
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 19 2006, 05:23 pm

Title: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 19 2006, 05:23 pm
i just finished watching the anime, and am now downloading the manga./...
is the manga like the anime? better? worse? ^^
Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: tsuki on September 19 2006, 05:26 pm
i think the anime is better......and it is only 12 eps,right??i also had finished watching that u like the "tsuki no curse" song??i reeeaaalllyyy like that song!  ^__^ i also has the lyrics!!
Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: Rekall on September 19 2006, 05:35 pm
The manga is better.  The anime is just like a little teaser for the manga, which makes you want more.  They're fairly similar until the point where the anime stops.  I really wish they would do another season of the anime since there's so much they didn't get to do.  Like
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the evil Seimei stuff where you find out he was behind everything to screw up Ritsuka's life
.  The only problems I find with the manga is it only comes out once a month and last time I check no group was scanlating the current chapters as it's been licensed (even though the current stuff won't be out until next year).  I haven't read it since the spring but now you're making me want to go catch up again, lol.
Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: nefadol on September 19 2006, 05:36 pm
They're both good, although the manga is still ongoing (new chapter comes out once a month).  I should mention that later volumes only have text translations for them, nobody is scanlating the new chapters as far as I can tell.

The main problem is that the anime only covers up to around the end of volume 4 or the beginning of 5, some things were mixed in from 5 I think.  There should be around 7 or 8 volumes of material currently though.

I've been meaning to reread this series lately actually.  :keke:
Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 19 2006, 06:10 pm
evil empire only has up to vol 6 ch 8...if there arent scanlations after that, might i be pointed to the RAWs and translations?

btw, with the anime, i forget what episode number it was, mighta been 7...
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i loved ritsuka's angry text smily when he found out that soubi foguiht that first set of Zero's (`^'#) very cute ^^
Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: nefadol on September 19 2006, 06:13 pm
evil empire only has up to vol 6 ch 8...if there arent scanlations after that, might i be pointed to the RAWs and translations?

lovelesszerosum ( is where I get them, raburesu ( may help with older chapters.

[edit] - Oh yeah, there's also loveless_media (
Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 19 2006, 06:16 pm
lovelesszerosum ( is where I get them, raburesu ( may help with older chapters.

[edit] - Oh yeah, there's also loveless_media (
thanks, ill check them out ^^

Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: nefadol on September 19 2006, 06:35 pm
I was looking at my files, and I think if the scanlations you have cover all of volume 6, you need to look for the raws for January 06's chapter onward (of course the January chapter would have come out in December). If the last chapter you have is where
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Ritsuka orders Soubi to take him to Nanatsu no Suki
, then that's where you need to continue.
Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: envyofthestage on September 19 2006, 07:02 pm
I absolutely adore Loveless, I watched the anime first too and I thought it was gorgeous. An VERY like manga, I can't remember anything that wasn't in it. But I last watched the anime quite a while ago '^_^.
I've only read up to volume 5, it's all I could find, how many volumes are out? And a few of the last chapters of volume 5 I couldn't find either. I'll look them up with those links though. Cheers!

I've read Yun Kouga's Earthian too, which was also very beautful, but the art doesn't really measure up to Loveless, but then again, she done Earthian years and years ago, right? I think she's just brought out volume 4 and it's a bit more like Loveless. I've not read that one yet. I'm a huge fan of Yun Kouga. *melts* Her digital art is so wonderful. She draws so beauitfully.

Oh, any Sailor Yue, you made a boo-boo in the spelling of Loveless in the topic name.
Title: Re: Lovless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 19 2006, 07:12 pm
Oh, any Sailor Yue, you made a boo-boo in the spelling of Loveless in the topic name.
i justrelized that >< ill fix.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Renaya on September 19 2006, 09:15 pm
hmmm I like both....the anime is nice but I don't really like the ending...I want more than that..^^

The story is very Kouga Yun, the plot is always not clear FOR me (only...maybe) but overall is still good. Loveless has so many mysteries in it and almost none of them is solved in this recent volumes . Well, obviously the biggest myteries will always be kept to the end or will never revealed at all (let the reader think about it). The cutest part of the story is that in that world people who are not yet an adult (in this term, haven't lost the virginity)  still has the animal ear and tails (mostly cat's or dog's) and mostly on children and couple of teenagers.And there's this battle of words as spell, and this is much more understandable in the anime, coz when I read the manga first I don't quite understand how's it  work.

