
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Manga Chapter Discussions => Topic started by: Tatasenko on October 05 2006, 02:54 am

Title: Chapter 131
Post by: Tatasenko on October 05 2006, 02:54 am
YEAH,it's the first time that i'm the first one to open the topic of the new chapter,i'm so proud  :wink:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Elenath on October 05 2006, 02:55 am
Holy crap! Thank you so much!!
EDIT: oh it stinks that my work place blocks journals! > _ < Well once I get home I'll check it out!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: nefadol on October 05 2006, 03:04 am
Mommy Fay is so not going to be happy when he sees her.  Ouch, is all I gotta say.  Need a translation for the Kurogane and R!Syaoran parts. -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: ishiyaki on October 05 2006, 03:08 am
YEAH,it's the first time that i'm the first one to open the topic of the new chapter,i'm so proud  :wink:
arigatooooooo :noteworthy: :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Ahrimal on October 05 2006, 03:14 am
She seems to be doing well enough, given the circumstances. Though, frankly, the future hardships that await this Sakura are probably going to be even more bloody and agonizing. Perhaps she will have to witness someone being ripped limb from limb. In a twisted way, it would be most enjoyable to see the horrors that she faces tear away at her until she's jaded and world-weary.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: ishiyaki on October 05 2006, 03:14 am
OH MY GOD... :sad5:
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Poor Sakura...I never saw her with so bloody moments!!!
I need translation now!!!! :cry:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: falka on October 05 2006, 03:15 am
Man, I'm so in love in Kurogane right now! He's so sexy when he's all angsty and serious!!!

anyway, I really want to know what Kuro and Syaoran talked about...
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tatasenko on October 05 2006, 03:17 am
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Sakura is fighting like if she has done it all her life :haha:
no,seriously i was terribly shocked when the monster cast her violently against the wall,i really never thought that CLAMP would be so barbaric with their sweet and innoccent princess,all this blood trickling from her body doesn't suit at all her cute little face  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Touei on October 05 2006, 03:18 am
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Oh Sakura ;-; She's really had to go through alot these last few chapters..
and Kuro-myu is getting more and more sexy every chapter |D

But, 132=last chapter of of Tank 17, next week. Which hopefully will mean a cliffhangerrr *excited*
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: ishiyaki on October 05 2006, 03:18 am
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Sakura is fighting like if she has done it all her life :haha:
no,seriously i was terribly shocked when the monster cast her violently against the wall,i really never thought that CLAMP would be so barbaric with their sweet and innoccent princess,all this blood trickling from her body doesn't suit at all her cute little face  :sweatdrop:
Yeah, really barbaric...
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Emiko on October 05 2006, 03:19 am
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Okay, really, is there anywhere else for Clamp to injure Sakura? Head, foot, fingernails, hands, knees, and now head? Phewww.

And I think Kurogane and Syaoran were talking, at least in part, about FWR and the symbol on his shirt. There was a close-up of it. The page with all the pictures of the group makes me think Kurogane is just telling Syaoran about how his journey's been beneficial to him or something like that.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Roxx on October 05 2006, 03:29 am
Eh. This is somewhat dissappointing for us KuroxFay fans but...

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Kurogane was not talking about Fay. He was talking about the crest on Syaoran's shirt, and at the end when it showed the group, Kurogane said, "Until the Princess comes back, we have to think what we're going to do from now on." But yeah, sorry KuroxFay fans... No Fay mentioning there =( As for Sakura, I'm just loving her more and more <3
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: dark_persian on October 05 2006, 03:30 am
Eee! I knew our little Sakura-chan had it in her! She's really making up for lost time now! I do hope that Fai mummy gives her lots of hugs and sweet motherly coddling when she gets back!!

... The Tokyo-arc just get's bloodier by the week! *snickers to herself* I hope this arc makes BeeTrain implode with the stress of having to cut all the violence! <sarcasm>Good luck BeeTrain! </sarcasm>
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tatasenko on October 05 2006, 03:33 am
I need translation now!!!! :cry:

at least the translation for this chapter will be fast since the major party of the pages are about Sakura fighting,and the girl is enough kind to suffer in silence  :haha:

and with that it's time for me to go eat dinner...thanks to CLAMP,i'm already full  -_-
sometimes i wish i could be a vampire,so i wouldn't be disgusted by blood  :okay:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: dark_persian on October 05 2006, 03:34 am
Eh. This is somewhat dissappointing for us KuroxFay fans but...

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Kurogane was not talking about Fay. He was talking about the crest on Syaoran's shirt, and at the end when it showed the group, Kurogane said, "Until the Princess comes back, we have to think what we're going to do from now on." But yeah, sorry KuroxFay fans... No Fay mentioning there =( As for Sakura, I'm just loving her more and more <3

Mmm... But I didn't really expect Kurogane to be talking about Fai so soon after that harsh regection...
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Snow-chan on October 05 2006, 03:40 am
Thanks for the link! As always, it makes coming home from work more satisfying.
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Ooh, Sakura! Ouch and wow are two words that go about her these last few chapters - the bloodier she gets, the more I like her, now we see how tough she really is (and also the spunk of  the CCS Sakura).
The most random thought came to me when I saw her bloody knees though - long trousers would have been a smarter option, on retrospect :wink:.
Kurogane and Syao seem to get along nicely (under the circumstances).

As to speculations of the next chapter - well, it seems Sakura is now unable to return on her own, it would be impossible; so Seishirou turning up is getting more likely in my mind. According to Roxx's little tranlation, it looks like at least Kuro nor Syao are resigned to wait for Sakura to return and not go after her themselves.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Itzeen on October 05 2006, 03:48 am
I realy love that Sakura-chan takes again the leader part character, It was really disapoinment that she had all this time (vol1 - vol16) the "delicate save me princess", now I'm proud to see again that strong spirit in Sakura....

I have to wait until the translations pf this chapter to know what are Kurogane and real Xiao-Lang talking about...
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Moro-dashi on October 05 2006, 03:57 am
So much for the temptation of spoilers XD

I can't wait for the translation <3

So no Fai in this chapter? (I didn't look at it, just read what people had to say)
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Emiko on October 05 2006, 04:12 am
Just a shot of him in reference to something Kurogane says, and he's sort of turned away so it's really just like the back fo his head.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: mela on October 05 2006, 04:20 am
Am I the only one having trouble with Sakura's adventure?
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I mean, she freaking slammed her head on the wall, hard enough to draw those amounts of blood, yet she got up and was like hey whateverzz I am going to finish my quest. She's not a warrior, she isn't someone who trained at all, she isn't someone who has gone through intense physical conditioning to prepare her for something as difficult as this... I refuse to believe that her "will-power" makes her able to keep on going after such extreme injuries without taking at least one little break. I mean, it's a freaking fantasy manga but seriously... unless we uncover Sakura has sekrit super powers or something (I've been watching Heroes) then I am just left thinking "What the hell? Oh please, spare me." and rolling my eyes. The fingernails were one thing, but massive trauma to the head? Come on. It's too much coming out of nowhere.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: nefadol on October 05 2006, 04:32 am
Am I the only one having trouble with Sakura's adventure?
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I mean, she freaking slammed her head on the wall, hard enough to draw those amounts of blood, yet she got up and was like hey whateverzz I am going to finish my quest. She's not a warrior, she isn't someone who trained at all, she isn't someone who has gone through intense physical conditioning to prepare her for something as difficult as this... I refuse to believe that her "will-power" makes her able to keep on going after such extreme injuries without taking at least one little break. I mean, it's a freaking fantasy manga but seriously... unless we uncover Sakura has sekrit super powers or something (I've been watching Heroes) then I am just left thinking "What the hell? Oh please, spare me." and rolling my eyes. The fingernails were one thing, but massive trauma to the head? Come on. It's too much coming out of nowhere.

