AuthorTopic: Chapter 121  (Read 106714 times)

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #280 on: July 14 2006, 07:13 am »
This post has been edited to satisfy my ease.  ^_^  Haha...
Ack!   I changed the code because I tested it and it didn't work so the code that I just posted (edited in my last post) is the one that I'm using for my blog.  ^____^   Where you can put this is on blogs or a website.  Since it's Javascript, you have to put it in the "head" section of the blog but on the regular website, you can put it anywhere you want.

Edit: And if you want to try this code for yourself.

1) Open up "Notepad" or any web making program on your computer.
2) Paste in the code.
3) Save the document as .html or .htm.  File name is of your choice.
3) Open up a new Internet window. 
4) Open up the document into that window and you should see that countdown working like water.  ^_^   Feel free to change the color in the countdown.  You can use it for many things.  Not just this (obviously).
« Last Edit: July 15 2006, 07:56 am by tg »

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #281 on: July 15 2006, 05:26 am »
A quick cuddle, a few "Good Chii! Good Chii!"s as if she was a some kind of pet and off he went, not seeming bothered that he'd left her dangling in net form above the man that would be after his blood once he woke up!!
We have to conclude that 1) For some reason Ashura is no threat to Chii, even when he is awake, or 2) Fai has little regard for Chii's wellbeing and cares more about his own safety. (Which seems very Fai-like to me)

I don't know, Fai has little regard for Chii's well being, doesn't make sense to me. I know Fai is concerned about his own safety, but he isn't that heartless. I think he cares for Chii very much, after all he created her. So, I think that option one is a possibility. And the way he treats her, telling her 'Good Chii', I think that it is their way of affection.

As for Kurogane and Fai... well, there is definitely something there. What that something is I'm not sure. There definitely will be a reason that Fai and Kurogane shared that look when they first met a Yuko's shop. A reason why Kurogane has made it his buisness to find out about Fai's past and why he won't "Let anyone close" to him. A reason why Fai feels the need to act the silliest and around Kurogane, poking, petting and teasing him. A reason why Fai seems sad when he admits that he knows Kurogane hates him for being the way he is.

I'm not expecting any dazzling love confessions, but them remaining together at the end of the series would be enough for me.

Hehe, I see your point, Fai is very silly when he's around Kurogane, maybe he feels like his own self around him. And yes, if they end up together, a dazzling love confession would be too is better if there is a hint of them ending up together.

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #282 on: July 15 2006, 12:13 pm »
My ideas....:

I don't necessarily think that Fai was heartless to Chii. I think he was probably selfish, but we don't really know that Chii's actually going to be harmed when/if Ashura wakes up. After all, she is a magical creature, and um, regenerate-able, perhaps? o_O; And I also feel it was important to Fai to leave behind everything that reminded him of Celes and go by himself. Perhaps he convinced himself that Chii was safer there than if she went with him. Although I don't think he really had a deep affection for her more than a loved pet, because that's what she was. And Chii seemed happy enough to let Fai leave and become the alarm system for him..

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #283 on: July 15 2006, 12:58 pm »
Um...I just had to say this...

Fai looked really gayish in that scene where Kuro was holding him...

no offense to Fai-lovers...

I'm a Fai-lover, too, you know... :sweatdrop:

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #284 on: July 15 2006, 01:18 pm »
Um...I just had to say this...

Fai looked really gayish in that scene where Kuro was holding him...

no offense to Fai-lovers...

I'm a Fai-lover, too, you know... :sweatdrop:

I'm pretty sure KuroFai being canon is a big possibility with this kind of scene going on between them ne?

Hmm... Maybe not gayish, probably girlish XD.

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #285 on: July 15 2006, 02:27 pm »
Um...I just had to say this...

Fai looked really gayish in that scene where Kuro was holding him...

no offense to Fai-lovers...

I'm a Fai-lover, too, you know... :sweatdrop:

What's wrong with looking 'gayish'? Gay's only an insult if you want it to be. ;-p
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #286 on: July 15 2006, 04:12 pm »
i have a website with the acutal manga scan translated of the lastest chapters(121)

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #287 on: July 15 2006, 04:23 pm »
Um...I just had to say this...

Fai looked really gayish in that scene where Kuro was holding him...

no offense to Fai-lovers...

I'm a Fai-lover, too, you know... :sweatdrop:

Well, considering Fai is obviously gay, he'd always look 'gayish'.
And why would anyone feel offended by something as awesome as that? ^__^

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #288 on: July 15 2006, 05:52 pm »
I can only agree with you guys XD At first I was like "OMFG why does she apologize for saying he looks gay? It's simply the undeniable truth!"

(By the way, what does the Z in ZOMG mean?)
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #289 on: July 15 2006, 06:03 pm »
hey, to get back on the topic of the chaopter for a sec, i think i found a clue on syaoran in the 5th omake (vol 13)
these 2 pages:

at least i think its a clue. its definatly a hidden hint, especialy the look on yuuko's face...
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #290 on: July 15 2006, 06:10 pm »
hey, to get back on the topic of the chaopter for a sec, i think i found a clue on syaoran in the 5th omake (vol 13)
these 2 pages:

at least i think its a clue. its definatly a hidden hint, especialy the look on yuuko's face...

