
Misc => Test Board => Topic started by: Ying Hua on September 04 2006, 02:00 am

Title: .. more twincest XD;
Post by: Ying Hua on September 04 2006, 02:00 am
>__< eeyaaahh... I was in an icon-making mood, and I just found myself inspired with this old pic. never mind, I love you still Syaoran-kun :love5:

EDIT: I'm tired of creating new threads whenever I use a new set. >__< 'tis was my last set before I switched to my current


and 'tis, 'tis my new "Syaoran Cries" set >__<


plz comment. '___'


yap! another set change


piccie from Znuese-sama. ^__^


*yawn* it's late


need bed... no more energy to drool







EDIT #7!


no siggie this time. =)


added the siggie!



 :inlove: take me with you Syaoran~!


EDIT # 10


EDIT #11

EDIT # 12


EDIT # 13


EDIT # 14


EDIT # 15

Title: Re: Trying to Hide... Who I Really Am
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on September 04 2006, 11:05 pm
Cool set! Really love the effects and picture. It's all Syaoran-y XD
Title: Syaoran is CRYING ;__;
Post by: Ying Hua on September 08 2006, 07:32 pm
I just KNEW you'd reply. ^__^ as always. Thank you Cousin-chaan!

... now, I can switch to the "Tears" set I've created >=)
Title: Re: Syaoran-kun is CRYING ;___;
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on September 08 2006, 08:56 pm
Dramatic Syao... Now I haven't seen that piece in ages! Been a long time since I read that particular scene in the manga... :P

And I must say, your set is very eye-catching; although there's something bothering me... The picture in the middle of your set (Syaoran reading the book).. Well, I think (slightly) it's out of place... I mean the effects, that is.

Plus, you might wanna add some brushes to that image to show that Syaoran is being dramatic/expressive in his feelings there...

Well, it's just a tip.. Don't really want to change your point of view.. :P

Still, it's a great set :D

Note: Creating just one thread for new sets is a nice idea. Saves a lot of space and trouble deleting/moving into the archive for the mods :P

Another note: If you'd like, drop your opinion about my current set on my thread in the Test Board... I need comments! ;__;
Title: Re: Not Alone
Post by: Ying Hua on October 01 2006, 05:58 pm
i changed my set. I think this is much better than the last ones @__@
Title: Re: Not Alone
Post by: tsuki on October 01 2006, 07:41 pm
wooo!!!!  kakoi!!  :inlove:  can i have the first one??  please....    :cry:
Title: Re: Not Alone
Post by: Ying Hua on October 01 2006, 08:13 pm

^this set? Ok then, as long as you credit me ^^
Title: Re: Not Alone
Post by: tsuki on October 01 2006, 08:40 pm
arigato!!  make some more!!    :rotflmao:
i don know how to make the signature appear in every forum........     :cry:
how sad.........(gomen,off topic)    :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Dreaming of Rainbows (?)
Post by: Ying Hua on October 08 2006, 09:46 pm

well, there ya go, another silly set change. O.o" I think the last was better... or was it not?
Title: Re: Dreaming of Rainbows (?)
Post by: Yummy Candy Bear on October 08 2006, 10:21 pm
They're all very cool LW-chan. See? I told you that you were getting better! ^^
Title: Re: Dreaming of Rainbows (?)
Post by: Ying Hua on October 08 2006, 10:39 pm
thank you Yummy-chuu. ^^
Title: Re: Dreaming of Rainbows (?)
Post by: Yummy Candy Bear on October 08 2006, 10:40 pm
Yummy-chuu? Wow kawaiiii. ANYWAY you're thank you. You deserve these comments girl. You're very  good though. ^^
Title: Re: Syaoran Torture = <3333
Post by: Ying Hua on October 14 2006, 03:40 pm
bloody Syaoran = <3333

someone planning on rating..? :3 I didn't do much to it, but I JUST LOVE SYAORAN TORTURE
Title: Re: Syaoran Torture = <3333
Post by: tsuki on October 14 2006, 03:46 pm
uhuhuhu.......really good!! i am planning to make that set too!!  :angry:
Title: Re: Syaoran Torture = <3333
Post by: Ying Hua on October 14 2006, 04:31 pm
^^;;; uwaa, I'm sorry... you can make your own set, I'm sure it will turn out different
Title: Re: Syaoran Torture = <3333
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on October 14 2006, 08:12 pm
woow!!! i love it!!! how do you create the changing image thingy anyway?
Title: Re: Syaoran Torture = <3333
Post by: Ying Hua on October 15 2006, 12:51 am
The GIFs? These?


