
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Ken-Chan on June 10 2005, 04:20 pm

Title: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Ken-Chan on June 10 2005, 04:20 pm
Anyone watch bleach, its a very nice anime it is about this 15 years old guy(Ichigo) have a power to be able to see spirit(ghost)...until 1 day he met this death god(shinigami),afterwards a gigantic demon(hollow) came and wanted to devour his family after the deathgod fight with it the deathgod got injured and cannot be able to carry on fight the deathgod gave Ichigo her power and Ichigo became a deathgod and he begin his slaying of hollows.....
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Okamirei on June 11 2005, 01:15 pm
very good manga :okay: the anime's awsome too  :greengrin:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: windytree on June 12 2005, 05:13 pm
DrooL! lol JUst kiDDDIng!!!
hahah I Love BLeach! its exciting! and COOL!!!
Great combo for ANIMEs!!!!!
!!! PLusSSS its seasoned with HumOUr and interesting characters!

sides!! Ichigo is COOL!
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Ken-Chan on June 12 2005, 09:22 pm
ya he is but i like kenpachi and yachiru more they are so funny...haha
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: darkmousy555 on September 01 2005, 08:02 am
I like bleach,who is your fav character?
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: gemini_sohma_chan on September 04 2005, 12:18 pm
ahhh, bleach....its a good anime and manga :okay: i couldnt choose between the two.  :tongue3:my fav person would have to be kon. hes funny :rotfl:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Pikari on September 04 2005, 04:13 pm
I followed the Bleach manga up to about chapter 170 or so... haven't had the chance to download it lately. But I really loved it, and I especially love Kubotite's style... the funky chapter covers he draws, the English titles, and the cool clothes.

My favorite characters are probably Ichigo, the Quincy guy (forgot his name), and Ichihara Gin (evilness!), although there are a ton of great characters... and so many to keep track of once it reaches the Soul Society arc!
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: fisah on September 06 2005, 01:16 am
I love Bleach, I just started reading the manga, but well caught on in the anime. Bleach is really good, I really like it. My favourite characters are Hitsugaya Shiro-chan *kawaii chibi*, Ichigo, and Rukia, I also like Gin too, his smile is just way too cool XD

My Bleach OTP is HitsuHina and IchiRuki, I also like IshiHime as well :XD: Lots of nice pairings in the animemanga. Oh, and the music is <3, I just adora Uverworld and Orange Range, D-Technolife and Asterisk are probabaly my all time favs ^^;

I also forgot to mention that I have a rip from the Heat in the Soul 2 opening, with a new song by Uverworld *_*, it can very well be better than D-Technolife. Anyway, if anyone want's the mp3 rip or the video rip with the actual opening sequence, pm me so I can send it to you :lol:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Alexiel on September 06 2005, 06:04 am
Lol, I just read the manga. too lazy to download the anime. its at a pretty interesting point after chapter 190. ^_~
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: charcoalz on September 06 2005, 08:44 am
i LOVE bleach...
it's gooood XD :okay:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: lilaznrycegurl on December 04 2005, 10:35 am
Does anyone know what the ending song for episode 59 is called? ^^"
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: FrontMission on December 04 2005, 01:15 pm
Yup, I watch it. Really cool show. The only thing that is frustrating is waiting a week for a new episode.   -_-
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: AiKo on December 04 2005, 08:22 pm
:love5: Bleach~~ <3<3<3 :love5:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on December 06 2005, 08:41 pm
I love Tite Kubo's style!!
And my favorite characters are Urahara and Ichigo. Oh, and I can't forget Renji!! ^^-
I've only read the manga so far, and I plan to see the anime soon.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on December 06 2005, 08:58 pm
I am also watching bleach both anime and manga.  My favorite character are yachiru, the pink hair vice captain always on kenpachi's shoulder,  Kon is also cute in different custume, Ichigo and Hitsugaya, the one look like killua of HxH.