I love Ritsuka ! he's so cute~~ :inlove: and I love the ending song, "Michiyuki" ,and that's still my favorite in my playlist until now. The composer is Yuki Kajiura, and I just love all of her work :)
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 20 2006, 07:11 am
i alwasy found it ute in teh anime, how jealous Kio got of the time Soubi hung around Ritsuka.then seeing Warless i understood why.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Renaya on September 20 2006, 03:18 pm
who's Warless?? I haven't read the latest chapters
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 20 2006, 03:26 pm
who's Warless?? I haven't read the latest chapters
warless is a name of an episode...
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that ha no fighting in it
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: envyofthestage on September 21 2006, 04:37 am
Has anyone got links to the newest chapters? Post them or PM me. I don't mind. ^__^
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: LSD on September 21 2006, 01:53 pm
check my forum ^^
we have them there =D

and omg-- i just have to say
that i'm more confuse than the beggining x__x
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Renaya on September 21 2006, 01:58 pm
warless is a name of an episode...
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that ha no fighting in it

oh yeah....I totally forgot, coz it has been quite long time since I watched the anime.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 21 2006, 02:01 pm
check my forum ^^
we have them there =D

and omg-- i just have to say
that i'm more confuse than the beggining x__x
cool thanks. evil empire only has vol 1 for complete downliad...ever other vol you have to downlad each individual chpter -_-;;
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: LSD on September 21 2006, 02:05 pm
haha -- i upped them in a a entire vol-- dun worry ^^ --
if you need any other manga just request it--
i won't up it xD but i'm sure any other member will do it
they always do as long as the manga exist ^^
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 23 2006, 06:48 pm
i cant get volume 3 anywhere T_T megaupload is being retarded and the links on evil empire are all expired  :cry:
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: xxxholic on September 25 2006, 02:27 pm
I heard that the manga is so much better than the anime. But personally i have only watched the anime. I really hope there's a second season. I want to know what will happen to Soubi now that
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Seimei has returned from his "death"
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 25 2006, 02:37 pm
i just finished vol 6. now to find scans of 7- on
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Renaya on September 26 2006, 05:01 pm
anyone know....
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is Soubi really Seimei's "Fighter"..? what about this Nisei guy, he also has Beloved writing in his hand. And seriously, is true Seimei is that evil...? Ritsuka has been deceived from the beginning then
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 26 2006, 05:10 pm
anyone know....
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is Soubi really Seimei's "Fighter"..? what about this Nisei guy, he also has Beloved writing in his hand. And seriously, is true Seimei is that evil...? Ritsuka has been deceived from the beginning then
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well im not sure about whats going on in the most recent chapters, but soubi WAS seimei's fighter. nisei seems to think he's seimei's new fighter, but seimei says no. as of right now, i dont really like seimei, butyou cant truely hate him, cuz if he HADNT faked his death, then soubi and ritsuka wouldnt be a pair ^^. nisei, i really hate tho. he's an ***, for what he did to soubi and tried to get ritsuka's mom to do.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Renaya on September 26 2006, 05:16 pm

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well im not sure about whats going on in the most recent chapters, but soubi WAS seimei's fighter. nisei seems to think he's seimei's new fighter, but seimei says no. as of right now, i dont really like seimei, butyou cant truely hate him, cuz if he HADNT faked his death, then soubi and ritsuka wouldnt be a pair ^^. nisei, i really hate tho. he's an ***, for what he did to soubi and tried to get ritsuka's mom to do.