I use ImageReady ^^ or maybe you mean something else ^^;;
Title: Re: Syaoran Torture = <3333
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on October 15 2006, 12:58 am
ya ya i mean those pics!!! oh image ready could do that?! i shall try and experiment..
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: Ying Hua on October 25 2006, 08:40 pm
Kyaa! New avatar I made using the new splash page! XDD originally intended as my LJ icon, but I can't resist using it here too
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on October 25 2006, 08:53 pm
XD You made a brand new ava! Just saw the spalsh page earlier and I've just seen "the opposite side" of them. Very nice graphic-making there, couz ^_^ cookie*
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: Ying Hua on October 25 2006, 08:55 pm
Thank you couzin-chuu X3
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: tsuki on October 25 2006, 09:11 pm
wow!!really good!!looks like everyone are crazy about the coloured splash page chapitre 133...
I bet everyone(not so sure) want to make Fye's set after read chapitre 133!!   :wink:
if i know how to make it...
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: Ying Hua on October 25 2006, 10:37 pm
heeeyy.. how come you've also got a Raiteishourai on you? >__<"


thanks for the comment though.

Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: Itzeen on October 25 2006, 11:54 pm
Can you upload the images of your avatar (Ying Hua), they look like the splash of cahpter 133.

All of them (S,S, F &K) has pass to the NEXT LEVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to the next chapter!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild [w/ matching sig!]
Post by: Ying Hua on October 27 2006, 12:43 am
Yes, it is from the splash page of chap 133. I found it right here on CWF XD

( (

NE~ I made a matching sig!
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: tsuki on October 27 2006, 01:12 am
wheet!!!!!! ah!!!!!!!! *fangirls scream*
you are really good!!
its a good set...
avie,the character...and siggie,the..uh...card have painting on it?
good set!!!  :okay:
you deserve a cookie!!  :keke:
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: Ying Hua on October 27 2006, 01:27 am
wai, I got a cookie! Arigatou gozaimasu!
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: tsuki on October 27 2006, 01:32 am
you're welcome!! *yawn*
should go to sleep now...
its already 11:32 PM here....
Title: Re: Tsubasa Gone Wild
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on October 29 2006, 12:20 am
Nice signature! Perfect for your current ava :D I like the captions the most ^^
Title: Re: Blue-eyed Syao?
Post by: Ying Hua on November 12 2006, 10:58 pm
I changed sets again, and this time, I actually tried to color Syaoran's right eye blue.. I don't know.. I just wanted to
Title: Re: Blue-eyed Syao?
Post by: Sandra-chan on November 12 2006, 11:17 pm
It looks good(his blue eye) Pretty set!!
Title: Re: Blue-eyed Syao?
Post by: Ying Hua on November 18 2006, 02:31 pm
You asked for the pic right?

( (
Title: Re: Blue-eyed Syao?
Post by: Hima on November 20 2006, 02:15 pm
as good as always, you were, ying-chan. (can i call you that in here? i'm confused on what to call you as of the moment, LOL)

i love your current set, especially the font.
Title: Re: twincest<3
Post by: Ying Hua on December 08 2006, 02:11 am
[eckk I keep deleting my posts x_x;]

I changed sets again and this time, I love how it turned out.
Title: Re: twincest<3
Post by: Sandra-chan on December 08 2006, 02:24 am
Very nice Syaoran set! Awesome ^^
Title: Re: twincest<3
Post by: Sabbe-chan on December 08 2006, 02:28 am
Yeah! It's really good! :3
I love it!
Title: Re: twincest<3
Post by: Sakupu-chan on December 08 2006, 03:36 pm
Wow, nee-chama rocks!! You have such pretty sets!!
Title: Re: .. more twincest XD;
Post by: Ying Hua on December 10 2006, 06:31 pm
Thanks everyone. ^^

=D I made a set using the January page of the TRC and XXXHolic calendar! I made a matching R!syaoran set, too. ^_^
Title: Re: .. more twincest XD;
Post by: Sandra-chan on December 10 2006, 10:20 pm
Very nice! I love it ^^! You're very good at making sets.
I always thought C!Syaoran was the Syaoran sitting down on that pic too, but we don't know for certain right?
Title: Re: .. more twincest XD;
Post by: Ying Hua on December 10 2006, 10:49 pm
Yes, we don't know for certain, but for now I'd like to believe it's C!Syaoran sitting. ^_^; Thanks for the comment. <3
Title: Re: .. more twincest XD;
Post by: Hima on December 14 2006, 01:45 pm
How come there are two C! Syaoran sigs? Isn't the other one supposed to be R! Syaoran's? O.O
Title: Re: .. more twincest XD;
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on December 20 2006, 07:48 pm
*gulp* Can I just throw you a thousand cookies?! Your current set is so... *drools*... *eyes sparkling*

XDDD Kyaaa!

Cookie Cookie!!