury but comitting suicide.
By the way, I quite like the idea of Fye's magic partially being his power to live. Like his life is directly linked to his magical power. Then it'd also make sense if Fye would be talking about dying from the loss of his eye.

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Fai dying because of losing his magic? That's interesting.

The idea of Fai trying to kill himself and Kurogane asking Yuuko to save him is...weird. It doesn't seem an appropriate thing to try to get with a magic wish, nor does it sound like the kind of thing Yuuko could mess with. I mean, think of the internet-addict arc in Holic. The woman has to make up her own mind in a case like that, where she herself is fixated on something. The full price for Yuuko to grant that wish would be a large part of the woman's soul. It doesn't stand to reason that she'd be able to save someone from suicide without a similar price - both cases would involve changing something large within that person's mind.

I'm not believing the spoilers much, myself.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 01 2006, 12:44 am
well, the previous spoiler did sorta come true...someone said something about something collapsing, and in this chapter one f the X people said "Its collapsing!!"

its quie a tastey spoiler. i cant wait to see if its true ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 01 2006, 12:53 am
Where are they getting these spoilers?I just stumbled to a journal who found this week's HOLIC spoiler. :O
1 post the spoiler in the xxxholic thread  ( please ^^
2 maybe some staff member is being very sneaky? the editors or something (im pretty sure more than just the 4 ladies of CLAMP work on the manga) or the magazine publiser?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 01 2006, 01:13 am
1 post the spoiler in the xxxholic thread please ^^
2 maybe some staff member is being very sneaky? the editors or something (im pretty sure more than just the 4 ladies of CLAMP work on the manga) or the magazine publiser?
2.Wouldn't put it past them-well, if it turns out to be accurate I would definitely be hunting for spoilers in future.

Now,back on topic-
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If the gang does get split up do you think Clamp will divide the screen time equally? I'm scared they'll just give us little glimpses of Kuro&Fai like they did in Shurano. Don't fancy reading Cloney molesting poor Sakura either.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Rekall on August 01 2006, 02:42 am
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Fye: No... If I continue to live... Syaoran's magic will live too, no one can stop him... cute!  CLAMP has a new plaything to torture!  Maybe this means they'll finally leave Subaru alone (Kamui alas still has to go through another 2 1/2 volumes of X).  I swear these women sit around crackling over what the evil things they get to do to certain characters.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 01 2006, 02:50 am
I think that CLAMP is trying to stuff everything into one country ^^;
Only 3 more days ^-^ *sqeals excitedly >_<*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on August 01 2006, 05:55 am
The spoilers - well, some of it makes more sense than other bits, so I'd say I believe about half  of it.
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The bit I have faith in the most is C!Syaroan taking off with Sakura.
Fai's "deathwish" (yep, it sounded more like taking his own life rather than dieing too) - very noble and all but somehow for me the way his magic works then does not make sense. The eyes would not strictly be then the source of his magic, would they not, if his death would cancel the magic while C!Syaoran holds half of the source. It would seem that either the true source is (as would be more logical) Fai's spirit; or that Fai's eye in Syaoran has retained some of its previous owner and would make it very much alike R!Syaoran's eye in cloney!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 01 2006, 06:07 am
Well, all we can do now is wait. Wait and hope, in my case. Because for now I really hope those predictions do come true.

The spoilers - well, some of it makes more sense than other bits, so I'd say I believe about half  of it.
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The bit I have faith in the most is C!Syaroan taking off with Sakura.
Fai's "deathwish" (yep, it sounded more like taking his own life rather than dieing too) - very noble and all but somehow for me the way his magic works then does not make sense. The eyes would not strictly be then the source of his magic, would they not, if his death would cancel the magic while C!Syaoran holds half of the source. It would seem that either the true source is (as would be more logical) Fai's spirit; or that Fai's eye in Syaoran has retained some of its previous owner and would make it very much alike R!Syaoran's eye in cloney!

Hm, it does make sense to me. It's just that the magic dies when it's owner dies. Simple. Maybe he's not the source of the magic, but in my opinion it's only logical that his power is fed by his life energy. Without his life, his magic vanishes with him. If he died with both his eyes, his magical power would go out along with him. Or do you believe that the magic will be cursing still through his dead body? I think not.

So, have to go to bed now. Good night! (Or whatever time it is at yours.)

Oh, and by the way: 70th post! Yay!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on August 01 2006, 06:14 am
Interesting.   If they did split up...  If that spoiler did come true...  Yes, some of it was contradictory.  I shall wait until tomorrow night to spy on those Japanese Tsubasa BBS members.  Mwahah..   I know, one of them is bound to have a Shonen Mag. issue ASAP as usual.   And like chapitre 123, I'll be posting the very first two sentence spoilers for this up-coming chapitre (unless someone beats me to it).  ^_0

And if the scans all came out tomorrow night by Takadainmate, then, I'll probably post the whole translated summary from the Japanese BBS.   >_>    *starts to set up the chapitre 124 camp stie*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 01 2006, 06:19 am
Interesting. If they did split up... If that spoiler did come true... Yes, some of it was contradictory. I shall wait until tomorrow night to spy on those Japanese Tsubasa BBS members. Mwahah.. I know, one of them is bound to have a Shonen Mag. issue ASAP as usual. And like chapitre 123, I'll be posting the very first two sentence spoilers for this up-coming chapitre (unless someone beats me to it). ^_0

And if the scans all came out tomorrow night by Takadainmate, then, I'll probably post the whole translated summary from the Japanese BBS. >_> *starts to set up the chapitre 124 camp stie*
ooh! if they do, please tell me where to get them *is not a very patient person *twitches**
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 01 2006, 06:21 am
And if the scans all came out tomorrow night by Takadainmate, then, I'll probably post the whole translated summary from the Japanese BBS. >_> *starts to set up the chapitre 124 camp stie*

*brings the marshmallows, torches and wood for the fire*

Okay, who wants toasted marshmallows?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on August 01 2006, 06:23 am
*raises hand*


There better damn well be more Kurogane and Fai next chapter.  I miss them already. Clamp spoiled me with the last couple chapters.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: AkaiYuki on August 01 2006, 06:27 am
Ah, sorry if I'm off-topic, but what is this Japanese board we're talking about? Can someone send me the link? ^_^;;;

(And I agree, Emiko-san... TT_____TT CLAMP spoiled us too much!! Now I want KF fluff all the time! Originally I was OK with at least once per volume, then I wanted a few times per volume, now I want it every chapter!! TT____TT)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on August 01 2006, 06:31 am
AkaiYuki... we are getting so spoiled XDDD

It's true. I used to be content with them just being around each other, and now I'm like "closer, dammit!!"

*sniff* But I guess we need the plot.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on August 01 2006, 06:37 am
ooh! if they do, please tell me where to get them *is not a very patient person *twitches**
Ah, sorry if I'm off-topic, but what is this Japanese board we're talking about? Can someone send me the link? ^_^;;;

(And I agree, Emiko-san... TT_____TT CLAMP spoiled us too much!! Now I want KF fluff all the time! Originally I was OK with at least once per volume, then I wanted a few times per volume, now I want it every chapter!! TT____TT)

Patience... PATIENCE everyone!   :D   Hahah...  If you really want to know, it's this link (  ^_0  But this site isn't the source of the spoilers that chibiyuuto and his friend are gathering at this moment.  They're reading from a Japanese blog that I have no ideal where it's at.  >_>
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 01 2006, 06:47 am
Patience... PATIENCE everyone!   :D   Hahah...  If you really want to know, it's this link (  ^_0 But this site isn't the source of the spoilers that chibiyuuto and his friend are gathering at this moment. They're reading from a Japanese blog that I have no ideal where it's at. >_>
oooh thank you *hugs^^*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on August 01 2006, 06:48 am
Hm, it does make sense to me. It's just that the magic dies when it's owner dies. Simple. Maybe he's not the source of the magic, but in my opinion it's only logical that his power is fed by his life energy. Without his life, his magic vanishes with him. If he died with both his eyes, his magical power would go out along with him. Or do you believe that the magic will be cursing still through his dead body? I think not.

