AuthorTopic: Chapter 119  (Read 44851 times)

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Chapter 119
« on: June 15 2006, 03:33 am »
Here, courtesy of ladydarkmoon as always<3~

Offline Ashlee

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #1 on: June 15 2006, 03:36 am »
I guess you beat me to it, Znuese

ok, clicks download
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #2 on: June 15 2006, 03:41 am »

omg.... I think I might explode...


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Finally.. Two Syaoran's, Sakura is awake, Kamui gre his arm back ^^; or it healed...
and I'm so bloody excited!
and the symbol in his eye! its his Board from CCS! *____*

*reads again*

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #3 on: June 15 2006, 03:44 am »
*Downloads*....Hurry up!
[img ][/img]

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #4 on: June 15 2006, 03:45 am »
....I feel like something very very important just happened, and I missed all of it ._.
...Eh... eheh...  guess I'll just sit here and wait for the translation. I must say, I'm a tad dissapointed. I wanted Fai to get involved.
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #5 on: June 15 2006, 03:53 am »
Okay, okay,
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So Sakura wakes up...Fai encounters the Evil Syoran....then flip's over Yuuko, feeling something out of sorta....Then  reed, whatever his name, is controleing the evil Syoran? and whats with the, watch eye on evil Syoran!? none makes since to me XD
[img ][/img]

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #6 on: June 15 2006, 03:55 am »

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Well, I kind of now get now we got two syaoran's, and the symbol in his eye o.O

Fai, do something and help syaoran!!!!

I kind of get what happen this chapter, but I need a translation, before I can really get it

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What, I was just wonding. Who is Syaoran parents??
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #7 on: June 15 2006, 04:04 am »
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and the symbol in his eye! its his Board from CCS! *____*
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Ah, so that's where it's from. I was wondering why I recognized it.
Anyway... *fangirl squeal* That was so confusing and it just added more questions! I can't wait to see if Sakura winds of seeing this whole... issue. Syaoran looks more beat up than ever now. He might as well take is shirt off completey(I know we'd all love that).
That two young Syaorans flashback thingy was odd... but it sorta tells us why Syaoran can't remember anything before meeting Fujitaka. And I've always been wanting to see a flashback of Syaoran and Fujitaka's meeting. But a translation is greatly needed.

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Offline Xiao_Lang

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #8 on: June 15 2006, 04:16 am »
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Ah, so that's where it's from. I was wondering why I recognized it.
Anyway... *fangirl squeal* That was so confusing and it just added more questions! I can't wait to see if Sakura winds of seeing this whole... issue. Syaoran looks more beat up than ever now. He might as well take is shirt off completey(I know we'd all love that).
That two young Syaorans flashback thingy was odd... but it sorta tells us why Syaoran can't remember anything before meeting Fujitaka. And I've always been wanting to see a flashback of Syaoran and Fujitaka's meeting. But a translation is greatly needed.

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Yeah, its the board he uses to detect the clow cards.

and yeah, Syaoran striiiip strrrriiiip! >___>
I mean... yeah.. whatever


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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #9 on: June 15 2006, 04:22 am »
....I feel like something very very important just happened, and I missed all of it ._.
...Eh... eheh... guess I'll just sit here and wait for the translation. I must say, I'm a tad dissapointed. I wanted Fai to get involved.

That's exactly the way I feel.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #10 on: June 15 2006, 04:26 am »
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Fai, should have gotten involved. I mean, can't they see that sakura is waking up, and syaoran (well, yin-syaoran), is  kind of beat up, bloody, and well going crazy. Fai, I though you would have gotten involved :cry:

Also, I was just thinking. I don't get the two syaoran part. I mean, did our syaoran go though some sort of mirror and out pops yin-syaoran???

I'm totaly missing some thing here
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #11 on: June 15 2006, 04:28 am »
*downloads without readin the spoilers*

Edit: ARGH! The file is broken! I have to download it again! O_O

Edit edit:
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Interesting... So that's what 'evil' Syao meant with the other eye... He messed with 'good' Syaoran's eye. Or gave him his own eye. I'm not sure. That way, even when 'evil' Syao was sealed, a part of him would remain with 'good' Syaoran. But why exactly did Fei Wong seal one half of Syaoran? And what half was it? His hostile side?
« Last Edit: June 15 2006, 04:41 am by Meowzy »

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #12 on: June 15 2006, 04:34 am »
Hmm.. I'll need to read over again because there was long confusing explanations, but let's see if I can give a summary:

Woo, Syaoran's past:
The "yin" Syaoran is the original Syaoran, and a descendant of Clow Reed, and Fei Wong had captured him. He created a fake double of Syaoran, without a soul, that he could use to gather Sakura's feathers. But during the process the real Syaoran took a copy of his heart and put it into the fake one through his right eye. But even though the fake Syaoran now had a heart, and was more susceptible to injury, he still had the instinct to gather the feathers, so Fei Wong released him.. putting him in just the right time and place to set him up to meet Sakura. And he says his plan was perfect until "that witch" interfered...

