Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Kuro-puppy on December 11 2006, 07:30 pm
you can vote for a max of 3 manga's/anime's from CLAMP
my personal favorites are:
1. CCS: no explanation needed
2. Magic Knight Rayearth: it's a classic
3. X/1999: the deaths, the action, the drama
my pick
-- CCS -- cute character/ nice music/ and the battle costume
-- MKR -- the art style
-- xxxHolic -- i always loves folklores.
runner up
Tsubasa chronicle
My favorites are:
1. Tsubasa reservoir chronicle -- you all know why ^^
1. X/1999 -- The art and story are wonderful!
2. Legal drug -- I just like it!
I couldn't decide between X or TRC so they'd have to share. The second place is not so fixed. It depends on what I feel like at the moment.
My faves are:
1.Tsubasa reservoir chronicle - Wonderful art and story :D
2. X - Also wonderful art and great story :okay:
3. Cardcaptor Sakura - Fun and cute story, I like it.( I like the anime more than the manga though) :)
Of the ones I've read:
3. Angelic Layer (I'm re-reading the series)
2. Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (storylines aside, this series opened my eyes to all of CLAMP's works)
1. Cardcaptor if there were any doubt since it's the best manga of ALL TIME!!! :D
1) Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle - Art, story, cast, themes. Ect.
2) Cardcaptor Sakura - It's CCS. No explanations necessary. :)
3) X/1999 - Gorgeous Artwork, Gripping characters. Tragedy, love, plot. A great series.
Runner up goes to Clover, for it's general beauty.
My favorites are
1.CCS this manga is what turned me on to reading and collecting manga in the first place ^_^
2. X/1999 i luv the complexity of the characters and the plot is!
3. RG Veda its a classic and i fell in luv with the story.
-CCS - probably their most successful work. The first manga I ever read and what got me into manga. One of my first animes (tho it was cardcaptors >.>)
-Tokyo Babylon- dont know why but this has a special place in my heart ^^
-xxxholic- best character development out of any of their series IMHO, good original art style. Still love the characters after 125 chapters. Dark but not emo :P I like Watanuki very much and have enjoyed seeing him grow.