
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Kuro-puppy on December 27 2006, 04:37 pm

Title: Fate-chan fanclub (join our craziness! XD)
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 27 2006, 04:37 pm
This is the fanclub topic about Fate Testarossa, the coolest magical girl ever! *pose*
feel free to discuss, talk, or just fangirl/fanboy over this character! ^^

Member list:


(this should be allright for the first fanclub topic, i think.....)
Title: Re: Fate-chan fanclub (join our craziness! XD)
Post by: Zeldi on December 29 2006, 05:07 am
Fate Testarossa one of the coolest characters from one of the AWSOMEST Animanga's <3~!! >'3

Angst + Fate + Nana Mizuki = <3 :'D
Title: Re: Fate-chan fanclub (join our craziness! XD)
Post by: Kuro-puppy on January 13 2007, 01:40 am
Fate Testarossa one of the coolest characters from one of the AWSOMEST Animanga's <3~!! >'3

Angst + Fate + Nana Mizuki = <3 :'D

Yeah! and don't forget Coolness + Fate + Torture + Devastating power = <3 :'D
Title: Re: Fate-chan fanclub (join our craziness! XD)
Post by: Zeldi on January 21 2007, 04:06 am
YES~!! Even more amazingness *x* Add me to the list will ya ;3
Title: Re: Fate-chan fanclub (join our craziness! XD)
Post by: moezy-chan on January 23 2007, 12:37 pm
Ooh~! I'll join! Fate-chan, surprise surprise, is actually my favorite character <3 I always favor the angst character ^_^
Title: Re: Fate-chan fanclub (join our craziness! XD)
Post by: Moon on January 23 2007, 05:09 pm
I'd like to join too. Fate is cool~ ^^
Title: Re: Fate-chan fanclub (join our craziness! XD)
Post by: Kuro-puppy on March 12 2007, 08:05 pm
I would glady add you guys but i can't modify the first post anymore >.<