
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Airashii on October 21 2006, 10:27 am

Title: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Airashii on October 21 2006, 10:27 am
Okay, why, you may ask, I put this here? Well, because it may concern all of you who watch anime there or post AMV. I got the news from yahoo.

TOKYO - The popular video-sharing site YouTube deleted nearly 30,000 files after a Japanese entertainment group complained of copyright infringement.


The Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers, found 29,549 video clips such as television shows, music videos and movies posted on YouTube's site without permission, an official from the group, Fumiyuki Asakura, said Friday.

The San Mateo, Calif.-based company quickly complied with the request to remove the copyright materials, made on behalf of 23 Japanese TV stations and entertainment companies, Asakura said.

Most videos posted on YouTube are homemade, but the site also features scores of copyright material posted by individual users. YouTube's policy is to remove such clips after it receives complaints, though some have suggested the startup eventually could be sued, especially with deep-pocketed Google Inc. about to buy it for $1.65 billion in stock.

Asakura said the entertainment industry group may ask YouTube to introduce a preliminary screening process to prevent copyright clips from being posted.

YouTube has been negotiating with leading copyright holders and reached agreement with several letting the Web site post copyright music videos and other content in exchange for sharing ad revenue.

The company agreed to deploy an audio-signature technology that can spot a low-quality copy of a licensed clip. YouTube would have to substitute an approved version or remove the material automatically.

YouTube has licensing deals with CBS Corp. and three major recording companies — Warner Music Group Corp., Vivendi SA's Universal Music Group and Sony BMG Music Entertainment, which is a joint venture between Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE - news). and Bertelsmann AG.

Since YouTube started in February 2005, the company has blossomed, now showing more than 100 million video clips per day.

YouTube's worldwide audience was 72.1 million by August, up 2.8 million from a year earlier, according to comScore Media Metrix.

Yikes! :confused:
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Capella on October 21 2006, 10:34 am
I was wondering why all the Code Geass raws on YouTube were going up and then being taken down. Perhaps this is the cause (or related to this in some way).
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Airashii on October 21 2006, 10:37 am
Yes, I think it is. I was going to watch the opening of that anime, but it got deleted. -_-
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Arcademan on October 21 2006, 10:54 am
So far, Tsubasa Chronicle is still on YouTube. Watch it while you can.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Airashii on October 21 2006, 11:01 am
And Naruto is still on youtube,  I think they deleted the new animes that are coming out.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: tsuki on October 21 2006, 11:08 am
hmm.glad my faves anime they didnt deleted yet... ^__^
thankz for the news Airashii!!
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: nefadol on October 21 2006, 11:55 am
I was wondering why all the Code Geass raws on YouTube were going up and then being taken down. Perhaps this is the cause (or related to this in some way).

From what I heard Sunrise is behind that, most of their titles are being pulled. :hugs bittorrent:
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Paccy on October 21 2006, 11:58 am
But I liked the anime at YouTube. D:
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Airashii on October 21 2006, 12:00 pm
Not all of them are deleted, there are still some. I hope they don't delete them all. *groan*
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Capella on October 21 2006, 12:08 pm
From what I heard Sunrise is behind that, most of their titles are being pulled. :hugs bittorrent:

T___T I can't get torrents to work on my computer. I can't even get .avi files to work on my computer. And I really want to watch Code Geass, too.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Toge-chan on October 22 2006, 05:12 am
This is just plain stupid! What's going to happen when Tsubasa/other anime gets licesened? >_> Notice I watch FMa, Fruits Basket, Aishiteruze Baby, Dear Boys and others there... >>
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Giraffe-o-Life on October 22 2006, 05:26 am
-_- Of course Youtube was going to be caught up in the corporate bullcrap eventually. Too bad, a lot of people were given access to series' they couldn't otherwise watch, and now that's going to be taken away. Lame.  :( At least they won't be deleating AMVs, right?
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Senefen on October 23 2006, 11:30 am
I had a code geass trailer up and I got an email from youtube saying sunrise wanted it taken down. If I did not my account would be deleted, needless to say I took te trailer down :P
Its a trailer for god's sake! I'm helping you advertise! Its not like I'm putting up your episodes.... I dont have the bandwith for that....