It's probably a mix of adrenaline, will power, and pent up energy from all that sleep. >_<  She'll probably collapse real soon, I can't see her climbing down from where she's at (it's rather high up, right?).  She will make it back as xxxHolic showed us, but how is the question.

Next chapter is the last of the volume, so I hope Sei-chan'll pop up and cause some more chaos. ^_^
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tricky on October 05 2006, 04:41 am
I mean, she freaking slammed her head on the wall, hard enough to draw those amounts of blood, yet she got up and was like hey whateverzz I am going to finish my quest. She's not a warrior, she isn't someone who trained at all, she isn't someone who has gone through intense physical conditioning to prepare her for something as difficult as this... I refuse to believe that her "will-power" makes her able to keep on going after such extreme injuries without taking at least one little break. I mean, it's a freaking fantasy manga but seriously... unless we uncover Sakura has sekrit super powers or something (I've been watching Heroes) then I am just left thinking "What the hell? Oh please, spare me." and rolling my eyes. The fingernails were one thing, but massive trauma to the head? Come on. It's too much coming out of nowhere.

I can understand your point on this but really, there is so much more to Sakura then what we've seen in the past 16 volumes. I agree that CLAMP is kind of over-doing it with all of her injuries but it makes a bigger statement. Sakura obviously isn't normal and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if she was the most powerful of the group magically, mentally, and physically(b/c of her power). Sakura's soul as seen in CCs is powerful and I could believe easily that her "will-power" could get her through anything. Its part of her secret spell.
At the same time, though, its happening way too fast and its all crammed together. We all knew Sakura had it in her but from seeing her go from sleeping Beauty to Laura Croft in just a few chapters is a bit TOO much.

I liked this "quest" for Sakura, though, and i enjoyed the chapter. I'm happy to focus on something other than KuroxFai and I really think a major issue that keeps being pushed aside is R!Syaoran AND ESPECIALLY C! Syaoran.

Have fun Bee Train! ^.~
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: kixie on October 05 2006, 04:52 am
I sometimes think Clamp have Beetrain in mind when they do these chapters. It's sort of likes a 'Let's see you handle this you *cuts out the bad language* "

I think Clamp are pushing her a little too much, but as long as she collapses and is completely exhausted in every single way afterwards I'll buy this. But saying that, if I was in her situation I too would've done the same thing - though not surviving the head banging or
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so quickly walked through acid water.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Crystall on October 05 2006, 04:56 am
oh.....those are some bloody scenes...... i can't really understand how sakura can move with that thing in her leg  :sad5: but i'm glad that she finally got the egg  :okay: and i really want to know what syaoran and kuro are talking about  :(
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: lynalar on October 05 2006, 05:12 am
Ok, I'm not going to get into gory details but several family members have worked as EMT's or in the medical field, and the extraordinary things they see from everyday "ordinary" people are amazing.  It is amazing how much sheer will power can get you through.

  Now that being said, any single of Sakura's feathers was a HUGE deal. One was considered the strongest power source of the world (piffle world), another was able to grant any wish and temporarily raised multiple dead people, and one protected an entire building and water source from corruption.  Sakura has retrieved how many now?
  Think about the sheer amount of power this girl has within her at this point!  She may not be full strength yet, but her power probably rivals Fye's.  We haven't seen what this power can really do in her hands yet, but self preservation is strong and often instinctual.  So I wouldn't doubt that those considerable magical powers of hers are helping keep her alive and aware.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Little Kitty-chan on October 05 2006, 05:16 am
What a cool chapter O.o

*still can't wait for the translation* ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: mela on October 05 2006, 05:28 am
Even if it is her magical powers and all that stuff, it just seems like too much too fast. It didn't develop or anything, she just jumped straight into all these things and that is what bothers me the most. Not the fact that she is actually doing them, but the fact that she went from *sleep* to having amazing physical abilities in no time.

I just mean that her being able to go on continously without a tiny break after having a metal rod go through her leg, her fingernails being ripped off and her fingers and body torn up, AND being slammed with such huge force against a wall and practically cracking her head open... it's just a bit too much in my eyes.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Touei on October 05 2006, 05:32 am
Ah, ladydarkmoon missed two pages at the end of this chapter .o. She's posted them up on her journal now though. ~link for convenience XD
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: envyofthestage on October 05 2006, 05:37 am
Oooh. NIce chapter, I can't wait to hear what Syaoran says about the emblem. *hearts angsty Kuro*

So handsome!

*heart flutters*
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tatasenko on October 05 2006, 05:38 am
oh damn,i checked again Ladydarkmoon's livejournal and i found out that she has forgotten TWO pages at the end of the chapter that she rectified after  :sweatdrop:!
so those who have downloaded the chapter just after i posted the new topic have to download it again if they want to see a heartbreaking Sakura crying over her missing Shaolan  :keke:

here the two last scans 21 and 22 :
( ( ( (
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: nefadol on October 05 2006, 05:40 am
Ah, ladydarkmoon missed two pages at the end of this chapter .o. She's posted them up on her journal now though. ~link for convenience XD

Thanks for pointing that out, I probably wouldn't have noticed until Chibiyuuto cleaned them.  Really need a translation, besides action scenes this chapter is dialog heavy.  Sakura's probably feeling rather lonely right now. -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: mizunotsubasa on October 05 2006, 05:43 am
The translations are up on inarikami LJ
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if I am not aloud to put them here than I'll delete them.

ps. minus the last to pages.

can anyone translated it please.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 05 2006, 05:51 am
dont have alot of timje...ill read it, but later ill pst my vriews ^^

nvm...ill post now..
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that thing thru sakura's leg... >____< major nastyness.

poor kuro. he looks so tired. he's been thru hell the past few hours real.

as to the missing page translations...
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i think on the last page sakur asays syaoran's name..i think...
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Xiao_Lang on October 05 2006, 06:26 am
eeep Clamp are so violent ^^;

The last page was beautiful <3
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: nefadol on October 05 2006, 06:27 am
Translation for the missing pages is up now at Inarikami's LJ.

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"Even after this... I hurt others... I take away something... for a selfish reason...I surely will pay for it...Because I did all this...But... even so...I want to get your lost heart back...Shaoran-kun..."

.....she sounds like Kamui!  I never thought I'd equate Sakura to Kamui, but she said pretty much the same thing he said in X. o_O
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: selenityshiroi on October 05 2006, 06:33 am
Oh, Sakura-chan...our little girl is all grown up and fighting snake monsters...I'm so proud!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: INU on October 05 2006, 06:48 am
Wow, Sakura-chan is really getting out there, isn't she?

I don't really think CLAMP are overdoing it too much - sheer willpower really does count for alot. That little egg thingy might have been the kid of the snake monster, but that's jsut my weirdo theory. O_o

Sakura has got alot in her. I really love how she's all serious now, though I expect her just to fall asleep right then and there. ^^'' That would be sooo sakura.