No I do not believe that, that would be silly. My thoughts were based on wondering if it was his magic or he was more like a conduit for a "universal" magic, made to his own (and therefore also making it different from say Yuuko's or FWR's) but springing originally from the same place as does all the other witches' and wizards' magic.  When I said the spoiler material did not make sense to me, I was purposing the latter; thinking that the eye would act then as the conduit for Syaoran (
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even if Fai was not alive anymore
) but that the magic would not (and did not actually from the scene of C!'s sword and Mokona) come from Fai but from whatever spiritual plane the "magic enhabits" as an entity by itself.
I think it is too much fantasy-reading that makes me reason along certain lines - it can be both positive and negative.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 01 2006, 10:16 am
FINALY we get to see some angsty fai. even if he says it with a bitter smile, ie wont be like his "normal" smiles, he hasnt worn his mask since they returned from that hunt in the desert.

heh. because of this spoiler, the hope for kuro-fainess in the next chapter has healed me of thecurse beetrain did when they abused the kuro-fai theme of season one "Kaze no Machi he" ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 01 2006, 01:05 pm
I want marshmallows!!!.... And Finally See Subaru, plus more Kamui
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 01 2006, 04:13 pm
I want Marshmallow toooo *jumps up and down* One day to go, guys, woohoo!

No I do not believe that, that would be silly. My thoughts were based on wondering if it was his magic or he was more like a conduit for a "universal" magic, made to his own (and therefore also making it different from say Yuuko's or FWR's) but springing originally from the same place as does all the other witches' and wizards' magic.  When I said the spoiler material did not make sense to me, I was purposing the latter; thinking that the eye would act then as the conduit for Syaoran (
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even if Fai was not alive anymore
) but that the magic would not (and did not actually from the scene of C!'s sword and Mokona) come from Fai but from whatever spiritual plane the "magic enhabits" as an entity by itself.
I think it is too much fantasy-reading that makes me reason along certain lines - it can be both positive and negative.

Hm, I see your point. Could be true, yes. But let's wait and see. Wah, I'm so excited about finally getting some good and long explanations! *looks meaningfully at CLAMP*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 01 2006, 04:13 pm
this acurs to me about the spoilers for BOTH mangas
[spoiler=possible holic-tsubasa crossover?]in holic, watenuki and doumeki have been collecting special well water (its heagvier than reguular water). in the next chapter of holic, doumeki's grandfather is suposed to be in it. remeber in vol 8, there was a special ritual written by doumeki's grandfather to "retreive a lost eye" it said "Washing the affected eye during a full moon night with water from a well ... " [before the book worm ate the rest of the book. now, since doumeki;s granfather is going to be in the nexct holic chapter, perhaps its to tell the ritual.
 ritual+special well water=solution for retreiving fai's eye from clone syao.

does that make sense?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on August 01 2006, 05:40 pm
this acurs to me about the spoilers for BOTH mangas
[spoiler=possible holic-tsubasa crossover?]in holic, watenuki and doumeki have been collecting special well water (its heagvier than reguular water). in the next chapter of holic, doumeki's grandfather is suposed to be in it. remeber in vol 8, there was a special ritual written by doumeki's grandfather to "retreive a lost eye" it said "Washing the affected eye during a full moon night with water from a well ... " [before the book worm ate the rest of the book. now, since doumeki;s granfather is going to be in the nexct holic chapter, perhaps its to tell the ritual.
 ritual+special well water=solution for retreiving fai's eye from clone syao.

does that make sense?[/spoiler]

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Makes a lot of sense.  It's not like it's the first time that the Tsubasa gang has used something that was Watanuki's handiwork.  The ball that they used to break that spell was actually the monster thing from the 100 ghost stories, not to mention that they ate his food for Valentines day.  The only person who would know how to retrieve an eye would be his grandfather, that stupid bookworm ate all the words that said how to do it (which came from where?  Himawari's book?).
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 01 2006, 05:53 pm
this acurs to me about the spoilers for BOTH mangas
[spoiler=possible holic-tsubasa crossover?]in holic, watenuki and doumeki have been collecting special well water (its heagvier than reguular water). in the next chapter of holic, doumeki's grandfather is suposed to be in it. remeber in vol 8, there was a special ritual written by doumeki's grandfather to "retreive a lost eye" it said "Washing the affected eye during a full moon night with water from a well ... " [before the book worm ate the rest of the book. now, since doumeki;s granfather is going to be in the nexct holic chapter, perhaps its to tell the ritual.
 ritual+special well water=solution for retreiving fai's eye from clone syao.

does that make sense?[/spoiler]

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It's a very interesting theory, and it would make sense, but if I remember rightly the whole ritual was retrieving an eye taken by a spider...Unless Syaoran grows four more appendages by tomorrow, I don't know if the idea is plausable.

...It would kick a** if it was though XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 01 2006, 06:15 pm
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It's a very interesting theory, and it would make sense, but if I remember rightly the whole ritual was retrieving an eye taken by a spider...Unless Syaoran grows four more appendages by tomorrow, I don't know if the idea is plausable.

...It would kick a** if it was though XD
ah. forgot that part  >_O
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but maybe doumeki's grandfather knows of other ways to reterive lost eyes? cuz in holic, we have no idea why watenuki had to colect 12 jugs of "heavy" well water,[isnt 12 a magical number? :dontknow: ]and its curious why doumeki;s grandfather would be showing himself again. he WAS a high preist, so he must know SOMEthing that could help :-S
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Rekall on August 01 2006, 11:30 pm
Holic spoiler -
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Didn't Doumeki's grandfather write the book?  If so maybe he has the eye part memorized.  Or know where to find another copy of that spell.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 03:36 am
Guys, is it already Wednesday at yours? Here it's still Tuesday. I can't wait for tomorrow! Chapter 124, hyuu!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 02 2006, 03:37 am
Nah, it's still Tuesday here. And I'm in Greenwich time, I think.
One more day till Chapter 124!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on August 02 2006, 04:18 am
*breathes in-breathes out*  :sad5: OMG!! I just read that suppoused spoiler and I was like wow!! But something doesn't add up,
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in it Fai makes us try to understand that he wants to die, because then will Syaoran's magic will die, but Fai doesn't die very easily. He said so in the Del Rey adaptation vol.3 page 144, when they are in Koryo. What if he asks the witch to kill him or something!  :cry:

BTW, chapter 124 will be out on wednesday, no? Well, here in Puerto Rico it's already wednesday!  :shifty:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 04:26 am
*breathes in-breathes out*  :sad5: OMG!! I just read that suppoused spoiler and I was like wow!! But something doesn't add up,
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in it Fai makes us try to understand that he wants to die, because then will Syaoran's magic will die, but Fai doesn't die very easily. He said so in the Del Rey adaptation vol.3 page 144, when they are in Koryo. What if he asks the witch to kill him or something!  :cry:

BTW, chapter 124 will be out on wednesday, no? Well, here in Puerto Rico it's already wednesday!  :shifty:

Hm, that one made me wonder too. In Germany, the translated it (approximately) like this: "It's not you don't die, you can't die at all." That made me believe Fye was immortal for quite a long time.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 02 2006, 04:28 am
Really? I have the German version. I'll look it up!

Edit: Kurogane: Wenn das so weitergeht, werden wir wohl sterben.
Fai: Da hab ich ein problem. Denn ich kann vorerst nicht sterben.

