
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Kuro-puppy on July 28 2006, 03:25 am

Title: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 28 2006, 03:25 am
i just realised something.....this forum doesn't have a MSLN/A's topic *bows head in shame for not noticing sooner*

the best way to describe this anime is probably......Cardcaptor Sakura fused together with a furious fighting anime. Talk about a 'WHOA' combination! X3

not convinced yet? then here are some random movies:

Transformations (
Furious battle (
Fate tribute ( < - - - a tribute for the coolest animegirl there is, Fate, made by Zeldi ^_^

Warning! the 3rd, 4th movie are spoilers, and the Fate tribute is a BIG spoiler!

V may i have a warm applause for Nanoha and Fate!

( (

Episodes (1st and 2nd season) can be downloaded Here (

For OST's, Drama cd's and random MSLN/A's songs...check Here ( < - - - - - this is my site and it's far from complete but i hope you enjoy it anyway  :sweatdrop:

and now that i have given enough information about the most awesome anime of this year, let the discussing/talking or whatever begin!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: moezychan on July 28 2006, 03:54 am
Should've known you'd start this topic eventually XD

This is one of my all-time favorite anime ever, especially proven that I changed my infamous episode 57 set to a MSLN A's set. I highly recommend watching this anime. Like Kuro-puppy-san has mentioned, it's like CCS mixed with extremely high action. It is a bit more on the serious side than CCS, but also contains that kawaii shoujo anime theme that I absolutely love.

My favorite character is Fate-chan, since she's the angst character, but my bishie is Chrono-kun <3 He's just too kawaii!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 01 2006, 01:00 am
Thank you for starting this topic Jan-sama, i was going to do it myself but i. XD
Favorite characters:
Yunno [voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi]; Cute overall, *Fan girl* I <3 Yuuno
Fate-chan [voiced by Nana Mizuki]; Fate-chan is Hot, yes i'm aware that i am a girl and she is a girl. X3 Nana Mizuki is great, Fate-chan is the angst character, Bardiche is just awsome, Fate-chan is the AWSOMENESS <3

The third season will be love X3. If you like Mahou Shoujo animes you will love this one <3.
MSLN / A's [and probably S's] is kicking *** x3.

Favorite Episode/Moment/Song/BGM/Season and why:
[BIG SPOILER, Do not read if you haven't watched both seasons]
Show content
Favorite Episodes & Moments
First Season
Episode 4: Fate-chan comes in, She just to serious which makes her so loveable/hot
Episode 12: The insert song 'Take a shot' KICKS ***! Nana Mizuki is so talented i love her voice, Chrno-kun in action, Yunno x Nanoha moment, Lindy in action O.O [ did you notice the 'Fairy wings'? x3] Precia goes insane XD, Arf x Fate-chan moment [kind off] and Nanoha is rescuing Fate-chan <3

Second Season
Episode 4 New transfromations X3, yay!
Episode 7 Great Signum and Fate-chan battle in the desert, funny moment between Nanoha and Vita, 'The mystic guy' 'stole' Fate-chan's linker core, Battles <3
Episode 9-11 The greatest battle i've ever seen, Nanoha and Fate is fighting 'The book of darkness' , The insert song 'Snow Rain' [episode 11] Fate-chan and Alica moment x3
Episode 12: The Knights are back <3, Everyone fights together against 'The book of darkness going bersek' [or something XD] Insert song 'Brave Pheonix' by Nana Mizuki, Hayate as a mage, X3 just great
Episode 13: Reinforce's 'death' , Yuuno x Nanoha moment <3, Mini-Reinforce and Grown up versions <333.

Favorite Song(s)
First Season:
Innocent Starter [OP Theme]~ Catchy, Nana Mizuki sings it, just love <3
Take a Shot [Insert song of episode 12]~ Nana Mizuki sings it, great beat, a song that you just have to love, <3

The songs from the Sound Stages are also great <3, Just to name a few:
Kimi no Sora Ni [Yuuno's image song] It's Yuuno's image song what more can i say?
Onaji Yuuki [Arf's image song] I just like this one, but i don't know why
Flying High! [Nanoha's image song] Up-beat not usually what Yukari Tamura sings it's nice and <3
Skyblue gradation[ Fate-chan's image song] Nana Mizuki yet again,  this song grows on you, <3
[ Little wish is a bit to 'cute' for my taste but it's still litsenable <3]

Second Season:
Eternal Blaze [OP Theme]~ 'WOAH!' a great opening for the second season, Sung by Nana Mizuki, <3
Brave Pheonix [Insert song of episode 12] I actually didn't like this song first, but it grew on me <3, Sung by Nana Mizuki
Snow Rain [Insert song of episode 11] Kana Ueda is just great, calm song, sad, great song for episode 11
Spiritual Garen [ED Theme] I like this one alot more than 'Little Wish' X3. It's just a bit upbeat cute and stuff

From the Sound stages:
Tsubasa & Kaze ni Mau Hana [Fate-chan's image song] Both slow, not really what Nana Mizuki usually sings, I adore them as much as the upbeat songs by her
BRAVE HEARTs & STARTing STARS [Nanoha's image song] Brave heart is up beat and Yukari Tamura usually don't sing up beat songs, really nice, and Starting stars is slow really cute<3
Anata ga Kureta Sora & Itoshisa to Yasashisa to [ Hayate's Image song] Slow, sad almost typical to Kana Ueda, lovealbe <3.
[Shamal & Signum's image songs are growing on me but they are still not favorites ^^;]
[ As you probably noticed in MSLN /  A's the main characters have more than one image song ^^]

Favorite BGM
I love all the sad ones from the OST of the first season <3 [ because i only have the OST from the first season XD]
and the transformation scenes BGM music= <3, Eye catches, Episode Title, Preview on the next episode, what happend in the episode before, XD i could just mention them all because i love the BGM music of MSLN / A's <3333

Favorite Season
This is quite hard really, both seasons are wonderful on their own ways.
First Season
The Nanoha/Fate battles are great i never get tired of them, Yuuno has a more 'air time', Fate-chan and her mother ;____; .

Second Season
The Opening gives you a 'WOAH'! feeling <3, A battle in the first episode! Fate-chan's serious line 'Tomodachi da' <3. Linker cores are stolen D:, New transformations, New attacks, Fate-chan in a school uniform, Many great battles, Hayate's pain ;_;, Fate-chan kicks ***, Hayate as a mage, you learn more about Fate-chan, Yuuno x Nanoha moments, The characters grow up. I could say so many good things about the second season ^^.

Decision: Which one is my favorite Season? 1 or 2? *drum roll* ... My favorite season is... THE SECOND ONE! If you didn't understand that earlier X3.

Thank you for reading and i hope you share my opinions!
That's a big long opinion-thingy, i warn you

D: if you say something else you will be sorry! *death glares >.O!*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 01 2006, 01:30 am
Thank you for starting this topic Jan-sama, i was going to do it myself but i. XD
Favorite characters:
Yunno [voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi]; Cute overall, *Fan girl* I <3 Yuuno
Fate-chan [voiced by Nana Mizuki]; Fate-chan is Hot, yes i'm aware that i am a girl and she is a girl. X3 Nana Mizuki is great, Fate-chan is the angst character, Bardiche is just awsome, Fate-chan is the AWSOMENESS <3

The third season will be love X3. If you like Mahou Shoujo animes you will love this one <3.
MSLN / A's [and probably S's] is kicking *** x3.

Favorite Episode/Moment/Song/BGM/Season and why:
[BIG SPOILER, Do not read if you haven't watched both seasons]
Show content
Favorite Episodes & Moments
First Season
Episode 4: Fate-chan comes in, She just to serious which makes her so loveable/hot
Episode 12: The insert song 'Take a shot' KICKS ***! Nana Mizuki is so talented i love her voice, Chrno-kun in action, Yunno x Nanoha moment, Lindy in action O.O [ did you notice the 'Fairy wings'? x3] Precia goes insane XD, Arf x Fate-chan moment [kind off] and Nanoha is rescuing Fate-chan <3

Second Season
Episode 4 New transfromations X3, yay!
Episode 7 Great Signum and Fate-chan battle in the desert, funny moment between Nanoha and Vita, 'The mystic guy' 'stole' Fate-chan's linker core, Battles <3
Episode 9-11 The greatest battle i've ever seen, Nanoha and Fate is fighting 'The book of darkness' , The insert song 'Snow Rain' [episode 11] Fate-chan and Alica moment x3
Episode 12: The Knights are back <3, Everyone fights together against 'The book of darkness going bersek' [or something XD] Insert song 'Brave Pheonix' by Nana Mizuki, Hayate as a mage, X3 just great
Episode 13: Reinforce's 'death' , Yuuno x Nanoha moment <3, Mini-Reinforce and Grown up versions <333.

Favorite Song(s)
First Season:
Innocent Starter [OP Theme]~ Catchy, Nana Mizuki sings it, just love <3
Take a Shot [Insert song of episode 12]~ Nana Mizuki sings it, great beat, a song that you just have to love, <3

The songs from the Sound Stages are also great <3, Just to name a few:
Kimi no Sora Ni [Yuuno's image song] It's Yuuno's image song what more can i say?
Onaji Yuuki [Arf's image song] I just like this one, but i don't know why
Flying High! [Nanoha's image song] Up-beat not usually what Yukari Tamura sings it's nice and <3
Skyblue gradation[ Fate-chan's image song] Nana Mizuki yet again,  this song grows on you, <3
[ Little wish is a bit to 'cute' for my taste but it's still litsenable <3]

Second Season:
Eternal Blaze [OP Theme]~ 'WOAH!' a great opening for the second season, Sung by Nana Mizuki, <3
Brave Pheonix [Insert song of episode 12] I actually didn't like this song first, but it grew on me <3, Sung by Nana Mizuki
Snow Rain [Insert song of episode 11] Kana Ueda is just great, calm song, sad, great song for episode 11
Spiritual Garen [ED Theme] I like this one alot more than 'Little Wish' X3. It's just a bit upbeat cute and stuff

From the Sound stages:
Tsubasa & Kaze ni Mau Hana [Fate-chan's image song] Both slow, not really what Nana Mizuki usually sings, I adore them as much as the upbeat songs by her
BRAVE HEARTs & STARTing STARS [Nanoha's image song] Brave heart is up beat and Yukari Tamura usually don't sing up beat songs, really nice, and Starting stars is slow really cute<3
Anata ga Kureta Sora & Itoshisa to Yasashisa to [ Hayate's Image song] Slow, sad almost typical to Kana Ueda, lovealbe <3.
[Shamal & Signum's image songs are growing on me but they are still not favorites ^^;]
[ As you probably noticed in MSLN /  A's the main characters have more than one image song ^^]

Favorite BGM
I love all the sad ones from the OST of the first season <3 [ because i only have the OST from the first season XD]
and the transformation scenes BGM music= <3, Eye catches, Episode Title, Preview on the next episode, what happend in the episode before, XD i could just mention them all because i love the BGM music of MSLN / A's <3333

Favorite Season
This is quite hard really, both seasons are wonderful on their own ways.
First Season
The Nanoha/Fate battles are great i never get tired of them, Yuuno has a more 'air time', Fate-chan and her mother ;____; .

Second Season
The Opening gives you a 'WOAH'! feeling <3, A battle in the first episode! Fate-chan's serious line 'Tomodachi da' <3. Linker cores are stolen D:, New transformations, New attacks, Fate-chan in a school uniform, Many great battles, Hayate's pain ;_;, Fate-chan kicks ***, Hayate as a mage, you learn more about Fate-chan, Yuuno x Nanoha moments, The characters grow up. I could say so many good things about the second season ^^.

Decision: Which one is my favorite Season? 1 or 2? *drum roll* ... My favorite season is... THE SECOND ONE! If you didn't understand that earlier X3.

