Fan Work => TRC Fan Creations => Topic started by: LemonPing on April 30 2005, 02:58 am
I really dunno where to put this and I need some comments too... LW, please move this if its in the wrong place!! thanx
here is the coloured pic... first time with tsubasa and a not so clean scan from Eomaat ! click to see clearly!
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Don't worry. It's in the right place. :wink:
but..the link is wrong. It just points to the main imageshack site. :(
I changed the links sorry!!!
now I can see it ^^
love the colours, great job!
nice contrasts & all~ :D i like the pastel feel of it~~
oh wow...did you do that? Amazing!
suteki desu~! Nice!
wow...did you draw that?
Cool coloring !!!! Will you show us more ^^ :D
Nice! I like the clouds!
i'll try my best to do the upcoming splash pages... if time permits
i'll try my best to do the upcoming splash pages... if time permits
Wow, awesome colouring! Great job :okay: I hope to see more of your coloured splash pages for sure :D
Really great work!
I thought it was an original colored chapter picture!
here it is.... the quality is really bad and the colors are really odd... i dunno why i pick them.... oh well, at least Syaoran still looks hot :heh:
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*claps* wow.. you're so good! :D what program do you use?
Wow....words canno't express how friggin' brilliant that looks!!! Awesome job!! :D Are you gonna be doing this for a percentage of the splsh pages orr just some? And yes...Syaoran looks die hard sexy!!!! [drools] :inlove:
sugoi~ sugoi~ you're so good at this! :D
Whoa, you really did it! And brick red! :D
thanx so much.. i dun really know wat splash i'll be doing coz in chapter 77, kurogane's picture was too plain... and i didnt know how to color a sword so... i dunno
Kuropii's face is reflected right? just use lighter colors for that then for the rest of the sword's blade just use shades of white and silver/gray. You'll be able to do it, I mean, you did that: *points to Syaoran's pic*
I don't think the colors are odd... But eh! Syaoran looks cool! You're so amazing X_X!!
wonderful, LemonPing *__*
Wait a second.....I've definitely seen those colors before......ah! Look! *shock* Episode 70!
u got that right! hehe... i tot the clothes look almost alike so i used the same colours...
issit bad that i used the same colors?
and oh i dun think i'll be doing chapter 79's splash page.... :sweatdrop:
No, it's good you used the same colors. Can't imagine what it would look like if you used different colors. Is Chapter 79 out?
Yes it is ^^
nice ^_^ you do it well
it's really good!! , waaaa *jumping all around like mokona*
Syaoran *¬* oh... *¬*
Oh it's wonderful, thnks,
It's really nice ^^, good job, but I found it in wallpaper with others colors...
That rocks! :hello2: I'll have to steal it. :greengrin:
*claps* That is amazing! Kudos for you! :hello2:
haha....... i really dunno about wing journey's wallpaper and the date i post mine here is 30 april while BC's one was 9 may and anybody can color the same splash page!
ok here it is!
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Wow...gorgeous and wonderful as always!!! ^___^ Keep it up!! Touya is so hott....[swoons] <3 XD For your hard work, here's a cookie. =D
Wow! That's really good :keke: Keep it up!
What a talent you have!
that's awesome!! i like touya's hair.. looks so cool!!
Great colour for the skin and hair. I might say that the books are a bit too bright for the background but still BRILLIANT! Love your work! :inlove:
Really Nice!
Love that the chapter has Touya on it, and you did a great job on the hair.
Wow, real cool ^_______^ awww where did you get chap 80 :D
wow...really nice! I love the colours :keke:
thanx alot guys! ya i know the books were wierd... but hey! its manga! hahaa i'll try my best to pick better colours next time!
Still great! Can't wait for your next one! Try some xxxHolic splashes! :noteworthy:
Kawaii :love5:
Really nice, LemonPing, just like the rest of your work! ^^
*glomps LemonPing* I love your picture! Cookie? Ahaha, now I have this desire to give away cookies. *dashes of*
nice !!! *claping hands* keep the good work
i always wait for your coloring
by the way...where did you get the chap. 80 ??
that's soooooo cooool!! you're so talented~support!! keep up w/ the good work ^.^
all i can say is....
Kawaii :inlove:
wow this is so nice, i love it! you are great ^^
I like it!!!!sakura looks so lovely>.<
very very nice ^^, you made a good job
Kawaii Colorful
its a bit late but here it is! chapitre 81 is on its way too!
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Wow~ good job in coloring~! :okay:
niiiceee!!! good job !! *claping hands* you are always make me surprised - by the way where do you get the newest chapter??
LemonPing, that is awesome!!
You really do such a great job.
I would think it was a regular colored chapter from the book if
I didn't know.
waaa O_O this is one of my favorites from all the splashes you clor. Really really cute ^^
Sugoku Kawaii!!! :hello2:
I aboslutely love it! Awsome job!!
*sigh* I wish I could read 80+....
WOW! that is soo good, u did a really good job, that it seems like a famous artist did it
Here that LemonPing? Your artwork's getting praised! Maybe you should have a gallery for all your colored works.....
I agree, you need a gallery!
