AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle  (Read 37661 times)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #40 on: May 25 2006, 04:02 am »
Wheee.... T'was worth the wait, at like... 1 AM, yesterday. X3
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Not bad, for filler... though the animation was a bit meh. The story was cute. Poor Sakura-hime's bunny died! :( That made me sad. Especially since it was a gift from Syaoran-kun.
Syaoran: ZOMFG! You killed my bunny! o_o;
Sakura:  :cry: Gomen nasai...

And then they make out.
Or not. :XD:

I'm more looking forward to next week's episode.
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But, I'm seriously worried the japanese, in their strange/awesomeness will create a FujixSyao fandom out of this filler. And that is creepy. o_O; Just like they made a FaixSei fandom from Outo.

I had a feeling you'd react like that, Syao-chan.  :wink:

LOL that was funny to read XD
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'and then they make out'
thats disrespect for the buuny! ^^;; lol

I liked this episode. I almost wanted to kill Bee train after the AWFUL animation for ep 29, but it got better again. not 100% but better. Even the colours look nicer ^__^

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I liked the flashbacks, and for once it was quite nice to see that sakura can't slove and make everything better ^__^ sometimes sad endings are nice. Especially if they hold a good meaning or moral. ^__^

and next week looks fun XD if that is Fujitaka I' quite interested! XDD

anyway, quite happy

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #41 on: May 25 2006, 08:42 am »
i just started to watch this episode and in the first 2 minutes im confused about something...
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did kurogane just tell fai something about MOVIES?? did they even HAVE movies back then?? wouldnt he mean, plays or soemthign, or is feudal japan far more advanced then given??... did the subbers make a mistake? im really confused... :confused:

They did just arrive from Piffle. I am sure they saw/learned what movies were there, since it was such a technology based world...

Not to say that it isn't possible that the subbers made a mistake, just saying ;)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #42 on: May 25 2006, 08:49 am »
talking about's just me or XXXholic is made better than TRC?O.O

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #43 on: May 25 2006, 09:06 am »
talking about's just me or XXXholic is made better than TRC?O.O
actualy, on the xxxholic thread att anusuki forums, people complain about the animation, especialy how yuuko looks. (the worst outfit she wore had this HUMONGOUS yello bow in the front =P) but xxxholic's animation HAS improved greatly since the first episode.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #44 on: May 25 2006, 04:34 pm »
I've watched the episode...the animation does look a little better than ep 29. I think the story is not that great, although I think it kinda wrapped up something in the 1st season
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I think this episode kinda shows that dead people can never be revived. There are some discussion about it after they aired the last ep of season 1. I personally don't like the idea that the feather can revive dead people, so after seeing this episode, I feel a little better. But then again, I don't really like filler episodes...I think they disrupt the flow...I think in CCS they are okay, but somehow not in TRC...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #45 on: May 26 2006, 12:33 pm »
I love this episode. Probably my favourite filler so far...
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It feels so funny to know that Bee Train is trying to make up for the mistake they made in the last episode... but that aside, this was really sweet. Sorata and Arashi... :inlove: that was the best part. And the flashbacks were the best... that Sand Bunny even sounds like Dash card from CCS so I'm sure it's referred more to Dash.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #46 on: May 27 2006, 02:50 pm »
it's certainly better than the first three....
by me.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #47 on: May 27 2006, 09:46 pm »
I just saw the preview for episode 6, the magician and the date.
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Okay, at first I was happy, because I saw Sumomo and Kotoko. And I was all "Yaaaaay!". And Kurogane was acting sooo cute.
But then... *sniff sniff* I noticed that even though 'magician' was refering to Fai, 'the date'  is refering to... *sob* Chii! ;_;
Fai goes on some sort of date with... Chii!
*sits in a corner and cries*

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #48 on: May 27 2006, 09:58 pm »
I just saw the preview for episode 6, the magician and the date.
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Okay, at first I was happy, because I saw Sumomo and Kotoko. And I was all "Yaaaaay!". And Kurogane was acting sooo cute.
But then... *sniff sniff* I noticed that even though 'magician' was refering to Fai, 'the date' is refering to... *sob* Chii! ;_;
Fai goes on some sort of date with... Chii!
*sits in a corner and cries*
oh!!!!! curious! why in anime and not in manga yet? I don't understand Bee train...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #49 on: May 28 2006, 08:33 am »
I just saw the preview for episode 6, the magician and the date.
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Okay, at first I was happy, because I saw Sumomo and Kotoko. And I was all "Yaaaaay!". And Kurogane was acting sooo cute.
But then... *sniff sniff* I noticed that even though 'magician' was refering to Fai, 'the date'  is refering to... *sob* Chii! ;_;
Fai goes on some sort of date with... Chii!
*sits in a corner and cries*
wha-hat? that sounds very interesting...
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bout time we saw her! it seems weired tho...did she have the ears, or were they normal?  poor fai getting to see someoe from his world...i gotta go see this ^^;; PS: poor he gets jealous :keke:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #50 on: May 28 2006, 08:49 am »
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She had Chobits ears. Though they seemed a bit smaller than they are in Chobits.
Sumomo and Kotoko were wearing the pretty dresses from Outo country. Seems like they didn't want to spend time on designing new outfits...
But Fai's outfit looked an awful lot like a mix between his Outo clothes, and that country where they are now in the Manga. I don't know what it's called...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #51 on: May 28 2006, 09:01 am »
I only can think that Bee Train only wants more audience with that episode of Chii, since it hasn't been published by Clamp. Am I wrong??