Thank you for reading and i hope you share my opinions!
That's a big long opinion-thingy, i warn you

D: if you say something else you will be sorry! *death glares >.O!*

that really was big opinion thingy but i agree totally and just in case somebody didn't notice.....Fate is HOT!! XD

something that has been on my mind some time now, i think Fate and CCS Syaoran share some personality traits namely they're both very cool and cute

and Nanoha is a bit like Sakura but Sakura is cuter and Nanoha is more agressive

Nanoha: *trying to convince evil guy to surrender in the typical Mahou Shoujo dramatic speach way*

evil guy: *isn't listening*

Nanoha: then i'll beat you around till you listen!

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 01 2006, 01:37 am
Well i could have made it longer but, Nah XD. MSLN / A's is my no.1 anime favorite X3. I know that i am the only one that thinks that, and well i won't change because then i wouldn't be me xP.
MSLN / A's / S's = <3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: moezychan on August 01 2006, 02:05 am
that really was big opinion thingy but i agree totally and just in case somebody didn't notice.....Fate is HOT!! XD

something that has been on my mind some time now, i think Fate and CCS Syaoran share some personality traits namely they're both very cool and cute

and Nanoha is a bit like Sakura but Sakura is cuter and Nanoha is more agressive

Nanoha: *trying to convince evil guy to surrender in the typical Mahou Shoujo dramatic speach way*

evil guy: *isn't listening*

Nanoha: then i'll beat you around till you listen!


Part of the reason I love this series ^_^ because it's like CCS, with an edge!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 10 2006, 04:26 am
a very sharp edge if ya ask me XD

and here are some wallpapers of the cute but deadly girls of MSLN/A's (Zeldi posted these at YnH forum)

the last one is >3

i can hardly wait for the remix cd ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 10 2006, 06:29 pm
Don't you just love me ? XD. I had nothing to do so i browsed through the Jap site and i found them <3.

Yesh the Remix CD~

The track list:
(The Magical Orchestra)』
2.   『Flying high!(Lyrical Pop style)』
3.   『笑顔になあれ(Sweet mix)』
4.   『BRAVE HEARTs(Cyber mix)』
5.   『STARTing STARS(Starlight mix)』
6.   『翼(Heartful mix)』
7.   『Skyblue gradation(Summertime edit)』
8.   『風に舞う花(Flower mix)』
9.   『Wish(Memories mix)』
10.   『愛しさと優しさと(Piano edit)』
11.   『あなたがくれた空(Windy style)』
12.   『Snow Rain(Another approach)』

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 10 2006, 10:09 pm
looks promising ^_^

oh, and i found Eternal Blaze/Spiritual garden singles and the 3rd soundstage of MSLN

i'm downloading them right now, i can hardly wait to hear what's on them
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on August 10 2006, 10:23 pm
You guys are lucky 'cause you already watched the second season.. *sniff* Well, anyway...

I'm also a MSLN fan.. ((Although not a fanatic XP)) but I did finish the first season though (thanks to Kuro-puppy for giving me the links before ^_^)

Frankly, I only know little about this anime.. but yet, I'm still a fan XD

And yeah... MSLN is a more advanced version of CCS.. and more entertaining XD *battle scenes*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 10 2006, 10:42 pm
You guys are lucky 'cause you already watched the second season.. *sniff* Well, anyway...

I'm also a MSLN fan.. ((Although not a fanatic XP)) but I did finish the first season though (thanks to Kuro-puppy for giving me the links before ^_^)

Frankly, I only know little about this anime.. but yet, I'm still a fan XD

And yeah... MSLN is a more advanced version of CCS.. and more entertaining XD *battle scenes*

you haven't watched the 2nd season yet?! O.O.....and there's also going to be a 3rd season in october with the characters when they are 16 years old

that season is gonna blow our socks off i tell ya but 2nd season is also a lot better then 1st season

2nd season episodes:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 11 2006, 01:02 am
:3 ooh i don't have the songs from the Spiritual Garden CD, only the Eternal Blaze one x3. *pose*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 11 2006, 03:27 am
i managed to download the Eternal Blaze single but the Spiritual Garden one has been 10 % for the last 6 hours!! :angry:

^perhaps somebody else can manage to download it.....

i wonder if that Super Generation thingy on that site is also a single?

but i'm off, i still have to try and download MSLN soundstage 3 and i have a very nice Erementar Gerad soundtrack waiting for me :hehe:

*warps out of topic*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Moon on August 12 2006, 09:52 am
Oh! I didn't notice this topic, until just now. xD; I love MSLN! It's a great anime. I like the fact it's balanced. Even with the fluff there isn't too much because of the angst involved so it's likable by both fluff and angst fans.

My favorite character is Nanoha, and Yuuno ( yes, Zeldi-chan, I like him too ). Although I'm a fangirl of both Yuuno and Chrono. They're both so cute. *squee* The music is awesome; favorite include Innocent Starter, Eternal Blaze, Little Wish, and Flying High. I love raging heart! I want the raging heart necklace that I saw Zeldi post over at her forum! *flail flail flail*

So, as you can see, I am a fangirl of this anime. <3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 12 2006, 08:19 pm
*hides Yuuno* XD. Lookie lookie:
( (
Third season <33 It's Offical!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on August 12 2006, 08:34 pm
@ Kuro-puppy - Is there any links that lets you download per episode?

Edit: Zeldi-chan (this okay/ O.o) showed me the way to YnH forums for downloading the 2nd season, which is uploaded in Mega Upload... but here in the Phil, only 50 slots are available @.@ ... Guess it'll be a *long* time before I can even catch a glimpse on MSLN A's
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 12 2006, 08:51 pm
that the 3rd season is official is great news and since it's called 'StrikerS' we can expect some brutal combat again ^_^

Oh! I didn't notice this topic, until just now. xD; I love MSLN! It's a great anime. I like the fact it's balanced. Even with the fluff there isn't too much because of the angst involved so it's likable by both fluff and angst fans.

My favorite character is Nanoha, and Yuuno ( yes, Zeldi-chan, I like him too ). Although I'm a fangirl of both Yuuno and Chrono. They're both so cute. *squee* The music is awesome; favorite include Innocent Starter, Eternal Blaze, Little Wish, and Flying High. I love raging heart! I want the raging heart necklace that I saw Zeldi post over at her forum! *flail flail flail*

So, as you can see, I am a fangirl of this anime. <3

a Nanoha fangirl! cool we didn't have one of those yet XD

Nanoha is not my favorite character but she is together with Yuuno my favorite couple of the anime....

my guess is that Chrono ends up with Amy

and Fate.....i don't see any candidates for her and that's fine by me X3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 12 2006, 09:11 pm
Jan-sama x Fate-chan? Does that sound good? :'3. I can already imagine some kick *** combat x3. There are going to be nosebleeds XD. *pose*

I like Yuuno x Nanoha, i do like Nanoha but Fate-chan is my favorite by far~

And does it make me insane if i'm making a wallpaper with the announcement picture on it? XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 12 2006, 10:16 pm
Jan-sama x Fate-chan? Does that sound good? :'3. I can already imagine some kick *** combat x3. There are going to be nosebleeds XD. *pose*

I like Yuuno x Nanoha, i do like Nanoha but Fate-chan is my favorite by far~

And does it make me insane if i'm making a wallpaper with the announcement picture on it? XD

that would be pretty insane XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on August 13 2006, 11:19 pm
Found a MSLN wallpaper.. .It's quite interesting... ^^ But no Fate-chan! ;_;

( (

The feathers in the wallie compliments her well ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 14 2006, 04:29 am
Found a MSLN wallpaper.. .It's quite interesting... ^^ But no Fate-chan! ;_;

( (

The feathers in the wallie compliments her well ^_^

great pic! and the feathers compliment her wel indeed.

Nanoha has a lot of attacks where you can see feathers or wings and her wings on her shoes just scream 'JUMP CARD CLONE!!!" XD

but what we really need is a wallpaper with Fate doing a combat pose with lightning bolts all around her ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on August 14 2006, 07:55 pm
Didn't find any wallpapers of FAte-chan.. BUT!

I have some battle screenshots from MSLN A's (which I haven't watched yet ;_;)

Okie, here they are XD

( (

( (

( (

Hope it's up to your liking though :sweatdrop: and sorry if they're kind of blurry... :P
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: kudan on August 14 2006, 08:21 pm
I only have one MSLN/A picture... o_O;
( (
But it looks good if someone's going to turn this into a wallie. ^^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 14 2006, 08:54 pm

pretty good screenshots  :okay:

I only have one MSLN/A picture... o_O;
( (
But it looks good if someone's going to turn this into a wallie. ^^

ah, i know that one. Here's the Fate version of that picture:

( (

are you ready for some cool and sometimes weird pics? yes? alright then!

MSLN/A's picture mayhem!!!!!

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V one of my favorite Fate pics
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V let me say just this......O.O
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( (

V Shakugan no Arisa XD
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( (


MSLN A's has 5 tiny soundtracks instead of one big one.....never saw that one coming. i'll put them up at my site asap!

some of the scans that came with soundtracks:

V design sketches of Fate using Sonic Form

there are loads of card scans and design sketches in the soundtrack files ^_^

all the scans and sketches:

my favorite episodes

Show content
MSLN eps 4, 7 and 11: Fate's arrival, the big O.O scene and the final battle between Nanoha and Fate
MSLN A eps: 4, 7, 9, 12: awesome new transformations, the great Fate VS Signum battle, scream of the year award goes to Hayate, lots of cool special moves and Vita's hammer is the epitome of BIG! XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on August 15 2006, 02:57 pm
O.O you sure do know a lot! XD *gives Kuro-puppy a large banner containing the text 'A True MSLN fan!'* :XD: and the biggest Fate-chan fan ever yet :tongue3:

Lovely pictures there, ku-chan and Kuro-puppy ^_^ *grabs some* XD

*can't wait to watch MSLN A's*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 15 2006, 03:04 pm
D: Jan-sama ;___; Why why did you have to take my title XD? ._. *goes to a corner*
D: my big post at page one is spoilerish ._. and so is Jan-sama's favorite episode thingy too, ^^; kind off.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on August 15 2006, 03:18 pm
OH.. I didn't forget about you Zeldi *gives the banner* XD and yeah.. some of your posts and Kuro-puppy's ARE spoilerish... they're temptuous <-- is ths even a word? XP

By the way, what does MSLN A's mean? I've been wondering ever since I saw this title ... :-/
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 15 2006, 03:59 pm
OH.. I didn't forget about you Zeldi *gives the banner* XD and yeah.. some of your posts and Kuro-puppy's ARE spoilerish... they're temptuous <-- is ths even a word? XP

By the way, what does MSLN A's mean? I've been wondering ever since I saw this title ... :-/

it's a short way for saying Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's (but i don't know what the A's stands for, it's probably just a way to point out it's the 2nd season)

oh yeah, if anybody is interested, i uploaded the MSLN A's soundtracks at my site:

enjoy! :D

these soundtracks are great! *runs off to listen some songs again* XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 16 2006, 08:06 pm
i keep cant dl the episodes... only manage to dl 2 episodes of the first season... megaupload keep saying it full...

btw is there any manga on this??
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 16 2006, 08:43 pm
i keep cant dl the episodes... only manage to dl 2 episodes of the first season... megaupload keep saying it full...

btw is there any manga on this??

what do you mean by 'full' ?

hmm, there is manga called "Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's THE COMICS" but as far as i know it's only for more background info for the characters

sorry, you've got to ask Zeldi for the manga's, she knows about stuff like that XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 16 2006, 09:48 pm
megaupload says that "All download slots (150) assigned to your country (Singapore) are in use. Please try again later. "

ok... i shall wait for Zeldi to reply  =)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 17 2006, 01:00 am
Yes there is actually a manga, through you can only buy it in Japan, but i think you can download some chapters. ^_^ There is a manga from both the 2 season and i think the third will be published in Oct this year. [ I think that's was what the date was from the character design picture]
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 17 2006, 02:01 am
megaupload says that "All download slots (150) assigned to your country (Singapore) are in use. Please try again later. "

i can't do anything about that i'm afraid.....
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 17 2006, 03:53 pm
Yes there is actually a manga, through you can only buy it in Japan, but i think you can download some chapters. ^_^ There is a manga from both the 2 season and i think the third will be published in Oct this year. [ I think that's was what the date was from the character design picture]

oic... thanks... so the manga wasnt translated to other languages??? like chinese/english... do you know where i can dl some chapters?? can u tell me pls...

i can't do anything about that i'm afraid.....

it ok then... =) i shall try every single min to dl it... if not then i have to wait for the tv to show 1 episode every sunday...
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 17 2006, 04:45 pm
it was funny seeing what Chrono's magic weapon is called....S2U

that guy has absolutely no taste for naming weapons XD

and here's a Zeldi/Dragonia duet: Little Wish
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 17 2006, 06:41 pm
XD Don't litsen to it, it's the hyperness. It's sugarsweet and we pwn Yukari Tamura >.>.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 17 2006, 09:06 pm
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 17 2006, 09:25 pm

bigger version link please! ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 17 2006, 10:26 pm
weird how come it become smaller....

anyway the link of the pic is:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 17 2006, 11:20 pm
weird how come it become smaller....

anyway the link of the pic is:

thank you! another Fate pic for my collection ^_^

*throws cookie*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 18 2006, 01:55 pm
A pic i have found... i tin it Nanoha in the 3rd season...