It must take so much patience to color those, I'm really impressed.
thanx guys but im too lazy to put up a gallery.. maybe when i have quite a number of coloured pictures than i might make one... :) until then please continue to look out for my colored pics and i really love to see the comments of u guys!
Beautiful!!!!!!!!!......I don't have words ;___; is really very very good, oohh I want to cry T_T
kawaii!! :keke:
waaiiii!! its sooo cute.. ^^ great job!
Oooo. Nice! <33
waaaaaaaaaaa it's so cute!! ithe colors are perfect! you've done a good job *-*
Very cool! Love the hair and clouds!
Lol, now im tempted to make something out of the image >=3
love the coloring u did! i wish i knew how to do that but still a graphic newbby here. ^_^;;;
Kawaii~ This has to be my favourite splash page yet :D It's just so so KAWAII! :lol: Great job, Lemonping :okay:
Kawaii Desu !
Wahh !! Very Nice !! Goog job in coloring !!
Hyuu ~~
gah... i think i screwed syao-kun with this pic... man... if anyone thinks the colors look bad .. do tell me please so that i can change'em -_-
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I think it looks good! Nice work! :greengrin:
I don't think the colors look bad. Maybe the purple/red could be different, but it still looks okay how it is.
I can't wait to see your color for chapter 86, I really like that cover. ^^
Arigato-gozaimasu! :greengrin: it looks awsome! *cookie for you*
:lol: I want to hug Syaoran-tatchi! so kawaii XD
WOW!!! It's great!! Congratulations.
OMG if I could I would give you the biggest hug in the world. LOL *gives a cookie*
thanks! ::scampers off to 'play around' with the image:: >=3
Awwwww, kawaii Syaoran!!
I love it.
KAWAIIIII ! Daisuki !
Good, as usual.....yet, was the sun streaming through blinds or something? Cause it still looks somewhat dark *gets smacked repeatedly* I'll shut up now.
Kawaii!!! Another awsome job!!!
*sigh* I wish I could color like you : :heh:
Kyaaa! :inlove: Super kawaii~~~~~ *gawd, it's so kawaii!* :haha: As usual, great job, LemonPing!
ohh is so cute ^^ ahhhhhhhh Syaoran is ...very...ohhhhhhhhhhh
Nice coloured n__~
Good, as usual.....yet, was the sun streaming through blinds or something? Cause it still looks somewhat dark *gets smacked repeatedly* I'll shut up now.
i'd love to hear from any comments... please dont smack urself.... its nice to commented ya'know!
yes.. i noticed dat too.... hahaha :haha:
anyone could suggest which type of sunset background should i use for this chapter? please include a pic of the sunset! :wink:
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i love the colors.. i think they're OK!
Shaoran looks great *-------*
Ohhh *_* is very special this picture...then I suggest: dark blue with gray clouds...i think is a cloudy night...
how about...a little like this? :keke:
Aw, so cute. :inlove:
I find it cute too <3 love it
nice as usual !
A sunset scenery sounds nice.. all purple with grey clouds
awww! syaoran looks SO cute!! mokona is so lucky!!
So kawaii!! The kawaiiness makes me want to give everyone cookies for some reason... maybe not... still kawaii!!!
So cute. ^w^
gah... i think i screwed syao-kun with this pic... man... if anyone thinks the colors look bad .. do tell me please so that i can change'em -_-
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Do you colored that image ?
Its so pretty! I don't think that the colors look bad! I think thery go well with the picture. :okay:
WAHHHH! *Glomps* It's so prettiful!! ^^
wow thats nice.
are there any complilation of the older works you have coloured ? would really like to see them :)
Nice work
Waiii thats soooo cute!
Hah I want to be Mokona...hehehehehe
im back from the dead... muahaha... (duh..) anyways i bring you this today
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please dont mind the door thingy... its coloured really bad...
-love u all and God Bless
It's so pretty !
I really love the Mokona snow monster!
So cute!
The colors are awesome!
How's about a cookie?
Awsome awsome awsome!!
Yay, you're back! I missed your colored pages. ^_^
It looks really nice! I also like how the logo is all "icy".
Thats so awesome! Great!!!! The colours and the snow looks so pretty!
Wow, you're so talented! ^^ It's so beautiful, the colors are great! Though I must say, the way you color his eyes is different than how it is in pictures, it's too... rounded I think.. -_-; Eh.. oh well~ I still love it! Keep it up!
welcome back from the dead, LemonPing!
you did great with the colours! great job! :okay:
regarding the door thingy.. i think if the lines on the door follow the vertical lines from the red pillar, should be better?
It's really really really awsome !!!!!!!!!!
Suteki da ne!! You did wonderful on the coloring and the textures! And I commend you for the coloring of Syaoran's hair! He's so hard to do for me! XD Great job!
Welcome back LemonPing! I missed your colored pages. You do such an awesome job! This one is definitely a new fav. :D
It is absolutely incredible!! :okay:
*rates it 10*
wiii!!! Great good job!
Mokona is so cuteee *-*
that is soooo cute!! Though..the eyes...they look too round...
