
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Manga Chapter Discussions => Topic started by: undeadmiko on August 06 2006, 08:58 am

Title: Chapter 125
Post by: undeadmiko on August 06 2006, 08:58 am
Hi, just a lurker here. :keke: I found chapter 125 at a livejournal community. And I thought I would share. ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 06 2006, 09:01 am
Hi, just a lurker here. :keke: I found chapter 125 at a livejournal community. And I thought I would share. ^^

OH MY GOD. I JUST SAW THAT. *words fail* Hooooly crap. O_O

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Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: undeadmiko on August 06 2006, 09:06 am

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I always considered that a crack theory but it sure does not look that way anymore.  O__O
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 09:06 am
holy crap. thats early!! *downloads*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: -.CheRrYPriNcesS.- on August 06 2006, 09:10 am
what!!! what!! oh my god!!! what's going on... i cant understand a thing... i wish i could read japanese...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Spoonful on August 06 2006, 09:12 am
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Whoa. Kurogane got seriously pissed again. x3

Is it just me, or does Fay look kind of awkward in this chapter? Artistically, I mean. Meh, I dunno.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 09:13 am
OMFG. words escape me O_____O;;;;;;;;;

heh, the amount of noise i made anoyed my little brother XD

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the way kuro was holding fai... :inlove: :love4: :happy4:

cookie to you, undead miko!!!  for bringing us an early chapter!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 06 2006, 09:21 am
hold on, is it wednesday?
Oh well, whatever, not complaining.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 06 2006, 09:27 am



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they can never be separated! O___O
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 09:29 am



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they can never be separated! O___O
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Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Michigirl on August 06 2006, 09:31 am
this is just too overwhelming.... my heart can't take it anymore...


2 releases in a week...
and the splash pages are just... too beautiful. With sakura and syaoran holding hands when children and syaoran in all his sexy glory holding sakuras face in his hand...
too much sexyness to handle XD :inlove: :noteworthy:

i wish i knew what they were saying though
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 06 2006, 09:32 am

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That look that Kuro gave Fai and Fai gave Kuro......

Canon! Canon Canon! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Spoonful on August 06 2006, 09:32 am
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Nothing says love like telling an invalid to STFU. xDDD

I kid, I kid.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 06 2006, 09:35 am
Well, guess the water theory is dead.  Didn't see that coming. :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 06 2006, 09:39 am
I'm so damn excited. I need a translation!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 09:41 am
Well, guess the water theory is dead.  Didn't see that coming. :haha:
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well maybe she'll use teh water the boys collected to estor the water that disapeared?
sorrry for got to close it XP
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 06 2006, 09:43 am
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well maybe she'll use teh water the boys collected to estor the water that disapeared?
sorrry for got to close it XP

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Could be, Syaoran did comment on the water being heavy.  Should have known Subaru would want to help.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Fai on August 06 2006, 09:46 am in heaven. Thank-you for posting the chapter up undeadmiko~ Cookie for you XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Celesse on August 06 2006, 09:52 am
Oh my gawd it's early!  *downloaddownload*  Pikari!  Where's Pikari??  @O@;;

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I totally knew that Watanuki and Doumeki were taking their water  XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 09:55 am
Oh my gawd it's early!  *downloaddownload*  Pikari!  Where's Pikari??  @O@;;

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I totally knew that Watanuki and Doumeki were taking their water  XD
yess, we are in DIRE need for translations on this chapter O___O

i think im heaving a fangirl-heart atack. im overloaded with giddynes, happyness, sqeeeeeeness, and every other hyper-happy emotion O__O
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ashlee on August 06 2006, 09:56 am it wednesday yet?

thank-you for the chapter, and yes people. To shorten it up the whole chapter in a single word....

Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 06 2006, 10:05 am it wednesday yet?

thank-you for the chapter, and yes people. To shorten it up the whole chapter in a single word....


If we were singing the CANON song last chapter, we are screaming it with megaphones this chapter.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 06 2006, 10:08 am
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Subaru is stilll ever so thoughtful. SEE! Someone did remember the water!
 I'm still not very sure on how the vampire thing works, but it'll definitely create some sort of blood bond between Kurogane and Fai. From the summary, it is said that if Kuro dies, Fai will too. Does it work the other way around?

Does this mean Fai can REGENERATE his eye??? Please tell me thats the case!

Sakura/Syaoran splashpages...
why am I not surprised? The hell, CLAMP, this chapter would have been PERFECT for a Subaru & Kamui splashpage. Or a KuroxFai one for that matter. Their costumes are sweet though.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 10:10 am
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the spash pages make you go awww, then whoa, then you read the chapter and go ZOMFG O___O

1 cute youthfull syao saku,
1 double, creepy evil syao holding sakura O_O
1 supa crazy kurofai canoness chapter with a touch of subaru-kamui backstory :-3

CLAMP sure know how to mess with a reader's head :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kirtai on August 06 2006, 10:12 am
Okay, supressing the KuroFai fangirling for a moment...the splash page with Syao sporting Fai's eye?  Sweetness!  I didn't realize what was up at first, then I was like ZOMG that's Fai's eye!  Cloney and Saku in chains.... Onto fangirling...
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does this mean we'll be seeing Kuro (hard to say this without snickering) forcing his blood ...*snick* down fai's...throat...*teehee* for the rest of the series? *is temporarily silenced by mental images*  Cause you know he's not gonna want it...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 10:16 am
Okay, supressing the KuroFai fangirling for a moment...the splash page with Syao sporting Fai's eye?  Sweetness!  I didn't realize what was up at first, then I was like ZOMG that's Fai's eye!  Cloney and Saku in chains.... Onto fangirling...
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does this mean we'll be seeing Kuro (hard to say this without snickering) forcing his blood ...*snick* down fai's...throat...*teehee* for the rest of the series? *is temporarily silenced by mental images*  Cause you know he's not gonna want it...
can someone atleast translat what fai shouted (that was fai who shouted, right?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on August 06 2006, 10:17 am already??? :confused: a very surprising development...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 06 2006, 10:18 am
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Whats the deal with Subaru and the feather?

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the spash pages make you go awww, then whoa, then you read the chapter and go ZOMFG O___O

1 cute youthfull syao saku,
1 double, creepy evil syao holding sakura O_O
1 supa crazy kurofai canoness chapter with a touch of subaru-kamui backstory :-3

CLAMP sure know how to mess with a reader's head :XD: true.

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I just noticed now- Syaoran's eye in the splash page...IS BLOODY BLUE!! Gah. Those pretty eyes should be colored in only when its in FAI'S head! axercvbynhjmkn ytjkhjlkjh
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 06 2006, 10:24 am
can someone atleast translat what fai shouted (that was fai who shouted, right?

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Are you talking about the part where Fai says "Stop" and Kurogane tells him to shut up? Kurogane's the one yelling at Fai on that page).
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mizunotsubasa on August 06 2006, 10:35 am
I am already dying from the scans. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I love it and so dying to know what they are saying.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 06 2006, 10:51 am
Oh. my. god. This is... too much. I NEED MY YUKI AND MY LADY. AND BECCI. Because something this good cannot be kept to oneself.

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Wow. They will never be separated... it's almost creepy. Hell, not almost- it IS creepy, and yet beautiful. T_T Wow, just wow.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 11:15 am
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Are you talking about the part where Fai says "Stop" and Kurogane tells him to shut up? Kurogane's the one yelling at Fai on that page).
ah. i wasnt sure
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 06 2006, 11:18 am
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!  Do you know how difficult it is not too squeal and jump and shout at this chapter when it's 2.11am in the morning and I'm trying not to wake everyone in the house!

Oh, I LOVE whoever scanned this chapter in!  I think we all need full translations, oh, ten minutes ago?

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OMG the KUROFAY CANON TRAIN HAS ARRIVED AT THE STATION!  All aboard!  Fay as a vampire feeding off of Kurogane for all time?  Hell yes!

Am squicked out at the Subaru/Kamui stuff because Subaru/Seishirou is my OTP but more Subaru images is always a good thing!

The splash page is beautiful, especially Syaoran's blue eye!

But...OMG!!!!!!!  VAMPIRE FAY!!!!!  I REALLY wasn't expecting that.  And I certainly wasn't expecting Kurogane to tie himself to Fay in such a way!

Oh, I really need a translation to fangirl more!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 06 2006, 11:22 am
THIS IS TOO MUCH KUROFAINESS FOR ME,i'm going to break down !!!!
this is too wonderful to be true,Kurogane and Fai are now linked for their entire life !!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: undeadmiko on August 06 2006, 11:27 am

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OMG the KUROFAY CANON TRAIN HAS ARRIVED AT THE STATION!  All aboard!  Fay as a vampire feeding off of Kurogane for all time?  Hell yes!

Am squicked out at the Subaru/Kamui stuff because Subaru/Seishirou is my OTP but more Subaru images is always a good thing!

The splash page is beautiful, especially Syaoran's blue eye!

But...OMG!!!!!!!  VAMPIRE FAY!!!!!  I REALLY wasn't expecting that.  And I certainly wasn't expecting Kurogane to tie himself to Fay in such a way!

Oh, I really need a translation to fangirl more!

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The Subaru/Kamui stuff is getting to me too. (big S/S fangirl) Especially when Kamui is being very  clingy to Subaru. Like he wants nobody else to have him. I'm sure Fuuma will take of the problem soon enough though. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 06 2006, 11:31 am
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The Subaru/Kamui stuff is getting to me too. (big S/S fangirl) Especially when Kamui is being very clingy to Subaru. Like he wants nobody else to have him. I'm sure Fuuma will take of the problem soon enough though. XD

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Have just realised (whilst squeeing over at the KuroFay thread) that Kamui mentioned that Subaru gave his blood to Seishirou in what sounds like a simular fashion.  Excuse me whilst I dwell on the potential parallel and squee over the shippy connotations!  Yeay!  Subaru/Seishirou is STILL number one in my mind and Subaru/Kamui will not defeat me!  LOL!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 06 2006, 11:35 am
They're supposed to be brothers, not lovers.  Or did I miss something here?

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...and yeah, Seishirou did come to mind with the blood sharing.  Since Subaru gave him his blood, that would mean that he can't die.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 06 2006, 11:37 am
They're supposed to be brothers, not lovers. Or did I miss something here?

Just Sei/Sub fan panic!  Especially since it seemed like Kamui was very fond of Subaru in X.  If they ARE brothers (and not just being called twins because they're Vampires who are working closely together) then all the better!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: undeadmiko on August 06 2006, 11:39 am
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Have just realised (whilst squeeing over at the KuroFay thread) that Kamui mentioned that Subaru gave his blood to Seishirou in what sounds like a simular fashion.  Excuse me whilst I dwell on the potential parallel and squee over the shippy connotations!  Yeay!  Subaru/Seishirou is STILL number one in my mind and Subaru/Kamui will not defeat me!  LOL!

I forgot about that! That means they have to stay together forever if that's the case. YAYS!! :D I love CLAMP so much more now.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 06 2006, 11:41 am
Kamui has always had a crush on Subaru. To a certain extent it's cute, but he needs to be a good little boy and go to Fuuma. After all, he and Fuuma are totally destined too. ^_~ God, I can't wait for their full backstory. And are they supposed to be literal brothers, or just figurative brothers? @_@ I guess it could be either.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 06 2006, 11:48 am
I find the Subaru-Kamui interactions cute actually, and I'm a die-hard SeiSub fan. Any reasons for Badass!Kamui is welcome - plus I ceased to worry about S/K after CLAMP made that crack of them being SISTERS.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 06 2006, 11:52 am
...Crack about them being sisters? XD I never heard that. I find Subaru/Kamui cute, and will even every so often read a good Su/Ka fanfic. I'm not worried Kamui will steal Subaru away or anything, because that won't happen. I guess it's just we've all been waiting for TRC!SeiSu for ages, and when Subaru finally shows up, it's Kamui who's all over him, not Seishirou.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 06 2006, 12:12 pm
so now what are we waiting for going into the Shaolan/Sakura thread and scream all over along that Kurogane and Fai are from then on and without hesitation CANON ^__^ !!!

i have too much energy after seeing this chapter,i'm gonna burst if i don't exteriorize my mind full of KuroFai !!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Celesse on August 06 2006, 12:18 pm
Well, while awaiting a translation, I decided to practice my editing skills on the two-page spread.  I can't do anything about the words all over it, but at least the page seam isn't there  ^^;

( (
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ashlee on August 06 2006, 12:48 pm
Well, while awaiting a translation, I decided to practice my editing skills on the two-page spread.  I can't do anything about the words all over it, but at least the page seam isn't there  ^^;

( (
That picture just gives me the creapys. I keep looking at it, and finding new things on it. I think I saw that design of sakura dress before. In Card Captors Sakura. Just a bit though.... but it might be just me, lol
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 06 2006, 01:01 pm
Even though i'm dissapointed it wasn't Subaru & Kamui, the splash page is very pretty.
Looks very phantom of the opera-ish, whats with the mask, and dungeon and all. The claws are also cool.
I still *sniff* at the blue eye though.

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Ah, KuroxFai. This means Kurogane have to take Fai to Nihon right? But I'm still curious, does the bond work both ways (if Fai dies, will Kurogane die too)? The vampire solution occured to me, but I dismissed it because Kamui is so blah at everything but Subaru. Funny thing is, I saw a japanese fancomic where Kuro is the vampire and Fai the food. XD Does Fai continually need to feed on Kuro's blood? Or is he now just linked to him?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mizunotsubasa on August 06 2006, 01:33 pm
It so cool that Kamui and Subaru are vampires. [spoilers]Seeing that Kamui is poring his blood on to Kuro and giving it to Fai doesn't that turn kuro into a vampire? cause his blood id mixing with Kamui and that would make fai half vampire. [/spoiler]
I LOVE CLAMP THEY SO ROCK *wish Clamp would come to Canada*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 06 2006, 01:38 pm
okay...found a bit of translation in LJ!

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for that double page spread after Kuro told fai to STFU?
dark night rain's journal says - "If you want to die that bad, I will be the one to kill you. So until then, live."
felicius_rex's journal says "If you want to die so badly, kill me. So until then, live."?

Whichever one it is, I squee.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Senefen on August 06 2006, 01:42 pm
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I totally knew that Watanuki and Doumeki were taking their water  XD
[/spoiler] O.o you can laugh but I wouldnt be surprised if it ended up the other way around with the X-ey people getting Watanuki's water, how many jugs did they get again? 13?
Yuuko planned this >.>.

Kamui has always had a crush on Subaru
I always thought it was more of a kindred spirit/older brother thing. Though this is CLAMP so its quite likely it wasnt (XD). Subaru and Kamui had such similar experiances that Subaru was the only one Kamui could really turn to for guidance, especialy when every adult he knows suddenly dies horrible bloody deaths O.o anyway thats just my opinion. I'm really not surprised that they're twins here.

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I think this chapter kills off the Subaru gave his blood (as in kin, Hokuto) to Sei-chan. We're probably talking literal blood. Which explains why Seishirou hadnt aged between when Syaoran was a kid and now.
"You bastard! you made me a vampire! now I will molest you for all eternity!"
Ahh Sei/Sub love it or hate it you gotta admit its interesting (and messed up O.o)

I cant wait to see beetrain try to animate this. XD! Shouldnt have to wait long either, they're already wrapping up the Lecourt arc. ha ha they couldnt even show Kuro's hand getting stabbed. Lets see some eye eating!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 06 2006, 01:42 pm
okay...found a bit of translation in LJ!

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for that double page spread after Kuro told fai to STFU?
dark night rain's journal says - "If you want to die that bad, I will be the one to kill you. So until then, live."
felicius_rex's journal says "If you want to die so badly, kill me. So until then, live."?

Whichever one it is, I squee.

*ded* I agree, whichever one it is, it's still good.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: tidus_oz on August 06 2006, 01:45 pm
OMG, this is so fast,
I really need the translation, hehe, i wonder what's going on in this chapter, seems like there's a lot of conflict there...

btw the splash page is so cool!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Celesse on August 06 2006, 01:55 pm
okay...found a bit of translation in LJ!

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for that double page spread after Kuro told fai to STFU?
dark night rain's journal says - "If you want to die that bad, I will be the one to kill you. So until then, live."
felicius_rex's journal says "If you want to die so badly, kill me. So until then, live."?

Whichever one it is, I squee.

I'd say it's the first. The second doesn't make sense  >__>;;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Senefen on August 06 2006, 01:57 pm
Pikari: "La di la di dah, normal day, maybe I'll go online"
*logs on*
"OMGWTFBBQ!!! 4489730 new messages."

Apologies to Pikari :)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 06 2006, 01:57 pm
hah. I have the worst luck. right when I downloaded the chapter and was about to read it, I hear,
"Time to go to the plantearium to do your community service hours XP"
It wasn't until four hours later that I actually was able to read the chapter
and my! what a chapter ^^
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does this mean that fai's a vampire now?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 06 2006, 01:58 pm
I'd say it's the first. The second doesn't make sense  >__>;;

Haha, I agree. The first one DOES make more sense.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Senefen on August 06 2006, 01:59 pm
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Fai Vamp - According to Clamp_Hikari's LJ Kurogane adds his blood as well as using Kamuis so that Fai wont become a vampire, or a full vampire at least.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: UtenaTenjou on August 06 2006, 02:01 pm
I'd say it's the first. The second doesn't make sense  >__>;;

It would make sense in the context in which
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if Kurogane dies Fai does it too, because the blood bond
But I really think it's the first too.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 06 2006, 02:07 pm
:noteworthy: Ooh, can't type! Wow, the translation shall be one I have waited formost anxiously. What a thing to wake up to!

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Ok, that was something I did not even think about but it does have an appeal now that I see that it happened. Vampyry Fai! :D

Why do I have to go to work today! :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Celesse on August 06 2006, 02:09 pm
It would make sense in the context in which
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if Kurogane dies Fai does it too
But I really think it's the first too.

But he's saying that in his argument that he should do this to live. 
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The phrase would make more sense if it was something like "If you want someone to die so badly, kill me," but Fai doesn't want anyone to die.  Then there's also "So until then, live" added on, which makes no sense when linked with the first.  Unless he's telling him to live until he kills him, as the first one indicates  ;P
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 02:11 pm
okay...found a bit of translation in LJ!

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for that double page spread after Kuro told fai to STFU?
dark night rain's journal says - "If you want to die that bad, I will be the one to kill you. So until then, live."

Whichever one it is, I squee.

i can just imagin kuro saying that :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: arukas1039 on August 06 2006, 02:12 pm
I Love those colored pages!!!
the young syo and sakura are cute!!!
the other one looked so cool as well, it gives me a feeling of "devil's bride".
and I had never thought that syo would looks so great with the blue eye.  :inlove:
well, I seem a bit mental...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 06 2006, 02:18 pm
Holy ----!!!! I love CLAMP, just LOVE them!! What a surprise, and early chapter! <3
I can't wait till Ladydarkmoon-sama's scans! >D
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ashlee on August 06 2006, 02:19 pm
and I had never thought that syo would looks so great with the blue eye. :inlove:
you mean fai blue eyes  :hmp: lol
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 02:28 pm
Holy ----!!!! I love CLAMP, just LOVE them!! What a surprise, and early chapter! <3
I can't wait till Ladydarkmoon-sama's scans! >D
is she even going to bother? these scans are pretty HQ, and by the time she gets to it, the scanslations are going to be all oer the place XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 06 2006, 02:34 pm
is she even going to bother? these scans are pretty HQ, and by the time she gets to it, the scanslations are going to be all oer the place XD

Ahh, well, I can always hope for even more HQ!! *bricked*

But, omg, after reading this chapter, Kurogane is my hero. *___*
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I can just imagine Fai having daily to remind Kuro that he needs to drink his blood after dinner or something. XDDD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 02:35 pm
Ahh, well, I can always hope for even more HQ!! *bricked*

But, omg, after reading this chapter, Kurogane is my hero. *___*
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I can just imagine Fai having daily to remind Kuro that he needs to drink his blood after dinner or something. XDDD
lol, aint THAT a wonderful thing to pictuer XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on August 06 2006, 02:49 pm
Holy ----!!!! I love CLAMP, just LOVE them!! What a surprise, and early chapter! <3
I can't wait till Ladydarkmoon-sama's scans! >D


oh mianz.. this is really.. soooo great! this arrival of a new chapt made my day!!!~~
(it would be better if i could read jap.. i need translations!!!!)

Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 02:58 pm
i read the sacns again and several things made me melt ^_^
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the resigned look on kuro's face, the way he cradled fai's head. another couple shots of kluro's face. and the smile fai gave when kuro told him that thing abotu dying. :inlove: ah, this is indeed the best chapter ever ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 06 2006, 03:20 pm
Hehee and to think that before volume 16, Sakura was the weirdest of the bunc with her memories gone and fainting/sleeping spells and ghost/spirit-hearing abilities - now she could win the most "normal" competition.
What a development - it will sure make the story twice as interesting.
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Ok, I guess it means that however old Fai is now, he is tied to a certain set of years now. What's he now - wizard-with-vampire-habits?! I wonder how the second half will affect his magical power and whether it will also alter anything about all his magic - meaning whether there are also chages now to C!Syaoran's stolen magic.

There was no time for it before but I (though a little disappointed it was once more Saku and Syao) like the second splash image! The detailing is amazing as always and with my costumer's eye I always look at the clothes first and then everything else. The eye! Well, there was no way I could not notice that as one of the first things! ;) Sakura's dress is very bride-ish (
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Girl, you got your vampires mixed up! :lol:

There is going to be the break now, am I right!? The only fly in the honey pot.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Hack on August 06 2006, 03:25 pm
CLAMP seriously made me believe it was wednesday
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kurogane and fai are blood brothers(not including kamui somewhat>>;;) 0_0 <---my thought

edited. oh yeah
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 03:28 pm
CLAMP seriously made me believe it was wednesday
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kurogane and fai are blood brothers(not including subaru somewhat>>;;) 0_0 <---my thought
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you mean kamui. kamui gave his blood cuz he didnt wand subaru to...but still, they ARE blood brothers in a sorts. it makes it all the more canon.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on August 06 2006, 03:36 pm

i guess it's Clamp's way of making it up for SxS fans for having too much FxK these few chapt.. XD


hmmx.. don't you guys think that the costume in this splash page looks A LITTLE like this one.. (esp Sakura's and the colour scheme too!) only difference is that the above Syaoran looks evil..( haiz~ where is our Syaoran?!?!)

Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 06 2006, 03:42 pm
Sakura's costume also reminds me of one she wore in a Cardcaptor Sakura picture. (The one where she's got fairy wings and there are little stars below, and she has her finger to her mouth signaling "shh") Ack, I can't seem to put a sentence together right now. I'm re-reading this awesome chappie and trying to translate it myself for once. O_o

And WOW... What would they all do without Yuuko-san? They owe her one big thanks, I think.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 06 2006, 04:07 pm
And WOW... What would they all do without Yuuko-san? They owe her one big thanks, I think.

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They owe both Yuuko and Subaru big time.  If it weren't for his wish, not only would Fai die, but also the Tokyo crew and all the people in the Diet Building.  He's much more considerate than the TRC crew, instead of leaving a world in chaos, he actually fixes it. :haha:

Although if I think about it, poor Fai.  Nobody cares about his opinion (not that I want him to die).
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on August 06 2006, 04:14 pm
OMG ch 125 already, i wish i knew japansese then i would know whats going on T^T
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 05:19 pm
Hi, just a lurker here. :keke: I found chapter 125 at a livejournal community. And I thought I would share. ^^
the person posted cleaned scans:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Touei on August 06 2006, 05:32 pm
holy shiz o.o Chapter 125 is early.
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Ah~ Vampire Fai wasnt one of my favourite theories.. but it's definately good in terms of KuroFai. Fai has to stay with Kuro forevverr *glee* It really is pretty darn canon now.
The wrist cutting made me shiver. I have a strange subconcious phobia of.. wrists o.o But still..

No chapter 126 next week? I'm on holiday, so that's pretty good timing really x'D
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jenx on August 06 2006, 05:54 pm
Another break? Dammit. On the upside,
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while I'd never heard the Vampire Fai theory (except when I considered it after our first Sei encounter), I think Vampire Fai is gonna be REALLY BLOODY HOT. No pun intended. So I don't mind. <3
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Šakura on August 06 2006, 05:55 pm
OMG!!! It's a good!!! No, awesome chapter *-* !!! and these colour splash pages are kawaii!!hannyan~! I put it in my avatar and my signature!! *-* i love it!!

Arigatou Gozaimasu!!

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Kuro..."E" o.O?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 06:13 pm
I just got up one hour ago and am still just running around like *___* But first, I ran up and hugged my father XD

OMG, CANON! *begins the hym* Canon canon canon canon! Love canon! Wonderful canon! Caaaaanon! *faints from happiness*

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But it makes me sad to think we could have lost our happy Fai forever ;___; I really hope his real self is at least a little like the Fai we've know for over 100 chapters.

But it also makes me gleefully happy that they now have an eternal bond! Yeah! *waves KuroFai flags and gives pineapples to everyone*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 06:50 pm

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Kuro..."E" o.O?
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in case you dont know, so far "E" in tsubasa means Feed. IE kurogane will have to feed fai his blood for the rest of their lives ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jenx on August 06 2006, 07:12 pm
Hokai, courtesy of Team Llama (just dont ask), we have a sloppy (VERY sloppy) translation. Eku53ru did most of it, I just helped with a few lines, and Yuki did one line of Kurogane's that drove Team Llama abso-friggin-lutely CRAZY. Without further ado...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: tidus_oz on August 06 2006, 07:25 pm
wow, thanx for the translation Jenx.
I get the big picture now

good job you guys!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuma on August 06 2006, 07:25 pm
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did you guys noticed that while kuro was holding fai's head his other hand was on his chest
i too quite cannot accepting that fai will be a vampire
well i guess this will be interesting when he'll meet ashura
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 07:29 pm
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His companion's feelings have reached him!
i LOVE THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 07:33 pm
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i LOVE THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ME TOO! *squeal* Yeah, KuroFai love will prevail! *dances the canon dance*

Oh and I so squealed here:
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YuukoYour wish is that Fai does not die.
That is not what he wishes for.
Therefore, you will be responsible for his life.

Kurogane: I'll do anything.

How canon can it get, fellow worshippers of KF? XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 06 2006, 07:34 pm
*Has just read the translation*

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"I don't want anyone to do anything with your blood anymore" AND "Has his complanions feeling reached him?!" Canon canono canon canon canon {/spoiler]

Who will join me screaming canon all over the place?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 07:34 pm
*Has just read the translation*

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"I don't want anyone to do anything with your blood anymore" AND "Has his complanions feeling reached him?!" Canon canono canon canon canon

Who will join me screaming canon all over the place?

Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuma on August 06 2006, 07:35 pm
i wil!!!!
does the canon dance too
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Touei on August 06 2006, 07:38 pm
Oh and I so squealed here:
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YuukoYour wish is that Fai does not die.
That is not what he wishes for.
Therefore, you will be responsible for his life.

Kurogane: I'll do anything.

How canon can it get, fellow worshippers of KF? XD

That bit is just.. awesome. n___n
Caannooooonn. *skips around happily*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 06 2006, 07:42 pm
Whjopps, I keep screwing up my spoiler tag, what is it again?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on August 06 2006, 07:43 pm
OMG!!! It's a good!!! No, awesome chapter *-* !!! and these colour splash pages are kawaii!!hannyan~! I put it in my avatar and my signature!! *-* i love it!!

Arigatou Gozaimasu!!

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Kuro..."E" o.O?


n yesh.. Syaoran looks good in blue eyes!!!!
he looks good in anything.. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 07:43 pm
Yeah, it truly is. *sighs contently*

Call me freak, but I'm relieved I'll be busy with school from Wednesday on (then my holidays are over) because then I won't hang around that much, longing for the next chap and feeling hollow without XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 06 2006, 07:43 pm
i have no idea how i wil sleep. the kurofainess may be to much.

im editing my mp3 player so it only has songs i deem "kurofai"

is it wrong to want a new set? i tried making it myself, but i cant make heads or tails of photoshop ^^;;;


kuro on the right, fai on theleft. the image of kamui in the background faded. the quote "An Unbreakable Bond"

coloring if possible please.

will give cookies ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuma on August 06 2006, 07:44 pm
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now that fai is a vampire (or half) that means he won't aged,
and since kuro is E he won't aged either
that's equal to kuroxfai FOREVEEEER
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 07:46 pm
By the way, are they immortal now too? I mean, usually you hear vampires are immortal unless they get stabbed or something. But I'm not too familiar with X, so I don't know.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 06 2006, 07:49 pm
I don't think Fai and Kuro are vampires now, I think they were just borrowing a vampires healing elements. I mean, niether of them were bitten.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuma on August 06 2006, 07:49 pm
considering kamui's case (when his hand got ripped off) it healed including his clothes
i don't how vampires work in CLAMP either
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jenx on August 06 2006, 07:51 pm
I think Fai's a vampire, but Kuro's "e", which is just bait (or prey, in this context), which is SO mortal. o_O
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 07:59 pm
Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining, jenx. (Hey, wouldn't it be cool if also Fai now starts protecting Kuro? XD Not that he wouldn't have done it before becoming a vampire if he had had a chance to do so)

Aw, the love is spreading... *sighs dreamily*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kibou on August 06 2006, 08:42 pm
WAAH! swqhwhxsj O.o;
Chapter 125? NOW?!
Why? does it mean, that we have to wait from now on until the 23rd august? ( chibiyuutos news.. )

I mean...the chapter is great! O.o; really!  ....
And its cool, that it was released so early...but..but.. ;__;

Does anyone know, when the next chapter will be release?

I hope, its ok to ask!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 06 2006, 09:09 pm
Translation! by Team Llama (Jenx and Eku53ru from Gaia, and Yuki)
 Thank you so much.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 09:34 pm
Hm, now Kibou mentioned it - why is the chapter already released today? I always thought Wednesday was TRC day.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jadeth on August 06 2006, 09:52 pm
SHRIEK WHAT. THE. CRAP. @______________@


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Also, does this mean that with the sudden clarification of the word 'reservoir', we come to the close of the series? XDXD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Becster on August 06 2006, 09:52 pm

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OMG, CAN IT BE ANYMORE CANON?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 09:56 pm
SHRIEK WHAT. THE. CRAP. @______________@


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Also, does this mean that with the sudden clarification of the word 'reservoir', we come to the close of the series? XDXD

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You mean, like, Kurogane is Fai'S 'blood reservoir'? XD


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OMG, CAN IT BE ANYMORE CANON?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I don't think so, but you know CLAMP... Maybe they'll do it and top this chapter again? XD (I do hope so)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jadeth on August 06 2006, 10:02 pm
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You mean, like, Kurogane is Fai'S 'blood reservoir'? XD

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Ahaha I sense Fai having a new reservoir of Kurogane-nicknames now.
Kurogane-blood, Kurogane-food... o___0
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Michigirl on August 06 2006, 10:10 pm
does this mean no chapter on wednesday? :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ando on August 06 2006, 10:12 pm
Ohh, such wonderful splash pages!

I don't think so, but you know CLAMP... Maybe they'll do it and top this chapter again? XD (I do hope so)

We still have the TALK between Kuro and Fai, once Fai has recoved a little, to go :keke: (unless CLAMP pull a Yuki/Touya and don't let us witness it, that is...).

I will hold my "CANOOOON!" until then. Yes, with this chapter, I do think it's beyond any doubt now that KuroFai will become a reality, but it just isn't really, really yet. I figure that the Canon Hymn will be oh-so-much sweeter to chant if I can do it at the top of my lungs the first time, instead of graduately singing louder and louder chapter by chapter. Ehm, do I make any sense whatsoever?

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Okay, so Fai's half vampire now. That's sure was an unexpected twist... Does this mean he will not be able to stand sunlight, or cross flowing water? How does CLAMP vampireism work?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jadeth on August 06 2006, 10:19 pm
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Hohohoho where will Fai BITE Kurogane? XDXD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 06 2006, 10:25 pm
Ohh, such wonderful splash pages!

We still have the TALK between Kuro and Fai, once Fai has recoved a little, to go :keke: (unless CLAMP pull a Yuki/Touya and don't let us witness it, that is...).

I will hold my "CANOOOON!" until then. Yes, with this chapter, I do think it's beyond any doubt now that KuroFai will become a reality, but it just isn't really, really yet. I figure that the Canon Hymn will be oh-so-much sweeter to chant if I can do it at the top of my lungs the first time, instead of graduately singing louder and louder chapter by chapter. Ehm, do I make any sense whatsoever?

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Okay, so Fai's half vampire now. That's sure was an unexpected twist... Does this mean he will not be able to stand sunlight, or cross flowing water? How does CLAMP vampireism work?

I can completely understand you ^^ Very sensible. But I'd go mad right now if I didn't scream "CANON!" every now and then, so I do it only to keep my sanity intact XD (a ticket to the next mental home for everyone who believes me...)

Hey, Fai'd also have to stop everytime when he sees small items and count them XD

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Hohohoho where will Fai BITE Kurogane? XDXD

Teeheehee, I wonder too XD But I think his neck would be a nice and classical place to begin with *snicker*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ying Hua on August 06 2006, 11:43 pm
ZOMG. 'tis early! so early I was completely surprised... O__O and te splash pages! ooh, does anyone have the young S+S splash page in bigger size?

edit: never mind, i found it with the file I downloaded
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 06 2006, 11:53 pm
Why is it so early?! I come on with my dad's dial-up connection just to see if there are any interesting theories around, and I find there's a new chapitre out and I CAN'T DOWNLOAD IT. *Goes off to pity herself*

Anyway...I'm calling KuroFai canon, now. Carry on with your singing.

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So, Fai is part vampire and Kurogane is now his personal blood source. So they can't be parted. So...Fai can only consume Kurogane's blood for some reason? Or is it just that he doesn't want any in the first place, so...*curses inability to acquire chapitre*

Wow, they thought about the water. o_o They're talking sense! Aw, Subaru and Kamui. Not an S/K fan, but they're so cute. (And so totally brothers).
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kirtai on August 07 2006, 12:08 am
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"I'll do anything..."  Awww! I burst of happiness when I read that!  How much of this is Fai actually hearing, ya think?  The whole thing? I also like how Yuuko makes him come out and say above line, clarifying that it IS his wish that Fai live...and I think Yuuko is being soft-hearted again.  Really, she didn't get anything out of the deal.  Fai got it all.  Finally, I hope that Fai doesn't get all supressed after this, or feel like his Kuro's love slave or anything because he is only living for him...Only living for him...ah, how sweet it is....
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 07 2006, 12:34 am
Why is it so early?! I come on with my dad's dial-up connection just to see if there are any interesting theories around, and I find there's a new chapitre out and I CAN'T DOWNLOAD IT. *Goes off to pity herself*

Anyway...I'm calling KuroFai canon, now. Carry on with your singing.

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So, Fai is part vampire and Kurogane is now his personal blood source. So they can't be parted. So...Fai can only consume Kurogane's blood for some reason? Or is it just that he doesn't want any in the first place, so...*curses inability to acquire chapitre*

Wow, they thought about the water. o_o They're talking sense! Aw, Subaru and Kamui. Not an S/K fan, but they're so cute. (And so totally brothers).
middle of the page:
list of photobucket images ^_^

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fai can only drink kuro's blood kuz kamui's was mixed with his. mixing it with kiuro's blodd nullified the majority of the vamp gene. yes fai would still need to feed, but only on kuro's blood, and not as much as a normal vampire. Fai is still alive and well. he jst nees kuro to force feed him blood

i also wouldnt really think that fai would be alergic to sunlight. i think the only vamp part of him will be the taste for kuro's blood, and super healing.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jadeth on August 07 2006, 01:19 am
I just realised something...

Atleast Fai won't have to use those darned chopsticks anymore. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Cherry tiger on August 07 2006, 01:21 am
Ohh, such wonderful splash pages!

