Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: twilight_star on September 25 2006, 02:47 am
An old time favourite anime:)
I've only seen the Anime but that's enough for me. My favourite character is Michiru/sailor Neptune, what about you guys?
sailor moon was my very first anime...i think...or was doraemon my first anime.....
aaaaanyways, yes, sailor moon was the best! i used to watch it every single day....
well, my favourite character was luna...the cat, wahah.
now when i watch a few of the episodes of sailor moon..i realize how corny it actually is...but other than that, it gets addicting again, and the plot is pretty good..hehe ^_^
i just can't get enough of it, haha
Sailormoon introduced me to the world of anime and i'll always be greatful to Naoto. She's amazing.
My favorite character is Uranus. She's very tough. I love her atitude alot too.
I love Sailormoon when I was elementary kids, but now ehehe.....well, My favorite season is Sailor Moon SuperS, withe the Pegasus one, and I still like it until now :tongue:, not that I realised that the first season is a bit lame and I haven't watch any fof the last season which is about the Sailor Stars.
My fave chara is Chibiusa, Sailor moon..^^ she's so cute and pinky - and she's the reason why I like the SUperS one
Sailor Moon was my obsession for years- my very first anime and my first manga I ever read. xd I have just about all versions of it except Sera Myu (I've been meaning to look up some subs of Sera Myu), the revised editions of the Sailor Moon manga and the Sailor V manga. I wish I had those. xd Sailors Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury are my favorites.
wow! Sailormoon XD. My first favorite anime. I just remember way back in high school. ^^ The best arc was Infinity Arc and Outer Senshi making an entrance is so cool! love the outer senshi! XD of course HarukaxMichiru ^^. But my favorite are Saturn and Star Healer
My first anime was one of Hayao Miyazaki's earlier works but I didn't know it at the time cuz I was like 4 or 5 years old. XD
My first favorite anime though was Yu Yu Hakusho but it was called 'Ghost Fighter' here.
It was also my first time recognizing a bishie, Kurama was so pretty! But up to this day I still don't support KuramaxHiei.
sorry, I think you 're in the wrong thread/topic, this one talk about Sailor moon and there is another one talking about the first anime you watched,
My favourite series was the Sailor stars series:)
Sailor Stars is also my favourite of the Sailormoon series...can anyone tell me where I can find the manga scans of Sailor Stars???
I loved 1st season and the last season, Stars, I fell in love with Sailor Moon when it came out on the USA NETWORK Channel. I wish Stars would come over here.
My Fav Character is Sailor Star Maker: Taiki Kou rules and Sailor Mercury, Ami is just to cool.
I fell in love with Sailor Moon when it came out on the USA NETWORK Channel.
Heh. I recently found 2 old VHS tapes amongst my stuff that contains the recording of the old Sailor Moon episodes from the USA Network as well as a local station that used to air it.
I have so many of those dubbed eps from when it used to play on UPN... XD Recorded on to vhs inbetween eps of Animaniacs...
Good times. XP
I've always been a Sailor Mercury fan, myself, even more so after seeing the short film 'Ami-chan no Hatsukoi'. Adorable.
I have Ami's special, along with the three other lost episodes, I also call the Stars searies the lost epis. What I don't understand is why they wont bring Stars over, Sailor Moon is still popular......
Then stops to think about the Girls turning into boys, who turn into girls, who happens to like girls, and yet we have Haruka and Michiru. Yeah....
Here's a scary thing, did you see Saban's recreation of Sailor Moon? I have to find the link, but I am sure you could find it on You Tube somewhere. Its the only think that made me happy DIC got Sailor Moon in the 1st place. Not only that, but names have been choosen for the starlights Characters awhile back before the craze went down
Seiya Kou : Seth Light
Yaten Kou : Thomas Light
Taiki Kou : Theador Light
I was like, 0_0.......
- guys , I like seiya and yaten better ; as starlights...I like Sailor star Healer the best
I had this disturbing girlcrush on Ami when I was like...ten. It was really pretty creepy, actually. If Ami was a real person one would call it "stalkerish".
I like neptune better but I love Usagi's hair style:)
Sailormoon introduced me to the world of anime and i'll always be greatful to Naoto. She's amazing.
My favorite character is Uranus. She's very tough. I love her atitude alot too.
its naoko ^^ nd its the same for me. sailor moon was my first anime, and now that i got into the subs, and seeing CWI's compared to DiC and pioneers, i prefer the original. ^_^
My cousin introduced me to sailor moon I think...
sailor moon sprites!! (
im still mising a few, but still ^__^
download all the sailor moon music, from all 4 sailor moons O_O
[jap-anime, english dub, LA and musicals]
arrrgh. their ogg's tho. good luck -_- :silent:
Here is one of the best sites for SailorMoon Sailor Stars, its a fan site I have been going to for Five years now.
It's really good!
Whats the name for the song the Three Stars sing ??? It sounds quite good...
Whats the name for the song the Three Stars sing ??? It sounds quite good...
its either:
2. Bokutachi no Uta wo Kite
(Listen to Our Song)
3. Ano kata ha Dokoni
(Where is that Person?)
Todokanu Omoi - My Friend's Love - (
im downloading both stars albums now, ill let you know in a minute
The one that I like is called Nagareboshi He