Dun worry If youtube falls another site will take its place. You can not stop the piracy *evil laugh*
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Arcademan on October 23 2006, 11:52 am
Sounds like people like you are the cause of the problem instead of the solution. If a company doesn't want their stuff used, it shouldn't...plain and simple.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Tohru-chan on October 23 2006, 12:02 pm
I THINK AMV's and MMV's are different, though I can't be sure.

I'm actually not too upset about youtube taking down it's anime so much, since the quality on there is extremely bad. I have to agree with Arcademan-san. People put extremely hard work into producing those episodes so that people like us can enjoy them. When we abuse that privilege....they lose money. If they aren't making a profit then no episodes period. I enjoy being able to watch episode's early as well..... But it would be incredibly selfish of me to be upset or go out of my way to disrespect the wishes of these companies.

Let's be happy with what we have. ^^ I don't think promoting piracy would be a very good thing, or speak very highly of our character, you know?
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: suu_no_clover on October 23 2006, 12:06 pm
I guess it's fair... maybe not fun, but fair. If everyone watches Youtube, instead of purchasing anime, ect, then the actual media and merchaindise won't be sold anymore, and then I'll never be able to get any merch anywhere~!!
It's for the best. ^_^; Thanks for the article link.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Arcademan on October 23 2006, 12:09 pm
It's a double-edged sword. I do watch a few things on YouTube, I'll be the first to admit however if I really like a show, I'll buy the DVD when available.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: amyanimefan on October 23 2006, 12:12 pm
But what about the fans in countries which doesn't sell anime .
in my country there is no such thing as anime in stores :cry:
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Airashii on October 23 2006, 12:15 pm
That's why youtube is nice,  because some anime's that are very hard to find it gets uploaded there, so it is too an advantage.  :haha:  In my country there are ery couple anime stores, and they don't mostly have anything! I understand you, though you can buy on internet.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Tohru-chan on October 23 2006, 12:16 pm
You can buy the anime episodes online. ^^ Even if you can't find the series you want in a store, there are always available resources.

Also! Bittorrent and other similar programs are still out there and available to everyone. If there is a series you think you might be interested in, simply download the first few episodes on bittorrent and decide from there if you want to continue. That is normally what I do.  ^^ Generally the movie/episode/show is much clearer.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on October 23 2006, 12:35 pm
From my understanding, Japan ordered that these files be removed from youtube because the Japanese were watching it on youtube instead of watching it on TV or buying DVDs and I don't think it really had much to do with Americans watching it and from what I've heard most of what was taken down were live-action Japanese shows and things like music videos and concert footage but I believe most of the anime stuff is still up.  At least this is just what I heard, but that's what they posted over at ANN and they're usually pretty reliable when it comes to reporting news info.  While I can understand Japan wanting to stop piracy, I think they're also a bit hypocritical at times, too.  I mean, they expect nobody to ever download any of their programs, but they over-price anime DVDs through the roof.  A single R2 anime DVD can cost up to $50 for only one or two episodes and very little if any extras.  Japan pitches a little hissy fit whenever Americans import manga from Japan instead of buying the American releases (that's the whole reason why Kodansha cancelled their bilingual CCS manga) and then they turn around and pitch another hissy fit when the Japanese import anime DVDs from the U.S. instead of buying them in Japan just because anime DVDs are actually affordable in America.

While anime DVDs in the U.S. can still be pricy compared to American TV show DVDs, compare having to pay $50 for two episodes to having to pay $30 for four episodes and there's a world of difference already.  I think if Japan expects people to stop pirating their programs, they shouldn't charge a ridicilous amount for an anime DVD, especially since anime is much more popular in Japan than America so their DVD sales wouldn't hurt as much if they charged a little less compared to America.  I mean, selling an anime DVD at $30 for four episodes is a perfectly reasonable price especially in the U.S. where anime is still a niche market and it's worked just fine and dandy for America.  But charging as much as Japan does for their R2 DVDs is ridicilous and unacceptable and there should be no reason for this nonsense considering how popular anime is in Japan.  I mean, how many people in their right mind would pay $70 for a 90 minute cartoon movie?  Because that's how much Japan charges for anime movies on DVD.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Airashii on October 23 2006, 12:42 pm
*sigh* I'm glad it's only the lie-action shows...
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: technohive on October 15 2007, 04:28 am
Or if you like to watch anime series episode by episode then I know some site and it was animefuel . I have put it in my signature for those interested.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master on December 13 2007, 10:09 pm
oh...I don't know if I should advertise this but...

someone gave this link to me...but I don't know if it'll work for you guys...anyway...