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now that you mention, yeah , Ritsuka won't meet SOubi if he doesn't gone. But the question why would Seimei want Soubi to go to Ritsuka after he dies still unanswered right?. And I though what Nisei did to Ritsuka's mom is what Seimei ordered..or am I wrong...:confused:
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 26 2006, 06:25 pm
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now that you mention, yeah , Ritsuka won't meet SOubi if he doesn't gone. But the question why would Seimei want Soubi to go to Ritsuka after he dies still unanswered right?. And I though what Nisei did to Ritsuka's mom is what Seimei ordered..or am I wrong...:confused:
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i dont think nisei was suposed to go as far as he did. and as for seimei's reasons behind dying, most likly has to do with te seven/septimal moons. beyond nagisa and ritsu-sensei
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 27 2006, 02:27 pm
i found RAWs aftr vol 6, someone on gaia posts them when theyr released.

halfway down, past the part where
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ritsuka's mom has him tied up
the omake is wierd, but the chapters are intersting tho ^^ (not dialup friendly mind you. many many images ><

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i hope kio's OK. as strange as he is, hes funny and somewhat cute. i really hate nisei  :hmp:

i seem to have been mistaken. i need to reread that part of vol 6.
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nisei IS seimei's fighter:

Nisei: You're my Sacrifice, so you agree, don't you? Let me do it.
Seimei: You're mistaken, Nisei.I'm not your Sacrifice. You're my Fighter.

eesh. seimei's not very nice :-[

EDIT: ive justread all of this years scans, january-octobor. alot happens. and wow. ill postthe linkies to the scans and the translations later
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Renaya on October 03 2006, 09:30 pm
Just found out from this journal ( that Loveless volume 7 will be released on 25 Nov'06, also with the limited edition as well , and it's available for pre-order from and also from nippon-export as well

The newest chapter from zerosum Nov '06 is releases from this community :, there's scanlation and translation, of course you have to be a member to access it (lock-on topic)

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so...Soubi since the beginning is 'blank fighter' , means he has no name as a fighter (meaning he doesn't a person that share the same name?), and back then he is assigned to be Seimei, Beloved 's fighter by Ritsu-sensei, since there is problem with Seimei's fighter back then (I'm not really understand this part). and what's surprising is that Soubi's not actually hate Ritsu, because he wanted to be Ritsu's fighter at that time (but of course, rejected -_-), after all this time I thought that Soubi actually despite him, but is the other way around (??). And I think next chapter will be focused on Seimei and Soubi in the past. This is getting more and more interesting :keke:
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 04 2006, 01:36 am
Just found out from this journal ( that Loveless volume 7 will be released on 25 Nov'06, also with the limited edition as well , and it's available for pre-order from and also from nippon-export as well

The newest chapter from zerosum Nov '06 is releases from this community :, there's scanlation and translation, of course you have to be a member to access it (lock-on topic)

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so...Soubi since the beginning is 'blank fighter' , means he has no name as a fighter (meaning he doesn't a person that share the same name?), and back then he is assigned to be Seimei, Beloved 's fighter by Ritsu-sensei, since there is problem with Seimei's fighter back then (I'm not really understand this part). and what's surprising is that Soubi's not actually hate Ritsu, because he wanted to be Ritsu's fighter at that time (but of course, rejected -_-), after all this time I thought that Soubi actually despite him, but is the other way around (??). And I think next chapter will be focused on Seimei and Soubi in the past. This is getting more and more interesting :keke:

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i think ther eason that soubi liked ritsu so much at first has to do with his machosism. sorta like stockholm's syndrom, where your attached to your abuser or something. probably after time spent with seimei, as sadistic s he is, he hated ritsu after.

beiseds...i think the chpter basically canons the fact that ritsu WAS the one who took soubi's ears...tho i dont think it was rape like i first thought...

somehow this chpter decreases my dislike of ritsu-sensei...i still dont like him, but i dont HATE him :shifty:
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on October 05 2006, 03:04 pm
Nyaa!!! i love this anime!!!! pretty-sempai introduced this anime to me! XDD i just love Soubi! he looks cool with his glasses... grr.. i hate the girl with pink hair.. i think her name is... uh.. i can't remeber
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 05 2006, 03:11 pm
Yuiko? she's anoying and she gets in the way of soubi-ritsuka alot XD
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: xxxholic on October 06 2006, 03:25 pm
^ Personally i find Yuiko very cute. I dont' know why because i usually dislike females with that sort of attitude. But something about Yuiko that differs herself from the others.

