The top ten bishies! (as in boys...)
Post your top ten! :okay:
1. Syaoran (CCS)
2. Syaoran (TRC....I'm counting them as separate becuase they're so diff)
3. Sasuke (Naruto)
4. Ken Ichijoji (Digimon)
5. Yuki (Fruits Basket)
6. Haku (Spirited Away)
7. Kai (Beyblade)
8. Ryou Bakura (Yugioh)
9. Seto Kaiba (Yugioh)
10. Yue (CCS)
I like loads more, but these are my fav characters at the moment.
1. Syaoran (TRC)
2. Syaoran (CCS)
3. Satoshi (DN Angel)
4. Minoru (Chobits)
5. Momiji (Fruits Basket
6. Daisuke (DN Angel)
7. Oujirou (Angelic Layer)
8. Haku (Spirited Away)
9. Ten (Pita Ten)
10. Watunuki (xxxHolic)
Bishounen #1 - Syaoran (TRC/CCS/XXXholic)
Bishounen #2 - Sasuke (Naruto)
Bishounen #3 - Tate Yuuichi (Mai-HiMe/My HiMe)
Bishounen #4 - Kyou Souma (Fruits Basket)
Bishounen #5 - Chrno (Chrno Crusade)
Bishounen #6 - Haku (Spirited Away)
Bishounen #7 - Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
Bishounen #8 - Watanuki Kimihiro (XXXholic)
Bishounen #9 - Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)
Bishounen #10 - Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
In no particular order once again...xD <333333333 them all!!! :inlove:
Kurogane (aka: big doggy) he's pretty hot in the anime!
1. Fai (TRC) *_*
2. Shinichi (DC)
3. Ed (FMA)
4. Roy (FMA)
5. Fakir (PT)
6. Inuyasha (idem :P)
7. Leon/Squall (KH,KH:CoM)
8. Mamoru (SM but just during first season, after that I don´t like him any more XD)
9. Shaoran (CCS/TRC)
10. Haku (StC)
1.Syaoran(TRC) :greengrin:
2. Kudo Shinichi(Meitantei Conan)
3. Fujitaka(both TRC and CCS)
4. Watanuki(XXXholic)
5. Fai(TRC)
6. Seishirou(TRC/Tokyo babylon)
7. Kurogane(TRC)
9. Minoru(Chobits)
10. Heiji(Meitantei Conan)
1. Syaoran (TRC) hehe, Syao-kun is so loved ^^
2. Fai (TRC)
3. Yuki (Furuba)
4. Tsubasa (GakuAri)
5. Wolfram (KKM)
6. Muraken (KKM)
7. Sasuke (Naruto)
8. Ruka (GakuAri)
9. Manabe (Furuba)
10. Kurapika (HxH)
^_^; I bet most people don't even know some of these charas...
not in any particular order either nya~ ^w^
3:Daisuke(D.N. Angel)
5:Fai (TRC)
6:Sakataki (Time Stranger Kyoko)
7:Kai (BB)
10:Yue (CCS)
well well the list is longer
Syaoran is in the lead, surprise surprise ^__^
Syaoran is in the lead, surprise surprise ^__^
Hmm... not really a surprise there :heh: I was kinda expecting it :sweatdrop: anywayz for my top bishies (in no particular order)
- Syaoran (CCS/TRC) <--- lead again :lol:
- Chrno (Chrno Crusade)
- Kyo (Furuba)
- Takuto (Full Moon wo Sagashite)
- Haru (Furuba)
- Yami (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Chiaki (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne)
- Daisuke (D.N.Angel)
- Killua (HxH)
- Goku (Gensomaden Saiyuki/Reload)
Daisuke seems to be popular too..... ^__^
My favorite bishies are...
1. Fai (TRC)
2. Duo (Gundan Wing)
3. Seto Kaiba (Yugioh)
4. Sayoran (TRC)
5. Chrono (Chrono Crusade)
6. Sayoran (CCS)
7. Bakura (Yugioh)
8. Trowa (Gundan Wing)
9. Quatre (Gundan Wing)
10. Kurogane (TRC)
I had to change this many times before I could post it. :confused:
I revised my old list!
1. Fai
2. Kurogane
3. Fye
4. Kuro-woof
5. Fay
6. Kuro-sama
7. Big Kitty
8. Big Doggie
9. Neko-chan (Kuro calls Fai that in a ff I love)
10. Kuro-wanwan
5. Inuyasha
7. Kurogane
8. Miroku
9. Mamoru
Mine are ...
#1 Syaoran (TRC)
#2 Fai (TRC)
#3 Ryoma (Prince of Tennis)
#4 Tezuka (Prince of Tennis)
#5 Dark (DN Angel)
#6 Syaoran (CCS)
#7 Yuki ( fruit basket)
#8 Eichi (Fullmoon wo Sagashite)
#9 Kuragane
#10 Ryo (Digimon Tamers)
#1 -- Syaoran (CCS/TRC)
#2 -- Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
#3 -- Kira Yamato (Gundam SEED/Destiny)
#4 -- Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
#5 -- Fai (TRC)
#6 -- Daisuke (D.N. Angel)
#7 -- Ryoki (Hot Gimmick)
#8 -- Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
#9 -- Sasuke (Naruto)
#10- Takuto (Full Moon)
1 ~ Syaoran ( CCS/TRC )
2 ~ Mamoru ( Sailor Moon )
3 ~ Omi ( Weiss Kreuz )
4 ~ Daisuke ( DN Angel )
5 ~ Kyo Sohma ( Fruits Basket )
6 ~ Chiharu ( Girl Got Game )
7 ~ Arima ( Kare Kano )
8 ~ Sasuke ( Naruto )
9 ~ Fai ( TRC )
10 ~ Minoru ( Chobits )
#1 - Who other than Syaoran Li? (CCS)
#2 - Syaoran (TRC)
#3 - Squall Leonheart (Final Fantasy VIII)
#4 - Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
#5 - Eriol Hiragizawa (CCS)
#6 - Taichi Kamiya (Digimon)
#7 - Yuu Maastuura (Marmalade Boy)
#8 - Yue (CCS)
#9 - Touya (CCS/TRC)
#10 - Daisuke (DN Angel)
These are in NO order whatsoever... Cuz that'd be impossible...