Vorerst means yet, right? I can't die yet?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 04:31 am
Oooh, you speak German? Verstehst du, was ich hier schreibe? XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on August 02 2006, 04:32 am
;_; I thought Tsubasa was supposed to have a happy ending.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 02 2006, 04:35 am
Oooh, you speak German? Verstehst du, was ich hier schreibe? XD

Natürlich verstehe Ich das. ^_^
I'm Dutch, but since I live so extremely close to the German border, German is like my second language. Though I'm better at English... ^^'

Anyway, back to the chapter! ^^'
Happy endings aren't always a necessity.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on August 02 2006, 04:36 am
;_; I thought Tsubasa was supposed to have a happy ending.

Me too, but the way I see it I doubt it! I don't want Fai to die, nor Kurogane, nor C/Syaoran, nor Sakura!

But when I read vol.1, when Touya and Yukito were taking, I get my hopes up. You see, they say that Sakura and Syaoran are destined for each other. I hope it's true!  :sad5:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 04:40 am
Of course Tsubasa will have a happy ending! Who said Fye is really going to die? I don't think Kurogane would let that happen, wouldn't he?


Heh, das ist cool ^.^ Ich dachte immer, du kämest aus Amerika oder so, wie die meisten hier im Forum. Aber - jippieh! - ich bin wohl doch nicht die einzige Europäerin hier ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on August 02 2006, 04:42 am
Of course Tsubasa will have a happy ending! Who said Fye is really going to die? I don't think Kurogane would let that happen, wouldn't he?


Heh, das ist cool ^.^ Ich dachte immer, du kämest aus Amerika oder so, wie die meisten hier im Forum. Aber - jippieh! - ich bin wohl doch nicht die einzige Europäerin hier ^_^

Yeah, I hope that Tsubasa will have a happy ending, but Clamp pull so many unexpected strings that one cannot predict what could happen! -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 02 2006, 04:43 am
Of course Tsubasa will have a happy ending! Who said Fye is really going to die? I don't think Kurogane would let that happen, wouldn't he?

Heh, das ist cool ^.^ Ich dachte immer, du kämest aus Amerika oder so, wie die meisten hier im Forum. Aber - jippieh! - ich bin wohl doch nicht die einzige Europäerin hier ^_^

Kurogane will probably save Fai somehow.. But if Sakura and Syaoran will actually end up together... Hmm... It's debatable.

@ Kjesta: Kuro-puppy ist auch noch ein Europäer. ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on August 02 2006, 05:07 am
BTW, chapter 124 will be out on wednesday, no? Well, here in Puerto Rico it's already wednesday!  :shifty:

Well, the wonderful person who scans the manga lives in the US, so it is pretty much Wednesday [i.her[/i] time :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on August 02 2006, 05:12 am
I thought that Clamp said at AX or something that it was for sure going to be a happy ending?

Honestly, though, Fai probably won't die until after or during the Ashura confrontation. If he dies at all.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on August 02 2006, 05:13 am
I hope he doesn't die... :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 02 2006, 05:18 am
Yeah, in one of the interviews CLAMP said something like "Syaoran will have to work hard to get his happy ending in Tsubasa", which makes it sound like he will get a happy ending.. but.. as for the others .. D:

*doesnt want Fai to die without KuroFai becoming canon*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 05:27 am
Yeah, in one of the interviews CLAMP said something like "Syaoran will have to work hard to get his happy ending in Tsubasa", which makes it sound like he will get a happy ending.. but.. as for the others .. D:

*doesnt want Fai to die without KuroFai becoming canon*

Nyaaa, that sounds pretty much like there would be a happy end. I mean, you don't say that kind of thing to make it end sadly, do you? And I really hope there's not only a happy end für Syao, but also KuroFye Kurogane and Fye.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on August 02 2006, 05:27 am
Yeah, in one of the interviews CLAMP said something like "Syaoran will have to work hard to get his happy ending in Tsubasa", which makes it sound like he will get a happy ending.. but.. as for the others .. D:

*doesnt want Fai to die without KuroFai becoming canon*

maybe this also means that in the end things will work out for fai,sakura and kurogane. I mean with the whole "who has whose heart" issue with the C!Syaoran and the Real Syaoran...would the heart of syaoran's ideal happy ending to be that sakura gets her feathers back..they live happily ever after and kurogane completes his wish and fai his....i dont think that syaoran is someone who'd want a happy ending only for himself if he involved other people to reach...futhermore..i read a description of Tsubasa that syaoran is the main character/protagonist so..wouldn't it be natural for CLAMP to focus spolier/plot statments on him? even though his fellow characters aren't mentioned i dont think it was an ellusion of their happy ending either....

..warning: this is my opinion and therefore it may not make any sense, whatsoever T_T
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on August 02 2006, 05:36 am
Yeah, in one of the interviews CLAMP said something like "Syaoran will have to work hard to get his happy ending in Tsubasa", which makes it sound like he will get a happy ending.. but.. as for the others .. D:

*doesnt want Fai to die without KuroFai becoming canon*

But when they say Syaoran do they mean the clone or the real one?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 02 2006, 05:38 am
But when they say Syaoran do they mean the clone or the real one?

I think it was part of a response to a question about why they picked Sakura and Syaoran as main characters for Tsubasa.. so I'd assume it was the clone, seeing as he's the "main" Syaoran in the story..
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on August 02 2006, 05:40 am
I hope it is the clone, I'm more fond of him than with the real Syaoran!  :hehe:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on August 02 2006, 05:41 am
I don't think Fai is the one who is going to die. I mean, after Kurogane has spent the entire manga confronting Fai about his lack of will to live and so on so forth, it would be really anti-climactic for him to die. ~_~
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 02 2006, 05:42 am
If Fai dies then that's it. I stop reading Tsubasa.

I don't care about Syaoran and Sakura anymore. I just read Tsubasa for Kurogane and Fai, their interactions, and the 'will they, won't they?' factor of their relationship. And for Fai's past, of course.

If Fai dies, or if Kuro dies at any point, Tsubasa is dead to me from there onwards,
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on August 02 2006, 05:45 am
I don't think Fai is the one who is going to die. I mean, after Kurogane has spent the entire manga confronting Fai about his lack of will to live and so on so forth, it would be really anti-climactic for him to die. ~_~

True, Kurogane wouldn't let Fai die because he wants too.  :hehe:

If Fai dies then that's it. I stop reading Tsubasa.

I don't care about Syaoran and Sakura anymore. I just read Tsubasa for Kurogane and Fai, their interactions, and the 'will they, won't they?' factor of their relationship. And for Fai's past, of course.

If Fai dies, or if Kuro dies at any point, Tsubasa is dead to me from there onwards,

I'll keep on reading Tsubasa, but I'll be VERY disapointed. Fai is the one who brings life to Tsubasa, the same goes for Kurogane!  :)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 02 2006, 05:45 am
I don't think Fai is the one who is going to die. I mean, after Kurogane has spent the entire manga confronting Fai about his lack of will to live and so on so forth, it would be really anti-climactic for him to die. ~_~

I agree. I don't think Kuro-tan would let him die - especially like this.

And yeah, if Fai or Kuro die before the end I'd be reluctant to continue reading (though I probably would anyway x3 )
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on August 02 2006, 05:45 am
If Fai dies then that's it. I stop reading Tsubasa.

I don't care about Syaoran and Sakura anymore. I just read Tsubasa for Kurogane and Fai, their interactions, and the 'will they, won't they?' factor of their relationship. And for Fai's past, of course.