We still have the TALK between Kuro and Fai, once Fai has recoved a little, to go :keke: (unless CLAMP pull a Yuki/Touya and don't let us witness it, that is...).

I will hold my "CANOOOON!" until then. Yes, with this chapter, I do think it's beyond any doubt now that KuroFai will become a reality, but it just isn't really, really yet. I figure that the Canon Hymn will be oh-so-much sweeter to chant if I can do it at the top of my lungs the first time, instead of graduately singing louder and louder chapter by chapter. Ehm, do I make any sense whatsoever?

First of all, yes! Such wonderful splash pages! I'm glad S+S weren't forgotten in someway... regardless that everything's KuroFye... I seriously missed them and still hold on to that hope that something good will happen to these two. I really hope the next chapter the Real Syaoran would do more than just talk here and there. Granted...
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this chapter surrounded mostly around Fye and the water.

And I have to admit, I wasn't really into KuroFye until this chapter. (Yes, I'm that bad...) I have my reasons, in which I never really saw anything between the both of them as nothing but friends and the reason they are quite close is because they understand each other in a friendly way. So I'm happy about this chapter cause finally, I can definitely see something between these two other than just something friendly.

But like Ando, I'm waiting for the right moment to really squeal "Canon!" so not just yet for me... not just yet.... ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: quimmy on August 07 2006, 01:31 am
As a former Anne Rice fan, I am very, very happy. xDD
You can really see Kuro's almost frightened by how Fye is so willing to die. His face was hidden when he shouted "shut up" too, darn!
"His companion's true feelings have reached him."
I am incapable of speech now. I think I'm going to sit in a corner and cry happily until the 23rd.

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this is just a thought regarding vampires in the Darran Shan books. If you haven't read them, Darran is a half-vampire, but eventually the vampire blood in him starts killing the human blood, turning him into a true vampire. Could it happen? Or would the magic left in his blood be too strong to be destroyed?

I haven't been watching the anime at all, but I'm so downloading this arc!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 07 2006, 01:36 am
Why is it so early?! I come on with my dad's dial-up connection just to see if there are any interesting theories around, and I find there's a new chapitre out and I CAN'T DOWNLOAD IT. *Goes off to pity herself*

Anyway...I'm calling KuroFai canon, now. Carry on with your singing.

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So, Fai is part vampire and Kurogane is now his personal blood source. So they can't be parted. So...Fai can only consume Kurogane's blood for some reason? Or is it just that he doesn't want any in the first place, so...*curses inability to acquire chapitre*

Wow, they thought about the water. o_o They're talking sense! Aw, Subaru and Kamui. Not an S/K fan, but they're so cute. (And so totally brothers).

Wooohooo! Sisters, this is a happy day! KuroFai converted a non-believer with their canoness :noteworthy:

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"I'll do anything..."  Awww! I burst of happiness when I read that!  How much of this is Fai actually hearing, ya think?  The whole thing? I also like how Yuuko makes him come out and say above line, clarifying that it IS his wish that Fai live...and I think Yuuko is being soft-hearted again.  Really, she didn't get anything out of the deal.  Fai got it all.  Finally, I hope that Fai doesn't get all supressed after this, or feel like his Kuro's love slave or anything because he is only living for him...Only living for him...ah, how sweet it is....

Now you say it - he really is living (I accidentally wrote "love" here first - what a coincidence! must be hitsuzen!) only for him from now on. Awww, that's just the destined-to-be thing CLAMP like to pull off so greatly!

I just realised something...

Atleast Fai won't have to use those darned chopsticks anymore. XD

XDDD You made me lmao, girl :laughing4:
middle of the page:
list of photobucket images ^_^

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fai can only drink kuro's blood kuz kamui's was mixed with his. mixing it with kiuro's blodd nullified the majority of the vamp gene. yes fai would still need to feed, but only on kuro's blood, and not as much as a normal vampire. Fai is still alive and well. he jst nees kuro to force feed him blood

i also wouldnt really think that fai would be alergic to sunlight. i think the only vamp part of him will be the taste for kuro's blood, and super healing.

So does this mean
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Fai will regain his eye just like Kamui grew/otherwise got a new arm? That'd be so heaven!

edit: I just remembered: I don't like how his lips look in page 17. If his mouth was drawn differently, I'd so love it! But so there's something about his features I don't like *cry*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 07 2006, 01:52 am
Hokai, courtesy of Team Llama (just dont ask), we have a sloppy (VERY sloppy) translation. Eku53ru did most of it, I just helped with a few lines, and Yuki did one line of Kurogane's that drove Team Llama abso-friggin-lutely CRAZY. Without further ado...

Thanks for the early translation!! May I make a scanlation with it?? X3 If there's one chapter I'm ever going to scanlate, it HAS to be this one!! ^____^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 07 2006, 01:56 am
I just realised something...

Atleast Fai won't have to use those darned chopsticks anymore. XD

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Wait, Fai *still* can eat normal food right? I imagine Kamui can, or else the X crew would've commented on it. Yeah, am also hoping Fai will be able to regenerate his eye. But I  think its unlikely, since 1)this is CLAMP, and 2)if with the eye comes also the magic, it would mean defeating Cloney will be too easy.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 07 2006, 01:59 am
Hm, I don't necessarily mean regaining his magic powers too, just his eye. His powers have been ripped from his body and I don't know if they'll just grow again like a ripped off flower or something.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 07 2006, 02:01 am
"Sir, we are surrounded!" "Excellent! Now we can attack in any direction!"

OT, but I love that quote!  Where's it from?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Becster on August 07 2006, 02:03 am

I gotta agree...Fai's first expression on page 17 was a little...weird. But it's nice when you think of it as a look of realisation. (For further information, please refer to the 'feelings' tagline) Like he's realised why Kurogane is doing this...

...but his smile afterwards just killed me. <3
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 07 2006, 02:04 am
Hm, I don't necessarily mean regaining his magic powers too, just his eye. His powers have been ripped from his body and I don't know if they'll just grow again like a ripped off flower or something.

But if his source of magic is his eye... and the eye 'growing back is  made of the same material...shouldn't his powers grow back too?
Gah, Clamp, some solid explanations please
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 07 2006, 02:07 am
OT, but I love that quote!  Where's it from?

I don't have the slightest idea ^^" I found it in a German forum and just love it, so... yeah. It reminds me a lot of Don Quixote :haha:


I gotta agree...Fai's first expression on page 17 was a little...weird. But it's nice when you think of it as a look of realisation. (For further information, please refer to the 'feelings' tagline) Like he's realised why Kurogane is doing this...

...but his smile afterwards just killed me. <3

Of course it's a look of realisation! And the expression afterwards is pure love. But I wish they hadn't accented his lips so heavily, it looks like he has lipgloss or something on...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 07 2006, 02:18 am
But if his source of magic is his eye... and the eye 'growing back is  made of the same material...shouldn't his powers grow back too?
Gah, Clamp, some solid explanations please

Perhaps he'll just grow a non-magical eye. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 07 2006, 02:25 am
Perhaps he'll just grow a non-magical eye. XD

Just what I said XD (only you said it beter *cough*)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 07 2006, 02:32 am
Just what I said XD (only you said it beter *cough*)

Putting it bluntly works best. ^_^  Although I don't know if he'll regrow one or not, it's 50/50.  Will he stay the way he is (as in, with what body parts he had before going vamp), or will his body regenerate anything missing?  Given that Seishirou had magic powers despite receiving Subaru's blood, Fai's magic should still be intact (half that is).
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: quimmy on August 07 2006, 03:15 am
I wonder, when Kuro's curse seal is broken, will it affect Fye too?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Becster on August 07 2006, 03:41 am
I wonder, when Kuro's curse seal is broken, will it affect Fye too?

...That's a really good point. But I don't know if everything that happens to Kuro will affect Fai. I reckon it's more: If Kuro were to die, Fai's source of blood - and the link to that blood - would die and he wouldn't be able to sustain himself.

:3 But that is an interesting idea...I wonder...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on August 07 2006, 03:45 am
you know i just had a thought. You know how fai-san said that the C!Syaoran would be invisible with one of his eyes, is that because C!Syaoran already had magic and it combines with his, or is it because of fai's magic alone? If its the latter, doesn't that mean that fai-san holds a considerably large amount of magic even with one eye? And if fai regained full consciousness and health wouldn't that mean that he and C!Syaoran would be equally matched, unless FWR assisted C!Syaoran...o_0
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jenx on August 07 2006, 04:17 am
@Hoshisensi: I reaaally don't think you schould make a scanlation with Team Llama's version, because we have no idea how accurate or innaccurate it is. o_O But if you must, I have no problem with it.

Anyhow, is Seishirou just going after the vampire twins, or is it vampires in general? Because if he starts going after Fai, my inner non-canon-pairing lover that betrays the ways of KuroFai would delight.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 07 2006, 04:22 am
Anyhow, is Seishirou just going after the vampire twins, or is it vampires in general? Because if he starts going after Fai, my inner non-canon-pairing lover that betrays the ways of KuroFai would delight.

I think it's specifically Subaru, since he is the one he mentioned by name when asking Oruha in Outo world.  Kamui just comes as part of the deal.

Seishirou/Fay?  That would be so...delightfully EVIL.  But I don't think Fay is young enough to attract Seishirou's attention!  Fay's slightly too much like Hokuto-chan too (which would cause my brain to break).  Seishirou/Kamui seems more likely to me.

What am I saying?!?  I am such an ardent Sei/Sub fangirl I shouldn't even be joking about this!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 07 2006, 04:28 am
This just keeps getting better and better~!  The goddess has blessed us abundantly. 'His companion's feelings have reached him!' indeed. <3333 I can just see all the X people in the background going, '...Okay. Yeah. They're gay.'

@Jenx- I think he's going after just the vampire twins. But to be more concise, he's really just going after Subaru. I don't think for a second he really gives a damn about Kamui except as far as Kamui taking Subaru away from him.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 07 2006, 04:38 am
@Hoshisensi: I reaaally don't think you schould make a scanlation with Team Llama's version, because we have no idea how accurate or innaccurate it is. o_O But if you must, I have no problem with it.

I've started cleaning the scans for scanlation, but I think your guys' translation was good, from what I could tell. I only saw one or two lines that I thought had a different meaning, and one was just Mokona's "dou sureba ii no!?" as "what should we do!?"

Ahh okay, I'll wait for Pikari-san's translations then. X3
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: totosquirt on August 07 2006, 04:41 am
my thoughts:

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lol, if fay wants to live, he must stay with kurogane forever...never to return back to Celes...

anyways, as fay regenerates with his vampire abilities, he will gain more magic...and then pay back the witch with that magic and gets his life back ;) ...or the witch asks fay to help defeat fei wong reed :P

lol ~ i don't usually comment on manga chapters
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 07 2006, 04:45 am
The whole, 'If you want to die so badly, I'll kill you myself' line is SO CLAMP. It reminds me of X, when
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Seishirou decides to commit suicide via Subaru because Subaru is the 'one he loves the most,' and when Fuuma says he would rather kill the one he loved than let someone else do it, if it were necessary for his loved one to die,
and also of RG Veda when
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Kendappa kills Souma, because she would rather kill Souma herself than let someone else kill her.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 07 2006, 04:50 am
The whole, 'If you want to die so badly, I'll kill you myself' line is SO CLAMP. It reminds me of X, when
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Seishirou decides to commit suicide via Subaru because Subaru is the 'one he loves the most,' and when Fuuma says he would rather kill the one he loved than let someone else do it, if it were necessary for his loved one to die,
and also of RG Veda when
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Kendappa kills Souma, because she would rather kill Souma herself than let someone else kill her.
Word. And it never fails to hook me. You know you read too much CLAMP when you perceive that line as romantic.XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 07 2006, 05:00 am
Word. And it never fails to hook me. You know you read too much CLAMP when you perceive that line as romantic.XD

Oh lord, that is so true. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 07 2006, 05:08 am
Oh lord, that is so true. XD

Wait - it's not normal to take it as romantic? O___O?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 07 2006, 05:22 am
Wait - it's not normal to take it as romantic? O___O?

I don't think telling someone the only way they'll die is if you kill them yourself is traditionally considered romantic, no. :XD:

But who cares about tradition~
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 07 2006, 05:27 am
Wait - it's not normal to take it as romantic? O___O?

I like the way you think  :hehe:

I don't think telling someone the only way they'll die is if you kill them yourself is traditionally considered romantic, no.

Its traditional in Clampverse. :P
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 07 2006, 05:33 am
Oh, I can already picture the scene:
Fan-chan, a normal clamp fan, sits on her couch with her crush and cuddles.
Fan-chan: You know... Someday I'll kill you myself before anyone else does... *cuddles closer*
BF: WTF?! O_O!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 07 2006, 05:35 am

Totally loved the "If you want to die so badly I'll kill you myself" part.  Like others have said that's a definite sign of love from CLAMP. XD

The Subaru/Kamui stuff really didn't bother me as much in this chapter as the previous one.  I decided to give faith to CLAMP that they won't screw over the Sei/Su fans by making Su/Kam an item (yeah I know they're brothers but when has that ever stopped CLAMP before?).  Subaru and Kamui had some subtext in X but in the end Sei-chan was the one Subaru loved (I mean the guy did join the enemy for Seishirou, that's love right there).

The Fye-vampire thing didn't surprise me since it was one of the theories I worked out (I figured it would be Subaru though who gave his blood). I wonder if his eye will grow back now.  I know Kamui was able to reattach his arms but his arms were right there and Fye's eye is still in Syaoran.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 07 2006, 05:55 am
I don't think telling someone the only way they'll die is if you kill them yourself is traditionally considered romantic, no. :XD:

But who cares about tradition~

Yeap, I too am too much of a Clamp fangirl (because
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I think that Seishirou arranging his death at Subaru's hand is the most romantic thing in the universe and the second most romantic thing is Subaru being selfish enough to become the Sakurazukamori JUST to keep a tiny bit of Seishirou alive.  Because killing lots of people just to keep a small part of your lover with you is romantic too.

This should be on the 'Things in life I learned from Clamp' list that was on LJ recently!  Telling someone you will kill them is concidered romantic.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 07 2006, 06:01 am
I've always seen Kamui have rather a one-side crush on Subaru, because I don't see Subaru ever loving anyone except Seishirou.  Speaking of which, in the flash back to when Subaru and Kamui came to Tokyo in this chapitre,
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as Subaru is being sucked into the feather's power below the water, Subaru says, 'This is what that person said...' I think we can assume Subaru is talking about Seishirou. What do you guys think Seishirou might have said to Subaru? Also, after Yuuko tells Subaru to give his blood to Fai, Kamui interjects and refuses to let Subaru do it, saying, 'It seems that hunter (obviously Seishirou) has become a hindrance.' What exactly is that supposed to mean, do you guys think?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Dayanira on August 07 2006, 06:36 am
Sorry if it has nothing to do with the current discussion, but about the translation... I saw a comment on kurofai community concerning what kuro said to fai and it was
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"If you want to die that badly, kill me. So until then, live." Only now i understood that it DOES make sense. Which means if fai wants to die he must kill his source of food so that only after that he could die by himself, right?
So, the question is... which one is more correct?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 07 2006, 06:39 am
Hm, I've been thinking about that too. But I think I like the version in which Kuro kills Fai better because that's equal to a love confession in CLAMPverse :inlove:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 07 2006, 06:53 am
I've always seen Kamui have rather a one-side crush on Subaru, because I don't see Subaru ever loving anyone except Seishirou.  Speaking of which, in the flash back to when Subaru and Kamui came to Tokyo in this chapitre,
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as Subaru is being sucked into the feather's power below the water, Subaru says, 'This is what that person said...' I think we can assume Subaru is talking about Seishirou. What do you guys think Seishirou might have said to Subaru? Also, after Yuuko tells Subaru to give his blood to Fai, Kamui interjects and refuses to let Subaru do it, saying, 'It seems that hunter (obviously Seishirou) has become a hindrance.' What exactly is that supposed to mean, do you guys think?

I noticed those parts too.  And honestly I have no clue what it means.  But the impression I get (from various scenes in these past two chapters) is that Subaru really doesn't hate Seishirou the way Kamui does.

And I agree that the Subaru/Kamui stuff is one-sided.  Subaru always only has eyes for Seishriou.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 07 2006, 07:00 am
Either way the line makes me squee.
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The second line - "So until then, live." - would make more sense if it was Fai killing Kuro - until you feel up to killing me, live (and shut up ;)!); the other way around would be stranger - the reaction came because of Fai's "Stop!", if you then offer as a way out a time (the then) when you will decide when to kill the one protesting, it is not actually a solution of the protest, not giving any choice in the matter.
But I am torn between the two versions. In the situation it is uttered it would make more sense to speak not of the (in that moment) future
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= Kuro becoming the prey and therefore making the killing him part valid to be Fai's death
but the present.
Oh, my head is in a knot!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 07 2006, 07:58 am
Someone on LJ scanlated it:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 07 2006, 08:19 am
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wait. so I understand that if kuro dies, fai dies as well. but what happens if fai dies? will kuro die too? *I'm stupid, sorry*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sokasato on August 07 2006, 08:28 am
Wow! I just finished reading the chapter!!

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So Fai did get vampire blood! I was right! go me!

CANON!! squee!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on August 07 2006, 08:39 am
umm...i was thinking. Remember how Princess Tomoyo sent kurogane to Yuuko so he could find true strength, what if saving fai was part of it, not that she planned it. but you know how kurogane said he fights to protect those he loves and those who can't protect themselves,  maybe bonding his life with fai's is showing him he can protect those he cares about without having to fight..could that be a strength knowing when to fight and knowing when to give up something you value for some one who doesn't...?

T_T...gomenasai im not making much sense again am i??? ^^;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 07 2006, 08:55 am
Someone on LJ scanlated it:

i think we should still waity for pikari and celesse to make it...i beleive their work to be "official" ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: tg on August 07 2006, 09:16 am
umm...i was thinking. Remember how Princess Tomoyo sent kurogane to Yuuko so he could find true strength, what if saving fai was part of it, not that she planned it. but you know how kurogane said he fights to protect those he loves and those who can't protect themselves, maybe bonding his life with fai's is showing him he can protect those he cares about without having to fight..could that be a strength knowing when to fight and knowing when to give up something you value for some one who doesn't...?

T_T...gomenasai im not making much sense again am i??? ^^;

No, you make complete sense.  ^_^  Don't worry.

I think it's pretty obvious from the start that Kurogane will have to learn how to care about other people besides being "loyal" to Tomoyo and killing every "enemy" in sight.   He first started calling Syaoran a "brat", or "bozu (=squirt)", but it changed to "kid" sooner or later (a.k.a. a more respectable title than "bozu").  ^_0   Hehe....  And Fai will have to learn not to "run away" during situations that he find the most painful (which should be what his past is all about).    Well, actually, now that this happened, his "running away" days are just about over.

That's what character development is all about.   ^_0

I'm just shocked that this chapitre came out sooner than expected.  I think more people are starting to have that "I can't wait until Wednesday" effect so I might as well perform illegal moves to get at it no matter what.    So, Fai became a
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vampire, thus, putting a block on his own wish to die since he became immortal.  Ohohho...   Now, Fai really CAN'T die!   Definitely love the first splash page.  It's so cute and innocent.  The second two page splash pages are beautiful with Fai's eye sitting there in C!Syaoran's eye, at the same time, very eerie.   A very big contrast between the two parts of the clone!  Yep yep!   Makes me sad...    Looking foward to the next chapitre!  Haha... 
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ungalad on August 07 2006, 09:29 am
¡CANON CANON! Lovely canon! Wonderful canon! *sings the canon hymn until her lungs implode*...

...Damn it, I'm late XD. 8 pages already. Anyway, this chapter is way too sexy to comment on it, I can only drool.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Celesse on August 07 2006, 09:31 am
i think we should still waity for pikari and celesse to make it...i beleive their work to be "official" ^^;;

Aww, thank you!  ^^  I've got the scans all cleaned up and prepped for scanslating.  All I need now is for Pikari to translate  :3
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 07 2006, 09:40 am
Aww, thank you!  ^^  I've got the scans all cleaned up and prepped for scanslating.  All I need now is for Pikari to translate  :3
hmm. where on earth IS that girl! XD

i found someone who doesnt think its canon ENOUGH.
I'll grant that this chapter comes very very close (not entirely) to pushing Kuro/Fai to the same canon level as Seishirou/Subaru or Touya/Yukito, not so much due to their actions, but the consequences of it.
their a nuetral party about the paring, so it OK.

id SO loe  to push this chapter down the throat of this LE dud who was so URG against kurofai <_<

i checked for any new fics, and i found 2 deathfics :( i want a fluffy fic ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Spoonful on August 07 2006, 10:21 am
Does anyone else think the close-up of Kurogane on page 17 is hot? I can't stop staring at it. xD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 07 2006, 12:29 pm
I was thinking, wouldn't when Kamui and Subaru finally leave, they might cause the others to go to another dimension as well like when Seishirou left?  Their source for dimension hopping is the same.  Although this could probably be reversed, and cause Subaru and Kamui to leave when the others do.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: wetheril on August 07 2006, 12:41 pm
Hokai, courtesy of Team Llama (just dont ask), we have a sloppy (VERY sloppy) translation. Eku53ru did most of it, I just helped with a few lines, and Yuki did one line of Kurogane's that drove Team Llama abso-friggin-lutely CRAZY. Without further ado...

I just read the translation, and I agree with almost everything said in the translation, except for the part:

If...if Kurogane has something, (against this, I'm assuming >_<)

I think Mokona says, "If something should happen to Kurogane, Fai will..." (I interpretted this line to mean that if Kurogane dies, then Fay will too.)

But I totally see Kurogane/Fay as canon now. ^__^ I fan-squeed over Kurogane's super-determined, "Nani wo surya ii." XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ahrimal on August 07 2006, 12:59 pm
So, it seems that Subaru and Kamui have known Yuuko for some time now. They visited her to obtain the power to cross dimensions as well. I wonder what their price was. I think that the pendants are the means by which the two cross dimensions. I am curious what Kamui meant about that hunter becoming a hindrance. Why was Kamui so adamant about Subaru not giving his vitae again? Is it because each time they give their vitae, they weaken themselves? Or is it simply that Kamui did not Subaru to risk getting hurt if someone tried to tamper with his vitae? Yuuko said that the twins are purebred vampires. That seems to suggest that there are other vampires of lesser lineages, even half-breeds, who do not have such potent vitae and abilities as these two. I think it's charming really, the relationship between this Kamui and Subaru. They do seem to care greatly for each other. It's the love shared between family members, specifically siblings. Subaru is the same as his other self, before that Subaru was traumatized by that Seishirou. This Subaru also seems too kind for his own good. Therefore, it's fortunate he has a very protective brother this time. Kamui would probably take great pleasure in eviscerating anyone who dares to try harming his twin.

In a way, one could say that Fai has been sired by Kamui, so that makes him Kamui's childe. Since Subaru gave his blood to Seishirou, that would make Seishirou the childe of Subaru. In a way, Fai and Seishirou are cosanguineous, of the same bloodline. Even if he is only a half-breed, Fai will probably gain some heightened strength, speed, reflexes, regenerative capabilities, as well as growing those long claws at will, hopefully. Kurogane and Fai are linked to Kamui in a way now, since Kamui's vitae flows through the two. I wonder how this development will affect their interaction with Kamui, since he did save Fai's life just now, if only for Subaru's sake.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xxxholic on August 07 2006, 01:07 pm
I just read the translation, and I agree with almost everything said in the translation, except for the part:

If...if Kurogane has something, (against this, I'm assuming >_<)

I think Mokona says, "If something should happen to Kurogane, Fai will..." (I interpretted this line to mean that if Kurogane dies, then Fay will too.)

But I totally see Kurogane/Fay as canon now. ^__^ I fan-squeed over Kurogane's super-determined, "Nani wo surya ii." XD

Yeah i agree with you. I read the chinese translation and they translated it as "If something happens to Kurogane....."

But the rest of the translation is very good. Thanks for sharing Jenx and your friends for translating the chapter.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Cherry tiger on August 07 2006, 01:31 pm
So, it seems that Subaru and Kamui have known Yuuko for some time now. They visited her to obtain the power to cross dimensions as well. I wonder what their price was. I think that the pendants are the means by which the two cross dimensions. I am curious what Kamui meant about that hunter becoming a hindrance. Why was Kamui so adamant about Subaru not giving his vitae again? Is it because each time they give their vitae, they weaken themselves? Or is it simply that Kamui did not Subaru to risk getting hurt if someone tried to tamper with his vitae? Yuuko said that the twins are purebred vampires. That seems to suggest that there are other vampires of lesser lineages, even half-breeds, who do not have such potent vitae and abilities as these two. I think it's charming really, the relationship between this Kamui and Subaru. They do seem to care greatly for each other. It's the love shared between family members, specifically siblings. Subaru is the same as his other self, before that Subaru was traumatized by that Seishirou. This Subaru also seems too kind for his own good. Therefore, it's fortunate he has a very protective brother this time. Kamui would probably take great pleasure in eviscerating anyone who dares to try harming his twin.

In a way, one could say that Fai has been sired by Kamui, so that makes him Kamui's childe. Since Subaru gave his blood to Seishirou, that would make Seishirou the childe of Subaru. In a way, Fai and Seishirou are cosanguineous, of the same bloodline. Even if he is only a half-breed, Fai will probably gain some heightened strength, speed, reflexes, regenerative capabilities, as well as growing those long claws at will, hopefully. Kurogane and Fai are linked to Kamui in a way now, since Kamui's vitae flows through the two. I wonder how this development will affect their interaction with Kamui, since he did save Fai's life just now, if only for Subaru's sake.

I just remembered something... didn't Yuuko say in the first volume that
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the last time she saw Subaru was when he was really small? Could that mean he's been travelling for so long now or did Yuuko just meet him without expecting a wish?

And does that form of Vampire rules really work in Tsubasa? I've never even thought about the "sire" thing and all...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 07 2006, 01:41 pm
I just remembered something... didn't Yuuko say in the first volume that
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the last time she saw Subaru was when he was really small? Could that mean he's been travelling for so long now or did Yuuko just meet him without expecting a wish?

The one she was talking about was Tokyo Babylon Subaru, she said he was an onmyouji. 
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For some reason I think she met him when he did his succession ceremony to become the new head of his clan, because he went to Tokyo when he was 8.  So I'm thinking it was around the time when he first met Seishirou.

So she knows two Subaru's, but they do have the same soul. ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 07 2006, 04:56 pm
So, it seems that Subaru and Kamui have known Yuuko for some time now. They visited her to obtain the power to cross dimensions as well. I wonder what their price was.
Well, Yuuko said that was the same as the water thing now, but I wonder too...

I think that the pendants are the means by which the two cross dimensions. I am curious what Kamui meant about that hunter becoming a hindrance. Why was Kamui so adamant about Subaru not giving his vitae again? Is it because each time they give their vitae, they weaken themselves? Or is it simply that Kamui did not Subaru to risk getting hurt if someone tried to tamper with his vitae? Yuuko said that the twins are purebred vampires. That seems to suggest that there are other vampires of lesser lineages, even half-breeds, who do not have such potent vitae and abilities as these two. I think it's charming really, the relationship between this Kamui and Subaru. They do seem to care greatly for each other. It's the love shared between family members, specifically siblings. Subaru is the same as his other self, before that Subaru was traumatized by that Seishirou. This Subaru also seems too kind for his own good. Therefore, it's fortunate he has a very protective brother this time. Kamui would probably take great pleasure in eviscerating anyone who dares to try harming his twin.
Yes, the are siblings and Kamui is very protective, that's why I do not bother the whole Subaru&Kamui at all, because I see it as a very strong brotherly love (something like Freya and Elda) I want to knowthe whole story of those two...
Also I think Seishirou is more focus in Subaru because He gave him his blood, but wants to find both Subaru and Kamui, he's always saying "I have fo ind the Twins" and "Those two are not here, I have to find them" I really want to knw more about them!

I wonder how this development will affect their interaction with Kamui, since he did save Fai's life just now, if only for Subaru's sake.
I wonder too, after all Kamui it's very agresive here (like Kamui at the star of X, so, normal Kamui just not traumaticided XD) and looks like He fights, lives and see for his bothers sake, most be the only relative he has I think.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ahrimal on August 07 2006, 07:45 pm
An amusing thought occurred to me. If Kamui and Subaru end up travelling with the others, I can easily picture Kurogane and Kamui quickly becoming sparring partners. They'd be able to give one another a good workout, and given their personalities, they'd probably be able to communicate to each other with their fists better than with words.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 07 2006, 08:34 pm
I think Fai is only PART vampire, I think he has to still do the usual human things, he's not dead after all, he only borrowed the healing qualities of the vampires blood, he wasn't biten or anything so I don't think he's a FULL ON vampire. He's not immortal and he still has to eat, breathe etc...Which makes me happy. :)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 07 2006, 08:38 pm
Me too. So his body still has all neccessary functions. Imagine Kuro if it turned out his sex drive had gone along with breathing and need for food.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 07 2006, 09:46 pm
Me too. So his body still has all neccessary functions. Imagine Kuro if it turned out his sex drive had gone along with breathing and need for food.
maybe Kuro has to FEED his sex drive as well as his need for blood

I'm not sure if he's fully mortal-Seishirou certainly wasn't and he's the only other one we know who has received the Twin's blood (although I strongly suspect he received it directly rather than through someone else).
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 07 2006, 10:01 pm
An amusing thought occurred to me. If Kamui and Subaru end up travelling with the others, I can easily picture Kurogane and Kamui quickly becoming sparring partners. They'd be able to give one another a good workout, and given their personalities, they'd probably be able to communicate to each other with their fists better than with words.

They also have "wanting Seishirou dead" in common. XD

I wonder too, after all Kamui it's very agresive here (like Kamui at the star of X, so, normal Kamui just not traumaticided XD) and looks like He fights, lives and see for his bothers sake, most be the only relative he has I think.

I think Kamui has always been very protective of his family.  In X if someone so much as mentioned his mother slightly wrong, he wanted to kill them.  Given Subaru's "too kind for his own good" personality, he has good reason for being so protective.  How many times did he almost get killed trying to help somebody without hurting them in Tokyo Babyon!?  Seishirou had his hands full making sure he didn't die.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 07 2006, 11:44 pm
They also have "wanting Seishirou dead" in common. XD

I know! XD I can almost see it, God!, that's a good picture in my head lol.

I think Kamui has always been very protective of his family.  In X if someone so much as mentioned his mother slightly wrong, he wanted to kill them.  Given Subaru's "too kind for his own good" personality, he has good reason for being so protective.  How many times did he almost get killed trying to help somebody without hurting them in Tokyo Babyon!?  Seishirou had his hands full making sure he didn't die.

You're right, He's very protective with his family in all senses and the ones close to him (Like the time Yuzuriha was attacked in X, He fight to protect her no matter he was hurt) and now with Subaru, we saw him, He was almost calm when the water trapped him and Kamui was trying so hard to not let his twin fell in danger, and then with the whole vampire blood request of Yuuko, he does not want Subaru to involve himself again, because he does not want to see him hurt, Kamui's eye expressions changed a lot in this chapter, most of the were of concert, He's worry.

I demand a splash page of Subaru and Kamui!!!!!!!1
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 08 2006, 12:11 am
I really want to see Pikari's translation of this. Gah, it's such a good chapter.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 12:12 am
I really want to see Pikari's translation of this. Gah, it's such a good chapter.

Me too. Gosh, where's Pikari? *waaaaits*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Pikari on August 08 2006, 02:03 am
Me too. Gosh, where's Pikari? *waaaaits*

What? I'm sitting back watching the fangirls run in circles, of course. XD You know technically this chapter shouldn't be out until Wednesday, so you don't get the translation until then. *ducks rotton pineapple*

Alright, alright, it's here. ^____^;; Click (

That last page of Fai is kind of hot. ^^; Although I'll agree with whoever said he looks weird on the fourth to last page.

It took me a bit to sort through what Yuuko told Kurogane, and I think there's something still not clear yet. That is, is Kuro's price his blood, or does he still have to pay for the water? His blood, and his becoming the bait, are his price for making Fai live against his will, his taking responsibility for Fai's life. But from the way I read it, Kuro still has to pay for Subaru's wish, since Subaru (or Kamui, rather) gave his blood to him. And Yuuko still hasn't received anything for herself. That was my interpretation of it, anyway. I guess we'll see with the next chapter..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 08 2006, 02:11 am
Either way the line makes me squee.
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The second line - "So until then, live." - would make more sense if it was Fai killing Kuro - until you feel up to killing me, live (and shut up ;)!); the other way around would be stranger - the reaction came because of Fai's "Stop!", if you then offer as a way out a time (the then) when you will decide when to kill the one protesting, it is not actually a solution of the protest, not giving any choice in the matter.
But I am torn between the two versions. In the situation it is uttered it would make more sense to speak not of the (in that moment) future
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= Kuro becoming the prey and therefore making the killing him part valid to be Fai's death
but the present.
Oh, my head is in a knot!

It's Kurogane telling Fai if he wants to die so badly, he will be the one to kill him. I asked my friend Leona and she is Japanese (born and bred, haha) and her translation was "If you want to die so much, I'll kill you. But till then, LIVE." So yeah. I mean, it does make sense coming from Kurogane, I think.

Oh, and I was in a really bad mood last night, so I colored this page to keep my mind off how pissed off I was over random things -_- The shading made Fai look really weird, as a lot of people commented earlier. I practically just ended up re-tracing everything so it's practically line-arted. You can see where I got lazy and left the background as it was because I was really tired, hehe. I tried to see if I could make him look less weird, but I probably Failed with a capital F.
( (

(Waaaaaiiii. He looks so cute in the second panel. How the heck can people say Fai is going to kill Kurogane for saving his life after Fai's expression looks like that when Kurogane says all that?)

Thank you for the translation, Pikari! It was funny to see everyone freaking out waiting for it :XD: And the last line is "Mutual feelings have reached each other"?  I like that one better :inlove:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 02:21 am
What? I'm sitting back watching the fangirls run in circles, of course. XD You know technically this chapter shouldn't be out until Wednesday, so you don't get the translation until then. *ducks rotton pineapple*

Alright, alright, it's here. ^____^;; Click (

That last page of Fai is kind of hot. ^^; Although I'll agree with whoever said he looks weird on the fourth to last page.

It took me a bit to sort through what Yuuko told Kurogane, and I think there's something still not clear yet. That is, is Kuro's price his blood, or does he still have to pay for the water? His blood, and his becoming the bait, are his price for making Fai live against his will, his taking responsibility for Fai's life. But from the way I read it, Kuro still has to pay for Subaru's wish, since Subaru (or Kamui, rather) gave his blood to him. And Yuuko still hasn't received anything for herself. That was my interpretation of it, anyway. I guess we'll see with the next chapter..

Waaaah, thank you so much for that translation, Pikari *showers you with fake cookies*

But - wah, is it true he says "What do I do?" instead of "I'll do anything?" ;____; *cries*

It's Kurogane telling Fai if he wants to die so badly, he will be the one to kill him. I asked my friend Leona and she is Japanese (born and bred, haha) and her translation was "If you want to die so much, I'll kill you. But till then, LIVE." So yeah. I mean, it does make sense coming from Kurogane, I think.

Oh, and I was in a really bad mood last night, so I colored this page to keep my mind off how pissed off I was over random things -_- The shading made Fai look really weird, as a lot of people commented earlier. I practically just ended up re-tracing everything so it's practically line-arted. You can see where I got lazy and left the background as it was because I was really tired, hehe. I tried to see if I could make him look less weird, but I probably Failed with a capital F.
( (

(Waaaaaiiii. He looks so cute in the second panel. How the heck can people say Fai is going to kill Kurogane for saving his life after Fai's expression looks like that when Kurogane says all that?)

