someone posted this on suchan's LJ. i no longer have a archive program since this compy crshed. if this is NOT the whole chapter, then im sorry -_-
Thanks for the chapter! I really hope the translation comes soon!
*starts download*
Squeee! Thank you so much! ^_^
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Oh wow... That's... WOW!
That colour page with Chii, Freya and the two Sakuras! Wow! And then that big splash/colour page with Fay! SO beautiful! So very very beautiful! And then that last page where Fay wakes up... *_*
I'm kinda disappointed by the way Sakura's soul is trapped in that tube. I was hoping for a miniature Sakura, not little sparkles...
its not downloading for me :( :( :'(
thank you very much!!
pretty splash pages!!
Thanks for the chapter........
pretty splash page
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poor guys really, and it was a surprise for me that also Lantis foresaw the same future as Sakura, and what was the last thing Fai say???? "Sakura knows that I was lying?
This chapter was for me like some kind of... how can I say it relax and the same time stressfull.... the drawings of the guys was..... beautifull, relly Fai in these last chapters is taking all the atention to him, and he looks so hot and hansome, no matter that he is crying, jiji (and I'm a Xiao-Lang's fan, jijiji ;D)
Translations by ashura-sama down the spoiler
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Splash: two-page spread with Fai covered in blood
Splash quote: Cruelty, reality
informed to the magician
the time to awaken from the dream.
150 The ones left behind
Color: Sakura embraced by Chi x2 -- "Until we can meet again."
Yuuko: The fifty-fifty probability.
So it turned out like that.
Yuuko: Body and soul each separate.
The body to Celes,
the soul to the world the princess wished.
Kurogane: Don't hurt anyone else with that sword.
Not even yourself.
Fai: ... I... am... sorry...
Geo: What is happening?
Eagle: The future?
Lantis: ... It changed. Those three didn't die.
Kurogane (glaring): What do you mean?
Eagle: I will explain.
Together with that person.
Mokona: Guys!!
That blood,
what happened!?
What about Sakura!?
Mokona: Yuuko!
Yuuko: The princess is inside here.
Shaoran: That inside is...
Mokona: It's not the place where the shop exists.
Yuuko: Correct.
Not the shop, it's yet another place.
A "dream" world.
Sakura-hime's soul is now inside a dream.
This is what the princess wished.
Eagle: Seems like that princess could know the future through dreams.
The same as our Lantis.
Lantis: I had a dream.
The final chess battle,
that princess being stabbed and killed by him.
Lantis: Killing his two companions,
he breaks.
After that...
Mokona: Stop!
Such a cruel thing...
Yuuko: That dream, the pricess tried to change.
Waging her life on it.
Yuuko: Sakura didn't want to let Fai stab her.
Because if it turned out like that, she knew how Fai would become.
However, the curse was strong enough for that to be unavoidable.
The princess was determined, to try to change only the future after that.
Aiming at the world she wished and paid with her good luck for,
she paid one more price so that Shaoran and the others wouldn't die.
Shaoran: What...
Kurogane: That... right leg?
Mokona: She can't move the leg because of the injury, wasn't it?
Yuuko: There was a possibility of healing it.
However, even if she couldn't move that leg again,
Yuuko: she wanted to break the curse in order to not let you, and Fai himself, die.
Fai: ... She knew, didn't she? Sakura-chan knew that I was lying.
Teaser (possibly): The future that was protected by the wager of a life!
Next time, the magician's lie is!?
thnk you so much for translation!!!
finally got to read the chapter...
splash= AWSOMENESS!!!!!!!!!
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the lack of kuro holding fai makes me severly disapointed. BUT, we're due for some kurofainess. last time we had a minute one was fai's feeding, which was quite a while ago. after what's just happened, the next kurofai momet will be a doosy. and i can barely wait.!!!!
:XD: WAAAHH!!! WAAAHH!!! new chappie!! OooOooo...i can't wait....
Thanks!! :keke:
Thanks for posting ^-^
OMG thanx for the translation and why cant kuro carry fay?! >-<
If you want you can go here, to read it directly: http://groups.msn.com/TsubasaReservoirChroniclesOnlineManga/chapter150.msnw (http://groups.msn.com/TsubasaReservoirChroniclesOnlineManga/chapter150.msnw) I'm going to read it right now!
This gets better and BETTER!!!
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Still poor Fai, he suffers so, I wonder what is his lie. One thing that I dont understand is why she is in that capsule?
The splash page was plain beautiful!!! Fai....BEAUTIFUL!! ^o^
Scans by lady dark moon also
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The thing Yuuko is holding, ins't that the glass tube were Sakura and Syaoran are separete from each other in the very fisrt chapter?...