I hope they tune back to Kuro and Fai soon. I understand I'm being a bit selfish, as they've gotten alot of their own plot, even thought they're not main characters, but a fan can't help her needs.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Jeannette on October 05 2006, 07:08 am
Personally I think CLAMP's waay over doing the whole Sakura bit. xd I love Sakura getting a spine and wouldn't have it any other way, but it's all too quick and over-the-top.

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When Kurogane tells Syaoran that they need to decide what to do before Sakura comes back- wtf? She doesn't get a say in what you do? Fai doesn't get a say? After all, he's not there either. Seriously, wtf is with that? The big manly men get to decide? Meh. -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on October 05 2006, 07:18 am
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poor sakura. all in the name of syaoran kun! she sure has changed in the course of these chapters ^^; but I am getting tired of X world and wish to move on -_-;
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Meowzy on October 05 2006, 07:19 am
Am I the only one having trouble with Sakura's adventure?
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I mean, she freaking slammed her head on the wall, hard enough to draw those amounts of blood, yet she got up and was like hey whateverzz I am going to finish my quest. She's not a warrior, she isn't someone who trained at all, she isn't someone who has gone through intense physical conditioning to prepare her for something as difficult as this... I refuse to believe that her "will-power" makes her able to keep on going after such extreme injuries without taking at least one little break. I mean, it's a freaking fantasy manga but seriously... unless we uncover Sakura has sekrit super powers or something (I've been watching Heroes) then I am just left thinking "What the hell? Oh please, spare me." and rolling my eyes. The fingernails were one thing, but massive trauma to the head? Come on. It's too much coming out of nowhere.

I find it pretty unbelievable as well.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Renaya on October 05 2006, 07:23 am
ooo my
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Sakura is really trying her best isn't she, and she's gonna be the warrior this time....according to the splash page as well. And more bloody fighting yup, and as I thought the water surrounding the egg is acid as well. The boys will surprise like hell when they see her come like that, i mean all bloody --> head, fingernails, legs, other bruises, and burned leg coz of water acid
well, next week is the last chapter before the cliffhanger is it?
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Capella on October 05 2006, 07:32 am
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*shrug* I don't have I problem with the believability. Manga is always over the top and "how did they jump ten stories now?" in my experience. And all of Sakura's magical power is in her will, so I could actually see that protecting her. I'm still having fun with this - but then, I like melodrama anyway. xp I'll agree that it's a lot very quickly, but in a way I've been waiting for it for so long that it doesn't bother me. Making up for lost time.

I do hope it doesn't get dragged out for too much longer, though. We've got some other plot threads begging to be attended to.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on October 05 2006, 07:36 am
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I believe that mangas stretch the truth a little, but any normal person in sakura's position would be long dead by now -_-;
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Capella on October 05 2006, 07:47 am
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I believe that mangas stretch the truth a little, but any normal person in sakura's position would be long dead by now -_-;

True, and clone!Syaoran had his throat cut, never actually did anything about it, and isn't that much the worse for wear. I see no reason for that other than his being a manga character. I don't think the phenomenon is specific to Sakura.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on October 05 2006, 07:50 am
True, and clone!Syaoran had his throat cut, never actually did anything about it, and isn't that much the worse for wear. I see no reason for that other than his being a manga character. I don't think the phenomenon is specific to Sakura.
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but didn't clone syaoran turn into his clone self when he got his throat slit?maybe that helped him not die^^;*gets slapped XP*
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Capella on October 05 2006, 07:55 am
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but didn't clone syaoran turn into his clone self when he got his throat slit?maybe that helped him not die^^;*gets slapped XP*

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He did, but that was just the seal keeping his half heart inside him. I don't think it altered the composition of his body. But anyway, if losing one's soul is a good enough reason to not die, I think having extraordinary willpower (particularly when pieces of one's heart are so incredibly powerful) should also be good enough. That's just me, though. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: [~Dark Chocolate~] on October 05 2006, 07:57 am
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He did, but that was just the seal keeping his half heart inside him. I don't think it altered the composition of his body. But anyway, if losing one's soul is a good enough reason to not die, I think having extraordinary willpower (particularly when pieces of one's heart are so incredibly powerful) should also be good enough. That's just me, though. :sweatdrop:
oh ok ^^ *walks away slightly confused -_-;*
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: aqiaqua on October 05 2006, 08:19 am
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My...Not often you see a Sakura like that ...Love that splash page <3. Although, only one darn pic of Fye!!! :(
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: mizunotsubasa on October 05 2006, 09:22 am
I don't really think CLAMP are overdoing it too much - sheer willpower really does count for alot. That little egg thingy might have been the kid of the snake monster, but that's jsut my weirdo theory. O_o
mmm did you read last week chapter  of xxxholic you answer of what the egg would be is in that chapter.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Airashii on October 05 2006, 11:13 am
I just read tis chapter *gasp*
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Cool, Sakura is so strong!!! I just adore her like this!! Willpower!!! I can't wait to see Fai's face when he sees her! He is going to freak!
Mm, I wonder what C/Syaoran is doing? He hasn't shown up lately. When is the next chapter coming? :3
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tricky on October 05 2006, 12:14 pm
When Kurogane tells Syaoran that they need to decide what to do before Sakura comes back- wtf? She doesn't get a say in what you do? Fai doesn't get a say? After all, he's not there either. Seriously, wtf is with that? The big manly men get to decide? Meh.

I agree..I don't think its that ...dramatic, but why does Kuro say "we" and only Syaoran and him are there? A discussion like that should be decided with everyone, even Moko. Everyone is going through pain but they won't get through it unless they work together...Though someone is being VERY uncooperative... >.<.....Give it up Fai...
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: nefadol on October 05 2006, 12:58 pm
Whose to say that all of them won't discuss it together?  When he said that Fay, Mokona, Syaoran, and him were all shown.  They'll probably ask for Sakura's input when she gets back, but it would make things a lot easier if the other four knew where each other stands first.  It'll save them the trouble of doing so later, and judging by Sakura's condition, they'll be a bit busy treating her wounds.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Celesse on October 05 2006, 02:07 pm

Scanslated.  It seems Pikari has gone missing again, so I used the translation that was available.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on October 05 2006, 02:17 pm
im sorry to interrupt the conversation...

are there any KF moments in this chapter? coz if there's nothing, then i'm not going to download it..

<-- person who prefers to buy the manga than to download it.. *supports CLAMP*
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Celesse on October 05 2006, 02:22 pm
No, there's no KuroXFai in it. But as long as you buy the mangas anyway I don't see the harm in downloading it too.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on October 05 2006, 02:31 pm
No, there's no KuroXFai in it. But as long as you buy the mangas anyway I don't see the harm in downloading it too.
Oh, okay.. *bows* thank you, Celesse-san..

and for your statement.. *thinks* yeah.. there's nothing wrong with it.. but im a person who gets bored easily... just like in vol. 7, i've watched the happenings in vol. 7 already so, i got bored in reading it... im afraid i'll be bored when i read it already...

but i read as many KF moment chappies coz i don't get bored at them! wahahaha!!! :lol:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: SEMP on October 05 2006, 02:39 pm
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"Until the Princess comes back, we have to think what we're going to do from now on."

that should be
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YOU have to decide untill the pricess comes back. From now on, what will YOU do?
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Mairi on October 05 2006, 02:40 pm
My thoughts on the chapter:
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I was hoping that this chapter would have something to do with Fai and his attitude towards Kurogane, but I'm really not surprised that it didn't address that at all. Kurogane doesn't seem the type to go talking to people about his issues or troubles, so it makes sense that he wouldn't discuss or bring up Fai when talking to R!Shaoran. Even though Kuro's the most (brutally)honest of all of them, he isn't one for unnecessary discussion/talking/sharing of thoughts. He never talked about his parents until Shaoran saw them in that book, so the chances of him discussing Fai (stopping the nicknames) with Shaoran were fairly nonexistent. I am hoping that next chapter we'll see some interaction between them, though. KuroFai, that is. I think Fai will probably go along being distant from Kurogane for a bit, but I can still hope for little interactions/confrontations.

