Misc => Test Board => Topic started by: Ying Hua on September 04 2006, 02:00 am
>__< eeyaaahh... I was in an icon-making mood, and I just found myself inspired with this old pic. never mind, I love you still Syaoran-kun :love5:
EDIT: I'm tired of creating new threads whenever I use a new set. >__< 'tis was my last set before I switched to my current
and 'tis, 'tis my new "Syaoran Cries" set >__<
plz comment. '___'
yap! another set change
piccie from Znuese-sama. ^__^
*yawn* it's late
need bed... no more energy to drool
EDIT #7!
no siggie this time. =)
added the siggie!
:inlove: take me with you Syaoran~!
EDIT # 10
EDIT #11
EDIT # 12
EDIT # 13
EDIT # 14
EDIT # 15
Cool set! Really love the effects and picture. It's all Syaoran-y XD
I just KNEW you'd reply. ^__^ as always. Thank you Cousin-chaan!
... now, I can switch to the "Tears" set I've created >=)
Dramatic Syao... Now I haven't seen that piece in ages! Been a long time since I read that particular scene in the manga... :P
And I must say, your set is very eye-catching; although there's something bothering me... The picture in the middle of your set (Syaoran reading the book).. Well, I think (slightly) it's out of place... I mean the effects, that is.
Plus, you might wanna add some brushes to that image to show that Syaoran is being dramatic/expressive in his feelings there...
Well, it's just a tip.. Don't really want to change your point of view.. :P
Still, it's a great set :D
Note: Creating just one thread for new sets is a nice idea. Saves a lot of space and trouble deleting/moving into the archive for the mods :P
Another note: If you'd like, drop your opinion about my current set on my thread in the Test Board... I need comments! ;__;
i changed my set. I think this is much better than the last ones @__@
wooo!!!! kakoi!! :inlove: can i have the first one?? please.... :cry:
^this set? Ok then, as long as you credit me ^^
arigato!! make some more!! :rotflmao:
i don know how to make the signature appear in every forum........ :cry:
how sad.........(gomen,off topic) :sweatdrop:
well, there ya go, another silly set change. O.o" I think the last was better... or was it not?
They're all very cool LW-chan. See? I told you that you were getting better! ^^
thank you Yummy-chuu. ^^
Yummy-chuu? Wow kawaiiii. ANYWAY you're thank you. You deserve these comments girl. You're very good though. ^^
bloody Syaoran = <3333
someone planning on rating..? :3 I didn't do much to it, but I JUST LOVE SYAORAN TORTURE
uhuhuhu.......really good!! i am planning to make that set too!! :angry:
^^;;; uwaa, I'm sorry... you can make your own set, I'm sure it will turn out different
woow!!! i love it!!! how do you create the changing image thingy anyway?
The GIFs? These?
I use ImageReady ^^ or maybe you mean something else ^^;;
ya ya i mean those pics!!! oh image ready could do that?! i shall try and experiment..
Kyaa! New avatar I made using the new splash page! XDD originally intended as my LJ icon, but I can't resist using it here too
XD You made a brand new ava! Just saw the spalsh page earlier and I've just seen "the opposite side" of them. Very nice graphic-making there, couz ^_^ cookie*
Thank you couzin-chuu X3
wow!!really good!!looks like everyone are crazy about the coloured splash page chapitre 133...
I bet everyone(not so sure) want to make Fye's set after read chapitre 133!! :wink:
if i know how to make it...
heeeyy.. how come you've also got a Raiteishourai on you? >__<"
thanks for the comment though.
Can you upload the images of your avatar (Ying Hua), they look like the splash of cahpter 133.
All of them (S,S, F &K) has pass to the NEXT LEVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to the next chapter!!!!!!!!!
Yes, it is from the splash page of chap 133. I found it right here on CWF XD
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NE~ I made a matching sig!
wheet!!!!!! ah!!!!!!!! *fangirls scream*
you are really good!!
its a good set...
avie,the character...and siggie,the..uh...card have painting on it?
good set!!! :okay:
you deserve a cookie!! :keke:
wai, I got a cookie! Arigatou gozaimasu!
you're welcome!! *yawn*
should go to sleep now...
its already 11:32 PM here....
Nice signature! Perfect for your current ava :D I like the captions the most ^^
I changed sets again, and this time, I actually tried to color Syaoran's right eye blue.. I don't know.. I just wanted to
It looks good(his blue eye) Pretty set!!
You asked for the pic right?
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as good as always, you were, ying-chan. (can i call you that in here? i'm confused on what to call you as of the moment, LOL)
i love your current set, especially the font.
[eckk I keep deleting my posts x_x;]
I changed sets again and this time, I love how it turned out.
Very nice Syaoran set! Awesome ^^
Yeah! It's really good! :3
I love it!
Wow, nee-chama rocks!! You have such pretty sets!!
Thanks everyone. ^^
=D I made a set using the January page of the TRC and XXXHolic calendar! I made a matching R!syaoran set, too. ^_^
Very nice! I love it ^^! You're very good at making sets.
I always thought C!Syaoran was the Syaoran sitting down on that pic too, but we don't know for certain right?
Yes, we don't know for certain, but for now I'd like to believe it's C!Syaoran sitting. ^_^; Thanks for the comment. <3
How come there are two C! Syaoran sigs? Isn't the other one supposed to be R! Syaoran's? O.O
*gulp* Can I just throw you a thousand cookies?! Your current set is so... *drools*... *eyes sparkling*
XDDD Kyaaa!
Cookie Cookie!!