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Zeldi on August 18 2006, 02:41 pm
That's Fate-chan in Nanoha's costume
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 18 2006, 03:04 pm
another pic for my collection *saves*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 19 2006, 06:36 pm
gomen ne... i thought it was nanoha >.<

found this pic while im searching more on manga...

it hard to find pictures... most of them are captures frm the anime...
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on August 19 2006, 06:58 pm
^ nice pictures there, angel-san :)

Here's one for Nanoha fans

( (

Couldn't find Fate-chan's >.<
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 21 2006, 04:03 pm

^ volume 6 of the MSLN A's soundtracks
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 23 2006, 08:44 pm
Fate-Chan Wallpaper ^-^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: angel on August 23 2006, 09:49 pm
Ah!!! i just found some more Fate-chan and nanoha pics....



Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on September 16 2006, 10:50 pm
more pics!

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Chang on September 17 2006, 12:05 am
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! all those piccies are soooo kawaii. :keke: gah! u guys are getting me addicted to this anime now :tongue3:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on October 12 2006, 04:53 am
the first chaptre of StrikerS (3rd season) has been released! thanks to Zeldi for the link:

the 1st chaptre was sooooo cool (despite crappy translation) and they have new attacks Thunder Fall and Stardust Fall for Fate and Nanoha

Show content
Chrono is getting married with Amy!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on October 21 2006, 04:32 pm
^ Will be downloading... *tosses a cookie* Now your pot is filled with 80 cookies XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Sakupu-chan on October 21 2006, 05:06 pm
Kyuu~ I knew it was you to start this topic.. Nice picsss.. I sure am late
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on October 21 2006, 07:11 pm
^ Will be downloading... *tosses a cookie* Now your pot is filled with 80 cookies XD


Kyuu~ I knew it was you to start this topic.. Nice picsss.. I sure am late

lol! ....i'm still looking for chaptre 2, it should be translated by now but in the meanwhile.....Signum Pic!

( (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on October 22 2006, 11:19 pm
^ Cool! A Dark Signum image! XD Crispy, unique and just darn awesome! XD Where'd find it?

By the way, I've just read the manga of MSLN S's yesterday and it's already leaped a big progress; the storyline, that is :P The translation's not all that bad; kinda tolerable I guess...

And oh yeah...


*bonks yet again into a wall before warping out* XP
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on October 22 2006, 11:28 pm
^ Cool! A Dark Signum image! XD Crispy, unique and just darn awesome! XD Where'd find it? has a forum where they share lots of rare MSLN/A's/S pics ^^

By the way, I've just read the manga of MSLN S's yesterday and it's already leaped a big progress; the storyline, that is :P The translation's not all that bad; kinda tolerable I guess...

And oh yeah...


*bonks yet again into a wall before warping out* XP

you read the next chaptre's? where do you find them, i wanna know what happens after chaptre 1! XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on October 23 2006, 08:37 pm
^ O.o Gah? I think you've misunderstood me.. :sweatdrop: I meant to say that I've read the one you've posted (Chapter 1)... Sorry for the confusion though... ^^" I'll see if I can find some links regarding the next chapter :wink:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's
Post by: Kuro-puppy on October 23 2006, 09:20 pm
i found the first 7 chapters of MSLN A's:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 04 2006, 07:43 pm
(Blegh! double posting >.< )

i found the MSLN A's starterbook, the file was corrupted so 2 pics are missing but here it is anyway ^^

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Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: twilight_star on November 06 2006, 09:21 pm
lots of piccies!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on November 10 2006, 10:18 pm
wow...Kuro-puppy san , lots of  pictures and info
I just bought MSLN season 1 and 2 DVD  um...last week . I'll def watch it tonite !!!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 10 2006, 10:29 pm
wow...Kuro-puppy san , lots of pictures and info
I just bought MSLN season 1 and 2 DVD um...last week . I'll def watch it tonite !!!

watch it, you'll love it! ^^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on November 10 2006, 10:34 pm
I'm watching it at the moment ( using the computer )
Nanoha-chan resembles Sakura ( CCs ) a lot ! ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on November 10 2006, 10:50 pm
-.- Don't you dare to say that MSLN / A's / StrikerS is alike CCS.. I've had enough of that already. So please ^^;;..

I really don't think Nanoha is that alike Sakura >.>
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 10 2006, 10:55 pm
I thought that Nanoha was a bit similair to CCS Sakura too when i watched the first 2 eps way back then, but i changed my opinion after that (Sakura is nowhere near as violent as Nanoha XD)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on November 12 2006, 10:22 pm
okay...gomenasai Zeidi-san and Kuro-puppy -san !!!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 13 2006, 11:51 pm
okay...gomenasai Zeidi-san and Kuro-puppy -san !!!

no need to apologize, you're free to state your own opinion ^_^

btw, any news on the other MSLN StrikerS chapters?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on November 15 2006, 02:09 pm
I heard that there is going to be a season 3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 15 2006, 02:14 pm
I heard that there is going to be a season 3

YES!!!! will start airing in March 2007......still a long way, but we've got the manga to keep us busy until then

Chapter 1 (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: sanlyn on November 18 2006, 12:49 pm
love the intro and outro theme of Nanoha series. I hope stricker S will have more songs. 
*nana mizuki fan here*

My first impression with Nanoha is kinda like CCS too but as i watched more episodes, i noticed that its different.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on November 18 2006, 12:51 pm
The animation is more 3D is why, there's some area's that are kind of like CGI.

I like the character's and the story, but it could've used more to it (unlike CCS that had a full story to it, it feels like MSLN was restricted in some way)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 18 2006, 03:38 pm
The animation is more 3D is why, there's some area's that are kind of like CGI.

I like the character's and the story, but it could've used more to it (unlike CCS that had a full story to it, it feels like MSLN was restricted in some way)

season 1 is pretty standard Mahou Shoujo fair (story wise) but with some interesting twists, nice action and cute characters, i liked it more than most other Mahou Shoujos. 2nd season leaves standard mahou shoujo paths for the most part and rocks with its story, action and music ^_^

but i don't think you can really compare CCS and MSLN/A's/Strikers. Both of the anime's have a totally different approach when it comes to story, action and music.

Anyway, this anime is one of the Big 3 for a good reason X3

Zeldi uploaded the visual collection:

the pics are extremely cool, especially love this one:

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on December 02 2006, 07:03 pm
FATE-CHAN ROCKS!! And Yuuno is hot!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on December 02 2006, 07:10 pm
Yuuno? Nah.. I like Nanoha.. (this may sound strange coming from a male but...) she's cute!! Lovable and.... well.... WAAAAH!! I wanna have a little sister like her! ^_^

As for Fate.. shes cool, although she was annoying in the first series, the second series I began to like her. Yuuno.. dunno.. maybe because I'm male is why I can't seem to view him as a likable character (although my neice went nuts when saw him turn into a ferret... almost had to buy a new monitor..)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on December 02 2006, 07:28 pm
Ferret-kun wa kawaii! Nanoha-chan is also quite cute and lovablee.. I'll trade my sister for her any day.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 02 2006, 07:35 pm
My favorite females would be Fate-chan and Signum ^^
And from the guys would be Yuuno.


read this to find out the hidden truth of Yuuno and his family X3DDD:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on December 08 2006, 03:44 pm
Signum... Is she the girl beside Fate in this pic? (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 08 2006, 03:55 pm
Signum... Is she the girl beside Fate in this pic? (

nope, that is Arf XD

V This is Signum, leader of the Wolkenritter!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on December 08 2006, 04:03 pm
Arf-chan is kawaii~ Wow. I like Signum's hair. I must have it. *rips Signum's hair off*  She hash nice hair
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 08 2006, 09:16 pm
Arf-chan is kawaii~ Wow. I like Signum's hair. I must have it. *rips Signum's hair off* She hash nice hair


yup, Signum is one of the coolest ^^

and i have the feeling that you haven't watched A's yet right? otherwise you would know who Signum is. XD

Zafira is pretty cool too (male version of Arf)  :D
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: kero _chan on December 12 2006, 05:06 pm
well, i like almost every character....but my faves is nanoha,fate,signum,yuno and vita.........but i cannot wait for striker s to come out !!!!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on December 12 2006, 07:48 pm
Yay another one to add in the fan jar of MSLN / A's / StrikerS!

*cough* You should join my forum ;  *cough*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 12 2006, 10:48 pm
well, i like almost every character....but my faves is nanoha,fate,signum,yuno and vita.........but i cannot wait for striker s to come out !!!!

Yay another one to add in the fan jar of MSLN / A's / StrikerS!

*cough* You should join my forum ;  *cough*

join, we have lots of MSLN/A's obsessed people there XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on December 13 2006, 01:26 am
Yesh! And we're all very nice X3, Aren't we? :'D <3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 13 2006, 01:32 am
Yesh! And we're all very nice X3, Aren't we? :'D <3

yup! ^^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on December 16 2006, 05:02 pm
Yeah~ We're all crazy about Fate-chan~
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 20 2006, 09:32 pm
since we're on the subject of Fate-chan, here's an awesome pic Zeldi found:

( (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on December 20 2006, 11:13 pm
a girl with the name Sakura from an anime called "Da Capo" looks really like Fate-chan
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 20 2006, 11:49 pm
a girl with the name Sakura from an anime called "Da Capo" looks really like Fate-chan

Hm? sounds interesting. I'll check that anime out. ^^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on December 20 2006, 11:59 pm
I don't think she's alike. Sakura from Da Capo is too innocent to even be compared with Fate-chan >.>
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on December 21 2006, 04:22 pm
an image of Sakura and Nemu from Da Capo
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on December 21 2006, 04:26 pm
another picture of Sakura and Nemu...Nemu looks a little like Sakura from CCs
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 21 2006, 06:53 pm
@ lost Kitty:

if ya want to post multiple pics, just modify your previous post. Double posting is not allowed.

i don't see the resemblance with Sakura from CCS but that Sakura does look a little bit like Fate-chan
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on December 21 2006, 10:56 pm
ah...gomen !
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 21 2006, 11:18 pm
ah...gomen !

don't worry about it ^^

but try to avoid it from now on.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on December 22 2006, 12:27 am
I just read Chapter 2 of StrikerS <33~!!!. I've uploaded to you all too.

Download and read it~!! (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 22 2006, 09:12 pm
this chapter was love. The bloody Nanoha is already a classic!

oh yeah and something to celebrate. We now have MSLN/A's/StrikerS board at YnH forums! ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on December 23 2006, 12:06 am
this chapter was love. The bloody Nanoha is already a classic!

oh yeah and something to celebrate. We now have MSLN/A's/StrikerS board at YnH forums! ^_^
Of course it's a classic xD;.