Fai (OK OK, this one is in place... but no others...)
Sakuma Ryuuichi
Shindou Shuichi
Bakura Ryou
Soujirou (Rurouni Kenshin)
Jinno (Mahou Tsukai Tai)
Mamiya (Utena)
Aburatsubo (Mahou Tsukai Tai, OVA ONLY! Icky in da anime..)
Just about the whole male cast of Loveless, and.... Wow, this is already more than 10.. Yuki shuts up now...
More or less in order..... my opinions at the moment, they always change. ^___^
Fai (TRC)
Kurogane (TRC)
Ryou (TMM)
Seiya (SM)
Ryoki (HG)
Yukito (CCS)
Subaru (TB/X)
Kaitou (MMPPP)
Kazahaya (LD)
Chiaki (KKJ)
1. Syaoran [TRC]
2. Fye [TRC]
3. Takuto [FMwS]
4. Gohan [DBZ]
5. Yuki [FB]
6. Hatori [FB]
7. Momiji [FB]
8. Sesshomaru
9. Minoru [C]
10. Tate [MH]
Top 10?... Hmm... I don't think I like ten... O.o'' But I can write a little list anyway!
Because it's fun, and bishounen are the best!
The list isn't exactly in order... It changes from time to time.
1. Subaru(Tokyo Babylon)
Kyuu~ Mine!
2. Link(The Legend of Zelda)
Been with me since my birth... He's so... Linkish.
3. Spider(Mega Man X: Command Mission)
...Don't look at me like that! *hugs Spider* Uh, can I call him a bishounen?... :tard:
4. Kamui(X)
He reminds me of a cat... Confident, "know-it-all"-look, but just BEGS for a hug! X3
5. Zelos(Tales of Symphonia)
.........There's something about that guy that makes me like him...
6. InuYasha(InuYasha)
GAH! The ears!!! :inlove:
7. ---I think that's it... O.o'' For now!
Here are my top ten~ (Gawd, it's hard to put them in order after my top 3 -_-)
1. Kamui (X) *Simply a "huggable-to-death" darling ^o^*
2. Nokoru (CCD and X)
3. Subaru (TB and X)
4. Eriol (CCS)
5. Edward (FMA)
6. Watanuki (xxxHOLIC)
7. Kazahaya (Lawful Drug)
8. Seishirou (TB and X)
9. Hisoka (Yami no Matsuei)
10. Pharoah Atemu (Yu-gi-oh)
Okay...I still think I have to change the order, but it's fine for now :sweatdrop:
1. Syaoran [TRC]
2. Syaoran [CCS]
3. Takuto [Full Moon wo Sagashite]
4. Fye [TRC]
5. Kurogane [TRC]
6. Dark Mousy [DN Angel]
7. Keiji Saga [DN Angel]
8. Sesshomaru [Inu-Yasha]
9. Yue [CCS]
10. Gohan [DBZ]
For the moment:
1. Syaoran (CCS)
2. Syaoran (TRC)
3. Fai-san! (TRC)
4. Pazu (Laputa: Castle in the Sky)
5. Takeru Takashi [TK] (Digimon Season 1-2)
6. Haku (Spirited Away)
7. Yamato [Matt] (Digimon Season 1-2)
8. Yue-san (CCS)
9. Seishirou-san (TRC)
10. Takato (Digimon Season 3)
Not in order: :D (for now it's theze guyz)
- Syaoran(TRC)
- Syaoran(CCS)
- Fai (TRC)
- Kurogane (TRC)
- older Loki (Matantei Loki Ragnarok)
- Sohma Kyo (Furuba)
- Chrno (Chrono Crusade)
- Takuto (Full Moon wo Sagashite)
- Yami (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Ichigo (Bleach)
must modify...it's been awhile :keke:
1.Syaoran (TRC) <3
2. Kamui(x/1999)
3. Fujitaka(TRC)
4. Seishirou(x/1999//TRC)
5. Fai(TRC)
6. Kudo Shinichi(Meitantei Conan)
7. Watanuki(xxxHolic)
8. Kurogane(TRC)
9. Minoru(Chobits)
10. Heiji(Meitantei Conan)
Hmm this shall be fun, if I don't include games ... if games are included Squall (FFVIII) would be second on that list
Sasame (Pretear)
Fai (TRC)
Touya (CCS)
Syaoran (TRC)
Roy (Full Metal Alchemist)
Van (Escaflowne)
Kazuma (Kare Kano aka His and Her Circumstances)
Quarte (Gundam Wing)
Milliardo/Zechs (Gundam Wing)
Hayate (Pretear)
Hmm, tough one, I'd say me top ten are (not in order)
1. Eyes-Spiral: suiri no kizuna
2. Takuto-Full Moon wo Sagashite
3. Yue-Cardcaptor Sakura
4. Yukito-Cardcaptor sakura/Tsubasa
5. Shigure-Fruits Basket
6. Ed-Fullmetal Alchemist
7. Fai-Tsubasa
8. Kish-Tokyo Mew Mew
9. Ohjiro-Angelic Layer
10. Kotaro-Negima!
I think I might be the only one who didn't put Syaoran...O_O I'm AAALLLOOOONNNEEEE!!!!!!! (I like Syaoran, but he's just not at the top of my list)
I would post more, but you said only 10, wah.
You mean I have to choose 10 TT_TT
(1) Hidaka Ken [Weiss Kreuz]
(2) Jean Havoc [Fullmetal Alchemist]
(3) Alphonse Elric [Fullmetal Alchemist] (Specifically that of Movie!Al ^^)
(4) Duo Maxwell [Gundam Wing]
(5) Seta Soujirou [Rurouni Kenshin]
(6) Roy Mustang [Fullmetal Alchemist]
(7) Yukito [Air]
(8) Kujyou Kazune [Kamichama Karin]
(9) Kyo [Furuba]
(10) Fai [TRC]
Hmmm.... here is my top ten in random order!