Sakura. Erm, a bit of it seems unbelievable, but I'm going to wait to see where Clamp goes with it and how they deal with getting her back to everyone else. Mind you, I've never had my leg impaled with a metal rod so I can't really give feedback on that.

I have, however, slammed headfirst into a concrete wall, and I can definitely say that headwounds bleed like nothing else. You can be bleeding all over the place and still be okay to walk/talk/move/think normally. o_o` didn't hurt at all, either (until they started with the stitches later on at the hospital) so it's possible that Sakura just hasn't noticed how badly her face is bleeding yet. I'm sure it'll catch up to her soon.

The only part I see as a little difficult is the rod through the ankle and all the blood spurting from that. It obviously hasn't broken the bone or anything, I have no idea.

As for buying/downloading, I buy the english releases as they come out, and I'm planning on buying the japanese volumes once I can get to the store that sells them. Because of this, I think it isn't that bad to download all the new chapters as it's the only way to keep up-to-date within a reasonable time period. If the new chapters were officially released here every Wednesday I'd buy them without hesitation, but they're not, so we have to get them any way we can and just buy what's available. xD
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 05 2006, 02:56 pm
its 95% posted to the msn group. i always have trouble uploading. it makes really big files even tho their jpgs and i run out of space real quick :P
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: mizunotsubasa on October 05 2006, 02:56 pm
I agree I need to feed my tsubasa fandom, I'll buy the english ones as they come out, as well as the japanese. I couldn't wait for ever for a volume to come out in english cause they take forever. This is the only way I can keep up to date with the manga.

*that is what my friend is doing, she just read's del ray version.*

there is no harm done in downloading them. I have no way of getting the magazines where i live.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Rekall on October 05 2006, 03:37 pm
I have a mixed reaction to this chapter.  I liked Kurogane and Syaoran talking because they really needed to.  I don't mind the lack of KuroFay since I think Fay needs time apart from Kurogane right now to think about his feelings (besides I'm sure there will be more goodness from them soon).

My problem really is with the Sakura part.  Now don't get me wrong, I like the fact she's doing something now and don't have a problem with how believable it is.  But I've always loved the way the characters interacted with each other (and other characters) on their journey and with Sakura going off on her own and most of these past  few chapters being devoted to what she's doing there hasn't been a lot of that lately.  I think it would have been a lot better if she had met someone (like a certain bishie with black wings who hasn't shown up yet *shakes angry fist at CLAMP* ) along her journey to 'guide' her somewhat because then you'd get that interaction between her and other CLAMP character.

And frankly I'm more interested in what's going on with Fuuma, Kamui, Subaru, Fay, Kurogane and Syaoran than what Sakura is doing.  I was interested in what Sakura was doing but I already know what happens with it so there's no suspense.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: mela on October 05 2006, 03:45 pm
And frankly I'm more interested in what's going on with Fuuma, Kamui, Subaru, Fay, Kurogane and Syaoran than what Sakura is doing.  I was interested in what Sakura was doing but I already know what happens with it so there's no suspense.

Yeah, I think it was kind of a bad move on CLAMP's part to reveal the goal and the result in xxxHOLiC before it happened in Tsubasa. It's like we already know what happens so it removes the suspense and all the potential theorizing about what the egg's purpose is for, etc etc.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: SEMP on October 05 2006, 03:52 pm
well... here is what i translated:
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Page 1

She shined for that person's sake.

What stirs up this girl is the strength of that feeling.
Page 2

Syaoran: !?

Kurogane: cover your self.

Syaoran: ...thanks.
Page 3

Kurogane: certainly you didn't wear that on your will.

Syaoran: but.. this isn't something you would like to see.

Kurogane: the witch said that you've been captured by the person who wears that crest.

Syaoran: yes.
Page 4

Syaoran: but I don't know on which world that is

Syaoran: even if I knew it... I can't take you there becouse I don't have enough magical power to cross over dimensions.

Syaoran: .... sorry.

Kurogane: that isn't your fault.

Kurogane: will the boy come back?.
Page 5

Kurogane: you have to decide it untill the princess comes back.

Kurogane: from now on, what will you do?
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9

Sakura: aah!!
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16
Page 17
Page 18
Page 19
Page 20

Sakura: ....I also from now on

Sakura: hurt.. someone, steal something....

Sakura: for a selfish reason....
Page 21

Sakura: ....indeed, in order.. to get that reward.... I did that....

Sakura: but.. even so..

Sakura: ..I want to get it back

Sakura: your lost heart.
Page 22

Sakura: .... Syaoran-kun..

A heart that begins to clash.

The cry of the princess... fades in Tokyo's night
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Roxx on October 05 2006, 04:11 pm
that should be
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YOU have to decide untill the pricess comes back. From now on, what will YOU do?

There is no, "Omae," or "Teme-," so it can be looked at both ways. It doesn't state that R!Syaoran has to choose only. I think it's something they're all going to discuss.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: tsuki on October 05 2006, 04:11 pm
Sakura is really cool in this ch!!  >_<
The first page shows Sakura wore ...cloth
Really cool!!I like her style!!
And also again,this ch is always shows Sakura's doin'.
I feel really proud of her....
And are Kurogane & Fye had a fight???Looks like they dont talk to each other right now....
Well,I also know in ??? page,urgh...forgot!Sorry!!
Anyway,I really like  this world.Sakura is not the type that is going to give up easily.
The scene when she is going to die,she shot the monsters!!!(or giant snakes???)
CLAMP!!!Ganbatte!!Do your best work!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: SEMP on October 05 2006, 04:22 pm
There is no, "Omae," or "Teme-," so it can be looked at both ways. It doesn't state that R!Syaoran has to choose only. I think it's something they're all going to discuss.

you're right... i should have written: "I THINK that should be ..." i was going to edit it.. but now that you pointed that out, there is no need to...

It's just my way of understanding it.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Rekall on October 05 2006, 04:35 pm
Yeah, I think it was kind of a bad move on CLAMP's part to reveal the goal and the result in xxxHOLiC before it happened in Tsubasa. It's like we already know what happens so it removes the suspense and all the potential theorizing about what the egg's purpose is for, etc etc.


Since 'Holic is on a three week break anyway I think they should have broken up the break a bit more so that more of the Sakura quest had been completed.  Even if they had only waited until after this chapter it would have been better.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: tg on October 05 2006, 04:50 pm
This is from the Chap. 130 thread but felt like responding it here:
That's what the spoiler tags are for :o

I know.   ^___^  I wasn't quite so sure on my findings though so I didn't really want to post anything that might actually end up being false.  Now that the chapter is out, that person's post was really on the dot.  Yaaay...

