
Misc => Archives => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: ChibiChocobo on August 26 2006, 04:47 am

Title: Sad anime deaths (SPOILERS! BEWARE!!!)
Post by: ChibiChocobo on August 26 2006, 04:47 am
what are some sad anime deaths ?

one for me is ayumu from peace maker kurogane
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths
Post by: mela on August 26 2006, 05:35 am
Every death in Wolf's Rain had me sobbing. It was all so sad :(
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths
Post by: suu_no_clover on August 26 2006, 05:53 am
Mmm... there's quite a few sad X/1999 deaths. T_T;
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I never much liked Nataku until he died in Karen's arms. *sigh* Seishirou, I never liked, but his death made me really sad too... He just... fell... kyaa. CLAMP's death scenes are so pretty. XD;

^^; We should put deaths in spoiler tags, if they happen later in a series. Won't want to ruin anything for anyone. ;3
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths (SPOILERS! BEWARE!!!)
Post by: cute_me on August 26 2006, 11:48 am
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i cryed in every death of the suzaku seven, especially when chiriko died because everyone wanted to save him but he didn't want to be saved :( i cried i lot :( 
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths (SPOILERS! BEWARE!!!)
Post by: Konata Izumi on August 26 2006, 12:31 pm
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GSD - Flay and Mue laflaga's death[/color]
it's one of the most violent and most hateful of deaths in my view
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths (SPOILERS! BEWARE!!!)
Post by: Arcademan on August 26 2006, 01:27 pm
^^; We should put deaths in spoiler tags, if they happen later in a series. Won't want to ruin anything for anyone. ;3

Problem with that...if someone doesn't expect a death in a particular series, that alone is a spoiler of things to come.
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths (SPOILERS! BEWARE!!!)
Post by: quimmy on August 27 2006, 12:44 am
In FMA manga:
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Nina and Greed's deaths were so sad. And Riza's reaction to Roy's 'death'. ;___; And Hughes' death of course.
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths (SPOILERS! BEWARE!!!)
Post by: Cherry tiger on August 27 2006, 12:56 am
Full Moon wo Sagashite:

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Although we never really saw the death, when Mitsuki found the news... it was just so heartbreaking. The way she went towards his grave and just laid there....  :cry: It really broke my heart. Just so so sad...
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths (SPOILERS! BEWARE!!!)
Post by: Rekall on August 27 2006, 02:41 am
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Seishirou's death

Death Note:
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L's death.

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Hughes's death.

RG  Veda:
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Everyone's death, lol
Title: Re: Sad anime deaths (SPOILERS! BEWARE!!!)
Post by: Meowzy on August 27 2006, 03:47 am
Sailor moon;
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Neflite's death will always be one of the saddest anime deaths for me. It was also one of the first. I mean, he wasn't a bad guy. And the whole situation was just... Daymn, it made me cry!
There was also... Uh... What's his name... Diamond's brother. Yeah, that was sad too.
OH! And when princess Serenity, prince Endymion and Queen Serenity died. Man, I cried.

Gundam Seed (destiny);
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Nicol's death. Oh, and... Uhm... I forgot her name. The crazy blonde girl who liked Shinn.

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Hughes' death. Yup yup.

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George... V_V

Tales of Symphonia (yes, it's not an anime. So what?)
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Zelos!!!! I'll be damned if I ever take the Kratos path again.

Uhm... That's all I can think of for now.