CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: Sakaki on June 16 2005, 02:58 pm
I saw a character topic for CCS so I decided to start one for Tsubasa.
I'd have to say that I am most like Fai, in that most people think they know what he's
like at first, but really there is a lot more mystery to him.
He has a hidden side.
He's secretive and has a lot more going on with him then most would guess.
Hmmm....I'm a mix of characters.
Like Fai, I have my secrets, and would rather run than face up to them.
Like Sakura, I wanna make people happy
Like Syaoran, I can be very determined
Like Kuro-wan, I can be grouchy
And like Mokona, I cna be annoyingly enthusiastic.
But the character I think I'm most like is Kurogane, because I'm also not very good with people. Sigh...I'd rather be more like Fai/Syaoran....
I would say I am most like Fay. I tend to be happy and optimistic on the outside, but there are a lot of things that people don't know about me. I also don't like confrontation or facing up to things I'm afraid of, and would usually prefer to run away or keep quiet abou it. I'm also a very laid-back person. ^_^
*** I also don't like confrontation or facing up to things I'm afraid of, and would usually prefer to run away or keep quiet abou it. I'm also a very laid-back person.***
Yep, that's me too!
I'm sort of a Syaoran/kurogane person...I'm very determined and I work hard once I set my mind into it. I don't like to impose on other people, but I have a slightly short temper that makes me act amazingly like kurogane when I lose it.(as my father says...he read my TRC manga :sweatdrop: )
i must be more like Kurogane because mainly of my infamous short temper >.>
Kurogane ^_____^ I think, and somehow like Sakura ~ Syaoran is my dream boy :D
Hmmm i'm like sakura i'm usually very nice it is very hard to pick a quarrel with me but at the same time i can be crazy like mokona i have my secretive side like fai . I agree with ka syaoran is my dream boy, i mean who would not want someone who cared so much for them. :love4:
am most like Sakura. Believe it or not, I have my hair just like hers! I can be very spacey like her, and I think that sometimes I am TOO nice. I am a little obsessed. Some people did call me Sakura. Uh...yeah...I have finally come clean!!!! :inlove:
Hey is there like a test we can do to find out cause there was one for the CCS series so i'm asking if there is one for Tsubasa?
***Hey is there like a test we can do to find out cause there was one for the CCS series so i'm asking if there is one for Tsubasa?***
Well, this is the only quiz I found right at the moment.
I got Fai. Which fits me perfectly, but I am not satisfied much with the quantity of questions, so I'm going to go and make my own quiz!
I'll post it up for everyone to take when I finish!
Ne, I got Syaoran :sweatdrop: I agree, the questions are too less.
I'll be looking forward to your quiz, Sakaki-sama :keke:
o_O I got Mokona. Hmmm.... I should start annoying anyone who got Kurogane! lol, jk, I can't believe I'm Mokona. She's kinda weird. Like too unnaturally happy. Oh well. =D
I thought Mokona was a he? :sweatdrop: Does mokona even have a gender?
yes, Mokona is a he, but I'm a she so I'm temporarily changing his/her gender. lol
I think I am like Sakura. Because I'm a too nice,very spacey,(I have brown hair like here but I don't think that counts) what to keep remembering my very nice and cool friends,like the same colors pink and white,same food,and what's to make sure here friends are always safe and would do anything for them.And I took the quiz and I got Sakura.
Hey thanx for posting that up sakaki that was really nice. I'm looking forward to your quiz. well I got sakura in this one and i guess it is alright as most of the time i do get sakura and i am like her really nice, sometimes really clueless.
Quiz..i got mokona, strangeness..
If you go to Kurorin-san's site:
click on Latest News and near the top you can print out a character quiz that they've translated from the Character Guide.
It tells you who you are like and what country is best for you.
It's cute but a little hard to follow at times!
Well, this is the only quiz I found right at the moment.
the Guru said im Fai! not surprised though.. hee..
the TRC character i like most.. kinda hard to choose.. *ponders*
click on Latest News and near the top you can print out a character quiz that they've translated from the Character Guide.
It tells you who you are like and what country is best for you.
It's cute but a little hard to follow at times!
I got Syaoran again o_O...and I would travel to Clow country :keke: !
On that one I got Fai and Outo country.
i got sakura
For the first quiz, my result was:
And for the second, the character I most resemble is also Fai, and the country I should travel to is Clow Country.