If Fai dies, or if Kuro dies at any point, Tsubasa is dead to me from there onwards,

I agree. Not to be mean or anything. You just can't have Tsubasa without Fai.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Airashii on August 02 2006, 05:47 am
Too true!  :haha: Fai, like I said, is the one who brings life to Tsubasa!!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on August 02 2006, 05:50 am
I don't think Fai is the one who is going to die. I mean, after Kurogane has spent the entire manga confronting Fai about his lack of will to live and so on so forth, it would be really anti-climactic for him to die. ~_~
Syaoran and Sakura are the (well almost !) typical hero characters who are the ones always (until their clone nature takes over - that's why I am for the first time now interested in Syaoran a bit) loyal, noble, doing their duty, sweet, selfless etc etc that can become a little boring if you read of the same kind of characters from one book/series to another. It is the "sidekicks" that bring colour into the stories.

As to Syaoran and Sakura and the closure to their story - I never have had a doubt that their ending would be happy, fortified by Yukito's statement in vol 1 but by now more so by CCS where their counterparts (I'm not saying CCS!Syaoran is R!Syaoran, so Fai's eye is safe ;)!) had their happy end - CCS would make me very unable to believe that in Tsubasa the Syaoran and Sakura there will be parted from each other.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on August 02 2006, 06:04 am
Anyway, in Volume 2 of xxxHOLiC doesn't Yuuko say:
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that everything will turn out alright for Syaoran and Sakura, and then Kurogane and Fai as well?

I don't think dying is turning out well for anyone XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on August 02 2006, 07:13 am
Even if Fai "dies", I know CLAMP wouldn't "kill" him off that easily.  Think about it.  He's one of the main characters.  Tsubasa: RC isn't at the "X" level so everything should be fine.  :D   Fai will live!   Repeat after me!   Fai will LIVEEE!!

Tsubasa: RC is going to have a happy ending as said by CLAMP.   ^_^  *nods nods*

If Fai's soul was stolen by FWR, guess what?  He hasn't officially "died" yet!    If his body was kept in good condition, there's no doubt that the Tsubasa gang will officially rescue his soul (along with others).
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 02 2006, 07:17 am
Fai will live!   Repeat after me!   Fai will LIVEEE!!

Fai will liveee!!!

Why would his soul be stolen by FWR? XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 07:17 am
Even if Fai "dies", I know CLAMP wouldn't "kill" him off that easily.  Think about it.  He's one of the main characters.  Tsubasa: RC isn't at the "X" level so everything should be fine.  :D   Fai will live!   Repeat after me!   Fai will LIVEEE!!

Tsubasa: RC is going to have a happy ending as said by CLAMP.   ^_^  *nods nods*

If Fai's soul was stolen by FWR, guess what?  He hasn't officially "died" yet!    If his body was kept in good condition, there's no doubt that the Tsubasa gang will officially rescue his soul (along with others).

Fai will LIVEEE!! Yeah! *hugs* Of course he will! Why did anyone ever doubt it? (To me, it never seemed and option for him to die.)

edit: ZOMG I HAVE A COOKI O____O! Can anyone tell me how I know who I got it from? *wants to hug the person*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 02 2006, 08:16 am
If Fai dies then that's it. I stop reading Tsubasa.

I don't care about Syaoran and Sakura anymore. I just read Tsubasa for Kurogane and Fai, their interactions, and the 'will they, won't they?' factor of their relationship. And for Fai's past, of course.

If Fai dies, or if Kuro dies at any point, Tsubasa is dead to me from there onwards,
I agree. I don't think Kuro-tan would let him die - especially like this.

And yeah, if Fai or Kuro die before the end I'd be reluctant to continue reading (though I probably would anyway x3 )
i too would ve quite reluctant. it  would be jsut like Harry Potter
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when sirius died, and when dumbledore SUPOSEDLY died
i would be very sad, i may even cry, but i might read on to see if kuro exacts his revenge ~_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 02 2006, 08:53 am
Hmm, the X TV series wasn't worth watching for me after
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Seishirou died, but that was mainly because they removed the whole 'eye' thing and I couldn't stand that not being part of the canon
and I can't watch the X movie because of my fav characters being removed in the first 5 minutes!

Harry Potter was dying for me when
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Sirius died
but what REALLY killed Harry Potter for me was the entire 6th book and the general crappy amateur fanfictioness of it
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especially the pairings and how she wrote them-I COULD have liked Harry/Ginny if she had written them with any skill instead of writing them like a 12 year old fangirl and Remus/Tonks was doomed from the start because Tonks is such a JK Rowling Mary Sue (I swear Tonks is JK Rowlings Self-Insertion Character).  Don't get me started on Ron/Hermione because that's creeped me out from the start for no particular reason other than I am exactly like Hermione in personality and Ron is the sort of person I want to smack round the back of the head.

Sorry for the OT rant, but I need something to tide me over until chapter 124, ne?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on August 02 2006, 08:57 am
i too would ve quite reluctant. it would be jsut like Harry Potter
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when sirius died, and when dumbledore SUPOSEDLY died
i would be very sad, i may even cry, but i might read on to see if kuro exacts his revenge ~_^

I don't particularly like Harry Potter, but that is what I was reminded of as well. I hate it when authors kill fan-favorite characters. It also reminded me of Death Note when
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L died
, after that I could hardly stand to read the series.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on August 02 2006, 11:05 am
ARG!!!!!! how much longer to ch 124.......... :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: nefadol on August 02 2006, 11:20 am
About 15 or 16 hours, depending on when ladydarkmoon has the time to scan it. ;)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on August 02 2006, 11:21 am
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on August 02 2006, 11:53 am
Greetings to all as I've ventured off to the Japanese Tsubasa BBS just to check it out.  Apparently, someone just posted a new thread titled "Chapitre 124".   I've decided to post the whole thing since, from what I've read, is somewhat close to the "rumored" spoilers that are spreading across the net.  I'm not too sure if this person actually bought the magazine but it looks like it.    The "dimension" part of it sounds interesting.

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First of all, small Oocamikimi : ・・・ Have you gone to another world?。
"Go" in the cherry princess : though can ..hand.. hang on and reacted a
little ・・・ It ..(.. ..cry.. ..magic large.. passes about Mr. Fai. It is to
power to extend in the dimension. ?Small Oocamikimi.

Naga awoke. It is . repeatedly at saying of Camiod, "Let's go to another world" of "Wait". Still, will it be key person?

Because magic keeps being even the half passed to small Oocamikimi greatly effective in Fai when I am alive. It says and . of. Real Fai must drawn if it is not amusing even if it dies and already「Fai?!!」..the shout and rolling up..(At home. )

A black aspect is ww that doesn't change and is good-looking.
"Is there a method of helping this fellow?" hears and is in Co.
Surely, black externals might start helping Fai in any manner.

Edit: And if you want to know who is Naga and who is Camiod.  Click here.>>
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Naga- Subaru
Camiod- Kamui.   
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 02 2006, 12:30 pm
Greetings to all as I've ventured off to the Japanese Tsubasa BBS just to check it out.  Apparently, someone just posted a new thread titled "Chapitre 124".   I've decided to post the whole thing since, from what I've read, is somewhat close to the "rumored" spoilers that are spreading across the net.  I'm not too sure if this person actually bought the magazine but it looks like it.    The "dimension" part of it sounds interesting.

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First of all, small Oocamikimi : ・・・ Have you gone to another world?。
"Go" in the cherry princess : though can ..hand.. hang on and reacted a
little ・・・ It ..(.. ..cry.. ..magic large.. passes about Mr. Fai. It is to
power to extend in the dimension. ?Small Oocamikimi.

Naga awoke. It is . repeatedly at saying of Camiod, "Let's go to another world" of "Wait". Still, will it be key person?

Because magic keeps being even the half passed to small Oocamikimi greatly effective in Fai when I am alive. It says and . of. Real Fai must drawn if it is not amusing even if it dies and already「Fai?!!」..the shout and rolling up..(At home. )

A black aspect is ww that doesn't change and is good-looking.
"Is there a method of helping this fellow?" hears and is in Co.
Surely, black externals might start helping Fai in any manner.

