
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Smile_For_Me on July 29 2007, 10:26 am

Title: CLAMP and Dark Horse---New Manga in 2009
Post by: Smile_For_Me on July 29 2007, 10:26 am
Dark Horse Signs CLAMP to 2009 Shōjo Manga Title
Publishers Weekly reports that Dark Horse has signed the manga artist quartet CLAMP (Tsubasa, Chobits, X) to create a new manga series that will be published simultaneously in North America, South Korea, and Japan in 2009. In North America, it will first be released in the form of monthly 80-page issues which Dark Horse calls "mangettes." This title, which will be Dark Horse's entry into the shōjo market, will also be brought out in the form of traditional volumes that compile the contents of three mangettes.

Here is also a link

Yes, I so am going to buy this when it comes out.....
Title: Re: CLAMP and Dark Horse---New Manga in 2009
Post by: G_chaN on July 31 2007, 07:48 pm
Finally! The only dark horse manga I have here are Oh! My Goddess... Thank God they're gonna include CLAMP too..

Yey for CLAMP!! Oooooo... I can't wait for the new manga series...  :XD:
Title: Re: CLAMP and Dark Horse---New Manga in 2009
Post by: Kouichi on August 01 2007, 04:21 am
oh can't wait! I'm so buying it