My own opinion is also that I am the most like Fai. ^^; I am very relaxed and easy-going, the way he teases Kurogane reminds me of myself, and overall, we just have similar personalities. I see some of myself in Tomoyo and Yukito, but I do not see this Touya as similar to me as the CSS Touya. And as I wrote in a previous post, the character that I resemble the most physically is Sakura (same colour/length hair, similar hair style, greenish eyes).
That's a pretty cool little quiz. (the one from the character guide.) Interesting, I got Kurogane and Outo.
I got Fai on the otaku quiz! Yay!
But on the printout one, I got Kurogane *sigh, but he's alright I guess* and Outo.
Outo seems to be pretty popular!
Plenty of people seem to get it.
Yay! I'm Fai on the first quiz. In the caratere guide quiz I got Mokona and Outo country :D *I'm not complaining :)*
Personally, I think I'm a mixture of both Fai and Mokona (that's why they get along so well :wink:). I can be happy and cheery on the outside, but inside I have a lot of secrets that are better left unsaid :shifty:Â So usually to cover my other side up, I act even hyper at times...although I think that leads to more suspicion...hmmm... :dodge:
on the first quiz i got sakura but on the second i got fai and jade
I am Fai ! Hee hee hee hee... Just ask my friends
.. I look like him ( a little )
... am veeeeeeeeeeery mischevious...
... Like to glomp someone just LIKE Kuro-woof ...
.... Like to give people animal names
... hyper....
am Fai ! Hee hee hee hee... Just ask my friends
.. I look like him ( a little )
... am veeeeeeeeeeery mischevious...
... Like to glomp someone just LIKE Kuro-woof ...
.... Like to give people animal names
... hyper....
Ha, those could all describe me too, but I also have a secret side, like Fai.
An innocent face can be misleading......MUHAHAHAHA!
me syaoran or fai
syaoran cuz when i fight i mosly kick and i do protect the ones i love
fai cuz i joke around and im always calm
in the test i got syaoran
me syaoran or fai
can you give further detail? like explain why? hehe :tongue:
in the test I'm like Fai ^^ and I'm very happy because I´m misterious...but I think that I´m Syaoran too 'cause his very serious and those things
In both CCS and Tsubasa, I'm Syaoran in more ways than one. I'm always so serious, and despite the fact that I am a girl, I feel the constant need to protect the people close to me. I will put my needs aside to help the people I love, and not care about what I want or need for that matter.
Weird thing of it is, I am more like Syaoran than any other character in CCS, but I'm more like the Syaoran in Tsubasa than CCS. This Syaoran, while still serious, is more laid back, and not even though he's still serious, he is more open with his feelings than the CCS Syaoran.
M O K O N A & S A K U R A !!
Sakura : )
(it says 'you are sleepy'but,i am not)
i got sakura too!! :sweatdrop: im easy going and sleepy!! :tongue: :tongue: :heh:
i got syaoran cuz im very serious with work, chores ect. i also care for people around me. :)
Well,i got nothing!-_-''
I think i looks a little bit alike with PRIMERA.Didn't try the test yet because i'm confuse of where it is.Whoever knows then please tell me,i just want to see who i am(even though i'm too confuse to be one).
Sweet me,
i think i like syaoran the most....he's soo cool in every epsiode and chapter ..his fighting style....nic also ...i admired then most was the way he protecting brave
Let's see. I'm girl, and I'm just like Sakura. A lil' shy and gentle. Sometimes I can't stand watching ppl around me in sadness. I'll try my best to cheer them up. ^__^
I've always been sort of like Syaoran... Very protective, my element is flame, and all that jazz. Then I took both the wing journey quiz, and the otaku quiz, and got Syaoran. I also got Clow Country, proving that me's a history fangirl! ^^
If anyone didn't know where the otaku quiz was, you can get to it from here:
Just scroll down and click.
I say Mokona ^_^
a perkyy little one..who hopes everyones happy
except for today..i hope everyone dies
I say Syaoran.
He's brave and Strong just
like me!
According to the test, I'm alot like Syaoran.
And I will love Syaoran until the day I day!
I will say no more.
Like peoples say, opposite attract, so you're not supposed to be like him ^_^
I think I'm like Fye...
I also cannot be serious and annoy my friends all the time...*in a lovely way* X3
cool i knew i was like fye
<a href=""><img border="0"
src="" alt="Quiz Result Provided By:" /></a>
<font size="1" face="verdana">
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<a href="">What Tsubasa Character Are You?</a>
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Hosted by <a href=""><strong>Anime</strong></a>. Done right.
i got sakura...-_- i dont like her..any who yea ok thats all
According to the test, I'm...dumdumdum...
