AuthorTopic: trc character's defects ^_^U  (Read 10261 times)

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trc character's defects ^_^U
« on: May 13 2006, 07:43 am »
well, I've opened this topic since all the time all of us are talking about greatness is TRC character, and this is very good but...are they so really wonderful? I think that if we want know better TRC crew we have to know their weakness... :sweatdrop:
for example, Sakura is worried about Syaoran but she blames herself too much...or syaoran, who sometimes uses violence to arrange events that don't need it....
As I always say, this is my own point of view and I'm not against TRC, NEVER!!!!! TRC is the best Clamp's manga I've read. :noteworthy:
what do you think about this?

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #1 on: May 14 2006, 04:35 am »
If I have to complain about a character, it's be that Sakura sleeps way too much. I know it's not her faut but sometimes I wish someone would get the black marker out and draw all over her face.
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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #2 on: May 14 2006, 04:57 am »
I agree Sakura is always sleeping. In Outo she kept oversleeping and then she fainted when she was washing dishes. LOL, I understand why though because she hasn't got all her feathers.
All of them have faults though as otherwise they wouldn't be realistic. Kurogane gets angry too easily, Mokana always wants attention, Syaoran takes everything too seriously and I would say that Fai doesn't take life seriously enough!

But saying all that, I wouldn't change them for the world, though hopefully Sakura starts feeling stronger soon.

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #3 on: May 14 2006, 05:45 am »
I would say that Fai doesn't take life seriously enough!
Only in the sense that he doesnt seem to value his life, not that he acts silly all the time, although in my opinion Fai's biggest fault is probably the fact he hides behind his cheery mask and keeps all his emotions locked up - he is scared of anyone getting to close to the real him so he puts up a facade. This isolates him from other people.

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #4 on: May 14 2006, 06:00 am »
Only in the sense that he doesnt seem to value his life, not that he acts silly all the time, although in my opinion Fai's biggest fault is probably the fact he hides behind his cheery mask and keeps all his emotions locked up - he is scared of anyone getting to close to the real him so he puts up a facade. This isolates him from other people.

Yes sorry this is kinda what I meant, I wasn't clear enough, I didn't mean that he was immature! He acts as though he has no cares in the world and like he doesn't value his life, as Kurogane says in one of the Outo episodes. Hope this is a little clearer.

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #5 on: May 14 2006, 06:11 am »
Yes sorry this is kinda what I meant, I wasn't clear enough, I didn't mean that he was immature! He acts as though he has no cares in the world and like he doesn't value his life, as Kurogane says in one of the Outo episodes. Hope this is a little clearer.

Yup n__n
I think that he made a concious change to act like this though.. probably after whatever happened in his past happened (So looking forward to seeing Fai's past! XD)

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #6 on: May 14 2006, 06:28 am »
Me too! I loved that episode when Mokona has that in depth conversation with Fai about Fai's feelings and that Fai has the right to be happy too. I think it was something like that. Such a touching moment. And Mokona's cute face! Sorry got carried away with Mokona's cuteness.

Anyway back on topic, Fai should open up or it will just build up inside him. It's not good for him.

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #7 on: May 14 2006, 07:26 am »
yes, I'm agree with you about Fai but what happens with syaoran? he's the main character and we love his personality, of course:he always know what to do all of his acts so great? I remember the arriving to Koryo, when that fat guy( I don't remember his name ^_^U) wanted to catch sakura and syaoran answered with a kick...I think that there were another ways to talk with that guy...

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #8 on: May 15 2006, 07:06 pm »
that fat guy i think is called Ryanban...not sure tho.

Fai has decided to try to live life. in the outo ep where he faught seishiro and the onis he said "i used to think that dying would be an adventure. ive decided that living would also an adventure" or something along those lines. as for hiding his emotions, i read in one fic that shows a great insight that supressing painfull emotions, sadness, grief and self-laothing can eventualy cause a person to crack (and in some real life cases that can happen). and thats where Kuro shows he cares. he wants fai to stop hiding behind a smile all he time and he wants to help fai get over his past ^_^
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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #9 on: May 16 2006, 12:04 am »
that fat guy i think is called Ryanban...not sure tho.

