
Fan Work => TRC Fan Creations => Topic started by: Alexiel on July 09 2005, 05:22 am

Title: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Alexiel on July 09 2005, 05:22 am
Notice how i didnt put angelic fanart. lol

okay... so where to start? o.O

I've been drawing for about a few years but lately since ive been addicted to TRC, why not draw some? lol

These would be my successful attempts at drawing (or so I believe)


These would be my HORRIFIC attempts (be warned before these obsure your vision LOL)


I also have other anime fanart but thats not allowed here right? lol
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 09 2005, 05:29 am
They weren't horrific...the Sakura one was pretty good, if you ask me. I really like're really talented!  :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Okamirei on July 09 2005, 05:30 am
nyu, they're really nice!  :keke:
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Star on July 09 2005, 06:50 am
i like the sakura one that you put into the horrrific section!! it is not !!!! the other one isn't horrific either   they're all purrty!!!! :hello2:
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Mina on July 09 2005, 09:32 am
They are good  :keke:
I especially liked the first one!
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Alexiel on July 10 2005, 12:03 am
thanks for the feedback! as for the sakura in the horrific section, well, i screwed up th face and got tired of doing the costume detail. Lol. im so lazy

I think teh first Sakura i put was teh only one I liked when it actually looked identical to the original image. except for Mokona. o.o"
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Hikari-chan on July 10 2005, 03:52 am
I think thet're really good! They're better than mine. ><U The one with Syaoran and his Kudan (Spell?) is really good. I started drawing that picture, then saw it best to stop. >.< Yours are really good! Keep posting them, please!
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: gilly on July 10 2005, 08:08 am
shouldnt degrade yourself like that-all of them are good ^_^
i especially like the pic of syaoran & his kudan, and the sakura pic in your "horrific" section =D
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Pikari on July 10 2005, 01:03 pm
Those are really nice. You've got good proportions and everything. You should try inking and coloring some of them.
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Star on July 12 2005, 05:35 am
ooo pikari u are right colored one would be purrty!!!!
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Alexiel on July 12 2005, 06:16 am
lol, the problem would be i do quite terribly with coloring. thats why i stick with white paper and a pencil. ;D
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Star on July 12 2005, 06:19 am
i see,  i'm better at drawing too  i can't paint  so i stick to pencil  (thats what you're saying rite?)
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Alexiel on July 12 2005, 06:25 am
not that i cant, a deminstration of my coloring would be here:

sometimes i dont want to risk screwing up a picture with indecisive colors. lolz
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Star on July 12 2005, 09:22 am
oh i get it now!!!  :)
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Alexiel on July 19 2005, 09:31 am
lol... okay, i actually did some quick sketches! so excuse the detail flaws. Lol ^________^"

OMG I actually made Syaoran with an new outfit and earring!! XD (or tried at least o.O)

messed up on Kurgoane's mouth a bit.... but Fai is lookin cool ^_____^"

...okay, actually, this picture i did when I first got TRC. I couldnt resist this picture o.O
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Lexi on July 19 2005, 11:30 am
Wow~ They're all really amazing, Angelic-Essence :D

I especially like the one with Syaoran in a new outfit *reminds me of a younger Kurogane in a kool way :wink:* , Syaoran with his kudan, and Kurogane and Fai posing together :hehe:

All in all, you've done a great job :okay: *and the ones you said were your horrific attempts are nowhere close to being horrific :tongue3: They're very good!*
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 20 2005, 12:04 am
wow! I like your drawing style! they are very good!
don't say your work is bad! its not! can't wait to see more!  :okay:
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Star on July 20 2005, 04:26 am
those  ones are purrty too!
Great job!
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Alexiel on July 20 2005, 04:03 pm
thanks a lot! i think im going to try getting a colored one up here for once... lol
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Blaze on July 22 2005, 09:39 am
nice i love them!
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Alexiel on July 23 2005, 07:19 am
w00tz im finally getting back on my drawing skills. Lol. im j/k

this... was INTENTIONALLY supposed to be Syaoran and Sakura.... but it doesnt look like them. I actually think I created these 2 ppl without knowing it. rofl *cough*

Sakura in this really looked like.... wait, i think it was borderlining between, is it a guy or a girl? LOL my apologies for loyal Sakura fans, i am one myself but i think it screwed this one over. XD

okay, this one was okay.... wasnt it? O.O... ill leave that to you guys. Lolzz
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: victoria on July 23 2005, 08:46 am
u sorta messed them up but thats ok there still nice
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Star on July 23 2005, 01:24 pm
i like the third one   
it is sweet!!
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Alexiel on August 09 2005, 03:10 am
o.o another 2 weeks... Lol. well, i TRIED to do SOMETHING... so i was rummaging through my manga books for some inspiration. ^___^ I sincerely thank Evangelion Lol

lol... it must be the face.. its always the face!! o_o"

sometimes i DO wonder if i can make doujinshi comics... but then again, i have no patience to draw it all out. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Sayora Chan on August 09 2005, 04:02 am
I think that all of your art is really great!  :hello2: I can see where you have changed your style a little and it makes them even better!
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Fai on August 09 2005, 11:07 am
Great art work! The 'horriific' ones aren't horrific, they're great! Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: charcoalz on September 01 2005, 07:26 am
wow...u're a really good artist =]
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on September 01 2005, 07:28 am
wow very nice ^_^
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Zeldi on September 01 2005, 04:14 pm
Sugoi ne?! Very Pretty <3 Keep it up!
Title: Re: Angelic's fanart... ^^
Post by: Koushiro on July 12 2006, 10:57 pm
hey! I don't really do fanart, only have one, but i can tell the "horrific" ones are NOT HORRIFIC! they are really good attempts and an artist should NEVER critisize his/her own works.......

Heads up and try again..... As the saying goes: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again..."