Thank you for the translation, Pikari! It was funny to see everyone freaking out waiting for it :XD: And the last line is "Mutual feelings have reached each other"?  I like that one better :inlove:

Aw, you and Pikari made my day with this picture and the translation. Thank you very much! *hands you a bowl of fake cookies*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Pikari on August 08 2006, 02:27 am
Waaaah, thank you so much for that translation, Pikari *showers you with fake cookies*

But - wah, is it true he says "What do I do?" instead of "I'll do anything?" ;____; *cries*

Aw, you and Pikari made my day with this picture and the translation. Thank you very much! *hands you a bowl of fake cookies*

*munches fake cookies* Hmm... it seemed like more of a question to me, coming after what Yuuko had just said. Kuro wants to know what it is he has to do to save Fai. And judging by his expression when he says that, I think it's pretty clear he's going to do anything, no matter what Yuuko says anyway. ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 08 2006, 02:33 am
I was rereading the Outo chapters, and I ran across the part where Fai said that he had been longing for someone to stay by his side at the bar, and Kurogane gave him a look.  Foreshadowing much? ^_^

Thanks for the translation, Pikari.  Everything makes much more sense, at least I somewhat understand how the wishes worked now.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 02:38 am
*munches fake cookies* Hmm... it seemed like more of a question to me, coming after what Yuuko had just said. Kuro wants to know what it is he has to do to save Fai. And judging by his expression when he says that, I think it's pretty clear he's going to do anything, no matter what Yuuko says anyway. ^^

Yes, of course, but... y'know, a "I'll do anything" is just a much stronger argument against naysayers then "What do I do?", even if it equals the same. Those stubborn-headed naysayers will say something against it, I just *know* it.

I was rereading the Outo chapters, and I ran across the part where Fai said that he had been longing for someone to stay by his side at the bar, and Kurogane gave him a look.  Foreshadowing much? ^_^

Thanks for the translation, Pikari.  Everything makes much more sense, at least I somewhat understand how the wishes worked now.

I don't know how it is in English, but in German if you're a couple you "go with each other". After Fai said "I've waited the whole time for someone to go with me", I almost begged Kurogane to say "Wanna go with me?" (That thing you asked when you want to be with someone.)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 08 2006, 02:40 am
I just read this chapter, and was totally surprised.  :keke: I didn't knew about the vampire Fai theory, and when I saw that Fai has to become a vampire I was in shocked, but happy. Now Fai has to be together forever with Kuro-rin!  :hello2:

Anyway, how will they find out where C/Syaoran is?  -_-

I was rereading the Outo chapters, and I ran across the part where Fai said that he had been longing for someone to stay by his side at the bar, and Kurogane gave him a look.  Foreshadowing much? ^_^

Thanks for the translation, Pikari.  Everything makes much more sense, at least I somewhat understand how the wishes worked now.

Eeeeeeep, so true!! Now Fai's desire is coming true!  :hehe:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 08 2006, 02:41 am
Waaaah, thank you so much for that translation, Pikari *showers you with fake cookies*

But - wah, is it true he says "What do I do?" instead of "I'll do anything?" ;____; *cries*

Aw, you and Pikari made my day with this picture and the translation. Thank you very much! *hands you a bowl of fake cookies*

Aww thank you. I agree with what Pikari says, even if that might not be what he says, the way he looks pretty much the entire chapter says that he IS willing to do anything. His actions at the end more than prove it too~ The naysayer's argument is about as sturdy as a straw house.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 02:49 am
Aww thank you. I agree with what Pikari says, even if that might not be what he says, the way he looks pretty much the entire chapter says that he IS willing to do anything. His actions at the end more than prove it too~ The naysayer's argument is about as sturdy as a straw house.

Yeah, you're right I guess. CANON.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mizunotsubasa on August 08 2006, 02:53 am
*munches fake cookies* Hmm... it seemed like more of a question to me, coming after what Yuuko had just said. Kuro wants to know what it is he has to do to save Fai. And judging by his expression when he says that, I think it's pretty clear he's going to do anything, no matter what Yuuko says anyway. ^^
Thank you for the translations. *gives cookie*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: tg on August 08 2006, 03:02 am
Thank you, Pikari, for your own translated version!   :D  *hands out imaginary cookie as well*

Quote from: Airashii
Anyway, how will they find out where C/Syaoran is?   -_-

There are several ways:

1) Yuuko.  She could give the group something like a tracking device to tell them whether they are in a world where C!Syaoran is.

2) The group goes off their business travelling to other worlds, like before.  They'll only run into C!Syaoran depending on which world they come across.  This is what I think will mostly happen.  The only difference is having R!Syaoran in the group, which is going to take a little time to get use to.   His past is something that I'm anticipating the most to read besides Fai's.  *nods nods*  

3) One of Mokona's 108 Secret Techniques is to find a clone!   :haha:  

4) Kamui and Subaru help out more than expected...

5) The group will cross paths with C!Syaoran near the end of the series.  A giant face-off will be in FWR's hide-out.  Mwhaahahah....  

6) CLAMP's magic.    

Edit: 7) C!Syaoran will appear before the group on his own "will".   That is, if he even obtains back his "will".  O_o

And that's as much as I can think of right now.    >_<  
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 08 2006, 03:06 am
Well, at least R!Syaoran has all of the memories of C!Syaoran, as he said that he was always watching through the right eye.  He's not confused about anything, but everybody else sure is (except for Fai.). -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: tg on August 08 2006, 03:14 am
Very true.   

Hmmm..   I'm very curious how he's going to interact with everyone.

-Fai will definitely treat him like he was his cloned self, but at the same time, maybe in a different way. 
-Kurogane will probably keep his distance from R!Syaoran.  Suspicious as ever...
-Sakura will be unsure of how to talk to him...probably. 
-Mokona...  Eh, Mokona is Mokona!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 08 2006, 03:16 am
Thank you, Pikari, for your own translated version!   :D  *hands out imaginary cookie as well*

There are several ways:

1) Yuuko.  She could give the group something like a tracking device to tell them whether they are in a world where C!Syaoran is.

2) The group goes off their business travelling to other worlds, like before.  They'll only run into C!Syaoran depending on which world they come across.  This is what I think will mostly happen.  The only difference is having R!Syaoran in the group, which is going to take a little time to get use to.   His past is something that I'm anticipating the most to read besides Fai's.  *nods nods*

3) One of Mokona's 108 Secret Techniques is to find a clone!   :haha:

4) Kamui and Subaru help out more than expected...

5) The group will cross paths with C!Syaoran near the end of the series.  A giant face-off will be in FWR's hide-out.  Mwhaahahah....

6) CLAMP's magic.

Edit: 7) C!Syaoran will appear before the group on his own "will". That is, if he even obtains back his "will". O_o

And that's as much as I can think of right now.    >_< 

I like #2 better, yes, R/Syaoran will be kinda uncomftable to them, but think of Sakura, she'll be kind of depressed.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 08 2006, 03:41 am
Thank you for the translation, Pikari! Now I get (most ;)) what I did not. Mela, thanks for giving the headstart on figuring out the who is killing who bit!

I think Sakura will be sad and feel awkward around R!Syao but at the same time her innate kindness and compassion should keep her from the deepest depression since in a way, should she start loudly lamenting Our!Syao, she would make R!Syao feel bad (even if unnecessarily) and she'd not want to be the cause of that and will put on a/be slightly happier (face).
Hmm, it occured to me that now that Fai has let and might again his mask slip, Sakura, the one who was the innocent I-am-what-you-see, would be building one for herself.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 08 2006, 04:16 am
Cookie for Pikari~!! X3

Cleaned and scanlated!

For fun. Just this once. I hope that's okay... >.>;; If it's not please tell me and I'll remove it. I wanted to scanlate at least one TRC chapter, so I probably won't do more in the future. (Unless it's a nice KF one like this. XD) I credited Pikari for the translations and magicbulletgirl for the scans of course. ^^

I managed to get the words off the first color page, but not the chapter cover pages. o__O
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Pikari on August 08 2006, 04:28 am
And the last line is "Mutual feelings have reached each other"? I like that one better :inlove:

Actually, take that back. ^^;; Now that I finally have my kanji dictionary back, (Omg, how did I live without it for a month? XD) the first translation that came out was right. It's "tomo", as in companion, friend. "His companion's feelings have reached him/have been communicated".. something like that. Yeah. Eeh.. sorry to be changing things when you just put out the scanlation, hoshisenshi. ^^;; Hmm, although.. they're not all that different, necessarily, as it doesn't say *whose* companion or if it's both.. so the feelings could be mutual. Especially looking at Fai's "accepting" smile in the one panel.
[/KuroFai fan-reasoning]

And you didn't fail, mela.. Fai looks much better in that panel than he did before. Really, I hope CLAMP fixes it for the tankoubon or something. What were they thinking? What program do you use to color? I'm curious what filter or whatever you use to make all the cool dotty-ness. ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 08 2006, 04:32 am
The KuroFai fan-reasoning works just fine with me! XDD

to mela : noo, you get an A+ for that editing! X3 Looks much better than the original shading. *__*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on August 08 2006, 04:35 am
What? I'm sitting back watching the fangirls run in circles, of course. XD You know technically this chapter shouldn't be out until Wednesday, so you don't get the translation until then. *ducks rotton pineapple*

Alright, alright, it's here. ^____^;; Click (

That last page of Fai is kind of hot. ^^; Although I'll agree with whoever said he looks weird on the fourth to last page.

It took me a bit to sort through what Yuuko told Kurogane, and I think there's something still not clear yet. That is, is Kuro's price his blood, or does he still have to pay for the water? His blood, and his becoming the bait, are his price for making Fai live against his will, his taking responsibility for Fai's life. But from the way I read it, Kuro still has to pay for Subaru's wish, since Subaru (or Kamui, rather) gave his blood to him. And Yuuko still hasn't received anything for herself. That was my interpretation of it, anyway. I guess we'll see with the next chapter..

arigato glad i understand everything....(maybe i should work on learning japanese..XD)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 04:47 am
Actually, take that back. ^^;; Now that I finally have my kanji dictionary back, (Omg, how did I live without it for a month? XD) the first translation that came out was right. It's "tomo", as in companion, friend. "His companion's feelings have reached him/have been communicated".. something like that. Yeah. Eeh.. sorry to be changing things when you just put out the scanlation, hoshisenshi. ^^;; Hmm, although.. they're not all that different, necessarily, as it doesn't say *whose* companion or if it's both.. so the feelings could be mutual. Especially looking at Fai's "accepting" smile in the one panel.
[/KuroFai fan-reasoning]

And you didn't fail, mela.. Fai looks much better in that panel than he did before. Really, I hope CLAMP fixes it for the tankoubon or something. What were they thinking? What program do you use to color? I'm curious what filter or whatever you use to make all the cool dotty-ness. ^^;;

Ah, okay. Well, both versions just scream "CANON!" so I don't care which one is right XD

Oh and by the way, hoshisenshi - would you be so kind as to upload it also as .zip? I can't open it as .rar :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 08 2006, 05:06 am
Pikari, we love you so much!

I was also wondering what Yuuko was getting out of the deal because the previous translations were really confusing as to who was paying what price and what for.  You've cleared it all up but Kuro STILL has to pay for the water.

From what I can understand:

Subaru's wish is to replace the water.
Kuro's wish is to save Fay.

Kuro is taking the price of the water and Subaru is saving Fay in return.

That leaves Kuro to pay the price of the water. long till the next chapter (the hidden evil of having early scans released).
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 08 2006, 05:28 am
So... Uhm... I just came back from London and... WTF? Chapter 125?! H-how? Today's Monday!!! O_O

Show content
Mmm... Fai the vampire... How very, very, very hawt.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: magicbulletgirl on August 08 2006, 05:51 am
I'll just say that Japanese peer to peer rocks, along with the people who run the web site that I mentioned in my LJ post.
I'm glad that I shared, seems as if this was an important file what with Kuro-tin and Fai more or less being made a Canon pairing.

I liked the splash page (knows I'm in minority) and the out fit reminded me of one that showed up in detective conan - but Knight outfits seem to be very similar in most mangas.
Though you know not having them on the splash page - you're assured to see them on the cover.

Thanks Jenx, Eku and Pikari for your translations, and a thanks too to those who scanlated the chapter.

Hehe and if I had known that there wouldn't be a chapter next week maybe I would have waited.... nah...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kana-chan on August 08 2006, 06:03 am
Err...has anyone else noticed that some of Fai's like...see-through? o.o; I've seen it a couple times...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 06:05 am
Well, that's the case in many manga if the hair covers eyes, eyebrows or any significant details.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 08 2006, 06:05 am
Err...has anyone else noticed that some of Fai's like...see-through? o.o; I've seen it a couple times...
it's probably done that way to reveal what's underneath or behind it^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kana-chan on August 08 2006, 06:09 am
Yeah...XD it seemed a little weird though...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 08 2006, 06:22 am
I think I would have preffered it if Kuro had said, "If you want to die so badly, kill me, until then, live." :-(
Because now Fai's look could be interpretted as 'yaye, he's going to kill and release me from my emo torment!' and not 'take me now, Kuro-pon!'

But I cannot wait for the tons of Fai sucking Kuro pictures and fanfictions. :-D
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 06:28 am
I already made two feeding drawings XD It's in one of the KuroxFai threads.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 08 2006, 06:43 am
Can you give a link? I don't know where it is...-_-
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 08 2006, 06:48 am
i understand you,this forum is really a labyrinth ^^ (if you don't want to wait go checking "the recent forum posts" at the upper right of the page!)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 08 2006, 07:39 am
I saw, Kjesta! They were brilliant. :-D
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 08 2006, 08:05 am
I didn't find them...-_-
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kirtai on August 08 2006, 08:09 am
Warning, there's a crazy fangirl party going on over there!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 08 2006, 08:22 am
Oh, yeah, there's a party going over there. *sweeps confetti off her shoulder*. So anyway, thanks for the link. And Kjesta those sketches are great, you should color them!  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 08:43 am
Waaah, thank you >/////< *hugs*

Oh, yeah, there's a party going over there. *sweeps confetti off her shoulder*. So anyway, thanks for the link. And Kjesta those sketches are great, you should color them!  :okay:

Yaaay, party XD *throws around more confetti* But, coloring, doesn't that involve... colors? XD Don't get me wrong, I love colors, but I'm just so hopelessly untalented at coloring (or worse: outlining O_O!) sketches *cough*

But for you, I'll try! *clone syaoran determination*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 08 2006, 09:09 am
I was rereading the Outo chapters, and I ran across the part where Fai said that he had been longing for someone to stay by his side at the bar, and Kurogane gave him a look.  Foreshadowing much? ^_^

Thanks for the translation, Pikari.  Everything makes much more sense, at least I somewhat understand how the wishes worked now.
i agree. your translations couopled with the first translation makes things much more understandable ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 08 2006, 09:27 am
Here's a zip file of the scanlation requested by Kjesta. ^^
And the old one again..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 08 2006, 09:29 am
Thank you so much! *hugs* Awww, I'll print them out and wallpaper my room with it *__*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 08 2006, 10:14 am
Yeah for Pikari! <3 I don't mind the translation, 'What do I have to do?' To me, it completely implies that Kurogane isn't even bothering to ask what the price is- the idea of NOT paying the price doesn't even cross his mind. And when Kamui refuses to let Subaru give his blood, the translation, 'If he becomes an interference like that hunter,' makes a lot more since than, 'if that hunter becomes a hindrance again,' since Seishirou isn't there. XD

...I'm still loving the idea of Syaoran and the X characters standing there thinking, '...Yep, they're gay.'

*goes to join party*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xxxholic on August 08 2006, 11:06 am
MagicBulletGirl, Pikari, and Hoshisenshi: Thanks for the chapter!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: itsafactiact on August 08 2006, 11:19 am
oh man this chapter was so amazing!!! Thank You so much for the scanlation!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 08 2006, 11:22 am
Actually, take that back. ^^;; Now that I finally have my kanji dictionary back, (Omg, how did I live without it for a month? XD) the first translation that came out was right. It's "tomo", as in companion, friend. "His companion's feelings have reached him/have been communicated".. something like that. Yeah. Eeh.. sorry to be changing things when you just put out the scanlation, hoshisenshi. ^^;; Hmm, although.. they're not all that different, necessarily, as it doesn't say *whose* companion or if it's both.. so the feelings could be mutual. Especially looking at Fai's "accepting" smile in the one panel.
[/KuroFai fan-reasoning]

And you didn't fail, mela.. Fai looks much better in that panel than he did before. Really, I hope CLAMP fixes it for the tankoubon or something. What were they thinking? What program do you use to color? I'm curious what filter or whatever you use to make all the cool dotty-ness. ^^;;

Haha, either way, it's still good! Fai definitely looks so accepting in that panel, he's definitely realized that Kurogane is willing to do anything to make him live. I think Fai isn't going to be angry (mad enough to kill Kurogane, as all those blind other fans in denial, as you can see by his expression. I don't think CLAMP would have shown him like that if he hadn't been accepting of it. Plus, I am sure Fai wouldn't mind having to be with Kurogane any way.

Thank you, I am glad it didn't suck as badly as I thought :XD: I don't know why Fai looks so scary. The shading is really the main problem, which is why I chose that picture to work on. I use Paint Shop Pro, and to make the dots you just play around with the "Halftone" settings. Photoshop has a halftone filter too though, so you can create that effect in either program.

to mela : noo, you get an A+ for that editing! X3 Looks much better than the original shading. *__*
Thank you  :surprised:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Celesse on August 08 2006, 11:45 am
Scanslated  ^^;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: starprov356 on August 08 2006, 11:59 am
Thanks so much, Celesse.

Show content
I feel like I should have seen that solution - Fai getting vampire blood so that he will live - coming a mile away.  I'll have to hold back judgement on whether I like it until I see how the Fai-as-vampire Kurogane-as-bait interaction works.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 08 2006, 12:02 pm
What? I'm sitting back watching the fangirls run in circles, of course. XD You know technically this chapter shouldn't be out until Wednesday, so you don't get the translation until then. *ducks rotton pineapple*

Alright, alright, it's here. ^____^;; Click (

That last page of Fai is kind of hot. ^^; Although I'll agree with whoever said he looks weird on the fourth to last page.

It took me a bit to sort through what Yuuko told Kurogane, and I think there's something still not clear yet. That is, is Kuro's price his blood, or does he still have to pay for the water? His blood, and his becoming the bait, are his price for making Fai live against his will, his taking responsibility for Fai's life. But from the way I read it, Kuro still has to pay for Subaru's wish, since Subaru (or Kamui, rather) gave his blood to him. And Yuuko still hasn't received anything for herself. That was my interpretation of it, anyway. I guess we'll see with the next chapter..

Pikari!!!! *glomps Pikari* you translation makes the things so much easer to get! thank you so much for give it to us! *gives you even more fake cookies and a Fai plushie*

The part when Subaru said to Kamui to not get closer so he does not get traped too has much more sense now XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mizunotsubasa on August 08 2006, 12:29 pm
Scanslated ^^;

thanks gives a cookie
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 08 2006, 11:00 pm
Hm.. I just noticed something...

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If I'm understanding it all correctly, Kurogane's official wish is not that Fai lives, but that the water fills the reservoir. In exchange for Kurogane requesting that, Kamui and Subaru would help Fai. Right?
But now, Kurogane still has to pay a price for the water wish. What price would that be? His blood, that he gave to Fai?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 08 2006, 11:19 pm
Hm.. I just noticed something...

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If I'm understanding it all correctly, Kurogane's official wish is not that Fai lives, but that the water fills the reservoir. In exchange for Kurogane requesting that, Kamui and Subaru would help Fai. Right?
But now, Kurogane still has to pay a price for the water wish. What price would that be? His blood, that he gave to Fai?

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That's the one thing I'm still kinda not sure of.  They pretty much switched out wishes.

In exhchange for Kurogane requesting the water for Subaru, Subaru will give his blood to Fai for Kurogane (actually Kamui).  Kurogane has to give his blood because Fai does not wish to live, so Kurogane's responsible.  I'm not sure if his giving blood is his payment for the water, but I'm kinda doubting it.  I think after this is over he has to pay Yuuko something, otherwise she's the only one whose getting gypped.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 08 2006, 11:21 pm
Hm.. I just noticed something...

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If I'm understanding it all correctly, Kurogane's official wish is not that Fai lives, but that the water fills the reservoir. In exchange for Kurogane requesting that, Kamui and Subaru would help Fai. Right?
But now, Kurogane still has to pay a price for the water wish. What price would that be? His blood, that he gave to Fai?

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No, I think his blood is the price for forcing Fai to live? He still has to pay for the water...hope its nothing too costly
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 08 2006, 11:25 pm
It might not be costly because Yuuko's prices always seem to have to do with personal value, and Kurogane does not really VALUE the water. He's only wishing for it in order to save Fai. However, if one takes into account that it IS important to him BECAUSE wishing for it will save Fai, then it might turn out to be a heavy price after all.

...I guess there was supposed to be a point in there somewhere.

Poor Fai, though. Even if it IS with Kurogane, he's completely dependant on this one guy for the rest of his life. He can't leave him, ever. That's got to suck, even if you love the person. Maybe it's just me (since I have...freedom issues...) but it would seem a bit overwhelming, at least at first. I wonder how often Fai will have to drink? Every day? Probably not, since Clamp wouldn't be nice enough to give us daily KxF necksucking fanservice.

Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 08 2006, 11:33 pm
It might not be costly because Yuuko's prices always seem to have to do with personal value, and Kurogane does not really VALUE the water. He's only wishing for it in order to save Fai. However, if one takes into account that it IS important to him BECAUSE wishing for it will save Fai, then it might turn out to be a heavy price after all.

...I guess there was supposed to be a point in there somewhere.

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Speaking of personal value, the reason Yuuko didn't heal Fai herself was because the price would be too costly. That means Kurogane really really wants Fai to be saved.->considering that, paying for the water is probably less expensive.

Poor Fai, though. Even if it IS with Kurogane, he's completely dependant on this one guy for the rest of his life. He can't leave him, ever. That's got to suck, even if you love the person. Maybe it's just me (since I have...freedom issues...) but it would seem a bit overwhelming, at least at first. I wonder how often Fai will have to drink? Every day? Probably not, since Clamp wouldn't be nice enough to give us daily KxF necksucking fanservice.

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Yeah, that sucks. And I imagine Fai has freedom issues too. I'm still not clear of one point, If Fai dies, does Kuro die too?Cause that would really, really suck. If either of them dies, they will knowthey're taking the other with them.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 08 2006, 11:35 pm
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His wish to save Fai only comes in when he has to give his blood.  He's getting Kamui's blood as payment for him paying for the water.

In the case of the water, I think it'll have to do with those 13 jugs that Watanuki had to get from the well in xxxHolic.  The water was a payment from Nekomusume for a hat that Yuuko gave her (which poor Watanuki had to do all the work in getting), so Yuuko does indeed agree on exchanges of goods. ^_^

I wonder how this will effect the groups traveling though, this just made Fai and Kurogane vulnerable.  If Kuro gets axed, so does Fai.  There goes some of the groups defense. D:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 08 2006, 11:44 pm
Well, I"m abandoning the spoiler tags this far in, if that's alright. Both translation and scanlation have been posted, so anyone venturing further is probably looking for spoilers. If anyone has a problem, just tell me and I'll eat my words >_<

In response to the whole "if Fai dies, will Kuro die too?" question (not sure if someone answered this or not already) I'm pretty sure that the deal doesn't work both ways. So, if Fai is killed somehow (since it's going to be hard killing him now that he heals super-fast) Kurogane will NOT die as a result. I'm pretty sure (not 100%, but more like... 96.4%) that the reason Fai will die when Kuro does is that he won't have any blood to drink anymore, so essentially he'll starve.

I hope Real!Syaoran gets to travel with KF instead of Clone!Syaoran, at least for a while.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 08 2006, 11:53 pm
Well, I"m abandoning the spoiler tags this far in, if that's alright. Both translation and scanlation have been posted, so anyone venturing further is probably looking for spoilers. If anyone has a problem, just tell me and I'll eat my words >_<

In response to the whole "if Fai dies, will Kuro die too?" question (not sure if someone answered this or not already) I'm pretty sure that the deal doesn't work both ways. So, if Fai is killed somehow (since it's going to be hard killing him now that he heals super-fast) Kurogane will NOT die as a result. I'm pretty sure (not 100%, but more like... 96.4%) that the reason Fai will die when Kuro does is that he won't have any blood to drink anymore, so essentially he'll starve.

I hope Real!Syaoran gets to travel with KF instead of Clone!Syaoran, at least for a while.

Hnn...this won't stop Fai's suicidal tendencies then. He wouldn't want to drag Kurogane with him if it works both ways.. gah, still feel bad for kuro though-do you think Fai will ever ask Kurogane to kill him? That one line was romantic, but I'm scared its foreshadowing...

I think Real!Syaoran will travel with KF too. Hnn...his personality is more prickly than Cloney. I wonder how he and KF will get along?Especially Sakura, for that matter. Gawd, things will be awkward for a while.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 09 2006, 12:26 am
Hnn...this won't stop Fai's suicidal tendencies then. He wouldn't want to drag Kurogane with him if it works both ways.. gah, still feel bad for kuro though-do you think Fai will ever ask Kurogane to kill him? That one line was romantic, but I'm scared its foreshadowing...
True. However if Kuro will still have to pay for the water and if the price is a high one, that could/should make Fai reconsider his willingness to die because if that high price was payed for him, it would be most ungrateful to then make the gesture an empty one and he has enough conscience to not die then. He could get himself unravelled enough to ask but I see no way of that wish granted!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 09 2006, 12:35 am
True. However if Kuro will still have to pay for the water and if the price is a high one, that could/should make Fai reconsider his willingness to die because if that high price was payed for him, it would be most ungrateful to then make the gesture an empty one and he has enough conscience to not die then. He could get himself unravelled enough to ask but I see no way of that wish granted!

But what if Fai thinks his death can protect others (from Ashura? Himself?)or something along those lines? And after rereading RGVeda and X I'm worried KuroFai will follow the 'fad' of killing/being killed by the one they love.Guess I'm just paranoid...>_>
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kirtai on August 09 2006, 12:41 am
I agree, but it could make him kind of dark. I think there are two possibilities: 1) Fai and Kuro are happy now, because they each realize how much the other cares, or 2) Fai initially is a shadow of his former self, being either angry at Kuro because of the presumable danger he has put them in by allowing Fai to live, or just listless, existing only because Kuro wants him to, thinking Kuro "owns" him now or something.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 09 2006, 12:42 am
I already wrote this in the KuroxFai canon thread, but:

"The fact that Yuuko said that everything would work out for Kuro and Fai, as well as Clamp's admission that it will be a happy ending for Tsubasa makes me fairly sure that neither of them will die. Fai won't die because he has super-healing now, and Kuro won't die because he wouldn't LET himself die because it would kill Fai, much like Syaoran wouldn't LET himself fail Sakura. Getting the feathers back wasn't a question, it was something he HAD to do for her.

Kuro HAS to keep Fai alive.  ^___^"

Copy and paste FTW.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 09 2006, 12:45 am
I agree, but it could make him kind of dark. I think there are two possibilities: 1) Fai and Kuro are happy now, because they each realize how much the other cares, or 2) Fai initially is a shadow of his former self, being either angry at Kuro because of the presumable danger he has put them in by allowing Fai to live, or just listless, existing only because Kuro wants him to, thinking Kuro "owns" him now or something.

Well, he smiled in the last panel so I don't think Fai is angry. However, it won't be a happy situation either, they have yet to finish their conversation from chap 112.

Edit: Love your post, Emiko. Just One more thing though- super healing powers doesn't mean Fai can't be killed in ANY way right? you think now Fai's a vampire it'll even things out between Fai and Cloney?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 09 2006, 01:05 am
Love your post, Emiko. Just One more thing though- super healing powers doesn't mean Fai can't be killed in ANY way right? you think now Fai's a vampire it'll even things out between Fai and Cloney?

I don't think so, no. From what I gathered, he's not immortal, he'll just have super-healing powers (like Wolverine from X-Men XD).

I don't think Fai and clone-boy will fight again, though. Just because I don't think Fai WOULD fight him. He let him rip out his eye, so I think he still cares about him enough to not want to hurt him.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ttxdragon on August 09 2006, 01:11 am
great chapter, indeed.
the whole vampire-thing bugs me a bit,
as well as the 'fye is dependant on kurogane'-thing....
and in the middle panel on the double-spread fye somewhat looks a bit...
like he's really into yaoi-stuff... (god, please save this story from shounen-ai >.>;; and yeah, i know i wont make friends under the fangirls here  by saying that x ) )

greetz ttxdragon
PS: since not that many seem to have noticed: hyuu~ scans has chapter 125 out, too
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 09 2006, 01:23 am
Now that Fai has super healing powers, will he... like... grow a new eye? Or will he be wearing an eyepatch the rest of his life? Hmm...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 09 2006, 01:23 am
great chapter, indeed.
the whole vampire-thing bugs me a bit,
as well as the 'fye is dependant on kurogane'-thing....
and in the middle panel on the double-spread fye somewhat looks a bit...
like he's really into yaoi-stuff... (god, please save this story from shounen-ai >.>;; and yeah, i know i wont make friends under the fangirls here  by saying that x ) )

greetz ttxdragon
PS: since not that many seem to have noticed: hyuu~ scans has chapter 125 out, too

Gods, yeah, you didn't make you many friends here with that statement >>" Sorry if it sounds rude, but if you dislike shounen-ai, don't read CLAMP. Just don't.

I already wrote this in the KuroxFai canon thread, but:

"The fact that Yuuko said that everything would work out for Kuro and Fai, as well as Clamp's admission that it will be a happy ending for Tsubasa makes me fairly sure that neither of them will die. Fai won't die because he has super-healing now, and Kuro won't die because he wouldn't LET himself die because it would kill Fai, much like Syaoran wouldn't LET himself fail Sakura. Getting the feathers back wasn't a question, it was something he HAD to do for her.

Kuro HAS to keep Fai alive.  ^___^"

Copy and paste FTW.

(What does FTW mean?)
I think you're right. There's no way they possibly could die. Nope, nah, never. And if it's only because CLAMP know they'll be killed by crazy fangirls if they kill KF XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 09 2006, 01:27 am
Gods, yeah, you didn't make you many friends here with that statement >>" Sorry if it sounds rude, but if you dislike shounen-ai, don't read CLAMP. Just don't.

(What does FTW mean?)
I think you're right. There's no way they possibly could die. Nope, nah, never. And if it's only because CLAMP know they'll be killed by crazy fangirls if they kill KF XD

They were gutsy enough to kill
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...but yeah, I think I'd do something drastic if they kill KF.
FTW=For the win
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 09 2006, 05:56 am
*double spread Fay*  *looking gay*


Oh, that was good for a laugh!

have to agree with the comments that if you don't like shounen-ai then you shouldn't read Clamp
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 09 2006, 06:15 am
Something about 'double-spread Fai' looking 'like he's really into yaoi-stuff' is making me laugh really freaking hard. XD XD And I think that's all I have to say to that post, except if you don't like shounen-ai, that's fine, but there won't be any bashing or rude remarks here.

Hmm, I can totally see Fai writing naughty yaoi stories about him and Kuro, of course they'd be picture books though. XD XD *imagines Fai drawing his naughty little pictures and sipping on lemonade with a big grin on his face*

OMG, I already forgot - of course it has to be picture books :rotfl: Heavens, this is hilarious! But beware, if Kurogane ever finds them. Though... Maybe he'll decide to have a little reading session with Fai XD *slaps herself for having naughty pictures on mind*

Ah, I have to go to bed :cry: I don't want to go to school again tomorrow -_- See you all! *hugs*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 09 2006, 06:29 am
I've got a theory!!!

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Fei Wong Reed is really a vampire!
Remember what Kamui said? "E is bait. Without a soul, they imitations inside a human body. Raised as food for beings who drink blood."
Remember what Fei Wong said about Xing Huo? "You were also a failed creation."
Fei Wong is always seen drinking a glass of wine. But what if it's not wine? What if it's blood? Xing Huo's blood? In the early manga chapters, we see Fei Wong surrounded by several women. If he kills Xing Huo, he could still feed on those other women, right? He created Xing Huo himself, so he isn't dependend on her, the way Fai would be on Kurogane.
Am I making sense?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: itsafactiact on August 09 2006, 08:07 am
I've got a theory!!!

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Fei Wong Reed is really a vampire!
Remember what Kamui said? "E is bait. Without a soul, they imitations inside a human body. Raised as food for beings who drink blood."
Remember what Fei Wong said about Xing Huo? "You were also a failed creation."
Fei Wong is always seen drinking a glass of wine. But what if it's not wine? What if it's blood? Xing Huo's blood? In the early manga chapters, we see Fei Wong surrounded by several women. If he kills Xing Huo, he could still feed on those other women, right? He created Xing Huo himself, so he isn't dependend on her, the way Fai would be on Kurogane.
Am I making sense?

hmm not sure about that, i think that might be too many vampires I mean i don't think its going to turn into a vampire story. that would be unfair to the story line so far, I feel like that anyway. But ya i'm wondering about the eye thing too. Can he regenerate it now that hes a vampire? I wouldn't mind either way, fai with eye or fai with sexy eye patch i'm fine and dandy ;)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 09 2006, 08:21 am
i don't think that Fye will recover his eye,because it is Clone Shaolan who hold it now!
Fye can't develop a "new left eye",it would be too weird 0__o

his wounds will heal but his left socket will certainly remain close...or else he may obtain a red left eye cause of Kurogane's blood (he would be so cool with two différents colors eyes ^^)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 09 2006, 08:40 am
Now that Fai has super healing powers, will he... like... grow a new eye? Or will he be wearing an eyepatch the rest of his life? Hmm...
maybe. it woulc certainly please mny fai-fanguirls who are mourning the kloss of it.
Y'know, that could be true XD There's a story on where Fai writes ffs about him and Kurogane - including lemons XD Hey, maybe we read his stories all the time and just don't know it? *g*
Hmm, I can totally see Fai writing naughty yaoi stories about him and Kuro, of course they'd be picture books though. XD XD *imagines Fai drawing his naughty little pictures and sipping on lemonade with a big grin on his face*

i read the oneshot where fai was writing  a naughty yaoi. maybe some of the other naughty ones  were secretly by him XDD his doujinshi's would also be most ezxcelent since he's a skilled drawer ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: -.CheRrYPriNcesS.- on August 09 2006, 08:55 am
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i remember that FWR said that Xing Huo was a failed clone to... i just tought Xing Huo was a clone of Yuuko, her eyes are like yuuko's eyes... what do you think?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 09 2006, 08:57 am
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There's a splash page somewhere, where Sakura and Xing Huo are shown as Yin and Yan, with matching outfits. I'd say she's Sakura's clone.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 09 2006, 09:10 am
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There's a splash page somewhere, where Sakura and Xing Huo are shown as Yin and Yan, with matching outfits. I'd say she's Sakura's clone.
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Why would the Syaorans look alike but XH and Sakura completely different if thats the case? Not to mention she doesn't act like Sakura... unless they're doing another Nova-Hikaru(from MKR) where both are opposite aspects of the same person.... XH is a creation, but is she really a clone? It wouldn't be as shocking anymore...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 09 2006, 09:27 am
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True, true. But it could be that he altered Xing Huo's appearance, because Sakura's face annoyed him. I know I would've done the same in his place.  XD
Well, it's just a theory, really. Doesn't have to be right. I'm kinda brainstorming because I'm bored.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 09 2006, 09:45 am
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There's a splash page somewhere, where Sakura and Xing Huo are shown as Yin and Yan, with matching outfits. I'd say she's Sakura's clone.

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I'm agree with you, I post that page in another chapter, I think XH has more to do with Sakura than anything (and I really, really, do not think FWR is a vampire [Vampire's Story in Tsubasa = (C) Subaru and Kamui XD] He just likes wine, all evil guys think they look better drinking wine) after all, remember that she used the Clow's magic crest to trasport R!Syaoran to yuuko?

