AuthorTopic: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve  (Read 39064 times)

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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #20 on: August 30 2005, 02:30 am »
I think they just kinda rushed the parts where it was supposed to be funny. =/

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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #21 on: August 30 2005, 10:03 pm »
Nyahn~! Another great eppie~! :keke: There were lots of actions :hello2: , and S+S moments are kawaii~! :love5: I like Seishirou's voice :) and the bgm when they introduced him with the sakura effect (so cool~! :wink: ) Ryuu-ou and Syaoran parts were :okay: but they cut the KuroFai part~! :sad5: I wanted to see that scene... -_- I hope they won't cut out the drunk scenes~!  :hmp: Syaoran's training starts next~! :D
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #22 on: August 31 2005, 01:23 am »
another good episode. when fai got hurt i was screaming at my computer "NOOO FAI!!!" and then kuro-rin like killed all the oni and i was like "awwww!!!" haha.
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #23 on: August 31 2005, 09:29 am »
OMG! Just watched this one... the Kuro and Fai's fight scene was just awesome, and the song was lovely! Its so nice to finally hear the Clover song instead of just reading it (although its a little different from the Clover song). But that's exactly how I imagine it might sound. I think this might jump to my favorite TRC song. Hehe... bonus points for us Kuro/Fai shippers too... the lyrics while Kuro is protecting Fai - "two lovers awake to become one, and find true happiness" or something like that. I saw that right away. ^__^   *fangirl squeal*  *coughs* anyway....

Disappointed that there was no drinking scene, but Seishirou had a cool and creepy BGM - can't wait to see more of him in coming episodes. Souma and Ryuuoh were pretty cool, and this episode had some awesome fight scenes! yay. ^^

Aiko: Are you talking about the scene in the bar? Yeah... I hope they go back there and have that scene. Yay, then they'll have to play the song again. I want to hear Fai say he wants someone to take him away.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #24 on: August 31 2005, 10:13 am »
OoOooo i loved it!! 
Especially right about here  *look below*

It was sad but how to put this...  good?  at the same time  (i don't have a good way to describe it  :( )
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #25 on: August 31 2005, 10:37 am »
TRC song. Hehe... bonus points for us Kuro/Fai shippers too... the lyrics while Kuro is protecting Fai - "two lovers awake to become one, and find true happiness" or something like that. I saw that right away. ^__^   *fangirl squeal*  *coughs* anyway....

OMG, YES!! That is so awesome!  :inlove:
Can you believe I haven't watched this episode yet?
I'm downloading a direct link realplayer version tonight.

Starfire, arigatou for putting up that screen shot!!
I am so excited to see this now.  :keke:

"two lovers awake to become one, and find true happiness"

You know that reminds me of what was taken out of the American manga.
Yuuko states that two will come together to join their power in their journey.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #26 on: August 31 2005, 11:23 am »
to bad no one was drunk in that ep

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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #27 on: August 31 2005, 11:35 am »
to bad no one was drunk in that ep

I think Fai and Kurogane did...but nothing happened....DARN! XD

OoOooo i loved it!! 
Especially right about here  *look below*

It was sad but how to put this...  good?  at the same time  (i don't have a good way to describe it   )

I loved that part too!!! When I saw it I squealed so loud my brother was like "What did you see this time? -_-" lol
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #28 on: August 31 2005, 08:40 pm »
I think they might cut out the drinking pard. Like in the manga the drunken Syaoran asks Kurogane to teach him how to use a weapon. And since the preview of the new episode started with Syaoran training, i guess they will skip it  :cry:
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #29 on: September 01 2005, 01:14 am »
ohh mann i can't believe they cut the drinking part out. ughhh.
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #30 on: September 01 2005, 01:18 am »
I think they might cut out the drinking pard. Like in the manga the drunken Syaoran asks Kurogane to teach him how to use a weapon. And since the preview of the new episode started with Syaoran training, i guess they will skip it :cry:

I don't think that means they will cut it out, just because the preview started there, doesn't mean the episode does, too... But if you're right, I'm going to go and attack the creators of the anime (Bee Train, I think?) cuz after they RUINED the Kuro carrying Fai Fai part! And that was weird that they couldn't see Oruha that day, what was the purpose of that? I don't remember that happening...
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #31 on: September 01 2005, 10:55 am »
I think they might cut out the drinking pard. Like in the manga the drunken Syaoran asks Kurogane to teach him how to use a weapon. And since the preview of the new episode started with Syaoran training, I guess they will skip it :cry:

I don't think that means they will cut it out, just because the preview started there, doesn't mean the episode does, too... But if you're right, I'm going to go and attack the creators of the anime (Bee Train, I think?) cuz after they RUINED the Kuro carrying Fai Fai part! And that was weird that they couldn't see Oruha that day, what was the purpose of that? I don't remember that happening...