The openning and ending themes are also nice.  i became instant fan of riefu, youna, yui, and scoop of somebody.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: lilaznrycegurl on December 07 2005, 08:15 am
Me favorites are Rukia, Ichigo, Orihime, and Tatsuki. ^^v  :greengrin:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Strawberry on December 09 2005, 03:17 am
I love Bleach too, I have read vol.1-4 of the manga and waiting to watch the Anime. Also I need to find some free time to read vol.5-9 and wait for the English versions of 10-18 to be published.

When I went to the Expo (Anime connvention in London) my friend brought me those clips which Orihime wears, but what makes me jealous was my other friend Paul brought the last Bleach bag from the stall and I really want it..... damn! if only I spotted it sooner!
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Sabrina on December 09 2005, 06:39 am
I have seen only anime...what is little bit shame ^.^;
I love music what are in anime :D Orange Range's Asterisk and etc.. just now I haven't seen 10 last episodes what have been  appear...

My fav character iss.... Ichigo (I have once cosplayed Ichigo :D) and Rukia and ofcourse Don'Kanonji! :D Well first episodes were funny but now this let's-rescue-rukia-from-shinigami-world is so long and gets little bit boring....
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Meza on December 13 2005, 07:41 pm
Yup. One Bleach fan here too.

I first got to get first 7 volumes of the manga (and now I have few more), and I fell in love with it.
Then I got anime episodes (was it 1-40, or something) from.. uh.. Sabrina *points at previous poster* hello  :wave:  :haha:

Well, 20 first episodes were great. But then.. uhm.. I'm currently going in episode 32, and I'm gettin' kinda.. bored o_O; I don't know how things will get laterly, but it's getting to be too much fighting for me - and in the same place all the time. And I heard rumour there's gonna be filler season too... I don't know if that have been confirmed.

I'm seriously thinkin' I'll  stick up with manga, and leave anime - at least for a while. I enjoy those fightin' scenes more in manga than in anime.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: AiKo on December 13 2005, 09:32 pm
Keep watching~! :D You'll start to discover new stuff in the series. And about the manga, keep reading~! :keke: There's a lot of shock in it
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on December 14 2005, 03:40 pm
Wooah! I just saw my first few Bleach anime episodes yesterday and it really rocks! I thought the animation, the seiyuu, the script, and the adaption of the mangaka's style were really good. ^__^ Hehe, I'm still downloading more episodes.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Meza on December 15 2005, 05:40 pm
What comes to seiyuu, I got really shocked when I heard Rukia's voice for the first time :'D It was hard to believe someone so fragile would have so strong voice. But eventually I fell in love with her voice :3

That reminds me, when I saw image of Rukia for the first time I thought she as he.  Well it was back then when I didn't have any clue of the series and characters of its, but STILL :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Sugar Fairy on December 16 2005, 08:12 pm
Have any of you reached episode 60 yet?

Talk about TWIST in your story... this one was a complete SHOCK for me..
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Ruruku on December 18 2005, 02:50 pm
Have any of you reached episode 60 yet?

Talk about TWIST in your story... this one was a complete SHOCK for me..

yea im up to 61 now, pretty crazy the way Aizen is owning everyone!.......
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Sabrina on December 21 2005, 04:34 am
I'm seriously thinkin' I'll stick up with manga, and leave anime - at least for a while. I enjoy those fightin' scenes more in manga than in anime.
Don't leave anime....Oh, why? because....eermmh.... Those music what are in anime are so cool O____O I really really really love Asterisk! -^____^-  and D-tecnolife...I was so happy when friend sended that song to me :D
Background-music are good..and someone funny :)

Still... I haven't found that new opening or this song from gendou:
Ichirin no Hana -  High and Mighty Color
Where I could find it....

What are you thinking about musics in the anime?
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Sarah Jane on January 08 2006, 02:12 pm

It took over my second favorite anime, because I lost interest in Inuyasha...
And also because Cardcaptor Sakura is my favorite anime! <3
I'm a RukiaxIchigo lover. <3
And I can't wait for episode 63? I think it's 63.
I've seen all of them so far, and there's so many... I lost count, hehe.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on January 09 2006, 01:19 pm

It took over my second favorite anime, because I lost interest in Inuyasha...
And also because Cardcaptor Sakura is my favorite anime! <3
I'm a RukiaxIchigo lover. <3
And I can't wait for episode 63? I think it's 63.
I've seen all of them so far, and there's so many... I lost count, hehe.