I still love the coloring though!!!
ah wellll i dunno bout the round eyes but i think i see the difference... maybe i'll post an edited one soon...
love all of your splash pages. This is great as always. Love specially the snow ^_^
so cute!
syaoran really looks cute and handsome in this picture!
good job!
I really like it. Cool
Kirei da ne! I really love it! I looks like it was the original coloring! You are very talented! Hai, cookie!
kyaaaaa!!! it's sooo cute!!!! can't wait till book comes out in english :wink:
hehe...... :D got some time off this week so i decided to color him
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i dunno about the colours this time cus i dont know who Kamui is except he's from X and i only have one pic of him in my computer.. so the colors are based of that pic (i mean his hair)
OMG! That's beautiful! Fantastic job coloring it. Thank you.
That's awesome!!! X3 *fangirlish squeal*
Thank you sooooo much for making this!!!^^
Really nice!! I especially love the highlights you added on his hair. ^__^
Ooh, is that guy hot! I don't know who he is :sweatdrop: but I love his looks! That hair, those eyes! Hanyaan! :inlove: Great job coloring it!
I love you.....I wish I could do that
that's really good! fantastic job =)
Ooh, is that guy hot! I don't know who he is :sweatdrop: but I love his looks! That hair, those eyes! Hanyaan! :inlove: Great job coloring it!
I'm sorry, but I just feel the urge to tell. Kamui is the main character of X, or X/1999 in the US.
kawaii, kirai! So awsome! :keke:
OMG..... he is soooo hot!
(cool how you color his eye purple :okay:)
...I think that my brain just exploded. XD Your shading is awesome.
I'm sorry, but I just feel the urge to tell. Kamui is the main character of X, or X/1999 in the US.
Arigatou gomazaimas. I've never seen the anime :sweatdrop:
omg *-* it's just fantastic! Ilove it!!! good job *-*
Ohh!!! It looks so cool !!!
Kamui lloks great.
KAMUI !!!!!!!!!! *hug him* then *hug LemonPing*
Thanks for coloring that page !!!
Tsubasa Kamui is love!
Great job, cant wait to see Tsu-Subaru.
Really great job, jealous of your uber colouring skillz ^^.
Arigatou!! This image is WONDERFUL!!
*can't stop the fangirl-ish squees*
That's so beautiful. <3 I envy your mad colouring skills, I really do.
*colours by hand**with Tria markers*
...Tria markers make it all better though ^_^ <3
(Not that I'd ever be able to colour on the computer even if I HAD the right software. How long did this take you?)
ummm probably 4 hrs.... cuz i had to clean up the lines.... it was really in a mess... if i were given a HQ scan , probably take about 2-3hrs... depending on details and everything.
KIREI!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! :inlove:
AWESOME COLORING! :noteworthy:
*stares at it in amazement*
so.... beaultiful.... your coloring skills are simply amazing as always!
wow :D you are really good.
Oh my, it is so skillfully done! Did you use Adobe or Photoshop? :D
It's beautiful! *-* I love this picture! >.<
*want to see Fye also* XD
Fuh.. finally another one done... and its not even christmas.. hahaha :D
guys if anyone u have livejournal please head over to mine to comment there...
Oh that is absolutely lovely. Would you mind if I add it to my picture collection? With credit to you of course.
Wonderful as ever! cookie for you ^_^
So great! The coulors fit wonderful! Thanks for posting!^^
looks very cute ^_^
Oh that is absolutely lovely. Would you mind if I add it to my picture collection? With credit to you of course.
sure no prob
Awsome work!!! :noteworthy:
I really love your coloured pages, hehe :D
I don't like Kamui, but your colored page is simply GREAT!!!!
awsome job. Kamui is kinda cute with those big eyes ^^
great! i would never be able to do that even if i tried.
amazingly done!!! your coloring skills are really exceptional!!!
kamui kunnn.. <3
Nice... Good Job on the colouring
hehe...... :D got some time off this week so i decided to color him
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i dunno about the colours this time cus i dont know who Kamui is except he's from X and i only have one pic of him in my computer.. so the colors are based of that pic (i mean his hair)
i hope kamui looks this good in the anime ^ i never watched the x anime, so i dont know what his original anime counterpart looks like, but i REALLY hope beetrain oesnt screw up his design
need i reiterate, i am TERRFIED that beetrain will destroy kamui. look at the opattern of how they started each arc: each start of the arcs, the animation was F-ED UP.
:sad5: i dont want my first impression of kamuio in the anime to be screwey
the animaters of ep 41 seem great, i hope to god they have them for the rest of the season.
He looked like this in the X anime.
They changed his eye color, which was my main gripe with his design (Subaru's were blue instead of green), but there's a lot I don't like about the X anime. Hopefully if he's animated in Tsubasa, he retains his blue-violet eye color (and Subaru with his green eyes intact).
they probably would. look at how vibrant BT made fai's eyes. they arent THAT cerulean in the manga really :tongue:
still, i hope for the better that they dont ruin EITHER of those to in the anime :(
AHHHH! *fangirl shreik* YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!!
all your works are nice & beautiful!!i will only say that!! ^__^