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General Media / WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Last post by Arcademan on April 04 2016, 10:26 am »
Pre-show results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report).

A — U.S. champion KALISTO vs. RYBACK — United States Title match

Early “Goldberg” chant for Ryback. Kalisto and Ryback did the David vs. Goliath match as people in the building tried to engage. Kalisto sent Ryback to the floor, but Ryback turned it around on the floor. Ryback stood tall in the ring before WWE faded to a “Network break.”

Back from break, Ryback scored a nearfall. Meanwhile, fans facing the hard camera entertained themselves with this weird setting of empty chairs everywhere as the opening match unfolded. Ryback eventually tried to play to the crowd, then he delivered a running Michinoku Driver for a two count. Lawler said it’s only a matter of time until Ryback finishes the champ.

Ryback took Kalisto to the top turnbuckle and said this is his WrestleMania Moment. Ryback hoisted him in the air for an extended-length delayed superplex, but Kalisto turned it around in mid-air. Ryback shook him off, but walked right into a DDT. Kalisto snapped off a running huracanrana for a two count. Then a corkscrew elbow smash for a nearfall. Ranallo said Kalisto is tributing Hyabusa tonight, then Ryback smashed him to the mat.

Ryback taunted Kalisto, telling the little guy to get up. Kalisto ended up ripping away the middle turnbuckle before Ryback tried a powerbomb. Kalisto landed on his feet, though, and shoved Ryback into the exposed steel. Kalisto then jumped off the ropes into a springboard Salida del Sol on Ryback for the pin and the win. The match conveniently ended right before the top of the hour when USA picks up their pre-show coverage.

WINNER: Kalisto at 8:58 to retain the U.S. Title. As expected, Kalisto retained and Ryback had an “out” taking the exposed steel before losing. Mid-card action in front of a crowd slowly filing into the building. (**)


The match broke down into a 10-Divas stand-off and WWE cut to an early “Network break.”

Back from break, Eva Marie was in the ring drawing boos from the fans in the building. Eva then played up not getting along with her teammates and slap-tagged Natalya into the match. The heels isolated Natalya until Paige hot-tagged into the match. Wrestlers came in and out trying to get in their big moves until Lana tagged in making her in-ring debut. Russian bicycle kick to Paige, then she taunted Brie. She left on a high note, bringing in Tamina.

The match built to a Tower of Doom spot with Paige trying to wipe out the heels. Eventually, she just dove onto heels down at ringside, drawing applause from her teammates. Paige then tagged in Brie, who teed off on Total Divas escapee Naomi with Yes! kicks. Eva then brought the match to a screeching halt and took a kick to the face from Summer Rae. Chaos ensued with Divas in and out of the ring. It came down to Brie and Naomi, who walked into an armbar into the Yes! Lock. Naomi fought, but tapped out, giving Brie her pre-retirement send-off.

Post-match, Nikki Bella walked down the ramp to the ring in wrestling gear while sporting a neckbrace. Nikki hugged everyone in the ring, then the Total Divas did a curtain call. Brie was hoisted into the air.

WINNERS: Team Total Divas at 11:25. The match built, then kind of fell off at the end when they tried to get everyone in the ring for chaos. Fine farewell for Brie. (*3/4)


WWE cut to a USA break about 30 seconds in, but the Network feed stayed with the match. The Dudleys took control of the match, wearing down Jimmy. Bubba talked a lot of trash, which was audibly mic’ed for added effect. He said he was going to beat him up like he did his daddy Rikishi.

Bubba wanted to tribute Stan Hansen with a lariat, but Jimmy finally escaped to tag in Jey, who unfortunately walked into a top-rope diving headbutt combo from Devon to Uso’s crotch. Bubba and Devon teased getting the tables, going against their heel statement of never using tables again, but Jimmy superkicked them. The crowd booed, of course. The Dudleys wanted a 3D, but Jey superkicked Devon in the mouth after Jimmy cleared Bubba from the ring. Jey then covered Devon for the pin and the win.

WINNERS: Usos at 5:18. A basic Raw TV match that the crowd didn’t really engage in since they’re not into the over-exposed and under-developed Usos and fans wanted the Dudleys in a bigger match. (**)

Post-match, the crowd booed the outcome until Bubba returned to the ring to knock down the Usos. The crowd popped for the Dudleys teasing tables usage, which Ranallo said was hypocritical. Bubba and Devon set up tables in the ring, but The Usos cut them off to boos. The Usos put Devon and Bubba on the tables, then hit stereo splashes through the tables. Well, at the least the Dudleys got to do a Hall of Fame induction last night.
Cardcaptor Sakura / Re: Happy Birthday Sakura
« Last post by D.J.P on April 02 2016, 09:36 am »
A bit late, but I'll post :)

(Belated) Happy Birthday Sakura - she is 30 now, wow!
General Anime Discussion / Tsubasa: WoRLD CHRoNiCLE
« Last post by Arcademan on December 04 2015, 11:39 am »

Link to Kodansha site including preview pages

Available late December 2015.