Fai has decided to try to live life. in the outo ep where he faught seishiro and the onis he said "i used to think that dying would be an adventure. ive decided that living would also an adventure" or something along those lines. as for hiding his emotions, i read in one fic that shows a great insight that supressing painfull emotions, sadness, grief and self-laothing can eventualy cause a person to crack (and in some real life cases that can happen). and thats where Kuro shows he cares. he wants fai to stop hiding behind a smile all he time and he wants to help fai get over his past ^_^

Oh that would be a touching moment, hope that would be in the storyline, I can just see it now! Surely Fai has other character defects? That can't be his only one! I know he's brilliant and all but surely we can think of more?

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #10 on: May 16 2006, 11:25 am »
Fai is SUCH a pity whore. Oh, I love him best of them all, but really now- if you're going to be emo, either do it really publicly or really privately. He just dangles it in their face like "Oh look, I'm emo, but I won't tell you why or anything ^.^" and it's OBNOXIOUS.
As for Syaoran... dear god, can we say overprotective hero complex? Loosen UP, my boy!
Sakura's a damsel in distress. Ugh.
Kuro-wanko's only defect is that he doesn't know when to stop, I think. Aside from the wholr killing thing, I'm talking about in emotional discussions too. I mean, it's fine to rag on Fai for 10 pages about how much you hate him, but do you really have to poke his wounds while you're talking? I'm pretty sure that wasn't making Fai pay any more attention.
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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #11 on: May 16 2006, 12:00 pm »
Oh that would be a touching moment, hope that would be in the storyline, I can just see it now! Surely Fai has other character defects? That can't be his only one! I know he's brilliant and all but surely we can think of more?
I wouldn't exactly call those character defects... Definitely not from a writing standpoint, at least. Actually, everything that's been said is really what makes him a great character, and why he's one of the most popular characters in the series. You could call them faults, sure, but then perfect people are boring. Case in point: *glances at Sakura and Syaoran*

Sakura is probably the most annoying, since CLAMP seemed to turn her into a stereotype anime sweet girl/damsel in distress. Especially since we have CCS to compare her to.. she seems less of a character in TRC than she did in CCS. Blame it on her missing memories, but that still doesn't make her any more exciting for 14 volumes. ^^;

I mean, it's fine to rag on Fai for 10 pages about how much you hate him, but do you really have to poke his wounds while you're talking? I'm pretty sure that wasn't making Fai pay any more attention.
Aww, that's tough love. ^__^; He's just trying to get Fai to straighten up and face himself, and that's the only way he knows how to do it. Fai's pretty stubborn, anyway.

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #12 on: May 16 2006, 12:37 pm »
Sakura sleeps ALL the time, i mean i love her in CCS, cause she tries her best in
everything but this Sakura doesn't do anything

and syaoran ....yes, no one is perfect and syao is little too protective, he got to live his life

fai, everyone says he doesn't take life seriously, i agree, but we first have to see his past
before we say something about him

kurogane..i wish he doesn't "pretend" not to care....just care :)
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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #13 on: May 16 2006, 01:20 pm »
hmmm... I kinda agree to what Mizu-Tenshi said...
Sakura sleeps alot, and it's quite the opposite to the sakura of CCS, who is energetic and lively...

Also, I don't think syaoran is that OP, I think he really cares about Sakura and he's just obsessed with being with her. That might be his weakness... (It might give him his trength during those tough situations...)

Also, Kurogane, I don't think his irony about not caring but in fact he does care at all makes up for his weakness, but rather, I think it's his arrogance and his semi-angsty mood that kinda puts him down (as well as the spell princess tomoyo put upon him at the start..)

and for Fai... Let's just wait and see... For he may look cheerful and active, but looks can be deceiving.... 0.o

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #14 on: May 16 2006, 01:28 pm »
hmmm... I kinda agree to what Mizu-Tenshi said...
Sakura sleeps alot, and it's quite the opposite to the sakura of CCS, who is energetic and lively...