My thoughts:
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Since I was kind of spoiled on this chapter on the previous day, I knew about the "decision" that they had to make but wasn't too clear on what it was.  Now, I understand 100%.

Translations taken from inari's LJ (changed a little by me).

Kuro: The witch did say that you've been held captive by the one who wears that symbol.

Real!Syao: Yeah.

Page 4.

Real!Syao: But I have no idea in which dimension that was.
Even if I knew, I don't have the magic to cross dimensions, so I couldn't take you there.

I'm sorry.

Kuro: You're not really to blame.

He likely won't return...
That kid.

Page 5.

Real!Syao: ....

Kuro: We have to decide before the princess comes back.
What we're going to do from now on.

Ah, but Kurogane might be wrong on that remark about "the kid".  :/  Hmmmm...

Uwaah.  I think CLAMP brutalized Sakura a bit too much now.  They should give the poor girl some rest.  Getting hit here and there.  And all that blood she's loosing!    >_<  At least, she got the egg!  :D  (Which will give birth to an Angel for the layer..  Wheee!  Haha... Just kidding.)

Looking foward to Chapter 132.  Hopefully, it'll be one step closer to bringing a conclusion to the X world and Mokona's nice round mouth to open up.  ;)

I can even picture this scene. ---

Sakura: I'm back!  *comes in holding egg*
Everyone: Sakura!!  *stares in horror at seeing her all bloody and bruised.
Sakura:  What?  *sees everyone looking at her*  ???   
Random character: Sakura, we need to fix you up right away! 
Random character 2: Yes, please come this way. 
Sakura: But, I'm alright.  *tries to wipe blood off face*  See? 
Random character: Infirmary!   We need a doctor ASAP!  This girl is dying!   Look at her!! 
Sakura:  Eh!?  Aaa.  I'm fine!  I'm fine!!     @___@   

Omake twist.
Sakura: *drops the egg*  Ah. 
*egg cracks* 
*suddenly, the poem from Harry Potter comes out*
Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We've taken what you'll sorely miss....
*everyone goes crazy* 
Yuuko: *is super speechless*  ................................ *stares*  That's it.  The price could not be made.  Good-bye. 
Mokona:  Yuuko, wait!!!  *cries cries*

Erm.. and that's the end of a bad, or even zany ending....   ^___^  Haha.

Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Hack on October 05 2006, 07:27 pm
I don't get it. it's all the computer's fault. For not workig for 2 months :(
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on October 05 2006, 10:03 pm
Sakura seemsd to be thinking about Syaoran all this while!!!! judging from what she uttered after she got the egg.. hmmx.. she did all these for Syaoran?! awww.. so sweet!!!! and is Syaoran setting off to find her or is he leaving the gang.. n still nothing on Syaoran's past.. and where's clonie!!!! i miss him.. sobbx
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tatasenko on October 06 2006, 03:19 am
so,after reading the four pages of the topic there is already nothing else to say about this chapter,except the fact that we are all going to have a indigestion with all these huge slugs  :tongue:
i hope Sakura isn't going to meet another one when she come back,because two chapters with implausible fight is greatly enough  -_-

i wonder how the new team of  "Sakura/Real Shaolan/Kuogane/Fai" is going to work,since they are all in a depressive state  :(...
they all need to be comforted by each other,but in the same time they can't give warmth and cheers because they are for now so sad and cold  :sad5:
the atmosphere is going to be tense between Kurogane and Fai and distressing between Real Shaolan and Sakura,so we better do a supply of handkerchiefs  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: lynalar on October 06 2006, 04:10 am

I can even picture this scene. ---

Sakura: I'm back!  *comes in holding egg*
Everyone: Sakura!!  *stares in horror at seeing her all bloody and bruised.
Sakura:  What?  *sees everyone looking at her*  ???   
Random character: Sakura, we need to fix you up right away! 
Random character 2: Yes, please come this way. 
Sakura: But, I'm alright.  *tries to wipe blood off face*  See? 
Random character: Infirmary!   We need a doctor ASAP!  This girl is dying!   Look at her!! 
Sakura:  Eh!?  Aaa.  I'm fine!  I'm fine!!     @___@   

OMG...too funny!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: kixie on October 06 2006, 04:24 am
I'm really looking forward to a Real!SyaoranSakura scene, after all this angst those two would be able to cheer each other up so well! Plus we'd get to know more about Real!Syaoran that way - I think this is my mind thinking, look the KuroFai talk seems to be on hold for a while so this is what you get instead.

I think in the end I just want to know more about Real!Syaoran - because Fai's past seems a while off too!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Cherry tiger on October 06 2006, 04:37 am
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Am I the only one who was so excited that Sakura was talking about Clow/Clone Syaoran? I felt like it was so obvious now that she loves Clow Syaoran... to the point that she even became something like Kamui. I don't think she'd be this way for the Real Syaoran... and the way she talked about returning that person's heart, as selfish as it may seem... I just know she's talking about Clow Syaoran. So am I the only one who's happy that Sakura's really in love with Clow Syaoran?

Anyway, Sakura's determination didn't bother me at all. In fact, such determination reminded me of Syaoran really, who also got bloodied up a lot. I think the point isn't the fact that Sakura got beaten up, but the focus that's on her. I love it though... because finally we got some revelation on what Sakura's thinking, and what she's willing to go through to get what she truly desires.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Snow-chan on October 06 2006, 04:41 am
OMG...too funny!
First I need to clarify that it is in no way meant as bashing Sakura, but tg's scene made me immediately think of the Black Knight from the Monty Python's Holy Grail movie.  :rotfl:

C!Syaoran and Sakura - the time he has been away has unfortunately lessened my feelings towards them as a pair; as they say - what is gone from the eye is gone from the mind as well.
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It is not to say that I was not moved by Sakura's statements of the reason behind her determination but it is hard to care A LOT.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Moro-dashi on October 06 2006, 05:21 am
First I need to clarify that it is in no way meant as bashing Sakura, but tg's scene made me immediately think of the Black Knight from the Monty Python's Holy Grail movie. :rotfl:


"It's only a flesh wound!"
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Rekall on October 06 2006, 05:32 am
Clonie/Sakura.  I'm not really sure what I think of that pair anymore.  Really, there's so many ways CLAMP could do it and even though Sakura still loves him (which I had figured out from early chapters) it doesn't necessary mean that they'll end up together.  For example, Sakura could be near death and Clonie snaps back to normal long enough to save her, sacrificing himself in the process or he might pull an Ashura where he stabs himself to prevent kiling the one he loves.

Of course I'm really holding out for Clonie/Syaoran getting together and Sakura hooking up with Tomoyo.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: dark_persian on October 06 2006, 06:04 am
Clonie/Sakura. I'm not really sure what I think of that pair anymore. Really, there's so many ways CLAMP could do it and even though Sakura still loves him (which I had figured out from early chapters) it doesn't necessary mean that they'll end up together. For example, Sakura could be near death and Clonie snaps back to normal long enough to save her, sacrificing himself in the process or he might pull an Ashura where he stabs himself to prevent kiling the one he loves.

