
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: marielaure on February 09 2007, 05:45 am

Title: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on February 09 2007, 05:45 am
:wave:Hi!I started to read D.Gray-man and I love it!It's about an exorcist named Allen Walker .Here's a summarie of this manga

The plot revolves around Allen Walker, an Exorcist, in the end of the 19th century Europe. Allen is a member of the Black Order, which contains Exorcists, connected with Vatican. The mission of the Black Order is to stop The Millennium Earl, an evil ghoul intending to cleanse the world by destroying all the humans in the manner of Noah's great flood.

The Exorcists themselves are special people gifted with the ability to control and use Innocence, a divine substance created in the ages past to combat the Earl's minions, the Akuma. It is said that there are exactly 109 units of Innocence scattered around the world. Once an Innocence finds its compatible person, it will evolve to become a weapon to fight the Akumas.

As the story goes, Allen Walker is introduced with more Exorcist characters, among them are Yu Kanda, Lenalee Lee, Lavi, Arystar Krory, and Miranda Lotto. Also in the spotlight are Komui Lee, the church's science department supervisor and older brother of Lenalee Lee; Bookman, a mysterious colleague within the church; and Cross Marian, a General in the Organization and Allen's master.

More villains also appear along the way. There are higher level Akumas, with greater power, skill and wit. Also appearing is Noah's Family, a group of humans descended from Noah himself each gifted with great power, who have allied themselves with the Earl.
 I found this summarie here    Check this site for more information.I really really like Allen he's so cute and cool! :love4:(
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on February 10 2007, 06:06 am
here's the part 2 of my favourite episode (episode 14) :)
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on February 12 2007, 05:43 pm
Kyaa!!!!!!!!! (fangirl scream's) Finally I found people who also LOVE D.Gray-Man!! <3
MJ Walker~! You gotta posts something in this thread!! :XD:
Yes!!Allen is really cute!! ^_^ He's really strong too!!
My favorite characters are Allen,Kanda & Rabi!! <3 I can't leave one of them! XP They're too gorgeous!!
Hoshino Katsura-sensei really made me crazy coz his manga is really awesome!! :XD:
Oh yeah,did you read the latest chapter yet?It's really damn cool!! >.<

Don't read this spoiler coz it is chapter 90-107 spoiler. :sweatdrop:

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Waai!!!Crow-chan & Dasjebi (thats what her name spelt,right?)!!!They're really awesome!!Crow-chan!!OMG!!What will happen to him!?Will Dasjebi win the battle!!And Kanda!?AH!!!I can't think about it!! >.< I hope Kanda's safe... T^T
Miranda is really awesome!She used her innocence to safe everyone!Such a kind woman she is...But,she said somebody's time vanished!OMG!!Maybe she meant Kanda!?No!!!!!!!Kanda will not lost to anyone! >.< And...what enemies will Rabi & Allen faces!?

Heh!Allen's new innocence is damn cool!!Its name is
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Crowned Clown
Oh my!!Can't wait for the next chapter!

I recommend you people read this manga! :XD:
The anime is not that good lor... TT^TT
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on February 15 2007, 06:22 am
My favourite characters are Allen ,Rabi and Lenalee for me :tongue:.Yup Allen is cuuute but I haven't read the last chapter yet...  :(I think Kanda's safe 'cause he's a good guy ,I like him even if he's not one of my favourite characters!!  :wink:
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on February 15 2007, 01:49 pm
My favourite characters are Allen ,Rabi and Lenalee for me :tongue:.Yup Allen is cuuute but I haven't read the last chapter yet...  :( I think Kanda's safe 'cause he's a good guy ,I like him even if he's not one of my favourite characters!!  :wink:

Heh!You've gotta read the latest chapter! :XD:
If you wanna read the latest chapter,go here (
Hey!Episode 18 was so funny! :XD: I can't stop laughing!!OMG!!Episode 19 subbed is out!!Gotta watch it!

OMG!!!I thought Hoshino Katsura-sensei is a man!!! O_O Gomen,Katsura-sensei~!!! >_<
The proof that Hoshino Katsura-sensei is a woman! (
I can't believe it!!I was really shocked!! >_<
Hoshino Katsura-sensei really made me crazy coz his manga is really awesome!! :XD:
Forget it... T_T was my fault..Datte,datte,datte~!!!!Her drawing style is like a man manga-ka's style!!! >_<
Aww~!!!Hoshino Katsura-sensei!!Your drawing style is damn cool that can confuse people about your true gender!!!!
Gotta read her other mangas.  :)
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on February 18 2007, 02:05 am
Huh?!Hoshino Katsura is a woman :surprised:?! I can't believe it too... But I still like the manga!!The last chapter's so cool!Kyyaaa!I can't wait 'til the 20 episode...!!!!! :inlove: :love4:
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Mina on February 19 2007, 06:07 am
I love D.Gray-man. I stopped watching the anime, however... too much disappointment.