Woah, you're right O.O Seems like she (and Mokona, for that matter) knew what was up with Syaoran.

By the way, what exactly is that "omake"? Probably I'm just stupid, but I honestly don't know :cry: (and while we're at it, where can I read them?)
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #291 on: July 15 2006, 07:24 pm »
i think their only in the special editions. i dont think their in the american editions

Yeah, they're definitely not in the American versions either since Del Rey is translating directly from the normal Tsubasa editions.   I wish they were in the normal editions though so everyone, no matter where you are, can read them (but that would, of course, take away the point of having a "Special" edition).  Omakes are really fun to read.   Sometimes, mangakas would even draw omakes that make fun of their own stories.    ^_^ Hee....  Fushigi Yuugi comes to mind.

As for the "hint", it could be possible.  I don't see why not, but, it could also represent Syaoran's worry for Sakura's feather.

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #292 on: July 16 2006, 02:01 am »
hey, to get back on the topic of the chaopter for a sec, i think i found a clue on syaoran in the 5th omake (vol 13)
these 2 pages:

at least i think its a clue. its definatly a hidden hint, especialy the look on yuuko's face...

I noticed that too.  Unfortunately I didn't find the omakes until after I already knew he was a clone.  I imagine if you go back and look at the rest of the manga you'd find more hints that he's a clone, things we didn't pick up on the first time though.

As a side note, I love how Fye sleeps since I sleep the same way.  Silly Mokona, it's comfortable sleeping that way.
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #293 on: July 16 2006, 02:42 am »
I noticed that too.  Unfortunately I didn't find the omakes until after I already knew he was a clone.  I imagine if you go back and look at the rest of the manga you'd find more hints that he's a clone, things we didn't pick up on the first time though.

As a side note, I love how Fye sleeps since I sleep the same way.  Silly Mokona, it's comfortable sleeping that way.

I think I'll try sleeping like that too :keke: Just to be a little more like him. When I was smaller, I tried to sleep with my face under the blankets and my feet on my pillow, just like Pippi Longstocking :keke:
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #294 on: July 16 2006, 03:13 am »
hey, to get back on the topic of the chaopter for a sec, i think i found a clue on syaoran in the 5th omake (vol 13)
these 2 pages:

at least i think its a clue. its definatly a hidden hint, especialy the look on yuuko's face...
You know, now that makes sense to me. When I read it before. It was before I knew he was a clone, and the realy syaoran was going after him. so I thought it was because he was making sure that sakura was ok, and he was in pain because of the memories *hits head*

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #295 on: July 16 2006, 03:37 am »
I think that the reason why Fye sleeps this way,his head covered by the pillow,is that he doesn't want anybody to see his face when he have nightmare, or when at night he feels a little depressed and let his smile disappear.

he certainly tries to hide his pain by concealing his beautiful face behind his hair!
after all,it is impossible for someone to smile 24 hour on 24,i'm not sure but peharps that Fye cries silently at night,and nobody can see his eyes!

well,it's just a supposition,but in other chapter,when Fye in about to break because of Kurogane,we always see his face covered by his hair,which give him a sad expression.

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #296 on: July 16 2006, 04:26 am »
I think that the reason why Fye sleeps this way,his head covered by the pillow,is that he doesn't want anybody to see his face when he have nightmare, or when at night he feels a little depressed and let his smile disappear.

he certainly tries to hide his pain by concealing his beautiful face behind his hair!
after all,it is impossible for someone to smile 24 hour on 24,i'm not sure but peharps that Fye cries silently at night,and nobody can see his eyes!

well,it's just a supposition,but in other chapter,when Fye in about to break because of Kurogane,we always see his face covered by his hair,which give him a sad expression.

I already thought of that and think it's very possible. His sleep is Fye's weak spot, he can't act while he's sleeping. And he's trying to cover that up by hiding his face. Seems perfectly reasonable to me :keke: (But I wonder how he manages to breath like that?)
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #297 on: July 16 2006, 05:31 am »
(But I wonder how he manages to breath like that?)

It's surprsingly easy.  I'm not sure if it takes practice or not since I've always slept that way.
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #298 on: July 16 2006, 05:42 am »
It's surprsingly easy.  I'm not sure if it takes practice or not since I've always slept that way.

Well, since you manage to breath somehow, I'll try it tonight :rotfl:
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #299 on: July 16 2006, 05:49 am »
It's surprsingly easy. I'm not sure if it takes practice or not since I've always slept that way.
Hahaha, I sleep the same way too. My friend once thought I had fainted when I slept over at her house cos my face is always stuck in my pillow. She couldn't figure out how I don't die in my sleep XD

I don't know if it takes practice either, but I guess it's something you get used to after a long time sleeping that way, because my friend promptly tried to imitate how I sleep and was like gasping for air  :surprised: