
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: mia-chan on October 02 2006, 08:47 pm

Title: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: mia-chan on October 02 2006, 08:47 pm
Hey I've just read this manga and was wondering if anyone wanted to discuss it. I haven't read many of CLAMP's works apart from Tsubasa and CCS but I really think it's the saddest manga of CLAMP's. I suppose it was a happy ending but for some reason I couldn't stop crying.

What does everyone else think? Please use spoiler tags if you want to talk about specific plot happenings!
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: sanlyn on October 02 2006, 10:27 pm
read the manga many years ago.  the story is sweet and the characters are so cute.

i've also seen the music video.  i really hope that it will have a tv series
*wishful thinking*
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on October 02 2006, 11:41 pm
I havent seen it before...whats the story about?
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: mia-chan on October 03 2006, 02:41 am
It's about an angel called Kohaku who meets a human man called Shuichiro. It's a bit like a grown up Pita Ten. I recommend people to read it. Kohaku stays with Shuichiro so that she can grant him a wish for helping her out when she is in trouble.

It has the saddest ending ever, I won't say it incase people are tempted to read the spoiler as it would ruin the book. If anyone really wants to know I would PM them.

Being CLAMP, it's about love. It's one of the few CLAMP manga to be drawn by Mick Nekoi instead of Mokona Apapa and the artwork is really pretty and different.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: duchessa on October 03 2006, 02:45 am
Saddest manga of Clamp's? Have you heard of Rg Veda,  X/1999, Tokyo Babylon and even Magic Knight Rayearth 1? Wish is not very sad at all.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Rekall on October 03 2006, 02:50 am
Wish is a really sweet story.  One of their better ones.

I didn't find the ending too sad since Hisui and Kokuyo were together and happy. ^__^

lostkitty - Wish is about an angel, Kohaku, who goes to Earth to search for a missing archangel.  While there he gets attacked by a crow (under the command of a demon) and gets rescued by human, Shuishirou.  Kohaku doesn't want to leave until he's able to grant the human a wish but Shuishirou can't think of anything he wants.  Since Shuishirou lives alone in a big place, he allows Kohaku to move in until he's able to grant a wish.  Eventually without knowing it, they fall in love but Kohaku's time on earth is limited.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: mia-chan on October 03 2006, 02:52 am
I meant that I had read, and it's subjective. I have only read part of RG Veda. This wasn't meant as a competition or vote on saddest manga as it is labelled Wish!

I would like your opinion on Wish duchessa and why you didn't find it that sad. Compared to the upbeat manga's that I have read like Cardcaptor Sakura it is quite depressing.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Rekall on October 03 2006, 02:59 am
I would like your opinion on Wish duchessa and why you didn't find it that sad. Compared to the upbeat manga's that I have read like Cardcaptor Sakura it is quite depressing.

Not duchessa, but...
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Kohaku and Shuishirou did end up happily together so I don't find it that it's a sad ending.  I know Shuishirou  died but Shuishirou II is his reincarnation so bascially it's the same person.  Plus there's the fact that Kohaku didn't have to experience all those years without him as he was asleep so it really only felt like minutes to him from the time when Shuishirou I died and when Shuishirou II found him.

A sad ending would have been Shuishirou dying and no Shuishirou II coming along, which wouldn't surprised me happening since this is CLAMP we're talking about.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: duchessa on October 03 2006, 03:10 am
What Rekall said. I didn't mean that you meant it as a competition, I just don't find the story sad at all.

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They end quite happily and I knew from the start everything is going to turn out okay for them. Its sort of predictable in some way - though I do still like it. Especially after the bonus story in the artbook.
Maybe its because I care more for Kokuyou and Hisui  than I do Kohaku and Shuichirou. And its like what Kohaku said,  Shuichirou still has the same heart, so he's the same person...what the problem?
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Arcademan on October 03 2006, 03:29 am
Haven't read it however I can obtain them easy enough. 4 issues total released in August 2002. TOKYOPOP is preparing to re-release the series in the near future.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Dayanira on October 03 2006, 03:39 am
This is a very sweet story, and i too didn't find the ending too sad,most likely because i also cared mostly of Hisui and Kokyo ^_^
Kill me, but they remind me a little of kurofai (just like KakeixSaiga from lawful drug). I DON'T KNOW WHY!

And even though this manga is very different from others their works, it's SO CLAMPish! With the whole idea of a wish you can't grant by yourself
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: mia-chan on October 03 2006, 03:44 am
Oh does no-one else find it sad? Just me then! Never mind I am quite emotional I still cry everytime I watch Titanic! Anyway back on topic, what do people who have read this manga think of the artwork? I'm not very good at judging artwork, is Mick Nekoi good at it. I know that I find it very pretty. I think that she enjoys drawing the superdeformed people more than the normal sized people.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Capella on October 03 2006, 04:12 am
Wishes are definitely one of CLAMP's favorite topics - Wish, X, XXXHOLiC, TRC...It's right up there with destiny, happiness, and strength.