The gender of Hoshino Katsura is not known, it's kept secret by the mangaka. The Japanese fans just assume the gender to be female, they don't know it for sure :P

I have assumed the mangaka to be a female from the beginning too... but you never know... I hope the mangaka tells the gender before or at end of D.Gray :P
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on February 23 2007, 03:18 am
If you want to see some episodes of D.G-man, is a good site
Actually I've seen the episode 20 and I love it (like all the others episodes, in
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Itzeen on February 23 2007, 11:25 am
This is a really good manga/anime really but I'm a OST lover, and I want to have the OST of D.Gray Man, did any one know were i can download it???
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on February 23 2007, 09:07 pm
D you have a program like Kazaa+,Limewire or something like that ?
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Itzeen on February 24 2007, 09:56 am
Yes I have Limewire, I only have the opening and the 1st ending........
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on February 25 2007, 01:49 am
ah...Hum...sorry I can't help you then,if you already have the opening and 1st ending :(...Really sorry :sad5: :sad5:
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Itzeen on February 25 2007, 11:17 am
well, thanks anyway
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on February 26 2007, 12:39 am
I think Allen is a kind hearted guy...! :inlove:I would gladly have him like husband  :)*sight*...Allen-chan...*dreaming...I think he would be a good husband!And Rabi,Lenalee and Kanda woud be my best friends,if I were an exorcist
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: MJ Walker on February 26 2007, 04:50 am
....MJ Walker~! You gotta posts something in this thread!! :XD:...

[I'm known! *cries of being proud*. ]
The Allen-ness shall never die. He is truely a bishie along with Kanda-kun. Even thou tsubasaHime-chan supports KandaxAllen, I will always love my RabixAllen. Sometime I wish that Allen-kun would be Allen-chan so he could have Rabi's babies, or if he stayed male I would have his babiesĀ  :hehe:(People sometimes see me as a crazy person because of this). Ps. I support KandaxLenalee, *gets bricked by everybody* my second straight shipping in all my fangirl years [1st one was Syaoran and Sakura]. Ah, my daily rambling for DGM is doneĀ  :sweatdrop:
[Post something worth people reading later or tomorow]
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on March 02 2007, 12:59 am
^ lol... :sweatdrop:

Anyway,a have a good news about D.Gray-Man!! ^0^
The second ED:Pride of Tomorrow by JUNE had released even though  that site said it will released at 7th March...
Download>>Pride of Tomorrow [full ver] (
Enjoy~!  :okay:
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Itzeen on March 02 2007, 10:53 am
Thanks for the 2nd ending!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Hack on March 02 2007, 04:48 pm
^ lol... :sweatdrop:

Anyway,a have a good news about D.Gray-Man!! ^0^
The second ED:Pride of Tomorrow by JUNE had released even though  that site said it will released at 7th March...
Download>>Pride of Tomorrow [full ver] (
Enjoy~!  :okay:


mgggg, *squealllll*

thank you so mucch, I love D.gray-man!! XD
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on March 10 2007, 01:40 am
^ lol... :sweatdrop:

Anyway,a have a good news about D.Gray-Man!! ^0^
The second ED:Pride of Tomorrow by JUNE had released even though  that site said it will released at 7th March...
Download>>Pride of Tomorrow [full ver] (
Enjoy~!  :okay:
Coool!Thank you  :D*giving a big kiss*and the episode 22 just came out on youtube :P
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Sabbe-chan on March 10 2007, 05:40 am
Thanks for the 2nd ending!! I've been trying to find it for a while now ^^
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on March 24 2007, 07:06 pm guys know?There will be the 2nd OP & 3rd ED in episode 26.I don't know.Just guessing...
Since episode 26 is in April,I think it will start the new OP & ED.Bye-bye my INNOCENT SORROW... T^T
Okay,back to topic!I've found some pretty pictures.<---This is the clean scan for chapter 100 above.<---Whaaat!!??A card!? >_< I want it! T^T Allen sure looks cute here with his new costume.  :haha: Eh?No Kanda & Rabi?

Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on March 25 2007, 10:56 pm
kyaaaaaaa!! Allen -chan :D!! Thanks for the pictures :wink:!!!And I hope you're right for the openings and endings ' cause I want to hear them
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on March 25 2007, 11:52 pm
Oh,a great timing you post here because I also want to post something here.[if not,I will double post. :haha:]
Mmm...where are D.Gray-Man fans!? T^T I have something "special" to post here...<---same as below  :wink:<---  :haha: Kyahahahaha~!!!!That was so funny! xD p/s:don't click it because it is a spoiler for chapter 110.[if you haven't read yet]
Allen looks so cute here!!   :haha:
Damn you Rhode! xD Hey,MJ Walker,looks who's stole Allen's first kiss!  :haha: Rabi is jealous though[well,I mean,he's also shocked coz Rhode stole his koibito's first kiss! xD]!
I just posted pics SPAM,okie?  :haha: [lol!help me!I can't stop laughing!] xD

Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on March 26 2007, 12:38 am
whaaaa,!Allen kissed by Road-sama?!
Of course Rabi is shocked!!
I think tehre's a lot of people who want kiss Allen!!  Besides I really like this pic ( :)
Oh and I don't want that you die because you're laughing too much! :haha:(I'm sorry if I have a bad english... -_-)
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on April 06 2007, 10:59 pm
I think tehre's a lot of people who want kiss Allen!! 

xDDDD you're right!!many people want to kiss da kawaii Allen-chan~!! xD [who don't want to!?If I have a chance to kiss him! xDD]

Besides I really like this pic ( :)

Wait a minute...that's not a D.Gray-Man picture... It is a short manga by Hoshino Katsura-sensei entitled:ZONE<--if I not wrong.. :sweatdrop:
maybe you'll ask me:what the!?but the Earl Millennium,Rabi,Kanda,Allen & bla,bla,bla...
just check at wikipedia ( :wink:

By the way,have you guys watch the new OP & ED!?I don't the like the songs but they were a nice song!

Nami Tamaki-Brightdown (
surface-Yume no Tsuduki e (
and this one... link (

Finally I knew who is that ponytail Noah! >.<<--she is beside that big guy [sorry,forgot his name ^^"] at first I thought she is a female Tyki!  :haha: such nonsense,ain't it?  :sweatdrop: but man,she's cool!her costume is like Tyki too! >.< [referring to the anime ver]
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on April 08 2007, 01:49 am
Wait a minute...that's not a D.Gray-Man picture... It is a short manga by Hoshino Katsura-sensei entitled:ZONE<--if I not wrong.. :sweatdrop:

Huh?!Aooow...Sorry,if it is'nt a picture from D.Gray-man... :-[
I think that "Brightdown" is a very good song and a good opening for this anime  :)! And Road-sama could be my favourite vilain...! :D But I really hate the Millenium Earl >:(!Because of him ,Allen -chan is getting many troubles!! >:(
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on April 10 2007, 01:21 am
^ Don't mind about the picture. :wink:
And yes,I think I love Brightdown song right now.Nami Tamaki's voice rock! xD
Rhode is you favorite villain?Hmm...think she is my 3rd favorite villain in D.Gray-Man anime list.1st is Tyki & 2nd is Debi! xD Rhode has a really amazing powers which confused her enemies! >.<
Look!A clone Rabi!?lol,lol,lol!!! xDDDD Yeah,that's is Rhode's powers. >_>" But Rabi's clone is so hot here! xDD *fangirl mode ON* That is the 16 years old Rabi. xDD
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on April 11 2007, 08:22 pm
Cool!!! :D Hey,Road-sama,could you do a clone of Allen-chan for me????Yeah the clone of Rabi is really cute !!Kyaaaaaa kyaaaa!! :P
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on April 21 2007, 05:37 am
I'm glad I have a PC,'cause here we're only at the 4th volume -_-...It came out last week...I think I like Crowley-chan  :D(okay ,he's a vampire but he's kind hearted,even if Allen's still the first in my top 5 hottest guy from D.Gray-man!! :haha:)
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on May 01 2007, 10:32 pm
Here's my top 5 hottest guys ;) :
1.Allen-chan ,of course!!<33333333333333333333
2.Lavi-chan :3
3.Crowley-san (don't know why but I like him.Maybe it's because he's a vampire...)
4.Kanda-san (he's so cool!!)
5.Cross (Huh?I don't why I like him...)
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on June 30 2007, 03:50 pm
^ Uh...double posts... ^^"
Oh,so want a clone Allen,eh?I want a clone Kanda-kun!!! xD

Here's my top 5 hottest guys ;) :
1.Allen-chan ,of course!!<33333333333333333333
2.Lavi-chan :3
3.Crowley-san (don't know why but I like him.Maybe it's because he's a vampire...)
4.Kanda-san (he's so cool!!)
5.Cross (Huh?I don't why I like him...)

