
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Mina on January 22 2007, 05:36 am

Title: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
Post by: Mina on January 22 2007, 05:36 am
Original anime, produced by Sunrise, Inc.
Shown in online streaming site, Gyao (which, unfortunately, you can't access unless you are on Japanese server)
Official website:

What it's about: 17 year-old Youjirou Akizuki is an Eien no Shikaku (Eternal Assassin), who has a sword called Getsuruitou (Sword of Moon Tears) and has a task of finding and destroying Hasha no Kubi (Conquerer's Head). That's the main, most basic plot of the anime, but a whole lot more goes on. Go there to get some more ideas about it.

There' are lots of historical stuff (and people) mentioned throughout the anime. And the quality the animation changes from episode of episodes due to  change in animation directors and sometimes outsourcing of the episode. (to save on budget)

I've been literally obsessed with this anime. I don't think I've been this obsessed on any other anime(manga is different story, lol *cough*Tsubasa*cough*).

Check out the OP of this anime on youtube too.... the song is awesome ^_^ (it's Kouya Ruten by FictionJunction Yuuka)

I recommend it ^_^
Anyone already watch it by any chance?
Title: Re: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
Post by: almosthere13 on January 22 2007, 06:05 am
i watch it! yea its really gd! nice to see another fan! ^.^
Title: Re: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
Post by: sanlyn on January 22 2007, 04:25 pm
i am also watching this series... I just loved historical setting anime.  I also enjoy the opening theme from fictionjunction yuuka.  Its my favorite anime theme for "2006 fall anime series".

Its a little different with the usual samurai show that i've seen.  The tone of the show is serious with cool sword fighting.
Title: Re: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
Post by: Mina on January 27 2007, 11:29 am
*is listening to Kouya Ruten right now :P *

Yeah, Kouya Ruten is my favorite anime theme for 2006 too... it just matches so well... not to mention the OP is gorgeous.

Ahh... omg! I just read about and saw few screencaps of ep.16 and...
(spoiler for ep.16)
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Akizuki-sama smiles... and sings! Though very badly, from what I hear.... but still... he smiled... and sang..*dies*
Title: Re: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
Post by: tsuki on January 30 2007, 12:16 am
wow!the OP is really amazing! know where to download the anime until latest eps? +_=
please give me the link as soon as possible... :sweatdrop:
kyaa!!Namikawa Daisuke!!  :inlove:
pm me please
Title: Re: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
Post by: Mina on February 03 2007, 11:48 am
Omg, I love Akizuki's seiyuu (aka Fai's seiyuu ;) ). He's just so darn perfect for Akizuki.

I just heard him say this one line in a preview and I totally melted over....