I've been waiting for someone to request that board a LOOOONG time x3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 23 2006, 12:33 am
Of course it's a classic xD;.

I've been waiting for someone to request that board a LOOOONG time x3


screw Mahou Shoujo Lyrical "Nanoha"

this is a way better title for the anime XD -  - > Mahou Shoujo Lyrical 'Fate' (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on December 23 2006, 06:27 pm
Stop stealing what i'm going to post xD;. Just joking with you.

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical FATE! :'D ftw~
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: moezy-chan on January 21 2007, 05:03 pm
Back and ready to fangirl about MSLN! And I'm stating this now. *coughs* CHRONO-KUN IS MINE AND IF ANYBODY TRIES TO STEAL HIM FROM ME, YOU SHALL FEEL MY WRATH!!!

Ok done ^_^ as you were.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on January 21 2007, 05:06 pm
You would have some problem with that on YnH xD. Everyone knows that Yuuno is mine so i don't have to say it v.v . <3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: moezy-chan on January 21 2007, 05:13 pm
You would have some problem with that on YnH xD. Everyone knows that Yuuno is mine so i don't have to say it v.v . <3

Yesh XD but I'm making my claim now. He's mine! All mine! *claims* I dare anybody to take him *glares*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on January 23 2007, 06:58 pm
Yesh XD but I'm making my claim now. He's mine! All mine! *claims* I dare anybody to take him *glares*

Yo! it's good to see you again ^_^. Never thought i would see you again!

back on topic: Fate has been claimed by ME! End of story! *pose*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: moezy-chan on January 23 2007, 09:56 pm
Yo! it's good to see you again ^_^. Never thought i would see you again!

Thank you Kuro-puppy-san ^_^

back on topic: Fate has been claimed by ME! End of story! *pose*

XD I wouldn't dare
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on January 23 2007, 10:10 pm
Thank you Kuro-puppy-san ^_^

XD I wouldn't dare

you're welcome.

and you should check out the forumproject of YnH. I'm uploading the MSLN/A's DVD versions. they have better colors, edited scenes and improved or entirely new animations. Definetly worth watching

i get the DVD eps from here:

(it seems they have released A's ep 10 so i'll start downloading asap! ^^)

and we've got news about StrikerS. It takes place 10 years after A´s and a lot of stuff happened like Fate having an adopted son or something and more new characters, Yay! and long live the bloody Nanoha scene!!! XDD

new characters
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: moezy-chan on January 23 2007, 11:15 pm
you're welcome.

and you should check out the forumproject of YnH. I'm uploading the MSLN/A's DVD versions. they have better colors, edited scenes and improved or entirely new animations. Definetly worth watching

i get the DVD eps from here:

(it seems they have released A's ep 10 so i'll start downloading asap! ^^)

and we've got news about StrikerS. It takes place 10 years after A´s and a lot of stuff happened like Fate having an adopted son or something and more new characters, Yay! and long live the bloody Nanoha scene!!! XDD

new characters

Ooh~ I'll definitely make sure to do that ^_^ I haven't watched the series in a while; too bogged down with homework and studying @_@ but I'll make sure to check it out asap~
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Moon on January 25 2007, 03:14 pm
As the new characters look interesting, I'm hoping that the main guy characters [ Chrono and Yuuno ] will get some air time and it wouldn't be completely centered around the new characters. Although I doubt, but hopefully they will show up every now and then.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: moezy-chan on January 25 2007, 03:19 pm
As the new characters look interesting, I'm hoping that the main guy characters [ Chrono and Yuuno ] will get some air time and it wouldn't be completely centered around the new characters. Although I doubt, but hopefully they will show up every now and then.

Same, definitely~ I especially want Chrono to get more are time <3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Lexi on January 25 2007, 03:26 pm
I watched MSLN some months ago, and I found it pretty interesting for a magical shoujo anime. ^^ Yuuno is an adorable bishounen/ferret. XD <33 But Fate has to be my favourite female character. She's just too awesome. x3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Moon on January 25 2007, 03:29 pm
That he is. x3 He's cute with Nanoha, me thinks.. *whistles*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: moezy-chan on January 25 2007, 03:41 pm
That he is. x3 He's cute with Nanoha, me thinks.. *whistles*

Yesh ^_^ definitely <3 They're my favorite couple.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on January 25 2007, 04:25 pm
the new characters:

the blue Hokuto/Subara (which one is the right name don't ask me >.<) is a student of Nanoha and is a Nanoha fangirl who uses a knuckle device (sounds like mega version of Arf and Zafira) XD

the red one Elio is sorta like Fate's adopted son who uses a spear Look (

the pink one is Mint, not much known about this one
and the gungirl is Lanster.

I think they'll get more screentime than Nanoha and Fate atleast but it won't be anything drastic and they've haven't showed who the new bad guys are gonna be yet
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on January 25 2007, 04:41 pm
v.v Precia will RETURN!! XD. Nah.. i'm really excited for the future chapters. They will probably do a time jump again x.x. Rawr
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on January 25 2007, 07:08 pm
To bad I have to wait until they are fan subbed before I can get them =\

*sigh* I hate waiting! >_<

But what about Hayate? I like her character a bit better than Nanohas....
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: moezy-chan on January 26 2007, 02:27 am
v.v Precia will RETURN!! XD. Nah.. i'm really excited for the future chapters. They will probably do a time jump again x.x. Rawr

I definitely agree with that. She was too important in the series for her not to return. Gotta wonder, if she does come, what her role will be.

To bad I have to wait until they are fan subbed before I can get them =\

*sigh* I hate waiting! >_<

But what about Hayate? I like her character a bit better than Nanohas....

Yeah, bites that those who aren't fluent or well versed in Japanese have to wait for the fansubs. Does anybody know who's subbing the series? Will it be the same group, or is that unknown yet?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on January 26 2007, 03:22 am

I've been checking the one site I do get it from and it's not listed; although people are hoping it's the same group according to that sites forums.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on January 26 2007, 05:11 am
The Triad are subbing it. It's on their Future projects X3.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on January 26 2007, 09:11 am
Good :D

They did a good job :)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: moezy-chan on January 26 2007, 11:52 am
The Triad are subbing it. It's on their Future projects X3.

Arigatou Zeldi-chan~ ^_^ They did a wonderful job on the last season~
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on January 31 2007, 11:32 am
since we're on the subject of Fate-chan, here's an awesome pic Zeldi found:

( (
Do you that image in 1024x768? Its too big for my compy ;__________;

Nice idea. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Fate... Mahou Shounen Lyrical Yuuno xDD

Same, definitely~ I especially want Chrono to get more are time <3
Chrono is LOVE~~

I watched MSLN some months ago, and I found it pretty interesting for a magical shoujo anime. ^^ Yuuno is an adorable bishounen/ferret. XD <33 But Fate has to be my favourite female character. She's just too awesome. x3
Duh! Everybody feels that way xDD

That he is. x3 He's cute with Nanoha, me thinks.. *whistles*

That page with Elio and Fate.. I translated it didn't I?  *with help from Noodle-sama of course x33*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on January 31 2007, 02:24 pm
( (

here ya go Saku-pu

and another pic:

( (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on February 02 2007, 05:05 pm
Oy! i've found pics of the designs for StrikerS (some really great pics!!! ^^)

( ( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( ( (

and the Nanoha and Subaru one:

( (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on February 03 2007, 06:48 am
Is it just me, or does it appear that Fate has both a Son AND a daughter?! O_o

Oh and.... does anyone know of a fan forum that is strictly MGLN? (Been trying to find one >_<)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on February 03 2007, 05:24 pm
Oh and.... does anyone know of a fan forum that is strictly MGLN? (Been trying to find one >_<)
*cough* . . .  or just try animesuki's forum . . .v.v
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on February 03 2007, 06:15 pm
Is it just me, or does it appear that Fate has both a Son AND a daughter?! O_o

Oh and.... does anyone know of a fan forum that is strictly MGLN? (Been trying to find one >_<)

Mint (the pink one) hasn't appeared yet in the manga, so what her connection to Fate is I don't know. Oh! and there's been talk on animesuki's forum that 3rd season will be 26 episodes. Wouldn't surprise me with all the stuff they would have to cram in 13 episodes
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on February 03 2007, 06:34 pm

Arigatou ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on February 11 2007, 04:54 pm
this is pretty interesting:

a doujin-type Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A’s shooter game! ^_^

it seems to be a Bullet Hell shooter (also known as SHMUP games). It's only arcade otherwise i would have imported right away, I just LOVE Bullet Hell shooters XD

that the anime now has a game is one step to becoming popular enough for licensing *happy dance*

and some new StrikerS pics Zeldi posted at YnH:

( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on February 21 2007, 12:47 am
( (

here ya go Saku-pu

and another pic:

( (
Thanks ^^-

ZOMG. Fate looks hot in that shooter game o_O


Theres another ver. of this wallie right? I don't like Fate's clothes here >.<
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on March 29 2007, 03:24 pm
don't know but....


StrikerS 30 seconds long preview (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on March 29 2007, 04:05 pm

Now we just need to hope that someone does license the anime, preferably a reknowned or at least known outfit that is.

Oh! Almost forgot: Anyone know if the manga has been licensed yet?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on March 29 2007, 04:43 pm

Now we just need to hope that someone does license the anime, preferably a reknowned or at least known outfit that is.

Oh! Almost forgot: Anyone know if the manga has been licensed yet?

the A's, since it's only 7 chapters meant to give extra info about A's anime. StrikerS manga....nope, nothing yet

altough there has been talk about MSLN season 1 getting licensed by Geneon:

"Latest rumor: Nanoha may be licensed.

According to Network Solutions, (along with has been registered to Geneon."
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: sanlyn on March 31 2007, 02:00 am
the A's, since it's only 7 chapters meant to give extra info about A's anime. StrikerS manga....nope, nothing yet

altough there has been talk about MSLN season 1 getting licensed by Geneon:

"Latest rumor: Nanoha may be licensed.

According to Network Solutions, (along with has been registered to Geneon."

It means that Geneon is on the way to get it, but it is still not sure whether they will have it or not. 

BTW:  i just downloaded strikerS M soundstage from the Megami.  Its a drama cd without any vocals.  But Nanoha voice is really so cute.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on April 01 2007, 01:32 pm
It means that Geneon is on the way to get it, but it is still not sure whether they will have it or not. 

BTW:  i just downloaded strikerS M soundstage from the Megami.  Its a drama cd without any vocals.  But Nanoha voice is really so cute.

I"m still downloading it. I wanna hear Fate again! ^_^

Now we just have to wait for the first episode to air!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on April 01 2007, 06:01 pm
What are the latest available chapters of MSLN S's? I think the last chapter I've read is chapter 2
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on April 01 2007, 07:41 pm
What are the latest available chapters of MSLN S's? I think the last chapter I've read is chapter 2

after chapter 3 there is another time skip making it a total of 10 years since the end of A's O.O

Chapter 3 and 4 (

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on April 17 2007, 02:21 pm
Episode 1 of StrikerS has been released by Triad:

enjoy the awesomeness
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 02 2007, 10:55 pm
Triad has dropped StrikerS. At least there 2 other groups doing it XD

Oh, BTW, Elio is mine ^^-

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 11 2007, 08:24 pm
episode 5 WAS.....FREAKING.....ROCKING.....AWESOM E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now for some quotes to convince everyone of the awesomeness:

quote 1:

episode 5 WAS.....BLOODY.........AMAZING!!!!!! IT WILL ROCK YOU SENSELESS!!!!!

here's the lowdown of this fantastic episode that gave me the old "MSLN/A's WHOA!" feeling again:

This episode is Carol centered *happy dance*

We get to see 2 parts of Carol's past, one with probably her getting her familliar and the other one shows how she met Fate
Then comes the most awesome part of this episode.....THE TRANSFORMATIONS!!!!!