Fai ( TRC)
Clow Reed ( CCS)
Seishiro ( Tokyo Babylon, TRC)
Lantis ( Reyearth)
Hayate ( Pretear)
Soujiro Seta ( kenshin)
Guendal ( kyo Kara Maou)
Wakaoji ( Full Moon wo Sagashite)
Touya ( Ayashi no Ceres)
Hotohori ( Fushigi Yuugi)
Fai (TRC)
Syaoran (CCS & TRC)
Kazuma (Kare Kano)
Kakashi Hatake(Naruto)
Ryuu Amakusa(Tantei Gakuen Q)
Shigure Sohma(Fruits Basket)
Jonouchi Katsuya(Yugi-Oh)
Ishida Yamato (Digimon Adventures & 02) (Not the Old Ones)
Athrun Zala (Gundam Seed & Seed Destiny)
Shiin Asuka (Gundam Seed Destiny)
Umm. Can I make a request? Please make this a "Top 20 Bishies" or maybe 15?
Because 10 is not enough for my list... :wave: :) :lol:
I don't have 10!! :XD:
But here are my top 3:
  Syaoran (TRC)
  Syaoran (CCS)
and finally, but not least, Kohaku (StC)Â Â :inlove:
I agree with =kuro_woof=! It needs to be at least 15 bishies! XD Cuz I'm adding Isaac from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness to my list! ((WOW, have I mentioned Castlevania on enough threads, yet?))
just 10??? mou, that's difficult, considering the number of bishies in the anime world XD
1. Eriol Hiiragizawa (CCS)
2. Hyuuga Neji (Naruto)
3. Fye D. Flourite (TRC)
4. Kira Takuto (FMwS)
5. Hitsugaya Toushirou (Bleach)
6. Vincent Valentine (FFVII: AC) <== what the heck's with that name?!
7. Athrun Zala (GS/D)
8. Seto Kaiba (YGO)
9. Kyo Sohma (Furuba)
10. I'm still trying to choose between Van Fanel or his brother Folken... Or Kuchiki Byakuya... Or maybe Clef or Lantis...
So... my number 10 is undecided! XD
1. Eriol Hiiragizawa (CCS)
Wooow! Eriol is my Favorite too *points at avatar and siggy*
Wooow! Eriol is my Favorite too *points at avatar and siggy*
Eriol rules! ... It's too bad that they didn't include him in TRC... ;__;
Eriol rules! ... It's too bad that they didn't include him in TRC... ;__;
It really is. I loved Eriol and how he kept trying to help Syaoran-kun get together with Sakura-chan! That was great! He did that in my favorite episode! And if you don't know my favorite episode, just look at my avatar and sig!
^__^ if i add another eriol post, we'll be out of topic! XD
anyway... can i add more?! XD XD XD i just want to add these people to my list of bishies... i know the rule is 10 but... i can't help it! XD
1. Loki <== it's from the manwha Ragnarok (has anyone read it... it's the korean version of manga...)
2. Amiboshi <== he's the only guy made by Yuu Watase that I never hated... although i still hate him because he's hooked up with Miaka
3. Fakir <== has anyone watched the series Princess Tutu???
Okay, well, I'm gonna go and add Gourry from Slayers to my list and erhaps kick off Shirgure or Ed even though I still like them both
^__^ if i add another eriol post, we'll be out of topic! XD
anyway... can i add more?! XD XD XD i just want to add these people to my list of bishies... i know the rule is 10 but... i can't help it! XD
1. Loki <== it's from the manwha Ragnarok (has anyone read it... it's the korean version of manga...)
2. Amiboshi <== he's the only guy made by Yuu Watase that I never hated... although i still hate him because he's hooked up with Miaka
3. Fakir <== has anyone watched the series Princess Tutu???
OH YES!!!! I LOVE FAKIR!!! THE KNIGHT OF MYTHO!!!! he's so gorgeous!!!! I forgot to mention him in my top 10 BISHIES
OH YES!!!! I LOVE FAKIR!!! THE KNIGHT OF MYTHO!!!! he's so gorgeous!!!! I forgot to mention him in my top 10 BISHIES
Isn't he??? too bad the ending wasn't all that happy for him and ahiru... still, we can always keep wishing...
Syaoran (TRC)
Syaoran (CCS)
Sakura (CCS)
Sakura (TRC)
Akito (Kodocha)
Ed Elric (FMA)
Gary Oak (Pokemon)
Takato (Digimon Tamers)
Tommy (Digimon Fronteir)
Eriol (CCS)
1: Syaoran CCS :noteworthy:
 2: Kurogane
 3: Ayame :rotfl:
 4: Kyo
 5: Syaoran TRC
 6: Kira
 7: Wolx
 8:Coud from Erementar Gerad
 9: Yue
10: Mushra
don't have more !
Time for me to get serious. 10 bishounen, no videogames ones in this list... :sad5: It was tough, but I did it! *pose*
...Well the first three were easy anyway. :shifty: BUT the rest was hard! Yes...
1Â Subaru(Tokyo Babylon)
2Â Kamui(X)
3Â Nokoru(CLAMP School Detectives)
4Â Seeu(Planet Ladder)
5Â Kenshin(Rurouni Kenshin)
6Â Aburatsubo(Mahou Tsukai Tai)
7Â Koryu(Wish)
8Â Kaname(Juvenile Orion)
9Â Setsuna(Angel Sanctuary)
10 Ryo(Tokyo Mew Mew)
Hmm.... not necessarily in order.
1) Fai (TRC)
2) Yue (CCS)
3) Arashi (ParaKiss)
4) Zell (FFVIII)
5) Loki (Ragnarok)
6) Leon (KH)
7) Jin (Samurai Champloo)
8) Eclipse (Demon Diary)
9) Luka (Under the Glass Moon)
10) Count D (Pet Shop of Horrors)
And if we're including real people, Riku (GothLoli model), Ryuhei Matsuda (actor) and hide.(from X Japan).
Akito (Kodocha)
Akito? As in Akito Hayama?! Oh love that emotionless guy!!! he's so cool!
Only 10?? :( hehe
1.- Syaoran (TRC)
2.- Heero (Gundam Wing)
3.- Terry Grandchester (Candy Candy)
4.- Kamyu no Aquarius (Saint Seiya)
5.- Kenshin Himura (Rouroni Kenshin)
6.- Eagle Eye (Magic Knight Rayearth)
7.- Kamui ( X )
8.- Lantis (Magic Knight Rayearth)
9.- Sesshomaru (InuYasha)
10.- Shiryu (Saint Seiya)
And if we're including real people, Riku (GothLoli model), Ryuhei Matsuda (actor) and hide.(from X Japan).
