Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: G_chaN on October 06 2007, 01:51 pm
Wow... I can't believe that there's no thread on this yet... anyway.. I'm looking forward to this.. its supposed to be aired today.. not sure about the time... but I can't really watch it yet since I have to wait for the fansubs.. Looks like I have to say goodbye to Athrun and Kira for now... -_-
Here's the official site.. (
I've seen the trailers on this and looks like the gundams are evolving.. heheh.. can't wait to see it in action... I've been dying for some mecha action... :XD:
is this the one where maki murakami did the character designs? i heard she was suposed to do one of the gundam sereises
Nope.. the character designs on this one is by Yun Kouga (Loveless)...
Super Sailor Yue@Maki Murakami did the character design of Gundam series? o_O" I don't know that,LOL. = ="
I also looking forward into this anime.For the sake of seiyuus & Laruku!! XD; I think the sub version will release tomorrow or just in this week.What I wanna say?Gundam is a pretty popular mecha anime so,the subbed version must be release earlier for the otakus' sake.They are crying desperately for this anime,LOL.Okay,my crazy talks ended here. = ="
I also looking forward into this anime.For the sake of seiyuus & Laruku!! XD; I think the sub version will release tomorrow or just in this week.What I wanna say?Gundam is a pretty popular mecha anime so,the subbed version must be release earlier for the otakus' sake.They are crying desperately for this anime,LOL.Okay,my crazy talks ended here. = ="
Haha! You got that right... since it's "Gundam" I think the releases for the subs will be earlier.. I'm still hesitating to hit the download button for the raws... I wanna watch it so bad but I have to be patient coz I won't even understand a thing they'll say if I watch the raws..... awwww....
LOL,just as I thought before!!The subbed version is out already!!Go get it here ( ^_^ *squee* I can't wait to watch & listen to the seiyuus' voices! XD
I just finished watching the first episode... whooooo!!! So cool.. I love the opening and ending songs... it really has the "war" feel... the animation looks great as well as the designs for the gundams and non-gundams... :XD:
Hmmm... I can't seem to post spoiler tags...
For a first episode, it came only as an introduction of the gundams and their army, celestial being... the performance of the gundams are so cool... lots of action and explosions... the video introducing themselves as the celestial being caught me off guard... haha.. I didn't expect them to do that... what a bunch of idealistic people... and their declaration of eradicating war? intriguing... I wonder how will they pull that off while using weapons? I guess I have to watch the whole thing to find out what they actually plan to do... but I have a bad feeling about that celestial being army...
Hehe... I'm happy that there's a Haro in here too... orange Haro that is.... ;D
Gotta hand it to them, Gundam 00 looks promising... :keke:
Just saw the first episode, and what i think is ... it's still the first episode so it's hard for me to make decision, though i LOVE the seiyuus and the chara design really kougaYun-sensei work's , I think I'm still gonna love it anyway. Looking forwards for the next episodes
btw, does anyone know how many episodes will it be , and i might be wrong but i heard that like code geass, the last episodes gonna be postponed until ..dunno..
When I first saw Gundam 00... it gave me a feeling of Gundam Wing.. hehe.. :keke:
Well, Gundam 00 is scheduled to have 50 episodes since two seasons have already been announced.. It seems that they'll be having a short break after the first season... which is weird considering that they already said that there are two seasons... I don't see the reason why they have to postpone it...
first episode was nice and i was impressed by the animation and music. Looking forward to the next ep ^^
Hmmm... All your remarks sounds intriguing... Might give this series a shot...
Woah! I just finished watching the second episode... haha! I'm liking this even more and more...
The action in this episode is much better compared to the first one... Although the first few parts are rather boring... but as they got to do the second mission, this started to heat up... I love how the fighting scenes were made.. the gundams are soooo coool!!! :XD:
So the true motive of celestial being is now unveiled... but I still feel that there's something more to it... Well, I was really shocked to hear that celestial being is "the pain needed to change the world"... I was like... WOAH!! This is the first time I've heard of such an idea.. for me that is... So they plan to make the whole world angry at them? "until both sides hates them"? But I doubt that'll work... the other factions might just plan to overthrow celestial being and use their powers... if they can that is... They want them to unite and defeat celestial being? And if they do, I bet it'll be full of betrayals and stuff... haha!!... I can't wait how thing'll turn out...
And about the thing with Ioria Schuhenberg (the one who did the CB broadcast)... they said the man died 200 years ago.. Well, I'm going for the theory that it's an old broadcast... I'd definitely scream if its another cloning thing.. I never did like the clone bit in Seed...
The like the ending part too where Graham Acre shows up and duels with Setsuna... whoo... I wanna watch the next episode already...
just browsed through episode one.... mecha a little similar with gundam wing
i am loaded with tons of new titles.... still trying to decide which will i watch but this series definitely worth a try.
i am surprised that their opening theme is already out... Weee..... more Laruku goodness.