Edit: And if you want to know who is Naga and who is Camiod.  Click here.>>Spoiler
Naga- Subaru
Camiod- Kamui.

I don't quite get it, but it does sound similar.
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At least it looks like Kamui & Subaru will be hanging out for a little while longer. And I've been wondering, if the feather (or Subaru) was the thing/person thats keeping the water pure, is there another with Fuuma's group??? And Fai screentime- *squee*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Senefen on August 02 2006, 01:33 pm
Naga....? You plugged it into a translator right? Why on earth is
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Subaru Naga? Subaru means Pleadies or the seven sisters........ NAGA!?
Spoilerful fun over at
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Subaru awake! yay! Wonder what happened to R!Syaoran, think hes still just lying there bleeding, a lot like Fai. Who says if he doesnt die C!Syao will still have his magic and be unstopable. Get ready KuroxFai fans, Kurogane wants to know the price for saving Fai.
Mokona is obsolete
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: tg on August 02 2006, 01:40 pm
Naga....? You plugged it into a translator right? Why on earth is
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Subaru Naga? Subaru means Pleadies or the seven sisters........ NAGA!?

Yep.  Subaru is Naga.  ^_^ Haha...  I know.  It's a very weird translator that I plugged it in.  It doesn't even put Kamui's name right but ah well.   I can easily tell because it says
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Naga awoke
 so who else could be sleeping at that time?   Sakura doesn't count since she just fell asleep (again) but seeing her wake up in the next chapter would be funny.    :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 02 2006, 01:52 pm
can anybody post the link to the japanese blog? I want to have a go reading it.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 02 2006, 04:24 pm
Here in Mexico it's wensday!! but I have to wait pass noon to have the scans xD

About Harry Potter...
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For me Sirius is still alive, join the "Sirius is not death!!" club XD
People: What about Dumbledore?
SiNd Club: Who cares about him? he's lika a cockroach, he'l return -_-;
People: o.oU...

Oh! come on! I want Tsubasa ;_;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 02 2006, 05:20 pm
can anybody post the link to the japanese blog? I want to have a go reading it.
I dont think anyone's found the blog yet.. tg posted a link to the japanese forums on page 12 though (here's the ch124 thread (

D: I think I might explode in the ten hours-or-so we've got left to wait .__.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 02 2006, 05:56 pm
dont think anyone's found the blog yet.. tg posted a link to the japanese forums on page 12 though (here's the ch124 thread)

Thank you!
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It seems that Syaoran used some more of Fai's magic? (cause there are comments that  Fai's magic is very big?  Flashy? Can't figure out who (subaru or Kamui) wants to stay. Otherwise it looks that Fai does get all angsty and suicidal like the spoiler says and Kurogane gets to be cool. If they had read the chapter,  that means the spoiler is correct. Again, I  have to wonder-how did they find out??? Oh well. Subaru~ Fai~
I think I might explode too.  :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 02 2006, 06:04 pm

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Again, I  have to wonder-how did they find out???
You mean how did these people find out - or how did whoever posted the spoilers before find out?
Cause, the chapter's out in Japan now, so I'm guessing they all went out and bought the magazine xD
But as for the person who posted this on their blog on Monday, I have no idea either..

*doodles some KuroFai while waiting* Nine houurs~

edit: I love Harry Potter,
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but maybe that's because the main reason I read them (other than to actually find out what happens in the main Harry vs. Voldy story) was for the Ron/Hermione shipping. So obviously I really liked HBP XD *still has her Ron<3Hermione banner from the midnight release* And.. Sirius and DD's deaths didnt bother me. I thought it was necessary - to move the story along, and so Harry didnt have any adults protecting him/doing the fighting for him in the end. As the main character he needed to be 'alone'.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Snow-chan on August 02 2006, 06:04 pm
*is getting twitchy!*  Waiting was never for me but I'll try to hang on ;)!
Why does it have to be a work day for me today for that will only make the wait harder to bear :tongue:

For me too Harry Potter got not worth the effort to read after
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Sirius died (oh, and I am afraid that he is dead; basically the books are about acceptance of death - Voldy's inability to do that should be his downfall)
- that way the only character that did not annoy me was taken away and all that was left was more of boring Harry (can't stand him).
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 02 2006, 06:57 pm
i still thin, that watenuki was collecting that water in xxxholic for a specific reason. is 13 a magical number? thats how many pots in all he and doumeki collected.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 02 2006, 07:23 pm
or how did whoever posted the spoilers before find out?
yes, that. *sigh* How many hours to go?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 07:31 pm
I don't know, Duchessa, but I also can't wait *twitch*

So maybe I'll go doing my paper round now, so I'll have another 3 hours down *sigh*

Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Senefen on August 02 2006, 07:35 pm
[quoteis ]13 a magical number
Not really. It's unlucky in western culture but in Eastern 4 and 8 (sometimes 6) are signifigant like 7 and 13 in western.

....Must get up early to download......  >.< ahhh! I cant! 9 to 5 classes. On the bright side anime club @ lunch time yay! WIll download while getting lecture notes :P.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 02 2006, 07:50 pm
*pacing around the thread*

Patience is a virtue...Patience is a virtue...Patience is a virtue...Patience is a-KJAFHKAJLHFLJKWFHALKJGALJKGHA >____________<

I may have to go to my friends and have a marathon day of Bleach in order to get my mind offa 124...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 02 2006, 09:50 pm
must not read spoilers.... Must not read spoilers...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 10:07 pm
ohmy, while I was doing my paper round, I twisted my ankle; I heard something crack (but the bone is okay, I think) and suddenly I sat on the doorstep of a house I was bringing the newspapers to. Great, really. My mother had to come and take me home and now I have now way to distract myself from my redundant thoughts about 124. ARGH! Hitsuzen doesn't like me, I guess...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 02 2006, 10:47 pm
ohmy, while I was doing my paper round, I twisted my ankle; I heard something crack (but the bone is okay, I think) and suddenly I sat on the doorstep of a house I was bringing the newspapers to. Great, really. My mother had to come and take me home and now I have now way to distract myself from my redundant thoughts about 124. ARGH! Hitsuzen doesn't like me, I guess...

Ouch, bad luck.  Hope it's not too serious.  I 'twisted my ankle' about two years ago when on my way to a blood donation session and, thinking it would get better, carried on to the session and then walked the two miles home.  I sat down at home and then, an hour later, tried to stand up to get a drink.  I couldn't put any pressure on my foot at all and my ankle had swollen up.  Turned out I sprained my ankle and it was 3 days before I could put any weight on it at all.  Make sure you keep a cold compress on it, just in case.

I'm home from work this week and also have nothing to distract me!  I went into town this morning with my Mum, sister and two nieces but being on a different timezone than Ladydarkmoon means that I still have an afternoon to waste (as does all you Germans!).

The worst thing is that I have a lovely idea for a SeiSub TRC fanart, but I need to see what Subaru looks like first!  It's teasing away in my head...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 02 2006, 10:53 pm
I'm home from work this week and also have nothing to distract me! I went into town this morning with my Mum, sister and two nieces but being on a different timezone than Ladydarkmoon means that I still have an afternoon to waste (as does all you Germans!).

The worst thing is that I have a lovely idea for a SeiSub TRC fanart, but I need to see what Subaru looks like first! It's teasing away in my head...

Urgh. I feel your pain...being in a different time zone sucks. And it's hard to tell how far behind us America is because there are different timezones all across the country...ladydarkmoon could be anything from five to eight hours behind us poor people in Europe...