Fate: she ownes them all!!
Nanoha: not sure which one is better, the one from A's or this one but i seriously think she should let her hair loose. It's way prettier ^^
Subaru: coolness all the way and great BGM
Teana: not really impressed with hers
Elio: cool with nice BGM but really short compared to the others >.<
Carol: great transformation and the coolest of the transformation BGM's

They start destroying the drones inside the train and Subaru has some trouble with her new power and almost blew herself off the train. In the meanwhile Elio and Carol are fighting against the big drone but Elio gets defeated and the drone throws him off the train causing Carol to cry, shout his name and jump after him (great ElioXCarol moment). She catches up to him and summons a giant version of Friedrich to fly through the air. Elio wakes up and they both fight the drone together completely annihilating it.

From what i've seen Carol is not exactly a fighter but her magic abilities surpass the others by far! ^_^

all in all a fantastic episode

score: 12 out of 10 XDD

quote 2:

O.O. OMFG! Seriously. The. Transformations. Kicks. ***. I think i lost my breath. They are ******* AMAZING! A's QUALITY x100! NOW I CAN BE EVEN MORE PROUD TO SAY THAT THE MSLN SERIES OWNS MY SOUL <3.
Favorite transformation in order;
1. Fate - PURE AWSOMENESS. Thought i was going to die. Fate's legs are HOOT <3. Her battle outfit is really cool with and without the cape. >3<

2. Nanoha - HAIR DOWN. HAIR DOWN. *DEAD* Sadly the BGM didn't change but her new battle outfit made up for it.

3. Elio - It's not even worth of calling it a transformation D: . I WANT TO SEE ELIO NAKED AS WELL *COUGH* x//D;;Should've been longer but it WAS SOO COOL! *3*.

4. Carole - K-K-KAWAII~ That's all i have to say xD. Oh it should've been longer v.v

5. Tiana - Reminded me of Fate's old one from A's, pretty much a copy. Awsomeish <3 83

6. Subaru - Her's was cool but i liked the others better so . . Tough cookie.  XD

quote 3:

Now everybody understands why i was fanboying so much about this episode the last couple of weeks XDDD

my list:

1. Fate: same reasons as Zeldi's ^^

2. Carol: the BGM rocks and her "Bring it on!" attitude in the transformation was so cute!

3. Elio: I guess drawing naked boys is out of the question in magic girl anime's. Really short but really COOL

4. Nanoha and Subaru: ended up same place together since Subaru's is really cool and Nanoha had the hair down bit

5. Tiana: original one but i like her the least of the new characters

favorite moments:

1. transformations!!!! activated what was probably the longest fanboying i've done in years!!!

2. Carol saving Elio and embracing him near the end. So cute, especially Elio's reaction when he woke up XD

3. summong Friedrich. Complete "Whoa it's Bahamut's little brother" moment

quote 4:

Nya~ You get extra points for saying awsome stuff~

Fangirl Moments:

1. Elio and Carole's transformations <33333 ELIO!!!! *clings to Elio* Carole's was pure cuteness <3

2. Elio attacking the big robot thingy <3

3. Elio getting slaughtered by the robot thingy [XD; He still looks cute even when hes being slaughtered]

4. Carole sort of awakening when she saw Elio falling <3333

5. Carole saving Elio <3 [I was screaming "CAROLE! SAVE OUR ELIO-KUNNNNN!!!!"

6. Elio waking up in Carole's arms <333

7. His reaction when he saw where he was XD

8. Carole's reaction when she saw he was awake XDDD



All I need is a Yuuno and Chrono transformation and I am complete XD;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 11 2007, 08:41 pm
Chuu~ Its our quotes over at YnH xD Well believe those quotes. They are 500% true! xPPP I want episode 7 ASAP or I am gonna jump off our school building XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 11 2007, 08:50 pm
xD *cough* . Really i lost my breath it was beyond awsomeness~
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 12 2007, 09:31 pm
It was the best episode ever x3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on May 12 2007, 10:19 pm
Eh.. May I ask where you got the episodes from? :3 I can't seem to find the way in DL-ing the latest installment :(
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 12 2007, 10:22 pm

xD; The episode discussion topic has the downloads on the first page :3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on May 12 2007, 10:23 pm
Thankies po xD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 12 2007, 10:36 pm
OT:"po".. That could only mean.. YOUR FROM THE PHILIPPINES!



*Dude, whats with the horrible outfit? XD*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 12 2007, 11:26 pm
Eh.. May I ask where you got the episodes from? :3 I can't seem to find the way in DL-ing the latest installment :(

hey, another MSLN fan! *happy dance* be patient with 3rd season, the big stuff starts after episode 4!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 12 2007, 11:36 pm
Just like MSLN. Fate-chan came out in ep. 4 am I right?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 12 2007, 11:51 pm
Just like MSLN. Fate-chan came out in ep. 4 am I right?

yup! and from there hell broke loose and the anime became awesome!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 12 2007, 11:54 pm
*nod* If the DVDs release the first 2 or 3 episodes first, people might drop this anime.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 13 2007, 12:00 am
*nod* If the DVDs release the first 2 or 3 episodes first, people might drop this anime.

probably, but if they add episode 4 it should be interesting for newcomers and if they manage to squeeze episode 5 on the first dvd everybody will get addicted!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 13 2007, 12:01 am
I agree on that XD The DVDs here have all the episodes in one CD O_O;;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 24 2007, 01:31 pm
I agree on that XD The DVDs here have all the episodes in one CD O_O;;

but that's probably bootleg dvd's, they always have many eps on one cd

oh yeah they've announced that StrikerS will have a 9th DVD containing the last 2 episodes, so that mean 3 episodes for each dvd

And yesy has finally released episode 7, now we can find out what's the deal with Lutecia and Zest ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 24 2007, 01:34 pm
I'm currently downloading ep. 7 myself :3 When will they be realesed again?

OT: YnH isn't working ;-;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 24 2007, 01:37 pm
I'm currently downloading ep. 7 myself :3 When will they be realesed again?

OT: YnH isn't working ;-;

I know, that's why i'm posting here XD

Episode 6 by DGZ will be released somewhere before the end of the week and ep 7 soon after
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 24 2007, 01:39 pm
Soon? More like after a month v.v They're subs don't work with me for some reason.

OT: Looks like we're campin' out here tonight x3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on May 24 2007, 01:47 pm
*take's out some wood and builds a campfire* Mashmellow's anyone? xD

Ahem.. anyway.. I find it rather coincedental... no sooner did I complete the raw of EP7 did Yesy release EP 7..... someone's stalking my internet connection  :shifty:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 24 2007, 01:48 pm
Soon? More like after a month v.v They're subs don't work with me for some reason.

OT: Looks like we're campin' out here tonight x3

The DGZ subs? have you tried both of their versions, H264 and Xvid?

OT: *sets up tent* X3

*take's out some wood and builds a campfire* Mashmellow's anyone? xD

Ahem.. anyway.. I find it rather coincedental... no sooner did I complete the raw of EP7 did Yesy release EP 7..... someone's stalking my internet connection  :shifty:

just when we convinced you to watch RAW's the subs are released X3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on May 24 2007, 01:59 pm

just when we convinced you to watch RAW's the subs are released X3

hehe.... I'm currently downloading EP 8 though xD

And now my over-sea's friend wants me to start a fansub group... to bad I don't have the proper editor for that type of work... (And trust me, groups like Yesy and DGz don't use Window's Movie Maker :p)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 24 2007, 02:15 pm
*take's out some wood and builds a campfire* Mashmellow's anyone? xD

Ahem.. anyway.. I find it rather coincedental... no sooner did I complete the raw of EP7 did Yesy release EP 7..... someone's stalking my internet connection  :shifty:
Ahahaha x3 That happens to me as well XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 24 2007, 03:42 pm
after watching ep 7 subbed this is my conclusion

Lutecia is searching for something, i wonder what? o.O
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 24 2007, 03:43 pm
I can give you a guess. The Relic.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 24 2007, 03:47 pm
This is a miracle I'm actually downloading Yesy subs. Only because of Yuuno ONLY <3
She's searching after a Elio Clone. *Has seen too much fan art*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 24 2007, 03:51 pm
I wanna see in the anime! [From the Soundstage]

13. Souin, Sentou Taisei!
Oh crap. OH CRAP. Arisa’s cottage hasn’t got a bath… so it’s time to hit the local bathhouse. Since the bathhouse allows kids below 11 to bath with their parents, Elio(10) is invited in with the rest of the girls…even Fate says that it’s been a while since she bathed him… but he declines it. Seriously, Elio. SERIOUSLY! While he scoots off somewhere to bath in private… Kyaro seems to have “other” ideas.

14. Sentou Joukyou 1 Taichou Tachito Yuujin to
The gang taking their baths. I’ll leave it to your imaginations. They notice Kyaro is missing though….

15. Sentou Joukyou 2 Erio to Caro
Kyaro. Went in to the men’s section. To bath with Elio. Enough description. THERE IS NO ESCAPING HER!!! Loli x Shota… Loli x Shota… Loli x Shota…

16. Erio to Caro in Rotenburo
エリオとキャロ…おふろで…はだかで. Ok it wasn’t really that X-rated, just Kyaro and Elio thanking each other for the things they’ve done for each other. Elio, however, is unable to escape his fate(pun intended) as Fate comes in to check on them to wash his head.

That sounds like a fanfic XD

Why did you refuse Elio? XDDD


OT: Congrats to the new mods Kuro-sama and I-chan ;3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 24 2007, 04:06 pm
I can give you a guess. The Relic.

I don't really think so, Oh! i know! she's looking for her lost sister! and it's Carol!!! *cracks up*

I wanna see in the anime! [From the Soundstage]

13. Souin, Sentou Taisei!
Oh crap. OH CRAP. Arisa’s cottage hasn’t got a bath… so it’s time to hit the local bathhouse. Since the bathhouse allows kids below 11 to bath with their parents, Elio(10) is invited in with the rest of the girls…even Fate says that it’s been a while since she bathed him… but he declines it. Seriously, Elio. SERIOUSLY! While he scoots off somewhere to bath in private… Kyaro seems to have “other” ideas.

14. Sentou Joukyou 1 Taichou Tachito Yuujin to
The gang taking their baths. I’ll leave it to your imaginations. They notice Kyaro is missing though….

15. Sentou Joukyou 2 Erio to Caro
Kyaro. Went in to the men’s section. To bath with Elio. Enough description. THERE IS NO ESCAPING HER!!! Loli x Shota… Loli x Shota… Loli x Shota…

16. Erio to Caro in Rotenburo
エリオとキャロ…おふろで…はだかで. Ok it wasn’t really that X-rated, just Kyaro and Elio thanking each other for the things they’ve done for each other. Elio, however, is unable to escape his fate(pun intended) as Fate comes in to check on them to wash his head.

That sounds like a fanfic XD

Why did you refuse Elio? XDDD


OT: Congrats to the new mods Kuro-sama and I-chan ;3

I think Elio was a bit embarrassed to bathe with the girls but OMG!!! I want those ElioXCarol scenes in the anime!!! *fanboy mode activated*

OT: thanks the congrats
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 24 2007, 04:08 pm
I don't really think so, Oh! i know! she's looking for her lost sister! and it's Carol!!! *cracks up*

I think Elio was a bit embarrassed to bathe with the girls but OMG!!! I want those ElioXCarol scenes in the anime!!! *fanboy mode activated*
I'd be the happiest fangirl in the world if that happened XD Carol is no ordinary mahou shoujo xDD *can't stop laughing*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 24 2007, 04:12 pm
I'd be the happiest fangirl in the world if that happened XD Carol is no ordinary mahou shoujo xDD *can't stop laughing*

Wikipedia: Carol seems to have a romantic interest in Elio

I think that is not "seems" anymore XD

Carol is quite different from others indeed. Normally a mahou shoujo would never enter the men's section willingly and she didn't even get angry or blush when Elio accidently groped her in episode 2 o.O

Not that i mind, cause canonness is in the air *starts singing*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 24 2007, 04:14 pm
Nope not 'seems' at all.