Of course I'm really holding out for Clonie/Syaoran getting together and Sakura hooking up with Tomoyo.

lol! Well, when questioned at the latest convention they attended, CLAMP did say that TRC would have a happy ending. But, of course, we all know that CLAMP's idea of 'happy' and the fan's idea of 'happy' tends to differ slightly. As Yuko says about Subaru.. "There are many definitions of happiness I'm afraid..."
And happy for who exactly? Sooo many questions and even when CLAMP reply, they don't actually answer. They should be Politicians.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Rekall on October 06 2006, 01:12 pm
When CLAMP said it ends happily, that scared me a little.  Who knows what they think is happy, lol.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Aethelthryth on October 06 2006, 05:03 pm
Here's what I think about this chapter:

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Sakura's really kinds of reminds me of C!Syao, "I have to get it back, no matter what" and he didn't really care about his own body when he was collecting the feathers.

Also, I was thinking, could Sakura ask Yuuko to return C!Syao's memory/heart? Afterall, Yuuko's supposed to be able to grant any wish...If Sakura really does that, what would the price be? Losing her relationship with C!Syao? That's gonna turn the table around...

By the way, I like that Sakura's actually doing something...Although it seems a bit exaggerated, I hope she'll continue to get the active role. It would be great if she shows some magic trick too.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on October 06 2006, 08:01 pm
lol! Well, when questioned at the latest convention they attended, CLAMP did say that TRC would have a happy ending. But, of course, we all know that CLAMP's idea of 'happy' and the fan's idea of 'happy' tends to differ slightly. As Yuko says about Subaru.. "There are many definitions of happiness I'm afraid..."
And happy for who exactly? Sooo many questions and even when CLAMP reply, they don't actually answer. They should be Politicians.

lol.. i don't think Sakura will end up with Tomoyo.. though they have a affinity together they have enough fluff in CCS.. Tomoyo should end up with Kuro *gets STONED by KF fans XD* and Sakura should end up with Clonie!!! yea!! i support that pairing though any Syaoran is cute for me..

i wonder if the Syaoran she's refering on the last page of this chapt is R or C Syaoran.. should be clone ba.. what do you think?
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: tsuki on October 06 2006, 08:21 pm
mmm..I think she refers to C Syaoran.when the scene C Syaoran get her feather back,isn't Sakura surprised?I mean..she cried when Syaoran become like that..And about the Clonie,he is being use by Fei Wong Reed.FWR wants to control the world using Sakura's feathers,right??So thats why Clonie said "I will get the feathers back,no matter what"' Or refers to the other thing???ex(for his life) I dont know......Just my thought.......
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: INU on October 06 2006, 09:45 pm
Right now, I'm pretty confused about our dear old Clonie. =\

He wants to get the feathers back, but he pushes Sakura-chan away coldly. So then, when he collects another feather, what will he do? He still is set of giving them to Sakura, right? Even if it's forefully? Then once he gets another feather, he'll seek the group out again, and they'll meet. I think that'll be when another great battle takes place.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Mimie on October 06 2006, 10:08 pm
as much as i loved this chapter i certainely hate clamp for taking away the sakura good-girl image! damn! what's with the blood and the gore and the metal in the foot! sakura-chan! 0.0 what would touya do if he found out!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on October 06 2006, 10:28 pm
Touya would kill Syaoran coz he entrusted sakura to him at the beginning..

i miss Clonie too!! *sobbx* i suppose if he's Clonie-Clonie (as in no heart at all) there would be a Syaoran-Syaoran showdown (YEA!!!!) if he's Clonie-who-loves-sakura (as in the heart that loves Sakura is finally revived) then he would give the feather to Sakura but that would be boring so i'm looking towards a Syaoran-Syaoran showdown!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: ishiyaki on October 07 2006, 09:34 am
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has anybody thought that egg that Sakura found could be the ClonSyao's heart??
if someone posted this idea before, excuse me, Ive not read pages 2-4...^___ ^U :dodge:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 07 2006, 09:39 am
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has anybody thought that egg that Sakura found could be the ClonSyao's heart??
if someone posted this idea before, excuse me, Ive not read pages 2-4...^___ ^U :dodge:
its an intersting idea. too bad xxxholic's release has prevented more intersting ideas on "what on earth could the egg be"

they shoulda waited one more week on holic :P
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Renaya on October 07 2006, 09:39 am
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has anybody thought that egg that Sakura found could be the ClonSyao's heart??
if someone posted this idea before, excuse me, Ive not read pages 2-4...^___ ^U :dodge:

no, no...the egg is
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the price for the water that will be given to Watanuki in last chapter of xxxHolic (ch 120), nothing to do with Syao's heart. The egg will hatch into a little bird that will be given to Himawari later on
and this has been discussed in ch 130 discussion thread
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: nefadol on October 07 2006, 09:45 am
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has anybody thought that egg that Sakura found could be the ClonSyao's heart??
if someone posted this idea before, excuse me, Ive not read pages 2-4...^___ ^U :dodge:

What becomes of the egg (warning! extremely cute) -->
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^ Watanuki's hands, not Sakura's.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: ishiyaki on October 07 2006, 09:50 am
no, no...the egg is
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the price for the water that will be given to Watanuki in last chapter of xxxHolic (ch 120), nothing to do with Syao's heart. The egg will hatch into a little bird that will be given to Himawari later on
and this has been discussed in ch 130 discussion thread
Gomen nasaaiii....I can't read all posts cause I'm a bit busy, but Sakura told that
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she'll do anything for bring back Syao's heart
but I don't grasp why Yuuko chosen Sakura for egg's rescate...
What becomes of the egg (warning! extremely cute) -->
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^ Watanuki's hands, not Sakura's.
Awwwww...soooooo cuuuuteeeee :inlove:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: muhi_kira on October 07 2006, 03:35 pm
after read the manga i think sakura love a clone syaoran not real because she will return his heart that had been vanished
hmm  i like sakura killed the snake like she on cardcaptor sakura
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on October 07 2006, 03:45 pm
how is sakura gonna return his vanished heart? i like the emotions that she expressed when she said that though.. oh mianz.. i look forward to more fluff in the next chapt!! ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 07 2006, 04:24 pm
how is sakura gonna return his vanished heart? i like the emotions that she expressed when she said that though.. oh mianz.. i look forward to more fluff in the next chapt!! ^^
theres a possibility the clone grew his own heart, something that real syao had hoped for, but its either non existant or repressed beneath the clone's programming persona
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Renaya on October 07 2006, 11:28 pm
there's rumor for ch 132 from here
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: muhi_kira on October 07 2006, 11:37 pm
wow thanx you
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: INU on October 07 2006, 11:45 pm
wooow, ARIGATO!! =D

I can't wait for chapter 132! I see we finally have some KuroFai, more angst, but alas, we can't hope for everything.