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The thing Yuuko is holding, ins't that the glass tube were Sakura and Syaoran are separete from each other in the very fisrt chapter?...
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yes it is. it was first seen in the previous chapter of xxxholic, sitting right next to kuro's sword and fai';s tatoo in her store room.
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Just read TRC 150 and xxxHolic 133!! Spoiler for xxxholic 133!!! Watanuki is inside the dream!!! (the dream Sakura's soul went into)
Woah!! can't wait for the next chapter!!
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I hope a better translation comes, I have read the online group's translation but I don't understand why Fai would kill Kurogane and Syaoran. And I also think that page 22 is really confusing ???
Oh, wow, that's the worst translation ever. They're talking about Sakura's leg, not Kurogane's...
i dont know who did that, but i WILL fix it when i get the chance. dont get mad at me or bill. -_-
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I hope a better translation comes, I have read the online group's translation but I don't understand why Fai would kill Kurogane and Syaoran. And I also think that page 22 is really confusing ???
kurogane- um...how about my leg?
syaoran- If your leg is hurt, won't you be able to move?!
LOL am I the only one who find one funny?....sorry ;)
it's funny how syaoran's speech bubble is exclamation but he sounds like he's asking.
I wonder how syaoran will react to all of this... and im still wondering about fai's story.. and lastly, what will happen to sakura?!... ???
AAaaaahh... i wanna read the next chapter... :-\
the entire MSN chapter is screwed up! bad grammer, wrong names, terrible scans(you cant see mokona!!.)
saying fai was "scared" rather then broken -_-\
can someone give me the link to chibiyuuto's TRC/holic scans site? i need to redo the entire chapter on msn -_-
one quick comment of the chapter: how is yuuko talking the the group? black mokona is sitting on her shoulder and it's jewel isnt lit. (or is it....cant tell much with bad scans.)
can someone give me the link to chibiyuuto's TRC/holic scans site? i need to redo the entire chapter on msn -_-
one quick comment of the chapter: how is yuuko talking the the group? black mokona is sitting on her shoulder and it's jewel isnt lit. (or is it....cant tell much with bad scans.)
Yeah, I noticed there was something very very off with Chapter 150.
Here's Chibi yuuto's LJ: http://chibiyuuto.livejournal.com/
(She didn't post chpt. 150 scans yet because.......)
LadyDarkMoon has her ch. 150 scans up: http://ladydarkmoon.livejournal.com/
As for my reaction to the chapter...
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Ah, so that's how she gets into the tube and that's how she gets that dress. I see.
Awwww. For the whole time that people kept blaming Sakura for being selfish, she was in truth, being herself. Yayy! :D
I made a speculation on MSN about how C!Syaoran's soul may be also in the tube (or something to that extent). Whatever Sakura's dream in the first chapter represented, it is quite eerily close to what's going on right now. The only difference with that dream and what's going on now is that Sakura doesn't have all of her feathers when she's in that tube. She's still missing some feathers. A possibility that hitzusen may have taken place. Hmmm. A future that isn't pre-determined by fate. Although, what FWR wants is a future that is pre-determined. Was his plan intervened a bit again?
lol, chibiyuuto's a guy XD
ill check his LJ to see i there a link to is siite
room fo requirement (http://fukanounashigoto.free.fr/ror/)
turns out hes not available ATM, ill have to redo the scans this weekend :S
here you can download a good scanlation of chapter 150, form broken wings scanlations
Does anyone know about 151's spoilers?
here you can download a good scanlation of chapter 150, form broken wings scanlations
ill check it out. thanks. *cookie*
hmm at last i can active in this forum again
after i read chapter 50
sakura body was in that tube (but i think that tube like the first chapter where sakura and syaoran separate)
and about fye past his past so complicated and poor
i think they will continue the journey just 3 of them or not
here you can download a good scanlation of chapter 150, form broken wings scanlations
Thanks that translation was better ^^
lol, chibiyuuto's a guy XD
Ah, oops. Thank you for correcting me. ^_^ Haha. Always thought chibi was a girl. Interesting. Now I got to switch my perception of him a little bit whenever he mentions that he works in his hotel.
chibi just means "little" or "small"
IE: Chibi-usa is "little bunny"
Itzeen-san, can you PM me the link of the site of broken wings scanlation group? please...
chibi just means "little" or "small"
IE: Chibi-usa is "little bunny"
I know that. ^_^ I was just shortening chibiyuuto's name to "chibi". That's all.
Sorry. Gave you the mis-conception on what I typed. ^^; I'll type his full name next time.