Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Sandra-chan on April 24 2007, 01:29 am
I have found some new info about the second clamp in wonderland,(For you who don't know what clamp in wonderland is, it's a musicvideo featuring different clamp series.) I don't know exactly when it will be realesed but I think it will be realesed this year.
(I got this info from livejournal -->) List of series that is in it:
XXXHOLiC, Magic Knights Rayearth, Kobato, Card Captor Sakura, 20 Mensho Ni Onegai !!, Shirahime Syo, Chobits, Gouhou Drug, 'Suki. Dakara Suki', X, Tokyo Babylon, RG Veda, Angelic layer, CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan, CLAMP Gakuen Tokkei Duklyon, Miyuki-chan in Wonderland, CLOVER, Tsubasa reservoir chronicle.
Madhouse (X TV, Death note, Chobits) is animating it.
2 pics from it: ( (
I think it looks really good, the animating quality seems great. (Though I hope Watanuki will have blue eyes in the video, and not brown which he has on that pic)
I got a question, whats this Clamp in Wonderland?
I got a question, whats this Clamp in Wonderland?
Clamp in Wonderland is a music video that combines various characters from the Clamp manga's. It's being directed by Clamp self and animated by Mad House.
Here's the first Clamp in Wonderland from way back in the 90's:
Oh thanxs!
it will release this month.... oct. 24
i have seen its trailer... Kobato-chan is so cute...
Me too, I can't wait until the real thing is realesed! It will be so fun ^^
it look so fun i can't wait to see it.
Clamp in wonderland 2 has been realesed!!!!!!!! :icon_cheers: It's up on youtube: (
that means i cant watch it :cry:
Thank you, Sandra-chan! What a great start of my day!
Ashura fanservice yay (but Yasha doesn't approve)! :keke:
And lol Seishirou!
Still it felt kinda... short. Wasn't the first CLAMP in Wonderland much longer than that? And what's up with Souma's perfectly white skin and why every anime company insist on giving Tomoyo grey hair, I'll never understand...
for those ike me who cant do youtube, AVI conversion downlad link from a kind peron over at the Clamp_Now lj comm:
Here's a poster for CLAMP in Wonderland 2:
i was fangirling soooo much when TRC made it's Grand Entrance <33
Kazahaya!!! Kakei!!! Rikuo!!!! *fangirl mode*
is it just me or Watanuki and Doumeki looked like a wedded couple there? xD
imagine, Watanuki putting bags in mokona's back (so mother-like)
and Doumeki reading a book (so father-like) xD
hahahaha!! Ashura fanservice xDD
aren't there any eyecandies where Fai and Kurogane are included? ;__;
9i could barely make them out =(
but what i saw, fai DID smile a realish smile, not a fakey grin.
im sad...kero and ssuppi were there, but not Yue or Ruby. I WANTED YUE to be there!!
Aaaah thank you!!! I love it! it is soo cute!!! Kamui's angry face because of the pie!!!! aaaaawwwww~~~ <3 but I don't know why I don't like too much how Syaoran looks... but it's ok, I still love him XD.
one of the pictures was cute, it had cccs syao and saku talking gto their TRC counterparts XD
the CD, i REALLY like track 3 and 4 =3
Action! by Maaya Sakamoto is my favorite <3
@Moon LI:
Kamui was soo adorbale there <33
it's like he was about to cry <33
*fangirling at the spoilers for Horitsuba Gakuen Drama CD3*
I hope that a high quality version will be realesed soon, I enjoyed this video very much but with that quality you miss so many details and that's a pity.. My favourite parts was the first scene with the xxxHolic group and the Mokonas (It was so sweet ^^), The TB scene, Seishirou was so funny XD, Mokonas dancing in the air with ballons on their backs holding them up (so cute), and the X scene when Kamui was angry he was so cute. And the part with Ashura was funny too ^^ and the Gohou drug scene too.. I liked alot in this video :sweatdrop:
Thank you, Sandra-chan! What a great start of my day!
Ashura fanservice yay (but Yasha doesn't approve)! :keke:
And lol Seishirou!
Still it felt kinda... short. Wasn't the first CLAMP in Wonderland much longer than that? And what's up with Souma's perfectly white skin and why every anime company insist on giving Tomoyo grey hair, I'll never understand...
Your welcome! ^^
I would have liked it too be longer too, but I think it was kind of the same lenght as the first one. The first one was
approximately 03.50 mins and this one 04.07, even a bit longer than the first one, (if you don't count the credits clip).
Maybe the first one felt longer because it didn't contain as many series, so the same characters could appear more times and have longer scenes as well, it could be but I don't know...
I didn't notice that Souma had white skin, I'll try to look more closer next time I see it.. I wonder why Clamp didn't tell the animators about that?... About Tomoyo's hair, this video was after all made by madhouse, the same company that made the ccs anime so I guess they stayed with the color they used on her hair then, but I also think that it would look much better more black.
HQ download here:
HQ download here:
10000000000 thanks
seems i cant watch AVIs least of all. the audio and video are able to keep up, but the video skipps. i watched it 3 times to see what ive missed, and i STILL dont see this part where Miyuki is cought buy one of those guys.
i made this icon using the scans. i too the image of yuuko's full magic icle and played around with the bit near the leo sign :D
Can somebody tell me who's the one wearing a hat with black and red clothes? I was thinking he or she was the Man of 20 faces but I dunno hehe :sweatdrop:
i beleive thats subaru-chan. :keke:
(that or his twin sister XD)
the tokyo babylon version that is.
that's subaru ^^
That's Subaru alright. Here's ( Akira, the Man of Many Faces.
To confirm what everyone said, that is indeed a picture of Subaru Sumeragi from Tokyo Babylon and X/1999. The outfit he's wearing in the picture is similar to the one on the CLAMP no kiseki chess piece.
actually its just the tokyo babylon version of subaru. the x version he's older and less cute (tho still hot)
Thanks for the clarification however I stand by my post.
Thank you all! hehe... I haven't read all CLAMP's mangas so that's why :sweatdrop: anyway, I got the super HQ video plus the songs! ^___^
I also love clamp in wonderland 2 mv :keke: and I agree the kamui frowning part~ he was so kawaii :keke: and does anyone know where I can read X manga? I do really wanna read it. :cry: Arigato for the help.
And my new current sig pic is a small homage to CLAMP in Wonderland :D