that's interesting...haha...maybe fye betrayed him
Suicidal tendency?In Outo, Kurogane said that he has killed those who tried to kill him, and he has also killed those who tried to kill the one he tried to protect with his life... He has killed too many, so he finds no need to sugarcoat the fact, but the kind of people he hates the most is the kind who still has a gasp of breath left, yet unwilling to live.
This has been confusing the first book, Chii refers to Fai as 'King'....but then HE refers to Ashura as king. So who, exactly is the king? Or is Fai lying when he says that he's just a magician, and he shared the throne with Ashura - if there really was a bit of shonen-ai between them, then they could have been like king and queen...
meh... liast night i read the whole RG Veda series... and curiously, fai never appeared (if RG Veda is 10 vol.s long, then yes, he didnt appear).
I'm really confused in RG Veda e-e Ashura a girl or a boy? They used 'him', but Ashura looks like a girl...
The Ashura in RG Veda looks so much like a girl, in the 9th volume of TRC too!
And an idea here....maybe Ashura was the good guy, and it was Fai who was the bad guy? LOLThat would be interesting! I have a feeling there will be several more shades of grey.
but kujaku said 'ashura' (i dont know which) defied the heavens/path of the stars and was born genderless.CLAMP sure has a thing for those gender-ambiguous characters, don't they? Such as the angels and demons in Wish.
Yes! He was definitely genderless in RG Veda, but his companions chose to address him as it.
There's nothing being said about what Ashura-ou in Celes World did that makes Fai seals him up at the bottom of the sea. Maybe it's just a promise they made together out of good intention like RG-Veda, or maybe it's Fai's emotional problem due to Ashura's abuse
-clap clap clap- then where does chi come in?
I had him HAVE a feather in my fic, but your idea about the rise to power is interesting....hmmm. Although, Fai is so often thought of as a tool to the Seresu king, sometimes I think about writing one where Ashura rose to power after meeting Fai....because HE was a feather.
I meant that FAI was the feather. :sweatdrop: I thought that maybe Ashura would have realised the potential, and turned him into a human form, so that no one would become suspicious and try and take the feather away from him......I wondered whether the fact that Fai's tattoo was of a phoenix - a BIRD, it had tied him to the other feathers somehow.....
Fai's Tatoo was a bird in the shap of his Kudan .. Wings spread with its head to the left ... ( Me thinks )
I would be strang seeing that though .. Think of poor poor .. Kuro-mu ! Seeing Fai turn into A feather... ! OMG ! I'd cry !
Lol.. Great minds think alike .. But its true .. go look at any of the Tattos pictures.
^_________________^ "
but in the manga, the other female Ashura was good..
perhaps they are related?
yeah, probably if Fye uses his magic.. Mokona will be able to sense it.. *hmm* probably this may be season 1 cliffhanging final episode...
That Ashura wasn't female... It's erm.. Both. It ain't a boy and it ain't a girl... And yes, they are related, that Ashura is Ashura-ou's 'son'. In RG Veda, they call it his 'son' so I usually say 'he' when talking about either one of them. But you two both made a good point, maybe it would take Fai using his magic for Moko to sense it... That'd be cool...
oic.. thanks for the info (again)!
too bad Fye and the fem. Ashura did not meet in Shurano.. if not, we will be able to know more about them..