IG's take on TRC was nice. only had a couple minor discrepenceis with syao and fai's eye color (and kuro's costume....), but everything else was cool. even mokona. IG's mokona was small but BT's mokona was HUUUGE!
Plus, IG isnt homophobic. they gave us kawaii kurofai flirting ^w^
Here is the website for the OVA
IG is doing it, yeah!!! Its three OVA long!!
I'll post more info as time moves on.
Here is the website for the OVA
IG is doing it, yeah!!! Its three OVA long!!
I'll post more info as time moves on.
When its an OVA, things don't get cut out, they may add a little things, but never gets cut out.
It says somewhere, don't know where tho, that CLAMP did want the OVA to come to America.
it's coming to the US!?
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!
just ignore the troll.
"IKC" prolly means "ICK"
still. just ignore her.
ideas on which each "episode" will be about:
damn permissions... highlight for the spoiler
[spoiler ]
the first part is the set up. where CLAMP and IG repair what Beetrain screwed up with the plot. the gang arriving in tokyo, meeting and fighting with kamui tachi. in most case, part 1 will be dull. the calm before the storm.
the second one will be the progression of the deterioration oc Syaoran's seal. how fai followed him till he dived into the undergrownd reservior.
the 3rd part is probably most ly about sakura and subaru (kinda sux we have to wait THAT LONG to see/hear the cutie =( ) and such. [/ spoiler]
When I checked Inada Tetsu-san's (Kurogane's seiyuu) profile at ANN,I was surprised that he also will cast in Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations! O.O <--I was like this! xDD
As we talking about the studio animation,I hope it is GONZO or MADHOUSE or another better studio animation out there than BEE-TRAIN. -_- I also hope the seiyuus are my favorite seiyuus.Suzumura Kenichi,you must cast in this OAV!!! >_< This is because Suzumura-san also voiced as Kamui in X!! ^_^ If so,I will drooling...Heheh... xDD Err,do you guys think that Kinya Kotani & Sakamoto Maaya will sing the OP & ED theme??Hmm...I hope it is the other singers/bands will sing the OP & ED theme besides both of them.It's boring to have the same singers! >.<
it's coming to the US!?
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Rui KUROKI is the man who was in the making of Kill Bill V.1. So we are all in a treat.Mmm... I see a very very bloody OVA indeed. X3
Oh, yes, there indeed will be blood......heheheWait, if it's Tokyo Revelations, how do we know it will cover that far? Will it even cover past the end of the Tokyo Arc and into Infinity, or something? I can't imagine them cramming that much material into 3 half-hour OVAs...
I had no problem with the movie, other then it being to short and the ending was rushed...ok, so thats two things, but whatever. What I want to know is who is going to be singing the opening and the ending? And if all OVA openings and endings will be different or the same? Have to wait and see. Now, if this OVA is being made, no doubt The Chess will be animated, along with Fay's....Yuui's past, and then some....I would so love it if Kurogane's past was re-animated.
Also I wonder if Kurogane's scar will be visable in the OVA or not?
I can't wait for it to come out.
Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations is a three-part OVA which is scheduled to be released in 2007 and 2008. The official website for the OVAs went up on 13 June 2007. The OVAs will be animated by Production IG, which is the studio that also animated the Tsubasa movie. Each 25-minute part will be included with each manga volume starting from November 21, 2007. Tokyo REVELATIONS will cover events from the Tokyo arc of the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle manga.
The OVA Release Schedule is as following:
The Magician’s Message
1st DVD with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle volume 21 regular edition - Release date: November 21, 2007, it costs 3360 yen.
(Includes a storage case for all 3 with a new illustration)
The Boy’s Right Eye
2nd DVD with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle volume 22 regular edition - Release date: January 17, 2008, it costs 2980 yen.
The Dream the Princess Saw
3rd DVD with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle volume 23 regular edition - Release date: March 17, 2008, it costs 2980 yen.
I personally always thought that the reddish hue to Sakura's hair looked very good even back when the movie was released (moreover, it corresponds to some (http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0345470575.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg) of CLAMP's (http://www.tsubasaholic.com/img.php?image=http://tsubasaholic.doumeki.net/gallery/holic/manga_colored/015.jpg&pagetitle=xxxHOLiC%20Colored%20Manga%20Scans%20Gallery&description=) drawings (http://www.tsubasaholic.com/img.php?image=http://tsubasaholic.doumeki.net/gallery/tsubasa/trc_colored/066.jpg&pagetitle=TSUBASA%20RESERVoir%20CHRoNiCLE%20Colored%20Manga%20Scans%20Gallery&description=Syaoran%20Sakura). Then again, the ladies aren't exactly consistent (http://www.kouaa-blog.com/resserver.php?blogId=257&resource=279865.jpg) when it comes to these things). The only thing I couldn't stand in the movie - colour-wise - was Syaoran's haircolour, but judging from that picture, it appears to have been fixed.
For now, I'll try not to get too excited. The first release is more than four months away, after all.
Hmm not to mention they got the color of her dress wrong too...I like Beetrain's red dress better...she looked better in red.
Are they going to put it here in the forum?
I think Fai's hair is fine, though it should be a tad bit lighter. In my opinion Kuro-woof is the best drawn.except his costume... he wore the headband-of-doom (the one that hides his eyebrows making him look evil) and that wierd sheildy thing... otherwise, yes kuro was the best drawn in the movie
Two pages to check out more info about the OVA:
WOw!! how long!
Yeah, there are new pictures about Kamui and Sakura&SyaoranCLone very similar to whay we saw in tokyo Arc...
There's one more pic from the OVA, with Clone Syaoran and Sakura, I found it at tsubasachronicle.net
Here it is! I think it looks really good, and Sakura's hair is more brown now too :icon_thumleft: :D :happy3: :icon_cheers:
Except her eyes are totally the wrong color.
Lol! Everyone is drooling over kamui that i think syaoran who is also on the pic was forgotten... :icon_tongue:
ogod, please? i kinda hated beach-ball mokona XP id hate to be kuro trying to keep THAT in my shirt!! small sized mokona's gotta be it, cuz didnt that one kid hold on to him during the whole major event?
thanks for warning about the MKR anime. i started reading the manga, but didnt really get past the part where the girls meat the 700 year old dwarf XP id like to pick it back up sometime. but the way you said, ill stay clear of the anime/oav XD
sometimes adaptations are good, sometimes their bad. the holic anime adaptation is good. they keep to the canon, but at diferent angles (IE: the twin girls arc; the ceremony with that wine tree)
some production companies destroy cano, others keep to it, but diferently. TOEI did a good job with Sailor Moon... the manga is totaly dark, but the anime has its lighter moments, and you get a chance to get to know and like the amazon trio, hwhereas the manga version they dont last more than a chapter XP. tho i dont think many moonies liked how they changed the Stars saga... i never read that part of hte manga (did that part ever get published?) but id've liked too,
i think TOEI did a good job with Zatch bell i guess. never read the manga, nor am i a fangirl, but the anime is pretty cool too. i just really hate Folgore's VA (and character all together. XD)
i guess some production companies are better than others. it just depends on severak things =S
bad beetrain animation: medabots. its got seriously crude drawing >< the storyline was decent tho (save for season 3. that all but SUCKED.)
understandably, those who worship the manga canon cring at terribleness of animes. =P
atleast with CLAMP working on production, and since they did the writing of the script... the OAV will pretty much stick to canon =3
If you're going to complain, I would like to see you do a better version theni think ive read better fanfics than the fai-chi episode. they put too much into fanservice into it. taking a non-biased look, i can see some elements of the ep happening, but they tried too hard to use Chi flirting with fai -_-. ive definatly read better fanfiction thn half the fillers they used in the second season. they'd be much more funnier than that crappy bus arc, if they'd gon and animated people's ficition, than use their own writer's ideas. (seems to me that half the writers know nothing about the manga, and arent big fans of it at all!)
Everyone has the right to have their own opinions, and I don't like the anime. And Kazemon15 it seems like you think that you shouldn't complain about anime but still you're complaining about the eyecolour IG gave Sakura. -_-
the fact that sakura is in her lecourt dress, means that theyr gonna place this right after the lecort arc, with flashbacks to the end of it =D yay, theyre gonna fix BT's major random f-up
Also, about Mokona, I already commented on that. MKR Mokona was the same size. I even posted a manga picture of it in my previous post. CLAMP isnt consistant with Mokona's size either.
....Kurogane never showed any other attack other than Hama Ryoujin.....kuro had another attack. he used it in outo (because fai got hurt by an oni), but i think it's soley made for the ginryu, because when he used it with tat katana, it busted it... i wouldnt doubt that Souhi could handle it, but perhaps kuro's not willing to risk it. he's grown rather fond of her, ne?
I have summary of Diary 1-4 of the Production of the TRC OVA. It's rather ruff, but its better then nothing.
The start of the rising heat, music in production, dub(cast) being settled. People all have a good attitude at the moment. Will find out how good picture quality will be in two weeks. Temporarily read cartoon due to the place becoming busy. Staff being set. Staff reads and draws the preliminary arrangements of scenario’s. Warm coffee, coldhearted air? Music, decisions, background of the dubbing cast.
The heat rises even higher. The mouse and keyboard are going crazy. Money costs may lower the production of the animation quality, so that animation magazines can have the better of the drawings. Staff is complete. Once it hits July, the staff will go all “Boot Camp†over the animation.
The heat is even hotter. The production was moved to another floor, the 2nd floor ( so the drawing paper wouldn’t get ruined?) Sayoran with bright feelings. The Studio has become more uplifting. He talks about a meeting being like a battle field and he is a warrior. For the OVA, music is being in place, and the cast has a number of words decreased among them in the OVA dialogue(I hope not amongst themselves)
The heat has been confined somewhat. The picture quality for TSUBASA OVA 1 is higher then expected. Production charge and setting production has verified cutting contents and predetermined relations. TSUBASA OVA 2 should have the same Quality picture. Star Festival is going on, with something of a “seventh generation†toast? 1 story eye to be possible.
temporarily read the cartoon due to the place being busy
What do the CLAMP in Wonderland pics have to do with the OAD? o.O; Some of the outfits kinda look like what we saw in Infinity, but still...Though I really do like the images I'm seeing of Wonderland!Tsubasa. XD
Yeah..I've been wondering about it too.. the outfits aren't from Infinity they're from this..I know they're not, I just thought someone may have mistaken it because the weaponry is a bit similar, or something.
What do the CLAMP in Wonderland pics have to do with the OAD? o.O; Some of the outfits kinda look like what we saw in Infinity, but still...
Next week, the composer with past arrangement in the music order,
yes, yuki kajiura's music was the only selling point of season 2 XD (hell, her music was far better in the second season than the first. i took over half of ost 3 and 4 to my playlist whereas with ost 1 and 2 i onoly took 5 songs each.
and the teasing of them liking the cast despite being from antoher studio... thats funee XD
kuro has a scar on his left hand. tomoyo gave it to him whn he was 16 to stop him from his rampage. it didnt happen that way in the anime tho. she sent a light beam or something and it cut straight thru kuro's hand .
the event of the dreamseer guy, whatever his name is, kuro was watching sakura, and the guy comes in and kuro doesnt trust his aura, which is powerful.
as for a flashback for the scar... it's not really needed. OAV/D's are for the manga fans really. only the manga fans would TRUELY know whats happening. there oughta be a flashback for fai using his magic tho.... or something to indicate that fai used his magic.
ooooooh!! somethings just accured to me, but i cant post it here XD
realized my wording is off about kuros scar, so let me corect myself:
in the manga tomoyo's light beam cut thru kuros hand.
in the anime a light beam tied his wrist to a branch or something.
Please, stop bashing BeeTrain.....and I did like BeeTrains coloring........we are not going to get that in here now ok Kouichi*blinks* I wasn't I said I didn't like it as much -_- didn't mean it in a bashing way p.q I sewer please don't think I was for I wasn't.
I hope IG gets the colors right this time but I like how they did it more then bee train.I said I liked it more. p.q not that I hated it.
SakuraxTomoyo is recognized as Canon in the eyes of MOST CCS fans, but even so, that Fan-Canon is not recognized by the parent company - meaning its NOT Canon.
To go back on topic... I said I'll not get too excited about this just yet, but I must say I am extremely curious about exactly where the first OAV will pick up the storyline. That is, will Kurogane and Fai's talk be included? I sincerely hope it will. Think of all the beautifully angsty AMV's one could make with that...
To go back on topic... I said I'll not get too excited about this just yet, but I must say I am extremely curious about exactly where the first OAV will pick up the storyline. That is, will Kurogane and Fai's talk be included? I sincerely hope it will. Think of all the beautifully angsty AMV's one could make with that...
Yeah, they have a NewType in English, I think itsyeah they have the manga insert of Kobot I have the newtype July I need this mouths but last month they had a lot about CLAMP in it.
They have Kobot? CLAMP's Manga as its thing, and from time to time They have TRC news.
Ah... I haven't seen a topic about this yet, so this might seem as a bit off-topic. (okay, REALLY off-topic) But.. Did everyone hear about the second season of XXXholic? It was annouced today at some fest which's name I forgot. ^^'*faints of happyness.*
Ah... I haven't seen a topic about this yet, so this might seem as a bit off-topic. (okay, REALLY off-topic) But.. Did everyone hear about the second season of XXXholic? It was annouced today at some fest which's name I forgot. ^^'
Ah... I haven't seen a topic about this yet, so this might seem as a bit off-topic. (okay, REALLY off-topic) But.. Did everyone hear about the second season of XXXholic? It was annouced today at some fest which's name I forgot. ^^'
Yeah, I have heard of it and I also heard that is will this time talk about TRC.....you know, the small cross over parts that never where mentioned in the XXXholic TV.
There's also a pic of R!Syaoran's tattoos that I came across by accident, if anyone's interested ^_^ not coloured though..
(http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/1846/syaotattoosjo2.th.png) (http://img101.imageshack.us/my.php?image=syaotattoosjo2.png)
more colored pictures.....and there is one of Fay after Kurogane's and his little speach.....
Cool!!Cookie for you,onee-san! xD OMG,OMG,OMG!!!I wanna know the seiyuus! >w<
as far as i know the seiyuu's are the still the same as in season 1/2
Subaru's voice actor is: Hiro Shimono--RahXephon's Ayato KaminaOMG,OMG,OMG!!!Mi-Mi-Mi-Miyano Mamoru & Hi-Hi-Hi-Hiro Shimono!!?? O_O YAY!!Mamo-chan!! xDDD *tears of joy*
Kamui's voice actor is: Mamoru Miyano--Eureka Seven's Moondoggie--Death Notes' Light Yagami--Wolf's Rain's Kiba
thank you, smile_for_me-san ^^Yah... perhaps, a softer coloring would be better... say, this one is like a bright and bold... lets wait for the animation time, maybe it looks different and better hehe.
*nods* the sketches were cool.. i don't know, but then t'was colored, it lost it's.. uhh.. coolness O.O
Now as some of you may have heard already, their will be a preview showing of the OVD over in Japan. I think its Oct. 20-25, I'm not to sure, but I will get back to that later.....maybe someone will be kind and screen caps for us...LOLThat i didn't know! >.< Ooh.. How i wish that i am in japan right now T___T
Did anyone else notice that they colored Fuuma's hair brown instead of black? I think the character designs of X by Madhouse were better. I think IG has a tendency to use bright colors...even in the Tsubasa movie, it was so....colorful.
It really was cool the one you said... some people started their own trailers... like us, they can't wait for the official! hehe OMG...*nods*
OMG!!This (http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=hddGcLgsqm8) video is so awesome!! xD Really cool!!It made me can't wait for the OVA to be aired!Even in Japan!! x3
Cookie for you,Itzeen because showed us the cool fan-made trailers.
The requested URL /cloud9_a.../000fx5b1/g119 was not found on this server.
The Kamui and Subaru pic says it all.......and OMG Mokona, Kurogane and Fay.......Sayo vs Sayo, and screaming Sakura....what else do we need?.......THE OVD THATS WHAT......but the blood.......
The tokyo revelations website has now been updated with a trailer!! *spazzes* Looks really really good! The characters all look much better than with Beetrain!
Ahaha~ at one point I thought Cloney and Mokona were sharing a kiss xD Alas, no..
*is trying to enter the site with a dial-up connection* xDim having the same trouble =( i cant watch youtube either because its stop-start lagging. which is VERY VERY anoying >< so please, SOMEONE help us poor souls stuck with dialup and give us a DL linky or something.
i will do everything to watch teh trailer >3
*waits for the site to load*
Thanks for the links, Kazemon15. Short as they are, it's still nice to know the lyrics.
But come one, I G, you call that a trailer? It was fifteen seconds long. Well, at least those seconds look very good. Not at all as bright as one would have feared.
*is starting to feel excited, in spite of himself*
Oh, found this cute pic, it's sakura: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/310811/ (http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/310811/)
I think it's from a pic off the 2005 Tsubasa/Holic calendar, in which the main characters wore outfits with a dragon design on them, and were Sakura's knights.
Her other outfit looks somewhat like the one from that arc after Tokyo....except it's white, not black...wonder what it is.
I think it's from a pic off the 2005 Tsubasa/Holic calendar, in which the main characters wore outfits with a dragon design on them, and were Sakura's knights.
(http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/6830/trc12wi3.th.jpg) (http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?image=trc12wi3.jpg)
And omg, the trailer should've been longer. XD It's very hard to loop a clip that short, over and over again.
(A bit off topic I know but...) Does anyone know where you can download the preview for clamp in wonderland 2? I have seen it on youtube but I would like to download it.http://www.savefile.com/files/1065166
You can't judge a whole OVA based just on 15 seconds worth.
Well, they had, what... 3-4 months to animate it? TV shows don't have the luxtury of all the time to animate...so of course it would be "Better" ...
My point of view, Kuro looks more evil than he did in the show....and why does the song sound so happy when we know it's going to be really sad? <_<
You can't judge a whole OVA based just on 15 seconds worth.
Well isn't it better to be optimistic about it? Isn't it a good thing that we think it looks good? No you can't judge the hole OVA from 15 secs but you can judge the trailer and I think that's what redeternity did actually. You don't have to defend the anime anymore, some thinks the OVA looks much better (me for instance) some don't. Anyway the anime is over and it nothing to do about it, for now lets wait for the OVA and hope it'll be great.Well, I couldn't agree more. Actually I didn't think the trailer looked that bad, I'm looking forward to the OVA alot. It should at least be better than the anime show, in my opinion. But yes, the music didn't really fit in.
Well I agree that the music choice is a little odd, but maybe it will work out great. We'll see.
Well isn't it better to be optimistic about it? Isn't it a good thing that we think it looks good? No you can't judge the hole OVA from 15 secs but you can judge the trailer and I think that's what redeternity did actually. You don't have to defend the anime anymore, some thinks the OVA looks much better (me for instance) some don't. Anyway the anme is over and it nothing to do about it, for now lets wait for the OVA and hope it'll be great.
Well I agree that the music choice is a little odd, but maybe it will work out great. We'll see.
Sakamoto, Maya's Tsubasa Chronicle OVA Tokyo REVELATIONS, titled Saigo no Kajutsu (The Last Fruit).
*crys* sounds so sad, can't wait......
it's the ED. snchronocity is the OP
Some parts sound quite sad, like the beginning bit.. But I do think that the chorus does sound happy-ish and doesn't really fit the mood.. it would have worked better as an OP. And why is it called "The Last Fruit"?? xDD
Yeah and the title is funny too XD I mean how did they come up with that title I wonder..
The entire event lasted approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, including the screening of the OAD, that happened first.
My friend really liked the OAD, he said the production quality was really good and he left there wanting to watch more. He hadn't read the manga volumes consisting the Tokyo arc, so I couldn't ask him how faithful to the original it was.
The last scene is Real Syaoran arriving to Yuuko's shop. We see Watanuki for a split second, he's wearing his apron (unlike the manga when he was coming back from Kohane's place). It's about to start raining.
After the OAD ended, the guests went on stage and the talk show begun.
