Thank you for starting this topic Jan-sama, i was going to do it myself but i. XD
Favorite characters:
Yunno [voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi]; Cute overall, *Fan girl* I <3 Yuuno
Fate-chan [voiced by Nana Mizuki]; Fate-chan is Hot, yes i'm aware that i am a girl and she is a girl. X3 Nana Mizuki is great, Fate-chan is the angst character, Bardiche is just awsome, Fate-chan is the AWSOMENESS <3
The third season will be love X3. If you like Mahou Shoujo animes you will love this one <3.
MSLN / A's [and probably S's] is kicking *** x3.
Favorite Episode/Moment/Song/BGM/Season and why:
[BIG SPOILER, Do not read if you haven't watched both seasons]
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Favorite Episodes & Moments
First Season
Episode 4: Fate-chan comes in, She just to serious which makes her so loveable/hot
Episode 12: The insert song 'Take a shot' KICKS ***! Nana Mizuki is so talented i love her voice, Chrno-kun in action, Yunno x Nanoha moment, Lindy in action O.O [ did you notice the 'Fairy wings'? x3] Precia goes insane XD, Arf x Fate-chan moment [kind off] and Nanoha is rescuing Fate-chan <3
Second Season
Episode 4 New transfromations X3, yay!
Episode 7 Great Signum and Fate-chan battle in the desert, funny moment between Nanoha and Vita, 'The mystic guy' 'stole' Fate-chan's linker core, Battles <3
Episode 9-11 The greatest battle i've ever seen, Nanoha and Fate is fighting 'The book of darkness' , The insert song 'Snow Rain' [episode 11] Fate-chan and Alica moment x3
Episode 12: The Knights are back <3, Everyone fights together against 'The book of darkness going bersek' [or something XD] Insert song 'Brave Pheonix' by Nana Mizuki, Hayate as a mage, X3 just great
Episode 13: Reinforce's 'death' , Yuuno x Nanoha moment <3, Mini-Reinforce and Grown up versions <333.
Favorite Song(s)
First Season:
Innocent Starter [OP Theme]~ Catchy, Nana Mizuki sings it, just love <3
Take a Shot [Insert song of episode 12]~ Nana Mizuki sings it, great beat, a song that you just have to love, <3
The songs from the Sound Stages are also great <3, Just to name a few:
Kimi no Sora Ni [Yuuno's image song] It's Yuuno's image song what more can i say?
Onaji Yuuki [Arf's image song] I just like this one, but i don't know why
Flying High! [Nanoha's image song] Up-beat not usually what Yukari Tamura sings it's nice and <3
Skyblue gradation[ Fate-chan's image song] Nana Mizuki yet again, this song grows on you, <3
[ Little wish is a bit to 'cute' for my taste but it's still litsenable <3]
Second Season:
Eternal Blaze [OP Theme]~ 'WOAH!' a great opening for the second season, Sung by Nana Mizuki, <3
Brave Pheonix [Insert song of episode 12] I actually didn't like this song first, but it grew on me <3, Sung by Nana Mizuki
Snow Rain [Insert song of episode 11] Kana Ueda is just great, calm song, sad, great song for episode 11
Spiritual Garen [ED Theme] I like this one alot more than 'Little Wish' X3. It's just a bit upbeat cute and stuff
From the Sound stages:
Tsubasa & Kaze ni Mau Hana [Fate-chan's image song] Both slow, not really what Nana Mizuki usually sings, I adore them as much as the upbeat songs by her
BRAVE HEARTs & STARTing STARS [Nanoha's image song] Brave heart is up beat and Yukari Tamura usually don't sing up beat songs, really nice, and Starting stars is slow really cute<3
Anata ga Kureta Sora & Itoshisa to Yasashisa to [ Hayate's Image song] Slow, sad almost typical to Kana Ueda, lovealbe <3.
[Shamal & Signum's image songs are growing on me but they are still not favorites ^^;]
[ As you probably noticed in MSLN / A's the main characters have more than one image song ^^]
Favorite BGM
I love all the sad ones from the OST of the first season <3 [ because i only have the OST from the first season XD]
and the transformation scenes BGM music= <3, Eye catches, Episode Title, Preview on the next episode, what happend in the episode before, XD i could just mention them all because i love the BGM music of MSLN / A's <3333
Favorite Season
This is quite hard really, both seasons are wonderful on their own ways.