I think it's my second favorite anime too! Or maybe my top favorite anime... Tsubasa is my top favorite manga. ^^ I've seen all but episodes 60-62 now. I'm waiting for Bleach Portal to put the direct downloads up.

I actually don't mind either IchigoxRukia or RenjixRukia. This is probably the ONLY time I don't mind one character being with two different characters. But I like both Ichigo and Renji... and they both have good reasons to be with Rukia.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Sarah Jane on January 10 2006, 01:44 am
Hehe, I like Renji too. <3
I have to agree there too.
I think either of them can be with her as well.
And the only other time I like another couple is in Harry Potter... ^^
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: AiKo on January 10 2006, 10:21 pm
I wuv Hitsu-taichou *huggles* he's so cute and huggable especially the time before he entered Soul Society :D
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on January 11 2006, 02:32 am
I wuv Hitsu-taichou *huggles* he's so cute and huggable especially the time before he entered Soul Society :D

Watermelon-eating!! X3 X3
And yeah, he's so cool... even just his eye and hair color are kakkoii!
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: lilaznrycegurl on January 20 2006, 04:53 am
ehh...I'm more of an IchigoxRukia fan...RenjixRukia is WAY too weird for friend is sitting here next to,  :sweatdrop: she wants to know what you guys think of OrihimexIshida

I think it's my second favorite anime too! Or maybe my top favorite anime... Tsubasa is my top favorite manga. ^^ I've seen all but episodes 60-62 now. I'm waiting for Bleach Portal to put the direct downloads up.

I actually don't mind either IchigoxRukia or RenjixRukia. This is probably the ONLY time I don't mind one character being with two different characters. But I like both Ichigo and Renji... and they both have good reasons to be with Rukia.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on January 20 2006, 09:58 am
I like the Ishida and Orihime pairing! It's very cute. ^^ I'm not so much of a Ichigo and Orihime supporter..

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Hoorah, Episode 64 is out! We get to see Urahara again, and it looks like Renji's here to stay. ^^
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on January 20 2006, 03:27 pm
Ishida always worry about Orihime and he'll also try to protect Orihime if she is in danger so I think IshidaxOrihime may be a good pairing.

Just watch epi 64 and it started with an "original anime" arc.  I wonder what ishida will do considering Orihime was involved and he lost his quincy power.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Kouryuu on January 21 2006, 01:19 am
i love bleach!!
it's my favorite shonen manga
i have seen the first 8 episodes but i like a lot more the manga
i've been reading all the new chaps (210 right now)
and i have to say that the best division is the 11th!!!
Ken-chan is the best captain in the whole Seiretei!!
WAR against Hitsu-grrrrrrrrr !!!!!!! Zaraki RLZ!!!!!!!  :P
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: lilaznrycegurl on January 21 2006, 12:19 pm
I agree with the IshidaxOrihime pairing ^__^

Ishida always worry about Orihime and he'll also try to protect Orihime if she is in danger so I think IshidaxOrihime may be a good pairing.

Just watch epi 64 and it started with an "original anime" arc. I wonder what ishida will do considering Orihime was involved and he lost his quincy power.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on February 05 2006, 10:44 pm
I'm watching BLEACH atm...and I love it! I'm up to (as of today) episode 66 for the anime and chapter 213 for the manga. And yeah, I agree with the Ishida & Orihime relationship. My fav characters are Yachiru, Rukia, Hitsugaya...
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on February 06 2006, 05:49 am
I'm up to that episode and chapter too. ^^ I can't wait till the anime gets going on the real next arc with the Arrancar... ^^ The filler episodes going on right now are very... filler.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on February 07 2006, 09:37 pm
i don't really like the fillers that much. i mean, they're good...but i prefer that the anime sticks to the real story. Well, that's my opinion anywayz ^^
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Sugar Fairy on February 10 2006, 12:29 pm
i agree. the fillers are.. well.. fillers.. but wish they'd go back to the story already.

but then again, as far as fillers go, this is pretty good if you compare it with some of the naruto fillers they've been throwing out. those were just horrible. in my opinion :heh:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on February 10 2006, 12:49 pm
I've never watched any Naruto, but I remember hearing about the infamous fillers somewhere...

Heh, the latest episode did give me a good laugh though...
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when Ichigo was telling Renji to "undress" (or turn into a shinigami). I wanted to laugh so badly, but my dad was right behind me. ^^
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on February 11 2006, 12:27 am
I've never watched any Naruto, but I remember hearing about the infamous fillers somewhere...

Heh, the latest episode did give me a good laugh though...
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when Ichigo was telling Renji to "undress" (or turn into a shinigami). I wanted to laugh so badly, but my dad was right behind me. ^^

agree. Although its a filler but that part make me laugh a lot.  I think it is better than Don Kanouji filler.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on February 11 2006, 01:31 pm
I've never watched any Naruto, but I remember hearing about the infamous fillers somewhere...

Heh, the latest episode did give me a good laugh though...
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when Ichigo was telling Renji to "undress" (or turn into a shinigami). I wanted to laugh so badly, but my dad was right behind me. ^^

lol, i loved that bit as well. that was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny! =P i was pretty much on the floor laughing coz of that scene.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: lilaznrycegurl on February 12 2006, 05:57 am
the funniest part, in my opinion, so far was...
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when the little girl wrote the names and they were all freaking out about it because it was written sort of correctly but not and they were actually was in epi. 66 ^__^
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on February 12 2006, 12:59 pm
the funniest part, in my opinion, so far was...
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when the little girl wrote the names and they were all freaking out about it because it was written sort of correctly but not and they were actually was in epi. 66 ^__^

Lol! That was great too! X3 I found another funny scene after watching my old episodes:
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When Urahara shoots a ball into Ichigo's room that splatters on his closet door and it looks like a dying message written in blood ("Cometh forth to the front of the Urahara store")...
Yeah... that whole scene cracks me up. I love Urahara's sense of humor. And his voice. ^^
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on February 12 2006, 03:50 pm
lol. i read that bit in the manga before i saw the anime. very funny! =P another part in bleach i found funny was when we find out where rukia sleeps while on earth...that was hilarious!!! ah, bleach is sooo funny! and the storyline's awesome.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: svclover on February 15 2006, 03:18 pm
hihi another Bleach hot fan here! Loves Histsugaya.. cool boy~~

The manga is getting more and more exciting now...
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: quimmy on February 16 2006, 09:30 pm
I only found a place where they actually have the manga online (without unzipping-ness) two days ago. I'm only on chapter 35...pity me! xD I love Urahara and Ishida-kun. Darn, I keep wanting to call him Quincy, that's such a cute name, but other fans give out to me when I do. >.>
I love Ichigo! I rarely love the main characters, but he's just so cool! And all of his t-shirts make me laugh.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on February 16 2006, 09:36 pm
hihi another Bleach hot fan here! Loves Histsugaya.. cool boy~~

YAY for Hitsugaya fans =D he's sooo cute.

I only found a place where they actually have the manga online (without unzipping-ness) two days ago. I'm only on chapter 35...pity me! xD I love Urahara and Ishida-kun. Darn, I keep wanting to call him Quincy, that's such a cute name, but other fans give out to me when I do. >.>
I love Ichigo! I rarely love the main characters, but he's just so cool! And all of his t-shirts make me laugh.

yeah I like Ichigo too. he never seems to lose.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: charcoalz on February 20 2006, 04:39 am
heh, i was wondering where i can download the manga for bleach....x)
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on February 20 2006, 04:46 am
This is where I get my Bleach manga:
You'll find them under Multimedia, but you need to sign up first. (It's free!)

