AuthorTopic: [CCS]My One Precious Thing  (Read 13687 times)

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Offline babypigggy

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[CCS]My One Precious Thing
« on: January 28 2006, 09:26 am »
Characters needed -
Sakura: babypiggy
Tomoyo(Saku's sister): Sohru-san
Meiling: cutelilaggie
Syaoran: baby.piglet
Eriol: Fai
Nakuru: -anyone can play this role if necciscary-
Yue: Hypercrabby

- well, Sakura, a beautiful flower was blissed by a goddess from heaven and turned into an angel. Her sister as well, they were doing well in heaven - until the day they broke the rules - well kind of. Sakura and Tomoyo are both angels in heaven, but Tomoyo falls for Eriol (ExT), a mortal, and Sakura falls for Syaoran(S+S) also a mortal. Meiling - is kind of a filler character ^_^ making thigns a bit more complicated, she is also a mortal

*post here if you want a character!*
« Last Edit: January 30 2006, 08:10 am by babypigggy »

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #1 on: January 28 2006, 12:59 pm »
Can I be Tomoyo-chan, pleeease?
Anime Dreams - An Anime Role-play site that involves CardCaptors Sakura and Tsubasa!

Precious Memories - The younger version of Syaoran and Sakura in TRC RPG, Card Captors Sakura Continues  RPG, Revelations - The pairings include MeilingxSyaoran, TomoyoxEriol, SakuraxYukito, etc. RPG

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #2 on: January 28 2006, 01:06 pm »
Can i be Meiling please?

thanks to babypigggy for making this sig

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #3 on: January 28 2006, 04:10 pm »
I'll volunteer to play Eriol-kun! ^_^
(I never played a boy before though. Take pity on me  :tongue3:)

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #4 on: January 28 2006, 07:21 pm »
Finally, someone wants to play Eriol!
Anime Dreams - An Anime Role-play site that involves CardCaptors Sakura and Tsubasa!

Precious Memories - The younger version of Syaoran and Sakura in TRC RPG, Card Captors Sakura Continues  RPG, Revelations - The pairings include MeilingxSyaoran, TomoyoxEriol, SakuraxYukito, etc. RPG

Offline babypigggy

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #5 on: January 29 2006, 03:50 am »
yay!! ^______^
3 characters left.!

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twinKITTY;; Zeldi
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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #6 on: January 29 2006, 07:51 am »
Should I just attempt to double as Syaoran until we get someone to play him so we can start?
Anime Dreams - An Anime Role-play site that involves CardCaptors Sakura and Tsubasa!

Precious Memories - The younger version of Syaoran and Sakura in TRC RPG, Card Captors Sakura Continues  RPG, Revelations - The pairings include MeilingxSyaoran, TomoyoxEriol, SakuraxYukito, etc. RPG

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #7 on: January 29 2006, 11:15 am »
Should I just attempt to double as Syaoran until we get someone to play him so we can start?

haha, Sohru-san, i'll attempt to play Syaoran (:
<33 my familyyy (;
big kittiess: Zeldi ; babypiggy

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #8 on: January 29 2006, 12:53 pm »
YAY! Someone's going to play Syaoran! Can we start now?
Anime Dreams - An Anime Role-play site that involves CardCaptors Sakura and Tsubasa!

Precious Memories - The younger version of Syaoran and Sakura in TRC RPG, Card Captors Sakura Continues  RPG, Revelations - The pairings include MeilingxSyaoran, TomoyoxEriol, SakuraxYukito, etc. RPG

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #9 on: January 29 2006, 01:54 pm »
I'm a beginner at this, although I have read the rules thoroughly and checked out how regular RPGs go...
Could I play Yue?
« Last Edit: February 05 2006, 06:19 am by Hypercrabby »

Offline babypigggy

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #10 on: January 30 2006, 08:20 am »
Sure let the story begin.
lemme just say one thing - if you really need a character, for example if you needed Tomoyo to say something, then you can borrow her role for a tiny bit.

Sakura jumped around happily, Tomoyo and her hand in hand.
"I feel blissed." She smiled, hopping over tiny misfitted clouds. "To be up here, and to be chosen of all the other ones."
The sky was clear and all was calm, down by the river sat a boy, coffee coloured hair staring into the waters and frowning, deep in thought it seems.

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
twinKITTY;; Zeldi
bigKITTY;; pretty,Quimmy,TimeMachine,Nyoko,Møon Li,sofiacardcaptors,Moezy-chan,-=kuro_woof=-,Sya0ran,bLuetopaz,Shuinu,bie_liao,aishiteru,Ashlee
bigPUPPY;; vexnet, Kasawa Lanford
littleKITTY;;Fai, Cardcaptors_Ria, baby.piglet

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #11 on: January 30 2006, 10:02 am »
I play Tomoyo and I prefer if people wouldn't do that to my character. People should get permission first. It's against the rules to god-mode.
Anime Dreams - An Anime Role-play site that involves CardCaptors Sakura and Tsubasa!

