
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Arcademan on October 26 2006, 03:16 pm

Title: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Arcademan on October 26 2006, 03:16 pm
As the opposite of the other thread, which animes did you find acceptable and in some cases...better than the original manga series? Please feel free to discuss your choices :)
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Jeannette on October 26 2006, 03:22 pm
Hahah, I just mentioned this on the other thread, but I vastly prefer the Revolutionary Girl Utena anime to the manga. The manga is just... meh. >< I have equal love for the Sailor Moon anime and manga. From what I've read, I think the Furuba and Loveless anime were also good adaptions of the manga (though granted, I've not read all of either manga but watched all of both anime).

For Clamp, the HOLiC anime was a good adaption and the Tokyo Babylon OVAs in general caught the manga very well, without trying to make the OVAs -be- the manga. They were just side stories that completely fit the manga canon.
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Arcademan on October 26 2006, 03:29 pm
My favorite anime from manga...Angelic Layer. Matter of fact, I enjoyed the anime better than the manga. The ending made a bit more sense in the anime. Other honorable mentions include YuYu Hakusho and a certain series involving a girl with a wand capturing cards. Take a wild guess which one that is :tongue:
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Rekall on October 26 2006, 04:21 pm
Miene Liebe. I loved the anime and hated the manga.

Prince of Tennis is another anime (one of the few)  that I like better than the manga (although the original anime ending was stupid but they fixed things with the OVAs).  I love the manga too but the filler stuff in the anime really brought the series to life.

Ouran High School Host Club had a really good anime but I do perfer the manga of it.
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Kuro-puppy on October 26 2006, 04:21 pm
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's

i read the first chapters but the anime is a lot better in my opinion because the manga starts with stuff that happened between 1st and 2nd season and then suddenly jumps ahead to stuff from episode 4 in 2nd season O.O

and the anime has a lot of great seiyuu's, awesome music and great battles. which the manga doesn't have offcourse XD
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: suu_no_clover on October 26 2006, 04:46 pm
I rather prefferred the Fullmetal Alchemist anime to the manga. The manga seems very sparse, in some ways, to me. The anime seemed to make more sense.

Black Cat is better in anime, as well. Something about the way the author lays out the story in book form made it less fun to read, for me.
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Hack on October 26 2006, 05:10 pm
Death note

that's all there is for me.
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: tsuki on October 26 2006, 06:30 pm
Naruto & Death Note!!
But,I always read Naruto manga coz the anime is slow.... ^__^
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 26 2006, 06:44 pm
aside from the numerous numerous fillers, B.S. Sailor Moon was nicely done. some things were left out like beryl and the 4 knights's back stories, but the other arcs were well done.

then again, i have not read all the manga.

still, i read the supers manga, one vol, and i prefer the animeversion...
Show content
the amazon trio are hotter in the anime, fisheye included, and they git to live on. i had them featured in a fic idea thats sitting rotted in my head
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: sanlyn on October 27 2006, 01:07 am
For me... its full moon wo sagashite - although it suffered same fate with TRC(many scenes were either modified or ommited because it got kid's timeslot), but the singing part was simply amazing.  It all thanks to Myco's voice.
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on October 27 2006, 12:37 pm
My favorite anime from manga...Angelic Layer. Matter of fact, I enjoyed the anime better than the manga. The ending made a bit more sense in the anime. Other honorable mentions include YuYu Hakusho and a certain series involving a girl with a wand capturing cards. Take a wild guess which one that is :tongue:
I agree that both the Angelic Layer and CCS anime are a lot better than the manga.  I thought the Angelic Layer manga was too episodic and I was disappointed by the lack of any real character development.  I thought the art in the manga looked cheap too, especially when CLAMP drew the characters to look all squidish like with no clothes and just a plain white body.  I like the art a lot better in the anime and I thought the love triangle they added into the anime was really cute.  The anime's ending isn't as cheesy as the manga's either, though I thought the manga was funnier.  Even though I was very disappointed with the first season of MKR, I thought the second season was better than the manga.  I liked the introduction of Nova and Debonair.  I thought it added more excitement to the story.  I also liked how the Magic Knights interacted with the enemies outside of their Mashin in the anime more and Umi and Fuu got more screen time and I liked how Alcyone and Presea got larger roles in the anime version.  The only thing I liked better in the manga version was I thought the ending to the second season was better than the anime's, but as a whole I think the anime version of MKR season two is better than the manga.
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: FaerieFlora on October 29 2006, 03:40 pm
Recently saw Angelic Layer but havent read the manga.So the anime is better? Should I even pick up the manga??
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 29 2006, 04:43 pm
pretear anime was nicely done. it was very pretty. i only have one beef: the way kei lookes in the anime is very...weird...O_o
also the transformation sequences were anoying, but otherwise the Pretear anime was very nicely done

kei from manga: (this is the only actual image of manga kei on the net O_O)
kei from anime:

its possible that the animeters thogut that kei and manen looked too similar, which in a way they do: both have short hair, but manen is only 12 and has white hair and kei is 16 with darker blond . if only he didnt look so...GAY in the anime >_<
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Eriol on October 31 2006, 07:32 pm
Oh yes!!!Angelic Layer ending in anime is much better 'cause Misaki and her mom are get together..... :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on April 21 2008, 06:42 am
the Maburaho anime is much better than the Manga IMO. more things happening, and better art.
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: monkey on April 22 2008, 05:10 am
Ah My Goddess!
Azumanga Daioh
Cardcaptor Sakura
Dragonball Z
Excel Saga
Fruits Basket
Ichigo Mashimaro
Inu Yasha
Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho
Kodomo no Jikan
Kyou no Go no Ni
Lucky Star
Midori no Hibi
Neon Genesis Evangelion
NHK ni Youkoso
Pani Poni Dash
Prince of Tennis
School Rumble
Sketchbook ~full color'S~
Street Fighter II
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Yuu Yuu Hakusho

Death note

that's all there is for me.
Naruto & Death Note!!
But,I always read Naruto manga coz the anime is slow.... ^__^

please tell me this is some lame practical joke =_=
it was a dialogue heavy series. It doesn't work in Animated or Video form.
It's to be Read, not Watched.
Title: Re: Excellent animes from manga
Post by: Møon Li on April 28 2008, 07:36 pm
please tell me this is some lame practical joke =_=
it was a dialogue heavy series. It doesn't work in Animated or Video form.
It's to be Read, not Watched.
Amen! XD and same goes for TRC or xxxHOLiC hehehe.