
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Kazuki on October 15 2006, 11:37 am

Title: GohouDrug x Holic (Spoilers possible!!!)
Post by: Kazuki on October 15 2006, 11:37 am
Anyone notice this?


It's the same place!!!

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Kazahaya has to walk between the pole and the wall because Kakei ordered him (and because of that he returned ten years in time). Watanuki has to go through the same pole because Yuko told him, so he could see that spirit that sold him the ballons!

We all know that Watanuki goes to the store Rikuou and Kazahaya work in, and that the store is near Yuko's but... Do you thing CLAMP stopped GD all this time because Kakei (and Saiga) might be linked somehow to the story? >_>

Well anyway, it's interesting to see that they used the same place in both manga ^^
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: nefadol on October 15 2006, 12:01 pm
Yep, I noticed.

The daffodil jar that Yuuko uses to purify Kudakitsune is also the one that Kazahaya and Rikuo retrieved, she even said it came from a shrine.  I think it's pretty likely that Kakei and Yuuko are buddies. XD
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Jeannette on October 15 2006, 12:21 pm
Haha, yeah. Yuuko and Kakei are definitely best friends forever. I noticed that too, and the bit Nefadol mentioned.
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Emiko on October 15 2006, 12:42 pm
^___^ Yuuko and Kakei are totally BFF. And it took me forever to realize that the vases were the same, in which case Yuuko was probably the customer Kazahaya and Rikuo got it for. Duh. Lol.
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Kazuki on October 19 2006, 07:31 am
Wow that's really cool to know! ^^
I would never realize that the vase was the same one! :XD:

Well, now we know why Yuuko is such a fangirl!
She's used to having "those" kinds of friends...  :surprised:
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Sabbe-chan on October 19 2006, 04:37 pm
I didn't notice that about the poles, but I knew about the vase.
Yuuko really knows a lot of people!!

"Sigh"  All of this talk make me miss Gohou Drug...
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Smile_For_Me on October 19 2006, 04:46 pm
I can see it know, Yuuko and Keiki are BBF, not only that, but they both have two boys they mess with when ever they want. Its just who's more evil of the two?

GohouDrug will, as I read in some mag. start back up in 2007, so yeah.
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: kixie on October 19 2006, 07:12 pm
... I seriously need to read Gouhou Drugs again - I didn't get either of them... Though I don't pay that much attention in xxxholic... I wonder if there are any more links?

Is it really starting back up in 2007? *celebrates*
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Renaya on October 19 2006, 09:57 pm
Will be back next year..?? wheee!!! you think it will have something to do with xxxHolic in the future chapters?? I said it's definitely!

and btw, Gohou Drug is not release in a magazine like TRC and xxxHolic , right? it's straightly released into a tankoubun
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: nefadol on October 20 2006, 05:30 am
and btw, Gohou Drug is not release in a magazine like TRC and xxxHolic , right? it's straightly released into a tankoubun

It used to run in Asuka, the same magazine that ran X.  They were both put on hiatus at the same time actually.
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: xxxholic on October 21 2006, 12:06 pm
I really hope CLAMP starts on Legal Drugs again. I missed the manga. I hope it doesn't become the next "X", in terms of the time on haitus.
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Chibi on October 26 2006, 10:14 am
I've been following xxxHOLiC for a while, but I just read Gohou Drug recently, and that's all I could think when I saw that pole scene! However, I never knew about the vase.

Plus didn't Watanuki by the medicine for Yuuko when she was having a hangover at the drugstore in Gohou Drug? That just proves that they're in the same world.
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: nefadol on October 26 2006, 11:01 am
^ He also met Kazahaya and Rikuo and saw ghostly images of Kei and Tsukiko trailing behind both of them.  Which is probably a spoiler for the future of the story whenever they decide to continue it. -_-
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Renaya on October 26 2006, 08:34 pm
^ He also met Kazahaya and Rikuo and saw ghostly images of Kei and Tsukiko trailing behind both of them.  Which is probably a spoiler for the future of the story whenever they decide to continue it. -_-

yup2, Watanuki can see the ghostly images....does that mean that Tsukiko and Kei are ghost which means they're dead..???...*actually  the ghost image of Kei is kinda frightening me  :sweatdrop:..I'm weak to those things
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Hisui on October 30 2006, 11:17 am
yup2, Watanuki can see the ghostly images....does that mean that Tsukiko and Kei are ghost which means they're dead..???...*actually  the ghost image of Kei is kinda frightening me  ..I'm weak to those things

This means that Tsukiko and Kei are dead? Good!!! I don't like them (but I didn't like Himawari too and in the latest chapters we see she's not THAT bad [even if she is still a little bad hehehe]). Kazuki-san already told me about the poles(nyaaa it's me Kaza-chan from CLAMP BL forum), but I don't think I would notice that on my own... but the vase I knew the minute I saw it! (Because I'm a huge fan of Legal Drug) Now my question is: What Yuuko paid in exchange for that? We must remember that she never ask for I wonder.... *little peverted mind is saying: "She borrowed gay porn from Saiga and Kakei!"* Waaa sorry! hehehehehe
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Smile_For_Me on October 30 2006, 11:57 am
Tsukiko and Kei may or may not be dead, the ghostly figures that are behind the boys are or could be that of a second spirt of the person, Legal Drug Manga 3 has the whole story on that. What we do know is that Tsukiko could have been taken or killed by a gang. Kei's case is that Kazayahay ran away from the place where he was at. The girls pressing thoughts could also be merged with the boys, resulting in the ghosts figures.

Now for Kakei and Yuko.....I'm still waiting for Kakei to walk into her shop so they could swap plans to mess with their boys.
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic
Post by: Hisui on October 30 2006, 10:09 pm
The girls pressing thoughts could also be merged with the boys, resulting in the ghosts figures.

Got it! thanx, I totally forgot that! Watanuki doesn't only see bad spirits.

Now for Kakei and Yuko.....I'm still waiting for Kakei to walk into her shop so they could swap plans to mess with their boys.

Yep, Gohou Drug and xxxHolic have a lot of things in common and evil-plotting-bosses are definetively one of these things.
Title: Re: GohouDrug x Holic (Spoilers possible!!!)
Post by: Smile_For_Me on November 08 2006, 05:48 pm
Just woundering if Inokashira Park was ever spoken of in XXXHolic, I only have two mangas at the moment, because if that is the case, Along with X, thats a no brainer, well just read away.

I so hope the will not happen, but then again it is CLAMP...

and since I can't find the LG board, I'll just post this here, found another cross over in XXXHolic and LG,  its the Bunny Logo Character thing.....

For Holic its manga 1, pg 140, 142, 153....its on the tv

For LG manga 1 pg 136....its on the coke can thing

and for another cross over thing, the girls on pg 26 of LG, their uniform is that of Touya and Yukito's High School of CCS.