@ nefadol : I love your Avatar! *-*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Celesse on August 09 2006, 09:58 am
Y'know, Yuuko already said what the price for the water was  :O  It's the same as what the vampire twins paid to hop dimensions.  That might help with the theorizing a bit, since it just has to be reasoned out what both Kamui/Subaru and Kurogane have to give as payment for something like that.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 09 2006, 10:51 am
Hmm... What could Kamui and Subaru have sacrificed? I wonder...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 09 2006, 02:08 pm
@ nefadol : I love your Avatar! *-*

Thanks!  I'm on a coloring manga kick lately. ^_^

I doubt Fei Wong is a vampire, he has a very long lifespan like Clow Reed, but not a vampire.  Maybe he drinks wine because he's an alcoholic like Yuuko? Although Yuuko's smoking may be for the same reason that Subaru and Seishirou smoke in X, it increases their powers. Perhaps alcohol works in the same manner?  -_-

On what Kamui and Subaru paid, all we know is that it's probably expensive.  It also depends on how often they can travel, Seishirou had a limited amount of times he could hop.  I'd say their blood is most valuable, given that it can save a life and Yuuko would have charged more than Kurogane could have given to do the same.

Either Yuuko meant the same price to Subaru, or that she'd need payment equal to the wish as when she granted their wish to travel to other worlds.  Basically she's saying "I don't need to explain myself, right?".
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 09 2006, 02:29 pm
theres one thing i see with how fai will feed off kuro. remember, kuro is over 6 feet tall. he's atleast half a foot taller than fai. so fai would either hafe to feed off kuros arm, or sit in kuros lap at feeding time :inlove: (personaly id love to see the latter option :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 09 2006, 02:32 pm
Given this is a shounen manga, I doubt we'll see anything.  Probably just Kuro dragging him off and closing the door while everybody looks at each other awkwardly. :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 09 2006, 03:04 pm
theres one thing i see with how fai will feed off kuro. remember, kuro is over 6 feet tall. he's atleast half a foot taller than fai. so fai would either hafe to feed off kuros arm, or sit in kuros lap at feeding time :inlove: (personaly id love to see the latter option :keke:

Awww, that'd be SO awesome *starts to drool subconsciously*

Given this is a shounen manga, I doubt we'll see anything.  Probably just Kuro dragging him off and closing the door while everybody looks at each other awkwardly. :haha:

I don't think it's only a shounen manga, it's quite ambigous. Yes, there's much fighting and everything, but the love story about Sakura and Syaoran and all that is more typical for shoujo. So, I think it's not really possible to sort Tsubasa in ^_~
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Senefen on August 09 2006, 03:30 pm
*mental image of Kurogane holding out his arm and Fai dangling from it by his teeth, feet not touching the ground*

I wonder what it'll be like in the next world, we have new Syaoran who doesnt love Sakura (I think), Fai's fake-happy act is going to change prob, ditto with Sakura's real happy act, poor Mokona's been traumatised (Black Mokona gets it so much easier), Fai and Kurogane are gonna be uber pissed with eachother for trying to die/not letting him die, Kurogane's gonna be anemic O.o plus the price for the water is gonna be big.
It's not often Watanuki is better off than the Tsubasa Gang He hasnt been badly injured for a while now (does anyone else think Kohane's doomed?).
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 09 2006, 03:32 pm
I don't think it's only a shounen manga, it's quite ambigous. Yes, there's much fighting and everything, but the love story about Sakura and Syaoran and all that is more typical for shoujo. So, I think it's not really possible to sort Tsubasa in ^_~

True, true.  When has CLAMP's series ever really fallen in with what type of magazine it was published in?  X was in a shoujo magazine and it had dismemberment, decapitation, eye gouging, and impaling to name a few.  Not exactly typical girls manga, eh? You'd think Tsubasa could get away with more. ;)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 09 2006, 03:51 pm
I wonder what it'll be like in the next world, we have new Syaoran who doesnt love Sakura (I think), Fai's fake-happy act is going to change prob, ditto with Sakura's real happy act, poor Mokona's been traumatised (Black Mokona gets it so much easier), Fai and Kurogane are gonna be uber pissed with eachother for trying to die/not letting him die, Kurogane's gonna be anemic O.o plus the price for the water is gonna be big.

Is it bad of me to look forward to all of this? XD
Kurogane & Fai will take a backseat for a while, after they elaborated the vampire situation I think.  :(  We have new Syaoran to focus on. Do you think Yuuko will really explain everything to Kurogane? I hope Fai will explain too. He knew from the beginning oldSyaoran is a clone,what else does he know? Is he connected to FWR like the rest? We better get to see Fuuma at least ONE more time.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 09 2006, 03:55 pm
Is it bad of me to look forward to all of this? XD
Kurogane & Fai will take a backseat for a while, after they elaborated the vampire situation I think.  :(  We have new Syaoran to focus on. Do you think Yuuko will really explain everything to Kurogane? I hope Fai will explain too. He knew from the beginning oldSyaoran is a clone,what else does he know? Is he connected to FWR like the rest? We better get to see Fuuma at least ONE more time.

your right about kuo and fai. after something of THIS magnatude, we wont see much of them for some time. (ch 112 was the largtest moment before, right? it too nearly 10 chapters for something to happen again to make us sqeeal) i hope they wont go TOO far in the background tho. but after this, :-/
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 09 2006, 04:57 pm
I hope Fai will explain too. He knew from the beginning oldSyaoran is a clone,what else does he know? Is he connected to FWR like the rest? We better get to see Fuuma at least ONE more time.

I doubt he has anything to do with FWR.  Kamui knew what C!Syaoran was the moment he saw him, so I think it was probably along the same lines with Fai.

I'd like to see Fuuma too.  I wonder though, where's his Kamui?  This world is lacking it's respective Kamui, Seishirou, and Subaru.  Was that just CLAMP trying to throw off fans from Subaru's trail by making us think this Kamui was a Dragon of Earth?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 09 2006, 05:16 pm
I doubt he has anything to do with FWR. Kamui knew what C!Syaoran was the moment he saw him, so I think it was probably along the same lines with Fai.

I'd like to see Fuuma too. I wonder though, where's his Kamui? This world is lacking it's respective Kamui, Seishirou, and Subaru. Was that just CLAMP trying to throw off fans from Subaru's trail by making us think this Kamui was a Dragon of Earth?

By 'connection' I meant whether FWR had meddled in Fai's past as he did with Kuro, Sakura, and Syaoran. And Kamui mentioned Fai has been strengthening the seal to Syaoran's heart. He's reluctant to use magic, so when did he start to help? That sort of thing.

I don't think there's another Kamui in this world.-I have the impression there's only a handful of people that survived. Kamui is going to stand out. M'not sure how connected souls work in TRC either. From Sei's clothes I thought he came from this world. Seems unlikely now. Maybe if a twin star don't exist in his/her partner's world, they will be destined to dimension hopping so they CAN meet each other? If that makes any sense...
The dual existence of Nataku and Kazuki still breaks my brain. >_>

How much longer do you think the group will stay in the X world? Its been two volumes already.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 09 2006, 05:25 pm
If Kamui has his way, those two won't be staying much longer.  I'm wondering if when they do it'll cause the others to leave like when Seishirou left.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 09 2006, 05:36 pm
If Kamui has his way, those two won't be staying much longer.  I'm wondering if when they do it'll cause the others to leave like when Seishirou left.

Too true. But I hope they wait till Fuuma makes *one* more entrance. Maybe Fuuma turns out to be hunter too *crosses fingers* Unlikely, but it feels weird having Kamui ignoring Fuuma when in X he's all angsty about him. Not that I don't prefer this Kamui. Much more attitude. Still. If Kamui and Subaru go, we won't see them for a while either. If ever again. Seishirou  had yet to make a reappearance.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tenkuuken on August 09 2006, 06:01 pm
*mental image of Kurogane holding out his arm and Fai dangling from it by his teeth, feet not touching the ground*

I wonder what it'll be like in the next world, we have new Syaoran who doesnt love Sakura (I think), Fai's fake-happy act is going to change prob, ditto with Sakura's real happy act, poor Mokona's been traumatised (Black Mokona gets it so much easier), Fai and Kurogane are gonna be uber pissed with eachother for trying to die/not letting him die, Kurogane's gonna be anemic O.o plus the price for the water is gonna be big.
It's not often Watanuki is better off than the Tsubasa Gang He hasnt been badly injured for a while now (does anyone else think Kohane's doomed?).

Big Kitty is going to be Big Puppy 2 XD.

I'm not sure... It's definite they'll have to hunt down C!Syaoran before they could achieve anything as far as Syaoran is concerned. Sakura is going to massive boo-hoo mode, and R!Syaoran will be there to comfort her (but that doesn't sound right...).  And Mokona... awww T_T (pats Mokona).

If C!Syaoran is getting all the feathers for Sakura, and he's in FWR's side... (scratches head)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on August 09 2006, 06:07 pm
If C!Syaoran is getting all the feathers for Sakura, and he's in FWR's side... (scratches head)

yea.. i'm confused about this too..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: itsafactiact on August 09 2006, 06:08 pm
I just had a thought, didn't earlier in the series when we thought real Syaoran was bad and he was in the glass. wasn't FWR going to release him? Why would he want to do that?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tenkuuken on August 09 2006, 06:42 pm
Somehow he may not have realized R!Syaoran gave C!Syaoran part of his heart. He was still programmed (sort of) to get the feathers. I guess the basic difference between the two is that C has memories of Sakura and R doesn't.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 09 2006, 09:20 pm
When did FWR said he was going to release R!Syaoran? O_o
All I remember is FWR saying 'I wonder who will have the most benefit from this development' after R!Syaoran awakened.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 10 2006, 12:00 am
Somehow he may not have realized R!Syaoran gave C!Syaoran part of his heart. He was still programmed (sort of) to get the feathers. I guess the basic difference between the two is that C has memories of Sakura and R doesn't.

No, R!Syaoran has memories of Sakura.  He had been watching through C!Syaoran's right eye the whole time he had been locked up.  How else did he know that the crest on his shirt was from the guy who killed Kurogane's mother?  He knows everything that C!Syaoran did.  The one thing I'm not sure is if he knows C!Syaoran's inner thoughts.

Fei Wong knew that R!Syaoran had put his heart into the clone, but he said that if he removed the heart that the clone would be destroyed.  So he released him the way he was because he still had the determination to gather the feathers.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mizunotsubasa on August 10 2006, 12:32 am
FW didn't release Rsyaoran, he broke free. and I noticed that the C Syaoran might be going where FW is. Noticed the magic on FW's side. * I think*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on August 10 2006, 12:33 am
So since R!Syaoran has memories of Sakura, does he love Sakura as the clone does?! will he eventually end up with her? or will one of the Syaorans die bcoz there can't possibly be 2 of them..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Mina on August 10 2006, 12:39 am
I"m so slow.... only now did I realize chapt 125 was up XD Oh well.

Overall I was bit disappointed by this chapter.... I thought it would be more dramatic than that... I wanted something more to happen....

but the colored pics are <3
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: tg on August 10 2006, 03:01 am
So since R!Syaoran has memories of Sakura, does he love Sakura as the clone does?! will he eventually end up with her? or will one of the Syaorans die bcoz there can't possibly be 2 of them..

Re-read Chapitre 124 again.   ^_^

From 124:
R!Syaoran:  I've always been watching through your right eye.  All the things you've done and the people you've met. The fact that you consider Sakura over there most precious to you doesn't come from "my heart"!  It's from you!!

But...  there's still a chance that R!Syaoran might happen to fall in love with Sakura or develop some sort of feelings for her.  Some people may deny this and say that R!Syaoran was only pretending but it seems to be that R!Syaoran has no feelings for her.   Think about it.  He would've runned to her or something, once she falled asleep, but he didn't.   

Then, we got the people who are supporting the C!Syaoran x Sakura shipping.  They feel that C!Syaoran would eventually develop his own "heart" and come back to being the Syaoran we always knew.    Hm...     
Me?  I support whoever gets her heart in the end.  ^_^  Haha..   To me, they're the same people.  It's just...  One has no feelings but has the memories, and the other one just went corrupted loosing his emotions and memories.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 10 2006, 03:26 am

Ladydarkmoon-san posted her scans. Hers are always much bigger and cleaner, just in case anyone is interested in downloading them from her <3
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Mina on August 10 2006, 04:40 am

Ladydarkmoon-san posted her scans. Hers are always much bigger and cleaner, just in case anyone is interested in downloading them from her <3
Whoot! I'm off to get hers... hers is awesome!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 10 2006, 04:47 am
I want to se Fuuma again too, I mean, he was only in one chapter and He and Kamui only got one page  =(
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Smile_For_Me on August 10 2006, 01:53 pm
Will 126 be released this Wednesday, 08/09? or the Next Wednesday, considering 125 came out real early? Or is it that CLAMP loves messing with their fans little crazy minds????
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 10 2006, 01:56 pm
Will 126 be released this Wednesday, 08/09? or the Next Wednesday, considering 125 came out real early? Or is it that CLAMP loves messing with their fans little crazy minds????

This chapter was supposed to be released today. We got it early because someone got ahold of scans before it was widely released. The next chapter is out on 8/23 D:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kinomotofan on August 10 2006, 03:03 pm
I think the story is definitely one of the best I seen from Clamp. I love it. Can't wait how are they going to end it.  :heh:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tsuki-kun on August 10 2006, 10:53 pm
Considering all that happened...are they leaving Tokyo now?

Thanks to Pikari and Celesse for scans and translation! :D
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kirtai on August 10 2006, 11:12 pm
Are you sure the next chap doesn't come out on the 16th? It was a two week break?  *dies*

EDIT: *sigh* nevermind, it's true

07/26 - Shonen Magazine #34 - Chapter 123 (on sale).
08/02 - Shonen Magazine #35 - Chapter 124 - Last chapter of tank 16.
08/09 - Shonen Magazine #36 & #37 - Chapter 125 - 3 color pages, beginning of tank 17.
08/23 - Shonen Magazine #38 - Chapter 126.
08/30 - Shonen Magazine #39 - Chapter 127.

Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 10 2006, 11:15 pm
Well, the break was supposed to be for next week. This week, we were supposed to get chapter 125 today. So it's only a one-week break, but it seems longer because we got chapter 125 early.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 10 2006, 11:18 pm
Think so .Its because the  newest shonen magz is a double issue.

Hmm... who wants to bet we're spending at least one more volume in 'Tokyo? So many things still needs to be resolved...

Edit: Well at least there's the flood of fanfics to read after 125 :hehe:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Cherry tiger on August 10 2006, 11:20 pm
I admit, I'm one of the Clone Syaoran x Sakura shippers... because right now I can't see Real Syaoran replacing Clow Syaoran. Real Syaoran may have seen things through Clow Syaoran's eyes but he's clearly different from Clow Syaoran... his fighting style, his powers... they're all different to me and it makes me believe that Real Syaoran has his own personality.

Clow Syaoran had his personality created through Sakura and Fujitaka, and that makes a vast difference. Real Syaoran claims that Clow Syaoran does have his own heart... and I'm hoping that Clow Syaoran developed his own heart and isn't dependant on Real Syaoran's one.

It's just a thought... and I'm not judging Real Syaoran just yet since we don't know much about him. But I do hope Clow Syaoran ends up with Sakura... >_<
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 10 2006, 11:21 pm
Maybe Subaru and Kamui will go to the next world with them, since they're itching to get away too. Not that I think they'll stay together, but... I really want to leave Tokyo. We've been here for such a long time.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 10 2006, 11:29 pm
Maybe Subaru and Kamui will go to the next world with them, since they're itching to get away too. Not that I think they'll stay together, but... I really want to leave Tokyo. We've been here for such a long time.

I want to see Fuuma once more.Then we can leave.

I admit, I'm one of the Clone Syaoran x Sakura shippers... because right now I can't see Real Syaoran replacing Clow Syaoran. Real Syaoran may have seen things through Clow Syaoran's eyes but he's clearly different from Clow Syaoran... his fighting style, his powers... they're all different to me and it makes me believe that Real Syaoran has his own personality.

Clow Syaoran had his personality created through Sakura and Fujitaka, and that makes a vast difference. Real Syaoran claims that Clow Syaoran does have his own heart... and I'm hoping that Clow Syaoran developed his own heart and isn't dependant on Real Syaoran's one.

It's just a thought... and I'm not judging Real Syaoran just yet since we don't know much about him. But I do hope Clow Syaoran ends up with Sakura... >_<

And about Cloney-I do want him back, if only because I want him to angst for what he done to Fai's eye.(then Fai will give him a BIG hug and we all can go 'aww...').
No, really. Don't think we  need to worry about him. Even Real Syaoran was rooting for him. And SxS won't be a happy ending if Cloney dies and Sakura hitches off with real Syaoran. Just doesn't work.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 10 2006, 11:36 pm
Mmmhmm. In Shurano, doesn't Ashura say, "who you are does not matter. What others do to stop you does not matter either"? So yeah, I don't think Clone!Syaoran is lost forever.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on August 11 2006, 12:10 am
I admit, I'm one of the Clone Syaoran x Sakura shippers... because right now I can't see Real Syaoran replacing Clow Syaoran. Real Syaoran may have seen things through Clow Syaoran's eyes but he's clearly different from Clow Syaoran... his fighting style, his powers... they're all different to me and it makes me believe that Real Syaoran has his own personality.

Clow Syaoran had his personality created through Sakura and Fujitaka, and that makes a vast difference. Real Syaoran claims that Clow Syaoran does have his own heart... and I'm hoping that Clow Syaoran developed his own heart and isn't dependant on Real Syaoran's one.

It's just a thought... and I'm not judging Real Syaoran just yet since we don't know much about him. But I do hope Clow Syaoran ends up with Sakura... >_<

yea!!! i hope C!Syaoran ends up with Sakura too.. Haven seen much of R!Syaoran tho.. hahax..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 11 2006, 04:28 am
I want to see Fuuma once more.Then we can leave.

Totally agree with that *nod, nod*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 11 2006, 05:51 am
I too am pretty sure that Sakura will be together with Clone-turned-back-to-Our Syaoran, even though I like Real!Syao more because he is more real (pardon the pun) and interesting. I recall mentioning to an e-mail friend how I OurSyao's unwavering determination got on my nerves and was almost unnatural.
 Now of course it is clear why he was that way but all in all for me Our!Syaoran ranks behind both Cloney and Real!Syao in the interest-list.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mizunotsubasa on August 11 2006, 11:36 pm
Is someone going to make scanslation out of  ladydarkmoon's scans? Just wondering.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: muhi_kira on August 12 2006, 02:13 am
just already read this chapter
OMG!!! fay will become vampire and he will drink a kurogane blood i think many KXF fans will be happy ^_^
i'm forward to see how fay become vampire and how he drink a kurogane blood
but will be subaru dissapears after he give his blood ????
this chapter many of KXF part not syaoran part
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 05:47 am
there is somethig that i find really hilarious ^^!

it's the fact that while Sakura and Shaolan's relationship is getting shattered after Clone Shaolan have dropped her like a bin,the relation between Kurogane and fai is becoming more intense !

peharps that CLAMP is bored of Sakura and Shaolan love relationship and decided to replace them by Fai and Kurogane ^__^...
(hum,i was just joking of course,don't kill me S X S fangirls ^0^)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mizunotsubasa on August 12 2006, 07:15 am
Here is something funny, just thought it right now. What if all of them become Vampire it would turn into an Vampire Chronicles. *What is vampire in Japanese?*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 12 2006, 07:26 am
Here is something funny, just thought it right now. What if all of them become Vampire it would turn into an Vampire Chronicles. *What is vampire in Japanese?*
I think it's kyuuketsuki, but I am not sure.

I wonder if now Fai will spell his name like "Fye", because for some reason spelling your name in a faux-old English manner is the cool thing to do x3 I mean, all those so-called goth kids do spell it "vampyr" and spell their names like "Melysa" and stuff *sigh* and all those weird ways. *imagines Fai in dark Victorian era cosplay with scary amounts of eyeliner*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 12 2006, 07:40 am
I think it's kyuuketsuki, but I am not sure.

I wonder if now Fai will spell his name like "Fye", because for some reason spelling your name in a faux-old English manner is the cool thing to do x3 I mean, all those so-called goth kids do spell it "vampyr" and spell their names like "Melysa" and stuff *sigh* and all those weird ways. *imagines Fai in dark Victorian era cosplay with scary amounts of eyeliner*

I love the thought of Fai in Victorian clothes :keke: He'd be a perfect dandy, wouldn't he?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 12 2006, 07:48 am
:XD: That would be great indeed! Costume-wise not the least.
Hehee, Sakura would freak out (even more)! *evil grin*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kirtai on August 12 2006, 08:02 am
So, do you think his eyes will stay cats-eye? I think they draw Kamui that way...I liked Fai's eyes before, so I don't know if I'll like the change... and do you think they'll make a show of the teeth? Cause they don't with the twins...I wanna see vampy teeth!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 12 2006, 08:07 am
Waaah! Remember what the cafe in Outo was called? Cat's eye! O_O
It was foreshadowing!!! O_O
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 08:12 am
and it was yuko's idea!
like if she already knows what will happen...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 12 2006, 08:15 am
So, do you think his eyes will stay cats-eye? I think they draw Kamui that way...I liked Fai's eyes before, so I don't know if I'll like the change... and do you think they'll make a show of the teeth? Cause they don't with the twins...I wanna see vampy teeth!

Kamui's eyes change to normal to cat eyes in several parts, mostly when his going to attack or is thinking deeply:

About to fight/concern,
Deeply (aka, the 'stay away from my Brother' look)

I think could be interesting to see if the actually put all the changes in the Eyes of Kamui in the anime, Fai's in last page too!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 08:26 am
i was wondering if someome has the ability to do a HUGE colored scan of the last image of Fai in this chapter!
his cat's eye and the blood flowing on his cheek is just totally beautiful ^^!it is one of the most wonderful expression he gives us from the beginning of the manga!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Hack on August 12 2006, 08:34 am
Cat's eye, wow, now THAT's foreshadowing
Kamui's eyes change to normal to cat eyes in several parts, mostly when his going to attack or is thinking deeply:

About to fight/concern,
Deeply (aka, the 'stay away from my Brother' look)

he's still hot! :hehe:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 12 2006, 08:42 am
hi everyody!!!!! I've return after a good holydays!!!

I've been without know about manga for 2 weeks and I've just read chapter 124 and 125...simply INCREDIBLE...I can't imagine Fai as a vampire...I'm not a KxF fan, but they're going to be more than just good "travel friends"...

well, ...where is Clone/--`+´-`+.-`+ Syaoran? I'm starting to hate him...demo, what's about that half heart that Fye picked up before?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 08:45 am
that half heart has returned to the real Shaolan,so now Clone Shaolan is without any heart...mwarf,i wonder how he can still live like that ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 12 2006, 08:49 am
that half heart has returned to the real Shaolan,so now Clone Shaolan is without any heart...mwarf,i wonder how he can still live like that ^^
he acts as a robot...

Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 12 2006, 08:55 am
I personally think that he has his own Sakura.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 12 2006, 08:57 am
Is someone going to make scanslation out of  ladydarkmoon's scans? Just wondering.
nah. no point really :P

as to cats eye fai. itd be AWSOME to see it in color too. those saphire blue eyes with a cat like qualtiy *_*

as to real syao+ sakura, well i think that would kind of nullify Yukitos premonition at the very begining. Sakura is suposed to be with the clone. i think that sakura will find some way to unlock the clone's heart.

@ the yinyang seal, when clone stole fai's eye, fai tried returning it to him, but it failed, so real syao took it from him when he arrived.

also, i cant wait to see kamui in the anime. someone did a good job with colorizuing a kamui end chap thing. those purplish eyes, itd be cool ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 08:59 am
i think that for now real shaolan only feels pity and sadness for poor Sakura who has her heart broken by Clone Shaolan's behaviour...but i did notice the sweet look he gives her discreetly   :keke:...

( (
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 12 2006, 09:06 am
i think that for now real shaolan only feels pity and sadness for poor Sakura who has her heart broken by Clone Shaolan's behaviour...but i did notice the sweet look he gives her discreetly :keke:...

( (
yeah...but, do you remember the first splash page at the begining of the manga???who's that Syaoran??I hope he were RealSyao...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 09:15 am
i think that this was simply Clone Shaolan and Sakura when they were younger....

to my view Clone Shaolan will develop his own heart and at the end real shaolan will come back to his OWN dimension with his OWN Sakura,so everyone will be happy ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 12 2006, 09:35 am
i think that this was simply Clone Shaolan and Sakura when they were younger....

to my view Clone Shaolan will develop his own heart and at the end real shaolan will come back to his OWN dimension with his OWN Sakura,so everyone will be happy ^^
younger?? I'm talking about that first page of first volume where Sakura and Syaoran were in the crystal tube,,,
mmm.....too much wonderful...remember that the most of mangas of Clamp hasn't a happy ending....
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 09:43 am
oh sorry,i thought you were talking about the splash page at the beginnig of chapter 125 ^^

about the happy ending i'm not quite sure too of course,peharps that one of the two Shaolan will die...but which one ^^?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 12 2006, 09:50 am
oh sorry,i thought you were talking about the splash page at the beginnig of chapter 125 ^^

about the happy ending i'm not quite sure too of course,pehaps that one of the two Shaolan will die...but which ^^?
I'm having headache with 2 Syaorans...

-CSyao:hey, you!
-RSyao:what's up?
-CS:Clamp say that one of us has to die...Yuuko said that before! I have to kill you right now!
-RS:AWWWWAWAWWWW......I'm bored...I prefer die tomorrow...
-CS:eeer...well, OK....but you'llnever scape from me! WUAUWUAUAWUUAWUAUAAAAAAAAA!!!!
*FWR switchs off the TV-Mirror*:I need more popcorn...

gomen...I'm driving crazy...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 09:58 am
i think that those who will decide the two Shaolan's destiny are us,crazy fangirls who are about to break down  :sweatdrop:!

maybe that the two Shaolan will combine to become one ???and then we will have a Super Saiyan Shaolan with blond hair  :haha:...

oh no,because of you i'm getting crazy too,i can't think straight anymore  :rotfl:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 12 2006, 10:08 am
Cat's eye, wow, now THAT's foreshadowing
he's still hot! :hehe:

YEAH! and a lot XD <3 Kamui
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 12 2006, 11:19 am
yea!!! i hope C!Syaoran ends up with Sakura too.. Haven seen much of R!Syaoran tho.. hahax..
I admit, I'm one of the Clone Syaoran x Sakura shippers... because right now I can't see Real Syaoran replacing Clow Syaoran. Real Syaoran may have seen things through Clow Syaoran's eyes but he's clearly different from Clow Syaoran... his fighting style, his powers... they're all different to me and it makes me believe that Real Syaoran has his own personality.

Clow Syaoran had his personality created through Sakura and Fujitaka, and that makes a vast difference. Real Syaoran claims that Clow Syaoran does have his own heart... and I'm hoping that Clow Syaoran developed his own heart and isn't dependant on Real Syaoran's one.

It's just a thought... and I'm not judging Real Syaoran just yet since we don't know much about him. But I do hope Clow Syaoran ends up with Sakura... >_<

Me too, I'm very fond of C/Syaoran. ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 11:29 am
i went to the topic with the poll between Clone Shaolan and Real Shaolan,and this is REAL SHAOLAN who rules,so you better start a revolution if you want to avoid your poor Clone Shaolan from being kicked out of the serie because of "lack of  supporters"  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 12 2006, 12:05 pm
I want Tsubasa now! *rns in circles* :sob:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 12 2006, 12:27 pm
be patient,it will ruin our enjoyment if we have every chapter too soon  :wink:!
on contrary,this is a good stratagem from CLAMP to let us making suppositions,and they may be inspired by some of our propositions as long as there will be KuroFai fans,there will be KuroFai chapters  :haha:

so i'm going to bed now,good Tsubasa dreams to everyone,this was a wonderful evening  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 12 2006, 02:00 pm
be patient,it will ruin our enjoyment if we have every chapter too soon  :wink:!
on contrary,this is a good stratagem from CLAMP to let us making suppositions,and they may be inspired by some of our propositions as long as there will be KuroFai fans,there will be KuroFai chapters  :haha:

so i'm going to bed now,good Tsubasa dreams to everyone,this was a wonderful evening  :okay:

Jeje, you're right, here's my suggestion I want Fuuma to be show ones again XD I miss him, besides, I Love Kamui and subaru as brothers, but Kamui-kun needs Fuuma ¬.¬... and Fai needs to read Vampire Chronicles to get used to his future
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kirtai on August 12 2006, 02:05 pm
Maybe we get whichever Syaoran Sakura doesn't want...I claim an ear!

Did anyone notice that there were two feathers in that world? pg 6
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 12 2006, 02:35 pm
Maybe we get whichever Syaoran Sakura doesn't want...I claim an ear!

Did anyone notice that there were two feathers in that world? pg 6
yeah. it had caused a bit confusion too. both of them were inside subaru's protective coccoon. one sakura's soul grabbed, which woke him up completely, the other, C/Syao sliced open his coccoon to retreive.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on August 12 2006, 05:48 pm
Me too, I'm very fond of C/Syaoran. ^_^

vote for C!Syaoran to be with Sakura @..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Hira on August 13 2006, 12:52 am
i think that those who will decide the two Shaolan's destiny are us,crazy fangirls who are about to break down  :sweatdrop:!

maybe that the two Shaolan will combine to become one ???and then we will have a Super Saiyan Shaolan with blond hair  :haha:...

oh no,because of you i'm getting crazy too,i can't think straight anymore  :rotfl:
Actually, I DO think they'll combine and become one. This isn't the first time that CLAMP has done something like this.
Like the time when Hikaru accepts the existence of her dark self, or when Freya disappears into Chii for good.
But I think the real Syaoran will be the one who disappear into the Clone Syaoran if that's the case... Because we've been with the Clone Syaoran for so long, it just... doesn't feel right for Sakura to switch to another Syaoran, the one who didn't play with her as kids.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: KirakiraInu on August 13 2006, 05:04 am
Gods, yeah, you didn't make you many friends here with that statement >>" Sorry if it sounds rude, but if you dislike shounen-ai, don't read CLAMP. Just don't.
Um... the quot above was said by Kjesta.

Umm.... I personally dislike Shounen-ai and I STILL like the stuff CLAMP does (in particullar, Tsubasa and CCS). The whole Shounen-ai hintings don't really stop me from reading it.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 13 2006, 05:28 am
I think that If you do not like Shonen-Ai you can read CLAMP but just don't complai about the Shonen-Ai, because it's just very normal in clamp. Like one of my friends, she likes some clamp mangas, and she knows that the shonen-ai it's in them, she just does not complain about it, specially with me, that loves shonen-ai :sweatdrop:

Anyway, back to topic now;

They can't move to another wordl just now, I mean, there's still some things to see in Tokyo. Fuuma come here allready!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xxxholic on August 13 2006, 05:33 am
I think that If you do not like Shonen-Ai you can read CLAMP but just don't complai about the Shonen-Ai, because it's just very normal in clamp. Like one of my friends, she likes some clamp mangas, and she knows that the shonen-ai it's in them, she just does not complain about it, specially with me, that loves shonen-ai :sweatdrop:

Yeah i agree. When you're going to read Clamp, you obviously know they are fond of shounen ai couples. If you're dislike it, then don't complain about it. It's childish.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 13 2006, 05:43 am
Anyway, back to topic now;

They can't move to another wordl just now, I mean, there's still some things to see in Tokyo. Fuuma come here allready!

I think this Fuuma will be bored when Kamui leaves, he seemed to have fun fighting with him.  But if this Fuuma could counter Kamui, that means there aren't many people who can fight at his level.  Which kinda makes me wonder about him.

Although whenever either group leaves, it might pull the others in as well.  When Seishirou left he caused Mokona to dimension hop, and since they all got their power from Yuuko, it'll probably happen again.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Touei on August 13 2006, 05:54 am
Umm.... I personally dislike Shounen-ai and I STILL like the stuff CLAMP does (in particullar, Tsubasa and CCS). The whole Shounen-ai hintings don't really stop me from reading it.

I find it hard to understand how people can say "I don't like shounen-ai".
 It makes sense if you say "I dont like romance" etc or if you find a particular pairing a bit.. squicky. But, well, I think that any canon pairing ..shouldnt be bad.. if the author/mangaka has told the story well. Fair enough, if you want to say you dislike random BL and shoujo-ai that has no real evidence in the canon then.. yeah. Same with het pairings that have no evidence. But dismissing something that's been well developed right from the start, just because you dont want to see two guys together, is gonna get on alot of people's nerves. It's all personal opinion in the end, though, I guess.

Plus, saying you dont like shounen-ai/shoujo-ai in general is sorta.. discriminative. Same as if you said "I dont like gay couples" in real life.  And anyway, one of the main themes CLAMP like to include in their storys is that love is love, no matter what the gender, age etc is. If it doesnt hurt anyone, what's wrong with it?
 Saying you like CLAMP but dont like shounen-ai is going against one of the things that the CLAMP label stands for.
Anyway, that's almost totally off-topic.

If we get 126 early, or at least some spoilers, we should only have about a week left to wait now, right?

