Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Arcademan on August 10 2007, 10:54 am
Finally!!! Book #7 is finally out in the United States after a prolonged delay. Though it offically says the release date was August 7, it ended up being the shipping day and the release: August 14. There are some places that you can get it now and the price is now $19.99 instead of the previous $29.99. The book is now shrink-wrapped with the chess pieces instead of having the big box like the previous 6 issues. The remaining issues were to be released every other month however:
Argh. I just found out some bad news...though we sent volume 8 to the printers over a month ago, they had scheduling problems and we have still not gotten a final proof to send to CLAMP for approval. So volume 8 might end up getting pushed back a month!!! Volume 9 is supposed to still be on schedule though which would mean volume 8 comes out in November and volume 9 comes out in December...
This isn't definite yet, but unless I say otherwise, assume that's what's going to happen.
(Seriously, I cannot wait to be done with all 12 volumes. This is such an editing nightmare.):mad:
I agree...the CNK release has been a nightmare for us all :(
Okay, I stand corrected. The book is NOT shrinked-wrapped but encased in hard plastic, which is good. Unfortunately, the book is a tight fit in it and you need to cut the plastic carefully to open it without harming the it and the corners are a bit roughed up because of the tight fit.
I talked to the editor at TOKYOPOP a bit about it and hopefully this problem can be resolved by the next book. The packaging is good, just make it a tiny bit bigger to allow for that extra space.
#7 (Chobits, Wish and Suki) now available.
#8 (X/1999) available in November.
Argh. I just found out some bad news...though we sent volume 8 to the printers over a month ago, they had scheduling problems and we have still not gotten a final proof to send to CLAMP for approval. So volume 8 might end up getting pushed back a month!!! Volume 9 is supposed to still be on schedule though which would mean volume 8 comes out in November and volume 9 comes out in December...
This isn't definite yet, but unless I say otherwise, assume that's what's going to happen.
(Seriously, I cannot wait to be done with all 12 volumes. This is such an editing nightmare.):mad:
#8 (X/1999) available in November.
Now I got word that #8 has shipped on schedule and may be available on its original target release of Tuesday, October 8.