And does anyone know what's the shipping cost if i order from Amazon Japan? I heard it's 5 dollars but i want to make sure before i order it.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: nefadol on October 06 2006, 03:56 pm
And does anyone know what's the shipping cost if i order from Amazon Japan? I heard it's 5 dollars but i want to make sure before i order it.

To where?  It's usually $15 for one book to the U.S., which is usually 2 to 3 times the price of the item you want to buy. XD  This page ( explains shipping, you just need to convert Yen to your currency.

I suggest Yesasia ( or Akadot ( for imports (I use them both quite a bit), it's less painful that way.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: xxxholic on October 07 2006, 05:44 am
$15?!! LOL. That's crazy.
Yesasia? i didn't know they sell imports. Maybe i'll check them out.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Ando on October 09 2006, 12:12 am
Personally, I have only watched the first episode of Loveless, so I might not be qualified to speak in the matter, but I can't understand why so many think of Soubi as "hot" and "awesome". Sure, he's a bishie, and maybe he develops into a much nicer person as the series progresses - I wouldn't know - but judging from the first episode, I would say he is extremely creepy.

Ritsuka is, what, twelve? Moreover, as if that wasn't enough, at their first meeting, Soubi kisses him despite having promised not to do anything, and doesn't stop even though the kid tells him to. And, at least to me, all this is presented in a way that wants us to see Soubi as a cool seme, which is why I gave up this anime.

Did I give in too early, perhaps? Should I give it a second try? What do you people think?
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Jeannette on October 09 2006, 03:06 am
Personally, I have only watched the first episode of Loveless, so I might not be qualified to speak in the matter, but I can't understand why so many think of Soubi as "hot" and "awesome". Sure, he's a bishie, and maybe he develops into a much nicer person as the series progresses - I wouldn't know - but judging from the first episode, I would say he is extremely creepy.

Ritsuka is, what, twelve? Moreover, as if that wasn't enough, at their first meeting, Soubi kisses him despite having promised not to do anything, and doesn't stop even though the kid tells him to. And, at least to me, all this is presented in a way that wants us to see Soubi as a cool seme, which is why I gave up this anime.

Did I give in too early, perhaps? Should I give it a second try? What do you people think?

For me Ritsuka/Soubi is a lot like Seishirou/Subaru- really really creepy but still worth reading. They're both very messed up people and their relationship with each other is about the best thing in their lives. I would say give it another try.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 09 2006, 09:09 am
Personally, I have only watched the first episode of Loveless, so I might not be qualified to speak in the matter, but I can't understand why so many think of Soubi as "hot" and "awesome". Sure, he's a bishie, and maybe he develops into a much nicer person as the series progresses - I wouldn't know - but judging from the first episode, I would say he is extremely creepy.

Ritsuka is, what, twelve? Moreover, as if that wasn't enough, at their first meeting, Soubi kisses him despite having promised not to do anything, and doesn't stop even though the kid tells him to. And, at least to me, all this is presented in a way that wants us to see Soubi as a cool seme, which is why I gave up this anime.