I like the fact it isnt obvious where the story's gonna go between now and the obvious final showdown sorta business with FWR. We can vaguely guess the stuff about Kuro and Fai and the vampireness, and the Syaoran stuff, but really CLAMP could take this anywhere now.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: penaro on August 13 2006, 06:05 am
I'm just CURIOUS out of my mind how the ANIME is gonna deal with this....hahah so far the anime is total crap but it will be interesting to see how they handle this hardcore stuff in the manga....

ackk i can't wait for 126...i say R!Syaoran should have some more dialogue, no? ;)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 13 2006, 07:09 am
about Real Shaolan,he seems very concerned towards all the drama that has taken place between Sakura kurogane and Fai a certain manner he reacted exactly like Clone Shalan would have did if he had been in his normal state.he apologized for making trouble and was totally shocked when he heard that Fai was going to die,it was certainly due to the fact that he already knew everybody through Clone Shaolan eye  :keke:...
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so to a certain extent we can suppose that we will hastilly get accustomed to him,because his personnality his very close to Clone Shaolan,even if he seems a little more genuine  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 13 2006, 07:33 am
about Real Shaolan,he seems very concerned towards all the drama that has taken place between Sakura kurogane and Fai a certain manner he reacted exactly like Clone Shalan would have did if he had been in his normal state.he apologized for making trouble and was totally shocked when he heard that Fai was going to die,it was certainly due to the fact that he already knew everybody through Clone Shaolan eye :keke:...
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so to a certain extent we can suppose that we will hastilly get accustomed to him,because his personnality his very close to Clone Shaolan,even if he seems a little more genuine :okay:
I agree with you Takasenko(hehe, we're twin souls) :rotfl:
RSyaoran has been watching all the Clone's life, but it can mean that RSyao could be or not in love with Sakura, but I think that he don't  'cause his reaction when he arrived. CloneSyao hasn't feelings for her and RSyaoran...I sense we'll have to wait... :hmp:

gomen off topic:  if Clone Syaoran hasn't any heart and RSyaoran has his entire heart...where are the feelings and memories? I'm very confused... :(
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 13 2006, 07:52 am
at first sight,real shaolan does not want to interfere between the love bond that links Clone Shaolan to sakura,and tries as much as he can to wake his clone  :surprised:.
when he got back his other half heart that was in his clone i think that he acquired at the same time all the feelings that Clone shaolan has built into it,but however real Shaolan didn't seem afterwards to feel the same way as Clone Shaolan towards sakura...maybe that he has saved this half heart somewhere in his body and intended to find a way to give it back to Clone Shaolan in some way (peharps that yuko has an idea :keke:)

but for now i think that he is going to protect sakura in order to bring back her to Clone Shaolan  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 13 2006, 08:51 am
mmm...maybe.but when Sakura wakes up in that bubble, RSyaoran doesn't worry about get out her from it, he only wants to destroy this chapter, he isn't beside her as in others scenes as Clone did. Maybe , the reason is Fai's life, but I can't wait more...
besides, I think RSyaoran really knows about Clone's past feelings, but he tries to hide them, as you said. The question at the moment is if RSyaoran feels something for her, but now we're sure that Sakura is feeling something...I hope we konw it soon...!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 13 2006, 09:09 am
Well, he wasn't beside her because he was having his leg treated.  Kinda did have a sword go through it, y'know? ^_^'
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 13 2006, 09:11 am
Well, he wasn't beside her because he was having his leg treated. Kinda did have a sword go through it, y'know? ^_^'
yeah, you've reason ,maybe I'm asking soo much, I can't wait...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 13 2006, 09:22 am
don't worry,i think that real shaolan really feels something for Sakura (even if he will never show her openly due to the fact that he knows her heart only belongs to our shaolan  :wink:),because when she begged him to not kill clone shaolan he imediately stopped,so her tears have reached him  :okay:

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Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 13 2006, 09:32 am
i agree, perhaps real syao does have similar feelings for sakuar, but since his clone is who grew up with sakura, the clone 's got first dibs? XP

im curious, will fai e willing to use his magci now? he;s already broken his vow, plus, his power is at half mast, ight? he wouldnt have to worry about losing control. (IF that was the reason for the tatoo)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 13 2006, 09:53 am
i think that Fai has already lost control of himself as soon as kurogane has broken his mask  :okay:!
so now this is just a question of time before Fai talks his heart out  :wink:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 13 2006, 10:06 am
R!Syao was worry when C!Syao was walking to Sakura

[img=] (

I think he has feeling for her, may be not love, but some kind of sympathy?He grow up looking at her atfer all.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 13 2006, 10:20 am
anyhow Sakura is so lovely that anyone who get to know her is automatically moved by his flawlessness  :greengrin:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 13 2006, 12:07 pm
anyhow Sakura is so lovely that anyone who get to know her is automatically moved by his flawlessness :greengrin:

Yeah, I wonder if Subaru and Kamui travel with them some time who could be the things? I have like 3 or 4 special CLAMP pictures of Kamui and Sakura and they look cute, I'll love to see something like that in the manga.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 13 2006, 12:11 pm
Sakura is as the same title of mokona a mascot of CLAMP's universe,so it is naturally that she is coupled with every of their most beloved characters  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 13 2006, 12:15 pm
Sakura is as the same title of mokona a mascot of CLAMP's universe,so it is naturally that she is coupled with every of their most beloved characters :okay:

Yeah ^_^, I like this picture in particular a lot:

( (

Yay for the black outfits XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 13 2006, 12:30 pm
black seems really to be CLAMP's color predilection,and the most striking is that this color tends to thin even more the body of their characters...every details have his importance with CLAMP  :wink:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: KirakiraInu on August 13 2006, 03:08 pm
I find it hard to understand how people can say "I don't like shounen-ai".
 It makes sense if you say "I dont like romance" etc or if you find a particular pairing a bit.. squicky. But, well, I think that any canon pairing ..shouldnt be bad.. if the author/mangaka has told the story well. Fair enough, if you want to say you dislike random BL and shoujo-ai that has no real evidence in the canon then.. yeah. Same with het pairings that have no evidence. But dismissing something that's been well developed right from the start, just because you dont want to see two guys together, is gonna get on alot of people's nerves. It's all personal opinion in the end, though, I guess.

Plus, saying you dont like shounen-ai/shoujo-ai in general is sorta.. discriminative. Same as if you said "I dont like gay couples" in real life.  And anyway, one of the main themes CLAMP like to include in their storys is that love is love, no matter what the gender, age etc is. If it doesnt hurt anyone, what's wrong with it?
 Saying you like CLAMP but dont like shounen-ai is going against one of the things that the CLAMP label stands for.
Anyway, that's almost totally off-topic.
Quote said by Znuse

I said I dislike Shounen-ai, not HATE. What I HATE is Yaoi (but that's beside the point since I don't  really see any Yaoi in CLAMP's works) Anyway, I also realise that CLAMP believes that "love has no bounds" which is why they include, at the very least, little hints of it in almost any manga they create. I don't hate them for it, nor do I support it with all my heart, but I just plain ACCEPT it. Just like I accept that there is homosexuality in real life.
All I was trying to say is that just because a manga I like shows signs of Shounen-ai, doesn't mean I'm going to stop reading it or critisize it and it's creators, (like hell I will! CLAMP are some of my favorite manga-ka!). Oh, and.... yes, this is completely off topic here ^^; I apologise for my little rant.

The vampire thing is... kinda weird for me. All I can say is I REALLY feel sorry for Fai! I feel like he has had the worst luck this past few chapters. At least Kurogane's there to help him though.

Is it just me.... or does CLAMP use the idea of a character losing/being blind in one eye ALOT? (I don't mind, but a friend of mine says it's becoming too cliche in their works for her taste)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 13 2006, 03:30 pm
The vampire thing is... kinda weird for me. All I can say is I REALLY feel sorry for Fai! I feel like he has had the worst luck this past few chapters.

That's normal for CLAMP.  They often pick a character  that they love to angst the hell out of.  Fye's actually pretty well off for what they normally do as Subaru and Kamui had it much worst.  Poor Subaru, he's my favourite character but I want him to die so much simply because I know that's the only way he'll ever be happy now.  Kamui at least still has Fuuma ...for now...*suspiciously eyes CLAMP*

Is it just me.... or does CLAMP use the idea of a character losing/being blind in one eye ALOT? (I don't mind, but a friend of mine says it's becoming too cliche in their works for her taste)

They do.  The list count is over a dozen I think.  I wouldn't really call it cliche though, it's more like their trademark.  But then again I'm bias since I always have fun playing the "Whose Going to Lose An Eye This Time!" game.  Unfortunately I lost for TRC.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: muhi_kira on August 13 2006, 06:28 pm
in my prediction
real syaoran and clone syaoran have a love with sakura but the real syaoran must stop clone syaoran first because clone syaoran was berserk now and his mind all about "collect the feather of sakura" or he want to get his eyes back

but actually i'm confused between clone syaoran and real syaoran with their feeling to sakura (can't tell)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 13 2006, 07:13 pm
We need to know more, things are very unsure at this point  :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 13 2006, 07:36 pm
Yeah ^_^, I like this picture in particular a lot:

( (

Yay for the black outfits XD

I find this one cute myself, love Syaoran peeking behind Fuuma. XD

( (

Actually, I think I've seen more Subaru and Kamui pics of them at the same age in those CLAMP in Wonderland things than Kamui and Sakura.  But that's probably because Kamui and Subaru's characters are over 15 years old.  I think they either shrunk Subaru or made him 15 for TRC, because in most of the illustrations of the two, Kamui is shorter.

( (

Okay, enough about images.  I always thought that Fai's tattoo was his way of using his magic without Ashura noticing.  Yuuko said it was to keep the powers within and Fai said that he wouldn't use magic without it.  Fai used magic right in front of Ashura to go to Yuuko and Ashura didn't wake up.  So I think it's like a cloaking device of sorts (that sounded cheesy, sorry...).  But it could also be that it was used to control his powers.

On if R!Syaoran has feelings or not, you have to remember that he had never truly met that Sakura before.  It's a little hard to fall in love with someone you've never truly met.  So maybe after they interact for a while something may arise.  Who knows, anything is possible.  What I'd like is for the clone to gain a heart and her be with him.  But it all depends on what she fell in love with, his heart or his body.  Because right now his heart is within R!Syaoran.

Perhaps in the long run, her losing her memories of him was for the better.  Think of how things would have been if this had happened with her remembering her past with him.  It would probably have been far more painful.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 13 2006, 09:50 pm
CLAMP has created a "love triangle" between Sakura/Clone Shaolan/real Shaolan,so even if i don't like the idea it is more likely that one of two boys die (in order to avoid any doubt about Sakura true feelings  :sweatdrop:)...

however if that's the case i really don't think that they will kill each other,because Sakura will never forgive Real Shaolan for killing Clone Shaolan,as much as she will never forgive Clone Shaolan for killing Real Shaolan  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 14 2006, 12:18 am
CLAMP has created a "love triangle" between Sakura/Clone Shaolan/real Shaolan,so even if i don't like the idea it is more likely that one of two boys die (in order to avoid any doubt about Sakura true feelings :sweatdrop:)...

however if that's the case i really don't think that they will kill each other,because Sakura will never forgive Real Shaolan for killing Clone Shaolan,as much as she will never forgive Clone Shaolan for killing Real Shaolan :okay:
I agree with you, Sakura is going to be ver very very confused...and all of us!!!

I've another crazy idea, SPOILER BEWARE!!!! :heh:

Show content
I'm starting to believe that Fujitaka is a Clow's creation, since it's too much chance that Fujitaka found CloneSyao, Fujitaka knew Clow, cloneSyao could meet Sakura,...FWR had to know the future for send Clone to ClowKingdom!
No, I haven't forgotten what Yuuko said about "hitsuzen"

now, your opinion...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 14 2006, 12:56 am
Oh, I'm pretty sure that Clow country's 'Clow' knew he was a clone.  Touya knew that something wasn't right with Syaoran and talked to Clow about it.  All Clow said was "Let us believe in the future", then he looked at the ruins.  He very well knew.  Seems Yukito was the only one who didn't notice anything.

Don't know about Fujitaka being a creation, but in CCS he was
Show content
Clow's reincarnation's soul split in half.
  Makes sense that they're both dead, right?  At least I think they're both dead in Tsubasa, it's been a while since I read that part of the story.  Correct me if I'm wrong.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 14 2006, 01:13 am
after all this events we can claim that now both Yuko and Fei Wong Reed hasn't only the power to travel across dimensions,they can also proceed on the future,and the fact that they have the ability to control time and space means that they already know what is going to happen  :shifty:...

but Yuko doesn't seem to have the will of changing this future,because she only acts according to our heroes wishes,without influencing their choices.
however fei Wong Reed certainly wants to modify something,and that's why he leads secretly the group towards the fate he wants them to fulfill  :okay:...

it's just a supposition of course,CLAMP's characters are so mysterious  :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 14 2006, 01:31 am
after all this events we can claim that now both Yuko and Fei Wong Reed hasn't only the power to travel across dimensions,they can also proceed on the future,and the fact that they have the ability to control time and space means that they already know what is going to happen :shifty:...

but Yuko doesn't seem to have the will of changing this future,because she only acts according to our heroes wishes,without influencing their choices.
however fei Wong Reed certainly wants to modify something,and that's why he leads secretly the group towards the fate he wants them to fulfill :okay:...

it's just a supposition of course,CLAMP's characters are so mysterious :keke: you mean that Yuuko and Clow could be a kind of "gods"? If they can know the future...

er?what? Yuuko knew that  all was going to happen!!! 
*calms a bit*
she have her reasons, isn't she?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 14 2006, 01:51 am
Yuuko has a fatalistic state of mind,so whatever happen,even if it means the death of our heroes or the destruction of the world i think she will not prevent this fate ... BUT ONLY if this future was really supposed to come true!
i mean that if this dramatic future  wasn't the initial and has been changed by Fei Wong Reed she will probably demonstrate herself in order to fix everything   :wink:!

she will never go against destiny,but she will also never allow someome to change it  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 14 2006, 05:24 am
It has a ring to it that makes sense and a solid framework for the whole tale, for the two overseeing powers to contest over whether the future that was meant to be will come true or not. I very much like that theory for the simple effectiveness. It escapes me, in which book or movie something along those same lines was used!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 14 2006, 05:32 am
I find this one cute myself, love Syaoran peeking behind Fuuma. XD

( (

*snickers* I like how the three of them have cameras, stalking Sakura and Kamui.

Better be careful guys, Fuuma is rather possessive of Kamui. :P
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 14 2006, 05:46 am
it is difficult to guess what will be the outcome of all those messy fates,but i think that CLAMP may not give us a single ending,because as there is many others dimensions,it is more likely that there is an infinity of future possible in accordance with each character different life  :okay:!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 14 2006, 05:57 am
I find this one cute myself, love Syaoran peeking behind Fuuma. XD

( (

Actually, I think I've seen more Subaru and Kamui pics of them at the same age in those CLAMP in Wonderland things than Kamui and Sakura.  But that's probably because Kamui and Subaru's characters are over 15 years old.  I think they either shrunk Subaru or made him 15 for TRC, because in most of the illustrations of the two, Kamui is shorter.

Yeah, I have more of Kamui and Subaru, that's easy, after all they are more related than Kamui and Sakura, I reallylike CLAMP's special pictures.

*snickers* I like how the three of them have cameras, stalking Sakura and Kamui.
Better be careful guys, Fuuma is rather possessive of Kamui. :P

I love that picture! is of my favorites, I love the they are stalking Kamui and Sakura too, specially Fuuma and Tomoyo with the video cameras! oh yeah, careful people, you dn't want to mess with an angry Fuma, do you?

Fuuma: *recording Kamui with the camara* Jeje...
-Random guy about to pass near Sakura and Kamui-
Fuuma: Do not even think about it *death-glare*
Random Guy: O_OU okay... *walks away*

she will never go against destiny,but she will also never allow someome to change it

Yeah, I like Yuuko a lot, She has a very important roll in Tsubasa, I wonder if they are going to say more about Yuuko and Clow in the Future.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 14 2006, 06:26 am
yeah,Yuuko is definitely the most interesting character of all CLAMP's universe!
she is the one who brings together the intertwined destinies of their characters,and she also summons up the lost souls to give them another chance of finding happinness and freedom  :keke:

i will not qualify Yuuko of a goddess,but rather as a "Valkyrie" who purge the spoiled heart.
i wonder if there is somebody else ABOVE her,it would be incredible to think that she is also controlled by another one person  :sad5:...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 14 2006, 07:24 am
Fuuma: *recording Kamui with the camara* Jeje...
-Random guy about to pass near Sakura and Kamui-
Fuuma: Do not even think about it *death-glare*
Random Guy: O_OU okay... *walks away*

lol, I'm surprised Random Guy managed to survive.  Can you imagine what would have happened if he did more than walk pass.

Fuuma: *still video recording*
Random Guy #2: *walks over to Kamui and starts flirting* Hey're pretty cute...
Fuuma: *beheads RG2 with his bare hands*
Kamui: FUUMA!
Fuuma: It is what he wished for.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 14 2006, 07:30 am
lol, I'm surprised Random Guy managed to survive. Can you imagine what would have happened if he did more than walk pass.

Fuuma: *still video recording*
Random Guy #2: *walks over to Kamui and starts flirting* Hey're pretty cute...
Fuuma: *beheads RG2 with his bare hands*
Kamui: FUUMA!
Fuuma: It is what he wished for.

He always uses the "It was their wish" excuse to kill somebody, doesn't he? He seems to be eyeing Syaoran in that pic though. :XD:

Yuuko would also have to be my favorite CLAMP female character, most of the others severely got on my nerves.  You have to love her cheekiness, drunkiness, and she's wise.  There's no goody-goody about her.  Hokuto would probably be a close second for female characters.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 14 2006, 10:07 am
T_T Ooh, chapter 126 is still so far away. In a way, that early chapter was a curse.

So, what does everyone think 126 is going to deal with? More FaixKuroness or will we finally be getting back to S/S? Not that I WANT the focus to shift back, I sincerely want to see Fai's reaction to the whole vampire thing. He seemed to accept it by the look on his face in the two-page spread, but who knows how he'll handle it now that it's done?

Gyaaah, I want it to be here already. *pouts*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 14 2006, 10:23 am
Probably Fai's reaction to the whole thing and then also dealing with restoring the water.  Kurogane still has to pay for it, I think.  I don't believe his blood to Fai was the payment for the water, as Yuuko didn't get anything out of it.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 14 2006, 11:15 am
Fuuma: *still video recording*
Random Guy #2: *walks over to Kamui and starts flirting* Hey're pretty cute...
Fuuma: *beheads RG2 with his bare hands*
Kamui: FUUMA!
Fuuma: It is what he wished for.

Cool one!!! xD

Kamui: *semi-angst* I wonder why they always wish to die...
Fuuma: >=D jeje...

Probably Fai's reaction to the whole thing and then also dealing with restoring the water. Kurogane still has to pay for it, I think. I don't believe his blood to Fai was the payment for the water, as Yuuko didn't get anything out of it.

Yeah, we still have to see that and, how the magi-pots-of-water works, because they need a lot of water! also onw thing... normally when the TRC!Tachi is in one world and something's not right they *somehow* fix it or make it better (or worse...) I want to see the Tower!Tachi again! ;_; Fuuma! come here and get Kamui, Damn it
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 14 2006, 02:06 pm
Fuuma: *still video recording*
Random Guy #2: *walks over to Kamui and starts flirting* Hey're pretty cute...
Fuuma: *beheads RG2 with his bare hands*
Kamui: FUUMA!
Fuuma: It is what he wished for.

Omg. I love it. That cracked me up. XDD

I'm hoping for at least one more Kuro and Fai-central chapter before we get back to the R! and C! Syaoran plot. And hopefully the next chapter will be long enough to make us forget the pain of  this very long wait. ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 14 2006, 04:52 pm
Omg. I love it. That cracked me up. XDD

I'm hoping for at least one more Kuro and Fai-central chapter before we get back to the R! and C! Syaoran plot. And hopefully the next chapter will be long enough to make us forget the pain of this very long wait. ^_^

I do like the Kuro-Fainess, I wish the chapters were longer so there could be Kuro-Fainess and more about the Tokyo world story *nod, nod*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 15 2006, 01:12 am
for now i think that even if the next chapter isn't about Kurogane and Fai we shouldn't complain because CLAMP really gratified us with all those gorgeous pictures of KuroFai,there are enough to do an album  :haha:!
but o f couse the more CLAMP give us the more we ask,so i don't want this scene to stop so early  :keke:!we need to see Fai's reaction to his new blood,because he looks terribly shocked on the last panel,like if he was in trance...maybe that the transformation is going to be awfully painful (i can see Kurogane embrace him in his arms to help him bear the grief   :wink:)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 15 2006, 07:44 am
im guessing in the next chapter, fai would probably sleep thru atleat half, while we have kuro pay for the water or something (tho being VERY reluctant to leave fai's side :3 ) we'd probably get sakura waking up calling syaoran's name or something <_<
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 15 2006, 08:36 am
Sakura is going to bungle all the KuroFainess,so she better stay asleep or else Kurogane will be very pissed  :shifty: (i can imagine him punching her discretly behind the head just to have an excuse for staying a little longer on the bed with Fai  :haha:)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 15 2006, 08:42 am
When she wakes up you're probably going to have Subaru doing the "it was my fault" line again and apologize to her.  He looked pretty remorseful when looking at her while she was asleep, wait until she's awake. Subaru is a sweetie, but he blames himself too much. -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 15 2006, 09:42 am
When she wakes up you're probably going to have Subaru doing the "it was my fault" line again and apologize to her.  He looked pretty remorseful when looking at her while she was asleep, wait until she's awake. Subaru is a sweetie, but he blames himself too much. -_-

Yeah, he was that complex, Kami must be very pantient with him XD.

Kamui: I'm tired...
Subaru: Sorry, it's my fault we have to run away.
Kami: -_- don't worry Subaru, really.... *gives Subaru his "Chicken soup for the soul" book*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 15 2006, 09:53 am
Yeah, he was that complex, Kami must be very pantient with him XD.

Kamui: I'm tired...
Subaru: Sorry, it's my fault we have to run away.
Kami: -_- don't worry Subaru, really.... *gives Subaru his "Chicken soup for the soul" book*

you should make a banner with Subaru saying to everyone:
"sorry,it's my fault if there is no chapter this week"  :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 15 2006, 04:40 pm
you should make a banner with Subaru saying to everyone:
"sorry,it's my fault if there is no chapter this week" :haha:

Okay! xP that's a sweet idea! XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 15 2006, 10:15 pm
it would be funny to see Subaru and kamui talking to how much they feel sorry for each other  :keke:

Subaru : i'm so sorry kamui
kamui : i'm sorry for you being sorry for me
Subaru : no,it's me who is sorry for you being sorry for me,for me being sorry for you
Kamui :no,it's me who is sorry for you being sorry for me, for me being sorry for you, for you being sorry for me ... by the way,why are we sorry?
Subaru : because there is no chapter this week because of me
Kamui : WHAT? I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU !!!  :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 16 2006, 12:05 am
it would be funny to see Subaru and kamui talking to how much they feel sorry for each other  :keke:

Subaru : i'm so sorry kamui
kamui : i'm sorry for you being sorry for me
Subaru : no,it's me who is sorry for you being sorry for me,for me being sorry for you
Kamui :no,it's me who is sorry for you being sorry for me, for me being sorry for you, for you being sorry for me ... by the way,why are we sorry?
Subaru : because there is no chapter this week because of me
Kamui : WHAT? I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU !!!  :haha:

and Sakura:I forgive you Kamui-Subaru, cause I've a too much big heart...I'd forgive verybody in this world, but SYAORAN!!! demo...which of two??

*Sakura plays with dices to guess it*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 16 2006, 12:27 am

and Sakura:I forgive you Kamui-Subaru, cause I've a too much big heart...I'd forgive verybody in this world, but SYAORAN!!! demo...which of two??

*Sakura plays with dices to guess it*

moreover Sakura has the gift to always win in hasard game  :surprised:,so i think that the dices will show her the Shaolan she WANTS to be with,in other word Clone Shaolan,but her desire may not be the REALITY,so the good answer could be Real Shaolan  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 16 2006, 09:36 am
I was just stunned when the real Syaoran used Raitei Shourai. It was like...after all this time the current Syaoran..I felt he was nothing like the CCS one, so righteous, sort of emotionless as to the CCS one, etc etc. And seeing the true one and unraveling all that was like..I mean I can't even bare to think what Sakura's going through. And Fai's situation is just insane.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 16 2006, 09:41 am
I was just stunned when the real Syaoran used Raitei Shourai. It was like...after all this time the current Syaoran..I felt he was nothing like the CCS one, so righteous, sort of emotionless as to the CCS one, etc etc. And seeing the true one and unraveling all that was like..I mean I can't even bare to think what Sakura's going through. And Fai's situation is just insane.
actualy, i like Real syao more than  CCS syaoran. i guess i never liked any of the syaorans, in either animes :lol: (dont kill mee!! >_<) CCS syao was too angry and emotional i guess, while trc syao is just to plain boring. real syao, he seems interesting ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 16 2006, 10:31 am

Well I've come to another theory. Seeing that the Real Syaoran uses Raitei Shourai and all of his past magic abilities of the CCS one, with even his sword, that means he could use CLOW CAAARDS. So looking at this image, if you look at his pants they seem like the size of Clow Cards, so I'm thinking he'll probably come to use them against the clone and get Sakura back, as with that Metal ringed staff he holds with him.

edit: Another idea. The metal staff he holds in a few images such as this one.

I'm thinking it might be his staff, like how in CCS Sakura has her staff, and Clow Reed has his. It completely makes sense to me. Syaoran's just too cool.

Anyone else agree or come up with this? What do you think?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Michigirl on August 16 2006, 11:15 am
i think that theory is a little bit stretched, its possible but i think its because the pants look cooler that way oO. besides there are many pros and cons on the theory of real syaoran being the syaoran from CCS.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 16 2006, 11:53 am
Well haven't you ever wondered why the clothing he has here is different from the current Syaoran from Clow Country? The one from Clow just has plain white pants along with a black sleeveless shirt and a coat thingy. Fai and Kurogane look the same, but Syaoran doesn't.

As for the thing about Syaoran being the same one from CCS, I didn't really mean it that way, but it's very possible. But then that's when Sakura comes in. Woo confusion.

edit: I take that back. He was sealed away as a child. So the possibility of him being the one from CCS is irrelevent. I think he was originally in Clow Country along with Sakura, but was sealed away and was misplaced with a clone instead.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Smile_For_Me on August 16 2006, 01:41 pm
Well at the end of the CCS Manga, Sayoran had to leave for a while, what was it two or three years? But then again I could be wrong...........
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 16 2006, 06:52 pm
Well at the end of the CCS Manga, Sayoran had to leave for a while, what was it two or three years? But then again I could be wrong...........
yeah you are right but it is still illogical compared with tsubasa flow of time,because Real Shaolan has been kidnapped as a child,and has been jailed ALL his chidhood until his teenage age(he seems to be about 16 years old now),so he can't be CCS Shaolan due to the fact that this one was about 11 years old if i remenber well  :keke:

poor Shaolan,he has so many years to catch up  :sweatdrop:...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Katfreak on August 16 2006, 07:10 pm
Er, can i offer a theory about the R!Syaoran and his actions so far? He has bluntly stated he isn't in love with Sakura coz the love din't stem from his heart. The only reason he stoped when Sakura shouted at him was probably coz he was startled that she would still care for Cl!Syaoran after what has happened so far.

Sigh...Am i ranting? (Again?) Soz

By the way how do you put one of these pics as picture that comes up when you post? I haven't got a clue...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 16 2006, 07:26 pm
No, you're not ranting. This is a chapter discussion anyway, so feel free to counter anything you see wrong about the story or how you feel about it.

But yeah that is true about the real Syaoran not having any feelings for Sakura...he wanted the fake Syaoran to have a heart of his own, but he ended up not having one. All I can say so far though is that his half of the real Syaoran's heart is the only thing that's been keeping the fake Syaoran the way he was. Once the seal was broken however everything fell apart, as you can see with how crazy he went.

And about him being locked all his life...he gave up his freedom and time for being able to cross worlds as well(His life is gone!). I don't exactly understand what that really means...but I'm guessing after the real Syaoran does what he needs to do, he won't be having a good steady life from there on out.

All I can say is that the clone will probably end up having a heart somehow...maybe the real Syaoran dies protecting him from Fei wong..?..and uhh..Sakura and fake Syaoran live happily ever after? Just some stupid conclusion I made up.

Try using for linking your images to a website too.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tenkuuken on August 16 2006, 08:47 pm
I don't know if this bellongs to this thread, but I'm puzzled about what's with that staff Syaoran has, this one I mean:

( (

I'm wondering what it is, and when we're gonna see that in action, now that Hien is gone. That and which Syaoran is holding it ^_^;.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 16 2006, 09:40 pm

Well I've come to another theory. Seeing that the Real Syaoran uses Raitei Shourai and all of his past magic abilities of the CCS one, with even his sword, that means he could use CLOW CAAARDS. So looking at this image, if you look at his pants they seem like the size of Clow Cards, so I'm thinking he'll probably come to use them against the clone and get Sakura back, as with that Metal ringed staff he holds with him. I've always had this idea since I set my eyes on this image.

edit: Another idea. The metal staff he holds in a few images such as this one.

I'm thinking it might be his staff, like how in CCS Sakura has her staff, and Clow Reed has his. It completely makes sense to me. Syaoran's just too cool.

Anyone else agree or come up with this? What do you think?

From the picture that I put up it looks like the real Syaoran, but from yours it looks like the fake. I dunno, maybe Bee Train had no clue either so they drew it mistakenly.

Anyway, my theory about the staff being like...Syaoran's magic staff. Here's Clow Reed's staff, which Eriol also uses.

Then there's Sakura's true staff.

Compare the metal staff Syaoran's holding to these...similar? They're all extremely long and such strange things representing where their magic comes from is the structure of the top. I'm not quite sure what Syaoran's thing is, but it looks similar to moon...just slightly though..

What are they used for? Well Eriol's and Sakura's were both used for Clow cards...but who knows? I can be completely wrong...but I would love it if Clow cards fell into the story. That'd just be..insane. Lol is it just me or am I the only one freakishly excited for what I believe is coming up?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Renaya on August 16 2006, 10:18 pm
I don't know if this bellongs to this thread, but I'm puzzled about what's with that staff Syaoran has, this one I mean:

( (

I'm wondering what it is, and when we're gonna see that in action, now that Hien is gone. That and which Syaoran is holding it ^_^;.

I think it some kind of a compas , i remember seeing Syaoran using it and looking at the sky at the same time, I though he can read something from the stars and with that staff.... That's what I think though
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Meowzy on August 17 2006, 12:55 am
Maybe it's a compass that can be navigated by R!Syaoran, to find C!Syaoran?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 17 2006, 01:02 am
but we haven't yet seen this compass in the manga maybe it is an artefact that one of the two shaolan has the power to summon,but it could also be an item that Yuuko will give to the group in order to open the ruins of clow (a sort of keyblade like in kingdom heart  :keke:)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: penaro on August 17 2006, 01:21 am
yeah i think it's just a representation of his archaeological background....nothing more

and wheres 126??? ahhhh
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 17 2006, 01:21 am
but we haven't yet see this compass in the manga maybe it is an artefact that one of the two shaolan has the power to summon,but it could also be an item that Yuuko will give to the group in order to open the ruins of clow (a sort of keyblade like in kingdom heart :keke:)
but we've seen in Lecourt a extrange clock on the Sakura's memories, isn't it?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 17 2006, 02:51 am
yeah i think it's just a representation of his archaeological background....nothing more

and wheres 126??? ahhhh

we have to wait still one week,it will be released on august 23th,but if you wan't to scream your impatience go to the topic "no chapter this week",there you will find a Mokona's punchinball to calm your nerves  :haha:!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Touei on August 17 2006, 03:02 am
we have to wait still one week,it will be released on august 23th,but if you wan't to scream your impatience go to the topic "no chapter this week",there you will find a Mokona's punchinball to calm your nerves  :haha:!

But if we're lucky we might get it early again :3 Or at least some spoilers at the weekend..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: chibi_seishiraon77 on August 17 2006, 03:05 am
hi...been gone for a while...has chapter 126 come out yet?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 17 2006, 03:11 am
But if we're lucky we might get it early again :3 Or at least some spoilers at the weekend..

it isn't good for our health to get it early,because if we get too accustomed to have it a sunday  the waiting will become more and more unbearable due to the fact that we will be totally disoriented in our chapter habit  :sweatdrop:...look at the mess with chapter 125,now we are waiting like maniacs since more than two weeks,i can't handle it anymore  :cry:!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 17 2006, 03:19 am
But Tatasen-chan and me have a solution: puching Mokona!!! visit it!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ChibiChocobo on August 17 2006, 03:49 am
I was on vacation for 2 weeks and in confused wasnt chapter 126 suposed to come out last week  or was it delayed or something im so confused >.<''
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 17 2006, 03:52 am
126 is out next week :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 17 2006, 06:36 am
I was on vacation for 2 weeks and in confused wasnt chapter 126 suposed to come out last week or was it delayed or something im so confused >.<''

chapter 126 hasn't be delayed,this cruel destiny is due to either a god's joke or the devil's plan  :sweatdrop:...
this expression should had remenbered you something,didn't you  :wink:?
( (

so what do you think,is CLAMP a god or a devil to make us waiting so long  :haha:?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 17 2006, 06:48 am
Two weeks is better than 3+ years for a new X chapter, which is still nowhere on the horizon. that case, "Devil". -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 17 2006, 07:12 am
Two weeks is better than 3+ years for a new X chapter, which is still nowhere on the horizon. that case, "Devil". -_-

Yes, that right

[out of topic] did you hear? CLAMP it's going to puclish something about next next month! I so hope this means that they are going to continue some ow soon!! X, YAY!! [/out of topic]
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 17 2006, 07:56 am
Yes, that right

[out of topic] did you hear? CLAMP it's going to puclish something about next next month! I so hope this means that they are going to continue some ow soon!! X, YAY!! [/out of topic]

Well, they are going to publish the last 5 chapters (of v19) in that Newtype Platinum, which is a good sign if you ask me.  There's really no way to read the last chapters other than old issues or online, so I think they're refreshing people's memories.  It would be a bit odd for them to put those chapters out there for no reason, and then not have a follow up (even considering there's going to be new art too).

Given all the X stuff going on in Tsubasa, it would be good timing.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 17 2006, 07:59 am
gomen off topic...why hasn't X been published until the end? this manga has a few years, isn't it? :hmp:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 17 2006, 08:04 am
From what I heard, it had to do with the violence.  X deals with a lot of earthquakes destroying Tokyo, and there was quite a bit of sensitivity in Japan after an earthquake.  I've also heard it's because the end of the series is too graphic, so it was put on hold.  Either reason, I guess.

Don't know about the violence issue though, as Gouhou Drug was also pulled from Asuka at the same time and it is by no means violent. o_O
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 17 2006, 08:42 am
But I have a good fealing! X will be publish till the end, sooner or latter *sob* I mean, at last the're going to publish something after all these years @_@

I hope it's not like "Okay, let's publish X to give fake hopes to the fans, yAY!" evil CLAMP T___T
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 17 2006, 09:24 am
lol trust me, CLAMP is really busy. They're often always having trouble getting chapters out by the due date, but they usually get through it somehow through a lot of time and effort. Think about it; TRC, xxxHolic, AND X? It's hard enough dealing with one story at a time. So be patient and appreciate what their lovely hands are doing.

As for the X ending, well most mangakas start their stories from the end to the beginning. At least, that's how they structure it before sending it off. So I'm sure they'll get around to X later on when they've a chance. They also want to continue Clover  if they ever get the opportunity.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 17 2006, 10:00 am
Wasn't there a report a while ago that said they'd continue X in 2006?

Ever since the X characters showed up in TRC I've been thinking that we may soon be getting close to it continuing because they (the X gang) really could have shown up at any point in TRC (look at how long ago Seishirou first showed up) and I think the X stuff in TRC is happening now for a reason, to get fans reacquainted with them.

The re-release of the last few chapters make me think even more that it'll soon be continued.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ando on August 17 2006, 10:45 am
This sounds splendid. I read the first volyme of X some time ago and really appreciated the dark feeling there is to it, but I've been hesitant to read further (and by that doubtlessly get addicted) ever since I learned it wasn't going to be finished. Now I might pick up the reading again.

(Speaking of nothing... what do you call that which is visible of your eyeball in medical terms? It begins with 'a', I think... Hrrg, it's driving me nuts!)

*rocks back and forth monotonously in waiting for 126*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 17 2006, 11:16 am
I've  actually thought the same thing- that CLAMP will be restarting X fairly soon. It -has- taken a long time for us to get any more backstory on the X characters since Seishirou showed up in Volume 7. CLAMP needs to finish X (which has 2 1/2 more volumes), but they have also promised to fairly soon get re-started on  Legal Drug (which is apparently supposed to be about fifteen volumes long. xd So much for people who think LD is only fanservice- CLAMP won't make 15 volumes of nothing but fanservice.) I think they will wait until xxxHOLiC and TRC are over before starting back on any of their old projects though, simply because of the work load.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 17 2006, 11:56 am
Don't forget that they started their newest series, Kobato too.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 17 2006, 12:17 pm
I think they will wait until xxxHOLiC and TRC are over before starting back on any of their old projects though, simply because of the work load.

I agree.  I think part of the reason why X and Legal Drug got put on hold was because they were starting 'Holic and TRC.  That would mean 4 stories they were working on at once, which is a lot of work especially since 'Holic and TRC get released once a week.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 17 2006, 01:30 pm
lol trust me, CLAMP is really busy. They're often always having trouble getting chapters out by the due date, but they usually get through it somehow through a lot of time and effort. Think about it; TRC, xxxHolic, AND X? It's hard enough dealing with one story at a time. So be patient and appreciate what their lovely hands are doing.

As for the X ending, well most mangakas start their stories from the end to the beginning. At least, that's how they structure it before sending it off. So I'm sure they'll get around to X later on when they've a chance. They also want to continue Clover  if they ever get the opportunity.

