Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Kuro-puppy on May 25 2007, 05:43 pm
discuss here about the cutest LoliXShota couple since S&S :greengrin:
I'm editing myself to the list. How mean of you to forget about ME, Jan-sama~. Elio x Carole is way cute, still don't beat Yuuno x Nanoha's number one spot. v.v
I'm editing myself to the list. How mean of you to forget about ME, Jan-sama~. Elio x Carole is way cute, still don't beat Yuuno x Nanoha's number one spot. v.v
I didn't forget but i wasn't sure if i should already add you since you're more of a NanohaXYuuno supporter
I wonder when the inevatable "I love you" scene comes? ^^
You are a good puppy x3 *pats Kuro-sama's head*
Loli x Shouta couples FTW XD
discuss here about the cutest LoliXShota couple since S&S
Indeed :D
episode 10. Another blushing scene!
people were bumping into Carol and Elio offered to walk hand in hand, she accepted and they blushed at eachother. Should i make screenshots?
episode 10. Another blushing scene!
people were bumping into Carol and Elio offered to walk hand in hand, she accepted and they blushed at eachother. Should i make screenshots?
YES! Screenshots please. I feel inspired to make a set of that. O.O
YES! Screenshots please. I feel inspired to make a set of that. O.O
here they are:
LQ eps suck but this will do i think
here they are:
LQ eps suck but this will do i think
OMG! SO CUTE. *DIES* *SPAMS WITH COOKIES* <3. The quality is actually good, I'll make something of it when I get photoshop back.
Nya~ Elio x Carole are the cutest loli x shouta couple EVER <333 *shot a million times by Zeldi*The quality doesn't PURELY suck.
cute scene from episode 10:
Fate just finished instructing/embarrassing Elio about him escorting Carol in the city when Carol walks in in her new dress.
Fate: you look really cute, is the size right?
Carol: it's perfect! *twirls around happily*
Elio: ohhh *stares at her while blushing*
Carol looks and smiles at Elio and blushes and he does the same
OMG I love you ELIO <3
Elio x Carole are sooo canon <3333 [in my opinion xD]
I'd like to join this little fanclub~ ^^
The screenshots are adorable. <3
My Elio looks adorable <3 And so does Kyaro-chan :D They really are love <3
The screenshots were too cute...though, I haven't seen the anime, but I've heard of it, and now that I saw this cute pair I'm going to watch it! um...I cant help but wonder, he is a boy right? Elio? .....Please dont throw bricks I'm new to this anime. :confused2:
I'd like to join this little fanclub~ ^^
The screenshots are adorable. <3
The screenshots were too cute...though, I haven't seen the anime, but I've heard of it, and now that I saw this cute pair I'm going to watch it! um...I cant help but wonder, he is a boy right? Elio? .....Please dont throw bricks I'm new to this anime. :confused2:
Moon and Airashii added to the list
and yes he's a boy and he has a German speaking spear XD
and if you're gonna watch the anime watch Season 1 and 2 first since they're a lot better then season 3 sofar (Elio and Carol are from 3)
Please add me~!!!! =D
Please add me~!!!! =D
Myna added ^_^
How lovely, thnax for adding me!
Thanks!! =]
I'm hoping Elio x Carol get canon by the end of the series <3
I'm hoping Elio x Carol get canon by the end of the series <3
me too but i'm not putting too much hope in it seeing how basically nobody ends up canon in the MSLN universe >.<
me too but i'm not putting too much hope in it seeing how basically nobody ends up canon in the MSLN universe >.<
I guess. I'm wanting YxN to happen but ;-;