AuthorTopic: Chapter 119  (Read 44975 times)

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #40 on: June 15 2006, 10:09 am »
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So those markings on Syaoran's arms are a spell, huh?

Hmm, and I think I understand what Seishiro meant when he asked Oruah-san about eternal life...that was some sweet re-arm-attachin' on Kamui's behalf!

...Where is Kuro??!!
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #41 on: June 15 2006, 11:13 am »
Hush Kuro and Fai fangirls, this is Syaoran-kun's chapter, please just accept it without complaint. *gonna get flamed*

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How many decendants does clow have!?
We have TRC!Sakura-1st generation, CCS!Syaoran - several hundred years, Dark!Syao - ???, He was taken too young to be the CCS one, AU!CCS?
Ok for me Dark!Syaoran (just out of habit) is the one in the tank, the other one will be Our!Syaoran.
So Dark!Syao is the original and our's is the clone! FWR was not happy Dark gave him an eye (heart thing). And everyone says Tsubasa (or feather? not sure w/ the Kanji) A LOT! Everyone seems to say it.
Look at Subaru being all nice to Sakura ^^.. And now Sakura knows her most important person, took her til the end of CCS to do that last time.
Yuuko in  TRC and Yuuko in holic are different. In TRC its night, shes wearing a Yukata, Black Mokona's ear ring is glowing. Not sure what that's all about, black Mokona was for Watanuki. In holic it's daytime, stinking hot and Yuuko is wearing a tiny bathing suit. Watanuki is delivering something again ha ha.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #42 on: June 15 2006, 12:35 pm »
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I have this strange thought that somehow the two Syaorans will merge as one... but I wonder whether Syaoran's personality will change.

Yeah, definitely the biggest blow of all! And to think, Sakura managed to change the "empty" Syaoran, and in the end he wasn't searching the feathers on instinct, but also because he loved Sakura. *insert S+S squeal*

A-hem. I can only hope the Syaoran we know would not change too much after this... I also wonder whether the real Syaoran's personality is somewhat alike to the Syaoran we know. @_@

Too much questions.... dizzy!

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #43 on: June 15 2006, 01:18 pm »
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Now I understand why real!Syaoran's "price" was to get help from Yuuko...

Do you think real!Syaoran and clone!Syaoran would "merge" into one again in the end? I mean originally, it was just one Syaoran...

am I just slow or am I wrong.... I was just thinking... the "seal" on the right eye of clone!Syaoran... Yuuko said it was breaking, right? As it is breaking, clone!Syaoran is becoming more and more.... emotionless and violent. So the seal on the right eye (put on to the clone!Syaoran by real!Syaoran) breaking means clone!Syaoran is losing the "heart"(humanity...emotions and such) real!Syaoran put into him when he was created, so clone!Syaoran is turning to what he was initially.... an emotionless clone created simply to gather Sakura's feathers.

Now I don't know which Syao to support! What is gonna happen to Syao x Sakura relationship? I mean you can't tell Sakura "oh, by the way, the Syaoran you've been hanging out with for he past however many amount of time is just a clone and the real Syaoran was sealed in a spell by the bad guy"

what are they gonna say next? that Fei Wong Reed isn't the bad guy and it's actually Clow Reed or something?

CLAMP is messing up my mind  :BangHead:

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #44 on: June 15 2006, 01:29 pm »
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"reads through all of the spoilers"

NOW I'm getting confused. I've always thought the final battle for Sakura's feathers is between the two Syaorans, but now...

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #45 on: June 15 2006, 02:17 pm »
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wait , which one's the REAL syao and which's one the clone?
they all look alike
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #46 on: June 15 2006, 02:23 pm »
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wait , which one's the REAL syao and which's one the clone?
they all look alike
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"dark" syao is aparently the real one and OUR syao is the clone
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #47 on: June 15 2006, 02:24 pm »
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"dark" syao is aparently the real one and OUR syao is the clone

no way...@_@ is it me or did everyone knew this?

Edit: sorry, i just review the post by pikari on the first page
NOW i get it
by me.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #48 on: June 15 2006, 04:39 pm »
no way...@_@ is it me or did everyone knew this?

Edit: sorry, i just review the post by pikari on the first page
NOW i get it
it IS a bit confusing. and real wierd actualy.

is there a translation yet? :(
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #49 on: June 15 2006, 04:52 pm »
Looks interesting!
Too bad I can't understand.
Clamp sure amazes me!