It was mostly all about jokes with the seiyuus (specially Kurogane's seiyuu, Inada), my friend told me that Namiwaka looked completely absent-minded, he even forgot the question they asked to all seiyuus. Inada expressed his outrage to Ohkawa regarding Kurogane's current situation in the manga, and Namikawa told him to calm down XD
The actual amount of worthy information were few, but here are some of them:
- Ohkawa said that until the Tokyo Arc, the production of the Tsubasa anime was in charge of NHK, but it has changed to Kodansha and Production IG since (we already knew that, but it's clear now that NHK has no involvement whatsoever).
- The producer was unsure whether to accept Tsubasa's project or not, he joked the huge name of the project (Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations) scared him, and he considered rejecting it, but he eventually accepted the task after taking a look to the project's content.
- The director Tada Shunsuke said that, in the anime version, Sakura's hair color was more inclined to brunet/brown (cha-iro), and when he saw Mokona's original illustrations, he decided to change it to light pink (Very smart choice, if you ask me). Mokona didn't know about it and she thanked the director on stage for that.
(the reason why Sakura's hair was brownish in the anime has to do with color graduation, but my friend couldn't remember exactly what xD)
- If you thought the giant worms were too big, wait until you see the OAD xD Mokona said they were 1.5 times bigger than the ones from the manga, and she questioned the director whether the characters would be able to carry it home (for food), he said "Yes" xD
- The director also said they are making the OADs in a way so that they won't look parallel to the anime.
- Everybody at the hall had to fill a question form. The questions were asking if you had watched the anime version of Tsubasa, if you had bought already the DVDs, pre-ordered the upcoming 2, which other anime titles you had bought so far and which ones were you planning to buy. Beneath, questions asking your thoughts on the OAD and your expectations for the next ones (very good idea, since they are still in production). The form also asked what did you think of the event (management, light, sound, etc).
- One of the questions of the form asked whether you were interested in a continuation, beyond the already announced 3 OADs. So yes, if the demand is big enough, a continuation is possible.
nada expressed his outrage to Ohkawa regarding Kurogane's current situation in the manga, and Namikawa told him to calm down XDthats funny. Kuro-sammas VA is worried about his charater =3
Quotenada expressed his outrage to Ohkawa regarding Kurogane's current situation in the manga, and Namikawa told him to calm down XD
thats funny. Kuro-sammas VA is worried about his charater =3
things really look promising now =D
And btw, is it definitely the 16th it’s coming out? Not the 21st? Because I’ve heard both :/
It was mostly all about jokes with the seiyuus (specially Kurogane's seiyuu, Inada), my friend told me that Namiwaka looked completely absent-minded, he even forgot the question they asked to all seiyuus. Inada expressed his outrage to Ohkawa regarding Kurogane's current situation in the manga, and Namikawa told him to calm down XD
LOL!! XD Inada Tetsu-sama really is...hilarious!! X3 I think 16th's the right day for the OAD to air in Japan.The 21st is for the DVD version,I think.
Time to Freak Out....
here is the OVA link again
and I will be updating on the Diary soon, sorry for not keeping up with it.
I just have one question...why does Fuuma still have brown hair...Fuuma's hair does look a very dark brown in some X pictures, although it's usually black (and how I too would have preferred it). I guess I G makes a point of using the less official hair colours... =/ I agree that the closeups look very pretty.
http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=NxY1eaa3HFwOh, it always freaks me out seeing seiyuus in action. It's just so hard to imagine some characters' voices coming out of the mouths of real people. Tetsu Inada looks spectacularly non-Kurogane-ish (I don't mean that in a bad way), which is kind of amusing. It'd be cool hearing their real voices someday - real voices as in, when they aren't acting.
Not from the OVA, but it helps explane Diary 12
Tetsu Inada looks spectacularly non-Kurogane-ish (I don't mean that in a bad way), which is kind of amusing.i know. when i first saw his picture, from the radio shows, i was like "whaaa?" XD
OK, then im confused. becase some time ago, someone told me the little boy's name was nataku alsi =_=
Not from the OVA, but it helps explane Diary 12
Sprru for the double Post
Kazemon15@That is the ending theme.I believe only the Radio rip version is available to download.You can find it at Tsubasa comm at LJ.
I'm loving synchronicity more & more now!!OMG,I can't wait for the RAW to come out.
^ No problem about that. ^_^ But I still don't know when is the actual release date for the single.
And I love your Beneath the Rose AMV.Good as always & of course,with using Within Temptation songs too. X)
Ah~21st November~!!I can't wait for you!Please come right away! X3 Hehe...the most easiest way to get the RAW is by joining the comm at LJ. XD I'm pretty it is!
Wow, calm down a bit people, It's not like its a life line....ok maybe it can be, but relax and get some sleep, it will take time after all....LOL
well, alice didnt want people sharing HER links. making your own mirrors i assume is OK?
Is there gonna be a clean opening and ending video upload too?
HOLY OMG!!I love the last ED sequences!! XD Syaoran & Sakura~ 8D ZOMG,Takayama Minami~!!! I gotta love her voice now! XD
is a diff perspective
@Redeternity: ^^ I was planning to make one. I was thinking of using the song Good Enough by Hoobastank. Lol.
january 17 and march 17
Item info has been updated with the Opening and Ending songs, as to where to buy it.