Did I give in too early, perhaps? Should I give it a second try? What do you people think?
giver it another try. its a very good series. moreover even tho its creepy, i think the way soubi tells ritsuka "sukidayo" [which is the freindly way to say i love you] andk sses him all the time is more of a binding spell because their "true names" are diferent. he starts out somewhat distnt from ritsuka. a bit coolish...but as the series progresses he warms up ^^
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: nefadol on October 09 2006, 09:16 am
Soubi is far more healthy for Ritsuka than his own mother.  He even eggs Ritsuka's teacher Hitomi into confronting her about the abuse.  Creepy on some levels, yes.  But far less creepy than how Seimei views Ritsuka (I'm not even going to go there >_<).
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 09 2006, 09:25 am
Soubi is far more healthy for Ritsuka than his own mother.  He even eggs Ritsuka's teacher Hitomi into confronting her about the abuse.  Creepy on some levels, yes.  But far less creepy than how Seimei views Ritsuka (I'm not even going to go there >_<).

ew yes.
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seimei is sadistic. for how he treated soubi, for the way he talks about his own brother, for what he DI to the both of them by faking his death, and even how he treats nisei (i loath nisei, but still. seimei is just going to let him get killed XP) i dont HATWE seimei, i just severely dislike him. (if he hadnmt ordered soubi to be with ritsuka...where would we be? ^^;;;)
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Ando on October 11 2006, 07:12 am
For me Ritsuka/Soubi is a lot like Seishirou/Subaru- really really creepy but still worth reading.

Upon reading that, I realised how inconsistent I am, being creeped out by Soubi/Ritsuka but looking forward to the point in the X manga where
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Fuuma goes evil (although that's mostly because I find his good version so utterly boring)
... But I shall heed your advice and give it some more episodes. The overall plot seems fairly complicated and interesting, at the least.
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 30 2006, 09:18 am
december chapter was just releasded...

very wicked chapter.
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more flashbacks. (a flashback within a flashback actualy O_o) chibi soubi is ADORABLE! tho i like him with his long hair better ^^

the fight between soubi and nisei =<3 when it neded ^_^
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: tsuki on March 10 2007, 07:39 pm
Hey!!!LOVELESS fans!!!I have a very special good news!! XD
LOVELESS Vocal Album was released!! XD

Download>>LOVELESS Vocal Album (
Released on 8th September 2006.
1. 愛しい人よ [Itoshii Hito yo]
- 小西克幸 [Konishi Katsuyuki]/Soubi
2. 太陽とともに [Taiyou to Tomo ni]
- 皆川純子 [Minagawa Junko]/Ritsuka
3. 走れ 思うまま [Hashire Omou mama]
- 吉野裕行、斎賀みつき [Yoshino Hiroyuki & Saiga Mitsuki]/Natsuo & Youji
4. Growing up
- 福山潤 [Fukuyama Jun]/Yayoi
- 皆川純子、小西克幸 [Konishi Katsuyuki & Minagawa Junko]/Soubi & Ritsuka
6. 愛しい人よ~Instrumental~
7. 太陽とともに~Instrumental~
8. 走れ 思うまま~Instrumental~
9. Growing up~Instrumental~
10. ENTRUST~Instrumental~
Bonus Tracks~BGM~
11. Pursuit~Comical
12. Jealousy
13. YUIKO~Comical
14. Moody
15. SEIMEI-Hope

Thx to The Evil Empire & the uploader! ^^
I can't wait to listen to those songs!! XD
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on March 12 2007, 02:47 pm
my fav song of all is entrust. good sound to it, plus the fact that its about ritsuka and soubi = <3 i almost got the words memorized, even without the lyrics printed out :D
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: tsuki on March 12 2007, 02:53 pm
my fav song of all is entrust. good sound to it, plus the fact that its about ritsuka and soubi = <3 i almost got the words memorized, even without the lyrics printed out :D

Same as me! ^^ I really love the song ENTRUST!2nd followed by Hashire Omou mama by Natsuo & Youji~! <3 Growing up by Yayoi is also nice~! XD
I hope there is the translation...
Title: Re: Loveless
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on March 13 2007, 12:25 am
not yet. a person transcribed the romancised lyrics, but thats all. ill look in my gmail for the LJ post where someone posted the links to the lyrics. then ill post htme here. maybe someone adept in translating will do it for us :D