AuthorTopic: Chapter 119  (Read 44970 times)

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #100 on: June 16 2006, 08:19 pm »
Thanks Celesse-san

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #101 on: June 16 2006, 08:53 pm »
I wonder now, and I think someone mentioned it already... that perhaps "dark Syaoran taking over Syaoran's body" isn't that at all, but his "clone instincts" or whatever trying to take over. And that magic in his right eye that the real Syaoran gave him is a seal that was holding it back, only now it's starting to break? Who knows, everything doesn't quite add up yet.....

O___O I absolutely LOVE this theory. I think it's great, very probable, and it explains things a lot better. ôO I'll be looking at all those "dark Syaoran taking over Syaoran's body" moments differently now. :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts :p

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #102 on: June 16 2006, 09:02 pm »
i love this chapter!! thanks to Pikari, Celesse and Mina for the scanlations and translations!!

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So our Syaoran is the clone and if the seal on the right eye is removed our Syaoran will disappear right?? And the memories of our Syaoran with Sakura would disappear as way..poor Syaoran!!

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #103 on: June 16 2006, 10:24 pm »
*gives Celesse a cookie*
Thank yooou!

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #104 on: June 16 2006, 10:27 pm »
No she has to love clone syaoran because thats whose been with her this whole time and he has a soul and heart and whenever he went freaky it wasn't that he was being controlled it was because the heart that the real syaoran gave him weakened. But he still cares for Sakura and is collecting the feathers because he loves her. But I'm still thinking that we have yet to see the real syaoran so maybe when they meet they will join so that it will still be the clone and their memories together but they will have a complete soul thing. Or maybe the real one will die for them to live happily ever after....but who knows...

But if the seal is breaking, then clone Syaoran, our Syaoran, won't exist, and Sakura has to love somebody! And besides, Clone Syaoran doesn't have his own heart. It's merely shared by the real Syaoran. How do we know he won't try to take over the real Syaoran and regain his memories? It's just too confusing for me. I'll have to wait until next week I suppose and then we'll find out what happens.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #105 on: June 16 2006, 10:53 pm »
But if the seal is breaking, then clone Syaoran, our Syaoran, won't exist, and Sakura has to love somebody! And besides, Clone Syaoran doesn't have his own heart. It's merely shared by the real Syaoran. How do we know he won't try to take over the real Syaoran and regain his memories? It's just too confusing for me. I'll have to wait until next week I suppose and then we'll find out what happens.
:cry: I hope Syaoran can have his own heart. He earns it! By the looks of Yin Syaoran, I don't think he is too happy about having a clone, and having your heart taking. I mean, would you guys too? I just hope that something happens, like our syaoran was able to beat yin syaoran, and take the rest of the heart, and the eye.......but I think clamp has something else up their sleaves. I think our syaoran is going to bring sakura to FWR, after the feathers have been collected. I think they need syaoran for some thing else.....
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #106 on: June 16 2006, 11:18 pm »
:cry: I hope Syaoran can have his own heart. He earns it! By the looks of Yin Syaoran, I don't think he is too happy about having a clone, and having your heart taking. I mean, would you guys too? I just hope that something happens, like our syaoran was able to beat yin syaoran, and take the rest of the heart, and the eye.......but I think clamp has something else up their sleaves. I think our syaoran is going to bring sakura to FWR, after the feathers have been collected. I think they need syaoran for some thing else.....

I don't know whether the other Syaoran is angry at our Syaoran, after all the other Syaoran DID purposely gave his heart to our Syaoran. So I don't think that's it... he may just be after his right eye out of instinct. Why he looks so scary and all... I'm sure CLAMP will explain soon. >_<

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #107 on: June 16 2006, 11:32 pm »
i love this chapter!! thanks to Pikari, Celesse and Mina for the scanlations and translations!!

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So our Syaoran is the clone and if the seal on the right eye is removed our Syaoran will disappear right?? And the memories of our Syaoran with Sakura would disappear as way..poor Syaoran!!
syaoran's memories shoudln't dissapear. Dark Syaoran's heart was given to our syao. dark syao is searching his own heart or soul, but  he didn't meet Sakura before. Besides, in future, syaoran's heart and Dark Syaoran's body and magic? will be togehter.

excuse, I'm tired about put spoilers.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #108 on: June 17 2006, 02:22 am »
You're welcomes!  And thanks for the cookies!  ^o^

Hey guys, don't forget the story isn't finished  :O  We don't know everything.  FWR said at the end of the chapter that everything was set up to go according to plan, "Until that witch interefered."  So Yuuko did something to the clone or to his part in the plan...and we'll find out what next week  XD

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #109 on: June 17 2006, 04:15 am »
kuro's past.............checked
shaoran's past......checked
next would be fai's past :rotfl:

i was wondering, wasn't fwr also decendents of clow reed (check past chapter) then does that make shaoran and fwr relatives

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #110 on: June 17 2006, 09:00 am »
As I was looking at the page with Yuuko and black Mokona, I noticed something... black Mokona's earing is "glowing". Do you think there might be significance to black Mokona's earing? Possibly with how Yuuko interferred with FWR's plan?