First Season
The Nanoha/Fate battles are great i never get tired of them, Yuuno has a more 'air time', Fate-chan and her mother ;____; .
Second Season
The Opening gives you a 'WOAH'! feeling <3, A battle in the first episode! Fate-chan's serious line 'Tomodachi da' <3. Linker cores are stolen D:, New transformations, New attacks, Fate-chan in a school uniform, Many great battles, Hayate's pain ;_;, Fate-chan kicks ***, Hayate as a mage, you learn more about Fate-chan, Yuuno x Nanoha moments, The characters grow up. I could say so many good things about the second season ^^.
Decision: Which one is my favorite Season? 1 or 2? *drum roll* ... My favorite season is... THE SECOND ONE! If you didn't understand that earlier X3.
Thank you for reading and i hope you share my opinions!
That's a big long opinion-thingy, i warn you
D: if you say something else you will be sorry! *death glares >.O!*
Thank you for starting this topic Jan-sama, i was going to do it myself but i. XD
Favorite characters:
Yunno [voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi]; Cute overall, *Fan girl* I <3 Yuuno
Fate-chan [voiced by Nana Mizuki]; Fate-chan is Hot, yes i'm aware that i am a girl and she is a girl. X3 Nana Mizuki is great, Fate-chan is the angst character, Bardiche is just awsome, Fate-chan is the AWSOMENESS <3
The third season will be love X3. If you like Mahou Shoujo animes you will love this one <3.
MSLN / A's [and probably S's] is kicking *** x3.
Favorite Episode/Moment/Song/BGM/Season and why:
[BIG SPOILER, Do not read if you haven't watched both seasons]
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Favorite Episodes & Moments
First Season
Episode 4: Fate-chan comes in, She just to serious which makes her so loveable/hot
Episode 12: The insert song 'Take a shot' KICKS ***! Nana Mizuki is so talented i love her voice, Chrno-kun in action, Yunno x Nanoha moment, Lindy in action O.O [ did you notice the 'Fairy wings'? x3] Precia goes insane XD, Arf x Fate-chan moment [kind off] and Nanoha is rescuing Fate-chan <3
Second Season
Episode 4 New transfromations X3, yay!
Episode 7 Great Signum and Fate-chan battle in the desert, funny moment between Nanoha and Vita, 'The mystic guy' 'stole' Fate-chan's linker core, Battles <3
Episode 9-11 The greatest battle i've ever seen, Nanoha and Fate is fighting 'The book of darkness' , The insert song 'Snow Rain' [episode 11] Fate-chan and Alica moment x3
Episode 12: The Knights are back <3, Everyone fights together against 'The book of darkness going bersek' [or something XD] Insert song 'Brave Pheonix' by Nana Mizuki, Hayate as a mage, X3 just great
Episode 13: Reinforce's 'death' , Yuuno x Nanoha moment <3, Mini-Reinforce and Grown up versions <333.
Favorite Song(s)
First Season:
Innocent Starter [OP Theme]~ Catchy, Nana Mizuki sings it, just love <3
Take a Shot [Insert song of episode 12]~ Nana Mizuki sings it, great beat, a song that you just have to love, <3
The songs from the Sound Stages are also great <3, Just to name a few:
Kimi no Sora Ni [Yuuno's image song] It's Yuuno's image song what more can i say?