*sits and cries*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 02 2006, 10:57 pm
Poor Kjesta! I hope your ankle gets better soon!
Yeah, I have an afternoon to waste too! And I can't even play Tales of Symphonia, because my sister is hogging the Gamecube! ;_;
Must... not... read.... spoilers...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 02 2006, 10:58 pm
Urgh. I feel your pain...being in a different time zone sucks. And it's hard to tell how far behind us America is because there are different timezones all across the country...ladydarkmoon could be anything from five to eight hours behind us poor people in Europe...

*sits and cries*

Huhm, well, I know she usually posts them between 5pm-7pm ish GMT .. If that helps.. and usually around 6 o'clock ish most weeks.
*wonders what the TRC community would do without ladydarkmoon* D:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 11:00 pm
Ouch, bad luck.  Hope it's not too serious.  I 'twisted my ankle' about two years ago when on my way to a blood donation session and, thinking it would get better, carried on to the session and then walked the two miles home.  I sat down at home and then, an hour later, tried to stand up to get a drink.  I couldn't put any pressure on my foot at all and my ankle had swollen up.  Turned out I sprained my ankle and it was 3 days before I could put any weight on it at all.  Make sure you keep a cold compress on it, just in case.

I'm home from work this week and also have nothing to distract me!  I went into town this morning with my Mum, sister and two nieces but being on a different timezone than Ladydarkmoon means that I still have an afternoon to waste (as does all you Germans!).

The worst thing is that I have a lovely idea for a SeiSub TRC fanart, but I need to see what Subaru looks like first!  It's teasing away in my head...

Oh, poor you. Well, I immediately cooled and now I have a nice pink bandage wrapped around my foot, so I hope it'll get better soon. I'll go to the doctor's tomorrow though, just in case.

I also have one afternoon and evening now until 124 comes. It's only just 15:00 (3pm) here. Which reminds me I still have to eat something.

And keep that idea in mind, this evening you can draw it if
Show content
Subaru comes out of the cocoon
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 02 2006, 11:07 pm
*wonders what the TRC community would do without ladydarkmoon* D:

Break down, cry and flood all of America and Europe with our tears.

Poor Kjesta! I hope your ankle gets better soon!
Yeah, I have an afternoon to waste too! And I can't even play Tales of Symphonia, because my sister is hogging the Gamecube! ;_;
Must... not... read.... spoilers...

Ooooh...there's an idea. I was planning on replaying ToS and seeing if I can beat my level for the end of the game...(Off topic, but what's the highest level you've completed ToS on Meowzy? Or if you haven't completed it, what's you character's highest level? =D)

...Then I can redo the Devil's Arm sidequest and make the weapons stronger...and...well. I don't even bother trying to get Zelos as Lloyds Best Friend anymore. All the work I did first game through means I don't have to work to get it ever again XD (Yes. I didn't get Collette as Lloyds closest friend when I completed the game first game. GO ME. =DDDD)

Back on topic...

*sits by her campfire and eats a marshmallow* I can wait. I can wait. I can wait. *mantra*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 11:10 pm
Thank you guys for your support! Makes me feel a thousand times better ^___^ *hugs*

*sits down next to Becster* Want a sausage? *stabs it onto a twig and holds it over the fire*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 02 2006, 11:11 pm
Thank you guys for your support! Makes me feel a thousand times better ^___^ *hugs*

*sits down next to Becster* Want a sausage? *stabs it onto a twig and holds it over the fire*

I have an odd aversion to sausages recently...

Ooh, hey! I wonder if we could make chocolate bananas! I have some chocolate to find some bananas...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 11:15 pm
I have an odd aversion to sausages recently...

Ooh, hey! I wonder if we could make chocolate bananas! I have some chocolate to find some bananas...

Maybe you could ask Fye for some XD *feels dirty*

Ahem. I'm not a huge banana fan, so I'll roast tomatoes! What about stick bread? Does anyone know stick bread (that's literally translated from the German word, "Stockbrot") over there?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 02 2006, 11:22 pm
Maybe you could ask Fye for some XD *feels dirty*

Ahem. I'm not a huge banana fan, so I'll roast tomatoes! What about stick bread? Does anyone know stick bread (that's literally translated from the German word, "Stockbrot") over there?

Is it just like a breadstick?

I don't like cooked could make some popcorn too!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 11:29 pm
Is it just like a breadstick?

I don't like cooked could make some popcorn too!

Actually, I prefer tomatoes raw. Well then, popcorn is just fine ^___X

And I don't know what a breadstick is - for Stockbrot you wrap an amount of dough around the stick and hold it over the fire until its done. Maybe it's the same?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 02 2006, 11:42 pm
Actually, I prefer tomatoes raw. Well then, popcorn is just fine ^___X

And I don't know what a breadstick is - for Stockbrot you wrap an amount of dough around the stick and hold it over the fire until its done. Maybe it's the same?
sorry to hear about your ankle. hope it gets better.

your bread is diferent. bredsicks are long and thin. tey come free at restaurants
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 02 2006, 11:51 pm
sorry to hear about your ankle. hope it gets better.

your bread is diferent. bredsicks are long and thin. tey come free at restaurants

ah, I know them - here they're called Crissini, that's the Italian name I guess.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: envyofthestage on August 03 2006, 12:06 am

How much longeeeeeer?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 03 2006, 12:18 am

How much longeeeeeer?

Three hours-ish.
*curls up in her computer chair* So clooose~
*goes to watch the last few episodes of CCS to pass the time*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: cherry_blossomVNM on August 03 2006, 12:22 am
Three hours-ish.
*curls up in her computer chair* So clooose~
*goes to watch the last few episodes of CCS to pass the time*
Gaahh, are you serious?? I guess I'll watch some anime to pass time to... off to watch Karin!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 12:23 am
*rocks back and forth muttering 'I can wait, I can wait'*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 03 2006, 12:24 am
Ooooh...there's an idea. I was planning on replaying ToS and seeing if I can beat my level for the end of the game...(Off topic, but what's the highest level you've completed ToS on Meowzy? Or if you haven't completed it, what's you character's highest level? =D)

...Then I can redo the Devil's Arm sidequest and make the weapons stronger...and...well. I don't even bother trying to get Zelos as Lloyds Best Friend anymore. All the work I did first game through means I don't have to work to get it ever again XD (Yes. I didn't get Collette as Lloyds closest friend when I completed the game first game. GO ME. =DDDD)

I always get Zelos as the soulmate. This one time, I managed to get Kratos as soulmate, and Zelos in second place. It disturbed me greatly, since I was aiming for Zelos, and most Zelos options are anti-Kratos. XD
But I'm not one of those sicko LloydxKratos shippers. That's just WRONG. KratosxYuan all the way!

Anyway, my highest completion level? Hm... around level 60, I think. I never get that Exp x2 option. I only transfer recipies, grades and titles.  XD

Back to the topic.... It won't be long now until chapter 124, I think! Squuueeee! I'm hoping for lots of KuroFai.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 12:28 am
I always get Zelos as the soulmate. This one time, I managed to get Kratos as soulmate, and Zelos in second place. It disturbed me greatly, since I was aiming for Zelos, and most Zelos options are anti-Kratos. XD
But I'm not one of those sicko LloydxKratos shippers. That's just WRONG. KratosxYuan all the way!

Anyway, my highest completion level? Hm... around level 60, I think. I never get that Exp x2 option. I only transfer recipies, grades and titles. XD

Back to the topic.... It won't be long now until chapter 124, I think! Squuueeee! I'm hoping for lots of KuroFai.