Yeah, I'm sure they will end X sometime soon I have this good fealing *keep hopes up*

(Speaking of nothing... what do you call that which is visible of your eyeball in medical terms? It begins with 'a', I think... Hrrg, it's driving me nuts!)
You mean the Iris?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 17 2006, 01:35 pm
Iris is the color part, pupil is the black part.

With the Infinity artbook last November, the last 5 chapters being reprinted, and all of this X stuff in Tsubasa, there's been a lot for the series popping up within the past 10 months.  I doubt they'll restart it this year, but I'd kinda prefer them to finish Tsubasa and xxxHolic first.  Don't want them to overstretch themselves and get overloaded.

But with them saying they're going to restart Gouhou Drug soon, looks good to me. :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 17 2006, 01:50 pm

(Speaking of nothing... what do you call that which is visible of your eyeball in medical terms? It begins with 'a', I think... Hrrg, it's driving me nuts!)

Okay, this post may be a little gross because it involves human biology. 'Nuff said.

So, I did a quick google search for information on eyes (and found out quite more than I ever wanted to know. Did you know, for example, that every time you blink, your eyelids spread a layer of mucus, oil, and tears over the cornea? This is one of the many ways in which our body serves to protect the eye, seeing as it's amazingly delicate. Additionally, your eye is about the size and shape of a ping-pong ball. It's bigger than what you see. Wouldn't that make it hard for Syaoran to rip out without...ehh....ripping out Fai's eyelid too? Yuck. Even so, I find biology sort of interesting even though I'm not a science girl.) and found nothing in relation to your question.

I didn't come across any terms that referred to the visible part of the eye as a whole.The visible part of the eye is divided into three parts: the iris, the pupil and the sclera. The iris is the coloured portion, the pupil is the black dot in the centre of the iris, and the sclera is the white of the eye. There's also the cornea, which is like the transparent covering, and all the then the eyelid and eyelashes and soforth.

The only "a" word I found was "anterior", which refers to the iris and ciliary body. Could that be what you're thinking of?

So! There is my science lesson on eyes. Probably more than anybody needed to ever know about their eyes. ... >_<;;

Dammit I'm so off-topic. But I got the one little jab in there about Syaoran and Fai, so hopefully I'm alright.

And in further attempts to stay on-topic, I really want X to be finished too, but I think Tsubasa and XXXHolic will have to run their courses before that happens. Clamp has, what, three series' on the backburner right now? Kobato, Legal Drug and X? I'm placing my money on Tsubasa and Holic finishing before X even begins.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 17 2006, 02:14 pm
Clamp has, what, three series' on the backburner right now? Kobato, Legal Drug and X? I'm placing my money on Tsubasa and Holic finishing before X even begins.
Don't forget Clover. Sometimes I don't know why I keep on coming back to Clamp. Considering how often they put my favourite series on hiatus... *sigh*
As it is, I want them to concentrate on Tsubasa and Holic.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 17 2006, 02:30 pm
off-topic: Ando, i LOVE your avatar!!!! Chibi Yue!!!!!

(you wouldnt happen to have a full shot, would you?  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 17 2006, 07:03 pm
Ahhh I understand now, the real Syaoran doesn't love Sakura because he paid his relationship with her in order to cross dimensions/worlds, which was already paid by the clone but it was his half of the heart that did it.  And he lost his freedom along with his time due to the wish of breaking the seal, so basically he had to wait it out as a child until what he is now. Correct me if I'm wrong
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 17 2006, 08:39 pm
Ahhh I understand now, the real Syaoran doesn't love Sakura because he paid his relationship with her in order to cross dimensions/worlds, which was already paid by the clone but it was his half of the heart that did it.  And he lost his freedom along with his time due to the wish of breaking the seal, so basically he had to wait it out as a child until what he is now. Correct me if I'm wrong

That makes a lot of sense as a theory. I wonder about his prices (freedom, time, and relationship), since they're things he seems to have lost but not things he gave to Yuuko.

Thanks for all the eye stuff, Emiko! *Loves biology* They're also really pretty on the inside - favorite thing I've ever had to disect for science class.

Wow, how many series does CLAMP have unfinished? Tsubasa and Holic that they're working on, Kobato that we know they're going to pick up again, X and Legal Drug which we hope they're going to pick up again, Clover and Shin Shunkaden that they'd like to continue sometime if they can. That's quite a number.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ando on August 17 2006, 09:48 pm
The visible part of the eye is divided into three parts: the iris, the pupil and the sclera. The iris is the coloured portion, the pupil is the black dot in the centre of the iris, and the sclera is the white of the eye.

Sclera! That's the word I was looking for! Thank you for all your trouble (and thanks for the biology stuff as well)!

off-topic: Ando, i LOVE your avatar!!!! Chibi Yue!!!!! (you wouldnt happen to have a full shot, would you? :sweatdrop:

Sadly I don't. I don't even know who made the picture.

Back on topic... What is up with CLAMP's eye-fetisch anyway? Do eyes symbolise something special in Japanese mythology (well, I suppose eyes have been considered important in one way or the other in most cultures), or do the ladies simply like ripping people's eyes out?

About Real Syaoran's price, well, it does make sense to an extend, but I don't know... He never met the girl until just recently, did he? Can you really love someone you have only been watching from afar?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 17 2006, 09:52 pm
Sclera! That's the word I was looking for! Thank you for all your trouble (and thanks for the biology stuff as well)!

Sadly I don't. I don't even know who made the picture.

Back on topic... What is up with CLAMP's eye-fetisch anyway? Does eyes symbolise something special in Japanese mythology (well, I suppose eyes have been considered important in one way or the other in most cultures), or do the ladies simply like ripping people's eyes out?

About Real Syaoran's price, well, it does make sense to an extend, but I don't know... He never met the girl until just recently, did he? Can you really love someone you have only been watching from afar?
well i forget which, one eye represents the window to the soul, the other represents power. that plus, CLAMP are eye-fanatics. in most of their mangas, someone either loses an eye or injures it. (theres a thread in the genereal secion about clam,p and their eye fetish ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 17 2006, 10:47 pm
Sclera! That's the word I was looking for! Thank you for all your trouble (and thanks for the biology stuff as well)!

No problem. I had time on my hands XD

Thanks for all the eye stuff, Emiko! *Loves biology* They're also really pretty on the inside - favorite thing I've ever had to disect for science class.

I always liked biology too, although I was never really into science as a whole.

On another note, less than a week for 126! *hangs on*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Becster on August 17 2006, 11:59 pm
On another note, less than a week for 126! *hangs on*

Oh gawd, I'm just...dead...from having to wait this dead...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 18 2006, 12:06 am
Oh gawd, I'm just...dead...from having to wait this dead...

Me too... This time span is stretching like chewing gum, really *le cry*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 18 2006, 02:32 am
i just notice a detail that can have his importance depending on the way we interpretate it!
this is about Kurogane's tie!
to chapter 120 until chapter 123 he still have it,event if it is dispatched
( ( (

but in chapter 123 he removes it,and it corresponds to the moment where he lifts up Fai in his arms...
( (

so the question is why  :surprised:?peharps that in chapter 123 his tie has been totally ripped out because of the intensity of the fight between the two Shaolan  :sweatdrop:!
or else he may have removed it himself because he was hot because Fai in his arm was too sexy  :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 18 2006, 03:27 am
i just notice a detail that can have his importance depending on the way we interpretate it!
this is about Kurogane's tie!to chapter 120 until chapter 123 he still have it,event if it is dispatched
( ( (

but in chapter 123 he removes it,and it corresponds to the moment where he lifts up Fai in his arms...
( (

so the question is why  :surprised:?peharps that in chapter 123 his tie has been totally ripped out because of the intensity of the fight between the two Shaolan  :sweatdrop:!
or else he may have removed it himself because he was hot because Fai in his arm was too sexy  :haha:

I do think the second explanation is more logical by far - let's face it, who wouldn't think it's too hot if Fai was that close? *snicker*

And I'm so relieved the tie is finally off... I don't think it really suited him, he always reminded me of a frustrated office worker or something...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 18 2006, 04:07 am
i didnt notcie that. im glad too it got taken off. it shoulda gone fof when he jumped into the pit to save fai ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 18 2006, 05:06 am
I don't know if this bellongs to this thread, but I'm puzzled about what's with that staff Syaoran has, this one I mean:

( (

I'm wondering what it is, and when we're gonna see that in action, now that Hien is gone. That and which Syaoran is holding it ^_^;.

I'm all late on the compass posts, but I was rereading the earlier part of the series (which I skip way too much), and I came across the compass.  It's from the spash page for chapter 2.

( (

I don't think it really has any true purpose, other than to signify the search for memories.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 18 2006, 05:33 am
this compass could be the symbol of the crossroads between dimensions ,regardless of his form (one circle and two half circle turning around each other... :surprised:)
but when i look the design on the circles, it seems to represent a sort of graduation :
three pointers are pointing out differents locations and lines which can be compared to a clock  :keke:!
so i guess that this compass is an artefact to travel across SPACE and TIME  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 18 2006, 06:12 am
About the eye thing, Clamp said in their recent interview that Mokona (Clamp's Mokona not the character!) has a bad right eye which is one reason why they like to mess with peoples' eyes.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 18 2006, 09:13 am
How creative they are!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 18 2006, 02:36 pm
*snicker* Word, Airashii. Just WORD.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Senefen on August 18 2006, 06:33 pm
The staff Syaoran is holding looks like it have one of those old fashioned things you use for finding your way at sea. Tells you your latitude by the stars.

How creative they are!
And bitter O.o
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 19 2006, 05:32 am
The staff Syaoran is holding looks like it have one of those old fashioned things you use for finding your way at sea. Tells you your latitude by the stars.

i don't think that anybody can use this staff without magic,so maybe that since Clone shaolan got Fai's eye he has the ability to control this artefact so as to find the others feathers of Sakura  :okay:!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 20 2006, 08:49 am
I guess it's too much to wish for in hoping that 126 would be leaked early again? Or that we'd get some spoilers? Anyone?! I'm dying over here T___T
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 20 2006, 08:53 am
I guess it's too much to wish for in hoping that 126 would be leaked early again? Or that we'd get some spoilers? Anyone?! I'm dying over here T___T

At this point in time my brain has gelatinized and is slowly dripping out my ears. GAAAAH. "Patience is a virtue" my left buttcheek.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 20 2006, 08:57 am
I'm so spoooiled, but for the past few weeks we've gotten early leakage of the chapters and some sort of spoiler, and I know it's only Saturday but STILL NOTHING. It's enough to make me weep small tears of Tsubbasa-deprived sorrow. I want to see vampire!Fai, dammit! DAMMIT!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 20 2006, 09:14 am
in chapter 125 i was wondering why anybody was taking care of kurogane's wounds...i mean that while Satsuki was trying to heal Fai and that Nataku was fixing real Shaolan's leg,Kurogane was standing there against the wall with a look that was saying "i will kill the first that approach me"   :sweatdrop:
however his back seems to have been badly injured by Clone Shaolan when he was protecting Fai:
( (

( (
the back of his shirt is totally ripped and his back is scratched everywhere  :cry:!

but i think that he didn't want anybody to help him because he wanted everyone to concentrate on Fai,and maybe that the painful feeling that has dismayed his heart when he saw Fai at th edge of death made him forget about his physique injuries  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 20 2006, 09:20 am
Emiko, what spoilers do you have???

This is my 200th post... I have to say something significant!

KuroxFai is love! And is my OTP...and a ferret bit my toe today.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mini_flo on August 20 2006, 09:21 am
i wonder when the next chapter is gonna come out...its taking a while...I WANNA SEE FAI!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 20 2006, 09:29 am
i wonder when the next chapter is gonna come out...its taking a while...I WANNA SEE FAI!
it will come out this comming wednesday.

as for spoilers, keep checking the LJs, especialy chibiyuuto. he ALWAYS has the spoilers!!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 20 2006, 09:29 am
I'm afraid I don't have any spoilers, envyofthestage. I was just lamenting about how we've gotten spoilers for the last couple weeks, and this week, thus far, we haven't gotten anything.

Bad luck about the ferret. An octopus clamped itself around my foot once. It was a little one, though, and I stepped on it so I guess I deserved it.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 20 2006, 09:34 am

That reminds me of a story I saw on MSN where 4 penguins died in a car accident but the octopus was okay.

Whoa, off topic! XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tenkuuken on August 20 2006, 07:58 pm
Just confirming: R!Syaoran has his whole heart back, right?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 20 2006, 08:02 pm
Just confirming: R!Syaoran has his whole heart back, right?
yes. he has his whole heart now
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 20 2006, 08:02 pm
Just confirming: R!Syaoran has his whole heart back, right?

He got the yin-yang back, so I would say yes he does.

I hope next chapter will be interesting...Though I wonder if Fai will be conscious at all. As people have said, he needs some sleep. Maybe we'll go see what clone!Syaoran is up to with FWR while Fai gets some rest.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 20 2006, 08:09 pm
i just hope we atleast see kurogane WATCHING over the sleeping mage. kuro wouldntt leave fai's side for an instant XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 20 2006, 08:24 pm
Now that Kamui has helped grant Kurogane's wish, the X people should get their water, right? So they might go deal with that, which could be another thing to see in the next chapter. Maybe we could get some Kamui and Subaru stuff - maybe Kamui trying to get Subaru to leave again. Oh, maybe we'll find out their backstory soon! Maybe real!Syaoran will have something to do. Sometime the group needs to discuss their plans for future movement, figure out what to do what with clone!Syaoran having run off. What's the plan of action? Maybe they should wait for Sakura and Fai to wake up before they talk about that, though.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: falka on August 20 2006, 08:41 pm
I think that when the deal with wishes will be over Kurogane will ask Yuuko to tell him everything she knows about the man who killed his mother...
I seriously doubt that CLAMP with provide us with more kuroxfay fanservice (much as I want it). We will probably have to wait a few chapters for another serious conversation between ninja and the mage...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 08:54 pm
They won't do Kurofai. They said it directly at AX2006 CLAMP panel.

They laughed at it though. Who knows? Maybe they took it into consideration so that's why they made the Kamui/Kurogane Blood thing. Don't forget that they're women too, so they know exactly what fangirls want. As for boys...well they caught my attention, lol. Yukito and Touya was pretty surprising, I can't exactly say they're gay though, even though they did say they love each other lol. CCS world was pretty messed though, they really showed that love can be expressed in every way. Fujitaka with his late wife, Nadeshiko, Touya with Yukito, Eriol with Mizuki, Terada (some 20+ year old teacher) with Rika (10 year old girl), Yamazaki with Chiharu, and finally the most important, Syaoran and Sakura. Oh, don't forget Meilin who's in love with her own cousin!

Anyways, as they see it they're only strong companions(Kurogane and Fai). They wanted 2 adults to guide Syaoran since he's still only a kid. One who's great at fighting, one who's great at dealing with emotions with smiles, and the one inbetween (Syaoran). They certainly share a strong bond of friendship, but sorry girls, nothing more. Put it this way though, seeing the situation that he'll only accept Kurogane's blood, means that they'll be together in the end somehow. Not as lovers though, but maybe in some magical way that CLAMP always makes it. They might even die for Syaoran and Sakura's sake. Heh, we'll just have to wait won't we?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 20 2006, 09:01 pm
They won't do Kurofai. They said it directly at AX2006 CLAMP panel.

They laughed at it though. Who knows? Maybe they took it into consideration so that's why they made the Kamui/Kurogane Blood thing.

Anyways, as they see it they're only strong companions. They wanted 2 adults to guide Syaoran since he's still only a kid. One who's great at fighting, one who's great at dealing with emotions with smiles, and the one inbetween (Syaoran). They certainly share a strong bond of friendship, but sorry girls, nothing more. Put it this way though, seeing the situation that he'll only accept Kurogane's blood, means that they'll be together in the end somehow. Not as lovers though, but maybe in some magical way that CLAMP always makes it. They might even die for Syaoran and Sakura's sake. Heh, we'll just have to wait won't we?

They didn't say they  WON'T do KuroFai. There was some confusion over the AX translation - they didn't confirm KuroFai either, but CLAMP definitely didn't say that they won't do the pairing. So, like you said, everything is still up in the air.

Now that Kamui has helped grant Kurogane's wish, the X people should get their water, right? So they might go deal with that, which could be another thing to see in the next chapter. Maybe we could get some Kamui and Subaru stuff - maybe Kamui trying to get Subaru to leave again. Oh, maybe we'll find out their backstory soon! Maybe real!Syaoran will have something to do. Sometime the group needs to discuss their plans for future movement, figure out what to do what with clone!Syaoran having run off. What's the plan of action? Maybe they should wait for Sakura and Fai to wake up before they talk about that, though.

I hope we do get some Real Syaoran's backstory, or at least a bit more of an inkling to FWR's motives. Fai also seemed to knew more than  the others of whats going on so I hope he'll be awake to do some explaining.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 09:04 pm that I think about it..all they did was ask if it was the fans' idea.

But seeing that, it certainly does show that they were surprised and weren't expecting it at all.

edit: I really hate this stuff. It totally ruins my mood whenever I think of the two now. I don't even like yuri. Buuut, that's just my opinion.

I hope we do get some Real Syaoran's backstory, or at least a bit more of an inkling to FWR's motives. Fai also seemed to knew more than the others of whats going on so I hope he'll be awake to do some explaining.

Well most of the stuff that Fai knew can certainly be explained by Syaoran or Yuuko. Most of the stuff was pretty straightforward anyway, all that's really left is the real Syaoran's explanation of what happened and why. It should finally reveal Fei Wong to the main characters too. It's gonna be hard repairing everything together. There's a completely different Syaoran with them, Sakura's in a huge mess, Fai's barely surviving, everyone's just in shock of what happened. I'm really hoping chapter 126 will relieve a lot of problems. We waited an extra week for it!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 20 2006, 09:10 pm that I think about it..all they did was ask if it was the fans' idea.

But seeing that, it certainly does show that they were surprised and weren't expecting it at all.

edit: I really hate this stuff. It totally ruins my mood whenever I think of the two now. I don't even like yuri. Buuut, that's just my opinion.

the translation that said they said "its all in the fans heads" really pisses me off. it makes an entire comuntiy, consiting of millions of fangirls/guys sound like their wackos

the fact that they DIDNT DENY IT, is just as good s them admitting it.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 20 2006, 09:11 pm
Quote that I think about it..all they did was ask if it was the fans' idea.

But seeing that, it certainly does show that they were surprised and weren't expecting it at all.
Look, I don't know about that.  They said Ohkawa blushed and asked that question in a teasing manner - and then the fangirls screams drown her out.  I wasn't there, so I wouldn't know. People can look at it both ways so its a bit dodgy to say KuroFai will or won't happen based on that interview.

edit: I really hate this stuff. It totally ruins my mood whenever I think of the two now. I don't even like yuri. Buuut, that's just my opinion.
Thats fine, but this is CLAMP. There bound to be hints of those 'stuff' in almost all oftheir works.They made 'Legal Drug' where the main male characters paw each other constantly, so don't be surprised if many of Clamps fans will ship same gender characters together.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Becster on August 20 2006, 09:14 pm that I think about it..all they did was ask if it was the fans' idea.

But seeing that, it certainly does show that they were surprised and weren't expecting it at all.

I think it's more to do with the fact that it was American people going nuts over the pairing. Japan is far less bothered by homosexual relationships, unlike the West who still have great reservations over it for the most part. I personally believe that Clamp were surprised that the pairing seemed to have such support over in the west.

Besides, they didn't give away anything. I mean, if I were a mangaka I wouldn't just say whether or not a pairing was or wasn't going to happen. It'd ruin everything. Plus, in Japan the KuroFai following is MASSIVE. Clamp can't be obilivious to the pairing...if they are then they must be living under a rock. The pairing is definitely a favourite in Japan. Clamp didn't elude to whether or not it will or won't happen, but given the most recent chapters I can see that what's happening now both paralells Touya and Yuki's situation in CCS, and the situation Syaoran was in at the beginning of Tsubasa.

Clamp are sly little shy-devils. They're not afraid to hint at pairings, but they prefer to remain quiet about what will happen with the couple in question. Personally? I think they've been tossing little hints from the first time Kuro and Fai met. I wasn't a fan until book two or three, but I still noticed some faint hints when I was apathetic to the pairing.

Whether or not Clamp will do anything with the pairing is still unknown, but it's there. Clamp have laid the hints down, it's just up to them if they piece them all together (...which it seems like they're doing. In a not-so-subtle-but-still-subtle way. The latest developments can be taken in different ways...but...the main point is Kurogane and Fai can't ever be apart. Their relationship will be far more intense now, no matter what their relationship turns out to be. They're practically married XD...And that's an excellent thing in my opinion.)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 09:17 pm
I think it's more to do with the fact that it was American people going nuts over the pairing. Japan is far less bothered by homosexual relationships, unlike the West who still have great reservations over it for the most part. I personally believe that Clamp were surprised that the pairing seemed to have such support over in the west.

Besides, they didn't give away anything. I mean, if I were a mangaka I wouldn't just say whether or not a pairing was or wasn't going to happen. It'd ruin everything. Plus, in Japan the KuroFai following is MASSIVE. Clamp can't be obilivious to the pairing...if they are then they must be living under a rock. The pairing is definitely a favourite in Japan. Clamp didn't elude to whether or not it will or won't happen, but given the most recent chapters I can see that what's happening now both paralells Touya and Yuki's situation in CCS, and the situation Syaoran was in at the beginning of Tsubasa.

Clamp are sly little shy-devils. They're not afraid to hint at pairings, but they prefer to remain quiet about what will happen with the couple in question. Personally? I think they've been tossing little hints from the first time Kuro and Fai met. I wasn't a fan until book two or three, but I still noticed some faint hints when I was apathetic to the pairing.

Whether or not Clamp will do anything with the pairing is still unknown, but it's there. Clamp have laid the hints down, it's just up to them if they piece them all together (...which it seems like they're doing. In a not-so-subtle-but-still-subtle way. The latest developments can be taken in different ways...but...the main point is Kurogane and Fai can't ever be apart. Their relationship will be far more intense now, no matter what their relationship turns out to be. They're practically married XD...And that's an excellent thing in my opinion.)

Lol married? Man it's gonna be tough with Kurogane wanting to return to Japan and Ashura bound to wake someday, no? I'm sure a lot of girls will fall in love with Ashura once he steps in too.

Thats fine, but this is CLAMP. There bound to be hints of those 'stuff' in almost all oftheir works.They made 'Legal Drug' where the main male characters paw each other constantly, so don't be surprised if many of Clamps fans will ship same gender characters together.

I'm well aware of that. Just look at X. Kamui and Fuuma? Then CCS with Yukito and Touya. I love their works despite that stuff. I'm just saying in general, that it's not cool. I had a very disturbing experience with someone like that before, and it affected a friend including me very deeply. Call it a grudge? Maybe..I just like to think of it as not pertaining to my taste.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Becster on August 20 2006, 09:21 pm
Lol married? Man it's gonna be tough with Kurogane wanting to return to Japan and Ashura bound to wake someday, no? I'm sure a lot of girls will fall in love with Ashura once he steps in too.

Lol. They're bound by blood until the day they die. Fai's life is intertwined with Kuro's now. Whatever happens, one of them will have to change their wish. But, yeah. Complications shall arise, but they can't just leave each other now...which is a real bonus for me because one thing I never wanted to see was those two have to part at the end of Tsubasa.

But, yeah. Eternally bound to one another, can't be separated ever, together forever....sounds pretty much like a twisted marriage ceremony to me. (Try reading up on vampire feedings as well. From what I've read, I don't think Kuro'll have any problems with the blood sucking thing. Lol.) XD Yuuko was just being a fangirl. Seriously. It's what she does best.

'OMIGOSH. I CAN LIKE, MAKE THEM GET MARRIED AS MY PRICE!!! Woo hoo! *does so* ...One down, one to go...*eyes Doumeki and Watanuki*'

Ah Yuuko. How I love thee. XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 09:26 pm
Lol yeah there's that "secret" about Himawari-chan. It'll probably ruin a ton of stuff between Watanuki and her.

Watanuki really despises Doumeki, even though he helps him out a lot with his spiritual problems..but it's as Himawari says, they really do get along in a way. I admire that, since those kinds of friendships are the hardest to break.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 09:29 pm
Yeah I guess that is something to think about..Fei Wong has definitely affected 3 of the main characters already, so it wouldn't be stupid to think that it affected Fai somehow too..

But we've still yet to see Fai's past..I hope it's good..Kurogane had me in tears.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 20 2006, 09:29 pm
Lol yeah there's that "secret" about Himawari-chan. It'll probably ruin a ton of stuff between Watanuki and her.

Watanuki really despises Doumeki, even though he helps him out a lot with his spiritual problems..but it's as Himawari says, they really do get along in a way. I admire that, since those kinds of friendships are the hardest to break.
ne, watenuki doesnt hate doumeki as much as he thinks he does. doumeki jsut anoys him, and always knows how to get watenuki to spaz. if he dispised douemi, he wouldnt fogive him for excorsizong that woman whome hed grown attached to. watenuki LIKES doumeki OK, he jsut thinks doumeki's anoying cuz all the ladies, INCLUDING himiwari seem to fawn over him
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 20 2006, 09:30 pm
anyway,i don"t think that CLAMP will give us so easily the outcome of their story  :surprised:.
feign indifference about the relationship that ties Kurogane and Fai is a good way to make fangirls screaming their happiness all other the world if CLAMP includes some hints of yaoi when we wasn't expecting it  :sweatdrop:.
and moreover CLAMP may not have already decided what would be the outcome of all this mess,so the denouement is peharps in our hands :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 09:33 pm
Lol sorry I didn't word it correctly SailorYuechan. It's that he likes him as a friend that he hates it. He can't admit to his feelings of acceptance over Doumeki. I mean..if you've ever faced that kind of situation, it's really easy to understand. This goes for all stubborn types though.

and moreover CLAMP may not have already decided what would be the outcome of all this mess,so the denouement is peharps in our hands :keke:

Actually, they've already decided on the end of the manga...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 20 2006, 09:38 pm
II'm just saying in general, that it's not cool. I had a very disturbing experience with someone like that before, and it affected a friend including me very deeply. Call it a grudge? Maybe..I just like to think of it as not pertaining to my taste..
Sorry about your disturbing experience. Of course its fine if its doesn't pertain to your taste, but maybe you can word the 'not cool' part differently? Some people who are in same gender relationships and finds it perfectly normal may feel insulted.

Yeah I guess that is something to think about..Fei Wong has definitely affected 3 of the main characters already, so it wouldn't be stupid to think that it affected Fai somehow too..

But we've still yet to see Fai's past..I hope it's good..Kurogane had me in tears.
Knowing Clamp,  they're going to tease us with Fai's angstiness and reveal the reason only at the very end. Evil women...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 20 2006, 09:44 pm
Lol married? Man it's gonna be tough with Kurogane wanting to return to Japan and Ashura bound to wake someday, no? I'm sure a lot of girls will fall in love with Ashura once he steps in too.

Lots of girls already think Ashura-ou is attractive, and he had a few fangirls in RG Veda fandom (if RG Veda can be said to have a fandom) at one point, I believe. A number of people like to pair him with Fai, too (I belong to this latter group, though not the former).

True, Fai and Kurogane's being eternally bound to each other won't be easy considering their different wishes, but they'll have to work it out if Fai is going to stay alive. There does exist the possibility that he won't, but Kurogane seems quite opposed to that, and I wonder at what he wouldn't do to stop it. I'm not a KuroFai fan either, but I still can't deny that they might as well be married at this point.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 20 2006, 09:47 pm
Lots of girls already think Ashura-ou is attractive, and he had a few fangirls in RG Veda fandom (if RG Veda can be said to have a fandom) at one point, I believe. A number of people like to pair him with Fai, too (I belong to this latter group, though not the former).

I like the younger Ashura better. Ashura-ou is just so stupid...
I've been wondering, who's your favorite character in Rg Veda?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 09:49 pm
I haven't read RG Veda or watched it xP. I don't really plan to either..though it does seem quite interesting since it was one of the starts of their popularity..

Sorry, I'm one of the newer series people..I'm not that hardcore, considering my age anyway. The only past project I'm looking forward to is Clover.

As with the "not cool" thing, please accept my apologies.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 20 2006, 10:01 pm
I haven't read RG Veda or watched it xP. I don't really plan to either..though it does seem quite interesting since it was one of the starts of their popularity..

Sorry, I'm one of the newer series people..I'm not that hardcore, considering my age anyway.

As with the "not cool" thing, please accept my apologies.

No hard feelings :)

Back on topic - Kurogane and Real Syaoran seems to start off on the wrong foot.  Any speculations on how the rest will treat Real Syaoran (if he does travel with them)?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 20 2006, 10:12 pm
I haven't read RG Veda or watched it xP. I don't really plan to either..though it does seem quite interesting since it was one of the starts of their popularity..

Sorry, I'm one of the newer series people..I'm not that hardcore, considering my age anyway. The only past project I'm looking forward to is Clover.

As with the "not cool" thing, please accept my apologies.

Oooh, good on you for writing that - I already was about to start ranting -_- I have a girlfriend and just get so angry if anywhere I read or hear someone say how homosexuality is abnormal, disgusting, weird, 'not cool', unnatural or anything like that.

I agree with the others on KuroFai, besides. And always remember: the subtext ist there because CLAMP want it to be there.

Kurogane and Fai will stay together for all eternity, till death do them part, etc. Really, it's like a marriage.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 10:15 pm
Replying to duchessa (being on topic is fun), Kurogane only took him wrong because of the sign which Yuuko explained. They seem to be cool now and I think they'll all set towards breaking Fei Wong's plan. I mean, Kurogane's family was ruined cuz of him and Syaoran was locked up cuz of him. Ooo let's not forget that he pissed off Kurogane even more with the clone Syaoran tearing out Fai's eye.  Why not share the anger? Payback time.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: tangerine on August 20 2006, 10:18 pm
Lol married? Man it's gonna be tough with Kurogane wanting to return to Japan and Ashura bound to wake someday, no? I'm sure a lot of girls will fall in love with Ashura once he steps in too.

Tsubasa, vol.1, 2...., Fay is Phoenix, Kurogane is Dragon, (In Chinese mythology ying and yang, ...)
In some Chinese legends, an Emperor might be born with a birthmark in the shape of a dragon. The Empress of China was often identified with the Chinese phoenix...
In ancient China, they can often be found in the decorations for weddings or royalty, along with dragons. This is because the Chinese considered the dragon and phoenix symbolic of blissful relations between husband and wife, another common yin and yang metaphor.

"Fenghuang (Chinese: 鳳凰; pinyin: Fènghuáng; Japanese: 鳳凰 hōō; Korean: 봉황 bonghwang; Vietnamese: Phượng Ho ng) are mythological Chinese birds that reign over all other birds. The males are called Feng and the females Huang. In modern times, however, such a distinction of gender is often no longer made and the Feng and Huang are blurred into a single feminine entity so that the bird can be paired with the Chinese dragon, which has male connotations. Han Chinese often use the term "Descendants of the Dragon" as a sign of ethnic identity. The Fenghuang is also called the "August Rooster" (Traditional Chinese: 鶤雞 hùnjī [Cantonese] kūnjī [Mandarin]). In the West, it is commonly referred to as the Chinese phoenix and occasionally Ho-ho bird (from the Japanese name hō-ō)."
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 10:20 pm
I already know that..I'm chinese..well..only half but enough to have studied my history for about 3 years.

Anyways..I dunno if it's a typo or not, but I believe it's Fai, not Fay =p. Good point though.

As with artwork..I've seen a lot of comparisons of Kurogane relating himself with dragons..such as the dragon he received in the Kudan world...Fai's ability was...flight? I guess you could relate that to the Phoenix..I believe in the end of volume 2 it shows Fai's kudan as a bird-like thing. Sooo you are correct.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 20 2006, 10:25 pm
Replying to duchessa (being on topic is fun), Kurogane only took him wrong because of the sign which Yuuko explained. They seem to be cool now and I think they'll all set towards breaking Fei Wong's plan. I mean, Kurogane's family was ruined cuz of him and Syaoran was locked up cuz of him. Ooo let's not forget that he pissed off Kurogane even more with the clone Syaoran tearing out Fai's eye. Why not share the anger? Payback time.
Thats true. But I was more thinking to the lines of this Syaoran being less polite than the gang is used to. I cringed when he said "this is the symbol of the one who killed your mother". Not the smartest thing to say right then . Thank goodness for Yuuko.
I do think that they all will get along eventually, but things are probably be awkward first. I like the idea FWR getting his evil arse served to him by Kurogane and Syaoran. XD

Anyways..I dunno if it's a typo or not, but I believe it's Fai, not Fay =p.
Officially, its Fay D Flourite - thats how Clamp spell his name in the guide. Although I do prefer Fai   - just because I'm more used to it.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 10:31 pm
Well I guess so..he's a lot more straightforward than the previous Syaoran..which makes him about 10x cooler. It just really excites me that the "real" Syaoran will be finally doing his role with the team. It's like...all that's happened before..seemed like an eternity..but now's when the true story begins.

 We can't really say what his goals are yet...concerning Sakura's situation..but we can say that he'll definitely want to get back at what FWR has done. He really looks determined as well. He didn't hold back at all when trying to kill the clone until Sakura jumped in. I'd say this one is much more prepared..along with his uber Clow magic abilities
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 20 2006, 10:35 pm
I haven't read RG Veda or watched it xP. I don't really plan to either..though it does seem quite interesting since it was one of the starts of their popularity..

Sorry, I'm one of the newer series people..I'm not that hardcore, considering my age anyway. The only past project I'm looking forward to is Clover.

As with the "not cool" thing, please accept my apologies.

That's fine, I was just saying that you were right about some girls liking Ashura-ou. I don't think everyone has to read all of CLAMP's works to read TRC, or anything (that would be silly). Thank you for apologizing about the "not cool" thing, by the way.

I like the younger Ashura better. Ashura-ou is just so stupid...
I've been wondering, who's your favorite character in Rg Veda?

It's younger Ashura for me. S/he has my undying fangirlish love - favorite CLAMP character ever. I like Ashura-ou (I think he's interesting), but he's not one of my favorites. Then again, there's only one character in RG Veda that I don't like.

*Ahem* Now, to be on topic for a bit...I can see Kurogane and real!Syaoran wanting to work against Fei-Wang Reed, but do they know how? They can't just march into his evil layer (lair? Spelling...) with swords drawn, can they? I think what Sakura wants to do now will be important, though. They still need to collect her feathers, but isn't that going along with what FWR wants?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 20 2006, 10:37 pm
I do agree he's cooler. Never liked Clone Syaoran's over-polite demeanour very much. All Syaoran must be bratty and adorable, I say! And his CCSesque fighting techniques? I squeed to near death when I saw that.
I think he's sympathetic to Sakura-hime, but has a Sakura of his own in his dimension (least thats what I'm hoping). As for his goals, maybe after defeating FWR, he'd like to go home? Goodness how many years he spent in that fish-tank.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 10:45 pm
*Ahem* Now, to be on topic for a bit...I can see Kurogane and real!Syaoran wanting to work against Fei-Wang Reed, but do they know how? They can't just march into his evil layer (lair? Spelling...) with swords drawn, can they? I think what Sakura wants to do now will be important, though. They still need to collect her feathers, but isn't that going along with what FWR wants?

Good point. I'll get to it after I get to my other point.

And his CCSesque fighting techniques? I squeed to near death when I saw that.

Yeah I couldn't believe it either xp. Anyways, as for the Sakura of his own world..I'm not quite so sure..I mean..he sacrificed a "relationship" which was said to already be paid..I dunno what that really meant but it's definitely important. Maybe Yuuko was referring to the clone's relationship with Sakura. I mean..he did have the real Syaoran's eye so it did make it seem sort of like the real Syaoran being there. And I mean...Syaoran was sealed you think he was originally in Clow? He pretty much "replaced" him with that clone. I can't say it's true..but yeah I do sort of hope for both ways..him with the Sakura here and him with another Sakura. Both ways are fine with me.