Eeh... It'll be more accurate when the translation comes out... :sweatdrop:
« Last Edit: June 15 2006, 04:48 am by Pikari »

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #13 on: June 15 2006, 04:37 am »
i cant download it right now, but i SO cant wait to read it in 4hrs O.O

must resist spoilers....must resist spoilers....
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #14 on: June 15 2006, 04:38 am »
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Hmm.. I'll need to read over again because there was long confusing explanations, but let's see if I can give a summary:

Woo, Syaoran's past:
The "yin" Syaoran is the original Syaoran, and an ancestor of Clow Reed, and Fei Wong had captured him. He created a fake double of Syaoran, without a soul, that he could use to gather Sakura's feathers. But during the process the real Syaoran took a copy of his heart and put it into the fake one through his right eye. But even though the fake Syaoran now had a heart, and was more susceptible to injury, he still had the instinct to gather the feathers, so Fei Wong released him.. putting him in just the right time and place to set him up to meet Sakura. And he says his plan was perfect until "that witch" interfered...

Eeh... It'll be more accurate when the translation comes out... :sweatdrop:

Well, damn. This chapter is DEFINITELY one that needed an explanation. o_o
« Last Edit: June 15 2006, 04:50 am by meliwan »

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #15 on: June 15 2006, 04:42 am »
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Anti-Syaoran's the real Syaoran?! Dang... never saw that coming. Actually, I did. I had a feeling one of them were clones. Since Syaoran was so "lifeless" when meeting Fujitaka, I had a feeling it was him. Jeez... so what kind of fate holds in store for our "clone" Syaoran now? I wonder how he'd react if he found out he was "made" and used.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #16 on: June 15 2006, 04:43 am »
Hmm.. I'll need to read over again because there was long confusing explanations, but let's see if I can give a summary:

Woo, Syaoran's past:
The "yin" Syaoran is the original Syaoran, and an ancestor of Clow Reed, and Fei Wong had captured him. He created a fake double of Syaoran, without a soul, that he could use to gather Sakura's feathers. But during the process the real Syaoran took a copy of his heart and put it into the fake one through his right eye. But even though the fake Syaoran now had a heart, and was more susceptible to injury, he still had the instinct to gather the feathers, so Fei Wong released him.. putting him in just the right time and place to set him up to meet Sakura. And he says his plan was perfect until "that witch" interfered...

Eeh... It'll be more accurate when the translation comes out... :sweatdrop:

Fo real? Interesting! But wait... Syao is an ancestor of Clow reed? That's odd. In CCS universe, it's the other way around isn't it?

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #17 on: June 15 2006, 04:46 am »
Fo real? Interesting! But wait... Syao is an ancestor of Clow reed? That's odd. In CCS universe, it's the other way around isn't it?

Oh! Wait a minute, my bad. That should have been "Clow Reed is Syaoran's ancestor". Yeah, it's the same as in CCS. Thanks for pointing that out. ^^;;;  *goes to fix*

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #18 on: June 15 2006, 04:48 am »
Hmm.. I'll need to read over again because there was long confusing explanations, but let's see if I can give a summary:

Woo, Syaoran's past:
The "yin" Syaoran is the original Syaoran, and an ancestor of Clow Reed, and Fei Wong had captured him. He created a fake double of Syaoran, without a soul, that he could use to gather Sakura's feathers. But during the process the real Syaoran took a copy of his heart and put it into the fake one through his right eye. But even though the fake Syaoran now had a heart, and was more susceptible to injury, he still had the instinct to gather the feathers, so Fei Wong released him.. putting him in just the right time and place to set him up to meet Sakura. And he says his plan was perfect until "that witch" interfered...

Eeh... It'll be more accurate when the translation comes out... :sweatdrop:

O_O Holy crap! CLAMP certainly hits us hard. First they finally start throwing in Subaru, and now they throw in the explanation of the yin/yang Syaoran. I have to go to work in like an hour, so I won't get to read any translations until about eleven tonight either. T_T But yeah- why on earth didn't Fai-Mommy try to do something?
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #19 on: June 15 2006, 04:48 am »
heh, I was wondering about that.
... EWWW! SyaoranxSakura is incest in Tsubasa?! O_O
Unless Sakura isn't really Clow Reed's daughter. Let's just... assume that, shall we? ^^'

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