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #52 on: May 28 2006, 09:05 am »
Yup. And they're rubbing salt in the wounds of KuroxFai fans at the same time.
First they cut out all the cute KuroxFai scenes (except for one, and they added a kinda lame one) in Pfiffle, and now this...
*grumble grumble*
Stupid Bee Train.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #53 on: May 28 2006, 09:09 am »
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She had Chobits ears. Though they seemed a bit smaller than they are in Chobits.
Sumomo and Kotoko were wearing the pretty dresses from Outo country. Seems like they didn't want to spend time on designing new outfits...
But Fai's outfit looked an awful lot like a mix between his Outo clothes, and that country where they are now in the Manga. I don't know what it's called...
the current country is called Tokyo, and its been a while since weve had a fai-centric episode...^^ cant wait to see it :D

Yup. And they're rubbing salt in the wounds of KuroxFai fans at the same time.
First they cut out all the cute KuroxFai scenes (except for one, and they added a kinda lame one) in Pfiffle, and now this...
*grumble grumble*
Stupid Bee Train.
i agree. theyr denying us our canonness  :angry:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #54 on: May 28 2006, 10:20 am »
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I knew it... I was thinking that it might be Chii... poor Kuro... let's just wait for the 7th episode where Shura Country starts I heard it was entitled "The History of Ashura"

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #55 on: May 28 2006, 12:52 pm »
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C-chi? Why on Earth would Fai be going on a date with Chi? What about Hideki? What about Kurogane? One of my major complaints about the anime is that they're such sellouts! They keep on bringing back these popular CLAMP characters just to get more viewers. There's absolutely no need for Fai to go on a date with Chi just because they spend all of 30 seconds together in the manga.

Then again, maybe I should wait to see the episode before I go judging it. Maybe it'll be good just for some Fai-centric-ness, at least.
« Last Edit: May 28 2006, 01:05 pm by Emiko »
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #56 on: May 28 2006, 01:11 pm »
Its Episode six, lets wait till five is over, then started panicing,
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maybe at the end of six, Chi will find Hideki

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #57 on: May 28 2006, 08:59 pm »
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She seemed a bit childish in the preview. Like the good old Chobits Chii. But perhaps that was because she was having fun on their 'date'. >_>
Yeah, I'm hoping that maybe Chii has a crush on Hideki, but Hideki is just a plain commoner, and in the end Fai urges her to go see Hideki anyway. *nod nod*
But why would Chii want to go on a date with Fai then? Hmm...

An episode called the history of Ashura? Well, I can imagine what that one will be about. Let's hope we get to see a bit of emo Fai, or Fai messing around with his chopsticks. XD

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #58 on: June 23 2006, 07:38 am »
This was one of the better filler-ins which is refreshing since most Tsubasa filler-in episodes I find are pretty boring.  I liked how they filled in some of the confusing plot holes from episode 26 and hinted at things to come in the future at the same time.  I especially loved the ending,
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which I thought was really sad to see both Sorata and Arashi die like that
When her leathery, crow-footed face turned towards my raised hand and said, “Yes, the boy in the Sailor Mercury t-shirt,” I sprung into action. It took me a brief 20 seconds to acquire the bokken (wooden sword) I had secured to the underside of our chairs with duct tape the night previous. Shouting “Japan BANZAIII!” in the manner of those noble kamikaze pilots from the War of United States Aggression (so tactlessly referred to in your history books as “World War II”), I charged the stage, bringing down the bokken forcefully onto the plywood table in front of Tiffany Grant. It was a tragic mistake not to channel my ki correctly. The bokken splintered into a thousand pieces, leaving me with no other plan of attack besides shouting, “You’re no Asuka!” as two Ohayocon toughs escorted me out of the

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 4: The Sad Miracle
« Reply #59 on: April 03 2007, 05:20 pm »
it left a big hole in the story. How did the dragon get the feather in the first place? i know its probably irrelevent but...
true strength comes from the heart. one day i will be strong, like syaoran.