To be more on topic, Wish is one of my favorite CLAMP series. I find it hilarious most of the time, and sweet at others. I agree with Duchessa and Rekall - it doesn't really have a sad ending.
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I've actually heard that CLAMP had originally planned to leave Shuichirou dead, but were persuaded to make it happier.

Koryu is my favorite in this series. He's a such a brat. And Ruri and Hari amuse me so. I'm also not really into Kohaku/Shuichirou. I like Hisui/Kokuyo more, but I think my OTP for Wish was actually Ransho/Touki.

There is that annoying plot hole in the series, though.
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Everyone always goes on about how Shuichirou looks like Kokuyo, and we don't know where Shuichirou came from in the first place. I expected something to be made of that, but nothing ever is.

About the artwork, I think it's nice, though the shoulders on the men look extremely strange - the girls and the genderless people look good. The backgrounds and clothing designs and whatnot are quite as good as in the other CLAMP series.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: duchessa on October 03 2006, 04:31 am
I read about  that too. I  heard the story was originally planned to revolve around Kokuyou and Hisui but hten it turned out too 'adult'  XD. Was also a bit dissapointed with the plot hole - I would've even gobble up the old 'long lost brother 'plot than just letting it dissapear.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Jeannette on October 03 2006, 05:20 am
'Wish' is a really good series, one of my favorites by CLAMP. I've heard the whole 'Kadokawa made them change the ending' story'- I was the one who told you about it, wasn't I, Capella?

Anywho, here's ( a translation of the CLAMP no Kiseki interview about Wish. In the interview Ookawa says that she actually wishes she had ended the story differently- but instead of the more depressing ending she actually says she wishes it had a cuter ending, and says that she had the whole ending planned out before they started. So if they had originally started out with a more depressing ending, I guess they and their editors decided to change it even before they started printing it. O_o Maybe we've all been wrong.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Rekall on October 03 2006, 06:28 am
Yeah that plot hole with Shuichirou was pretty annoying.  I totally expected a payoff there.

I read about  that too. I  heard the story was originally planned to revolve around Kokuyou and Hisui but hten it turned out too 'adult'  XD.
Ack! I already love Wish but I would have loved it so much more if the story had been focused more on Kokuyo and Hisui; they're definitely my favaourite pairing from the series.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Smile_For_Me on October 03 2006, 06:53 am
Anyone think Wish might cross over with Legal Drug??
Kudo Shuichirou #2 related to Kudo Kazahaya? And after all Kazahaya looks like Kohaku.

Wish is one of my fav's, I cryed at the end, but was also happy. My fav character was the white cat with the split personality
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Rekall on October 03 2006, 12:58 pm
They were asked that once in an interview and they said it was a secret, lol.

Both are drawn by Nekoi so maybe.  They've crossed over other series before.  Hopefully they'll re-start Legal Drug soon so we can get some answers.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Capella on October 04 2006, 06:01 am
'Wish' is a really good series, one of my favorites by CLAMP. I've heard the whole 'Kadokawa made them change the ending' story'- I was the one who told you about it, wasn't I, Capella?

Yeah, you did. I don't know where you heard it, naturally, so maybe we're wrong. ^_^;;

I think the "it's a secret" answer points to a "yes", but maybe that's just wishful thinking. Wish has been underrepresented in the CLAMP crossovers department. u.u (Though Kero is shown reading it in CCS. XD) And Kazahaya totally looks like a male version of Kohaku.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Renaya on October 04 2006, 08:13 am
Just for confirmation...all the angels and demons in WISH is like...genderless right..? like Ashura I mean (well, I think CLAMP always love a genderless chara... :sweatdrop:)
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Rekall on October 04 2006, 10:47 am
Angels are indeed genderless.  Demons I believe have sexes but I am not at home right now to check.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Capella on October 05 2006, 07:42 am
Angels are indeed genderless.  Demons I believe have sexes but I am not at home right now to check.

I was under the impression that Ruri and Hari are female, Kokuyo is male, and Koryu is genderless. Koryu could actually be male as well, but he's proportioned more like one of the genderless characters (the Wish men are in the really freaking huge shoulders category of CLAMP men) - his body looks basically the same as Kohaku's when they have their transformation scenes. CLAMP did say something about Koryu's gender in the Wish artbook, but I only have it in Spanish and I can't quite understand the statement. I don't know about gender being used in the Japanese.
Title: Re: WISH by CLAMP (possible spoilers)
Post by: Smile_For_Me on October 05 2006, 12:28 pm
CLAMP has said they are genderless, but if they where to have a sex, CLAMP said it would have been Male.