CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: Princess Kayla on May 01 2005, 10:23 am
Okay, I was reading the manga and while I was loving it :inlove:, my eye kept catching site of a random girl. At first I didn't think to much of it, but she kept popping up. She seems to appear in each of the worlds. I was wondering if anyone else noticed her and if so, do you know who she is?
Book One Appearance
Book Three Appearance
Book Four Appearance
Book Five Appearance
Strange and totally random, right? LoL.  :tongue: I'll let you know if I see her in the future books. :wink:
It's Miyuki-chan from Miyuki-chan in Wonderland.
I love looking for her in every new world!
Yeah, you have to keep your eyes peeled for her.
does she have an effect in the story?? what do you think? i thought it was kinda weird too...
i don't think she has a specific purpose - clamp just put her there as a familiar face - and kinda like one of those Where's Wally things. and for fans to go "hey!! there she is again!!"
do u mean wheres waldo?
Well in her manga, it's her curse of sorts.
And adding another cameo.
Yeah, its one of those extra characters in the background CLAMP loves to put. Its like when CLAMP added characters from Chobits, like Chii, who [so far] doesn't have really that much part, other than Fye creating her.
Pity...I thought she might have actually been important to the plot
I was thinking while reading, who's the perosn running around in my book?! lol Chii is cool, I havn't read all the books too know anything about her but I know shes some sort of robot! lol
got to say that Princess Kayla is very observant..
sorry, cant help you much as i did not read the manga version.. =P
hehe...I thought it was a coincidence at first when I read the first 3 TRC, but when I got to the 8th volume, I was like "this can't be a coincidence....she's in every world >-<!"
I never read "Miyuki-chan in wonderland", so I didn't recognize her^^;
***I never read "Miyuki-chan in wonderland", so I didn't recognize her^^;***
I haven't read it yet either.
I read some sort of interview with Clamp about it.
It's supposed to be sort of like" Alice in wonderland" right?
***It's supposed to be sort of like" Alice in wonderland" right?***
Well, I guess you could say an "adult" version of Alice in wonderland. :wink:
adult?......ooh :sweatdrop:
do u mean wheres waldo?
no where's wally...
what in anime/manga is slightly adult??
read the manga's better than the anime
haha.... ya i did notice her... but i didnt pay much attention.... haha... i tin CLAMP show her so many times it juz to illustrates to us tat the person u see in diff worlds may look the same but it is actually a different person leading a different way of life.... juz like wad the dimentional witch has say before syaron,kurogane n fai starts travelling....
I think that is is sort of funny that she is always running.... -.-;
<---(Is easily amused)
Good theory Angel...
haha.... ya i did notice her... but i didnt pay much attention.... haha... i tin CLAMP show her so many times it juz to illustrates to us tat the person u see in diff worlds may look the same but it is actually a different person leading a different way of life.... juz like wad the dimentional witch has say before syaron,kurogane n fai starts travelling....
in that case, i was wondering.. when they travelled to Hanshin Republic.. why isnt there a 'Syaoran', 'Kurogane' or 'Fye' in it?
in that case, i was wondering.. when they travelled to Hanshin Republic.. why isnt there a 'Syaoran', 'Kurogane' or 'Fye' in it?
Mabye there was, we just didn't meet them
***in that case, i was wondering.. when they travelled to Hanshin Republic.. why isnt there a 'Syaoran', 'Kurogane' or 'Fye' in it?***
Maybe there was, we just didn't get to see them.
I'm waiting for one of them to run into another version of themselves.
That would be cool if they went to CCS land, but I don't think it will happen.
CCS land is basically back to where Yuuko is, but, yeah, that does not seem possible...
Actually, I am quite interested in Kurogane meeting another Kurogane, probably gonna start off with a street fight.
Syaoran eventually is going to meet another Syaoran, so there's one definite for you.
Yeah, if they were to meet the original Sakura, that would be in the world Yuko's in. ;) However that's not saying it won't happen.
I'm curious if they'll end up in the world where Magic Knight Rayearth was set in! THAT would be interesting and that is where Mokona came from. Yuko says in the xxxHolic manga that she and Clow got the Mokonas while in another dimension... stands to reason that this Mokona could be the same one from MKR. :wave:
btw, Miyuki could very well be a plot point. CLAMP is famous for making the smallest things have great significance later on in the series. eg Yuki being hungry in CCS, Saoran kicking with his legs in Tsubasa, etc...