I'm glad Fai accepts the Real!Syoran. But Sakura is still in love with the Clone, isn't she? Because Yukito-san said that hes the one jsut for her, adn even the Real!Syoran said that the feelings for the Princess came from the Clone's own forming heart, and not his. =\

Oh, so confusing. *gives everyone in the manga a hug*
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Emiko on October 07 2006, 11:47 pm
Hmm, maybe I'm just incredibly dumb, but what does Kurogane mean when he says "I'll wait, but waiting will be more painful than going together" or something like that?
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: duchessa on October 08 2006, 12:55 am
another version of spoiler - I think this is more accurate since it doesn't mention Fai 'waking up' O_O.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Capella on October 08 2006, 01:28 am
So the spoiler says that
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Fai, Kurogane, and real!Syaoran will have a discussion about what will happen, and will be worried about Sakura. Nothing too surprising there. It says something about Kurogane making a descision - I wonder if that's anything monumental. Real!Syaoran seems to be turning out basically the same as his clone. Oh well. u.u
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Rekall on October 08 2006, 02:28 am
I can't wait to see the KuroFay stuff! ^__^
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: kixie on October 08 2006, 02:33 am
The next chapter looks like a good one - shame about the break straight after.
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I can't wait to see Fai's angry face!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Snow-chan on October 08 2006, 02:42 am
The next chapter looks like a good one - shame about the break straight after.
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I can't wait to see Fai's angry face!
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Nor Kuro's reaction to that!
*crosses fingers for the rumours to be true!
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Could I be reading it aright, but it does sound like the group could finally then leave Tokyo in the next tank?! The setting would be ideal. *please, please, pretty please!*
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 08 2006, 02:48 am

*crosses fingers for the rumours to be true!
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Could I be reading it aright, but it does sound like the group could finally then leave Tokyo in the next tank?! The setting would be ideal. *please, please, pretty please!*

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i hope so. im rather sick of tokyo. they need a new and somewhat quiet world.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: kixie on October 08 2006, 03:02 am
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Nor Kuro's reaction to that!

Oh yes I'm looking forward to that too!
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But we've never seen Fai angry before so I'm buzzing!

*crosses fingers for the rumours to be true!
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Could I be reading it aright, but it does sound like the group could finally then leave Tokyo in the next tank?! The setting would be ideal. *please, please, pretty please!*

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It does look like their getting ready yes but I can see them being here for another chapter or two, Clamp won't let them leave with Fuuma, Subaru and Kamui still hanging around. But yes, as an X fan myself, I too want to leave this world now, we've been here too long.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Snow-chan on October 08 2006, 04:14 am
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They'll definitely need to be in Tokyo for at least one chapter more, for I too agree that they need to tie the loose ends with the X people, however more than three chapters would be awful! Better just take the three along and move to another world!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: INU on October 08 2006, 04:44 am
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>.< eeek! I'm afraid to think that Kuro and Fai might get into a fight! I hope they won't be too mad at each other. *sigh* I also wish that they'd leave Tokyo. Alot of bad things happened in Tokyo, and the lingering atmosphere of all this bloodched isn't helping them cheer up any.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: ishiyaki on October 08 2006, 07:13 am
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a fight between MommyFai and DaddyKuro??? :lol: I've to see it! I never think Fai could get upset with Kuro!
Definitely, I can't waaiiiiiit!!!!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tatasenko on October 08 2006, 08:36 pm
oh,very interesting,so Fai is finally going to show us his rebellious side  :wink:!
this chapter will certainly be a "first sight" of what will be the relationship between Kurogane and Fai from then on,because if Fai starts to lose his temper,it's means that Kurogane will have a lot of difficulty to keep him by his side to feed him  :keke:!
a stubborn Fai against a angry Kurogane,nothing can be more explosive  :tongue:!

about the cillfhanger at the end of chapter 132,we shouldn't expect something really amazing :
it will certainly end with the come back back of Sakura,and a double page showing her totally bloody with the shocked faces of the others  :sweatdrop:!

but at least,the new team will finally be united to continue the travel...even if there is a little problem...MOKONA IS SLEEPING !!!
damned,i hope he isn't hibernating or else they are not going to leave Tokyo until the next spring  :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 08 2006, 08:47 pm
.even if there is a little problem...MOKONA IS SLEEPING !!!
damned,i hope he isn't hibernating or else they are not going to leave Tokyo until the next spring
he'll hopefully wke up soon. he's been thru emotional hell more then all of them. he's witnessed ALL the angsty trauma. he probably is ery exhausted and stayed up long enough to make sure fai woke up safely. ANYbody'd need a nap after what mokona's been thru. hopefully he wont be too severly traumatized after all that.

btw, its grat that your online more often again tatasenko...still havent seen you on msn, but still nice to see you posting again ^_^
*glomps twin sister* :keke:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tatasenko on October 08 2006, 09:53 pm
hey,don't worry,i'm not going to disappear again,i missed my forum family too much!
i just need to find the good balance between my work,Tales of Phantasia,and Tsubasa reservoir chronicle  :keke:!

you are right about Mokona,i think that the other reason why Yuuko asked him to sleep was because she knew he needed to rest his little saddened heart  :sad5:
what i find funny in the recents chapters (yes,because there is at least one thing that can make us laught  :haha:),is that everyone slept a little during all this events:
Sakura after Clone Shaolan left her,Fai after he has received the vampire blood,Kurogane while he was watching over Fai,and Mokona when Fai finally woke up...peharps they find the manga boring  :sweatdrop:?

i hope Sakura isn't going to sleep again when she come back even if she is wounded,because i want them to MOVE!
oups,Shaolan is the only one who hasn't slept yet...he better stays awake  :angry:!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Renaya on October 08 2006, 11:38 pm
hey,don't worry,i'm not going to disappear again,i missed my forum family too much!
i just need to find the good balance between my work,Tales of Phantasia,and Tsubasa reservoir chronicle  :keke:!

you are right about Mokona,i think that the other reason why Yuuko asked him to sleep was because she knew he needed to rest his little saddened heart  :sad5:
what i find funny in the recents chapters (yes,because there is at least one thing that can make us laught  :haha:),is that everyone slept a little during all this events:
Sakura after Clone Shaolan left her,Fai after he has received the vampire blood,Kurogane while he was watching over Fai,and Mokona when Fai finally woke up...peharps they find the manga boring  :sweatdrop:?

i hope Sakura isn't going to sleep again when she come back even if she is wounded,because i want them to MOVE!
oups,Shaolan is the only one who hasn't slept yet...he better stays awake  :angry:!

hohoho, seems most of them is lack of sleep in the recent chapters, well I think Sakura had too much sleeping, followed by Fai for what?3-4 chapters and Kurogane and Mokona only sleep in one chapter  :sweatdrop:, BUT for R!Syao....he's been like ...what....sleeping since the beginning of manga, and fully awaken in the volume 15, and as for C!Syao...God (CLAMP) knows where he is and what's he doing now... :tongue:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: INU on October 09 2006, 01:17 am
oh, yeah, I didn't notice that! XD

Everyone got a good sleep-time in Tokyo.

Tokyo - the sleepy city. Okay, well, that's a bit overdue, but....

>.< still to say, I hope Faimommy and Kurodaddy don't get into too much of a fight. I'd hate to see that.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sandra-chan on October 09 2006, 01:27 am
Yeah! Kuro Fai stuff in the next chapter, can't wait :greengrin:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Airashii on October 09 2006, 08:45 am
I can't wait for chappie 132! Finally a KuroFai confrontation! I hope they get out of that world! Will R/Syaoran go with them? I hope!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Moro-dashi on October 09 2006, 09:26 am
I hope they don't fight TOO much :/
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: dark_persian on October 09 2006, 11:57 am
I personally would love to see Fai mummy and Kuro daddy have their first real tiff!!