Diary has been updated and so has the message and comments page.
Got lazy, so just altavista it.
To question contents of questions to everyone who relates "ツバサ TOKYO REVELATIONS" production Trying working the #1, how was? (The place where you suffer hardship and the place etc. where it could enjoy when be it is please teach.) When we assume that with the work of participating with the #1, self appeal is done? (Here has liked) it becomes last, e.g., and, shout it is and inserts here and being to be the place work it wants seeing by all means, but is the favorite character who in "ツバサ"? In addition, please write also the reason. Hisashi 1st story drawing supervision submarine canyon Satoshi You suffered hardship in height of the head body of the character, but enjoying simultaneously, it could draw. Entirely. In comparison with other キャラ, the black steel whose look is bad. 1st story drawing supervision Ishii Meiji You suffered hardship to being accustomed to the balance of the head body. It was serious for the rear character to be many. It was pleasant to look at the field picture which rises is. Basically only the A part and the scene in dream of the cherry tree being not to have related, it does, but as for the aggressive scene of the small wolf and God dignity groovy kana. It meaning that the field picture is good, it became study. Whether 颯 princess therefore glasses っ daughter. To being written on the Yutaka milk and setting, the bean jam ball it is regrettable not to be able to draw. Photographing supervision Tanaka Hiroshi samurai Being comical, being to be the expression rich character, working, also the て was pleasant, is. In order for feelings of each character to arise, because picture adjustment of each scene was done, if atmosphere should have been transmitted, you think that is. White モコナ. The manju we would like to see being, it is カワイイ, don't you think?. Also メキョ っ て is good, don't you think? is. 1st story production Honda crystallite While supervision sharing the image which is sought, in order to bring close to the image of cartoon as much as possible, you paid attention. Everything. Black steel. The place where the man it seems, is easy.
here at clamp now http://community.livejournal.com/clamp_now you can download the ending and opeing single witch scans of the covers, via bittorent or direct download
has the other sub come out yet?
here at clamp now http://community.livejournal.com/clamp_now you can download the ending and opeing single witch scans of the covers, via bittorent or direct download
Any news about the DATS fansubber?Yes,I'm waiting for their sub. =_=
lol fear me and my new RSyaoran siggy! XD
Hmm my thoughts are for the next two OVAs:
Episode 2 will consist of all the bloody details and possibly the vampire Fai...and episode 3 will sum it up with Sakura's struggle and Yuuko's explaination. Think it will happen that way?
Last I heard which was the 19th, they just finished kareoking the op and ending. I'll go see if there's any update.
OMG!!! they look so gooood!!! I ike that they really look alike the manga, can't wait to see if the animation will really look as good as those...
(http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/5527/rsyaoran1fw7.th.png) (http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rsyaoran1fw7.png)
(http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/255/rsyaoran2uz2.th.png) (http://img503.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rsyaoran2uz2.png)
(http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/5218/rsyaoran3bv3.th.png) (http://img240.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rsyaoran3bv3.png)
(http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/3286/rsyaoran4sk3.th.png) (http://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rsyaoran4sk3.png)
(http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/3840/efyegm1.th.png) (http://img410.imageshack.us/my.php?image=efyegm1.png)
@ kazemon, dialuppers cant do youtube XD, tho nice syao-sig banner. he looks like so indiferent XDD like >n>
make your amvs also downloadable? unless theres a super-fast dialup thats for good price, live-straming video is not good. iver tried using youtube and it's nei impossible, like watching it 1 second per 10 seocnds >-<
OMG!!!! I totally love how C!Syaoran looookssss ^o^ the blue eye looks better than the ads...and the R!Syaoran looks too child o_O
(http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/6264/25486143sq9.th.png) (http://img454.imageshack.us/my.php?image=25486143sq9.png)
nvm on that... i finaly got it to donload.
i only have 2 complaints about it actually:
1 they took out the scene in the room where syaoran's clone progrmming happened and kuro discussed it happening in lecourt. (either that or my stramings so bad that it skipped over it)
2 they had to have subaru in the ED. that ruins the whole surprise of finding out whos in that bubble
nvm on that... i finaly got it to donload.
i only have 2 complaints about it actually:
1 they took out the scene in the room where syaoran's clone progrmming happened and kuro discussed it happening in lecourt. (either that or my stramings so bad that it skipped over it)
2 they had to have subaru in the ED. that ruins the whole surprise of finding out whos in that bubble
if you do do that, becareful.... the anime is horrible. un-emotional... its best to read manga chapters 105-112. thats the part from going to get the feather to the ARM GRAB.
Here is the link to the new scans
I dont know why, but Sakura...Sakura...her legs look so weird and unnatural...
I dont know why, but Sakura...Sakura...her legs look so weird and unnatural...
Whaaaaat? It's out tomorrow?? o_o I had no idea it was that soon! It'll probably take forever to get online, though.
You're right. They look much too thin and, just.. strange. And her face..! Dx Way to ruin Sakura looking badass, I.G.