Precious Memories - The younger version of Syaoran and Sakura in TRC RPG, Card Captors Sakura Continues  RPG, Revelations - The pairings include MeilingxSyaoran, TomoyoxEriol, SakuraxYukito, etc. RPG

Offline babypigggy

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #12 on: January 30 2006, 10:08 am »

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
twinKITTY;; Zeldi
bigKITTY;; pretty,Quimmy,TimeMachine,Nyoko,Møon Li,sofiacardcaptors,Moezy-chan,-=kuro_woof=-,Sya0ran,bLuetopaz,Shuinu,bie_liao,aishiteru,Ashlee
bigPUPPY;; vexnet, Kasawa Lanford
littleKITTY;;Fai, Cardcaptors_Ria, baby.piglet

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #13 on: January 30 2006, 12:54 pm »
umm.. if we're not allowed to use another character than our own,  how is the story possible Sohru-san? o.O''

The chocolate coloured hair boy was deep in thought and as he sat, he heard footsteps running towards him and he looked up to see a girl his age starring back at him in curiousity.
/okay, so hmmm... i'm not sure who that girl is, depends who wants to write next :D
<33 my familyyy (;
big kittiess: Zeldi ; babypiggy

"A person will do anything to get their one wish.."

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #14 on: January 30 2006, 02:09 pm »
umm.. if we're not allowed to use another character than our own,  how is the story possible Sohru-san? o.O

It's simple. Just reply with the character you signed up with, and wait for another character to reply. Read the other role-plays if you need to.
Anime Dreams - An Anime Role-play site that involves CardCaptors Sakura and Tsubasa!

Precious Memories - The younger version of Syaoran and Sakura in TRC RPG, Card Captors Sakura Continues  RPG, Revelations - The pairings include MeilingxSyaoran, TomoyoxEriol, SakuraxYukito, etc. RPG

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #15 on: January 31 2006, 08:13 am »
*Well what i really meant was - you can say - she smiled or something like that..*

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
twinKITTY;; Zeldi
bigKITTY;; pretty,Quimmy,TimeMachine,Nyoko,Møon Li,sofiacardcaptors,Moezy-chan,-=kuro_woof=-,Sya0ran,bLuetopaz,Shuinu,bie_liao,aishiteru,Ashlee
bigPUPPY;; vexnet, Kasawa Lanford
littleKITTY;;Fai, Cardcaptors_Ria, baby.piglet

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #16 on: January 31 2006, 11:24 am »
A smile was plastured on her face. "I do too Sakura-chan! Being up here really makes me happy. I always have a warm feeling inside."
Anime Dreams - An Anime Role-play site that involves CardCaptors Sakura and Tsubasa!

Precious Memories - The younger version of Syaoran and Sakura in TRC RPG, Card Captors Sakura Continues  RPG, Revelations - The pairings include MeilingxSyaoran, TomoyoxEriol, SakuraxYukito, etc. RPG

Offline babypigggy

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #17 on: January 31 2006, 11:29 am »
Sakura seemed to fit so well here in heaven, not amongst the other flowers.
"Hey, Tomoyo, say if we broke the rules, what would happen?" She said, as if heavy with thought.

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
twinKITTY;; Zeldi
bigKITTY;; pretty,Quimmy,TimeMachine,Nyoko,Møon Li,sofiacardcaptors,Moezy-chan,-=kuro_woof=-,Sya0ran,bLuetopaz,Shuinu,bie_liao,aishiteru,Ashlee
bigPUPPY;; vexnet, Kasawa Lanford
littleKITTY;;Fai, Cardcaptors_Ria, baby.piglet

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #18 on: January 31 2006, 03:25 pm »
Tomoyo was a little surprised at Sakura's response. Breaking the rules never crossed her mind before. They were always innocent. They always obeyed the rules.

She pondered for a moment at Sakura's question. "Break the...rules? What do you mean? We'd probably get in trouble!" Tomoyo explained with some distress shown on her face at the thought. Then smiled, "'s something we don't have to worry about because we never broke one."
Anime Dreams - An Anime Role-play site that involves CardCaptors Sakura and Tsubasa!

Precious Memories - The younger version of Syaoran and Sakura in TRC RPG, Card Captors Sakura Continues  RPG, Revelations - The pairings include MeilingxSyaoran, TomoyoxEriol, SakuraxYukito, etc. RPG

Offline Hypercrabby

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Re: [CCS]My One Precious Thing
« Reply #19 on: January 31 2006, 04:32 pm »
As the two girls pondered this new concept, a tall angel with locks of silver flew by above. Perhaps it was his height or the ancient robes he wore that caused people to avoid eye contact. Whatever the reason, he felt distant from most angels. He had been ordered by the highest angels, the guardians, to give guidance to those he saw fit. Usually Yue ignored this responsibility, but after seeing these young angels he decided to give counciling a try. 
He glided down to where they squatted. Immediatley they hushed their previous conversation, as if the subject were taboo. Yue lowered his wings some to try to look less intimidating.
"Please, don't be alarmed" he said calmly, "I was just curious to what you were discussing."