Oooh!!! I wanna include real people, too!!! Here they are, in no particular order:
1. Gackt (Malice Mizer, GacktJOB, and just solo)
2. Miyavi (Due le Quartz and solo)
3. Kyo (Dir en Grey)
4. Daichi Kuroda (The Seeker. They did one of the songs for Ryuichi from Gravitation! T'was "Sleepless Beauty", it was!)
5. Mana (Malize Mizer, Moi Dix Mois)
6. Toshiya (Dir en Grey)
7. hide (X Japan) *sniff*
8. Klaha (Malice Mizer and solo)
9. You (Not you, You... He's from GacktJOB, by the way...)
10. Kotani Kinya (Everyone here knows him, ne? If not, he's from Mad Soldiers and he does solo work, too. He did Shuichi's singing voice from Gravi!!)
Honorable mention: Anyone who has EVER been with the DA family and the following: Die and Kaoru from DeG; Yuki, Kozi, and Kami from MM, and Yoshiki from X Japan.
X__X They are LOVE. Also, if anyone wants to see pics or try some music from any of these guys I will SO upload it, I love pimpin' them out! XD
Oooh!!! I wanna include real people, too!!! Here they are, in no particular order:
Ooh, watashi mo! (Me too!)
My top 10 real bishies:
1) Ryan (my crush from math class that makes me go hanyaan! :heh:)
2) Kenny Chesney! (Country singer)
3) Keith Urban (Australian Country singer)
4) Tim McGraw (Another country singer)
5) George Stults (plays Kevin Kinkirk in 7th Heaven)
Don't have anymore. :sweatdrop:
Since I'm a nerd, I HAVE to write my videogame-bishounen too. X3
1_ Link(The Legend of Zelda)
Has always been, always will be. *kisses*
2_ Mega Man X(Mega Man X)
Tjohoo! Whoo!!! I've loved this guy since I first played MMX! There's a HUGE difference between Mega Man X and Mega Man ! Remember that!
3_ Spider(Mega Man X: Command Mission)
Lovely dude. Just looooooovely. Show content
I've never cried more than when he died... :cry:
4_ Zero(Mega Man X)
It's the hair *amazed*
5_ Zelos(Tales of Symphonia)
Optimistic and a pervert... Hey! That sounds like me! :XD:
6_ Adrian Farenheit Tepes/Alucard(Castlevania)
When I saw this guy in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, I just thought "DAMMIT! He's EVEN prettier than Juste!"
7_ Juste Belmont(Castlevania)
I'm ashamed to admit I've never played the game with him in it... ^^'' But he looks good! X3
8_ Kilik(Soul Calibur II)
His english voice is awful... >.< But he has a bare chest and long legs, and that's good enough! :hehe:
9_ Rock(King of Fighters)
Cute... :shifty: Nice butt too.
10_ Ken(Street Fighter)
I always play as him in SF. So I guess I can count him as a favorite bishounen too!
Next, I'll write a comment for my manga/anime bishounen too! :inlove:
1_ Link(The Legend of Zelda)
Has always been, always will be. *kisses*
Funny!! He is my number one videogame-bishounen too!! And the ONLY one!!!! :inlove:
*Takes out Link figurine and starts to workship it* (yeah, I AM crazy...)Â :sweatdrop:
Added Wolx from Erementar to my list, he's cool!
Since I'm a nerd, I HAVE to write my videogame-bishounen too. X3
4_ Zero(Mega Man X)
It's the hair *amazed*
Oh! i love zero! i always choose him more than X! he's MUCH MUCH more cuter than X isn't he?
Oh! I added some on my list! kimimaru of Naruto and Kazuma of Yakitate Japan
Oh! i love zero! i always choose him more than X! he's MUCH MUCH more cuter than X isn't he?
Yesh~ Zero is lovely~ :inlove: I love to draw pictures of him (argh, but I only have one posted... :sweatdrop:), with his cool armor and hair! Waiiiiii~ Ohohoho~
I still love X though! :love4: And Spider of course, but he's only in Command Mission... (am I robosexual or what?! :tard:)
Yesh~ Zero is lovely~ :inlove: I love to draw pictures of him (argh, but I only have one posted... :sweatdrop:), with his cool armor and hair! Waiiiiii~ Ohohoho~
Oh yeah! I always liked his red armor! and his attacks are more powerful.. and i LOVE his saber sword! it makes him look more cooler! and the hair! OH! THE HAIR!! it's making me crazy! tsk! im beginning to be wild again.. hehe :sweatdrop:
Not in order:
Syaoran (TRC/CCS)
Natsume (Gakuen Alice)
Ryoma (Prince of Tennis)
Killua (HxH)
Akito (Kodocha)
Hitsugaya (Bleach)
Yami (YGO)
Eiji (Prince of Tennis)
Ed Elric (FMA)
Loki (Matantei Loki Ragnarok)
Adding in my list... AiKo-san reminded me of him..
Fuji (prince of tennis) i think that's his name.. the one who always has his eyes closed and only opens them when he's serious
Youko Kurama: Yu Yu Hakusho
Hanazawa Rui: Hana Yori Dango (I like him better in the drama, though)
Shuuichi Minamino: Yu Yu Hakusho
Yue: CCS
Dr. Umeda: Hana Kimi
Tokiya Mikagami: Flame of Recca
Vicious: Cowboy Bebop
Spike: Cowboy Bebop
Clow Reed: CCS
Sesshoumaru: Inuyasha
They're not in any particular order, but... yeah. ^^
In no specific order:
*_* Ritsuka--- Loveless (call me phedopholic i don't care but this little buy is just gorgeus)
*_* Fye... :inlove:
*_* Aritsama (i think this is his name)-- Kare kano
*_* Dark---Dnangel (this boy is really hottie)
*_* Konrad --- Kyou Kara Mau (this boy has everything, he's kind, handsome, courage, cool looking)
*_* Haruka -- Tactics (i love boys with black wings)
*_* Aya --- Weiss kreuz (he is enigmatic and cute)
*_* Hisoka -- Yami no matsuei (he is so lovely)
*_* Ed--- FMA (jeje you were waiting for me to say this right)
*_* Kaworu--- Evangelion (yeah people i just love angels)
In no specific order:
*_* Ritsuka--- Loveless (call me phedopholic i don't care but this little buy is just gorgeus)
*_* Fye... :inlove:
*_* Aritsama (i think this is his name)-- Kare kano
*_* Dark---Dnangel (this boy is really hottie)
*_* Konrad --- Kyou Kara Mau (this boy has everything, he's kind, handsome, courage, cool looking)
*_* Haruka -- Tactics (i love boys with black wings)
*_* Aya --- Weiss kreuz (he is enigmatic and cute)
*_* Hisoka -- Yami no matsuei (he is so lovely)
*_* Ed--- FMA (jeje you were waiting for me to say this right)
*_* Kaworu--- Evangelion (yeah people i just love angels)
Aritsuma? are you refering to the guy who like Yukino Miyazawa? The black haired guy? If he is, his name is Arima
Kyaa!!! *hugs pretty* I thought Im the only one who liked Kowaru!