[ --- Link removed due to Terms of Service violation --- ]

I don't know if you guys know it or not but for me they've got the anime I really need to see or catch up on. Disadvantage is the slowness, I think...
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Arcademan on December 13 2007, 10:38 pm
Link is to licensed material and should NOT be posted in the forum!!!
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Kazemon15 on December 14 2007, 11:55 am
Hmm what about shows which were only shown on TV but never released on DVD? (Like Digimon...;_;)
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on December 15 2007, 01:45 pm
Kazemon, I'm assuming you are posting that in relation to what Arcademan said.

It doesn't matter either way - it's still licensed. Meaning no illegal links to uploaded episodes please :)

Let's just put it this way: If it's been on TV then that mean's its been licensed and still falls under the 'No posting links to illegal content'
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Kazemon15 on December 15 2007, 01:52 pm
Kazemon, I'm assuming you are posting that in relation to what Arcademan said.

It doesn't matter either way - it's still licensed. Meaning no illegal links to uploaded episodes please :)

Let's just put it this way: If it's been on TV then that mean's its been licensed and still falls under the 'No posting links to illegal content'

Heh sorry if I was confusing, I was just asking what will happen to youtube videos with TV material only? Cuz I use youtube to watch old shows which are no longer on TV nor can one get on DVD.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Kasawa Lanford on December 15 2007, 03:32 pm
That's tricky to be honest. It all depends on what exactly is 'shown'

I know that out-of-country shows are considered a violation of that country's CRC(Copy Right Code) and thus that country CAN sue YouTube (Under US Law) for violating their CRC's and allowing shows that are licensed there to run.

Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: HatoriTakaya on December 15 2007, 09:53 pm
There's no doubt about that. Well I guess users have to find an alternative to watching streamed animes/live-shows and so on. Actually I always wondered what do youtube purpose and whether their purpose is going to exist in the future. Since all the companies are beginning to sue sites that streams copyrighted materials. What is exactly left on those sites? Not to mention sites that attract alot of attention and has a little bit of copyright materials are getting sued as well. e.g. spytorrent. Well that's offtopic but you get the idea.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Arcademan on December 15 2007, 10:09 pm
Links to YouTube are acceptable. There's always been a lot about the legalities on many of the videos on YouTube and as companies are cracking down on streaming videos, there are actually a few that are partners with YouTube and from what I hear, a couple of major networks may be close to signing on with them as well. TNA Wrestling and the National Hockey League are a few of the companies that use YouTube for their promotions.
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: HatoriTakaya on December 15 2007, 10:22 pm
Sokka. Well I guess they have ying-yang reaction going there as well. I remembered that some countries leaders used youtube for their political campaigns.

e.g. Australia. John Howard.

But then it was legal too. Then again, I have to be honest. I don't use youtube that much really. But I'm just giving an opinion about the issue for those who loses more than me, since they rely on youtube services and the stuff that were uploaded there. 

Anyway, the copyright law is sure tough. Gotta wonder when it was originated and how much would it cost to make a single material copyrighted. By the way, does it apply on games that was released from Japan. Yeah I know it's stupid question but I don't think they are chasing them though. (Which is good for lots of people I guess).
Title: Re: You Tube deletes 30,000 copyright files
Post by: Konata Izumi on February 10 2008, 12:55 am
aint really using youtube that much these days... usually I go to not-so well known/underground streaming sites just to watch anime. or even better use torrents. That's how I got my lucky star vids. :lol:

anyway, we can't really blame youtube on removing those vids, since they contained copyrighted material. Although, I'm somewhat angry about the fact that even AMVs are being removed as well. But too bad we can't do anything about it... <_<