I was expecting her to make Friedrich attack Elio in ep. 2 XD

*nod approvingly*

Canonness indeed x3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 24 2007, 04:32 pm
DGZ has just released episode 6! about freakin time >.<

This is a miracle I'm actually downloading Yesy subs. Only because of Yuuno ONLY <3
She's searching after a Elio Clone. *Has seen too much fan art*

oh yeah, lots of people seem to put Elio and Lutecia together >.<
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 24 2007, 04:36 pm
oh yeah, lots of people seem to put Elio and Lutecia together >.<
Screw that >< It should be Elio x Carole all the way
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 25 2007, 04:29 pm
Screw that >< It should be Elio x Carole all the way


listened to track 16 of the soundstage and ElioXCarol was so cute!!! with Elio being embarrased first and then they were laughing and stuff and Elio hiding his head in the water out of shame when Fate came

I think i'll make an ElioXCarol fanclub before this topic turns into one XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 25 2007, 04:31 pm
I have a feeling we'll be the only 2 to join that club xD


I actually understood 45% of what they were saying in the Soundstage O_O But I'm not sure if they're right XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 25 2007, 10:30 pm
I have a feeling we'll be the only 2 to join that club xD
Are you forgetting about me?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 25 2007, 11:58 pm
Ah gome xD Though I'm pretty sure you support YxN more right? XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 26 2007, 12:08 am
Ah gome xD Though I'm pretty sure you support YxN more right? XD
I do, but that's not the important thing. I support Elio x Carole as well. X3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 12:41 am
^Waiiii x3

Is the manga of StrikerS discontinued?


It seems that has been updated. The character part I mean. Dr. Spaghetti [XD] that guy whose with Lutecia, Lutecia and the droids were added
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 26 2007, 01:00 am
^Waiiii x3

Is the manga of StrikerS discontinued?


It seems that has been updated. The character part I mean. Dr. Spaghetti [XD] that guy whose with Lutecia, Lutecia and the droids were added

I've heard something about a chapter 5 and 6 but i think it's just a rumour.

I've also seen a scan of StrikerS Starter Book, I wonder when that one will release ^^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 01:01 am
It hasn't been released yet O_O;?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 26 2007, 01:16 am
It hasn't been released yet O_O;?

guess not, or it would have showed up on Tokyotosho by now v.v
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 01:19 am
But according to Wikipedia, the starter book dubbed Lutecia as the mystery girl meaning that it must already be released O_O;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 26 2007, 02:11 am
But according to Wikipedia, the starter book dubbed Lutecia as the mystery girl meaning that it must already be released O_O;

maybe it's those loose scans of the character designs that were released a time ago
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 26 2007, 03:35 am
[Watched episode six of StrikerS - Nanoha&DG'z subs]
I can't express my love for StrikerS. It was VERY ULTIMATE INTERESTING from the start but now that we got a hint of the Jewel Seeds again in episode six my heart is pounding really fast of excitement! <3. Doctor Spaghetti makes everything interesting, also I sense that we'll get some flashbacks from MSLN, the whole Fate/Precia thing as it's connected. KYAAA! SUPAH DUPAH LOVE LOVE. X3

Now I'm going to watch episode seven Yesy subs (OMFG! XD) and that's ONLY because of my Yuuno is in that episode, three seconds or not IT'S STILL SUPER MEGA FANGIRLISM!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Moon on May 26 2007, 08:51 am
Now I'm going to watch episode seven Yesy subs (OMFG! XD) and that's ONLY because of my Yuuno is in that episode, three seconds or not IT'S STILL SUPER MEGA FANGIRLISM!

I watched episode seven the other day, he appears again in it for another couple seconds. That was great. ^_^ <3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 12:53 pm
He caught a glimpse of Fate walking while talking to Verossa and at the end he was some sort of professor and Nanoha just lit up when his name was mentioned x3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 26 2007, 01:07 pm
[Watched episode six of StrikerS - Nanoha&DG'z subs]
I can't express my love for StrikerS. It was VERY ULTIMATE INTERESTING from the start but now that we got a hint of the Jewel Seeds again in episode six my heart is pounding really fast of excitement! <3. Doctor Spaghetti makes everything interesting, also I sense that we'll get some flashbacks from MSLN, the whole Fate/Precia thing as it's connected. KYAAA! SUPAH DUPAH LOVE LOVE. X3

Now I'm going to watch episode seven Yesy subs (OMFG! XD) and that's ONLY because of my Yuuno is in that episode, three seconds or not IT'S STILL SUPER MEGA FANGIRLISM!

and then comes episode 8, i think that one scene is already becoming famous on the web XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 01:08 pm
You mean the mutual blushing :3?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 26 2007, 01:10 pm
You mean the mutual blushing :3?

nope, i was talking about "that" scene *shivers*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 01:12 pm
O_O; You mean the 'White Devil?'
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 26 2007, 01:15 pm
O_O; You mean the 'White Devil?'

yup that's the one. Nanoha is now the 3rd animegirl ever that scared me O.O
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 01:17 pm
OT: Who are the first 2?

Alot of people are quite interested in it xD IT said she got mad about them doing such reckless moves and that they were makiing her training worth nothing.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 26 2007, 01:24 pm
OT: Who are the first 2?

Alot of people are quite interested in it xD IT said she got mad about them doing such reckless moves and that they were makiing her training worth nothing.


1st place goes to Nina from Code Geass: the greenhaired glass girl is one messed up girl O_O
2nd place goes to Nanoha
3rd place goes to Tomoyo (CCS): i found her to be really creepy sometimes when i was young

back on topic

Nanoha scolded them for fighting recklessly, her training them would be worthless like this, but Teana continued on this pace and Nanoha got mad and decided it was time to show them what would happen if they fought like this in a real battle.

it's a spoiler but here is The White Devil:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 01:30 pm
Nanoha.. is scary.. Getting mad at them just for that.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 26 2007, 01:46 pm
Nanoha.. is scary.. Getting mad at them just for that.

yeah but i understand why she did that. If they had fought against Signum in A's, for example, being this reckless, Signum would have cut them to pieces in 10 seconds
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 01:48 pm
Too right you are. And Nanoha did that with the limiter on? O_O; Don't mess with S+ ranks xD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on May 26 2007, 02:04 pm
Nanoha IS the White Devil!! O_O

If she were real.... I'd make it my business NOT to piss her off! O_O

Although now I have to wonder what Tiana is going to do... after seeing that display of power.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 02:07 pm
I'd never approach Nanoha again if i were her. Nanoha looked very scary.. O_O;

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 26 2007, 06:37 pm
Just watched the HQ episode eight. OMFG! Seems like Tiana had a brother who was an elite mage of some kind. >3<. Lots of Subaru x Tiana moments, MSLN is really a Shoujo-ai hint anime. THE YUUNO X NANOHA MOMENT WAS THE BEST THING EVAAAH! Blushing, Blushing and MORE BLUSHING! X3

Nanoha "The White Devil" Takamachi surely knows how to do it. Yukari Tamura did an awsome job with the voice at that moment. The 'Raging Heart. Mode Release' part made me shiver. >'3

Sora iro no Yakusoku [Subaru's character song] was the insert song of this episode. ^^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 26 2007, 10:32 pm
Really? Sora iro no Yakusoku? I wasn't listening much xDDD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 28 2007, 02:06 pm
Just watched the HQ episode eight. OMFG! Seems like Tiana had a brother who was an elite mage of some kind. >3<. Lots of Subaru x Tiana moments, MSLN is really a Shoujo-ai hint anime. THE YUUNO X NANOHA MOMENT WAS THE BEST THING EVAAAH! Blushing, Blushing and MORE BLUSHING! X3

Nanoha "The White Devil" Takamachi surely knows how to do it. Yukari Tamura did an awsome job with the voice at that moment. The 'Raging Heart. Mode Release' part made me shiver. >'3

Sora iro no Yakusoku [Subaru's character song] was the insert song of this episode. ^^

oh? didn't notice that. I must listen closer then

episode 9 super bad LQ raw has been released:

the LQ raw was a bit late today, i hope this will not become a trend......
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 28 2007, 03:00 pm
So.. What happened? O_O Does Yuuno get more airtime? :DDD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 28 2007, 03:41 pm
So.. What happened? O_O Does Yuuno get more airtime? :DDD

Teana woke up in the hospital and there was an alert so everybody assembled. Teana started shouting at Nanoha, Vita got mad at this but Nanoha stopped Vita. Signum decided it was enough and punched Tea in the face O.O

they decide to show to the new ones what happened in season 1 and 2 (i guess it's for the people who haven't watched season 1/2)

in the meanwhile Nanoha, Fate and Vita take on the attackers above the sea

hmm, i can't understand what Shamal is saying so i don't know what happened to Nanoha in the Bloody scene but you can see she was as good as dead when Vita found her and you can see her trying to recover (not being able to walk and stuff)

in the meanwhile Vita is doing her Rocket Hammer again. Man! that attack is even cooler then in A's! some really nice animation here

Tea and Nanoha talk with eachother (i guess things are back to normal now). I lol'ed at seeing the rest spying on them behind the bushes XD

Nanoha thinks she is ready for it and releases one of Cross Mirage's limiters making Tea the first to reach level 2


Before the preview there's a commercial for Soundstage 2 *happy dance*

the preview shows that everybody is gonna take a vacation

- Tea and Subaru driving a motor
- Carol looking cuter then ever
- ice cream eating

I smell possibilities for ElioXCarol scenes ^_^

i always thought Subaru was the most important one of the 4 but Teana got 3 eps of development while Subaru only had episode 1 o.O
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 28 2007, 03:45 pm
Nya! Snapshot for the cute Carole thing? :3

How did they react when they saw what happend in season 1 and 2?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 28 2007, 03:59 pm
Nya! Snapshot for the cute Carole thing? :3

How did they react when they saw what happend in season 1 and 2?

they were quite shocked. Yeah kiddo's thats what true mage battles are XD don't they think the Fate being tortured stuff is a little bit too shocking for Elio and Carol to watch? o.O

and Carol, just a new outfit but it looks cute


Tea and Su wearing goggles and biker clothing was funny XD

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Moon on May 28 2007, 04:07 pm
That is so cute. A perfect outfit for her.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 28 2007, 04:13 pm

KYAAA <3 Kyaro-chan~ No wonder my Elio-kun loves you xD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 29 2007, 02:08 pm
rewatched ep 9 in better quality and i must say this is one of my favorite episodes sofar, nice flashbacks and Tea's background stuff offcourse. I hope that the vacation stuff of ep 10 is a sign that the Training Arc is finally over! with ep 10 we'll get a change of pace at last.

but they will undoubtedly return to training again and then i just hope we'll get real mage battles (Nanoha VS Fate would be nice ^^)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 29 2007, 11:36 pm
Nanoha vs. Fate vs. Hayate would rock me senseless xD So we have the past of Caro and Tea. and we pretty much know all about Subaru. What about my Elio D<
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 29 2007, 11:46 pm
Nanoha vs. Fate vs. Hayate would rock me senseless xD So we have the past of Caro and Tea. and we pretty much know all about Subaru. What about my Elio D<

i still stand at my guess that they'll keep his background secret until Project F is revealed

Or what i'm hoping for is that he'll tell his past to Carol when they are together in the city in ep 10 ^_^

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 29 2007, 11:50 pm
Yeah maybe.. I'm still wondering why he was placed in the protection thingy. Probably because of that Project F.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 30 2007, 05:59 am
Proof that StrikerS ( is taking over MEGAMI magazine. Nice posters *nodnod*. The Nanoha, Fate and Carole one. <3 (There are actually a lot of other posters that are nice as well but this is not a place to talk about that. xD) I want to ride in the Fatemobile ^^

The OP animation has changed from episode 7 - 8 - 9. Lookie! (

( (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 30 2007, 01:56 pm
Proof that StrikerS ( is taking over MEGAMI magazine. Nice posters *nodnod*. The Nanoha, Fate and Carole one. <3 (There are actually a lot of other posters that are nice as well but this is not a place to talk about that. xD) I want to ride in the Fatemobile ^^

The OP animation has changed from episode 7 - 8 - 9. Lookie! (

( (

the positioning of the characters has changed and it's more bright in colors and the relic thing when you see all of them is now blue instead of Yellow

I like the Carol poster ^^

and this pic is strange...