Yeah, if they were to meet the original Sakura, that would be in the world Yuko's in. ;) However that's not saying it won't happen.
I'm curious if they'll end up in the world where Magic Knight Rayearth was set in! THAT would be interesting and that is where Mokona came from. Yuko says in the xxxHolic manga that she and Clow got the Mokonas while in another dimension... stands to reason that this Mokona could be the same one from MKR. :wave:
btw, Miyuki could very well be a plot point. CLAMP is famous for making the smallest things have great significance later on in the series. eg Yuki being hungry in CCS, Saoran kicking with his legs in Tsubasa, etc...
Actually, Yuuko didn't get the same Mokona... She worked with Clow to create a pair of them, black and white, after meeting "the powerful yet delicious creator of the universe"... She actually said delicious, and she even thought of giving them the name "Black Fillings" and "White Fillings" You won't find this scene anywhere except in CLAMP's website's albums. It's about the adventures of the two Mokonas long before Card Captor Sakura, Tsubasa, or XXXHolic kick in... There's so many interesting thing happening among Mokonas, Clow, Yuuko, Kero, and Yue (according to the album, they did just about everything together, playing, drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking... <--Blame on Yuuko for all the alcohol abuse)
Actually... it can very well be that CLAMP just add it in for the sake of adding it in... Like the time when Legal Drug Store has a 1-2 pages of interaction with Watanuki.
Sorry to go off topic but when did Watanuki appear in Legal Drug? Got volumes 1 and 2. :inlove:
Thanks for the info about the Mokonas. Good work!
It's in XXXHolics, very, very early...
Yuuko was drunk, and she needs medication, and Watanuki goes to the drug store...
Then he sees faint outline of kimono attached to the back of the two employees (main characters of Legal Drug Store). Watanuki doesn't know what it is, he just gets the feeling that the ghostly kimono means that these two are meant to meet each other...
Cheers! **goes and rereads xxxHolic** :hello2:
Can't wait for more Miyuki madness.
haha.. she always seems to be rushing doesn't she.. :P
Yeah... It was surprising in one of the picture showing Miyu- chan just standing at a spot instead of running around (Miyu- chan, are your legs finally tired?).
***Yeah... It was surprising in one of the picture showing Miyu- chan just standing at a spot instead of running around (Miyu- chan, are your legs finally tired?).***
Lol, her chess piece in Clamp No Kiseki is even running!
do u mean wheres waldo?
^.^ that part made me laugh for some reason. im totally random
Now that u mention it I did see her, but i didn't really pay
It may of been just my eyes playing tricks on me, but I think I saw her in Episode 5! It was really qucik (she was running) and like right around the corner when the guys were out on the town. Hmm...
oooooooooo need to check. dwld time. She kinda really stands out in book one. everyone is like walking casualy and all of a sudden, a gurl in school uniform running with something in her mouth.
***It may of been just my eyes playing tricks on me, but I think I saw her in Episode 5! It was really qucik (she was running) and like right around the corner when the guys were out on the town. Hmm...***
Yep, she's there!
Just over seven minutes into the show you'll see her run by!
theres really no point of her being ther tho. is she gonna be like friends with Shoaran and them or something.
Hope so! Maybe she has a feather? ;)
probably... hey, is Chii still a persocom in TRC?
nope. u can tell by her ears. instead of being robotic like, the're furry. ^.^ kawaii. but even if she has a feather, wouldn't big eyes mokona detect it by now.
Good point. :D Maybe the rabbit she's chacing has one. :heh:
Fai made Chii with his magic in TRC, so I guess she'd be some sort of magic/human.
I love her furry ears!!!
i didnt really notice the ears were furry...-_-"
yeah i didn't notice either... *squints at manga* can't really tell
Miyuki chan is always running world which syaoran goes.
yeah.....she is kind of weird...
but its fun to find Miyukichan in every world you know.
lmao but why is she always running. is she in a hurry in EVERY world, or maybe she just likes running XD
Anyone see her in the lastest world in the anime?
it's just my prediction, but maybe she is running because she was
always runnning in the story of
"Miyuki in wonderland"
Hope so! Maybe she has a feather? ;)
Yeah! Instead of being the same person but on diff worlds, she could be the same person full stop! Maybe she's a spy form the evil guy, or connected to Yuuko...hmm...
good point..but she usually just appears once in a world though.
hmm thats a kool hunch, and it would be kool if it really did happen. like the person u don't relaly care about becomes the bad guy and is collecting info on shoaran and the others
i'm not sure if this was asked before..but has anyone seen her in the anime?