They're missing volumes 10-18, but you can get them here:
Just sign up (it's free too), and go to Bleach Manga. They have all of the chapters, I think.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: charcoalz on February 20 2006, 10:12 am
This is where I get my Bleach manga:
You'll find them under Multimedia, but you need to sign up first. (It's free!)

They're missing volumes 10-18, but you can get them here:
Just sign up (it's free too), and go to Bleach Manga. They have all of the chapters, I think.

arigatou gozaimatsu!
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on February 25 2006, 07:50 pm
I go to for my downloads coz I don't need to sign up for an account...but alternatively, you can also check out
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Sabrina on February 26 2006, 06:27 am
wee, in end of summer here in Finland is Animecon IV where I crossplay Hanatarou :D ohhohohoho.. (probably why when I have black hair for Kurogane crossplay so I cosplay some day there Hanatarou too!). Once I thinked that maybe I should try to crossplay Don Kanonji XD maybe I leave that idea far far behind...
Last year I crossplay Ichigo but --err -- it wasn't so perfect cosplay (my first cosplay..teehee). And last year too, I should have crossplay Hitsugaya but I was too lazy ^^;

anyone else who have cosplay Bleach characters?
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on February 27 2006, 04:30 pm
no BLEACH cosplay here in australia (well, not one that i know of anywayz). but i've seen clips of the jap BLEACH cosplay. it looks awesome!
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on February 27 2006, 06:02 pm
Oh, Nectar Rain, do you mean the Bleach Musical? =D If you do, then I've seen a few clips, and I think they're pretty good! I especially like the Urahara guy. (I love Urahara's character either way X3). I wanna see the rest!

I'm amazed at the range of characters you can cosplay as, Sabrina! I've never ever cosplayed, but I might in this year's Anime Expo. If there's anyone I can cosplay in Bleach it'd be either Orihime or Yoruichi or Nanao... some girl with long hair. O_o It'd probably be so fun to cosplay as Yachiru. ^_^
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on March 01 2006, 02:38 pm
yeah same! i sooo want to see the whole thing. I've only seen bits though which is a pity. I LOVE the guy who plays Hitsugaya. =D Nagayama Takashi is soooo cute!

oh, i just realized what you mean by "cosplay" now. sorry about that. i thought you meant "cosplay" as in the "myu". lol. now i know. ooooooooooo i'd LOVE to cosplay yachiru. she's sooooooooooo cute!!! but i'd mostly go as rukia. =D
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: quimmy on March 05 2006, 09:02 am
I think it's on youtube! I've seen some clips of it, it looks hilarious. The Urahara guy is keeeee-ute! *w* Especially when dancing like a gangsta. And Renji dancing too. lmao! Random dancing amuses me. xD

I might be cosplaying as Ishida at Tomodachi this summer! xD Nanao and Momo are debateable too, it depends whether I cut my hair before then or not.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on March 05 2006, 03:14 pm
yeah you can view it on youtube. just type in "bleach rock musical" or something and there should be some clips. =) i think byakuya's solo is funny. you wouldn't really see the real byakuya doing that kind of stuff =P
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on April 21 2006, 02:00 pm
So I felt like reviving this thread. ^^

You're right, Quimmy, the Urahara actor is cute. Heh, I found pictures of them online: Bleach Musical (

Anybody watch the latest episode or read the latest manga? The manga's getting good... I don't know what to say on the anime... *_*
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on April 22 2006, 01:06 am
I've seen its Bleach jump festa 2005 and the story is totally unrelated to manga but it has some good action and comedy.
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Kenpachi and Yachiru get lost in human world and instead of looking for the culprit, they chase after a bullet train
What i enjoy most is the ending part where credits started to roll, most captians and vice captains dress in casual/formal  attair including Gin and Aisen.

Bleach musical - although, the stage is small, they still able to carry the role very well.  My only disappointment is there is no Ishida in the musical.

