
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 02 2007, 07:34 am

Title: can someone make mirrors of this manga for me?
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 02 2007, 07:34 am
its for After School Nightmare,

site id like: sendspace

the downloads are here:

my computer cant deal with sites that require a code.

cookies galore for the help.

one small warning: beware of hentai women ads. >_<
Title: Re: can someone make mirrors of this manga for me?
Post by: G_chaN on September 02 2007, 04:56 pm
Sure... sendspace it is... I'll just edit this post with every upload... So far I'm only at the first part of the first chapter:

Volume 1 chapter1a (
Title: Re: can someone make mirrors of this manga for me?
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 02 2007, 11:24 pm
lol, thanks ^^;; cookies each time im alowed to give them XP
Title: Re: can someone make mirrors of this manga for me?
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 03 2007, 02:24 pm
mou! a friend of mine did 1b and ch 2 for me, so start with ch 3 of vol 1 ^^;;;
Title: Re: can someone make mirrors of this manga for me?
Post by: G_chaN on September 04 2007, 09:41 pm
Sorry for taking so long... My sister keeps hogging the computer... *sigh*

Volume 1 chapter 3 (
Volume 1 chapter 4 (

Hmmm... Do you want the the next ones to be volume downloads?
Title: Re: can someone make mirrors of this manga for me?
Post by: G_chaN on September 05 2007, 11:30 pm
okay, here's some more before I sleep..  :keke:

Volume 2 chapter 5 (
Volume 2 chapter 6 (
Title: Re: can someone make mirrors of this manga for me?
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 06 2007, 11:36 am
thnaks. ill give you cookies. but you dont have to do anymore off there tho, my mangas just arrived OF those there ^^
Title: Re: can someone make mirrors of this manga for me?
Post by: G_chaN on September 06 2007, 09:10 pm
Haha... really? Well, Good for you!  Have fun reading...   ;D