( (

something about a doujinshi visual novel

"Her... HER?
I mean to say, the one who's sleeping is YUUNO.

Nanoha is actually saying "Yuuno-kun... he's still sleeping so carefully...", with options of
1. Leave him alone and go to school
2. Give him a "good morning Kiss"
3. Get into futon
4. Bring Fate here"
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 30 2007, 03:00 pm
Nice posters <3 I like the Carol one :DD To the FateMobile!! AWAYYYYYYYYYY!

That must be one of those hentai dating games >< Give him a good morning kiss! or get into the futon! *cough cough*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on May 30 2007, 04:00 pm
I just wish Yesy and DGz would hurry their lazy rears ends up.... the raw of ep 10 is almost out.... and yet the highest ep we have is 7... 

There are times like these I wish the fansub group I used to be apart of still existed... we would usually get ep's out at least once or twice a week (we had four translators)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 30 2007, 04:02 pm
Nya >< What happened to you guys? ;-; Yesy's subs are abit annoying and DGz hates me so ;-;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 30 2007, 08:17 pm
Nya >< What happened to you guys? ;-; Yesy's subs are abit annoying and DGz hates me so ;-;

Yesy's subs are pathetic *remembers them translating in ep 5 that Carol had 2 dragons >.<*

but what's the problem with DGz then? are you using the Xvid versions? they should work..

but man! they're getting really lazy indeed. I've been cruising around on DGz board and it seems the translator is doing basically nothing! :angry:

I started practising my japanese again just so i can understand the RAW's (i've run out of patience and i think learning the whole Japanese language will go faster then waiting for their subs XD)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 30 2007, 08:21 pm
Truely pathetic.

I use the Xvid alright. But the font is like.. weird and sometimes the text doesn't appear then suddenly whatever application I'm using to watch it closes down ><

What is up with them?

I tried doing that and need I say that I fail so much? xD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 31 2007, 04:06 am
Here goes the Nanoha ( and Carole ( posters from Megami. :3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on May 31 2007, 06:24 am
but man! they're getting really lazy indeed. I've been cruising around on DGz board and it seems the translator is doing basically nothing!

That's why I'm disappointed with DGz... it seems that their translator is a slacker to say the least. Maybe I'm just to strict or something...

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 31 2007, 02:34 pm
Here goes the Nanoha ( and Carole ( posters from Megami. :3

thanks! *saves*

That's why I'm disappointed with DGz... it seems that their translator is a slacker to say the least. Maybe I'm just to strict or something...

nope you're not, they're just really lazy >.<

Truely pathetic.

I use the Xvid alright. But the font is like.. weird and sometimes the text doesn't appear then suddenly whatever application I'm using to watch it closes down ><

What is up with them?

I tried doing that and need I say that I fail so much? xD

computer problems or you don't have the right codecs

A little pic of YxN for I-chan: ( (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on May 31 2007, 03:37 pm
A little pic of YxN for I-chan: ( (
I already have that one. XP Nyahaha~. Thanks though
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Moon on May 31 2007, 04:06 pm
Kyaa!! *saves and gives a cookie* <333
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 01 2007, 12:45 am
Here goes the Nanoha ( and Carole ( posters from Megami. :3
Nya Sanykuu :3 *worship* [IT JUST DOESN'T FILL THE VOID! *sobs*] Gawd O_O; Those are really big images O_O;;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on June 01 2007, 12:46 am
Nya Sanykuu :3 *worship* [IT JUST DOESN'T FILL THE VOID! *sobs*] Gawd O_O; Those are really big images O_O;;
I told ya so. Big pictures are love. Works very well in graphic making and the quality is usually really good. >'D
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 01 2007, 12:49 am
There are lots of pretty scans Saku-pu wants O_O; But AP hates me ;-; Fate version of this (! Does anyone have a Fate version of that? :DD


was whileing chekcing on order for DVD vol came across this guess theres gonna be another end theme
Maho Shojo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS New Outro Theme: Untitled (CD)
Yukari Tamura | Release Date:2007/08/01 | Catalog No.:KICM-1212 *First Press
on CDjapan

Taken from a post on AS O_O;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 01 2007, 02:54 am
There are lots of pretty scans Saku-pu wants O_O; But AP hates me ;-; Fate version of this (! Does anyone have a Fate version of that? :DD


was whileing chekcing on order for DVD vol came across this guess theres gonna be another end theme
Maho Shojo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS New Outro Theme: Untitled (CD)
Yukari Tamura | Release Date:2007/08/01 | Catalog No.:KICM-1212 *First Press
on CDjapan

Taken from a post on AS O_O;

a 2nd ED theme? that's a surprise O.O

and that pic....A Fate version will soon come, just like it always has ^^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on June 01 2007, 03:02 am
a 2nd ED theme? that's a surprise O.O

and that pic....A Fate version will soon come, just like it always has ^^
Then there will probably be another OP theme as well. MORE NANA MIZUKI GOODNESS <3.
At least I hope. I heard something about it at Animesuki. It's 26 episodes afterall~
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 01 2007, 01:54 pm
Kyaa!! *saves and gives a cookie* <333

thanks for the cookie ^_^

episode 9 HQ RAW has been released:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 01 2007, 02:39 pm
It will probably come out after ep .13
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 01 2007, 03:41 pm
and the 2nd soundstage will be released somewhere around episode 14 since i heard the Soundstage 2 is episode 14.5
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 01 2007, 04:02 pm
So we'll probably be having Teana, Carole's and Fate's character songs, right?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 01 2007, 04:56 pm
So we'll probably be having Teana, Carole's and Fate's character songs, right?

That's my prediction, Elio will be on 3rd perhaps and maybe they'll surprise us all by putting a Verossa character song in it XDD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 01 2007, 04:59 pm
I hope theres a Chrono character song :DD Or a Yuuno one :DDDDDDD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 01 2007, 05:51 pm
I hope theres a Chrono character song :DD Or a Yuuno one :DDDDDDD

Yuuno....nope, he already had one on the previous soundstages. Chrono could be but that'll be the older one and not the young one (different seiyuu's)

The ultimate surprise! Precia's character song!!!! *cracks up*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 01 2007, 05:53 pm

Nya ;-; I want the young Chrono's character song ;-;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 01 2007, 07:33 pm
the first Older Fate figurine:

^ I WANT! X3

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 04 2007, 01:37 am
Because theres no delete button on my posts v.v

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on June 04 2007, 02:56 am
It's out! ^-^

Yesy relesaed number 8

Bout dang time to...
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 04 2007, 02:58 am
Ah yeah I forgot to post that xD Though I don't like their subs much v.v
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 04 2007, 02:27 pm
It's out! ^-^

Yesy relesaed number 8

Bout dang time to...


another 3 weeks wait for episode 9 i guess. character development episodes without subs is a pain in the neck >.<

oh yeah, episode 10 RAW has been released:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 04 2007, 03:59 pm
Anything interesting in the RAW?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 04 2007, 04:42 pm
Anything interesting in the RAW?

the first thing i saw was Teana sleeping and Subaru was on top of her and groping her breasts O.O
Teana woke up and got mad and punished her X3

Little Reinforce going naked! O.O

talk about fanservice!

Elio and Carol go to the city and talk about....stuff X3

Big one! Flashback of Carol and Fate and ARF IS IN IT!!!!!

Lutecia and Ginga are back and some girl dragging chains and blocks through the sewers o.O

Elio and Carol find her coming out of the sewers and she collapses.

quite an interesting episode, too bad the subs will come in 6 weeks or so at this rate >.<

preview shows Hayate will join the fighting in episode 11 YAY!!!


^ she reminds me of Arisa O.O
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 04 2007, 04:46 pm
Nyaha xD Subaru you dirty little girl xDD

Rein-chan!?!? O.O;;

What stuff? O_O;

Arf is back? YAY :DD

Some girl? What does she look like?

What were they doing alone in such a place? XD

Nya >< I hate you Yesy D< Such slow subbers you are. But at least you make releases unlike DGz v.v
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 04 2007, 06:42 pm
Some girl? What does she look like?

check the screenshot in my previous post for the girl

and the stuff they're talking about, probably something about Fate and Arf seeing the flashback and all

two screenshots:

Subaru's love interest is not Nanoha or's ICE CREAM!!! X3

and here i present.....Loli Arf!!!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 04 2007, 06:45 pm
Nya~ Love to LoliArf <3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 04 2007, 10:51 pm
there was also a new villain, her hair color, voice and attitude reminded me of Vita o.O perhaps Vita's rival in season 3?
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 04 2007, 10:58 pm
Uhh.. Picture please? :3
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on June 04 2007, 11:06 pm
Oh my. LOLI!Arf. How I've waited! LOLI!Arf is the character I wanted to see the most in the anime. . After Yuuno. x3
Now we only need to see more of the oldies! Like Chrono and Amy. Arisa and Suzuka.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on June 05 2007, 04:16 am

another 3 weeks wait for episode 9 i guess. character development episodes without subs is a pain in the neck >.<

oh yeah, episode 10 RAW has been released:

Tell me about it....

I'm hoping this series get's done before I leave for college in a year... but from the way it looks we'll probably only BE at nineteen by that time... idiots and their damn lazy rears... ERRRRRRR! >_<
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 05 2007, 11:14 am
If they were any slower they'd be going backwards v.v

Now we only need to see more of the oldies! Like Chrono and Amy. Arisa and Suzuka.
Nyaa~ Yay Chrono :DD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 05 2007, 01:41 pm
Uhh.. Picture please? :3

new villain:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on June 05 2007, 03:20 pm
new villain:
It's. . A BOY! O.O Probably
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 05 2007, 11:16 pm
I think it is a boy O.O
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 06 2007, 01:47 am
i think so too, but he sounded like a girl (sounded like Vita to be more precise) so i'm confused.

oh yeah, it seems Yesy has gotten of their lazy butts and subbed 2 eps in one week. here is episode 9 subbed!
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on June 06 2007, 02:52 am
Nani?! O_o

Then why isn't it on Animesuki I wonder....

You know.. if this keeps up.. .DGz might be forced to throw in the towel since they are seriously being left behind....

An interesting note:

YnH Members have offically taken over this thread! xD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on June 06 2007, 02:55 am
Nani?! O_o

Then why isn't it on Animesuki I wonder....

You know.. if this keeps up.. .DGz might be forced to throw in the towel since they are seriously being left behind....

An interesting note:

YnH Members have offically taken over this thread! xD
Animesuki doesn't update that fast. No no no. We, YnH Members owned this thread from the start XD.

>w< Rawr. I wished it was Nanoha&DG'z that released the episodes now instead. Yesy's subs doesn't look good x.x
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on June 06 2007, 02:58 am
Yesy's subs lack higher quality, I noticed it in the last sub. Of course I was able to fix some of it by using a nifty program of mine.... but that pumps the damn mb size to nine hundred! >_<
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 06 2007, 09:12 am
An interesting note:

YnH Members have offically taken over this thread! xD
Yay us xDD

And I was pretty surprised when I saw ep. 9 out already O_O But I'm not complaining xDD Bloody Nanoha, Blood Nanoha, Blood Nanoha! xD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 06 2007, 01:12 pm
Nani?! O_o

Then why isn't it on Animesuki I wonder....

You know.. if this keeps up.. .DGz might be forced to throw in the towel since they are seriously being left behind....

