Misc => Archives => News => Topic started by: Little Wolf on July 10 2005, 11:42 am
The banners are ordered from the first banner I received to the last one.
You are not allowed to change your vote after voting so think first before clicking that Submit Vote button.
And to make things more interesting, I'm allowing each one to vote for two banners since we have a lot of entries again this month.
There's no need to post a comment but if you do make one then try not to influence others to vote for the same banner which you voted for. (i.e. "that one's the best. vote for it!!") Such posts will be modified by an admin or mod to prevent bias.
To the contestants, just to make sure everything will be fair, please vote for your own entry here as well.
It's not my fault if you arrived here late and the poll's already closed though... :heh:
The poll will last for only 2 days so hurry up! :keke:
WOW, they are all so good. Great work everyone who did a banner :D
they all look fantastic in thier own way *nods*
congrats all.
AH!! it's too hard to choose.. o_O there's too many to choose from. haha i was like uh this one.. no this one.. haha they're all good..
excellent work for those who submitted those in. i wanted to submit one in.. but i'm not good with graphics.. *sigh
Ack! This is making me swirly-eyed @_@ They're all so good~! :okay: :wink: So hard to choose~@_@
:hello2: real cool !!!
I submitted my vote, most of them are good,
Great job everyone (and my early congratulations to the winner) :D
i've voted.. ^^ they're all really very good.. ^^ great to see everyone made an effort.. ^^
LOLZ, it took me a whole 10 minutes to decide where to put in my votes. But anyway, good luck to everyone! They're all good!
Whew, I lost track of time staring at them all...I couldn't decide!
Phew, one of the hardest decisions I will ever have to make!
Wow, awsome banners! :okay: It was so hard to pic! :XD:
omg my eyes are blinded by its glory ><" lol (dramatic, no? ^^)
they're all pretty cool! i wouldve submitted one but i registered teh day it ended... *cries*
oh well, no point in complaining, theres always next month!! >=3
great job everyone! they are so nice!
yeah, i have a tough time voting too... scrolling up and down.. up and down before i can decide where to place my votes...
I agree that all the banners are great and soooo hard to choose, but I finally made up my mind ^_^
Little Wolf: post edited. please, don't mention your votes. :)
Its really good which make a hard choice to make . Anyway , juz wanna say great job on all the banners :hello2:
Wow...hardest choice of my life...well done everyone who entered banners! They're beautiful!
they're all sooo good! ^-^ well i voted.. :-D
i was looking at all of them and said how hard can this get! i mean there all good and i can't decide i kept saying that is good no that one no this one it gave me a headache! but i finally decided
this time was really difficult to decide on one, great job everyone ^^
that's weird.. i can see the results.. seems like we have a tie. xD hehe :sweatdrop:
o.O; same. I see I didn't win.. :sweatdrop: *sighs* oh well. next time maybe XD
Sorry for holding up the contest, little-wolf sama! :sweatdrop:
awww.. *hugs okamirei.. it's ok. xD maybe next month.. for my BIRTHDAY month.. xD hehe..
congrats goes to those who won.. and i don't know who they are either.. lolz..
whats going to happen?? there is a tie!! congrats on the top tiers!!!! and to everyone else!!
- again I guess?
that's what i think so too.. the 2 get put into another vote. xD
Congrats to those who got many votes :hello2:
haha, I see that my banner didn't get that many votes.... :sweatdrop: I shall try again next month! :keke:
Yes, I think we should have a new vote between the two that have 10.
I really loved them all.
Wai~ They're all so kirei~ *lol, anything with Syaoran has to be great!*Â I can't choose which one I like better, so I love them all :inlove:
Yes, there will be another poll because we have a two-way tie. Two banners got 10 votes. I'll create the tie-breaker poll later. It will last for only 1 day.
But we already have runner-up winners. Two first runner-ups (both 9 votes) and one second runner-up (8 votes). As you can see, it was a really close fight...of banners. :heh:
my banner has gone from the images at the top, is there a reason for that? *confused*
or is it my computer being stupid!
I never saw the results! I can see the banners (except mine) and they all have 0% next to them....
my computer must be playing up...
I can see all 13 banners here alright.
And I have reset all the votes to zero. :D
but where is mine then? there were 14 before....
mine looked like this
except better quality, it was there before when voting was still up
oh I understand. okay, it's now up. :D
Anyway, the new poll is now up here:
Don't worry you will all know the final tally of votes at the end of the contest. :keke:
lol, thanks very much! ^_^
who were the runners up?
They will be announced in the awarding ceremony. :D
But I guess a few members here already know..
awarding :haha:
will the awards always be cookies though? =o