
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Eriol on October 13 2006, 04:52 pm

Title: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: Eriol on October 13 2006, 04:52 pm
Hmmm....I just wondering,if you watch Ah!My Goddess series and it's very nice indeed so I ask and make this poll.I hope you enjoy it!!  :okay:
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: Renaya on October 13 2006, 05:37 pm's been quite a long time since the last time I watched this anime

anyway, my fave is Sculd, the youngest one , why?coz she's cute and quite flexible...^_^ and I like the hammer she carried around (if i'm not mistaken)
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: sanlyn on October 15 2006, 01:29 am
I've only seen the oav version.  I've heard about the first season and second season but don't have time to check for them may be in near future.

Love Belldandy and of course including her seiyuu.  Her voice is always so sweet regardless of her age.
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: Eriol on October 17 2006, 03:57 pm
Yeah!!I seen the series right now but time really pass by oh well....back to the topic,mostly I like Belldandy much 'cause she is gentle and loving even to Keiichi. :okay:
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on October 17 2006, 04:10 pm
voted for Urd.. she's really beautiful and attractive >3 me likes bad girls! XD and the white hair! Ooo!! and sh'e very beautiful in the TV series with her hair being straight.. :inlove:
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master on October 17 2006, 08:08 pm
Belldandy...I like her personality...
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: Robin Sena on October 17 2006, 08:24 pm
Tsk tsk tsk...

No Peorth!?!?!?


Main - Belldandy

Other - Peorth
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: Zeldi on May 25 2007, 03:47 pm
I've only watched a few episodes of the first season and the movie. My favorite is Belldandy followed by Skuld. Belldandy's seiyuu is talented and her voice is very pretty. Skuld is just a cute character amusing on that as well.
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: Sakupu-chan on May 25 2007, 04:20 pm
Though Belldandy is my fave goddess, I choose Skuld x3 I prefer to be with the fun type of person xD And I agree with Zeldi Belldandy's seiyuu is love <3
Title: Re: Which Ah!My Goddess you like?
Post by: G_chaN on June 04 2007, 03:05 pm
URD!!! Urd all the way!!  :haha:   I like the sly attitude of hers...  ;D