
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Kuro-puppy on December 27 2006, 04:45 pm

Title: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 27 2006, 04:45 pm
This is the fanclub topic for Fai/Chii

feel free to discuss, talk, or just fangirl/fanboy over this couple!


Member List:

Title: Re: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: Kazemon15 on December 27 2006, 04:49 pm
Here's a pic

Title: Re: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: chobitswizard on December 27 2006, 05:12 pm
a fanclub, yay! but i dunno, this will probably get deleted like the last one.

but thats one of my favorite pictures! :) they look too kawaii like that, with fai caressing chii's hair. and chi's hair all around him, and the way fai is sitting is kakkoi. ^o^/
Title: Re: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 27 2006, 07:23 pm
^ it probably won't be deleted since i already got permission for the fanclubs..sorta.....

it seems like all the pics in the first post automatically get resized, so much for a banner >.<
Title: Re: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: Kazemon15 on December 28 2006, 08:49 am
Well, at least there's a BIG picture of it on my post lol .....anyway.....about Fai-Chi [yay] ....Im working on a AMV of them! ...anyone want to see?
Title: Re: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: Emiko on December 28 2006, 08:51 am
The reason why the original Fai/Chii thread was deleted was because it was way offtopic and some people were offended by the original message, not because it was a Fai/Chii thread. I'm the mod for the General Discussions area, and I won't be deleting any Fai/Chii threads that pop up there, just for future reference.

And I've always thought that splash page was pretty ^_^
Title: Re: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on December 28 2006, 01:53 pm
oh a Fai/chii fanclub!! i like the idea i'll join!!! XD
Title: Re: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: Kazemon15 on December 28 2006, 03:05 pm
oh a Fai/chii fanclub!! i like the idea i'll join!!! XD

Yay :D More fans!
Title: Re: Fai/Chii fanclub
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 28 2006, 05:48 pm
added the memberlist ^^