I'm a Zelos/Lloyd shipper...because...well...*points to lots of evidence* =D

I never used the Exp X2/10 option, but I got so fed up one day I ran around fighting that Golden Dragon that gives you 10,000 exp...until I was, like...level 75-80.
Show content
Then I went and fought Kratos. Lloyd was equiped with paper fans. I kicked his *** in 30 seconds. >D

I usally transfer grade, battle count, affections and techs. That way Raine learnt Revitilise at the beginning of Disc Two ._. And Healing Circle before
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Fighting Kratos in the Tower on Disc One

*jumps back on topic*

I think I'm going to go and watch some Foamy the Squirrel cartoons for a while. Otherwise I'm going to go INSANE waiting.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 03 2006, 12:31 am
I'm a Zelos/Lloyd shipper...because...well...*points to lots of evidence* =D

I support Zelos/Lloyd, Kratos/Yuan, Genis/Mithos and... Uhm... Sheena/Raine! XD
The proof is all around us! @_@

I shall continue writing fics while I wait. Yup yup. Chapter 124 will be worth it!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 03 2006, 12:39 am
Show content
Subaru definitely made an appearance. I went to the memo section of a Kurofai fanart site (check it out, its really pretty) and the webmaster made a picture of him! He has longish hair, but I can't tell whether he's X or TBSubaru. See!
enter, then go to memo!

3-4 hours to go...3-4 hours to go...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 12:42 am
Show content
Subaru definitely made an appearance. I went to the memo section of a Kurofai fanart site (check it out, its really pretty) and the webmaster made a picture of him! He has longish hair, but I can't tell whether he's X or TBSubaru. See!
enter, then go to memo!

3-4 hours to go...3-4 hours to go...

You've just found me a fanart site to fangirl over for an hour. Thank you!!!

Show content
(Subaru looks cool!!!
But I'm lovin' the pic a little further down of Fai with a bandage over his eye using magic...his right eye looks so blue...<3)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 03 2006, 12:44 am
Gah...few more hours.  I suppose continuously pressing the refresh button on Ladydarkmoon's LJ isn't a good way to spend that time.

I suppose I SHOULD use this time to finish this Kuro/Fay fanart I have sketched...if only openCanvas would finish downloading so I can see how well my Wacom tablet works with it (can't be bothered to break out the calligraphy ink and drawing pen).
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 03 2006, 12:48 am
I suppose continuously pressing the refresh button on Ladydarkmoon's LJ isn't a good way to spend that time.
*shifts guiltily* Ahahah, I wasn't doing the exact same thing. Nope. >_>
And Becster, if you like that one, you should check this out-full of Kurofai links
It can be a distraction?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 12:51 am
*shifts guiltily* Ahahah, I wasn't doing the exact same thing. Nope. >_>
And Becster, if you like that one, you should check this out-full of Kurofai links
It can be a distraction?

...Hm. The 'xxx' in the URL is deterring me right now XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: envyofthestage on August 03 2006, 12:52 am
*is repeatedly refreshing ladydarkmoons LJ*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 12:54 am
At the rate you guys are refreshing the page, we'll have about three different threads popping up for the same chapter because each of you will want to be the one to post it! XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 03 2006, 12:56 am
*forces hand away from mouse as it moves towards the refresh page again*

OMG, I can go do my pogo challenges!  I'm so used to Wednesdays being 'Tsubasa/Holic' day that I forgot about it being ' new challenge day'.  I'm such an idiot sometimes!  (Still waiting for openCanvas to download so can't do more productive things like fanart).
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 12:57 am
*forces hand away from mouse as it moves towards the refresh page again*

OMG, I can go do my pogo challenges! I'm so used to Wednesdays being 'Tsubasa/Holic' day that I forgot about it being ' new challenge day'. I'm such an idiot sometimes! (Still waiting for openCanvas to download so can't do more productive things like fanart).

Pogo challenges?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 03 2006, 01:03 am
At the rate you guys are refreshing the page, we'll have about three different threads popping up for the same chapter because each of you will want to be the one to post it! XD
Haha XD I wont try and post it this week, cause it's sorta unfair that I keep starting the new chapter threads anyway.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 03 2006, 01:03 am
...Hm. The 'xxx' in the URL is deterring me right now XD
XDD Its nothing bad, I promise. Or you can go to the link section of the first site. takes more than half an hour fo rmy computer to download a chapter. Prolonged torture...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 01:04 am
XDD Its nothing bad, I promise. Or you can go to the link section of the first site. takes more than half an hour fo rmy computer to download a chapter. Prolonged torture...

A Tsubasa webring of art?


There goes the next hour. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: envyofthestage on August 03 2006, 01:07 am
I don't really care about uploading the chapter, I just want it!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 03 2006, 01:10 am takes more than half an hour fo rmy computer to download a chapter. Prolonged torture...

Dx Eeg. That's sad ;^;
 It takes mine about 3 minutes.. but there was one week broadband stopped working and it took an hour and a half on dial-up to download the new chapter .__. And it cost.. uh.. 1p per minute, I think.
And I downloaded HOLiC too.

That reminds me 8D New Holic chapter as well, this week! *yay*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 03 2006, 01:17 am
Dx Eeg. That's sad ;^;
 It takes mine about 3 minutes.. but there was one week broadband stopped working and it took an hour and a half on dial-up to download the new chapter .__. And it cost.. uh.. 1p per minute, I think.
And I downloaded HOLiC too.
I'm behind on holic-shall have to catch up soon.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 03 2006, 01:20 am
How many hours are left to go?

(I feel like being in a desert thirsting for water)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 03 2006, 01:22 am
How many hours are left to go?

(I feel like being in a desert thirsting for water)

Probably somewhere between one, and two and a half. D:
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: envyofthestage on August 03 2006, 01:22 am
Aaaah! So long!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 03 2006, 01:25 am
Yeah, envy-chan (may I call you that? *blush*), way too long!

Need... chapter...
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 01:26 am
*rolls around* hours?

Oh well. We've come this far. *stubborn look on face*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 03 2006, 01:31 am
That's a great attitude, Becster, I should try to have one like this too. ... Argh, doesn't work >.>" Neeeed that chapter. NOW *_*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 01:32 am
That's a great attitude, Becster, I should try to have one like this too. ... Argh, doesn't work >.>" Neeeed that chapter. NOW *_*

Oh, don't worry. I'll snap in about half an hour and throw something out my window.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: envyofthestage on August 03 2006, 01:36 am
Yeah, sure, Kjesta. You can call me that,. :-)

*bites nails and whines*
My friends call me names for getting so worked up over a "a comic."  But it's not that when we have to crowd outside the mall for 4 HOURS to get Harry Potter! They are mean friends.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Becster on August 03 2006, 01:39 am
Yeah, sure, Kjesta. You can call me that,. :-)

*bites nails and whines*
My friends call me names for getting so worked up over a "a comic." But it's not that when we have to crowd outside the mall for 4 HOURS to get Harry Potter! They are mean friends.

I've NEVER waited to get a Harry Potter book. I only read them out of plain curiousity as to what will happen.

They're not that amazing anymore. Half Blood Prince only satisfied me for two days, and then it was finished. OOtP only took one day. *sigh*

Not the Eragon books...they are good.

And Tsubasa. <3

*twiddles thumbs and clockwatches*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 03 2006, 01:41 am
Yeah, sure, Kjesta. You can call me that,. :-)

*bites nails and whines*
My friends call me names for getting so worked up over a "a comic."  But it's not that when we have to crowd outside the mall for 4 HOURS to get Harry Potter! They are mean friends.

Ah, same here. Everyone on my msn mysteriously went offline when I started rambling about TRC 124.
They've learnt its not good to talk to me in my post-chapter fangirl state. x'3
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 03 2006, 01:55 am
Yeah, sure, Kjesta. You can call me that,. :-)

*bites nails and whines*
My friends call me names for getting so worked up over a "a comic."  But it's not that when we have to crowd outside the mall for 4 HOURS to get Harry Potter! They are mean friends.