I've been following both manga and anime.  Manga is starting to heat up, however, the anime is still the same---- filler arc.  Hope it carry out some good resolution in the end.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: yondaime on April 24 2006, 03:34 am
bleach is the best anime next to naruto and kenshin
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Tweety72913 on May 08 2006, 04:01 pm
I LOVE the opening song  :)
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: rinka on May 10 2006, 12:51 pm
I LOVE the opening song :)

The latest one? I prefer 2nd & 3rd opening. ^^ D-tecnolife & Ichirin no Hana. <3
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on May 10 2006, 04:27 pm
me the first one *asterisk by oranga range.  It ranked no. 1 in oricon ( eqiv. to billboard in jap) top ten anime musics for 2005.

here is the link.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Rukia-chan on May 11 2006, 01:39 am
Bleach is absolutely amazing.  At least I think so :D

The art is amazing, and the story is even better.  Definitely in my favorite series of all time list. :tongue:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on May 11 2006, 02:22 am
Just finished watching bleach 79... it seems like the fillers won't be over in a short time.  However i still enjoy it for some laugh especially the very last side gag story.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on May 13 2006, 03:05 pm
The *Asterisk opening is my all-time favorite Bleach opening so far, and Houkiboshi and Thank You! my favorite endings. (But all the Bleach music is good overall! X3) The new opening is a little strange to me, being in almost all English, but I think I'm getting used to it. ^^

I haven't been watching the latest Bleach episodes (I've been watching xxxHOLiC ^.^;;). I agree the fillers are cool to watch, but I'm anticipating how the latest manga arc will be animated and incorporated after the fillers, like
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Rukia coming back when she's already back in the fillers, and all the shinigami coming to Karakura... and other stuff. ^^;

I'm just SO looking forward to Isshin meeting Urahara and them having that cool shinigami talk. ^___^
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on May 18 2006, 02:02 am
Episode 80 ---
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more Kon scene but being bullied by Ririn.  poor Kon. 
It seems like there will be no bleach next week.  Next airing will be on May 30 and its a double episodes.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Magical Angel 101 on June 02 2006, 05:17 am
I just started watching Bleach I'm on epsiode 33 as we speak, then I'll read the mangas XD I also ship Ichgio+Rukia Hitsugaya+Hinamori Ishida+Orhime XD
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: rukia on June 05 2006, 02:43 pm
OFCOURSE..i love bleach...especially ichigo
apparently my character is rukia.take the test for yourself the link is:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on August 12 2006, 12:21 pm
i haven't watched BLEACH in a while now mainly coz of the fillers.... i really don't like the BLEACH fillers.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on August 15 2006, 12:36 am
watch the filler its very interesting and funny....
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they go back to soul society and of course together with the official mascot
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on August 15 2006, 07:51 pm
i heard that the fillers are finished now? is that right???
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on August 15 2006, 09:55 pm
No...bleach is still in filler arc, the story just changed the setting instead of human world, its in soul society....but i think it will end soon. 
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the enemy went to soul society for revenge.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on August 15 2006, 10:03 pm
ahhh i c. i can't wait til it gets back to the normal storyline. is the enemy still the vampire ppl (sorry can't remember their proper names).
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on August 17 2006, 11:26 pm
ahhh i c. i can't wait til it gets back to the normal storyline. is the enemy still the vampire ppl (sorry can't remember their proper names).
Yes ...they are called "bounto".  They sucked spirit particles from human for their nourishment.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Marumae on August 18 2006, 02:18 pm
Ahhh love me some Bleach, probably my favorite Manga (aside from you know...Tsubasa and such)I stopped watching the anime ages ago actually, and now only read the manga and wow it really is getting heated up. The last chapter left me speechless, :XD:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: quimmy on August 20 2006, 09:58 am
I agree Marumae! 239 was wonderful in so many ways. *w* I especially loved the splash page, it reminded me of recent TRC events, which led to cackling, and then deadness. xD
I kinda hope it doesn't turn into a whole new Soul Society arc, lasting for 100 or so chapters while Ichigo fights everyone, loses, gets superpowers and then trashes them.
I'm disappointed about Hirako though, I was hoping he'd be on this mission too, I knda love him in an odd way. xDD
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on August 20 2006, 10:13 pm
Yes ...they are called "bounto". They sucked spirit particles from human for their nourishment.