Arima.. ohhh... yeah that guy.. jeje i couldnt remember his name ^_^U
*hugs .=kuro wolf=. back* kaworu is so cute! :inlove: bad that had to happen why he had to Show content
die O_O
life is so unfair sometimes.
Oh yeah! I always liked his red armor! and his attacks are more powerful.. and i LOVE his saber sword! it makes him look more cooler! and the hair! OH! THE HAIR!! it's making me crazy! tsk! im beginning to be wild again.. hehe :sweatdrop:
I can fangirl myself over him for hours too! :hehe:
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It's strange that he has a habit to die in about every third game he's in... :shifty: Just to be brought back to life in the next.
It's cool that he learns fighting techniques from the bosses instead of gaining their weapons like X do... And, whoo! He's got a very nice voice in Command Mission too! :greengrin:
In No Specific Order.
Syaoran - Cardcaptor Sakura.
Touya - Ayashi No Ceres.
Takuto - Full Moon wo Sagashite.
George - Paradise Kiss.
Ichigo - Bleach.
I can't think of anymore for some reason.
I need to watch more anime. >.<
Adding to my bishie list, Jenrya Lee (or Henry Wong) from Digimon Tamers.
Kyuuzoo (Samurai 7)
Heihachi (Samurai 7)
Izark (From far away)
Fahrenheit (President Dad)
Fai (TRC)
Sasame (Pretear)
Jeile (Merupuri)
Kureno (Fruits Basket)
Hatori (Fruits Basket)
Ayame (Fruits Basket)
Meep. I can't order them. I would feel sorry for the ones in the bottom 'cause I luv them all so much :'D
Oh yeah!
Adding to my list too.
Hayate - Pretear.
Kyou - Fruits Basket.
Arima.. ohhh... yeah that guy.. jeje i couldnt remember his name ^_^U
*hugs .=kuro wolf=. back* kaworu is so cute! :inlove: bad that had to happen why he had to Show content
die O_O
life is so unfair sometimes.
right! life is so unfair to that cutie! Shinji is the one who should... :hehe:
I can fangirl myself over him for hours too! :hehe:
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It's strange that he has a habit to die in about every third game he's in... :shifty: Just to be brought back to life in the next.
It's cool that he learns fighting techniques from the bosses instead of gaining their weapons like X do... And, whoo! He's got a very nice voice in Command Mission too! :greengrin:
yeah! and his techniques are so much cooler!!!
Kyuuzoo (Samurai 7)
Heihachi (Samurai 7)
Kyaa!!! I like Heihachi too!!! and shichiroji as well!! don't you like Katsushiro, Meza-san?
Sasame from Pretear (is that his name? the white haired cutie?)
Ayame from furuba (Have i posted it before?)
Akito from Furuba (I heard this shocking news in the Fruits Basket Manga discussion that Show content
Akito is a woman! darn it! I have this crush on him even if he is mean
No particular order:
1- Kamui
2- Subaru
3- Fai
4- Yukito
5- Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
6- Ayame Sohma (also Fruits Basket)
7- Hatsuharu Sohma (again Fruits Basket)
8- Suoh Takamura
9- Nokoru Imonoyama
10- Kakei
Not in order: (at the moment)
- Uchiha Sasuke (Naruto)
- Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto)
- Syaoran (TRC)
- Echizen Ryoma (PoT)
- Yami Yugi (YGO)
- Sora (KH/KH:CoM/KH2)
- Niwa Daisuke (DNAngel)
- Hyuuga Natsume (GakuAri)
- Hitsugaya Toushiro (Bleach)
- Riku (KH/KH:CoM/KH2)
Here are mine. And of course, Syaoran is first, and Fai, and Kurogane.
1. Syaoran (TRC)
2. Fai (TRC)
3. Kurogane (TRC)
4. Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
5. Syaoran (CSS)
6. Naruto (Naruto)
7. Hideki (chobits
8. Kira Yamato (Gundam SEED)
9. Daisuke ( DN Angel )
10. Kami (X/ 1999)
2)Edward Elric(Full Metal Alchemist)
3)Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
4)Kira Yamato(Gundam Seed)
7)Takato Kira(Full Moon wo Sagashite)
10)Eichi(Full Moon wo Sagashite)
^_^ my list may change later, but Syaoran will always be #1
in some sort of order ^^ :
1- Syaoran - TRC
2- Hitsugaya Toshiro - Bleach
3- Kuchiki Byakuya - Bleach
4- Shizuka Doumeki - xxxHolic
5- Kimihiro Watanuki - xxxHolic
6- Uchiha Sasuke - Naruto
7- Sora - Kingdom Hearts/KH2/etc.
8- Kamui Shiro - X
9- Takuto Kira - FullMoon wo Sagashite
10- Nagoya Chiaki - Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
As for real people, all I can say is Gackt and Johnny Depp. :P I'm going to exclude video game characters from my list though cause if I didn't, all my list would be is video game characters. With one or two anime characters mixed in here and there.
In no real order-
1. Fai (TRC)
2. Syaoran (TRC)
3. Howl (Howl's Moving Castle)
4. Kyo (FB)
5. Tamaki (Ouran High School Host Club)
6. The Twins (OHS Host Club)
7. Amon (Witch Hunter Robin)
8. Kiley (Peach Girl)
9. Roy Mustang (FMA)
10. Inu-Yasha (IY- I just love those ears =^.^=)
(Speaking of Ouran High School Host Club, it just premiered in Japan and I have seen the first ep. It was HILARIOUS! I encourage you all to check it out. Thank you.)