Ah, same here. Everyone on my msn mysteriously went offline when I started rambling about TRC 124.
They've learnt its not good to talk to me in my post-chapter fangirl state. x'3

Exactly-none of my friends follow Tsubasa. There's one who likes the anime but won't touch the manga. *weeps* I want to strangle her.
HP lost me in the sixth book.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: PepperFang on August 03 2006, 01:56 am
My friends laughed at me when I sobbed after poor Fai was defiled by Syao-zombie T_T
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sanmine on August 03 2006, 01:56 am
*nervously twiddles thumbs and stalks ladydarkmoon's lj*

Sooooo long!

By the way, hope your ankle feels better soon Kjesta.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 03 2006, 02:24 am
come on guys! we can wait that long *strikes a determined pose ^^*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: duchessa on August 03 2006, 02:28 am
That bunny video is creepy.
half an hour left?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 03 2006, 02:31 am
Thanks for caring, Sanmine. I can already hobble about a little instead of hopping through the house on one foot ^__X

When it finally comes out, it'll be about 7 to 8pm here - so I have the whole night left to fangirl! Woohoo!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 03 2006, 02:34 am
That bunny video is creepy.
half an hour left?
yeah. I love it *hugs the evil bunnies XD*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 03 2006, 02:34 am
Still haven't worked on my Kuro-Fay art, but I did waste 30 mins doing a child Kurogane as a test on opencanvas!  Yeay!  That's some of the time gone!

[Pogo is a games website.  If you're a member you can do game challenges-like win the game so many times in a week or something]

Anyway, ChibiKurogane, just because!


EDIT: OMG, I reached 100 posts at some point!  Yeay!  (only 200 more to go to give cookies)
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 03 2006, 02:37 am
nice selenity! ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 03 2006, 02:39 am
nice selenity! ^_^

Thanks, just something to whittle away the time whilst waiting, plus it keeps my hands busy and away from the refresh button for Ladydarkmoon's LJ!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 03 2006, 02:39 am
Aw, a cutie Kuro ^^ I like it.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: cherry_blossomVNM on August 03 2006, 02:41 am
Gaa, I'm getting impatient. I just went to the library and came back and it STILL isn't out yet.... T_T
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Elenath on August 03 2006, 02:43 am
That's a very cute pic-- maybe I should draw some KuroxFai to stop myself from going mad-
Patience is definately not my virtue. ^^;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 03 2006, 02:45 am
Have to agree, Elenath - I should try to be productive and do something that may result in a nice picture or something. But that would mean de-glueing my eyes from the screen >.>"
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: mela on August 03 2006, 02:45 am
That's a very cute pic-- maybe I should draw some KuroxFai to stop myself from going mad-
Patience is definately not my virtue. ^^;
I think you should draw KuroxFai either way XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Kjesta on August 03 2006, 02:50 am
I think you should draw KuroxFai either way XD

Of course, of course - but now it's also a good way to keep our nerves at least a little to a healthy level XD
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on August 03 2006, 02:52 am
O_O *would kill for some KF right now*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: envyofthestage on August 03 2006, 02:53 am
Aaaaah! Where is it?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: cherry_blossomVNM on August 03 2006, 02:55 am
Maybe.. I'll have some lunch and then when I come back, Ch. 124 will miraculously appear! Yeah I'll go try that...  >_<
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 03 2006, 02:56 am
I'm tired. Thoughts of a new chapter kept me from falling asleep. Does this ever happen to you guys?
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on August 03 2006, 02:57 am
Maybe.. I'll have some lunch and then when I come back, Ch. 124 will miraculously appear! Yeah I'll go try that... >_<
That always works for me, maybe I should go and have some lunch. It is lunchtime for me, anyway, lol
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Elenath on August 03 2006, 02:58 am
I am almost done with the sketch! I am actually liking it so far.
CLAMP's Style is so hard to draw TT - TT
If you guys don't mind- I'll just post up the sketch as soon as I'm done--- and later finish it--

Chapter 124-- you better hurry cus I'm about to stab myself with my pencil~..... not really.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on August 03 2006, 02:59 am
I'm tired. Thoughts of a new chapter kept me from falling asleep. Does this ever happen to you guys?

I'll lay awake thinking about it, but I always lay awake at night, so it's nothing new. I'm an extremely active thinker at night, so it always takes me hours to fall asleep. I had a dream about chapter 120, though I really don't want to remember it. It... was disturbing. In strange, strange ways.

...X_ X

Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 03 2006, 03:00 am
I'll lay awake thinking about it, but I always lay awake at night, so it's nothing new. I'm an extremely active thinker at night, so it always takes me hours to fall asleep. I had a dream about chapter 120, though I really don't want to remember it. It... was disturbing. In strange, strange ways.

...X_ X

ooh! do tell *pokes*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on August 03 2006, 03:03 am
I'm tired. Thoughts of a new chapter kept me from falling asleep. Does this ever happen to you guys?
The same happens to me all the time. It drives me crazy.

Yesterday. I was on ep 50 of FMA. I hadto go to sleep. Now, I thought I was going to die in my bed. I couldn't get to sleep, all I could think of was the ending.

The same way is for TRC. Some times I just ly there in my bed, thinking. And I hate it, I can never go to sleep >,<
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 03 2006, 03:05 am
The same happens to me all the time. It drives me crazy.

Yesterday. I was on ep 50 of FMA. I hadto go to sleep. Now, I thought I was going to die in my bed. I couldn't get to sleep, all I could think of was the ending.

The same way is for TRC. Some times I just ly there in my bed, thinking. And I hate it, I can never go to sleep >,<
awww . . . don't worry. you're not alone -_-;
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on August 03 2006, 03:09 am
ooh! do tell *pokes*

XDD Well. I think I wrote about it in the chapter 120 thread. Basically, Fai got a glass eye and was tapping it and it kept going 'ping!', which annoyed Kurogane. This part was sort of cute, but the disturbing part involved what Kurogane was wearing, really. O_o;;;;

I don't have a problem with crossdressers. If it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anybody, I say go for it. But seriously. What Kurogane was wearing shouldn't be worn by ANYONE, even if you are female. *sweatdrops like crazy*

*Was traumatized by this dream*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: envyofthestage on August 03 2006, 03:09 am
Actually, now that I think about it, I did dream of Tsubasa last night but it wasn't the sexy KuroxFai one I was hoping for.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 03 2006, 03:14 am
What the... It's still not been uploaded? O_o
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Touei on August 03 2006, 03:14 am
CHAPTER 124 !!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Meowzy on August 03 2006, 03:15 am
*already downloading it*
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Ashlee on August 03 2006, 03:16 am
CHAPTER 124 !!
-_- I guess I didn't get it first
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 03 2006, 03:17 am
XDD Well. I think I wrote about it in the chapter 120 thread. Basically, Fai got a glass eye and was tapping it and it kept going 'ping!', which annoyed Kurogane. This part was sort of cute, but the disturbing part involved what Kurogane was wearing, really. O_o;;;;

I don't have a problem with crossdressers. If it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anybody, I say go for it. But seriously. What Kurogane was wearing shouldn't be worn by ANYONE, even if you are female. *sweatdrops like crazy*

*Was traumatized by this dream*
. . . wow . . .
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Emiko on August 03 2006, 03:17 am
XDDDD You asked for it.
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Elenath on August 03 2006, 03:21 am
*squeal* *downloads*
Finished with the pic too!
Title: Re: Chapter 123
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 03 2006, 03:25 am
Show content
Subaru definitely made an appearance. I went to the memo section of a Kurofai fanart site (check it out, its really pretty) and the webmaster made a picture of him! He has longish hair, but I can't tell whether he's X or TBSubaru. See!
enter, then go to memo!

3-4 hours to go...3-4 hours to go...
i cant tell where subaru's image or te imaga that beckster saw :(