
Misc => Archives => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Sya0ran on June 03 2005, 09:58 am

Title: Pretear
Post by: Sya0ran on June 03 2005, 09:58 am
I love this anime!!!  Its short but its really cool.  A mix of cinderella with a dash of snow white.  ^___^  So cool!  I especially love and adore Hayate!!!  =D  Oh and Sasame....both are so hott.  xD  This is a pretty funny series too.  Makes me crack up everytime I watch the earlier episodes.  lol  I love the Hayate x Himeno pairing the most though.  Too cute and second to that is Takako x Sasame.  ;P
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 03 2005, 08:09 pm
I haven't seen much of this anime...just the clips I've seen in amvs. But it looks very sweet! I can't wait to see more of it!
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Zeldi on June 03 2005, 10:13 pm
I love pretear! i Like the Anime more then the manga ^^
and my fav pairing is also  Hayate x Himeno
and Sasame x Himeno
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Zeldi on June 09 2005, 11:50 pm
here a link to the Pretear anime if u want to download it it´s not Torrent
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: WheetWhoo09 on June 21 2005, 03:41 am
O.o  I looove this series. Only read it in manga form tho :( Havent seen the anime. But its so cute. -n_n- Plus, I really like the drawing style (...all the guys are like uber sexy, no?). Love Hayate too. Its interesting how they mixx up the different fairytales into one. I've read all 4 of the manga, and I think thats all they're coming out with, right? Does the anime expand on it?
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Bao_Nhia_Yang on June 22 2005, 05:27 am
I've seen only the first episode.. cause it comes out free w/ the Newtype USA magazines.. and i thought it seemed pretty interesting...  then i found out that there was only a few episodes.. :\
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Sayora Chan on August 10 2005, 03:15 am
This anime was one of the best, but it was so short.  That's part of what made it so good, because there was no filler.  Every minute detail was important to the plot, but it had to be with only 13 episodes.   :D
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: cute_me on August 10 2005, 04:24 pm
i don't like takako....... but i love sasame (but he is just an idiot for falling in love with takako XP) and hayate
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: LSD on October 26 2005, 04:28 pm
mmm , i think it was great, love sasame too, and the little one who controls the plants (don't know his name) was soo kawaii :inlove:   The end was great, it was really sad the part when sasame died for protect takako  :cry:
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Moon on October 26 2005, 04:33 pm
Pretear is a lovely anime, but it was very short. ^^;; The guys in pretear are hot. xD
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Zeldi on October 27 2005, 12:51 am
Pretear is a lovely anime, but it was very short. ^^;; The guys in pretear are hot. xD
Yes they are! ;3
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: LSD on October 28 2005, 01:10 pm
this was the most depresing scene of all the serie  :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: KanameChan on October 30 2005, 12:01 pm
awww I liked this series a lot...
Himeno was my hero for a while, lol....she made me laugh ^_^

And I was freakin ADDICTED to the opening theme song for the longest time!
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: LSD on October 30 2005, 02:57 pm
Yep himeno is great!!!, and really funny jajaja
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: suu_no_clover on October 30 2005, 04:40 pm
omg... It got really sad after sasame left... I've seen episodes 1-9 and 13, so I'm missing a fair few. Personally I like Sasame even if he is evil. Although lately he's been reminding me of fai, and I have some deep issues with fai...
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Zeldi on October 31 2005, 10:47 pm
Anou.. Suu here is a link for you! ^^,
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Sarah Jane on January 08 2006, 02:20 pm
I love Hayate. <3

This was another kawaii anime.
And it made me cry too. ;_;
Interesting storyline, kept me wanting more.
One of my favorites, hehe.
Need I say more?
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: sanlyn on January 08 2006, 07:13 pm
ya Pretear is one among my favorite.  Although i haven't read the manga version yet, but the anime is really interesting.  It won't waste your time.  My favorite character are Hayate and of course Himeno. The last epi almost made me cry. 
Unfortunately, it is hard to find a soft copy of manga (scan).
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Meza on January 08 2006, 11:02 pm
Pretear is nostalgia for me.

Once upon a time there was this site called "Anime intro archieves" which told us what anime was on tv currently and which channel. It's was pretty much like tv guide.  They got also downloadable intros and clips.

Well, I had been stalkin' that site for long time. Then one day Pretear came there.  I downloaded the intro - and omg I fell in love with the video and especially the SONG!

It took me around half year to find first few episodes tru Kazaa (lol, it was still mostly era of 'peer to peer, P2P', not torrent >_>). So, I saw first 3 episodes. Couldn't get more back then. Laterly, ADV got licence for it. But I was poor person with no DVD player at all back then (2004, I think). Then they translated manga (poorly, but still). I bought it. Then I accidently bought bootleg of anime last May. But at least I was able to see the whole series - finally.  After that, I borrowed bootleg for my friend, and then I get rid of it.  Now ADV has published thin-pack of the series and I think I'll buy it any time soon.

