AuthorTopic: I have a question..  (Read 5205 times)

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I have a question..
« on: July 07 2006, 10:49 pm »
What do u guys think about...well uhh guys and highlights. Cause I was looking around at the different colors and what would go well with me, and after talking it out with a bunch of people I've decided to get blue highlights for my long black hair. Could I get some opinions? I've heard a couple times it's not manly to get blue highlights, but o well. Anyway, I'm going to get semi-permanent dark blue highlights. Thanx for listening and for anyone who has the time to post here  :sweatdrop:

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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #1 on: July 07 2006, 10:55 pm »
I think that would look nice...I don't think blue highlights are pink maybe, but not blue! Blue is good.
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #2 on: July 08 2006, 12:01 am »
People are too concerned about what's "masculine" and "feminine" in my opinion. It's not like you're born with a preference for pink or blue, right? Blue highlights won't emasculate you, nor will any other colour. Me, I shop at both the men's and women's section and I wear whatever colours I want. It's your life, your choice - and your hair! - and if you think it looks good, you should follow your heart (sorry about the cliché) and not care what other people say. Good luck with it!

EDIT: It's hard to say if blue highlights would suit you. Even if we know you've got black hair, it also depends on the colour of your eyes and skin whether you would look good in it or not.
« Last Edit: July 08 2006, 07:54 am by Ando »
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #3 on: July 08 2006, 12:09 am »
It depends on how you want your hair highlighted. Big streacks, small ones, or ones that make it go with your hair. Personaly, I wouldn't mind the blue, if its a dark blue. A blue to me, wouldn't look that good.

Like for me. My hair is a natural blonde (yes people I"m a blonde. It answers everything). Now I want my hair lighted to make it brighter, so I"m getting brighter blonde highlights. So, its going to match my hair, like its my normal hair. Then, I'm going to put a orange yellow, and a red into my hair. There not going to be big streacks, but it going to look like its my hair colour. I'll post a picture once I get it done.
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #4 on: July 08 2006, 03:43 pm »
People are too concerned about what's "masculine" and "feminine" in my opinion. It's not like you're born with a preference for pink or blue, right? Blue highlights won't emasculate you, nor will any other colour. Me, I shop at both the men's and women's section and I wear whatever colours I want. It's your life, your choice - and your hair! - and if you think it looks good, you should follow your heart (sorry about the clich้) and not care what other people say. Good luck with it!

EDIT: It's hard to say if blue highlights would suit you. Even if we know you've got black hair, it also depends on the colour of your eyes and skin whether you would look good in it or not.

i agree with ando-kun (or chan) yourself and be proud....but i haven't really seen a picture of you but i think that you should also consider if you do highlight your hair whatever color...if it suits and if it reflects who you that way on one rainy day when something might have completely ruined you wont look yourself in the mirror and suddenly detest your highlights...

im not saying that you should predict your future...but i think you should choose a color that you'll always be content with wearing.....

XD...gahh...sry if that was confusing....i hope this helps..talis-san :sweatdrop:

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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #5 on: July 09 2006, 03:43 am »
Thanx for all the help guys, u gave me the encouragement to go out and try and get the money to get the highlights. I really do appreciate it...

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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #6 on: July 09 2006, 03:48 am »
^^  Awesome!  Hope we get to see a pic of you, Tails when your done getting your hair done.  XD

P.S:  Its your hair, not anybody else's so it doesn't matter what anyone's opinion is.  Its all on you if you want to or not.  :3  <3
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #7 on: August 12 2006, 12:39 pm »
blue highlights are cool. but it depends really... if u want something different, go for blue highlights ^_^
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #8 on: April 05 2007, 02:52 pm »
Blue highlights would look so COOL. (I've never seen somone with blue highlights though but i'd imagine it would look good.) regarless. at my school if you changed you hair in some way other then whats cool at the moment, people are bound to call you an idiot.But my school sucks. ;) Go for it.
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #9 on: April 05 2007, 04:52 pm »
Blue highlights would look so COOL. (I've never seen somone with blue highlights though but i'd imagine it would look good.) regarless. at my school if you changed you hair in some way other then whats cool at the moment, people are bound to call you an idiot.But my school sucks. ;) Go for it.

Just a reminder that this topic was made a year ago. He probably decided a year ago anyways, so there's no point in this thread anymore. Maybe a mod could delete this topic? :)
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #10 on: April 10 2007, 10:20 am »
oh well. I wish i had blue highlights. :)
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #11 on: April 27 2007, 06:21 pm »
personally I prefer black highlights cause my favorite is black......thought I have black hair so.....
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Re: I have a question..
« Reply #12 on: May 02 2007, 04:15 pm »
I wanted to die my hair black. But my mum is a teacher and she wont let me. :shifty:
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