Kyaa!!! you like Fai too! :inlove:
Kyaa!!! you like Kyo as well! :lol:
Kyaa!! you like my burning Roy!!! :okay:
Just a list I compiled from the top of my head. Eh, if I could, Syaoran would be in all 10 places. Hee hee. Odd, I know, eh?
1. Syaoran (TRC+CCS) - Syaoran is ALWAYS first!
2. Sasuke (Naruto)
3. Kira (Gundam Seed)
4. Taichi (Digimon)
5. Miroku (Inuyasha)
6. Squall (Final Fantasy VIII) - Does he count?
7. Van Fanel (The Vision of Escaflowne)
8. Soichiro Arima (Kare Kano)
9. Kurogane (TRC)
10. Fai (TRC)
Hee hee, my list always changes. It's very likely that I'll change it in the future.
ugh! Fai... 10th place... *sulk*.. well, Fai can't please everybody
syaoran- trc
zoro- one piece
sasuke- naruto
a ha~
Here's my list. :XD:
1. Kanone Hilbert (Spiral Suiri no Kizuna)
2. Syaoran (CCS/TRC)
3. Soujiro (Rurouni Kenshin)
4. Ryoma (Prince of Tennis)
5. Ayumu Narumi (Spiral Suiri no Kizuna)
6. Eriol (CCS)
7. Satoshi (DNAngel)
8. Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
9. Ken (Weiss Kreuz)
10. Watanuki (xxxHolic)
^heh your SD watenuki avatar is cute
1 Yue (my first loev ~_^)
2 Sesshomaru (bad @$$ with a heart of gold
3 Fai D flowright. (*pokes siggie* so mysterious, so funny, so cool)
4 Watenuki kimihiro
5 inuyasha (human form)
6 Helios (sailor moon super s)
7 Neflite [nephrite](sailor Moon)
8 Seiya (sailor moon stars, here (http://www.wfu.edu/~gonzall/Sailor%20Moon/seiyafighter.jpeg) (note: the girl hanging off his shoulders, in case your not an sm fan or just dont know, is his sailor form. yes, a guy turning into a girl is one of the reasons SM stars was never dubbed)
9 Jin (samurai champloo, [even tho i dont watch the show, he is tre cool and i saw an image in anime insiderhim with his haori open and his hair down O.O]
heh...thas all i can think of... yeah, lame for stopping at 9 :dodge:
My Top 3
1. Athrun Zala (Gundam Seed Destiny)
2. Syaoran (TRC)
3. Hitsugaya Toushirou (Bleach)
the rest not in order...
Subaru (X)
Fuji (Prince of Tennis)
Alponse Elric (FMA)
Soujiro (Rurouni Kenshin)
oh goosh... now i realise there's a lot that I like, but to really put them in top 10, I can only think of a few.... :hmp:
Top 8 List :
1) Kira (Gundam Seed Destiny)
2) Honda Tohru (Fruit Basket)
3) Niwa Daisuke (DNAngel)
4) Dark (DNAngel)
5) Sasuke (Full Metal Panic)
6) Roy (Full Metal Alchimist)
7) Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)
8) Yuki Tohru (Fruit Basket)
He ^^
1. Kira etc. ( Angel Sanctuary )
2. Koji Nanjo ( Zetsuai )
3. Fye ( TRC )
4. Kurogane ( TRC )
5. Hotohori ( Fushigi Yuugi )
6. Shibuya ( Zetsuai )
7. Rosiel ( Angel Sanctuary )
8. Tsume ( Wolfs Rain )
9. Omi ( Weiß Kreuz )
10. Zaphikel ( Angel Sanctuary )
Top 8 List :
1) Kira (Gundam Seed Destiny)
2) Honda Tohru (Fruit Basket)
3) Niwa Daisuke (DNAngel)
4) Dark (DNAngel)
5) Sasuke (Full Metal Panic)
6) Roy (Full Metal Alchimist)
7) Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)
8) Yuki Tohru (Fruit Basket)
I really wished to put Sakura at the 2nd rank, but if that so, that will make it sound fishy because all of them are boy.. if I hav the another chances, i would put it ranking porposely only girls..
1. Syaoran <-- love of my life (TRC/CSS)
2. Kira (GS/GSD)
3. Kyo (Fruits Basket)
4. Takuto (Full Moon wo Sagashite)
5. Tidus (FFX)
6. Sasuke (Naruto)
7. Fai (TRC)
8. Inami Ken (Memories Off)
9. Kurogane (TRC)
10. Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
4 Watenuki kimihiro
8 Seiya (sailor moon stars, here (http://www.wfu.edu/~gonzall/Sailor%20Moon/seiyafighter.jpeg) (note: the girl hanging off his shoulders, in case your not an sm fan or just dont know, is his sailor form. yes, a guy turning into a girl is one of the reasons SM stars was never dubbed)
^^ Actually, his name is Watanuki, not Watenuki. And, um... Seiya is actually a girl who sometimes turns into a guy, not the other way around. All three of the Sailor Starlights are female. ^^ But yep, that is the reason Stars was never dubbed, and since it was never dubbed it was never subbed either. T_T
^^ Actually, his name is Watanuki, not Watenuki. And, um... Seiya is actually a girl who sometimes turns into a guy, not the other way around. All three of the Sailor Starlights are female. ^^ But yep, that is the reason Stars was never dubbed, and since it was never dubbed it was never subbed either. T_T
still seiya was a guy most of the season so itstill couts ^_^
I don't think I've posted here? :sweatdrop:
1. Syaoran (TRC)
2. Yin Syaoran (TRC)
3. Kinomoto Fujitaka (TRC)
4. Kudo Shinichi (Meitantei Conan)
5. Kimihiro Watanuki (xxxholic)
6. Shirou Kamui (X)
7. Sakurazuka Seishirou (X and TRC)
8. Negi Springfield (Mahou Sensei Negima)
9. Hiiragizawa Eriol (CCS)
10. Ryuou (TRC)
1) Yin Syaoran.
