
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: twilight_star on September 25 2006, 12:11 am

Title: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on September 25 2006, 12:11 am
I just love this anime! I think it's really cool how they made the anime based on Spirits. Does anyone else like it???
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: kudan on September 25 2006, 12:16 am
Me! x3 (Remembered that I once created a similar thread last year on this forums, now I can't find it. xD;) Favourite character's Hao, I think he is much cooler than Yoh. :heh:
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Ochibi on September 25 2006, 02:12 am
yeah!LOL, me too..screw Yoh..LO..JK~
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Spoonful on September 25 2006, 02:32 am

Me = manga fan though. Ugh, no matter how much I love Takehito Koyasu I hate how they made him look and move in the anime.
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on September 25 2006, 02:46 am
There are about 30 something mangas aren't there? Only about 9 were translated I think, what a bummer :(
Anyway I like Anna cause she's cool! :)
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Spoonful on September 25 2006, 03:08 am
There were 32. It's on indefinite hiatus at the moment, sadly, considering where they're at in the story.

But er, only nine were translated because that's how slowly Viz is going. I read scanlations.
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Renaya on September 25 2006, 09:24 am
uhmm....I like the protagoninst, Hao (Asakura), I know he's evil, but still he 's so cool XD
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Arcademan on September 25 2006, 09:35 am
Me! x3 (Remembered that I once created a similar thread last year on this forums, now I can't find it. xD;) Favourite character's Hao, I think he is much cooler than Yoh. :heh:

The thread was retired and from what I hear, the search function here hasn't been the best as of late.
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on September 25 2006, 10:13 pm
sorry to hear that, anyways at least theres another thread for it :)
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: sanlyn on September 26 2006, 02:39 am
i've seen it long ago.  I love spirit theme anime... that's why...
my favorite character is Faust...  He is kinda unique.
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on September 26 2006, 10:05 pm
I like Horro Horro and Ren better. Faust kinda scares me for some reason...
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Spoonful on September 27 2006, 01:29 pm
Bleh, Faust is only scary during the 8+ chapters he first shows up in (which happen to be my favorite chapters in the entire manga). He gets really lame ch. 110 onward. Like seriously lame. Ice Men battle = Faust fan's worst nightmare. (EWW FRANKENLIZA)

I really hope Mankin eventually continues, though it doesn't look like it (I want that mikan to mean something!). I mean, like, meh. Anyone who's read up to the end will probably know why I want it to continue.
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on September 27 2006, 08:20 pm
I haven't read the manga so I don't know what happens but I'm watching the anime on Youtube:)
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Spoonful on October 02 2006, 02:23 am
I haven't read the manga so I don't know what happens but I'm watching the anime on Youtube:)
The anime's ending is LOADS different holy crap. After about 25 episodes or so they started deviating from the manga because it was getting too mature for their target audience (they had already cut out quite a bit of the violence and such), so the anime made up its own ending and the manga continued on after it concluded. Like I said, I rather dislike the anime because they really changed Faust a lot. *sad face*
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Miescha Clayre on October 02 2006, 02:55 am
Ah well... I'm not going to criticize the anime because that's where I discovered SK but I'd say that if you'ved watch the anime then I recommend you read the manga... I'm in the middle of reading it right now (I've just finished the OR saga!!! KAWAII!!!! :inlove:)... :hello2:

VIZ edits the manga before they release it because there are some things that they consider that is not for the public to see... I prefer the scanlations rather than VIZ though I'll buy it (when I can get hold of it) just to support Takei-sensei..... :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Spoonful on October 02 2006, 11:14 am
Osorezon Revoir is awesome, isn't it? I think that and the "Ren incident" is when the anime officially split off.

But ignore me and my SK anime hate. I tend to criticize any anime based on manga I like unless I'm genuinely pleased with it. I do that with movies based on books too. So yes.
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Miescha Clayre on October 03 2006, 09:13 am
Yeah everybody points out that the 'Tao En Saga' was the breaking off point between the anime and the manga...

Hehehe... I beginning to be like that too... specially if I've read it first before I watch it...
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 03 2006, 09:29 am
i watched most of shaman king via the (somewhat lousy) dub. but for soem reason i never got to se the last 10 episodes...i dont think 4kids ever aired them in the us...[ ican see why theyd be sensored from a sat. morn block] O.O]
 theyre on youtube...i still have @7-8 left to see.. the kast one i saw was i thnk
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when the king of spirits sucked everybody inside itself? : :foncused:
i goota see the last episodes -_-;;;
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Spoonful on October 03 2006, 12:30 pm
Yeah everybody points out that the 'Tao En Saga' was the breaking off point between the anime and the manga...
I don't think it was. They followed it for a while after that, actually, I'm pretty sure (I've only seen a couple episodes of the anime: the Faust ones and the final four; most of my anime info I got from word-of-mouth). The "Ren incident" to which I was referring was when
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he got stabnated like whoa by these guys whom I don't remember the names of.
I don't really make an effort to follow Mankin all that closely. I'm mostly in it for Faust and the crack, courtesy of Ryu.
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: marielaure on October 05 2006, 12:02 am
I've seen the anime one year ago...I decided then to read the manga.Seems like no oneĀ  really like Yoh...Well,I do!But I really like Amidamaru and Anna too.The three are soooo cool!! :okay:
Does anyone know where I can download the english version of "Over soul"?
If you know ,please tell me :cry:
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on October 12 2006, 08:25 pm
I'm the slowest person to watch a anime:)
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master on October 12 2006, 08:55 pm
You know...*muches*...I've seen this series for about three or four times...*munches*...but the only episode I still haven't seen is the ending... ._.
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on October 12 2006, 10:12 pm
I don't think theres an english version of Oversoul
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: marielaure on October 14 2006, 06:29 am
I don't think theres an english version of Oversoul
Well I do,'cause I founded it just an hour ago!
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on October 14 2006, 08:41 am
good for you! Is it good?
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: marielaure on October 15 2006, 05:50 am
Yeah...Pretty good! But there's only a tv size of this song ,in english...
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on October 15 2006, 11:37 pm
Is it like the japanese?
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: tsuki on October 16 2006, 12:18 am
oh...where did u get the english version?i really like this song...
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: marielaure on October 16 2006, 05:15 am
Is it like the japanese?
Not at all!! lol! Just watch the english episodes,and you will see

oh...where did u get the english version?i really like this song...
I searched it on "sites" like Kazaa,Limewire,Edonkey,...who are specialists in downloads(songs,videos,pictures,...)But you must install these "sites" if you want to use them...
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: twilight_star on October 26 2006, 02:57 am
I can't find any good downloaads :(
Title: Re: Shaman King!
Post by: Miescha Clayre on November 03 2006, 10:52 am
Is it like the japanese?

Gosh NO!!! It's not even 'Oversoul'... It's a whole different song.... The chorus was a bit annoying but it's still a nice song (just take off the chorus)

I like Yoh!!! People tend to underestimate him but if you read the manga and actually tries to understand the story, you'll find Yoh to be a very cool character... That or I'm starting my habit of patronizing the main character again... :tongue3: :sweatdrop:

I like his relationship with Anna and how it works.... to all who read the manga you know what I mean (hopefully :dodge:)