Kyaa!!!!!!!!! (fangirl scream's) Finally I found people who also LOVE D.Gray-Man!! <3
MJ Walker~! You gotta posts something in this thread!! :XD:
Yes!!Allen is really cute!! ^_^ He's really strong too!!
My favorite characters are Allen,Kanda & Rabi!! <3 I can't leave one of them! XP They're too gorgeous!!
Hoshino Katsura-sensei really made me crazy coz his manga is really awesome!! :XD:
Oh yeah,did you read the latest chapter yet?It's really damn cool!! >.<
Don't read this spoiler coz it is chapter 90-107 spoiler. :sweatdrop:
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Waai!!!Crow-chan & Dasjebi (thats what her name spelt,right?)!!!They're really awesome!!Crow-chan!!OMG!!What will happen to him!?Will Dasjebi win the battle!!And Kanda!?AH!!!I can't think about it!! >.< I hope Kanda's safe... T^T
Miranda is really awesome!She used her innocence to safe everyone!Such a kind woman she is...But,she said somebody's time vanished!OMG!!Maybe she meant Kanda!?No!!!!!!!Kanda will not lost to anyone! >.< And...what enemies will Rabi & Allen faces!?
Heh!Allen's new innocence is damn cool!!Its name is Show content
Crowned Clown
Oh my!!Can't wait for the next chapter!
I recommend you people read this manga! :XD:
The anime is not that good lor... TT^TT
Yeah,you're right marielaure.The manga is super rock (but not the anime xP).The latest chapter is "WHOA~!!!" xD I think they don't like/know D.Gray-man because this anime/manga is new.Em~I think the manga was created on 2003..?Don't remember~This manga also based from Gothic-art style.Its rare to find manga with Gothic-art style.I suddenly love this series after watching a couple of episodes. ^_^ Oh,wait...back to topic:Spoiler for chapter 127~
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Kyaa~!!!Cross is back!Hell yeah,he's hot here.I wonder what is that skull-mask on his face? o_O OMG!Skull-mask=VIZARDS! xD; (Oh,forget it!I just remember about Bleach after saw the skull-mask on Cross's face).By the way,his Innocence rocks!Grave of Maria...a lovely name~ ^_^ Its funny when Allen said "Its been along time... *stared at Cross with his stupid-looking face while Cross grabbed his leg*" xDD Poor you,Allen![/end of spoiler]
We need more Kanda & Krory! >w< many times I said this!? *whacked herself*
p/s:For spoiler sake,I used pink color!Sorry if it hurts your eyes! xP