Onaji Yuuki [Arf's image song] I just like this one, but i don't know why
Flying High! [Nanoha's image song] Up-beat not usually what Yukari Tamura sings it's nice and <3
Skyblue gradation[ Fate-chan's image song] Nana Mizuki yet again, this song grows on you, <3
[ Little wish is a bit to 'cute' for my taste but it's still litsenable <3]
Second Season:
Eternal Blaze [OP Theme]~ 'WOAH!' a great opening for the second season, Sung by Nana Mizuki, <3
Brave Pheonix [Insert song of episode 12] I actually didn't like this song first, but it grew on me <3, Sung by Nana Mizuki
Snow Rain [Insert song of episode 11] Kana Ueda is just great, calm song, sad, great song for episode 11
Spiritual Garen [ED Theme] I like this one alot more than 'Little Wish' X3. It's just a bit upbeat cute and stuff
From the Sound stages:
Tsubasa & Kaze ni Mau Hana [Fate-chan's image song] Both slow, not really what Nana Mizuki usually sings, I adore them as much as the upbeat songs by her
BRAVE HEARTs & STARTing STARS [Nanoha's image song] Brave heart is up beat and Yukari Tamura usually don't sing up beat songs, really nice, and Starting stars is slow really cute<3
Anata ga Kureta Sora & Itoshisa to Yasashisa to [ Hayate's Image song] Slow, sad almost typical to Kana Ueda, lovealbe <3.
[Shamal & Signum's image songs are growing on me but they are still not favorites ^^;]
[ As you probably noticed in MSLN / A's the main characters have more than one image song ^^]
Favorite BGM
I love all the sad ones from the OST of the first season <3 [ because i only have the OST from the first season XD]
and the transformation scenes BGM music= <3, Eye catches, Episode Title, Preview on the next episode, what happend in the episode before, XD i could just mention them all because i love the BGM music of MSLN / A's <3333
Favorite Season
This is quite hard really, both seasons are wonderful on their own ways.
First Season
The Nanoha/Fate battles are great i never get tired of them, Yuuno has a more 'air time', Fate-chan and her mother ;____; .
Second Season
The Opening gives you a 'WOAH'! feeling <3, A battle in the first episode! Fate-chan's serious line 'Tomodachi da' <3. Linker cores are stolen D:, New transformations, New attacks, Fate-chan in a school uniform, Many great battles, Hayate's pain ;_;, Fate-chan kicks ***, Hayate as a mage, you learn more about Fate-chan, Yuuno x Nanoha moments, The characters grow up. I could say so many good things about the second season ^^.
Decision: Which one is my favorite Season? 1 or 2? *drum roll* ... My favorite season is... THE SECOND ONE! If you didn't understand that earlier X3.
Thank you for reading and i hope you share my opinions!
That's a big long opinion-thingy, i warn you
D: if you say something else you will be sorry! *death glares >.O!*
that really was big opinion thingy but i agree totally and just in case somebody didn't notice.....Fate is HOT!! XD
something that has been on my mind some time now, i think Fate and CCS Syaoran share some personality traits namely they're both very cool and cute
and Nanoha is a bit like Sakura but Sakura is cuter and Nanoha is more agressive
Nanoha: *trying to convince evil guy to surrender in the typical Mahou Shoujo dramatic speach way*
evil guy: *isn't listening*
Nanoha: then i'll beat you around till you listen!
pretty good screenshots :okay:
I only have one MSLN/A picture... o_O;
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But it looks good if someone's going to turn this into a wallie. ^^
ah, i know that one. Here's the Fate version of that picture:
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are you ready for some cool and sometimes weird pics? yes? alright then!
MSLN/A's picture mayhem!!!!!
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V one of my favorite Fate pics
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V let me say just this......O.O
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V Shakugan no Arisa XD
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MSLN A's has 5 tiny soundtracks instead of one big one.....never saw that one coming. i'll put them up at my site asap!
some of the scans that came with soundtracks:
V design sketches of Fate using Sonic Form
there are loads of card scans and design sketches in the soundtrack files ^_^
all the scans and sketches:
my favorite episodes
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MSLN eps 4, 7 and 11: Fate's arrival, the big O.O scene and the final battle between Nanoha and Fate
MSLN A eps: 4, 7, 9, 12: awesome new transformations, the great Fate VS Signum battle, scream of the year award goes to Hayate, lots of cool special moves and Vita's hammer is the epitome of BIG! XD
the first chaptre of StrikerS (3rd season) has been released! thanks to Zeldi for the link:
the 1st chaptre was sooooo cool (despite crappy translation) and they have new attacks Thunder Fall and Stardust Fall for Fate and Nanoha
and Show content
Chrono is getting married with Amy!