As much as I loved all the action and drama that went on in this episode . . . I have a bad feeling that totosquirt is right about them cutting out the drunken parts . . .  :cry:

I'm not sure if this is much of a spoiler, especially if you read the manga, but I might as well use tags just to be safe:

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In the manga, Syaoran and Kurogane sit outside looking all sober with Fye, Sakura, and Mokona meow in the background. Then Syaoran asks Kurogane to teach him how to use a sword and Kurogane accepts and tells compliments Syaoran about being able to hold his liquor . . . That's when Syaoran proves to be just as drunk and delusional as everyone else.  :heh:

The anime plays out that scene almost exactly like in the manga . . . Except Fye didn't bring home a bunch of alcohol and is standing outside with Syaoran and Kurogane, Sakura and Mokona are no where to be seen, and Syaoran doesn't mistake a ladle for a sword . . . The episode pretty much ends there with no comedic relief whatsoever.  :sad5:

I don't know if it's just me, but it seems the anime likes to take on a more serious and dramatic tone than the manga, so I doubt its creators will put in any parts they feel they don't need . . . As much as I love the drunken crew, I'm afraid they won't show up in the anime as often as they do in the manga . . . If they show up at all.  :(

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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #32 on: September 01 2005, 10:59 am »
I know everyone says this but this has been the best ep in the season so far! The opening 5 minutes were amazing! oruha's song was simply sensational and the editing was inspired. Also no freezeframe shortcuts in the fight scenes! Real animated fighting!!! LOVED IT! :hello2:
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #33 on: September 01 2005, 11:11 am »
-great fighting scenes!
- poor syaoran he felt guilty cuz he couldn't protect sakura
- his eye is giving him problems
- kurogane and fai are so cool
- they weren't drunk
- kurogane saved fai's life [well fai can't die]
- fai got hurt :(

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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #34 on: September 01 2005, 07:31 pm »
I'm surprised no one has pointed this out yet, but I think the reason they glossed over the drunk scene was because of the fact that this IS a children's show in Japan and airs at a time when many children are watching... They do have some morals in Japan too, you know :)

Would you want your child watching his favorite CLAMP characters getting drunk, knowing that there are vending machines that sell alcohol in every town and don't check ID, and that children have a tendency to reenact what they see on TV? ^^;


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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #35 on: September 01 2005, 10:40 pm »
I'm surprised no one has pointed this out yet, but I think the reason they glossed over the drunk scene was because of the fact that this IS a children's show in Japan and airs at a time when many children are watching... They do have some morals in Japan too, you know :)

Would you want your child watching his favorite CLAMP characters getting drunk, knowing that there are vending machines that sell alcohol in every town and don't check ID, and that children have a tendency to reenact what they see on TV? ^^;

Wonder why dat sounds soo true >____<   noooo~! dat can't happen!!!!!!! me wonna see da drunk scene!!! ><

*ehem* well, overall da eppy waz SUPER AWESOME!! *--* aaa~, me juzt LUV'ed it ! ^____________^ da animation, muzic N all ^^
* me luv'ed ryuuoh da most..4 a some reason..^^''*
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #36 on: September 02 2005, 01:20 am »
I'm surprised no one has pointed this out yet, but I think the reason they glossed over the drunk scene was because of the fact that this IS a children's show in Japan and airs at a time when many children are watching... They do have some morals in Japan too, you know :)

Would you want your child watching his favorite CLAMP characters getting drunk, knowing that there are vending machines that sell alcohol in every town and don't check ID, and that children have a tendency to reenact what they see on TV? ^^;


I would have thought that the vending machines would have been the problem. ;)

I promise you they wouldn't skip it out for "morales". Anyone remember the famous Sailormoon episode (S season I think) where Usagi got smashed at that party? Actually she got drunk at that ball in the first season too. Cowboy bebop anyone? What about Evangelion?

It'll be next week, or the week after. :D
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #37 on: September 02 2005, 01:23 am »
I would have thought that the vending machines would have been the problem. ;)

I promise you they wouldn't skip it out for "morales". Anyone remember the famous Sailormoon episode (S season I think) where Usagi got smashed at that party? Actually she got drunk at that ball in the first season too. Cowboy bebop anyone? What about Evangelion?

It'll be next week, or the week after. :D

I loved that episode of SailorMoon! It was hilarious! XD
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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #38 on: September 02 2005, 01:26 am »
I loved how the woman (Oruha?) was singing, and we got to look at our two couples with the music in the background! Sakura and Syaoran looked so sweet together, and when Kurogane was protecting Fai, the lyrics playing really fitted the coupling! Sugoi!

But I'm not sure they did well enough on Fai and Kurogane's conversation about dying.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 19 : Living Resolve
« Reply #39 on: September 02 2005, 01:39 am »
I loved how the woman (Oruha?) was singing, and we got to look at our two couples with the music in the background! Sakura and Syaoran looked so sweet together, and when Kurogane was protecting Fai, the lyrics playing really fitted the coupling! Sugoi!

But I'm not sure they did well enough on Fai and Kurogane's conversation about dying.

Yeah, I agree about the conversation thing. But Fai's face was animated so pretty on that part! But yes, I also believe that song was obviously for our two lovey lovey couples or else they wouldn't have shown S + S! (At first I thought, awwwe the song is just a background song, it doesn't mean anything, but since they showed S +S, that established it as a couple's song, and I do believe they were showing Kuro Fai a LOT with that song! XDXDXD)
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