If DGz throws in the towel we're in serious trouble with subs v.v

An interesting note:

YnH Members have offically taken over this thread! xD

We ruled this topic from the very beginning *Coud pose*

sofar as i know, everybody who posts here is a YnH member XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on June 06 2007, 01:18 pm
I wonder if Yesy is making up for it taking so long? ^^;;

Now I wonder about EP 10... and the others... EP 9 was rather interesting and showed a side of Nanoha that I didn't think was possible (she showed fear... and a lot of pain in those shots)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 06 2007, 02:01 pm
I wonder if Yesy is making up for it taking so long? ^^;;

Now I wonder about EP 10... and the others... EP 9 was rather interesting and showed a side of Nanoha that I didn't think was possible (she showed fear... and a lot of pain in those shots)

yeah and now i understand why Nanoha got ballistic on Teana in ep 8, when Teana was going overboard everytime (like overcharging Cross Mirage in ep 7 and almost killing Subaru thanks to it) Nanoha saw her going down the same path of pain she went and didn't want that for her and since talking didn't help a good smacking was required to bring her back to her senses. Nanoha really cares for those kids and it's nice to see that there is actually a reason why 3rd season is called "StrikerS".

but i wonder about ep 10 too coz i've got a feeling that girl is gonna be major important in the next few eps, she must have been dragging Relics around for a good reason and from the looks of it i'd say that the doctor is after her and the relics she has.

ep 10 and 11 are gonna be very interesting

(i've gotta admit that i was worried about this anime but it picked up nicely from ep 5 and further ^_^)
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 06 2007, 02:43 pm
sofar as i know, everybody who posts here is a YnH member XD
Nyaaa~ Yay us! :DD

Now I wonder about EP 10... and the others... EP 9 was rather interesting and showed a side of Nanoha that I didn't think was possible (she showed fear... and a lot of pain in those shots)
I didn't think that side of her existed either O.O Now Nanoha has really scared me with her 'White Devil Scene'.

The New Villain... Seems cute xDDD *is ready to claim him at any second xD* Or has Vita already claimed him? *shot*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on June 06 2007, 04:53 pm
Actually I didn't mean the "White Devil" part, that part already scares me.

I'm talking about what happened to her in the past; her over doing it almost costed her her life, in some way it'd be very interesting to have an episode completely devoted to showing the viewers how she got back up, what she had to go through, all the pain, all the false hopes from the doctors, and even perhaps her friends feeling she wouldn't make it through.

That alone is worth a short OAV; or perhaps even a movie to boot. I don't know why, but when I see anime characters struggle, it makes me very interested in knowing what 'they' had to go through to get back up, but it's annoying not knowing what she had to do.. and not that just adds to the intrique and excitement.

Who knows? Perhaps Nanoha will over-do it again, perhaps she'll end up getting herself seriously wounded once more, only this time she won't be able to continue.. There are an infinate number of possibilities and each one extends into a different realm of possibility.

But again, what are the chances that the group that is making this series could expand the story line? Go with a series that take's place between A's and StrikerS?

We will just have to wait and see...
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on June 06 2007, 04:56 pm
I'm talking about what happened to her in the past; her over doing it almost costed her her life, in some way it'd be very interesting to have an episode completely devoted to showing the viewers how she got back up, what she had to go through, all the pain, all the false hopes from the doctors, and even perhaps her friends feeling she wouldn't make it through.
I never though.. Nanoha would go through such things O.O

*pokes BitTorrent*

Why aren't you moving BitTorrent? ;-;


Seeing Nanoha in pain llike that.. It was really sad ;-;
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 27 2007, 04:27 am
after watching the DVD eps and comparing them to the TV eps:

episode 1: I've tried my best but couldn't find anything different then the coloring being slightly improved.....but episode IS one of the best animated episodes of StrikerS ^_^

episode 2: couldn't find any changes except better coloring.

episode 3: now we're talking! Subaru's Revolver Shoot now has a laser in it like in the first ep and doesn't go past the drones as a gust of wind but instead explodes. Elio now holds Strada behind him while charging the drones and his Wind Cutter (no idea what' it's called, i just made the name up XD) is now colored bright yellow instead of very faint yellow, Same goes for Carol when she boosts Tiana's attack. When Elio decides to chop a building into pieces, Strada doesn't mysteriously change size anymore and Elio's stance and chopping is done different making it look way cooler and destructive then before. Fried now doesn't make a flame but a laserorb and spits it at the enemies erupting into a way better drawn firesea. Carol's Alchemic Chain now has become pink (a variant on Yuuno's green Chain Bind anyone? XD) and the ground now sorta lights up orange due to the fire making it look more realistic and the chains move differently. Teana's magic circle is now orange instead of faintly yellow and shadows have been altered as well. Her Fire Ball attack looks more like a fireball then just a normal laserblast now and a burn effect has been added when she fires it. The AMF colores purple instead of blueish when the attack hits.

Facial drawing inconsistincies have been fixed in all the eps.

Episode 1 and 2 had basically nothing except better coloring and facial corrections but that's because they were already greatly animated but episode 3 has been improved to the MSLN standard we've all come to love. I can't wait to see what they will do with episode 5 and 7 (both are great episodes with some really ugly animation at parts).

I hope DGz gets a translator soon we can all enjoy the DVD beauty with subs ^_^

If anybody wants i can post some screenshots to show the big difference in quality :wink:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on July 27 2007, 11:31 am
Time to camp out here again.

Anyway, I have no plans to download the DVD episodes. I'll stick with the original ones.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 27 2007, 03:18 pm
Yup, YnH still not back so time to camp out here again XD

Anyway, I have no plans to download the DVD episodes. I'll stick with the original ones.

then you're really missing out on some great stuff ^_^

screenshots to convince the nonbelievers. Left the normal ones and right the dvd ones

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Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on July 27 2007, 05:59 pm
SEVEN ARCS are wondeful. [They surely know how to earn money the right way. I mean they are the only animation company that has done it so far. >:]] ]
<3 Looking forward to see more of the DVD episodes. It's just gettin' better and better from this point. *x*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 28 2007, 03:02 pm
SEVEN ARCS are wondeful. [They surely know how to earn money the right way. I mean they are the only animation company that has done it so far. >:]] ]
<3 Looking forward to see more of the DVD episodes. It's just gettin' better and better from this point. *x*

They are the best!  actually a good reason to watch the DVD's of an anime and i hope others are gonna follow their example ^_^

oh yeah, somebody used Yesy's subs to create a subbed version of DVD episode 1:
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on July 29 2007, 06:12 am

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 29 2007, 08:53 pm


Whoa, Secret Ambition got owned big time here O.O
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on July 29 2007, 11:51 pm
Whoa, Secret Ambition got owned big time here O.O
INDEED! I "KYYAAA"ed during the whole song - the first two times. I'm still can't believe that I have it on my computer. It's insane.
<3 I wonder which part(s) of the song they are going to pick out for the tv version.

Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on July 30 2007, 05:37 am
Episode 18 [RAW];

All I am going to say about this episode (right now) is; MASSIVE WONDERS IS HERE! THE ANIMATION IS SO COOL!! :DD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on July 30 2007, 10:10 am


I don't understand a word of the site. Its all balderdash in my computer
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Moon on July 30 2007, 11:08 am
The song is lovely, thanks Zeldi-chan for sharing. ^^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on July 30 2007, 06:06 pm
Radio. ver ( // Tv Size (

( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on July 30 2007, 07:05 pm
The new OP is finally here! oh and Yesy has subbed episode 15:

about episode 18, the OP totally rocks. By far the coolest off all the OP's (am i the only that thinks they're trying to make Subaru the new main hero or something? XD). OP gives hope for humongous Signum VS Zest battle and Fate looked so damn cool in the OP ^_^

the episode. nothing spoilerish so what the heck.

 A little bit of Subaru's mother and how she died. Zest who apparently is gravely injured from the battles in previous episode. General dude is throwing a fit and his secretary is talking with Hayate. Nanoha starts crying and Fate embraces her *very happy fanboy* XD

at the end of the episode: time for some Relic experimenting on Vivio.

random thought: I feel sorry for Dr Spaghetti coz if Nanoha finds out what he has done to Vivo in this episode she's going Devil Mode again >.<

no preview, guess the maker of the raw was too lazy to record it......
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 01 2007, 02:06 am
sorry for the double post but here is the not so surprising news: DGZ HAS DROPPED SUBBING StrikerS! >.<

[05:12:01 ]  · · Topic : [DGz Subs] dead | Out: MGLN StrikerS 08 (h264/XviD) [ ] | Next: StrikerS is dropped. JJS agreed, don't bother him about it | Teh shimmie returns: | Messageboard:
[ 05:12:01 ]  · · Set by : JJS!~josh@The.DGz.jerk on Monday, July 30th 2007, 08:07:57

^ then to think i waited for DGz subs all this time to understand eps 9-15. *immediately downloads Yesy subs*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on August 01 2007, 04:14 am
I had a feeling that might happen when that help wanted thread went up >_<

Now we have to wonder how Yesy will respond to this, because having two sub groups is a good idea in case one of them drops out, but now we only have Yesy (God I wish Triad had kept subbing this series!) >_<
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Myna on August 02 2007, 02:52 am
Radio. ver ( // Tv Size (

( ( ( ( (
First two pics are great! ^^ The last two....woah. o.o
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Sakupu-chan on August 02 2007, 10:23 pm
I knew that they'd drop it sooner or later.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 02 2007, 10:52 pm
I had a feeling that might happen when that help wanted thread went up >_<

Now we have to wonder how Yesy will respond to this, because having two sub groups is a good idea in case one of them drops out, but now we only have Yesy (God I wish Triad had kept subbing this series!) >_<

Personnally i don't care about Triad anymore, they were out of the picture as soon as i read that immature statement of theirs about StrikerS >.<

DGz did say it's temporary drop untill they find a translator and then they will do the DVD eps but if they ever find a translator is a big question so we're stuck with Yesy until somebody decides to take on the job of fansubbing. Well at least we have that one guy making unofficial fansubs of the DVD eps using Yesy subs so we can atleast understand the DVD's ^_^

on a different note, i'm hoping for a HQ RAW of ep 18 to come out soon. I want to see that AWESOME OP in HQ!!!! XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Myna on August 03 2007, 12:13 am
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on August 03 2007, 04:07 am
Wish I could find the non-radio version of the sound, and last I checked ya can't download off Youtube :p
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Myna on August 03 2007, 11:07 am
Gendou uploaded it~
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 03 2007, 03:12 pm
Wish I could find the non-radio version of the sound, and last I checked ya can't download off Youtube :p

I've uploaded the Beautifull Amulet single at my site for those who want it. StrikerS OST 1 will be uploaded later this day.
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 06 2007, 06:01 am
more doubleposting......

anyway episode 19 ain't really that interesting except Vecous (the guy with the green hair) showing that he actually has a use in this anime, some weird magic creatures he uses and VecousXSchach possibilities? O.O

This episode is basically the setup for the allout war that is gonna start in episode 20 but does have one surprise (which i won't spoil XD), then there's the fact that Nanoha's Exceed mode from episode 12 isn't her final mode.....she can get even stronger then that?! O.O

and one final note:


^ well, that's just my thought after seeing Nanoha's face in this episode XD

I must say tough that i am once again dissapointed in the fighting of this episode (they could have made Elio VS Signum way better and LONGER!!!). I just figured out why they have those training battles popping up everywhere in the keep us from falling asleep while waiting for the real battles XD
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Zeldi on August 07 2007, 05:02 am
That's NOT like me at all. *jumps off to download*
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Kuro-puppy on August 07 2007, 05:48 pm
That's NOT like me at all. *jumps off to download*

i was wondering where you were XD

episode 20 is gonna rock with the all out war and Nanoha getting one step closer to completely losing it!!! ^_^
Title: Re: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha/A's/StrikerS
Post by: Myna on August 08 2007, 07:58 am
I would really love to see a good amount of blood in the next few episodes~