yeah that's their name. :tongue3:

did u kno, the movie's coming out soon??? I didn't kno this... sounds interesting though.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on August 21 2006, 03:09 am
yeah that's their name. :tongue3:

did u kno, the movie's coming out soon??? I didn't kno this... sounds interesting though.
movie will come out in december  Its title is "Bleach: memories of nobody".
you can watch its trailers in its official site
It looks promising with nice cg
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on August 23 2006, 07:44 pm
oh really? there's a trailer? awesome!!! i'll go watch it now.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on August 26 2006, 02:43 am
as of now ....Bleach has 90 plus episode already and the bounto arc can still last for another season (fall season)... Just hope in winter season we'll have a brand new arc hopefully back to manga track.

I love most bleach op and ending themes.  My favorite is My pace from sunset switch.  The song always cheer me up.  However their image singles ( Bleach Beat Collections) are so ....... ( can't describe)  I almost got a headache in listening to the songs except for Hanataro's and Matsumoto's image singles.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: mela on August 26 2006, 02:58 am
as of now ....Bleach has 90 plus episode already and the bounto arc can still last for another season (fall season)... Just hope in winter season we'll have a brand new arc hopefully back to manga track.

I love most bleach op and ending themes. My favorite is My pace from sunset switch. The song always cheer me up. However their image singles ( Bleach Beat Collections) are so ....... ( can't describe) I almost got a headache in listening to the songs except for Hanataro's and Matsumoto's image singles.

Hitsugaya's image song is really pretty I think. :D
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on August 26 2006, 03:14 am
Hitsugaya's image song is really pretty I think. :D
yeah... i forgot to mention him... His voice actor is Romi Paku. and Hitsugaya shares same image single together with Matsumoto and Hinamori.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on August 26 2006, 07:31 pm
he has an image song??? awwww and that's sooo kawaii how hitsugaya, matsumoto and hinamori have a song together :keke:
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on August 26 2006, 11:52 pm
No.... Hitsugaya, Matsumoto and Hinamori have their own song.  Too bad they didn't sing together.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: augustserenade on August 27 2006, 12:23 am
I've only listened to Ichigo, Ishida, and Renji's singles. 'Asthetics and Identity' was pretty cool I thought. Sugiyama and Masakazu don't sing that bad. ^^ I'm curious to hear the others singles now too.

Does Urahara have a single?? *¬* Now I KNOW MikiShin can sing...
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on August 27 2006, 01:01 am
Urahara didn't have a single yet.  May be in future.... He is very popular in bleach community.

As of now 8 BBCs(Bleach beat collection) were released
BBC1- kurosaki Ichigo
BBC2- Abarai Renjie
BBC3 - Ishida Uryu
BBC4- Hanataro, Yamada and Kon
BBC5 - Gin
BBC 2nd Session 1 - kurosaki Ichigo x Zangetsu
BBC 2nd session 2 - Hitsugaya, Matsumoto and Hinamori
BBC 2nd session 3 - Kenpachi, Yachiru, Ikkaku & Yumichika
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Arcademan on November 21 2006, 12:41 pm
Well, the first 11 episodes have aired in the United States on [adult swim] and I've found the series good. Not great but better than much of the other stuff on TV.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on November 21 2006, 08:42 pm
it's already in america? wow! i haven't seen the english dubbed version... only the jap.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: MJ Walker on December 04 2006, 01:51 pm
I like it. I got hooked on it a couple weeks ago, first manga, now anime. I don't like minor parts of the anime like the music [a tad corny]
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Fairie Inc. on December 04 2006, 02:45 pm
Yeah, I watched part of it in English, but I think that its better in Japanese.
Asterisk is a great song though!