***i'm not sure if this was asked before..but has anyone seen her in the anime?***
Yes, she is shown in episode 5 running down the street.
She's shown at about seventeen minutes into the episode.
really.. im looking through episode 5 buuut about 17 minutes into the episode, they are fighting primera-chan
Jeez, Gomen!
It's about 7 minutes and 37 seconds into the episode!
AHA i see her. tho she looks different in the manga. eh o well
umm....juzt one question: dez miyuki-chan haf her own manga?? me is really confused now b'cuz me is not familiar wid miyu-chan, watanuki...*is dat his name??* can som1 tell me plz....=3
yes, miyuki-chan is the main character of "miyuki-chan in wonderland", while Watanuki is the main character of "xxxholic" :keke:
watanuki looks like hes under a spell or something lol. hes always like -.- and almost grumpy. well it was his fault..not really for going into the shop. lol. i think the part when Yuko was like "its for use for practicing magic" then hes like " o.o this is " yuko says`"THE finest plastic model ever made!"
Yes, Yuuko has lots of interesting items laying around her house!
Watanuki is so funny.
He starts off pretty grumpy, but kind of like Kuropi, he's beginning to lighten up a little. Yuuko IS helping him, after all.
I think this is really off-topic, but I didn't want to make a whole new thread about it.....
Does Eriol ever show up in Tsubasa?
no, he hasn't shown up ----yet :keke:
I don't think he will...most popular characters who were going to be featured have already made some sort of appearence....although I have this feeling that even if Kero isn't in it, Yue might be...but maybe minus the wings, just as a normal person, or a magician?
Alot of CLAMP characters haven't shown up yet. I think they'll come sooner or later though, considering how many worlds they still have left to travel to :keke:
Lol, in a logical sense, there is NO LIMIT to the number of worlds a person should travel. But this is fantasy! its supposed to defy logic! XD
I'd like to see Yue in it... but CLAMP may leave own several. How long would you expect a manga series to drag out? O.O
I'm curious if we are ever going to see an AU Fai...
And what would happen if Fai SAW the other Fai.
Hmmm, could they see each other, or would that just never happen?
that's actually an interesting thought from long ago... do ppl still ask that? lol. its something a lot of people would want to see but so far its not quite happening... sadly... OMG i want SS to see their CCS counterparts so badly XDDD a fanfic on got my head going on about it for awhile now.... since sakura doesnt have memories of she and syaoran having a relationship... well, you kno the rest! ^_______^
I still bet the original CCS characters will show up around the end of the series. Maybe in the last or second last arc.
(This is off topic)as a reply to what Ruby chan said earlier, I REALLY WANT TO SEE YUE!!! (or at least Kero) C'MON! THEY USED YUKITO! *whimpers*
Did ou notice that this topic is now NOT really about Miyuki-chan? or is it just me O_O
yeah... xD i wish i could see more characters more CCS in TRC *-*
ohh.. about miyuki she also appears in edonis country o.o
she's everywhere xD ne xD
it's Miyuki - chan (I think she's MISC Character)
ah ha ha ha!! i have scans of miyuki in the lake world! mwa ha ha! anyone want to see?
OH! i do.. ahhaha.. i'm trying to search for her right now in my mangas..
well, i would figure that in the hanshin republic, there isn't a syaoran, kurogane, and fai for their own world because well, it would be too confusing for everyone to go "WHICH ONE IS WHICH?" and it would especially be confusing for the syaoran, kurogane, and fai that we all know and love. i could imagine both fai's calling both kurogane's kuro-pu. and i can see both syaoran's just looking at each other like, what's going on?
It would be very interesting if our merry little band ran into their doppelgangers. Of course that may not even be an option, depending on which theory you buy in to when it comes to interdimensional travel. My favorite is that one cannot meet their own self for the same person cannot appear in two places within the same dimension so that senerio may not be possible.
Then again, it IS a story where the writers (CLAMP) can set their own rules on time and inter-dimensional travel :D