(also posted in the TRC section however decided to post it here as well since it IS a new series...)
Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE / Tsubasa: WoRLD CHRoNiCLE
« Last post by Arcademan on December 04 2015, 11:36 am »
General Anime Discussion / Re: Blood-C
« Last post by Arcademan on August 25 2015, 10:38 am »
The fourth volume is scheduled for release on December 30, 2015:

Blood-C Volume 4 TPB


Expanding on the film Blood-C: The Last Dark! With her memories now intact, a vengeful Saya joins a group that shares her goal of destroying the manipulative Fumito and his organization. A collaboration between powerhouse manga team CLAMP and Production I.G—the studio behind Blood: The Last Vampire and the Blood+ series![/I]

* Based on CLAMP’s original story line and character designs!

* Blood-C’s connection to the CLAMP universe is revealed!
General Anime Discussion / Re: Legal Drug / Gouhou Drug
« Last post by Arcademan on August 25 2015, 10:35 am »
Volume 2 had been released on May 13th:

Drug & Drop Volume 2 TPB

After completing Watanuki’s request, Rikuo disappears, with his own ever-mysterious purposes. Fraught with worry over Rikuo, and bearing the new burden of “carrying memories” all by himself, Kazahaya makes a rendezvous at an unknown house—whose signpost has his family name! From behind the wisteria tree appears something even more unexpected . . . a tiny angel named Kohaku.

* Crosses over with the CLAMP universe!

*A new ongoing series.
'Rowdy' Roddy Piper dead at 61

Wrestling superstar "Rowdy" Roddy Piper has died at age 61. Multiple reports indicate that Piper died in his sleep from a heart attack.

"Rod passed peacefully in his sleep last night," Piper's agent Jay Schacter told Variety. “I am shocked and beyond devastated.”

Upon learning of his death, WWE chairman Vince McMahon tweeted that Piper was "one of the most entertaining, controversial and bombastic performers ever in WWE beloved by millions of fans around the world."

Piper, whose real name was Roddy Toombs, is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame, and was one of the core members of the '80s-era WWE (then known as the WWF). Born in Saskatchewan, Canada, Piper competed in the very first Wrestlemania, working a faux-Scottish angle in a tag-team match (along with Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff) against Hulk Hogan and Mr. T, and quickly became one of the sport's most hated villains.

Piper's rivalries with Hogan, Jimmy Snuka and even Cyndi Lauper set the tone for the WWF, helping the wrestling organization achieve the nationwide prominence that it enjoys to this day.

Piper's key gimmick was "Piper's Pit," a mock talk show in which Piper would sit down with fellow wrestlers to talk out the issues of the day. Naturally, the talk lasted less than a minute before the fists flew.

Piper later became an actor, with over 100 credits to his name, according to IMDB, including the 1988 cult classic "They Live."
Dusty Rhodes dead at 69

The American Dream is dead.

The WWE announced on Thursday afternoon that Virgil Runnels, a.k.a. Dusty Rhodes, died earlier in the day.

Rhodes is a WWE Hall of Famer and a three-time NWA Champion. Always one of the most distinctive and fascinating wrestlers, the man nicknamed The American Dream never failed to entertain and/or enrage every time he stepped into the ring. His career began in the 1970s and continued into the 90s.

In one of the great professional wrestling gimmicks, Rhodes was once banned from wrestling in the state of Florida for 60 days after losing a match. Days later, a masked wrestler who called himself The Midnight Rider showed up on the scene. Like Rhodes, The Midnight Rider was over 6 feet tall, weighed around 265 pounds and talked with a bit of a drawl.

The father of two other wrestlers, Goldust (Dustin Runnels) and Stardust (Cody Runnels), Dusty remained active in the WWE long after his retirement from wrestling.
Cardcaptor Sakura / Re: Favorite piece of Merchendise?
« Last post by Arcademan on May 31 2015, 04:21 am »
A friend of mine in another forum bought a new Sakura figure and posted pics of it in her sakura tree:

Needless to say, I was so impressed by it I made it my avi and sig pic.

Also went out and bought my own ;)
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