Whoa!Top 5 hottest guys!?Okay,my list:

1st-Kanda-kun (he's so cool!) --> 100% love
2nd-Rabi-chan (lol,he's funny & cute!) --> 98.7% love
3rd-Allen-kun (eh...?he got the 3rd place?sorry Allen xD) --> 90% love
4th-Komui-san (lol,he's funny & a great brother!wish to have a brother like that) -->87% love
5th-Crowley (lol,I love cool+bishie vampires but he's a kind-hearted vampire ^^") -->70% love

Episode 36 is so funny! xDD I like the Jasdebi pairing.The Earl also helped Rhode with her homeworks.And Tyki is funny in this ep!! xDD I love the Noah family <3
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on July 06 2007, 06:43 am
So Rabi beats Allen-chan?Yeah it's a good guy,afterall!Kanda too.By the way I really likewhen they quarrel,Allen-chan and Kanda-san!It's so funny to watch!Oh and I think there will be a 4th ED at the end of the 39th episode.It's called "Antoinette blue".If you haven't seen it ,here's a link to the 4th ED and the previex of the 40th episode of D.Gray-man^^
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on July 07 2007, 05:17 pm
So Rabi beats Allen-chan?Yeah it's a good guy,afterall!Kanda too.By the way I really likewhen they quarrel,Allen-chan and Kanda-san!It's so funny to watch!Oh and I think there will be a 4th ED at the end of the 39th episode.It's called "Antoinette blue".If you haven't seen it ,here's a link to the 4th ED and the previex of the 40th episode of D.Gray-man^^

Haha...that's right.Rabi beats Allen! xD Nyaan~!The ED is so sad!I think it suits the clip.Nana Kitade's voice suits the song.She really said something about  "akuma"... TT_TT Oh yeah,some news.Nami Tamaki will release her single "Brightdown" on 29th August 2007.So,we'll have to wait to listen to Brightdown full version~
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on July 09 2007, 07:21 pm
^^So just have to wait?OK!And yes,the ED is so sad...!!But I really like the scene when the exorcists are "sleeping"on the ground inthe snow...!By the way i won't talk here again 'til August: i'm going out to America!!(It would really nice if Allen-cahn was there!).So have a nice holiday!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on July 09 2007, 08:23 pm
^^So just have to wait?OK!And yes,the ED is so sad...!!But I really like the scene when the exorcists are "sleeping"on the ground inthe snow...!By the way i won't talk here again 'til August: i'm going out to America!!(It would really nice if Allen-cahn was there!).So have a nice holiday!

Yeah,I also love the scene.Leenali was surrounded by the exorcists (kinda feel some gothic-ish eh? ^^").Every time I watch the scene,I  wanna cry! T_T  Because the song said something about "beautiful" & "a scared dream"...Wow!You're going to America~!? Then,see ya~!!(OMG!I just have exams but not holidays! O_O")
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on July 27 2007, 10:52 pm
D.Gray-man fans disappear?Am I the only one left?marielaure,please come back as soon as possible!I feel lonely! TT^TT
Anyway,good news!No need to wait till 29th August & we have Brightdown ( full version!Yay!! xD We just need to wait for Antoinette Blue full version out~ ^_^
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on August 03 2007, 07:31 pm
Don't worry,I'm back!Cool!I will finally have the full version of brightdown!When I was in America,Allen-chan and all the others missed me...Oh and does anyone know where I can download the episode 40?I could'nt watch tv or go surf on the internet,when I was in America so...Please if you know tell me!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on August 04 2007, 12:33 am
^ Haha!Glad you're back! xD Now I'm not lonely again.