2) Syaoran (trc)
3) Syaoran (ccs)
4) Ryuuoh (trc)
5) Watanuki
6) Doumeiki
7) Hao
8) Yoh
9) Hotohori
10) Touya (trc)
Revised it.
1. Yin Syaoran (TRC)
2. Sakura (TRC)
3. Sohma Kisa (Fruits Basket)
4. Sohma Ayame (Fruits Basket)
5. Brock/Takeshi (Pokemon)
6. Swampert (Pokemon)
7. Blaziken (Pokemon)
8. With (DNAngel)
9. Harada Riku (DNAngel)
10. Hiwatari/Hikari Satoshi (DNAngel)
Let's see here...
1. Touya (CCS) -->he actually beat Syaoran!!
2. Syaoran (CCS/TRC)
3. Yamazaki (CCS)
3. Sasuke (Naruto)
4. Athrun(GS)
5. Kamui (X)
6. Miroku(Inuyasha)
7. Edward(FMA)
8. Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)--> my first anime crush!
9. Kurogane (TRC)
10. Eriol (CCS)
^heh your SD watenuki avatar is cute
1 Yue (my first loev ~_^)
2 Sesshomaru (bad @$$ with a heart of gold
3 Fai D flowright. (*pokes siggie* so mysterious, so funny, so cool)
4 Watenuki kimihiro
5 inuyasha (human form)
6 Helios (sailor moon super s)
7 Neflite [nephrite](sailor Moon)
8 Seiya (sailor moon stars, here (http://www.wfu.edu/~gonzall/Sailor%20Moon/seiyafighter.jpeg) (note: the girl hanging off his shoulders, in case your not an sm fan or just dont know, is his sailor form. yes, a guy turning into a girl is one of the reasons SM stars was never dubbed)
9 Jin (samurai champloo, [even tho i dont watch the show, he is tre cool and i saw an image in anime insiderhim with his haori open and his hair down O.O]
heh...thas all i can think of... yeah, lame for stopping at 9 :dodge:
Found my 10th bishi ^_^
his name is Senri and he;s from the manga +Anima heres a shot of him:
{Sailor moon} Stars was never dubbed, and since it was never dubbed it was never subbed either. T_T
actualy it HAS been subbed, as well as the live action show :)
1. Fay from TRC
2. Kakashi from Naruto
3. Kurogane from TRC
4. Syaoran both CCS and TRC
5. Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket
6. Ryou from Tokyo Mew Mew
7. Kotarou from Pita-Ten
8. Sasame from PreteaR
9. Howl from Howl's Moving Castle (omg, he should be number 2!)
10. Kaito from Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch
I have more, but oh well... :tongue3:
1.Yuki Sohma (fruit basket) (yay! go yuki!)
5.momiji Sohma(fruit basket)
7.Sasuke (Naruto)
8.zolo(one piece)
9. Kamui(TRC)
10. Kyo( Fruit Basket)
change 10. to Ritsuka(loveless)
1. Syaoran (CCS and TRC)
2. Narumi Ayumu (Spiral Suiri no Kizuna)
3. Daisuke (DNAngel)
4. Coud (Erementar Gerad)
5. Titi (Sequence)
6. Kyou (Fruits Basket)
7. Kotarou (Pita Ten)
8. Nyah (Pita-Ten)
9. Negi (Mahou Sensei Negima)
10. Bankotsu (Inuyasha)
Mine ^_^
1) Syaoran (CCS and TRC)
2) Chrono (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha)
3) Mori (Ouran High School Host Club)
4) Kyou Souma (Fruits Basket)
5) Pazu (Laputa: Castle in the Sky)
6) Haku (Spirited Away)
7) Howl (Howl's Moving Castle)
8) Yuuno Scrya (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha)
9) Eriol (CCS)
10) Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke)
#1 - Kurogane (TRC)
#2 - Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
#3 - Shigure Sohma (Fruits Basket)
#4 - Hatori Sohma (Fruits Basket)
#5 - Fuuma Monou (X/1999)
#6 - Subaru Sumeragi (X/1999)
#7 - Kamui Shirou (X/1999)
#8 - Ran (Clover, when he's older. >.>; )
#9 - Touya (CCS and/or TRC)
#10 - Iruka-sensei (Naruto)
I only have one..^^;;
Syaoran-kun! ^^ (TRC) <3
1. Syaoran (CCS and TRC)
2. Narumi Ayumu (Spiral Suiri no Kizuna)
3. Daisuke (DNAngel)
4. Coud (Erementar Gerad)
5. Titi (Sequence)
6. Kyou (Fruits Basket)
7. Kotarou (Pita Ten)
8. Nyah (Pita-Ten)
9. Negi (Mahou Sensei Negima)
10. Bankotsu (Inuyasha)
EDITING --Â I adore Hiro-kun~
1. Syaoran (CCS and TRC)
2. Narumi Ayumu (Spiral Suiri no Kizuna)
3. Daisuke (DNAngel)
4. Coud (Erementar Gerad)
5. Hiro <333333 (Fruits Basket)
6. Kyou (Fruits Basket)
7. Kotarou (Pita Ten)
8. Nyah (Pita-Ten)
9. Negi (Mahou Sensei Negima)
10. TeiTei (Sequence)
In no particular order (because I couldn't decide ^^;)...
Fai (TRC)
Kurogane (TRC)
Subaru (Tokyo Babylon/X)
Touya (CCS/TRC)
Doumeki (xxxHOLiC)
Seishirou (Tokyo Babylon/X)
Wolfram (KKM)
Ed (FMA)
Ritsuka (Loveless)
Kakashi (Naruto)
1) Kurama
2) Kurama
3) Kurama
4) Kurama
5) Kurama
6) Kurama
7) Kurama
8) Kurama
9) Kurama
10) Kurama
mine's not really in a particular order either...eheh...but anyways...
1) Cloud!! (FFVII)
2) Syaoran (TRC)
3) Hikaru (OHSHC)
4) Tamaki (OHSHC)
5) Kyou (Fruits Basket)
6) Kaoru (OHSHC)
7) Kurogane (TRC)
8) Kurou (Love Monster)
9) Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
10) Takashi (Mori) (OHSHC...again lol)
I couldn't decide; so here are mine in no particular order XD
Sora (KH 1 & 2) (<--Would he be considered one? o_O)
Syaoran (CCS)
Kyou (Furuba)
Hatori (Furuba)
Momiji (Furuba)
Rui (Hana Yori Dango)
Eriol (CCS)
Roy (FMA)
Cloud (FFVII)
Kurogane (TRC)
mine would be.........