Fairie Inc.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: tsuki on December 04 2006, 04:06 pm
i...first time i watched with my sis...we laughed really loud!
coz this anime is funny!
my fave character is Hitsugaya... ^_^
urm well,he's cool!
but i just want to read the manga coz the anime is fillers eps!
i hate it! >.<
oh yeah,there would be Bleach movie,right?
i think in Japan is 16th December 2006...
gotta watch it!  :D
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Hack on December 04 2006, 06:25 pm
My friends convinced to watch it, but I never did.
It seemed cool, but I've got to much anime to watch @.@
But I might as well as include that into my must watch list
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on December 05 2006, 12:42 am
but i just want to read the manga coz the anime is fillers eps!
i hate it! >.<
oh yeah,there would be Bleach movie,right?
i think in Japan is 16th December 2006...
gotta watch it! :D
don't worry the filler arc is about to end soon ,,, hopefully since only 1 bounto left.

just hope by next season anime will go back in track with manga story.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on December 05 2006, 08:49 pm
oh good! i can't wait til the fillers finish... then i can watch the proper storyline.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on December 08 2006, 11:51 pm
movie will be out in japan theater this month.... a few days from now...

Episode 106 has brand new opening and closing scene (same song but different scene).  It shows clips from the movie!  The production is trying to attract the bleach fans to watch the movie.  The story and characters look interesting...  Lots of comedy scene...
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: tsuki on December 09 2006, 02:09 am
movie will be out in japan theater this month.... a few days from now...

Episode 106 has brand new opening and closing scene (same song but different scene).  It shows clips from the movie!  The production is trying to attract the bleach fans to watch the movie.  The story and characters look interesting...  Lots of comedy scene...

yes!i already knew it! ^_^ i cant wait for the movie!i've read in one animanga magazine & it said in 16th December there will be Bleach movie! <3
urm..sanlyn,how about the fillers?is it good? -_-
starting from ep what to what?
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on December 09 2006, 07:13 pm
Filler starts at episode 64 and the latest episode is episode 106 and theres still some more episode to go.  next episode will be about fight between ichigo and Kariya (the bounto leader).

Some hates it but some loves it... it depends on people.  For me i like it, especially the extra joke scene --- shinigami picture book.  The arc featured another villian although the progress/pace of the story is kinda slow but very comprehensive and detailed.  One thing that i like in this arc is theres an episode that shows
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how Byakuya cared about Rukia.

For me its not totally useless episodes.  It do have some nice action, story and comedy.  It didn't screw up the storyline in manga.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Chang on December 10 2006, 09:20 am
awww the fillers are still going? :( well, tell us when it's done... so i can watch the normal storyline again.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on December 10 2006, 01:29 pm
sure.... i'll report right away to inform you guys as soon as the filler is done... but i guess it won't take long.  Just hope by next year--- spring anime we will have a brand new arc.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Star Wings on December 28 2006, 02:49 pm
Very good anime! I love it! The series just started in Thailand 2 months ago and is now on episode 25.  So far my favorite chracter is Kurosaki Ichigo.
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on December 29 2006, 01:45 pm
First few arc is enjoyable.  However, theres a downfall in the middle but hopefully it will recover when it goes back to original plot in manga.

The bounto chapter is over
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Ichigo killed Kariya in episode 108.
and by next year we will have a brand new arc...
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: tsuki on March 03 2007, 02:24 am
Finally the fillers ends! ^_^ Cheers!! :XD:
I just got the new ED:Sakura Biyori [full ver].
Download>>Sakura Biyori[full ver] (
I do not take any credits on it!
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master on March 06 2007, 06:35 pm
will be watching Episode 110 to...whatever episode I get to finish for the weekend...

Kisuke Urahara! *LOVE*
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on March 06 2007, 08:24 pm
Bleach's showing up a cool arc now... but te subs are taking too long D: Really can't blame them though.....
Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on March 06 2007, 11:38 pm
As far as i know, the english fansub is very on time.  they  release their sub either the next day or a day after it aired on tv.

Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on March 22 2007, 01:27 am
I heard they've released 118 this or last week.. Not sure.. But I'm hearing from Bleach viewers that 117 is a very good episode....

Title: Re: Bleach...anyone
Post by: sanlyn on March 22 2007, 10:32 pm

Episode 119 is out. It's about Ikkaku story.  Yachiru is so cute.