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #50 on: June 15 2006, 05:05 pm »
Oh my god..
it is quite confusing now

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #51 on: June 15 2006, 06:14 pm »
this is the chapter i've been waiting for!! the thing about the 2 syaorans!! i'll wait until the translation/scanlation is out!!

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #52 on: June 15 2006, 07:26 pm »
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You mean... all the while we have been looking at what's going on to the "fake" Syaoran? ._. And you mean... the real Syaoran's this cold-hearted from the beginning? Or is it because of possible "side-effects"of "splitting" part of his soul to the fake Syaoran? Eh... Am I confusing anyone? @_@
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #53 on: June 15 2006, 08:25 pm »
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Maybe it would explain why our TRC Syaoran is so much more.......hmmmm..... Meeker, than his CCS counterpart. Perhaps he SPLIT his soul, and one Syao is Ying, and the other is Yang. CLAMP seems to love doing things like that (Seoul and Larg, Kamui and Fuuma, Kero and Yui)  Just a thought though

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #54 on: June 15 2006, 11:08 pm »
I'm still ecstatic that one of my theories proved to be correct! =D

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Namely the clone thing.
Now, my guess is that Clone Syao and Real Syao will merge near the end, meaning that Syaoran will get to keep his memories of Sakura and Clow world and the journey and stuff, but he also gets a complete soul.

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #55 on: June 16 2006, 12:02 am »
Hush Kuro and Fai fangirls, this is Syaoran-kun's chapter, please just accept it without complaint. *gonna get flamed*

Okay, I'm not going to flame you, because that would be lame, but I will say that I think this is uncalled for. There were maybe five comments asking about why Fai didn't get involved, and not all of them from the big KuroFai fans. Plus, I think  it's a perfectly valid question to ask why Fai didn't try to do anything. He was right there. Yes, this is Syaoran's chapitre, and I have no problem with that. It's an awesome chapitre, it really is, and everyone here knows I'm not a big Syaoran fan. I don't know, perhaps some other fans were complaining about it somwhere else more than they were here and it got under your skin. But this is the second time I've seen you say something like this on the board, and it bothers me. Anywho.

A nice lady on livejournal has done a VERY tentative translation, so if anyone wants it while we are waiting for Pikari's translation, here it is.
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #56 on: June 16 2006, 12:09 am »
Thank-you Jeannette

Now, I understand it much more now...
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I hope Fei Wong Reed is wrong about our syaoran :cry: He has to be stronger then the yin syaoran, he has to be

*Our syaoran is still the syaoran, and the other syaoran, I will still call him yin-syaoran.
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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #57 on: June 16 2006, 12:26 am »
Okay  theory here.....I think Iam starting to understand... lol.. at least.. I think X__X

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This chapter shows the flashback when the original Syaoran(dark Syaoran) has a clone created of him (normal Syaoran) who he then gives one of his eyes too, which, seems to give him life... right?

Wang Reed then appears to seal Dark Syaoran away and send Syaoran to Clow country, purhaps on perpose, to get him to meet Sakura. If he knew Sakura would eventually have the power he wants, it makes sense that he would need Syaoran there to help her collect the feathers and obtain the power.
Dark Syaoran therefore must have been his method of being able to control Syaoran incase he couldn't accomplish that... His back-up almost.
Dark Syaoran appears to be stronger, mainly because he appears to be quite violent... o__O

However, dark syaoran broke free of the seal around him, and therefore seems to be acting of his own accord... or is he?

The Syaoran that we like to think is the real Syaoran technically isn't. He is just a clone of Dark Syaoran. does that mean Syaoran is really evil? unkind? or is it just when he gave his right eye to his clone, his soul split into a good half and a bad half?

Oh how can the real Syaoran be so scary ;___;
not just stubborn like CCS Syaoran but full on SCARY! ^^;;

sorry if I repeated something, I just wanted to get it clear in my own head X___X
don't quote me, I could be so so wrong... ^^;
a translation would be great >__>

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #58 on: June 16 2006, 12:54 am »
@Xiao_Lang : Actually, most of your questions are answered by Pikari on the first page

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Re: Chapter 119
« Reply #59 on: June 16 2006, 02:38 am »

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Obviously, I have no clue what's going on...but...did he switch the Syaoran's round?! (I haven't been downloading it recently due to exams of whoa, but...yeah.

...Tsubasa really seems to be a nearing an end, or is that just me? I mean, I see this chapter and I think 'It must be drawing to the end, slowly, but surely,' then I remember it apparently has more volumes, and that we know nothing of Fai yet and...yeah.

Haha, I don't know what I'm saying XD

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