1-Syaoran-kun!! (TRC)
2-Fye-san!! (TRC)
3-Kuro-pon!! (TRC)
4-Kamui (X)
5-Kyouya (OHSHC)
6-Seishirou (Tokyo Babylon)
7-Watanuki-kun!! (xxxHOLiC)
8-Yue (CCS)
9-Touya (TRC)
10-Roxas!! (KH II)
my fave!! :inlove: :inlove:
^heh your SD watenuki avatar is cute
1 Yue (my first loev ~_^)
2 Sesshomaru (bad @$$ with a heart of gold
3 Fai D flowright. (*pokes siggie* so mysterious, so funny, so cool)
4 Watenuki kimihiro
5 inuyasha (human form)
6 Helios (sailor moon super s)
7 Neflite [nephrite](sailor Moon)
8 Seiya (sailor moon stars, here (http://www.wfu.edu/~gonzall/Sailor%20Moon/seiyafighter.jpeg) (note: the girl hanging off his shoulders, in case your not an sm fan or just dont know, is his sailor form. yes, a guy turning into a girl is one of the reasons SM stars was never dubbed)
9 Jin (samurai champloo, [even tho i dont watch the show, he is tre cool and i saw an image in anime insiderhim with his haori open and his hair down O.O] (here (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y226/BPAkito/champloo_jin0281.jpg). DAMN he;s hot. too bad im not into SC XP)
10 Senri (cute 16 year old kid. he;s the sielent and sdtrong type. he;s also very protective when it comes to younger kids.
heh...thas all i can think of... yeah, lame for stopping at 9 :dodge:
changing my #6 to to Agatsama Soubi. [his first name is Soubi ^^] from Loveless. he's sweet and kind and well HOT ^^ cant decide which looks cuter tho: hair up (http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c344/xentaneedskooler/Loveless/soubi.jpg)or hair down (http://www.protaku.com/pics/soubi.jpg) both are very bishonen. (he looks way hotter in the manga (http://img180.exs.cx/img180/8505/soubicollection1tl.jpg) tho. but with the anime you get to see his blue eyes (http://xs70.xs.to/pics/06090/lovethumb.jpg) in color :inlove:
so my new list is as follows:
1 Yue (my first loev ~_^) [CCS]
2 Sesshomaru (bad @$$ with a heart of gold [Inuyasha]
3 Fai D flowright. (*pokes siggie* so mysterious, so funny, so cool) [TRC]
4 Agatsama Soubi [Loveless]
5 Watenuki kimihiro [HOLiC]
6 inuyasha (human form) [inuyasha]
7 Neflite [nephrite](sailor Moon)
8 Seiya (sailor moon stars, here (http://www.wfu.edu/~gonzall/Sailor%20Moon/seiyafighter.jpeg) (note: the girl hanging off his shoulders, in case your not an sm fan or just dont know, is his sailor form. yes, a guy turning into a girl is one of the reasons SM stars was never dubbed)
9 Jin (samurai champloo, [even tho i dont watch the show, he is tre cool and i saw an image in anime insiderhim with his haori open and his hair down O.O](here (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y226/BPAkito/champloo_jin0281.jpg) DAMN he;s hot O.O too bad im nt into SC XP]
10 Senri (cute 16 year old kid. he;s the sielent and sdtrong type. he;s also very protective when it comes to younger kids.) [+Anima]
Since picking 10 bishies is easy I decided to just pick 1 guy per series (or else I could just take something like Tenipuri and get 10 guys solely from it). This is in no order (except Aya).
1. Aya (Weiss Kruez)
2. Tamaki (Ouran High School Host Club)
3. Tezuka (Prince of Tennis)
4. Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei)
5. Fay (Tsubasa: RC)
6. Subaru (X)
7. Dark (DN Angel)
8. Yuki (Gravitation)
9. Lui (Meine Liebe)
10. the Maou (Kyou Kara Maou)
1) Kakashi (Naruto)
2) Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
3) Fai (TRC)
4) Reishin (Saiunkoku)
5) Shueei (Saiunkoku)
6) Fuuma (X/1999)
7) Kouyuu (Saiunkoku)
8) Kurogane (TRC)
9) Miroku (Inuyasha)
10) Yuto (X/1999)
After all this time, I still think Kakashi's hotness/coolness is unsurpassable. :D Got difficult there at the end since I don't really consider Kurogane and Miroku bishies, just that I like them alot. Many from Saiunkoku since I'm really liking this series. Reishin's so very sexy. :lol:
1) Kurogane (TRC)
2) Howl (Howl's moving castle)
3) Jin (Samurai Champloo)
4) L (Death note)
5) Mello (Death Note)
6) Kyouya (Ouran HSHC)
7) Fai (TRC)
8) Kakashi (Naruto)
9) Imai (Girl got game)
10) Tamaki (Ouran HSHC)
1. Fuuma (X)
2. Kurogane (TRC)
3. Touya (CCS)
4. Sanzo (Saiyuki)
5. Yasha (RG Veda)
6. Soubi (Loveless)
7. Mori (Ouran Host Club)
8. Haine (Dogs)
9. Asami (Viewfinder)
10. L (Death Note)
01. Duo Maxwell ~ Gundam Wing
02. Seto Kaiba ~ Yugiou
03. Nara Shikamaru ~ Naruto
04. Touya ~ CCS
05. Sanji ~ One Piece
06. Kurogane ~ TRC
07. Tamaki-sama ~ Ouran koko
08. Hanatarou ~ Bleach =P
09. Kyou-kun ~ Fruits Basket
10. Shigeki ~ Whistle!
1) Kurogane (TRC)
2) Fai D. Flowright (TRC)
3) Watanuki Kimihiro (xxxholic)
4) Doumeki shizuka (xxxholic)
5) Chrno (Chrno Crusade)
6) Kazahaya (Legal drug)
7) Ryuou (Legal drug)
8) Kyo Sohma (fruits basket)
9) Kakashi sensei (naruto)
10) Kusinagi (Blue Seed