i watched most of shaman king via the (somewhat lousy) dub. but for soem reason i never got to se the last 10 episodes...i dont think 4kids ever aired them in the us...[ ican see why theyd be sensored from a sat. morn block] O.O]
theyre on youtube...i still have @7-8 left to see.. the kast one i saw was i thnk Show content
when the king of spirits sucked everybody inside itself? : :foncused:
i goota see the last episodes -_-;;;
Yeah everybody points out that the 'Tao En Saga' was the breaking off point between the anime and the manga...
I don't think it was. They followed it for a while after that, actually, I'm pretty sure (I've only seen a couple episodes of the anime: the Faust ones and the final four; most of my anime info I got from word-of-mouth). The "Ren incident" to which I was referring was when Show content
he got stabnated like whoa by these guys whom I don't remember the names of.
I don't really make an effort to follow Mankin all that closely. I'm mostly in it for Faust and the crack, courtesy of Ryu.