Also, I don't think syaoran is that OP, I think he really cares about Sakura and he's just obsessed with being with her. That might be his weakness... (It might give him his trength during those tough situations...)

Also, Kurogane, I don't think his irony about not caring but in fact he does care at all makes up for his weakness, but rather, I think it's his arrogance and his semi-angsty mood that kinda puts him down (as well as the spell princess tomoyo put upon him at the start..)

and for Fai... Let's just wait and see... For he may look cheerful and active, but looks can be deceiving.... 0.o

eh, you can just call me Kai-chan or hack-chan
anyways ,i like how you said, syaoran obsessed with sakura
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i mean, i am a syaoran's fangirl, but like i said, he gonna live his a normal teenager
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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #15 on: May 16 2006, 01:34 pm »
one reason behind syao's over protective ness is that he promised touya he'd take care of her...and no one wants to face the wrath of a POed older brother :lol: perhaps traking care of sajkura and bringng her home in one peice will finaly get toyua off his back
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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #16 on: May 16 2006, 01:54 pm »
one reason behind syao's over protective ness is that he promised touya he'd take care of her...and no one wants to face the wrath of a POed older brother :lol: perhaps traking care of sajkura and bringng her home in one peice will finaly get toyua off his back

Well, if that is CCS, then it may be.. XD But since this is TRC, me think syaoran's OPness goes way deeper than that, maybe.. because he doesn't want to lose a precious friend...

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #17 on: May 16 2006, 02:07 pm »
I know Sakura's really irritating right now, but she has tried her best no matter how simple it looks. She really tried her best in Piffle country and I think that should count for something. She has mentioned in the Lecourt country that she hated feeling so useless, but Fye and Mokona assured her that it's all right. So you can't blame her for not doing anything... she would if she could.

And she isn't so sleepy as she used to be. Although in the latest world,
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she has been asleep throughout most of it so far, but I believe there's a reason for it.

Syaoran is definitely too uptight though.... but like everyone else has said, it can't be helped. He has someone very dear to protect, together with the promise he made. At least he's made a vast improvement from the first few worlds... though it would be nice to see him blush and get jealous once in a while. -____- Ah well... this is TRC.

Fye has his faults as well... one is he's keeping everything to himself! I really hope he opens up or something... cause it's so obvious his past has made him who he is now, and that's curious enough for all of us.

Kurogane... I agree, he should stop pretending to act so tough. If you care about someone, say it! Stop hiding it to yourself as well! Ah well... must be a ninja thing so that's ok for me.

So far, I pretty much accept all the faults in everyone. ^^;;;

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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #18 on: May 16 2006, 04:25 pm »
This is just my opinion but uh....Sakura used to be lively *before* she lost her feathers, and the reason why she always sleeps is because of lack of energy. Remember that after Sakura and Syaoran arrived in Yuuko's place, Yuuko told them that if the feathers are not returned then Sakura will die. So if you think about it, since only a handful of feathers had been returned so far so there is still a lacking of energy in Sakura's body.

I agree with SailorYue-chan, Syaoran's overprotectivness may have been because of the promise he made with Touya back in Clow Country. Say if you had someone you promised to protect and you WANT to protect wouldn't you be a little uptight too? But yeah, he does use voilence to solve simple problems sometimes but that is probably due to the fact that he is possessed. *In Lecourt*

Anyway, I just hope my ramblings can be understood. These are just my opinions, though.
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Re: trc character's defects ^_^U
« Reply #19 on: May 16 2006, 05:02 pm »
Syaoran's too 'zomfg selfless!!!', Sakura needs to wake up in every sense of the word, Fai needs to go all destructive with his magical powers of d00m ( :XD: ) and Kuro-pon needs to be a bit, oh.... less blunt? And the whole killing addiction doesn't do much good either. He needs to vent it on something like fanfiction. >:D

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None of the children on the show are developed or horny. >_> I mean really, now. They're what, 15? I wonder if Syaoran even knows where babies come from... naive kids.
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