Cool, I wuv Kuro! I'm only mildly like him though.
Often quizzez says that I'm Fai...
But Guru sayd I'm Kurogane :D yay ("kuro-sama watashi no idol desuu~!")
some of the test id im mostly likely sakura and my friends do agry with that~_~
I got Fye-san ^_^ how fun n,n heehee -^^-
test says i'm like Syaoran...hmmm i always thought i was more like Kurogane :confused:
Oh, I'm Fai. Absolutely. Not that it's a good thing >.>
Hm... I think I have many traits that can overlap with most of the characters. But I'd say now that I think about it Fai is the closest one that I'm like. Strong, easy going, and looks for other ways than just fighting.
i think im like mokona! so so kawaii! tee hee! hyuu hyuu!!
i did the test! I WAS MOKONA! :hello2: i love mokona! :inlove: so kawaii!
love from the :newbie:
In that test says I'm like Sakura :dodge: hehe maybe, that "sleepy" thing :XD: but I think I'm a little of: Fye cause I like to smile and feeling good... of Kurogane cause when I'm grumpy I can explode :sweatdrop:, of Syaoran :inlove: cause I will do anything for those who I love, and I'm just like Mokona when I feel so good :D hee hee.
i'm sakura too. and i didn't link in the sleepy thing.... not fair... but i think it was because of the making fun thing.
I wanted to be FYE!!!
I think i'm more like him...:(
i'm sakura
cool. thought i was going to be mokota or something.
Wow... that's a tough one... I don't think I'm really exactly like any of them, but I do share some characterstics I guess....
Like Fai - I'll smile even when I'm not happy
Like Kurogane - stupid people annoy me
Like Syaoran - I finish what i start
Like Sakura - I'm optimisitc
Like Mokona - I say random things
On that theOtaku quiz... I got Fai- Relaxed and easygoing and i want to travel.... LOL
Waaah! What a surprise! Yuki is Syao Syao!! XD But I've taken this same test before and I was Fai.. and another test said I was Kurorin!! Hmm, Yuki has many personalities, neee?
Looks like I got Syaoran, it says i'm serious and overprotective :keke:.
Fai... coz I always smile and never let people see me that I want to cry at hard times.. but sometimes, I juz can't help myself to cry coz of too much pain in my heart...
i think im kinda Sakura/ fai
first i want have fun in my life( you know, always doing SOMTHING)
and I don't like life being so complicated
hi fans! That's my first comment...excuse me if I don't write so well (I'm spanish)
I'm most like syaoran or kurogane, but sometimes I'm most like Fye since I like joking...
I'd like have one quality from eachone of the characters...I wouldn't have to think who character I am!
Truly, all the characters have good things. syaoran is so polite, "charming" and responsable; sakura has a big heart, she worries about other people; kurogane (maybe) knows how to act; Fye is always enjoying of the moment and he wants his friends feel like himself. I would like being like them!
I think I'm a cross between Fai and Sakura, but more-so Fai. I am two-sided int he sense that I always act happy and I wish for other's happiness and I am naive, but then I'll get serious and dark and distrusting. I'll go from innocent to wise. ^.~
hahaha!!of course Syaoran-kun!!my true name is Syahirah. SYA is the same!! :XD:
wish i could have a boyfriend like him... :rotflmao:
"i will protect you" -Kizuna translation sung by Syaoran... :toothy9:
the quiz thingamabobber said i was syaoran...i'm a girl though (^____^);;
wish i could have a boyfriend like him... :rotflmao:
^^me too! XD
I'd say I am most like Kurogane. I pretty much wear my emotions on my sleeve (especially anger, it doesn't take much to set me off). But at the same time, I also do care a lot for my friends and family but have a difficult time showing it. Like I won't be outwardly concerned unless it is something really big. For some reason I try to shrug things off in front of others when in fact I keep emotions which I think might make me seem weak hidden from others.
Also, I get really flustered when others say I am nice or thank me for doing something for them, since that sort of "uncaring" persona has become such a big part of who I am.
I did the quiz posted and I got Fai.
I have my dark side, [you guys really don't wanna know it. XD] Other than that, I don't think I'm like him. oO;
I got Sakura. But I'm more like:
Sakura 55%
Syaoran 15%
Fai 20%
Kuropon 10%
something like that :rotfl:
ok this is weird....
in the other thread i got sakura and now i get syaoran....................