Up until now all of their 'arguements' have consisted soley of Fai finding great amusment in making Kurogane angry. It's been so one sided. Fai acts silly and cute, Kurogane does all the shouting. We all know there's a much darker, more bitter Fai lurking beneith that charming 'the whole world is made of candyfloss and bunnies' exterior. I'm dying to see Fai finally let a little of that start to slip...
CLAMP are building towards something with Kurogane and Fai's relationship. You can bet that it's going to get a lot more tense before it reaches it's creshedno!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Møon Li on October 09 2006, 04:31 pm
So the spoiler says that
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Fai, Kurogane, and real!Syaoran will have a discussion about what will happen, and will be worried about Sakura. Nothing too surprising there. It says something about Kurogane making a descision - I wonder if that's anything monumental. Real!Syaoran seems to be turning out basically the same as his clone. Oh well. u.u
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For me, it would be wonderfull if the real Syaoran turns into his clon... I think is the same, clon and the real... he gave his heart, he was watching too, in a way, he was there too so... is the same, it has to be like that!!! hehe
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: mela on October 09 2006, 05:46 pm
Here are some new 132 spoilers courtesy of
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Some more rumors:




黒鋼=黒鋼が治療しなかったのはサクラが怪我をしても、ちゃんと治療できる為。(薬を残させるため)「信じ る事がそんなに怖いか」

ファイ=大激怒。「でももし命を落としたら・・もう帰れないんだ」最後、サクラに自分の防雨服をかけ、抱き しめる。


Splash page: Clone Syaoran

Sakura=She broke the compass Fuuma was asked to find for someone. She came back by seeing the ghosts. (suppose that means being guided by them?) After coming back, Sakura said, "I'm sorry." "But I'm glad you're alive."

Syaoran=He said "Sakura" (just like the other rumor). He seems to be in bad shape.

Kurogane=Kurogane didn't treat his injuries because he wanted to leave medicine for Sakura to use when she comes back.

Fay=Very angry. "But if you lost your wouldn't be able to come back." At the end, he wrapped Sakura in his raincoat and hugged her.

Mokona=Where is it?

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That ending with Fai and Sakura sounds way too cute! Mommy & child :cry: And Kurogane being a good daddy, all self-sacrificing for Sakura. Such good parents! It's all too cute, I can't bear it T^T
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: kixie on October 09 2006, 05:54 pm
oo I'm loving these new spoilers, either way woud be good for me, both would be fantastic. Awww Fai soon gets back into his mama role and Kuro is such a good papa.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: tsuki on October 09 2006, 06:03 pm
these new spoilers makes me feel can't wait till this Thurday!!  >_<
looks like Fye got very,very angry.....  O_O
Thursday!!come faster!!!  >_<
thankz for those spoilers,mela-san!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Touei on October 09 2006, 06:17 pm
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Awww ;^; Fai!Mommy+Sakura melts my heart. ♥
Now I can't wait to read this chapter. ='D
  I hope we get it tomorrow, that'd be a pretty spiffy birthday gift :B
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 09 2006, 06:49 pm
sounds like a pretty good chapter. and alot of times the great chapters get posted early, where as we have to wait for ladydark moon for the BORIng chapters (like ch 131)
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Snow-chan on October 09 2006, 09:31 pm
*chants "Thursday, Thursday!"*

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Sweet! The latest rumours are more to my taste since they retain the angry Fai bit (it has got to have that! Can't wait!), while overall giving off the impression of the last chapter of tank 16 to be a an "Aww!" one, which might be just what we need at the end of such an eventful and emotion-packed volume.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: INU on October 09 2006, 10:12 pm
Fai-mommy and Sakura-chan!! >.< oh, man, this is just making me so happy inside I can baraly breathe!!

Kuro-daddy seems to be awfully concenrned too. I believe that the confrontation will be part of a good thing. After all, it shows that they care. =3
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Emiko on October 09 2006, 11:15 pm
The spoilers almost sound like they could both be describing the chapter. It sounds like a continuing version of spoiler 1.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: suu_no_clover on October 10 2006, 02:58 am
sounds like a pretty good chapter. and alot of times the great chapters get posted early, where as we have to wait for ladydark moon for the BORIng chapters (like ch 131)
Boring....? D: I rather liked the last one, really... And using this logic, that means the next one is boring, if it hasn't been posted by today... x_x;

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Mommy and Daddy fighting? Oh dear, the poor children are going to need such therapy from all these family issues~ XP

...Just as soon as Mommy and Daddy get some therapy, after all of Son's problems.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Tatasenko on October 10 2006, 03:13 am
oh well,i would have prefered if it would have been Kurogane hugging Fai,but at least it will show the homecoming of our lovely "family"  :keke:...even if the parents are as much wounded as the children (Kurogane with a crippled back,Fai with a shady eye,Shaolan with a stabbed leg,and Sakura totally bloody  :sweatdrop:)

the last page of the chapter will certainly sum up all the horrors of this arc by showing a worried Fai embracing a sad Sakura while a depressed kurogane and a shocked Shaolan are watching the cute scene  :haha:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: duchessa on October 10 2006, 03:20 am
There's translations up for chap 132, but no images yet :/

Silly me, the link -

FAi! ;_;
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Snow-chan on October 10 2006, 03:31 am
:D  Squee!
It is a fun experience to try and imagine the images that go along with the text! :tongue3: Now it is only even more difficult to wait for them.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Ando on October 10 2006, 03:54 am
Okay, now I think I'll have to squee as well. *squeeee*   We can hardly stay awake    Please, chappie, don't delaaaay   (imaginary cookie to those whose nostalgia bells start ringing at that)...

I realised something the other day: my favourite TRC relationships aren't F/K nor T/Y, but Fai-mommy/Sakura, Kuro-daddy/Sakura and Fujitaka/Syaoran. I must  have a parent/child fetisch.
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Touei on October 10 2006, 03:56 am
Ohh, I'm trying so hard not to read the translation before we get the scans, but.. *mouse hovers over link*
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: duchessa on October 10 2006, 04:03 am
Ohh, I'm trying so hard not to read the translation before we get the scans, but.. *mouse hovers over link*

Click it, click it, you know you want to ~  :3
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: nefadol on October 10 2006, 04:07 am
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If she really did break Fuuma's compass, I wonder how he's going to react when he finds out. That was for a client.  o_O

Fay-mommy is much love, but Kuro being a smart daddy is love too.  Fay's getting a lesson on how other people's emotions work alright.  Wonder how long the "Kurogane" bit is going to last.  Need scans now. -_-
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: suu_no_clover on October 10 2006, 04:33 am
If we have translations, should we start a thread? Or wait for pics... *head splode*

Holy !@#$#. That splash page sounds sexy...
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Kazuki on October 10 2006, 05:45 am
GYAAA!!! :confused2:  :BangHead:
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 10 2006, 05:45 am
If we have translations, should we start a thread? Or wait for pics... *head splode*

Holy !@#$#. That splash page sounds sexy...
probably start a thread... DIBBS!!
Title: Re: Chapter 131
Post by: dark_persian on October 10 2006, 07:32 pm
Okay, now I think I'll have to squee as well. *squeeee*   We can hardly stay awake    Please, chappie, don't delaaaay   (imaginary cookie to those whose nostalgia bells start ringing at that)...

I realised something the other day: my favourite TRC relationships aren't F/K nor T/Y, but Fai-mommy/Sakura, Kuro-daddy/Sakura and Fujitaka/Syaoran. I must  have a parent/child fetisch.

I think you share CLAMP's fetish there. They obviously have very strong feelings about family units.