As for FWR's lair situation. Yuuko said to Kurogane that he won't be getting any information on where he is from Syaoran. So I'm guessing they'll either have to see what Sakura wants or get some crazy item from Yuuko. I'm thinking they'll wait for the clone to arrive again. If they have Sakura, it's inevitable that he'll come again with more feathers to bring to her..or rather take her because she holds a lot of feathers within her.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: tangerine on August 20 2006, 10:49 pm
I already know that..I'm chinese..well..only half but enough to have studied my history for about 3 years.

Anyways..I dunno if it's a typo or not, but I believe it's Fai, not Fay =p. Good point though.

As with artwork..I've seen a lot of comparisons of Kurogane relating himself with dragons..such as the dragon he received in the Kudan world...Fai's ability was...flight? I guess you could relate that to the Phoenix..I believe in the end of volume 2 it shows Fai's kudan as a bird-like thing. Sooo you are correct.

but.... um...they are a Fenix and a Dragoon?
( (
( (
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 20 2006, 10:52 pm
No no..I'm referring to this page.

The dragon is Kurogane's. The bird thingy is Fai's. The wolf of flame is Syaoran's.

All I can say about the Dragon Phoenix relationship is that it's somewhat resourceable. They're completely opposite when it comes to personalities, but when strength comes they're about equal. It's a perfect guardian idea that CLAMP made for Syaoran on his journey for the feathers.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 20 2006, 11:18 pm
OMG, I can't believe it - have you taken a look at chibiyuuto's LJ? There's gonna be a break between 127 and 128 T___T *dies*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kirtai on August 21 2006, 12:55 am
We only get one chappie of Holic before another break, could be worse for TRC! And I agree with liking Real Syaoran more than clone.  Clone was so BORING! Syaoran in CCS was spunky.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Mina on August 21 2006, 01:33 am
I was gone for a week and so many pages o.O

Maybe someone already posted this but I got a theory about how Yuuko will give water to Kurogane (or at least where the water would be coming from) But it involves xxxHolic spoiler, so I'll put it in spoiler tag. Don't read it if you haven't read recent xxxHolic chapters.

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In recent chapters of xxxHolic, Watanuki (with help of Doumeki) had to carry many jugs of water from a well to Yuuko. Maybe that water is going to be given to Tokyo in exchange for price.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 21 2006, 01:53 am
Since the clone's soul/heart at the time of his wish was R!Syaoran's in the first place, then of course R!Syaoran already paid the price.  Yuuko goes on about souls and wishes quite bit in xxxHolic, so I'm thinking it's kinda neccessary to have one to make a wish.

I was gone for a week and so many pages o.O

Maybe someone already posted this but I got a theory about how Yuuko will give water to Kurogane (or at least where the water would be coming from) But it involves xxxHolic spoiler, so I'll put it in spoiler tag. Don't read it if you haven't read recent xxxHolic chapters.

Show content
In recent chapters of xxxHolic, Watanuki (with help of Doumeki) had to carry many jugs of water from a well to Yuuko. Maybe that water is going to be given to Tokyo in exchange for price.

Yep, we've gone over that. 
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There was one theory that the water was going to be used to recover Fai's eye, ala Doumeki's grandfathers method of retrieving an eye from a spider.  Now though it does look like it's for replacing the water.  Watanuki did comment on how the water was strangely heavy.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 21 2006, 01:59 am
I was gone for a week and so many pages o.O

Maybe someone already posted this but I got a theory about how Yuuko will give water to Kurogane (or at least where the water would be coming from) But it involves xxxHolic spoiler, so I'll put it in spoiler tag. Don't read it if you haven't read recent xxxHolic chapters.

Show content
In recent chapters of xxxHolic, Watanuki (with help of Doumeki) had to carry many jugs of water from a well to Yuuko. Maybe that water is going to be given to Tokyo in exchange for price.

 :haha: You know, I've already lost count how many people on the net have come up with that theory! (Don't feel offended please, I don't intend to be rude)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Mina on August 21 2006, 02:37 am
:haha: You know, I've already lost count how many people on the net have come up with that theory! (Don't feel offended please, I don't intend to be rude)

Haha, I wouldn't be surprised, lol. Being absent from computer/net for a week makes all "theories" old, haha.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 21 2006, 03:05 am
Haha, I wouldn't be surprised, lol. Being absent from computer/net for a week makes all "theories" old, haha.

it isn't really your fault,it has been more than two weeks that we are waiting for chapter 126,so our suppositions begin to repeat themselves again  :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 21 2006, 06:07 am
The Phoenix idea sounds poetic in the light of Fai's "rebirth" as a half-or-something-vampire. I did notice just a few days ago (finally I know! I was looking at hints to aid me in my current costuming project) that the tatoo had the shape of a bird and put it together with his Kudan but did not go further from there.

*is practicing patience and finding out she is very bad at it* Thursday cannot get her soon enough.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Touei on August 21 2006, 06:20 am
No spoilers yet D:? I hope we get something soon, I dont think I can survive the week in a tent, on the edge of a cliff somewhere, without at least a hint of what happens in 126 x.x

The page that had TRC125 early last time ( updated with some of Shounen Mag 38 about ten hours ago. No sign of TRC yet though Dx But, looking at the pattern in which shounen weekly was updated we might get the new chapter here in a few hours, maybeplease? *being dangerously optimistic*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 21 2006, 07:57 am
I doubt it. :(
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Mina on August 21 2006, 09:02 am
No spoilers yet D:? I hope we get something soon, I dont think I can survive the week in a tent, on the edge of a cliff somewhere, without at least a hint of what happens in 126 x.x

The page that had TRC125 early last time ( updated with some of Shounen Mag 38 about ten hours ago. No sign of TRC yet though Dx But, looking at the pattern in which shounen weekly was updated we might get the new chapter here in a few hours, maybeplease? *being dangerously optimistic*

Even if they post it up, I'm gonna wait till Wednesday for Ali-san (ladydarkmoon). I really hope she posts the scans and doesn't discontinue... her scans are awesome.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 21 2006, 02:02 pm
Why do people want spoilers? Just enjoy it from the start. It's definitely no good if it's spoiled..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 21 2006, 02:07 pm
Why do people want spoilers? Just enjoy it from the start. It's definitely no good if it's spoiled..
ne, some people like to know something before hand. it adds to the flavor. i dont like spoilers for SOMETHINGS such as endings and such, but for minute plot details, i LIVE for spoilers :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 21 2006, 02:08 pm long as the person puts a warning about it before posting..I guess it's fine. I just think you people are crazy =p

Some guy on youtube told like the whole complete story of what happened these last few chapters on episode 41 or so and it's like..I dunno but I had to yell at him for that >_>. It's like who the hell asked? It's freakin youtube you post comments not a damn story. And it just really pissed me off that he acted all smart because he knew this n that, I hate those kind of spoiler people the most. Can't let anyone else enjoy anything but theirselves.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuromori on August 21 2006, 02:53 pm
I agree with SailorYuechan, some people just don't like to wait. I am one of those people. While I'm not going to flail my arms and run around the room until I get it, I will check the boards and the live journals.

It's not really a matter of anyone being crazy or sane. It a matter of personal preference. And with how Chapter 125 ended, can we really be blamed for our current impaitents? We all desperately want to know what's going to happen to Fay and the gang.

I can still find enjoyment in the chapters even if I have a little taste of whats going to happen. If anything that 'taste' only makes me want to see the scans more. And I frankly, don't see anything wrong that.  I am fangirl... and proud of it.

Edit: BTW  SailorYue-chan... I am in love with the new icon...  so cute!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mellie on August 21 2006, 03:10 pm
Some guy on youtube told like the whole complete story of what happened these last few chapters on episode 41 or so and it's like..I dunno but I had to yell at him for that >_>. It's like who the hell asked? It's freakin youtube you post comments not a damn story. And it just really pissed me off that he acted all smart because he knew this n that, I hate those kind of spoiler people the most. Can't let anyone else enjoy anything but theirselves.
Some people really like to find out current information. I'm sorry if it pissed you off, but I think yelling at the person was a bit much... Just because you don't like them doesn't mean other people don't like them, or shouldn't like them as you imply.

As for me, I don't mind spoilers sometimes. I'm like SailorYue-chan. I like details, but not huge spoilers such as endings. I'd like to know what's going to happen, especially after the cliffy that was the end of 125 (as Kuromori said). I'm not antsy about it, but I am curious.

(Yay first post.)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 21 2006, 03:15 pm
Agreed. Usually I hat it guts to be spoilered, but if you're so eager for the next chapter, you often take what you can get. Yeah.

2 days to go... Gods, I'm dying here for the chapter! SO hope we'll get it early again!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuromori on August 21 2006, 03:19 pm
Agreed. Usually I hat it guts to be spoilered, but if you're so eager for the next chapter, you often take what you can get. Yeah.

2 days to go... Gods, I'm dying here for the chapter! SO hope we'll get it early again!

Don't die!! *holds her hand* We'll get through this together! ^_^
(it's past midnight... I've entered super dork mode)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 21 2006, 03:43 pm
I agree with SailorYuechan, some people just don't like to wait. I am one of those people. While I'm not going to flail my arms and run around the room until I get it, I will check the boards and the live journals.

It's not really a matter of anyone being crazy or sane. It a matter of personal preference. And with how Chapter 125 ended, can we really be blamed for our current impaitents? We all desperately want to know what's going to happen to Fay and the gang.

I can still find enjoyment in the chapters even if I have a little taste of whats going to happen. If anything that 'taste' only makes me want to see the scans more. And I frankly, don't see anything wrong that.  I am fangirl... and proud of it.

Edit: BTW  SailorYue-chan... I am in love with the new icon...  so cute!
thanks. i like it too X-3

me for spoilers, usualy the only thing i ask is 1 that your spoileing, and 2 grade of spoiler if its bigg. one time, in a forum for inuyasha, someone was discribing the happenimngs in the 3rd movie, he gave soemthing away that really ticked me off cuz it wass a big one...not HUGE, a minor deteail, but without warning...
Show content
he had said "Im surprised that sesshomaru just left his other arm there instaed of taking it
thats something i would have wished to avoid reading, cuz i was waiting to death for the movie to bereleawsed so i can buy it <.<
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 21 2006, 03:45 pm
Some people really like to find out current information. I'm sorry if it pissed you off, but I think yelling at the person was a bit much... Just because you don't like them doesn't mean other people don't like them, or shouldn't like them as you imply.

As for me, I don't mind spoilers sometimes. I'm like SailorYue-chan. I like details, but not huge spoilers such as endings. I'd like to know what's going to happen, especially after the cliffy that was the end of 125 (as Kuromori said). I'm not antsy about it, but I am curious.

(Yay first post.)

lol i didnt quite yell at him, matter of fact i took my comment off because it was too much. anyway yeah i can understand spoilers if it's that way, just a bit hard to get through when it's a huge plot twist that's been ruined for you. I lose a lot of that excitement feeling when something's been spoiled..all i can say is, there's no need to rush these things. Info will get to you sooner or later if you're looking for it.

Doesn't really matter what kind of spoiler it is to me though, spoiler is a spoiler. It ruins everything for me. Minor or not, can't accept them.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuromori on August 21 2006, 04:02 pm
thanks. i like it too X-3

me for spoilers, usualy the only thing i ask is 1 that your spoileing, and 2 grade of spoiler if its bigg. one time, in a forum for inuyasha, someone was discribing the happenimngs in the 3rd movie, he gave soemthing away that really ticked me off cuz it wass a big one...not HUGE, a minor deteail, but without warning...
Show content
he had said "Im surprised that sesshomaru just left his other arm there instaed of taking it
thats something i would have wished to avoid reading, cuz i was waiting to death for the movie to bereleawsed so i can buy it <.<

*nods* Understandable. That's the only time a spoiler is not okay with me. They need to have a fiar amount of warning before giving something away. People who just  say stuff without considering the feelings/wishes of others... really bug me...   But once again, I'll take almost any spoiler I can get my hands on!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 21 2006, 06:04 pm
*pop out from nowhere* Remember Fangirls, this weel, IS TSUBASA WEEK! in other words, there's new chapter this week :D *plof*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Touei on August 21 2006, 06:33 pm
The only reason I really want spoilers this week is that I wont be here for the actual release (And I'm sure most people here - or at least the ones who are following the manga as the new chapters are released - will know how evil that is D: )
Although, I suppose, if we dont get them, this'll be the first time in 15 weeks or so I'll get to read the scanlation first .o. Which is nice I guess, to be able to enjoy the chapter properly the first time you read it rather than enjoying it bit by bit with spoilers>raw scan>translation.
So, yeah, I can see why a lot of people dont want to know spoilers.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 21 2006, 06:40 pm
*pop out from nowhere* Remember Fangirls, this weel, IS TSUBASA WEEK! in other words, there's new chapter this week :D *plof*
YEEEEES!!!!!! I can't wait more, we've been hoping for so long to read waht happens!

I think that
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Clone will meet FWR and Fai will turn into vampire
but  I'm not the only one who has thought this!:D

Znuese, gomen spoilers :heh:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 21 2006, 07:25 pm
i just came zacorss an old issue of "Becket's Anime" magazine, and at the end they always do this "top 5" thing. well one of the people to get on the top five "Eyes" (i gforgot what the actual title was, but it was about eyes)
wel this one person, Victoria from the anime Hellsing. "SHe becomes a vampire to save her life and now sports blood red eyes..."

it just made me THINK of Fai ^__^
i wonder why =P
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Snow-chan on August 21 2006, 08:52 pm
Well, I have never been able to resist spoilers, patience is not my thing, however I do not go flaunt the knowledge around but answer only when someone asks for it directly. Usually when I read a book I read the ending pages first (1 or 2), just because I hate sad endings and it makes me really consider whether getting/buying the book if I see it seems to end badly for all concerned. But I have found that even if I know a few things from the end, it does not ruin the story, because I do not know HOW they got to the bits I know. The spoilers from the end make you imagine one thing but mostly it is solved in a wholly other fashion and in that way the surprise bit is still there.

With Tsubasa chapters, since there is the journey from raw scans to translation to scanlations, a few spoilers help me understand better the raw scans.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 21 2006, 09:24 pm
I prefer it when we don't get spoilers, just because then everything is running neatly on schedule, and I'm the sort of person who likes for things to be organized and under control. If there are spoilers I'll read them though, because I want to be up-to-date. I always get Ladydarkmoon's scans anyway.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 21 2006, 10:43 pm
anyway i think that we need spoilers in order to stay in contact with the lastest CLAMP's news,we can't afford us to accumulate delay,because this is at this very moment that forums and sites are boiling  :keke:!
i mean that if we decide to wait quietly the mangas to be availabled in our country,CLAMP will already be on another work since a long time  :sweatdrop:!
spoliers are a good thing to keep interest on the serie because we have one almost each week,while we are forced to wait sometimes two months for one entire manga,so how do you want to follow regularly a serie if the waiting is too long  :dodge:?
moreover,this way we can share more equally our theory since nobody can't know the end yet :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 21 2006, 10:57 pm
The only reason I want spoilers is that we've been waiting for over...two...weeks....*twitch*

I want some kind of affirmation that 126 isn't going to be Syaoran's fun old time at FWR's house. I want to see vampire!Fai! And more KFness of course XD
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: falka on August 21 2006, 11:16 pm
I want some kind of affirmation that 126 isn't going to be Syaoran's fun old time at FWR's house.

I second that. It would be just too cruel if CLAMP did this to us,,,...
Anyway, considering the blurb at the end of chaptire 125 about whether or not 'a miracle will occur ' I think that we will get the anticipated vampire!Fay (hopefully accompanied by some tender hinted of course KxF moment)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 21 2006, 11:25 pm
the only problem with spoilers is that when we start to see one...we become too addicted next  :sweatdrop:!
about chapter 126 we will certainly see Vampire Fai as you say,since all the heroes (excepted Clone Shaolan of course) are gathered in the same place,so even if it is about real Shaolan or the awakening of Sakura,Fai is just next,so CLAMP will be forced to give us at least one picture of him  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Mina on August 21 2006, 11:33 pm
i hope in this chapter, along with Vampire!Fai, Yuuko will talk more about the Syaorans... I think the "later" in when Kurogane told Yuuko that she'd better tell him all about (what's going on) later, is now...

Since there was a week break, I hope it's a long chapter... >_<
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 22 2006, 12:59 am
i just came zacorss an old issue of "Becket's Anime" magazine, and at the end they always do this "top 5" thing. well one of the people to get on the top five "Eyes" (i gforgot what the actual title was, but it was about eyes)
wel this one person, Victoria from the anime Hellsing. "SHe becomes a vampire to save her life and now sports blood red eyes..."

it just made me THINK of Fai ^__^
i wonder why =P

-AHEM- this post got lost between the chatter of spoiler prefrences :heh:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 22 2006, 02:50 am
don't worry Sailor yue,i had noticed you poor little post crushed by our delirium about chapter 126  :haha:!
yeah,i remenber that the only way to save her from blood lost was that Hellsing bit her in the neck,so as to makes her become a vampire of FIRST class  :surprised:!
if Victoria had simply died,she would have become an uncontrollable zombie without any soul,so Hellsing did her a favor  :wink:

about Kurogane and Fai the difference is that Victoria is able to drink the blood of someome else,so she is more independent than Fai  :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xxxholic on August 22 2006, 03:41 am
I find it funny that someone even thinks acknowledging information in advance is crazy. Spoilers are what it is, spoilers. Everyone has their own way or reading an entertainment. Some people like to be spoiled, some people don't. Those are preferences. Heck, my sister watches the final episode of a drama before she watches the first episode.

Some guy on youtube told like the whole complete story of what happened these last few chapters on episode 41 or so and it's like..I dunno but I had to yell at him for that >_>. It's like who the hell asked? It's freakin youtube you post comments not a damn story. And it just really pissed me off that he acted all smart because he knew this n that, I hate those kind of spoiler people the most. Can't let anyone else enjoy anything but theirselves.

I had to laugh at this. If you're reading some sort of spoilers on Youtube/forum or whatever, you could have tried and easily dodged it knowing it's some sort of spoiler. i have done that plenty of times. And considering you said that the person told the whole completely story of what happened the last few chapters, it's not his fault you sticked around and read everything. It's YOUR own fault. And i'm glad you deleted your message in which you yelled at him.

And i'm very impatient right now. I really want the new chapter leaked soon. Been waiting for what seems like a year. I have a huge feeling that this chapter might just focus on Fai. And Yuuko teaching him how to live a life as a half vampire and how to treat his E. LOL.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xxxholic on August 22 2006, 04:23 am
They won't do Kurofai. They said it directly at AX2006 CLAMP panel.

They didn't say it directly nor did they hinted that they won't do KuroFai. Me and my friends were there, we didnt' hear anything like that. Stop spreading misleading statements. No offense but i just don't want someone to spread false information so the  fans of KuroFai will be disappointed if they think it's real.

They laughed at it though. Who knows?

Ohkawa was blushing and asked "Does the cheering means there's a huge demand for this?". There were fangirls cheering everywhere. So i guess they acknowledge the apparent fact that most of the fans in the panel are INTO KuroFai, which is a good thing.

Yukito and Touya was pretty surprising, I can't exactly say they're gay though, even though they did say they love each other lol.

I believe that CLAMP did confirmed their sexual orientation(gay) in an interview when CCS was airing on TV.

They certainly share a strong bond of friendship, but sorry girls, nothing more. Put it this way though, seeing the situation that he'll only accept Kurogane's blood, means that they'll be together in the end somehow. Not as lovers though, but maybe in some magical way that CLAMP always makes it.

Nothing more? Not as lovers? And where's your proof? I'm sorry but maybe you shouldn't have said it as if it's an official decision by CLAMP. No one knows in this point. But there are more information and convincing evidences that depict Kuro and Fai's relationship are going beyond friendship and their relationship is more than just that. All we have to do now is to wait for a confirmation. So saying misleading statements, again, is really ignorant.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: augustserenade on August 22 2006, 05:02 am
They didn't say it directly nor did they hinted that they won't do KuroFai. Me and my friends were there, we didnt' hear anything like that. Stop spreading misleading statements. No offense but i just don't want someone to spread false information so the  fans of KuroFai will be disappointed if they think it's real.

Ohkawa was blushing and asked "Does the cheering means there's a huge demand for this?". There were fangirls cheering everywhere. So i guess they acknowledge the apparent fact that most of the fans in the panel are INTO KuroFai, which is a good thing.

I was there too, and I'd have to agree with xxxholic. To the best of my memory, they did NOT say that it was in the fan's heads. (In fact, I typed up the whole script in my livejournal ( of the panel from what I remembered a couple days after.)

However, this has actually been argued earlier, and all in all it's a lost case. Mainly because neither the people who say it was in the fans heads nor those who say CLAMP affirmed KuroxFai at the panel have physical proof, since no one was allowed any recording devices. It all depended on memory, which can be affected by numerous things like bias towards KF or a bias against shounen-ai.

Err, anyway, back on topic... I can't wait till Wednesday!! It's been a lo~ng break! *keels over*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ando on August 22 2006, 05:29 am
About what CLAMP said and didn't say... I wasn't there myself, but I have to say that no matter what they have in store for the relationship between Kurogane and Fai, to blatantly give away what is (not) going to happen - that is, saying it's all in the fans head... I can't imagine them doing that, even if it was the truth. They're professional storytellers, they've had to deal with fans for quite some years, and thus they should know that not giving a definite answer will make their readers even more eager to continue reading - and buying - their work.

I mean, if I were a member of CLAMP, and someone asked me about whether Fai and Sakura will ever ditch the others in declaring their undying love for one another,  I would just go "mayyybe..." to that, too. Never "stupid. That's never going to happen, can't you understand that by yourself?". Makes sense, no?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 22 2006, 05:42 am
CLAMP has absolutely no reason of telling us what will be the outcome of their story,because imagine that under the pression they confirm that Kurogane and Fai would end up together,all the kuroFai girls would collapse of happiness,but in other hand all the disclaimers of this couple and supporters of the KuroTomoyo and FaiChii pairing would lose all interest on the manga,so CLAMP will lose fans,readers,and money  :sweatdrop:!
this is no good to be too talkative sometimes  :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 22 2006, 06:09 am
I think what needs to be remembered about the AX interview was it was only those who were already anti-Kuro/Fye who reported CLAMP saying it was all in the fans heads.  There have been many more reports (from both Kuro/Fye fans and neutral parties) that support what hoshisenshi and xxxholic said above.

However no one is 100% sure what was said due to the fangirl screaming that was going on when that question was asked, expect once again for the anti-Kuro/Fye people who were positive CLAMP said it won't happen.  I personally find it funny that the anti-Kuro/Fye people could hear so well when no one else could and am amazed that fans actually believed their reports when there are so many other reports that contradict them.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 22 2006, 06:17 am
Yes, it's true. It was like those non Kuro/Fai supporters have super long ears or something. In my opinion I believe they did not said that it was all in the fans heads, after all, like Tatasenko said, they would loose fans...especially those who are Kuro/Fai supporters. So I think that Clamp didn't told anything, nobody likes somebody who spoils ending!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 22 2006, 06:22 am
yeah,i remenber that CLAMP's answer to the question about the relationship between Kurogane and Fai,was that Fai was actually in a rough spot,and nobody heard what they said next  :sweatdrop:.
this tremendous ordeal that Fai has to overcome is definitely the scene that we are reading since chapter 120 about his transformation to a vampire to survive,and the fact that CLAMP gave us this kind of accurate response meaned that they intended to put a major hint of yaoi between the two  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 22 2006, 06:30 am
Yes, I beleive Fai and Kurogane will end up like Touya and Yukito in CCS. In fact there is a lot of resemblence, Touya gave his power to save Yukito, kinda like Kurogane gave some of his blood to save Fai.

yeah,i remenber that CLAMP's answer to the question about the relationship between Kurogane and Fai,was that Fai was actually in a rough spot,and nobody heard what they said next  :sweatdrop:.
this tremendous ordeal that Fai has to overcome is definitely the scene that we are reading since chapter 120 about his transformation to a vampire to survive,and the fact that CLAMP gave us this kind of accurate response meaned that they intended to put a major hint of yaoi between the two  :okay:

So, no one heard what they said next, after their explanation on Fai's rough spot? *sigh*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mellie on August 22 2006, 06:34 am
CLAMP is very good at teasing their audiences, though. We know this from CCS and Gohou Drug.

Whether they will put Kuro and Fay in an actual romantic or sexual relationship is not certain, but they have obviously brought them closer.

But then again, that's what they're good at. They're good at teasing without ever actually admitting (I believe they did not actually say Touya and Yukito were gay, but that they did have strong feelings for each other, which is not the same thing.) A lot of it is left up to fan interpretation, which is part of the fun.

When they do couples, they make it pretty blatantly obvious that there is a couple there. Hints are thrown at us to confuse us. I tend to stick with the save bet: unless they blatantly say "so and so are a couple" I just consider it part of their teasing. (Not that I would mind Kuro x Fay, because I think they'd make a really good couple, and I do like to write fanfiction for them, but until it's made official, I won't insist it is.)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 22 2006, 06:45 am
But then again, that's what they're good at. They're good at teasing without ever actually admitting (I believe they did not actually say Touya and Yukito were gay, but that they did have strong feelings for each other, which is not the same thing.) A lot of it is left up to fan interpretation, which is part of the fun.

When they do couples, they make it pretty blatantly obvious that there is a couple there. Hints are thrown at us to confuse us. I tend to stick with the save bet: unless they blatantly say "so and so are a couple" I just consider it part of their teasing. (Not that I would mind Kuro x Fay, because I think they'd make a really good couple, and I do like to write fanfiction for them, but until it's made official, I won't insist it is.)

I still think Kuro/Fai is weird, for acouple, but I learned to love it. And like I said before I think Clamp will do the same like in CCS.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mellie on August 22 2006, 08:08 am
I still think Kuro/Fai is weird, for acouple, but I learned to love it. And like I said before I think Clamp will do the same like in CCS.
I wasn't disagreeing. They make psuedo relationships without all out claiming it's a relationship, like in CCS ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 22 2006, 08:11 am
True! ^O^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 22 2006, 09:16 am
I had to laugh at this. If you're reading some sort of spoilers on Youtube/forum or whatever, you could have tried and easily dodged it knowing it's some sort of spoiler. i have done that plenty of times. And considering you said that the person told the whole completely story of what happened the last few chapters, it's not his fault you sticked around and read everything. It's YOUR own fault. And i'm glad you deleted your message in which you yelled at him.

My own fault? Sorry but I already read the chapters before reading this. This was not my fault =p. Oh, and don't double post either.

Nothing more? Not as lovers? And where's your proof? I'm sorry but maybe you shouldn't have said it as if it's an official decision by CLAMP. No one knows in this point. But there are more information and convincing evidences that depict Kuro and Fai's relationship are going beyond friendship and their relationship is more than just that. All we have to do now is to wait for a confirmation. So saying misleading statements, again, is really ignorant.

I may be wrong about this, but from my reading experiences I see no love between them. I see serious conversations between them sometimes, just to balance it out with their opposite personalities which is great, because they both point out each other's problems n such. Overall I can total it up to a bunch of teasing and sometimes fighting together. I don't see how you'd consider that "something more" but maybe that's just the way you like to think of love. As for the current chapter of the blood thing, I can only see it as Fai's only way to survive. They'll have a closer relationship indeed, but what? They're gonna be completely in love now that they realized that's the only way for one of them to survive? Kurogane seems to like reading those magazines with that girl on it from the Kudan world too. That can be thought as both ways though. What am I saying? KuroFai is definitely all fan-based material. Feel free to give examples of their "closer' relationship also. Don't use the ones I used though =p.

3.) In TRC is there a theme of black and white, or yin and yang, or opposites attract with Kurogane and Fai? Is there a possibility of this pairing becoming official? (fans cheer)

O: [laughs] Does the cheering mean there's a desire for this pairing? [laughs] Well, we made Syaoran the main character and he's still developing and maturing, so we wanted him to have adult companions. Kurogane is the one who is seen as 'black' and Fai as 'white.' Kurogane lives up to his name and likes to wear mostly black, and he is more straightforward, while Fai is more mysterious and represents white. And right now in the more recent Japanese chapter, Fai is in a tough spot....

All I can see is that they cleared up the yin-yang pairing thing as NOT something they thought of. But as some people said, they don't like to spoil things. So who knows? But from this I can say that they're perhaps hiding something. Great type up btw hoshisenshi.

However, this has actually been argued earlier, and all in all it's a lost case. Mainly because neither the people who say it was in the fans heads nor those who say CLAMP affirmed KuroxFai at the panel have physical proof, since no one was allowed any recording devices. It all depended on memory, which can be affected by numerous things like bias towards KF or a bias against shounen-ai.

Yes, the earlier posts already cleared this up. I see no reason why you should bring it up again. It's hard arguing with a bunch of girls that are crazy about this >_>.
( returns/images/warnwarn.gif) 
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 22 2006, 09:38 am
My own fault? Sorry but I already read the chapters before reading this. This was not my fault =p. Oh, and don't double post either.

I may be wrong about this, but from my reading experiences I see no love between them. I see serious conversations between them sometimes, just to balance it out with their opposite personalities which is great, because they both point out each other's problems n such. Overall I can total it up to a bunch of teasing and sometimes fighting together. I don't see how you'd consider that "something more" but maybe that's just the way you like to think of love. As for the current chapter of the blood thing, I can only see it as Fai's only way to survive. They'll have a closer relationship indeed, but what? They're gonna be completely in love now that they realized that's the only way for one of them to survive? Kurogane seems to like reading those magazines with that girl on it from the Kudan world too. That can be thought as both ways though. What am I saying? KuroFai is definitely all fan-based material. Feel free to give examples of their "closer' relationship too. Don't use the ones I used though =p.

3.) In TRC is there a theme of black and white, or yin and yang, or opposites attract with Kurogane and Fai? Is there a possibility of this pairing becoming official? (fans cheer)

O: [laughs] Does the cheering mean there's a desire for this pairing? [laughs] Well, we made Syaoran the main character and he's still developing and maturing, so we wanted him to have adult companions. Kurogane is the one who is seen as 'black' and Fai as 'white.' Kurogane lives up to his name and likes to wear mostly black, and he is more straightforward, while Fai is more mysterious and represents white. And right now in the more recent Japanese chapter, Fai is in a tough spot....

All I can see is that they cleared up the yin-yang pairing thing as NOT something they thought of. But as some people said, they don't like to spoil things. So who knows? But from this I can say that they're perhaps hiding something. Great type up btw hoshisenshi.
Excuse me, but just think for a second- if Fai were a woman, would you have ANY doubts that Kurogane and Fai were attracted to each other and meant to be a romantic couple?

And nobody has said that they were 'now completely in love' -because- Kurogane decided to save Fai's life like he did. Kurogane decided to save Fai's life -because- he loved him.

I think it's fairly obvious that your real problem with this is that you have a bias against homosexuality. That, however, is YOUR issue and no one else's, and no amount of logical explanation or evidence will change anything in your mind until you decide to let it. On a personal note, a 'bad experience' is no excuse for your bias against all homosexuals and homosexuality. As a lesbian and a woman, I've had plenty of bad heterosexual experiences, such as men hitting on me in ways that I certainly don't appreciate. And many women and men have had far worse heterosexual experiences than I can claim. Therefore, my advice is to get over your issue.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 22 2006, 09:44 am
Kurogane saved his life because he loved him? Well I certainly didn't see that. Anyone would want to save a travelling companion who's been through a lot with them. I think of it as saving Fai to not let his efforts go to waste by trying to stop the clone Syaoran. Any other things aside from that, well I can say bonds but not love. Kurogane knew Fai is better than that. He didn't want him dying in such a weak way. Matter of his pride? Yeah that's exactly what I believe.

And so what if Fai was a woman? What if Kurogane was a woman too? What if they were all women? Get my point? "Ifs" are kinda out of the blue here.

No I'm not against this because I'm "anti-gay" or whatever you claimed me to be. I'm not basing it on a past experience either. I'm saying this because this is what I think of it. Any problems with an opinion?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 22 2006, 09:48 am
I may be wrong about this, but from my reading experiences I see no love between them. I see serious conversations between them sometimes, just to balance it out with their opposite personalities which is great, because they both point out each other's problems n such. Overall I can total it up to a bunch of teasing and sometimes fighting together. I don't see how you'd consider that "something more" but maybe that's just the way you like to think of love. As for the current chapter of the blood thing, I can only see it as Fai's only way to survive. They'll have a closer relationship indeed, but what? They're gonna be completely in love now that they realized that's the only way for one of them to survive? That can be thought as both ways though. What am I saying? KuroFai is definitely all fan-based material. Feel free to give examples of their "closer' relationship too. Don't use the ones I used though =p.

You don't see KuroxFai. That's cool, but don't go around saying that they 'definitely' aren't couple material. THAT isn't cool. The only people who can really say that is Clamp. Even if you don't see it, or believe it it will be canon, lots of other people do, so you're only going to offend people by saying such a thing.

And as to the blood thing, a lot of people are looking at the meaning BEHIND the action, not the action itself. It's all well and good to argue that it was the only thing that could be done to save Fai, but the fact of the matter is Fai didn't want to be saved. He wanted the group to let him die. Kuro was so adamant about not letting this happen that it was almost selfish of him in a way to force Fai to live when he didn't want to. The fact that Kuro was so desperate to save him, even when he didn't want to be saved, shows that they do, in fact, have a deep connection. Kurogane is willing to tie his life to Fai's, unhesitatingly asks Yuuko, whom he'd shown a great aversion to in the past, to save him. In so many words, it's implied that he'll do ANYTHING to save him. Even for a friend, that's a pretty intense thing. To tie your life to someone elses' forever? To literally hold their life in your hands and be responsible for them your entire life? I think that's a hugely significant thing.

And Kuro and Fai are changing primarily because of each other. Admittedly Syaoran and Sakura have contributed to this change as well, but the most significant relationship for both of them among the group is the one they have with each other. Kurogane is the one who is trying to learn more about Fai, and in that way has involved himself with him. Fai, additionally, has begun to open up as a result of this prying (chapter 112) . I think that they are slowly changing because of the other's influance.

Anyway. You don't see KuroFai, that's fine, but I do see them as more than friends. If they don't end up with each other, I can't see them ending up with anyone else. Can you imagine what that would be like now that they're blood-bonded? How can you mentally give yourself to someone else in such a state? And you have to wonder why Clamp would put them in such a situation if they intended to give them other love interests. Even if you don't want to look at them as a romantic couple, they connect on such an intense level that I can't really call it 'just friendship'.

All I can see is that they cleared up the yin-yang pairing thing as NOT something they thought of. But as some people said, they don't like to spoil things. So who knows? But from this I can say that they're perhaps hiding something. Great type up btw hoshisenshi.

Eh, didn't they say that Kuro and Fai WERE intended to be 'black' and 'white'? I don't think that the fact that the question "so there's a fan desire for this pairing?" was asked in any way means that Clamp has never thought of it. You can take this question in many ways, and it could be that Clmap was just testing the water, seeing how the American fans felt. Even if they don't  plan on making it canon, I don't believe they're completely oblivious to the pairing. It's Clamp, after all, and they're the ones who made Kuro and Fai mommy and daddy. XD

Kurogane seems to like reading those magazines with that girl on it from the Kudan world too.

In that one omake, wasn't the inside of Kurogane's manga shown? With the comic inside clearly being a shounen comic and featuring a male, ninja-like character?

It's hard arguing with a bunch of girls that are crazy about this >_>.

