Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: AirKitty on September 22 2006, 04:31 pm
What was the first magna you ever read? For me it was RaveMaster vol. 1. :keke:
mine i think doraemon or crayon shin chan (i was a kid) ^__^
As far as my first manga I ever read?
This is very sad, but I am not even lying. Tsubasa was my first XD
same as Arcademan..
heee....i read manga since i was kindergarden (like in 1990)...I don't quite remember, but I think it was Doraemon or Asari-chan
my first manga was BLEACH
Yuyu Hakusho back in 2003...
This is very sad, but I am not even lying. Tsubasa was my first XD
Nothing sad about picked a GREAT manga as your first :)
My first one was Rurouni Kenshin. A great read & I like the anime too.
Sailor V, when if 1st came out over in Japan, my Uncle gave it to me
My first one was Rurouni Kenshin. A great read & I like the anime too.
Kenshin is good. I have all 28 volumes and personally I like it much better than the anime :)
The first manga that i have read is Sailormoon.
Mine was Megaman nt warrior:)
Nothing sad about picked a GREAT manga as your first :)
I second that :okay:
mine was Sailor Moon (it turned me into a amgical girls maniac for qiute a while :D)
I believe mine was also Rurouni Kenshin. I picked them up in a store in Japan because i wanted to read the bit where Kenshin tells the rest of the group about Tomoe. This was about...3 years ago.
It was Ranma 1/2... Back in 2001 or 2002, can't really remember..
Pita Ten vol. 1!^_^~
Ranma 1/2 volume 5 from a second hand bookstore a few years ago, and thus started me collecting the series like crazy and my manga reading addiction. Manga > Anime by far. :keke:
Yukito Kishiro's Gunnm (Battle Angel Alita) nº2 of the 5th (and last) part. (The girl from my icon)
Some years later I bought the complete collection.
I saw the anime and I liked it a lot (its really unusual to find such a well created heroine). Its seinen, cyberpunk style and ultra violent, but some way it managed to make my cry everytime she killed an enemy (and believe me, they were real psychopaths).
Unfortunately, they changed the original ending and created a new serie (Gunnm LAst Order) that is quite bad...
My first manga, Tsubasa REservoir Chronicle and Cardcaptor Sakura.
Card Captor Sakura ^-^, the Kondansha bilingual edition, my jap home stay bought it for me.
Magic knight rayearth was my first.
Sailor Moon was my first anime. I didn't read manga untill like... alot later. I think my first was either CardCaptor Sakura (Master of the Clow) Or maybe... Kare Kano. hmmm....
I don't remember anymore.
um...I think mine was either Detective Conan or CCS
I'm with Mela on this one. Was at Barnes and Noble, decided to check out this newfangled (to me) 'manga'. Saw the word chronicle, (i like epic stories, which is what chronicle makes me think of) and found vol. 1
Read the whole damn thing in one sitting. Could not put it down!!! Can you blame me?? :lol: Bought it and then proceeded to read the rest online (though I did eventually buy 2-10 when I had $$$).
...and the rest is history!
My first manga was DNAngel when my friend told me that english mangas (tokyopop) was available in easons (the equivalent of barnes and noble here in Ireland)
I remember it was Ragnarok: Into the Abyss Vol. 1 Got me hooked till Vol. 3 or 4, can't remember...and was gone... T_T The one who owns the mangas never brought the other ones...only Vol. 7...
I think......... it was Sailor Moon and Ranma1/2....... a long time ago...... I can't remember...... I was in high school............ in freshmen.......... jeez I can't remember jajajaja but It was the last chapters of Sailor Moon, and the last chapters of Ranma1/2........ It was so exicting!!!!!
My first manga... Mahou Sensei Negima... I think ... :sweatdrop:
I have to be very, very honest. Tsubasa was my first one. I know, I should of started with CCS first.
first manga ---- sailormoon ... seen the anime first then searched for manga.
Sailor moon vol 1. my best friend introduced it to me and my dad bougt them from some comic store. I think i started reading it when i was in the 4th grade.
Let's see... I've read so many but I think the first one I read is Oh! My Goddess... by brother bought some so I started reading... then I was hooked and looked for other manga that suited my tastes more.. :D
Although I had some manga but I really couldn't understand it.. we had a sailormoon manga before but it was japanese so I couldn't read it.. I just looked at the pictures. :D
It was either Love Hina or Battle Angel Alita. Can't really remember ^^;;
Lucky you gchan. You didnt have to put up with the crap names that tokyopop used. I hope they get a new lisence and make the manga 100% authentic. Atleast they never hid the nudity.
Lucky you gchan. You didnt have to put up with the crap names that tokyopop used. I hope they get a new lisence and make the manga 100% authentic. Atleast they never hid the nudity.
Nope...won't happen at all. I know that already as a fact.
Then some one else needs to buy it and make it decent.
Then some one else needs to buy it and make it decent.
They would have to go to the creator to obtain the rights to release the manga AND anime series in the United States. From what I hear, they're playing a bit of hardball when it comes to licensing it in the States.
crimsom spells
I believe I read CCS online first.
But my first manga that I OWNED was either InuYasha or DN Angel...I can't remember.