With any luck, the art in the actual thing will be better.And what's with all this Cloney in a cape seducing Sakura fanservice? I want a picture of R!Syaoran bare-chested or something! Lol. Cater to my needs, I.G.!
God, I'm practically gnawing on my skirt...but I'll still have to wait a few days, after all I can't expect the subbing to be done in one hour...or one day for the matter...
Hey,everyone.When OVA Come? i can't wait for it
It's actually out on the 17th. But I guess it depends where you live is what day it is. XD
Oops, my mistake, I realise I'd actually misread something somebody had written. And--no lol, it's the only the 17th for me today (although it will be the 18th in a few hours).
Hmm.. Wasn't it cloud9_alice that put the OVA up for everyone last time? Since she's "left the computer" now, it'll probably be days and days until this one is online. Or am I just being really cynical? I mean, I'm not sure if the Japanese people that buy it would really care about uploading it quickly so we all can see it. xD
That's wonderful news, Kazemon!
*must make sure to finish current AMV project before the raw is released*
While I'm at it, would anyone be so kind as to point me in the direction of that poster image of Kamui/Subaru that had a little thingie in one corner that said "I <3 CLAMP"? I've been trying to find it, without any luck...
Hmm you mean the 3rd wallpaper that was on the background of the website?That's the one. Only I need it with the text. I think it was a scan from some Japanese article...
That's the one. Only I need it with the text. I think it was a scan from some Japanese article...
Wonder when the subs come out though...it's been 2 days already!
^ That's was fast work, Kazemon. Ii looks awesome as always, and I think that might be one of your best to date. *applauds*
But... but! The thing won't work in WMM! There's this video I've been wanting to do for years and now I can't?! Woe is me... Does anyone know of some free-for-download converter of sort? My free time on DivX seems to have expired...
The problem is it's not the Divx codec (Divx doesnt expire, it just needs updates)My program begs to differ - I tried updating and still claims that "my 15 free days have expired" and refuses to let me open DivX. Technology hates me. =/
My program begs to differ - I tried updating and still claims that "my 15 free days have expired" and refuses to let me open DivX. Technology hates me. =/
But you're saying that it wouldn't matter if I tried to convert the file in DivX (I've actually never used the program, I just assumed that, since it's named converter, it means you can use it to change the file type)?
I'm saying it would matter. See, in AVI, there are different kinds of codecs, for instance, Huffyuv, DiVX, Xvid...it all depends on a certian codec which is whether or not WMM can take it. I'm guessing the file is an unsupported codec because even my virtual dub wouldnt take it. Downloading the right codec would solve the problem, but the problem is I have no idea what codec it needs....I see. Heh, I'm such a n00b. WMM tells me to activate the download codecs automatically function when I try to import the file, so I did, but it still refuses to cooperate. =( Well, there's nothing to do expect hope that someone uploads it in a different format/codec then, I guess.
I see. Heh, I'm such a n00b. WMM tells me to activate the download codecs automatically function when I try to import the file, so I did, but it still refuses to cooperate. =( Well, there's nothing to do expect hope that someone uploads it in a different format/codec then, I guess.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Hehe, anything for the art!
I know Shinsen-Subs is fast in subbing any new anime but I still waiting for The DATS sub. =3= Can't wait for it~ <3
Yeah....they're better...cuz what I saw from youtube, Shinsen subs called Subaru a girl. :XBut... but... Subaru has such a manly voice in the OVA (almost a bit too manly for my liking. I always imagine young Subaru with a soft, feminine voice). How can they possibly be so misstaken? I could understand if they had it wrong after reading only the manga, but the voice? There's no misstaking it as that of a woman.
and why they name him subaru? name of a car =XActually, both the character and the car are named after a star constellation. That's why the car's logo is a picture of stars, and it's also the reason why Subaru's twin sister (who sadly has made no appearance in TRC) is also named after a constellation.
I see. Heh, I'm such a n00b. WMM tells me to activate the download codecs automatically function when I try to import the file, so I did, but it still refuses to cooperate. =( Well, there's nothing to do expect hope that someone uploads it in a different format/codec then, I guess.
I have a codec pack called CCCP (Combined community codec pack) and divx installed on my computer and I could import it to WMM. Maybe you could try to install CCCPandThanks for the tip. Kazemon15 helped me out, but I'll look into that anyway. Hopefully it can help me avoid this kind of problem in the future.
see if it works for you too?
Another thing i thought about was that Sakura didn't cry very much, and I didn't like her scream so much, a bit to high pitched >.<. I had imagined Fay's magic to be blue, not purple.. I sound very critical now don't I ^^; Okay here comes the some of the parts I liked, most of the fighting (it was cool :) ) though it was a pity that it ended so quickly,, Kurogane when he was holding Fay, Kamui when he hugged Subaru, the scene in the beginning with Yuuko and Syaoran - and Syaoran while being teleported etc.. I can't come up with anything more right now but I liked this OVA very much anyways, Me and my sis managed to connect her computer to our TV, so we watched the OVA on the TV :DI agree with you hehe... I didn't like some things but the must was how they made Fay's magic... it looks like just a single ray with the cool signs "inside" that can barely see and I was expecting this legendary pose hehe:
Actually, I thought Sakura's scream was pretty amazing. Yes, it was very high-pitched, but I thought it conveyed Sakura's utter desperation and terror for her Syaoran's life--when you're that upset, you do tend to lose control of your voice somewhat.