Links for D.Gray-man anime download~
Torrent (
Direct download (
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on August 04 2007, 01:55 am
Thanks!!!Seems like there aren't any fans of D.G. here,exept you...Bu t that won't change the fact that I really looove D.G.!!By the way the episodes 40-41 and 42 are so great!!Allen-chan,crowley and Rabi,I really really love you all!!<3333
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on August 04 2007, 03:48 pm
Since there're not so many D.Gray-man fans here,I'll PM you the best DGM site~Wait for it,okay?
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on August 05 2007, 12:27 am
OK thank you!!Everybody should read this super manga!!I wonder why other people don't like DG... -_-*sight* :sad5:
^^maybe they're afraid of vampires like Crowley-chan! ;DOr maybe they're all Akumas and that's why they don't read DG 'cause the exorcists are the heroesXD
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on August 05 2007, 06:57 pm
Yeah,you're right marielaure.The manga is super rock (but not the anime xP).The latest chapter is "WHOA~!!!" xD I think they don't like/know D.Gray-man because this anime/manga is new.Em~I think the manga was created on 2003..?Don't remember~This  manga also based from Gothic-art style.Its rare to find manga with Gothic-art style.I suddenly love this series after watching a couple of episodes. ^_^ Oh,wait...back to topic:Spoiler for chapter 127~

Show content
Kyaa~!!!Cross is back!Hell yeah,he's hot here.I wonder what is that skull-mask on his face? o_O OMG!Skull-mask=VIZARDS! xD; (Oh,forget it!I just remember about Bleach after saw the skull-mask on Cross's face).By the way,his Innocence rocks!Grave of Maria...a lovely name~ ^_^ Its funny when Allen said "Its been along time... *stared at Cross with his stupid-looking face while Cross grabbed his leg*" xDD Poor you,Allen![/end of spoiler]
We need more Kanda & Krory! >w< many times I said this!? *whacked herself*

p/s:For spoiler sake,I used pink color!Sorry if it hurts your eyes! xP

Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on August 07 2007, 12:07 am
When I saw Allen,I knew I'd like DGM!Thanks for the link!My user name is marieotaku!Well I think I'll read the latest chapter soon!Really love Allen & Krory!!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on August 07 2007, 02:16 am
^ Haha!Found your user name! ^_^ You should post more & more & join the crazy-ness there! xD
You can see how crazy I am~
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on August 07 2007, 08:09 pm
Don't worry I'll post more!I'm already crazy,even without a forum!Allen-chan make me so crazy!!Krory too!And Kanda-kun make me a little bit crazynsame for Rabi!I'm a crazy fangirl!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: kite aya on September 08 2007, 04:39 pm
i like krory here. he's  such a naive guy ^_^
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on September 08 2007, 11:24 pm
Welcome to D.Gray-man,kite aya. ^_^
And yes,Krory is such a naive guy. xD By the way,there will be the 5th ending by Rie fu.Grr...I want a new opening!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: `wing-ed] on September 09 2007, 10:17 pm
hi guys, i just started watching DGM anime recently. i thot it's not bad! i really like the first opening!
btw does the anime deviate much from the manga?

allen-kun rocks! ((:
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on October 12 2007, 01:03 am
Yeah,I think the anime deviate from the manga.At least a little bit.But the anime is still good for me even if the manga is better!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Itzeen on November 05 2007, 10:46 am
Well The manga is going so cool really, I know, that I already post this request but did anyone know were I can download the OST 1 (the one with the 32 tracks) I search for torrents and everyting, if anybody knows were pleas let me know, BTW I have all the singles od Op and Ed, but I have problems downloading ED3 "yume no tsuduki he" if any body knows were I can download all the single......

(In this days of november ed Vid is going to publish the manga here in Mexico, I'm so exited!!!!!!!!!!!!! go on!!!!!!)
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: tsuki on November 09 2007, 07:11 pm
^ You can download the OST & all the singles here ( ^_^ They're torrents though

Lucky you... TT_TT I only can buy the English translation at Kinokuniya in my country since they didn't wanna translate it into my language yet.Well,if only I can go to Kinokuniya & but all the volumes!! =_=

Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: hyuhin on November 13 2007, 01:33 pm
Oh yeah this is an awesome anime!!!! The anime is finally back on track with the Manga Plot!!!!!

btw if you guys want to download the manga and OP/ED songs without using torrents check out this site that I found! Its rather new but it has what you need:
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Itzeen on November 15 2007, 12:20 pm
Thanks for the links!!!!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: Itzeen on December 07 2007, 01:56 am
Where I can download DGray-man subded episodes......... I was downloading from Black-Order & Shinsen-sub, but they are nod subding anymore..... did anyone know where I can find (I don't care if it is English or spanish de subs)
Please help!!!!
Title: Re: D.Gray-man
Post by: marielaure on December 09 2007, 06:32 am
For now ,I'm watching the episodes on Veohtv.Otherwise,I think you can download them here : (

But I don't know if they're subbed...