I don't see anyone going "OMG STFU KF ISH LUV!!!11!" on your ***. I think everyone who responded is being perfectly logical in defending a pairing that they support. If you don't want to argue, don't post rude comments. There are ways to politely express an opinion, and you're not coming across like that.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Syaozen on August 22 2006, 09:55 am
And what about the people who say they "definitely" are couple material? Some people could think of that as "not cool" either. It's just a bunch of opinions clashing, I see no reason to get heated about this >_>. If you don't like the way I or others think of it then that's not my problem.

Good evaluation to the blood thing, but I can't put my feelings on it in words quite yet =/.

As for the manga, the inside was shown, showing that he liked it because it was all ninja stuff. But there's obviously something more since they had girls on most of the covers. Shows that it was male-reading material. As I said before though, it can be taken both ways. This is stupid though, I should've never brought that up.

The mommy and daddy pairing...a lot of my friends discussed that with me completely surprised that the idea of them being paired now came up. We determined that Fai was more feminine-like so that's why he was mommy and as for daddy...well..Kurogane likes to fight soo lol
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 22 2006, 10:00 am
What I mean, Syaozen, is that nobody can say for sure if KuroFai will or will not happen. It may be left open to interpretation. And most magazines have girls on the covers, it doesn't mean they're dirty.

And I'm just using mommy and daddy as an example that Clamp had thought of the possibility, even if they don't intend to make it happen.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 22 2006, 10:05 am
Kurogane saved his life because he loved him? Well I certainly didn't see that. Anyone would want to save a travelling companion who's been through a lot with them. I think of it as saving Fai to not let his efforts go to waste by trying to stop the clone Syaoran. Any other things aside from that, well I can say bonds but not love. Kurogane knew Fai is better than that. He didn't want him dying in such a weak way. Matter of his pride? Yeah that's exactly what I believe.

And so what if Fai was a woman? What if Kurogane was a woman too? What if they were all women? Get my point? "Ifs" are kinda out of the blue here.

No I'm not against this because I'm "anti-gay" or whatever you claimed me to be. I'm not basing it on a past experience either. I'm saying this because this is what I think of it. Any problems with an opinion?
...Excuse me, but what evidence do you have that Kurogane saved Fai to not let his efforts go to waste? -_- A matter of his pride? Please. I would not save anyone, friend or lover or family member, because it was a 'matter of pride.' I would save someone because I LOVE them. No matter in WHAT way I loved them.

edit: I really hate this stuff. It totally ruins my mood whenever I think of the two now. I don't even like yuri. Buuut, that's just my opinion.
Just look at X. Kamui and Fuuma? Then CCS with Yukito and Touya. I love their works despite that stuff. I'm just saying in general, that it's not cool. I had a very disturbing experience with someone like that before, and it affected a friend including me very deeply. Call it a grudge? Maybe..I just like to think of it as not pertaining to my taste.
...Yeah... You're not anti-gay at all.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 22 2006, 10:10 am
...Excuse me, but what evidence do you have that Kurogane saved Fai to not let his efforts go to waste? -_- A matter of his pride? Please. I would not save anyone, friend or lover or family member, because it was a 'matter of pride.' I would save someone because I LOVE them. No matter in WHAT way I loved them.

I second that, and not just because I support KF either.

Even for a friend, it's a lot to ask, a lot to DO for someone. I don't think Kuro would tie his life to Fai's literally FOREVER just because of his pride. And actually, couldn't it be said that he is laying down his pride to save Fai? Once by asking Yuuko for help, and twice by admitting he actually cares enough to save him?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 22 2006, 10:10 am
As for the manga, the inside was shown, showing that he liked it because it was all ninja stuff. But there's obviously something more since they had girls on most of the covers. Shows that it was male-reading material. As I said before though, it can be taken both ways. This is stupid though, I should've never brought that up.

Tsubasa is published in a magazine that has pretty girls on the cover, it doesn't mean that people buy it because they like the girls. It's just a magazine, whether or not it is intended for males or females is irrelevant if your favorite manga is serialized in it. I read some magazines intended for guys because they are witty and interesting sometimes, not because I want to see boobs and chicks in bikinis. I read GLBT magazines too, doesn't mean I am a homosexual. I don't think what kind of magazine you read has anything to do with your sexual preference.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: suu_no_clover on August 22 2006, 10:12 am
I thought this was a chaptire discussion thread.... I don't see what anyone being pro-gay or anti-gay has to do with Tsubasa. >>;

And I was also at the CLAMP AX Panel - they left the question about KuroFai rather unanswered. They were vague as heck, so I wouldn't base your opinions on KuroFai on it.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 22 2006, 10:15 am
I thought this was a chaptire discussion thread.... I don't see what anyone being pro-gay or anti-gay has to do with Tsubasa. >>;
This thread went off topic ages ago :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: suu_no_clover on August 22 2006, 10:17 am
Sounds like Pre-Tokyo!Tsubasa...

"Where's the plot!"
"Stop the search for feathers - the plot must be found first!"

...okee. I'm done. XD;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 22 2006, 11:28 am
Yes, this topic got somehow heated!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 22 2006, 11:45 am
Syaozen, i'm a new member and i have no status at all here, but i've read the majority of this thread and ... you are being slightly ... rude with your verballizations about gays, and  you clearly stated earlier that it 'ruins your mood' when you think of them now, and you also said you had a bad experience, and i'm sorry for that but please, can you just drop this heated discussion? we're reading the same things over and over, and its getting annoying, you have your opinions, other have theirs, can we just agree to disagree and be done with it?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Elenath on August 22 2006, 11:47 am
Not that I agree with what Syaozen said- but lets stop it here, I'm starting to think we're all ganging up on him.. even though we aren't. It's just me I guess ^^;
Let's go back to the topic!
Y'all!! TRC 126 is only 2 days away!

Can't wait what CLAMP has been cooking up for Vampire!Fye
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 22 2006, 11:48 am
Yes, people's opinions are good, but it's better to sometimes keep them to yourself. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 22 2006, 11:49 am
Not that I agree with what Syaozen said- but lets stop it here, I'm starting to think we're all ganging up on him.. even though we aren't. It's just me I guess ^^;
Let's go back to the topic!
Y'all!! TRC 126 is only 2 days away!

Can't wait what CLAMP has been cooking up for Vampire!Fye

YES!! Kawaii vampire Fai!! Will he have pointy cute vampire teeths? ^o^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 22 2006, 11:49 am
About the whole KuroFai, it's normal CLAMP it's not saying nothing right know, I mean, I took tem like 3 years after X last publish chapter to said that the relationship between Kamui and Fuuma is more than friendship. (Yes, those two are totally canon because CLAMP said so, Kotori is death and headless, remember that) *coug* Like I was saying, If clamp is going to make KuroFai totally canon by their onw lips, it's going to take a while.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Airashii on August 22 2006, 11:51 am
Yes, maybe till we reach near the end.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 22 2006, 11:54 am
I don't know if Fai'll have fangs, actually. I don't think Subaru or Kamui had them, did they? Maybe they only emerge during feeding, or maybe he just flat-out won't have any. The western conventions on vampirism don't necessarily apply to this situation. I have no idea what vampires are portrayed like in Japan.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on August 22 2006, 11:57 am
i presume Japanese vampires would look like the Western ones.. since western vampires look much cooler than the traditional Chinese zombies that hop around sucking people's blood.. >.< hmmx.. i think his fangs will appear only when he has to feed..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xxxholic on August 22 2006, 12:04 pm

I may be wrong about this, but from my reading experiences I see no love between them.

That's your opinion. Just because you see no love between them doesn't mean there's "no" love. Yet you said that Kuro and Fai are both nothing more than just friends.  You also said that they won't end up together, as lovers. Now, if you say that "i think they won't be lovers", then that's fine, that's your opinion and many KxF fans will respect that. But you said it as if you read the ending already. Listen: You haven't read the ending yet, and no, you're not CLAMP.

KuroFai is definitely all fan-based material.

Do you even know what the word "definitely" means? You need to learn how to argue and support your position and not make things up because it annoys alot of people.

It's hard arguing with a bunch of girls that are crazy about this >_>.

My, my. it's sad that you've resorted to insults. And no, none of us are crazy about this.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 22 2006, 12:04 pm
although i'm curious to see the feeding, i really want to know how much fai's personality is going to change, not only from the whole 'eye being gouged out' thing, but the vampire as well, there's so many factors that have changed...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: suu_no_clover on August 22 2006, 12:06 pm
Leave the poor non-fan alone, and discuss the chaptire, guys. >_>;;; It's not doing anyone any good to argue over this. Take it to pms.

And I think vampires are mostly based off western culture, Zettai Daijoubu, so Fai should look fairly similar to our idea of vampires.... I hope. o.o
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 22 2006, 12:08 pm
although i'm curious to see the feeding, i really want to know how much fai's personality is going to change, not only from the whole 'eye being gouged out' thing, but the vampire as well, there's so many factors that have changed...

Yeah, I am curious as to how Fai's personality has changed as a result too, since we haven't really heard much from him in quite a few chapters since the whole eye business. I mean, we have heard a few words and a bit of reaction from him but otherwise no real specific sense of how he's going to be afterwards.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on August 22 2006, 12:08 pm
hmmmm...... i think Fai will have more additude after he drinks the blood but i hope not i love his playfullness ^.^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 22 2006, 12:13 pm
i was wondering how fai may act towards the real syaoran, but then i wonder if kurogane will even let the real syaoran near fai... atleast without his supervision ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xxxholic on August 22 2006, 12:16 pm
I don't think Fai's personality will change alot. And i don't think he'll be sad or anything since he had that smile on when Kurogane told him to shut up. But i wonder what the first thing he will say to Kuro when he wakes up.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 22 2006, 12:18 pm
I think there'll be a bit of reluctance at first, since Fai didn't want to be saved in the first place, and Kuro and Fai might be somewhat awkward together. Still, I think Fai will be hesitant but won't refuse being fed, since otherwise it would require Clamp to spend more time on him and Kuro to properly illustrate it and I don't believe they'd be that nice to us. We need to get back to Syaoran and Sakura SOME time T__T
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 22 2006, 12:23 pm
i'll be sad if they go back to syaoran and sakura in 126, i couldn't imagine these past two weeks of building up hopes for fai and kurogane, then have absolutely nothing about them...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mellie on August 22 2006, 12:23 pm
Given the way vampires tend to be portrayed in manga, Fay's personality is not going to change unless CLAMP decides to change it for some reason. I have yet to see any manga depicting vampires that have major personality changes unless they completely reject their condition and go psychotic.

Given the way Fay tends to act, I don't see such a drastic change. I agree with Emiko as well. I don't think Fay will be any more than hesitant. He may not have wanted to be saved at first, but I don't think he's the type to completely reject what Kuro has just done for him, either.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuromori on August 22 2006, 01:16 pm
*blink blink* Sheesh...  I'm gone to work for 13hrs and I miss all the 'fun'. (BTW Emiko, Jeannette, if I could give out cookies I would! Lovely responses!)

Any way! I am also of the belief that Fay's personality won't change that much. What I could see is a possible depression, or self loathing happening for a while until Kurogane (or maybe Fay in a sudden show of personal growth) snaps him out of it.  I can see him getting lost in space, and the smiles being slightly more forced, but once again, the time spent on this would probably be very limited. In the grand scheme of the Tsubasa world, the current Fay problem is merely a subplot and should end with in a the next few chapters or so.

Anne Rice seems to have largely shaped the way the Western Vampire is seen. Rather than Ghoulish figures we see in early films,  Such as the Germany release of the 1922 film “Nosferate: eine Symphonie des Grauens”,  in which Max Schreck brought life to Stoker's character for the first time, in a rather frightening portrayal, then the character was later given a more sophisticated upgrade in 1931 film “Dracula” But was still very frightening to see.

Rice gave vampires more depth, in Interview with the Vampire and it escalated from there. I'm sure we're going to see something along the lines of a more Ricean Vampire lore (which is quite similar to current Anime/manga types) Where 'feeding' is seen as a highly sexual experience (Thought his seems to be true in most vampire myths) Considering the most common places to bite tend to be more on the.. ummm 'sensitive' side. The wrist being the most impersonal... but even then a bite there can send it's victim on a delirious rush of pleasure. (I can hope for this right? *happy fangirl land)

Though there is a running theme with most vampire stories, it is how they deal with immortality, and the loneliness that comes with it. I'm not sure how they will handle this with Fay, considering he's only half vampire and bound to Kurogane. Is it possible that Fay will stop aging and look roughly early to mid 20's for the rest of his life (whenever Kurogane dies)? Or because he's only a half blood would he still age like a normal human? Those are the questions I am seriously curious about. Though it's hard to tell if CLAMP will even dive into such detail, and that line of thought might be left to the hands of fanfiction authors.

And in final note... I am also HIGHLY curious to know how Ashura is going to respond to Fay if those two ever meet face to face again.

Fay: Ashuraou....
Ashura: WTF? O_O

Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 22 2006, 01:28 pm
If Subaru can be a vampire and still act like his Tokyo Babylon counterpart (ie kind and selfless), the change shouldn't affect Fai's personality.  Although I think he's going to lose his mask, his real self may actually show now.  His true personality was never the funny guy hopping all over the place.

The question is, will he show his true face only to Kurogane or to everyone from now on?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 22 2006, 02:08 pm
I thought this was a chaptire discussion thread.... I don't see what anyone being pro-gay or anti-gay has to do with Tsubasa. >>;

And I was also at the CLAMP AX Panel - they left the question about KuroFai rather unanswered. They were vague as heck, so I wouldn't base your opinions on KuroFai on it.
indeed...the fact that they dint confirm NOR DENY it means that theres still a chance,

also, about kuro;s pride, i agree, he SWALLOWED his pride to as the one person he ahates most in the universe...did you SEE the look on his face when yuuko said she couldnt grant his wish cuz he couldnt pay the price!? hell THE MAN PUNCHED A WHOLE THRU A CONCRETE WALL!!

anyways, as to vamp fai, im 90% certain that after those events, kurogane wont give fai his mask back. he wont let fai be "HAPPY" much anymore. (tho i hope that fai goes back to teasing kurogane really soon ^_^ i miss that :( )
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 22 2006, 02:58 pm
I really don't think Fye will change too much.

He is after the 'gay vampire of love'. :P
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Ahrimal on August 22 2006, 03:56 pm
Well, regarding changes in personality, I am speculating that Fai might gain something of the Beast, as it would be called in Vampire: the Masquerade. There would be the instinct to hunt and feed. In his case, he can only feed from Kurogane. As for the rest, if he did acquire the Beast, Fai might gain some bloodlust or at least become slightly more ruthless. The question is how well he could keep it in check, and usually it is for the sire to teach the childe. If Fai needs guidance regarding how to adapt to his at least semi-vampiric state, he should consult Kamui, his sire.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 22 2006, 04:02 pm
I had read a lot about vampires (I like vampire’s stories also I'm a Roll player, so I play Vampire the Masquerade and others) the personality of a vampire is a mirror of what he was in his living self, is almost the same but without the bonds of the mortal life. But he can get in frenzy  if he does not eat

And in other points, Here’s the thing… if we go straight to the vampire common rules, Fai was not embrace, Kamui is Fai’s sire but if you see this in the levels of normal vampires, Fai’s is not a full vampire but a gould, he is still mortal but has to drink blood to keep the abilities the his sire gave to him (also fallow the sire orders, but I do not think Kamui would like to have the tachi arround him too much... may be some times, but not all the time XD).

But since this is CLAMP I wonder how are they going to do this…   I mean, Anne Rice play with the rules, I think CLAMP can do the same.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 22 2006, 04:11 pm
alot of autors have diferent rules for their own versions of vampires. look at Joss Wedon's[Angel/Buffy] rules for vampires. their diferent from the "traditional" rules, but still hekd some of them near...i think...:dodge:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuromori on August 22 2006, 04:22 pm
alot of autors have diferent rules for their own versions of vampires. look at Joss Wedon's[Angel/Buffy] rules for vampires. their diferent from the "traditional" rules, but still hekd some of them near...i think...:dodge:

Strange mental image of the Neanderthal  forehead those vampires had... and picturing that on Fay brought so many levels of sadness....

Yes, every one has their own theories on vampires. It is going to be very interesting to see how CLAMP plays this out.

It had gotten to the point where I didn't think Fay could notch up any more on my Favorite Anime/manga Character List... but then the lovely women at CLAMP had to pull this one on me...  The idea alone was enough to push him to number one... *cuddles her Hisoka plushie* I'm sorry HISOKA! *flails*

I just pray he doesn't spout black wings... or it's over for me... *sits there with that happy image*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mellie on August 22 2006, 05:01 pm
Who knows if CLAMP is up on the realm of Vampire role play, though. It's safe to assume they've had some exposure to at least Anne Rice, and perhaps Stoker's dracula, as those are the two sources Japanese people seem to draw from when they create Vampires in manga.

However, we don't know what exactly they'll do until it's seen. It's fun to speculate, but over-speculation may lead to disappointment. If someone likes one interpretation of vampires and this is drastically different, that person may get upset.

The only things we know is that this was the way to save Fay, and Fay will have to depend on Kurogane for life. We don't know what abilities he will gain or what changes he will undergo.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 22 2006, 09:11 pm
Though there is a running theme with most vampire stories, it is how they deal with immortality, and the loneliness that comes with it. I'm not sure how they will handle this with Fay, considering he's only half vampire and bound to Kurogane. Is it possible that Fay will stop aging and look roughly early to mid 20's for the rest of his life (whenever Kurogane dies)? Or because he's only a half blood would he still age like a normal human? Those are the questions I am seriously curious about. Though it's hard to tell if CLAMP will even dive into such detail, and that line of thought might be left to the hands of fanfiction authors.

And in final note... I am also HIGHLY curious to know how Ashura is going to respond to Fay if those two ever meet face to face again.

Fay: Ashuraou....
Ashura: WTF? O_O


With regard to vampiric immortality, powerful magicians in CLAMP often have very long lifespans and don't age as normal humans at all (think about how old Yuuko is). So, that might not really be a change for Fai - he could be hundreds of years old already for all we know. In fact, becoming a vampire bound to Kurogane may have shortened his lifespan, since Kurogane only has a normal lifespan. We don't know exactly how powerful one has to be to gain that kind of immortality, though, so Fai may not qualify (though he does seem pretty darn powerful).

Ashura-ou: Wait, so you run away from me, join up with a clone, a ninja, and a girl with amnesia and phenominal cosmic powers, go looking for feathers, get involved in some kind of ultimate power struggle, and now you're a vampire.
Fai: That's pretty much it, yes. ^.^
Ashura-ou: ...Hold on, I think I need a drink.

(BTW, Kudos to Emiko and Jeannette for earlier.)
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 22 2006, 10:02 pm
waouh,already 3 pages added since yesterday?if i had known i shouldn't have gone to sleep to participate!
for one week there was only few posts on this topic,and now that chapter 126 is about to be released everybody can't hold themselves anymore!you should save your breath for tomorrow  :haha:

what is a little disapponiting about Fai,is that he lost half his magic before we could see his true potential,and now he has got new abilities as vampire  while we didn't even know how powerful he was with only his magic  :surprised:!
i really would have wanted to see him fight as a true necromancer,with gorgeous atrworks made by CLAMP when he his casting spells  :keke:!
because except when he travelled in Yuuko's dimension,his whistle,and his intervention to protect Clone Shaolan heart we have never seen him battle seriously  :shifty:!
we don't even know how his magic looks like,what element he uses,and the name of his summonings,until now if he had never said that he was a mage,anybody would have guess  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 23 2006, 01:20 am
i added a chapter to my fic "Things Could Have Been Different (" whih is my fai narrative that i posted after ch 120...the second ch shows his POV and thouhts durin ch  124/ R&R it if you like ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 23 2006, 02:30 am
I just pray he doesn't spout black wings... or it's over for me... *sits there with that happy image*

I think the only character that can have black wings is Kamui, the cute little devil that he is. ^_^

Fai'll be fine...I think.  I'm interested in how the whole vampire thing works in CLAMP.  Perhaps things work differently for made vampires and not those that were born, which is already quite different from I've read about vampires.  Kamui and Subaru are purebred, meaning they were born that way.  Also Yuuko said that their healing powers were greater due to this, so could this mean that Fai'll be much stronger since he was made a vampire by a purebred and not a made vampire?

One thing that I'm wondering about, who was Subaru talking about when he was being locked inside the cocoon?  He said "this is what he was talking about" while looking at the feather.  Did somebody warn him about the feather before they came to Tokyo?  If so, who?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 23 2006, 02:38 am
I think Fai's personality will pretty much stay the same as it was before- I don't see Fai becoming much more of a angst bunny than CLAMP has already made him. xd

As for Subaru's, 'This is what he was talking about,' I assume that he was talking about Seishirou. What exactly Seishirou said to Subaru, I don't know.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: duchessa on August 23 2006, 03:10 am
I think the only character that can have black wings is Kamui, the cute little devil that he is. ^_^
Don't forget Kujaku from Rg Veda and the demons in 'Wish'.

I do agree that Fai's personality won't change. I'm more interested in his powers though. Will he get super speed ala TRC!Kamui? Amy other enchanced capabilities? Maybe his magic will change? Will that further liimits him or will he gain equal ground with Cloney?

Still waiting for Seishirou and Ashura-ou to pop up...Fuuma better make at least one more appearance too.

I fear Clamp will skim any explanations of Fais condition in the next chapter. Instead we'll probably get FWR and Cloney. Gah.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kjesta on August 23 2006, 04:15 am
Don't forget Kujaku from Rg Veda and the demons in 'Wish'.

I do agree that Fai's personality won't change. I'm more interested in his powers though. Will he get super speed ala TRC!Kamui? Amy other enchanced capabilities? Maybe his magic will change? Will that further liimits him or will he gain equal ground with Cloney?

Still waiting for Seishirou and Ashura-ou to pop up...Fuuma better make at least one more appearance too.

I fear Clamp will skim any explanations of Fais condition in the next chapter. Instead we'll probably get FWR and Cloney. Gah.

Ohmygawd, I just had the horrible vision of Fai being the only one equal to Cloney now and dying in the final while fighting him :cry: That'd be such a cruel end.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 23 2006, 05:25 am
Ohmygawd, I just had the horrible vision of Fai being the only one equal to Cloney now and dying in the final while fighting him :cry: That'd be such a cruel end.

i don't want to spoil the mood but i fear that this eternal bond that links now Fai and kurogane may be the reason of their death  :sweatdrop:
i mean that i find somewhat strange that at the end of the serie they will live together  only for each other until the end of seems a little too more idyllic  :shifty:...

so the only way for CLAMP to "break the bond" is to kill them!it's a possibility that kurogane and Fai sacrifice themselves to save Shaolan and Sakura,and in that case they will nevertheless remain united,but in the other world,so CLAMP wouldn't have anymore to deal with their fate  :angel7:.
it sounds creepy but i wouldn't be surprised if it happened,even if of course i want them to end up together  :keke:!
but i don't think that CLAMP can give us this kind of dreamer outcome,because it would be too meaningful  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on August 23 2006, 06:20 am
I agree with you tatsenko.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rusty on August 23 2006, 06:25 am
I agree with you tatsenko.

i don't want to agree but ..its true.. that is the most likely outcome...
but maybe CLAMP will shock us all over gain and somehow let them live... in KuroFye glory..
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: ishiyaki on August 23 2006, 06:28 am
Hey, I've a crazy idea...
CloneSyao knew that there weren't more feathers in Tokyo thanks to Fai's eye...I believe that Fai could know about feathers all this time and I even think that there is feather in Celes.
now, you can hit me
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mellie on August 23 2006, 07:01 am
Re: The bond.

CLAMP, while I love them, has issues stopping angst once they've really started it. Look at X. Once the angst starts, it's like a snowball effect, and builds. They haven't seemed to find a way to remedy their massive angst once they put it out there.

I believe that they'll have a similar problem here, especially when it comes to Kurogane and Fay. While I'd like to say that maybe CLAMP will surprise us and they'll live at the end, I was having the same thoughts as Tatasenko, at least in the respect of them having to die for the bond to be broken.

Sadly, CLAMP tends to either stay happy with very little angst, or go super-angsty with very little happiness once the super-angst hits. It makes me sad to think that TRC may be heading down this super-angsty hole, since it's already kind of gone there, with very little, or no chance of ever climbing out of it.

Hopefully they'll prove me wrong, but I don't plan on getting my hopes up about it.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 23 2006, 07:15 am
Hey, I've a crazy idea...
CloneSyao knew that there weren't more feathers in Tokyo thanks to Fai's eye...I believe that Fai could know about feathers all this time and I even think that there is feather in Celes.
now, you can hit me

Fai could tell, remember the first feather?  He knew it was in Syaoran's cloak.  But I think it's just being able to detect a strong power, Kamui and Subaru could feel the feathers power in the water after all.

I'm not entirely sure what to think about Kuro and Fai's fate, but what Yuuko said in xxxHolic to Watanuki about them makes things seem a little hopeful.  She had said that "nothing can ever go wrong" about Sakura and Syaoran (ie things will turn out right in the end), and that it's the same for Kuro and Fai.  She had a silly type of grin on her face when she said it. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 23 2006, 07:42 am
i've only read the first two xxxholic novels, and i heard that you don't have to read one to understand the other, but it seems from what i've heard that you find out extra stuff about tsubasa in xxxholic than you do just reading tsubasa p.q i want to read them but i'm broke
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: kuromori on August 23 2006, 07:54 am
And not to bring up the CLAMP pannel at the con again, but I thought I read some where that CLAMP promised a happy ending. Though I could be wrong... it's a faded memory, please feel free to correct me on this, because 1) I wasn't there, 2) Miss leading people is bad mojo.  *nods nods*

Then again, a happy ending doesn't necessarily mean happy for all. What I can almost see happening, is Fay and Kurogane dying. (so sad...) But then at the end you get to see two cloaked travelers in Clow country... all hints point to the fact that they would be the Kuro and Fay of that world...  That was just a thought, feel free to smack me. Though... I bruise easily...

Edit: BTW I've been meaning to say this for awhile... I don't know who gave me a Cookie, but I would like to thank them! So thanks!! ^_^ And off I go to job #2!! Yay!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 23 2006, 08:04 am
lol i like that idea kuromori, it's cute, and since you mentioned it, that may well happen... they've never met another world's 'them' yet .... er well ... no syaoran doesn't count does he???
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 23 2006, 09:18 am
( i'm sorry for double posting p.q) can anyone tell me what chapter it is in xxxholic that yuuko says they will all end happily?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: mela on August 23 2006, 09:22 am
( i'm sorry for double posting p.q) can anyone tell me what chapter it is in xxxholic that yuuko says they will all end happily?

Volume two, chapter one. The last three pages, I believe.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Jeannette on August 23 2006, 09:22 am
( i'm sorry for double posting p.q) can anyone tell me what chapter it is in xxxholic that yuuko says they will all end happily?
It's in Volume 2, Chapter 1. ^_^

Edit: xd I see Mela already beat me.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 23 2006, 09:24 am
too late jeanette,Mela answered first  :haha:
i'm going to bed now,so let's gather tomorrow for chapter 126,we really need to release all the tension that have overwhelmed us since this two long weeks  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 23 2006, 09:26 am
She's more so referring how everything will be alright "between the two of them", not necessarily that they'll be alright.  At least that's what I got from it.  It could also be read as they'll be fine in the end, both for them and between them.  Just my interpretation. :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 23 2006, 09:38 am
thank you soooo much! x.x i was going to try and download the xxxhold series to find it
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Yersi Fanel on August 23 2006, 09:42 am
@ nefadol : I'm agree with you, only Kamui can have black wings, because he looks so damn sexy cool with them!

I want to see Fuuma again ;_;
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 23 2006, 09:09 pm
Forget the black leathery wings, the black feathers are where it's at. Kujaku and Koryu!

I could see Kurogane and Fai dying in the end - after all, even dying it could be a happy ending from their point of view, if they die for a good reason and manage to achieve their goals. As Yuuko also said, "There are many definitions of happiness."
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 23 2006, 11:45 pm
what i said early has been cancelled by the new revelation of chapter 126  :sweatdrop:!
since kurogane and Fai will not be anymore linked for eternity,CLAMP has no reason from then on to kill them,this is a good news...or maybe a bad since i really wanted them to end up together,but it can still happen  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Emiko on August 23 2006, 11:56 pm
As Jeanette said, even if Yuuko mentions it, there's a chance that Fai won't get his eye back. Syaoran might not want to give it up, and I can't see Fai wanting to hurt Syaoran in order to get his eye back. However, I'm not really *that* disappointed about the bond-thing not being forever. They WILL be bound together until they get the eye back, so that's nice. And whatever way you look at it, their relationship has been changed significantly.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 24 2006, 04:52 am
like you said i feel relieved to know that Fai won't remain a vampire his entire life because...i'n not keen of vampire you know,the only thing that i liked in this blood bond was the fact that Kurogane would always have to take care about Fai,but the idea of the "vampire" itself disturbed me  :sweatdrop:!
i really didn't want to see Fai with long nails or canines tooth  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kouichi on August 27 2006, 03:42 am
Forget the black leathery wings, the black feathers are where it's at. Kujaku and Koryu!

I could see Kurogane and Fai dying in the end - after all, even dying it could be a happy ending from their point of view, if they die for a good reason and manage to achieve their goals. As Yuuko also said, "There are many definitions of happiness."

 :( no they can't die......I would be crying my eyes out. :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 27 2006, 04:28 am
Why do I get the dread feeling that we'll get a RG Veda ending where everyone dies except for Sakura and Clonie? Knowing CLAMP that's probably their idea of a happy ending, lol.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kouichi on August 27 2006, 05:42 am
Ya but haveing Fai or Kuro~pon die or both? I would be so sad I hate endings like that where all the ppl I like die in it but the ppl I don't like much live.How can that be a happy ending?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kurofai2005 on August 27 2006, 07:15 am
I agree, it would be sad, but CLAMP being who they are, i can definately see that being an actual outcome.... sadly
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kouichi on August 27 2006, 07:47 am
Ya but that would soooo suck butt.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 27 2006, 12:43 pm
if Kurogane and Fai die,at least we will be sure that they won't end up with Tomoyo and Chii  :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Smile_For_Me on August 27 2006, 01:09 pm
If I see anyone dying, it would be Fai, and CLAMP would make be ball out crying, like they have done in latter works.

Why are we talking about death anyways??
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 27 2006, 01:22 pm
Why are we talking about death anyways??

Because CLAMP likes killing people?

I think that's the reason but I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kouichi on August 27 2006, 02:13 pm
if Kurogane and Fai die,at least we will be sure that they won't end up with Tomoyo and Chii  :haha:

 :heh:Ya lol but its still sad -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 28 2006, 05:56 am
Because CLAMP likes killing people?

I think that's the reason but I could be wrong.

That's what I thought. And I like it when they kill people, too. I don't TRC will get an "everyone dies!" ending like RG Veda, because it's got to retain somewhere the "cute" mood from earlier on, and it wouldn't make sense in the first place. But considering the way it's been going lately, the dark side of CLAMP isn't out of bounds, so a major character could die, though probably not Syaoran or Sakura, which leaves Fai and Kurogane. Of course the fans would be upset, but CLAMP has killed popular characters before. It could be an appropriate action, depending on the circumstances. I don't think it's all that likely that one or both of them will die, though. Like I said - "cute" mood.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: xxxholic on August 28 2006, 06:12 am
Yeah CLAMP loves to kill off their characters. *cough* X *Cough*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 28 2006, 06:13 am
I'd rather have both die than one.  If one dies it'll bascially be Seishirou/Subaru all over again where the one left living spends the rest of the time he's around wishing he was dead (okay, so both Fye and Kuro probably won't go that emo but they'd still be pretty bad).  If they both die, they'll at least be able to be together in the afterlife.  Plus since TRC deals with various worlds we can still write fanfics where they end up happy and alive in a world.

Of course the best option is having them both living.  We CLAMP fans deserve a happy ending for once! :P
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kouichi on August 28 2006, 06:25 am
Ya we need a happy ending for once and if they kill of just one of them I'll stop reading it sady
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Tatasenko on August 28 2006, 06:29 am
the feeling we have that they may die is all Fai's fault  :dodge:!
we can say that he is in full depression,and i don't know if even with Kurogane's help he will regain the will to live...
i mean,breakdown is not something that we can easily overcome,and if Fai's fate is to die because "it is the way he has chosen",there will be nothing that Kurogane can do.

for instance,remenber Sorata and aAashi in "X" :
Sorata has always known that his fate was to sacrifice his life for the woman he would love,and despite all the desperates attempts of Arashi to change this fate,sorata died  :(.

so,even if Kurogane is "forcing Fai to live" as much harder as he can,he won't be able though to stop the tragedy  :shifty:...

but of course Fai's destiny is to live with Kurogane for the rest of his life in happiness and with many children,isn't he  :keke:?
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: nefadol on August 28 2006, 06:32 am
for instance,remenber Sorata and aAashi in "X" :
Sorata has always known that his fate was to sacrifice his life for the woman he would love,and despite all the desperates attempts of Arashi to change this fate,sorata died  :(.

Sorata is NOT DEAD in the X manga, it went on hiatus before we found out what would happen to the two of them. -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Kouichi on August 28 2006, 06:43 am
but of course Fai's destiny is to live with Kurogane for the rest of his life in happiness and with many children,isn't he  ?
Ya lol lots of little kid runing around I did a rp once wear  they had a kid Named Moo O.O
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 28 2006, 06:50 am
Sorata is NOT DEAD in the X manga, it went on hiatus before we found out what would happen to the two of them. -_-

*nods nods*  Arashi was kidnapped by Hinoto whose trying to brainwash her into joining the Dragons of Earth and Sorata is currently trying to rescue her as he now knows that Hinoto is evil.  And that's where we left off with them.

Here we go, this is the last time we saw Sorata (
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: envyofthestage on August 28 2006, 06:58 am
I will hate it so effing much if Fai dies. I was thinking there, "Huh? I've never read a CLAMP manga where they kill a character off." Then I realised that all I've read is shoujo up until this point. Oh noes.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 28 2006, 08:49 am
*nods nods* Arashi was kidnapped by Hinoto whose trying to brainwash her into joining the Dragons of Earth and Sorata is currently trying to rescue her as he now knows that Hinoto is evil. And that's where we left off with them.

Here we go, this is the last time we saw Sorata (

Whoa, whoa...where did the X19 chapter 5 images come from?  I only have up to X19 ch 4!  I thought it STOPPED at chapter 4!

EDIT:  Never mind, found it!
I am such a BAD X fangirl!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 28 2006, 11:35 am
Whoa, whoa...where did the X19 chapter 5 images come from?  I only have up to X19 ch 4!  I thought it STOPPED at chapter 4!

EDIT:  Never mind, found it!
I am such a BAD X fangirl!

*gasps in horror*

*takes away your X Membership Card*
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Smile_For_Me on August 28 2006, 12:00 pm
Considering how long X has been around there should be a membership, when was that, 1992?, I can't wait for the new chapters to show up this year, at least I hope this year...
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 28 2006, 03:00 pm
I can't believe I missed all this good Sorata/Arashi goodness in V19 ch5!  Admittedly, its not as bad as if Subaru had been in the chapter...then I REALLY would be ashamed of myself!
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Rekall on August 28 2006, 06:52 pm
Missing out on Subaru isn't an option.  It's one of those things you don't do in life.
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: Capella on August 28 2006, 08:25 pm
I will hate it so effing much if Fai dies. I was thinking there, "Huh? I've never read a CLAMP manga where they kill a character off." Then I realised that all I've read is shoujo up until this point. Oh noes.

The shoujo's not the problem. X and RG Veda are both shoujo series. I can't think of a shounen CLAMP series where people die...Well, except TRC.

Missing out on Subaru isn't an option. It's one of those things you don't do in life.

How very true! :lol:
Title: Re: Chapter 125
Post by: selenityshiroi on August 29 2006, 04:31 am
Missing out on Subaru isn't an option. It's one of those things you don't do in life.

::nod:: ::nod::

Subaru Fangirl