By the way, Kazemon15, I really liked your AMV, particularly how you incorporated images from the manga.
I've been away from the computer so i just got everything right now. Thank you everyone for the download links! You people are amazing.
Kazemon15, as always, you are absolutely amazing. I love everything you make.
Well changin a little bit the subjet.... did anybody knows if I.G is going to make Infinity Arc???? or has any plans.....
because the thing that I like in these OAD are the fighting secuenses, and I really want to watch Infinity arc animated...
Well changing a little bit the subjet.... did anybody knows if I.G is going to make Infinity Arc???? or has any plans.....
because the thing that I like in these OAD are the fighting secuenses, and I really want to watch Infinity arc animated...
Most shocking part of the OVA: Syaoran ripping his eye out in the flashback. D:
I nearly fell out of my chair!
Agreed....I was like O_O .....he ripped his own eye out! Did it happen like that in the manga???! XDYes it did... haven't you read the manga?? OMG you must! hehe.
Yes it did... haven't you read the manga?? OMG you must! hehe.
XD You have RSyaoran w/ sword, I have clonie w/ sword.
Yeah, he was definitely not bleeding like that in the manga. So, I totally wasn't expecting it. And the "riiipp" sound was horrible.
O_O ..there was a rip sound? ...I didnt hear it. XD
Uh, yes-- wait. No. o_O I just checked again and I suppose it wasn't really a ripping sound like I described. But there was a sound effect that made me turn away from the screen and go "urgg". xD
My big sis when she watch it every bloody part she says "I don't like Tsubasa any more... Xiao-Lang turn in a bad guy, and too much blood". I was LOL and told her that the thrd episode will be more blood... and the manga till now is the same...
Lol, it's only blood.... Felt nothing at all watching the whole show except sad that fye's left eye is gone D=. And the proper way to spell is "Syaoran". The one that's bad is the clone ._. But any ideas what's gonna happen in epi 3? Dunno, nvm or you could tell me the chapter in the manga :)
And the proper way to spell is "Syaoran".
XDD lol was it more like a squishy sound? (lol and why are we now talking about the gorey sounds of the OVA? XDD)
@ RenaRyuugu
I would suggest that you read the manga. If you don't want to read it from the beginning, I would start with, um.. *checks* ..chapter 107, because that's when the Tokyo arc starts. You can always go back later and read the earlier chapters, I suppose. But, imho, it's worth it. Because although the OVAs have been fairly good so far, the manga is definitely better. It's much more dramatic and awesome, I think. Also, the art is better (obviously, it's CLAMP). Oh, plus, the manga has actually progressed quite a bit since the Tokyo arc (lots more WTFs ahead) so, yeah... I would read it. :] Especially since it's not a certainty yet that there will be more OVAs after this third one.
ova 3 what chapter? takes to long to complete reading ova 1
Oh man, I need to watch it now! D: Anyone, torrent for The DATS, please? :3 I need to download using torrent. DDD: *sigh* Wait for me, bloody scenes! X3
Tsubasa OVA
02 = TL (her ‘net has been acting up, and it’s kinda hard to tl when you can’t stay connected long enough to dl…)
Lol. Hmm.. I'll check..
It starts about halfway through chapter 124.
Just watched the trailer for the 3rd OVA! Can't wait until March!
OMG!!! this trailer it's very much better than the first they showed us ^____^ it seems Sakura's price will be an epic part of the OVA... can't wait! and... does anybody know if DATS has the subs of the second?
Me neither...it will be a VERY happy birthday for me. XDD
I was getting worried they wouldnt animate Sakura's big adventure....but now Im happy they are, yay.
lol! Yeah same here.
Happy (early) birthday! ;)
lol No wait...I meant 'same here' meaning I was hoping they'd animate Sakura's adventure. lol my birthday isn't until July. (I'm so sorry for being confusing! *is embarrased*) :sad1: lol
Nice pic~! *O* But, Mokona really looks weird LOL. Still no news about The DATS? >.> Guess I have to wait till March then.
Well well well...I never expected this (http://randomc.animeblogger.net/image/Tsubasa%20Chronicle/Tsubasa%20Tokyo%20Revelations%20-%2003%20-%20Large%2027.jpg) (if you don't want spoilers, then no clicky)
Another world, another time.I agree with that, I love the OVA, and ofcourse many scenes cut...... but.... well.....
Infinity.....here we come.
Does anyone know where I might find a direct download rather than a torrent?
^ Sorry if you think i'm being rude by saying this Kazemon, it's not my intension, but is it really neccessary that you make advertisement for your new video in this thread as well? You already have your 'Amv thread' for that so I don't see why you should tell everyone about it here as well, yes it contains clips from the OVA but still, unnecessary double-posting I think, I mean everyone who likes your videos, or amvs in general will probably check out your other thread so.. Just my opinion.Soryr about that. :/ I usually like putting AMVs relating to the topic, I'd thought it would keep the topic going. I'll just post in my thread from now on then.