And what goes for anime vs. manga, I prefer manga.
+ musics
+ mawata-based endin'
-  too.. childhish to watch (just WHAT was that jungle episode?! XD)
- Sasame (I lost all my respect for you -_-')
- the very ending (what happened to Sasame and Takako. uh.. don't wanna spoil ppl.)
- Leafe costumes (fusion, and knight ones. I know it was too hard to animate all those costumes used in manga but I still don't like all anime ones)
- Kei (just what in the world happened to you? It took me a year understand you were a man xD)

+ art
+ other Leafe knights, than Sasame and Hayate, got their spotlights too
+ ending (there wasn't actually any huge climax, which positively surprised me)
+ costumes (ooh, so light coloured and fluffy)
+ Sasame (Yes, I'm a fangirl)
+ Hayate (Houhouhou, I didn't like you in the anime but manga is a different thing)

+ Many precious scenes like for example: Himeno waking up in the bed while surrounded by all  7 knights (Remember similiar scene from Disney's Snow White?)
- no voices or musics, aaaw ;_;
- What about Mawata? >_>
- oh no, why Shin instead of Sasame? That shocked me into tears. *sobsob*

Note: sorry for weird english, I have drank too much sugar for this day.
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on January 15 2006, 02:35 pm
mmm , i think it was great, love sasame too, and the little one who controls the plants (don't know his name) was soo kawaii :inlove:   The end was great, it was really sad the part when sasame died for protect takako :cry:

uh.. you have a bit of a spoiler there... I haven't watched that episode... but it's okay :okay: demo... my one & only Sasame?! DEAD?!
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: LSD on January 15 2006, 02:37 pm
tecnically  he didn't die..
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on January 15 2006, 02:48 pm
whew! That's a relief :lol:
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: LSD on January 15 2006, 02:51 pm
yeah.. thanks god
he is too hot for die
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: itsafactiact on January 16 2006, 01:25 pm
You all are so pursuasive, after I read this thread I decided to go out and watch the anime for myself, it was really cute!! Thanks for posting about it! Is the manga really different for the anime or is it about the same? and hey you guys got other recomendations lol  :greengrin:
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: snowangel on January 16 2006, 01:32 pm
Yea the anime is only 13 episodes ;__;
I first watched it the same year it aired in Japan ... I've lost track of how many times I've watched this anime over and over and over and over, ect.

Ep8 always makes me cry as with ep11 (the whole thing with
Show content
Mawata-chan and how Sasame kinda broke her heart

I like the HayatexHimeno pairing and I also liked Mawata-chan's character (sometimes it's hard to like her but once you finish the series, you grow to like her character). And Shinn is the cutest kid ever!

And yes Sasame is HOT!! I love his seiyuu's voice <3
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Ruby Chan on January 21 2006, 08:00 am
I haven't seen much of this anime...just the clips I've seen in amvs. But it looks very sweet! I can't wait to see more of it!

I now have the complete series downloaded onto my PC, and I can honestly say I'm in love with it! Sasame has to be the best character there, because he's so kind and tormented at the same time...poor thing. He tried to stay strong for the sake of the others, but in the end had to give in to his heart....

I like Hayate too, but not as much as Sasame! At some points, I have to admit that I preferred the dubbed voices to the seiyuu, but I still adore the original series!

Pairings? Hmm...definitely HayatexHimeno and SasamexTakako....but I also kinda like the HayatexSasame one that I've seen in a few fanbases too!

(And if you look at my amv thread, I've just uploaded my first ever Pretear amv - try it out!)
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on January 21 2006, 12:37 pm
yeah! Sasame is a real hottie!
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: LSD on January 21 2006, 03:20 pm
HayateXSamame... mm.. i love that kind of yaoi couples :inlove:
its sounds perfect
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: Ruby Chan on February 20 2006, 09:40 pm
HayateXSamame... mm.. i love that kind of yaoi couples :inlove:
its sounds perfect

Those two just fit together, right? The quiet brooding one with the soft spoken emotional one....but I think it would be SasamexHayate, not HayatexSasame.

I loved the seiyuu for this series! Especially Sasme's and Takako's! Even if the dubbed voice actors were better at times, the seiyuu were still brilliant!
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: LSD on February 21 2006, 11:47 am
SasamexHayate, not HayatexSasame.

isnt it the same thing  :confused:
Title: Re: Pretear
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on February 21 2006, 06:31 pm
Gaa! I just saw the episode where the branches of a tree hit sasame's back!!! I was shocked! SASAME!!! DON"T DIE!!!!