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #111 on: June 17 2006, 09:13 am »
nice dhapter ^^
thanks for the scanlation and the translation


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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #112 on: June 17 2006, 12:24 pm »
As I was looking at the page with Yuuko and black Mokona, I noticed something... black Mokona's earing is "glowing". Do you think there might be significance to black Mokona's earing? Possibly with how Yuuko interferred with FWR's plan?

I noticed that as well! Hopefully there'll be more explanations in the next chapter.

Anyone still think this is CCS Syaoran that's after his right eye? Cause in truth, I don't really think so. There's still the age problem and all... plus, CLAMP did mention that this is a different Syaoran we're talking about. So the way I see it, this Syaoran is meant to be in the Tsubasa world, and he's not the one from CCS. >_<

Just a theory...

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #113 on: June 17 2006, 12:45 pm »
I noticed that as well! Hopefully there'll be more explanations in the next chapter.

Anyone still think this is CCS Syaoran that's after his right eye? Cause in truth, I don't really think so. There's still the age problem and all... plus, CLAMP did mention that this is a different Syaoran we're talking about. So the way I see it, this Syaoran is meant to be in the Tsubasa world, and he's not the one from CCS. >_<

Just a theory...

yeah, I'm starting to think less and less of possibity of real!Syaoran being the CCS Syaoran... it just messes up things more (things are already messed up with the whole our Syaoran being clone... i still can't believe it...)

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #114 on: June 17 2006, 01:07 pm »
This can't be CCS!Syaoran. In Volume 2 of xxxHOLiC, when TRC!Syaoran and Sakura show up at Yuuko's shop, Yuuko tells Watanuki, her shop boy, that there is a Syaoran and Sakura living in Yuuko's world, and those two are certainly CCS!Syaoran and Sakura. TRC!Syaoran is either from (a)Clow or (b)FWR's world, and there is the possibility that FWR is actually from Clow, you know.
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #115 on: June 17 2006, 01:16 pm »
I hate being pulled from civilization. (AKA the internet).  I come back and missed THIS AWESOME CHAPTER?

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Oh god.  It's finally been revealed and I have to say I expected nothing less from CLAMP.  Awesome pics of the cloning process (I have to admit I saved them and will probably mess around with them a lot).  So, if they do merge in the end, will it still be the Syaoran-kun we've come to know?

Will Sakura ever find out what's happened, and what the heck, is this thing coming to an end?  I mean, how much longer can it go now that everything's been revealed about Syaoran?  Sure, we have Fai to uncover, and more feathers, but...

Everything from now on will seem almost downhill, really.  At least to me.  This has to be the most action packed world they've gone to.  I'm wonder, with all the blood and violence, how they're going to put it in the anime?
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #116 on: June 17 2006, 01:37 pm »
As I was looking at the page with Yuuko and black Mokona, I noticed something... black Mokona's earing is "glowing". Do you think there might be significance to black Mokona's earing? Possibly with how Yuuko interferred with FWR's plan?
i beleve i read on a site that black mokona's reaign is  a seal, while white mokonas is a power bootsrer? i think that thats how yuuko knows that "the right eyes seal is breaking" Black mokona's earing is reacting to it...
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #117 on: June 17 2006, 03:08 pm »
I notised the earring glowign too, I thought it was a bit weird cos the Black Mokona always seemed to be there for Watanuki, the White one was more connected to Syaoran.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #118 on: June 17 2006, 05:07 pm »
Wow . . .
And I thought I was confused before this chapter!
 GEEZ! So . . .our precious Syaoran is nothing but a CLONE!?

Hmm...Well, I'm actually thinking that it's CCS Syaoran...because they did mention about him being the decendent of Clow . . .and that's who CCS Syaoran is. And when they show in the eye of the "Real" Syaoran:

Is that not the board CCS Syaoran uses when locating cards? Looks like it to me.

Blah, throw rotten fruit at me if I'm's late and I'm in shock over this, haha. As we all are, I'm sure.
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #119 on: June 17 2006, 05:25 pm »
Wow . . .
And I thought I was confused before this chapter!
 GEEZ! So . . .our precious Syaoran is nothing but a CLONE!?

Hmm...Well, I'm actually thinking that it's CCS Syaoran...because they did mention about him being the decendent of Clow . . .and that's who CCS Syaoran is. And when they show in the eye of the "Real" Syaoran:

Is that not the board CCS Syaoran uses when locating cards? Looks like it to me.

Blah, throw rotten fruit at me if I'm's late and I'm in shock over this, haha. As we all are, I'm sure.
your right aboutthe lasin board and CCS syao, but the seal is in the clone(OUR) syao's eye, not the real one. the real one has a normal right eye
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